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A secret friends-with-benefits arrangement with the hockey coach’s daughter shouldn’t have a shot in the dark of leading to more…


As a pro-bound college athlete with a good-time reputation, I usually have my pick of puck bunnies. But lately, I’ve been in a dry spell that feels more like a curse, and the stress is affecting my game—the one thing that can’t happen if I’m going to make team captain, and eventually the NHL.

Enter Penny Ryder.

She’s my coach’s daughter, but the moment she pulls me into that ice rink closet, she’s the one thing on my mind besides hockey. She has a sex bucket list, and each item on it confirms we’re kindred spirits in the bedroom. If I say yes, I’ll be relaxed on the ice again—but if her dad finds out, I’ll be forced to say goodbye to being captain and finally earning my own father’s approval.


Thanks to the ex from hell, I’m a long way from being ready for a relationship—but it’s time to reclaim my agency, one long-sought-after experience in bed at a time.

Enter Cooper Callahan.

He’s my dad’s star defenseman; an arrangement with him will mean keeping yet another major secret from my father. But the agreement we strike is secret friends-with-benefits until he makes captain…and I cross off everything on my list, so I can finally move on from the incident that ruined both my life and my figure skating career.

Yet the longer our connection goes on, the more we trust each other, and the less I want to say goodbye. I know love leads to heartbreak, but what if it can also clear the ice for a breakaway?

Filled with swoons, spice coaching, sports, and book nerds in love, Breakaway is a don’t-miss adult college sports romance.

422 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 13, 2022

About the author

Grace Reilly

6 books3,150 followers
Hi! I’m Grace.

I’m so glad you’re here! Originally from Long Island, I now live in Florida, where I pretend the lizards in my backyard are miniature dragons and soak up the sunshine. I can usually be found with a notebook in one hand and a paperback (or my Kindle!) in another. A storyteller at heart with a deep romantic streak, I write what I love to read: stories filled with swoon and steam, laughter and love, family and friendships, and authentic, earnest emotions and growth. I love drawing on my personal passions for my books, which is how my sports fanaticism resulted in the Beyond the Play series.

More about me: I collect earrings, the quirkier the better. I never turn down a good mint chocolate chip ice cream. I listen to way too much sports talk radio. And I adore writing about couples who are stronger together.

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Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
April 7, 2023
between the cum drinking, the squirting, the DP, and the public sex this was a lil too much for me. i’m as much of a freak hoe as the next gal, but i really like build up to my sex scenes. for what this was, it was well written and i did surprisingly believe in the romance. but i got bored of reading bout miss slime trail pussy’s journey to breed town.
Profile Image for Taylah.
233 reviews13 followers
March 7, 2023
this was too damn long, not enough plot, and just the absolute AUDACITY for the author to write about the mmc pulling the fmc’s tampon out and calling it sexy. jail.
Profile Image for Larissa Cambusano.
527 reviews3,411 followers
March 19, 2023

cooper!!! i didn’t expect boy obsessed from him but it SERRRRVED 💯 cute, fluffy & spicy. we love to see it.

these two books were such a good time. will i be thinking about it 24/7? absolutely not. but it was fun.
Profile Image for glavreads.
420 reviews6,761 followers
February 4, 2023
4.5 stars

when the first book is hot, but the second book is HOTTERRRRRRRR

do not let this cover fool you, the spice… the dirty talk… grace reilly, you are a dirty girl and we thank you for your service 😮‍💨🫡

penny has trauma from a past relationship and makes up a seggsual bucket list to get her control and comfort back with it. she just needs a willing participant. enter her college’s hockey captain and renowned playboy who’s game has been off for months due to his dry spell. a match made in heaven, except for the small fact that she’s the coaches daughter.

this was so hot and so sweet. coop is an A+ book boyfriend. the mouth on him 🤭 and he was so patient, supportive, and obsessed with penny. and no third act breakup, we love.

this is a must!!
Profile Image for mar.
36 reviews
April 10, 2023
I want to breakaway from is this book
Profile Image for CassDamm.
616 reviews96 followers
March 3, 2023

I wanted to DNF this so bad but if I DNF I don’t leave a review and I also really wanted to complain.

The female MC in this book had ONE personality trait and that was that she liked spicy romance books.
It was brought up every single freaking page. It was unbearable and I enjoy spicy books. But her constant references were terrible.

I wish authors would stop trying so hard to incorporate “relatable” bookish stuff into their books. It literally ruins the entire character. It does not need to be brought up every single page.
Profile Image for Ana | SheSaidYestoBooks.
1,739 reviews132 followers
March 16, 2023
The spice was honestly too much for me, it was so over the top, I just wanted more plot line.

Read this if you like:
✓ Friends with benefits
✓ Coach’s daughter
✓ more sex than plot

☞ Available on Kindle Unlimited
Profile Image for mica.
278 reviews2,570 followers
February 8, 2023

un poco cringe y over the top pero me entretuvo: me reí y llore así que messsirve
Profile Image for drea.
652 reviews37 followers
December 15, 2022
Ok I swooned so hard over James in First Down but Cooper completely won me over.

Cooper was just much, much more than I was expecting. Not only was he incredibly sweet and wonderfully patient and understanding, but he was also smart and nerdy/dorky and the best dirty talker. There was just a lot of depth to him that completely floored me.

Penny was also a great fmc. She was not as frustrating as Bex was (if at all). I loved how she took charge of her sexuality and her path to recovery from her past. She was funny, generous, and just an overall relatable character that really resonated with me. She reminded me a bit of Jennie from Play With Me who I also adored.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciated that the conflict at the end was not a third act breakup and really, that there was no breakup at all. Our characters were pretty mature and whenever I thought we were reaching a situation that would normally result in some kind of relationship ending miscommunication, they handled it extremely well and not at all how I normally expect them to. It was refreshing and still kept the story interesting and compelling despite not having that unnecessary drama.

There were certain scenes that got glossed over that I kind of wished we'd gotten more descriptions of, but that's just me being picky. I absolutely loved the chapters we got of just their text messages. It's so fun to get little glimpses like that from our main characters daily lives. Made me smile like a goof.

Also, the spice in this?? Superb and plenty of it.

And that ending!! Let me tell you, I did not expect to cry at all and it had me in TEARS. But I need a word with the author, that epilogue felt a little unfinished.

Anyway, so glad a friend recommended this author/series to me because it's exactly what I've been needing.
Profile Image for Mia Claire.
78 reviews2 followers
May 8, 2023
i was 230 pages and about 7 GRAPHIC sex scenes in before i realised this was NOT in fact the sequel to icebreaker
Profile Image for Baleigh's Bookends.
343 reviews13 followers
February 26, 2023
No 3rd act breakup almost always means Baleigh will be giving 5 stars. My romantic heart who needs security just thrives in a book with no breakup.

This book was giving what Icebreaker gave, but in a smaller amount of pages and with a more concise plot. Which is a lot coming from me because I’m an Icebreaker stan. The spice was INCREDIBLE and the plot and premise itself was just so fun and empowering. I LOVED Cooper and the way he took care of Pen, such a sweetheart!! I also really enjoyed the conversation about his relationship with his dad and how it was a main focal point that boys and men need to be told that they are loved and that their loved ones are proud of them. I really liked the vulnerability of that.

Penny is trying to take control back after a traumatic experience with an ex and we see a lot of her working this through in therapy, talking with friends about it and using coping skills to get through panic moments. I enjoyed the focus here on therapy and how helpful that can be. I also loved how feisty she was and how she stood up to Cooper’s dad.

Overall a great book! Pacing was wonderful, spice was sooo good and the plot was entertaining!
Profile Image for james ☆.
296 reviews27 followers
August 10, 2023

"i hit my head, i think, on your bookcase."
"i'll chop it to pieces tomorrow."

if you liked icebreaker, you have ZERO EXCUSES to not be currently reading breakaway...this book had me wrapped around it's little finger. (i didn't even read the 1st in the companion series)

the author seamlessly fit in "who did this to you", running down a fancy corridor in a ball gown, and several other tropes that i have NEVER seen outside a fantasy or dark romance novel. yet this book is funny, sensitive, and heartwarming. i'm so impressed. this feels like a love letter to romance books.
Profile Image for Ksia_zkowe Oliwia.
458 reviews454 followers
February 23, 2024
Ej przednio się przy tym bawiłam hahaha, chciałam lekkiej ale spicy 18+ książki, to dostałam + omg Cooper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️

To już wybrzmiewa bardzo dobrze ze zdjęcia, ale: COOPER!!!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

Nowy książkowy chłopak alert 👆🏻

Bardzo mi się podoba, że w życiu naszej dwójki bohaterów, z których perspektywy jest prowadzona książka - zarówno u Coopera jak i u Penny się nie układa, mają zupełnie inne, ale bardzo przeważające dla nich problemy, z którymi… mogą sobie wzajemnie pomóc 🙈. Czy taki układ w książkach nie brzmi jak coś dobrego już na samym początku?

Dosłownie ich można opisać tak:
Penny: nie wiem co zrobić… i wtedy pojawia się on.
Cooper: nie wiem co zrobić… i wtedy pojawia się ona.
❤️ tak tak i jeszcze raz tak!!!

Jest to książka 18+, ma naprawdę sporo spicy scen, bo uwaga Cooper wypełnia seks-bucket-list Penny (aaa whaaat???!!!) po tym, jak dziewczyna ją zrobiła, bo nie potrafi ponownie zaufać żadnemu chłopakowi po swoim ex.

A Cooper - ma wkrótce zostać kapitanem drużyny hokeja na lodzie, z czym mu ostatnio idzie trochę gorzej, a przecież jego reputacja musi być nieskalana, a żadne większe stresujące sytuacje nie powinny go w tym momencie przytłaczać… a w dodatku chce też wywalczyć aprobatę swojego ojca.

Tylko szkoda, że Penny jest córką jego trenera i to raczej nie jest wskazany romans…
Bardziej ZAKAZANY.
I jeszcze szkoda, że PRÓBUJĄ relacji fwb… bo im dalej tym trudniej.
I jeszcze większa „szkoda”, że to hot hokeista i była łyżwiarka…

Co jeszcze muszę jak na mnie przystało zaznaczyć - postacie są bardzo dobrze wykreowane, to na pewno też wpływa na moją ocenę. Nie mamy tu tylko płytkich charakterków związanych ze sportami, a bohaterów pełnych emocji, pasji i wrażliwości.

No a jak ta dwójka zostaje sama… to nikt (oprócz czytelników) nie ma pojęcia co tam się dzieje, a dzieje się oj dzieje!

+ nawiązując do początku postu, Cooper zasługuje na miejsce książkowego chłopaka, zdecydowanie. A jeśli dodatkowo uwielbiacie hokeistów - mogę śmiało stwierdzić, że zajmie u niejednej osoby podium 🙈

Współpraca reklamowa z @wydawnictwo.yana dziękuję pięknie!
February 26, 2023
he's got a dirty mouth but has the cleanest purest intentions he was just so perfect the way he built her back up and handled all her demons

✿no petty drama
✿no OM/OW
✿no childish, annoying narratives
♡fake dating
♡coach's daughter x hockey captain
♡wholesome friendship to developing feelings
♡fun side characters
♡anxiety rep-ed well
♡sex toy appreciation book!!
♡♡golden boy H esp with the kids
♡♡h healing and thriving

This had a cozy read vibe going on which was a bonus. I felt so comfortable reading the development between cooper x penny, the way they were each other's biggest fan and had each other's six

and shoutout to my girl Penny, slay.
Profile Image for Chelsie.
84 reviews12 followers
March 7, 2023
officially in my ice hockey romance era 3rd one of the year and it didn’t disappoint
Profile Image for addy.
73 reviews34 followers
May 29, 2023
wow! very good book! i genuinely enjoyed this and it had lots of spicy scenes, definitely some parts i cringed but i did like both main characters & the secondary characters!
Profile Image for rayhanah.
310 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2024
"I feel like I've been falling all my life, and I finally landed somewhere safe. You're safe, and I love you. That's the truth. I choose you first. Over everything. Please choose me back."🥹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
These two were everythingggg. I don't need just any man, I want Cooper Callahan.
It was swoon worthy, funny, the dirty talk and spicy chapters were phenomenal and so much better than the first book. Loved literally every single character and moment. From the naming of the sex toys, to teaching little kids to skate, to basically adopting a kitten and becoming cat parents to nerding out over books. This book was an absolute delight. I will say it felt a little long. In those last couple chapters, I just wanted it to be over, but it was fun nonetheless!
September 23, 2024
A captivating sports romance that focuses on hockey star Cooper and the redheaded, lustful yet guarded Penny. The chemistry between them is great, with Cooper’s easygoing charm contrasting beautifully with Penny’s vulnerability, creating a dynamic that feels both authentic and intense. The story balances the thrill of sports with personal growth and healing, making it more than just a romance.

This one was so much better than the first! In a whole other league! Sweet, hot, fun, and emotional 👌. Loved it! 👏

4.5 ⭐️’s
Profile Image for Kristīne.
682 reviews1 follower
June 24, 2023
Hokejistam ir Andurila tetovējums…. and its all downhill from there.

Sākums bija cerīgs, jo autore atsauces uz lasītājĀM svarīgām lietām kaisīja kā Ansītis un Grietiņa drupačas, bet bez tā un diezgan agresīvas seksuālās brīvības aģitācijas nekā cita interesanta šai grāmatā nav. Diezgan daudz sakritību ar Icebreaker, it kā autore mēģinātu uzrakstīt savu versiju un vispār trenētos rakstīšanā, epizožu te vajadzīgu un nevajadzīgu pār pārēm.
Labi, ka ASV nenopirku papīra formātā.
Profile Image for Medollga.
524 reviews107 followers
February 20, 2023
this had the perfect ingredients, but lacked the mysterious oompf

➕tiny adopted kitty cuteness and the sweet life of cat parents 😻;
➕sexual positivity throughout the book 🔥;
➕the hero taking care and "taking care" 😉 of the heroine during her period;
➕truly emotional resolution between father and son including hugs, tears, love declarations 💘;
➕love build on trust, similar interests and sense of humor;

The book was too long and the hero was too perfect though. You know, when he's SO great, you fail to believe it. Plus there were some lines that sounded suspiciously PC, like on a political flyer, which was lame for me.
Profile Image for eden ⊹.
138 reviews103 followers
August 28, 2023
*WARNING! potential spoilers ahead*

cooper callahan the man that you are !!!!

when i originally read first down, i loved cooper and sebastian (maybe even a little more so than i even loved james.) they both had these winner personalities and were incredibly funny each and every time they were mentioned in the book (as well as post-grad: the extended epilogue) cooper, specifically, has such a charming personality. he was caring, funny, flirtatious, nerdy, and knew his boundaries. that man had a heart of gold. his energy matches penny's incredibly well. cooper was very passionate about everything: including penny (and lord of the rings, but mostly penny) the way cooper was completely on board with sharing her interests and taking a deep dive crash course into penelope ryder was absolutely heartwarming.

penny, on the other hand, was just as charming as cooper. i personally loved everything about her. she was sassy, determined, funny, creative, and utterly romantic. every part of the relationship she had with cooper was unbelievably and undeniably cute. their ability to bond with each other as friends and lovers was so admirable. i loved how vulnerable penny allowed herself to be, there was still pieces of her that were broken from a previous relationship (and some other things in her life) and she decided it was right to take care of herself, to try to make herself bigger and better than before. penny's therapist had my whole entire heart, she was the best <3

cooper callhan came in and delivered with the daddy issues, i really did appreciate the portrayal of being the middle child and feeling unloved or underappreciated. i feel like i never really see that type of content outright. his story in particular made me realize that even though somebody could technically have everything in the world (money, fame, love, etc.) their problems are still just as valid as the next. cooper truly struggled with his relationship with his father and after seeing the obvious effect it had on him it was beautiful to see the slow development and resolution of that relationship. even though he may be fictional, i wish that man all the best.

i really enjoy how different cooper was from his older brother james and penny was from bex, they weren't a carbon copy of the same character. their personalities were able to shine through and we were able to truly love the characters. there was a different plot, different characters but it still remained in the same setting. authors who can build worlds like that are utterly talented in my book.

although i, myself, am not big on the plot of books only being smut/spice, i absolutely enjoyed this book. the smut aspect of the book really had a meaning, it wasn't just thrown out there for no reason or to arouse its readers from the get-go. there was a deeper, more important reason to why penny and cooper were together in the first place. penny had depth, she had a backstory-- there was ultimately a reason why the plot of this book was in place.

breakaway wasn't just some fifty shades of grey, there was a reason for the season. i personally think that aspect of the book pulled cooper and penny closer together in their relationship. penny had to gradually build some type of trust with cooper to continue guiding her through the list she'd made. their relationship blossomed as that friendship, trust, and love did.


i really did enjoy this book, the callahan brothers (AND IZZY !!!) and the women who keep them out of absolute fucking chaos have my heart and whole entire soul. i cannot wait for sebastian's book, i know it will be just as good as the rest !!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alicia Bruning.
317 reviews8 followers
August 1, 2023
Respectfully this is the worst book I’ve ever read…..

The writing is awful, there’s no character development. The book is literally JUST smut. I got to 70% before I stopped. I couldn’t care less abt what happened to them. I feel sad since I liked book one :-( but this book has no plot and the writing is extremely cringey and gross. Would never recommend
Profile Image for Andrea | andrea.c.lowry.reads.
712 reviews48 followers
April 19, 2024
What appealed to you the most in this story?

I really enjoyed the compelling storyline and how relatable Penny could be. Especially the part about her not knowing what she wanted to major in at college, because I went through the same thing.

I also really enjoyed following Penny’s healing journey from her ex and how that experience impacted not only her life but interactions with others and her family.

✔️Read if you like:

Fake Dating
Friends with benefits
Sex bucket list
Hockey romance
Coach’s daughter
Excellent banter

🩷How was the romance?

Wowza! This is sexcapades! The steam and heat were coming off of just about every single page, and I may have even had to use the book to fan myself.🥵

🔥Steam level: Open door and not only where the hinge is blown off, but it took some walls down with it!

📖How was the pace?

This is a fast paced story.

🥅Do you recommend this book?

If you are a sucker for a good hockey romance with excellent and very spicy chemistry, then this one is for you!

Thank you, Avon for this gifted copy in exchange for my honest opinions.
Profile Image for arpit.
367 reviews63 followers
March 23, 2023

This is the kind of book that just lifts your spirits and puts you in a good mood when you read it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,325 reviews

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