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Summer in the City

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Athletic Jamie isn't sure about spending the summer in the city with her romance–novel–writing mum. But when she meets irresistible Josh, Jamie realizes she could probably use all the romance advice she can get!

Lacrosse camp 9 a.m.–noon (can't be late! "Coach" Josh will freak out)

Basketball camp 1:00–4:00 (so many screaming kids. . . )

Shopping with Mona 4:30 (finally a break)

Date with Andrew 7:30 (he's so perfect. . . isn't he?)

358 pages, Paperback

First published June 27, 2006

About the author

Elizabeth Chandler

67 books2,309 followers
Elizabeth Chandler is a pseudonym for Mary-Claire Helldorfer. She currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews
Profile Image for Ari.
940 reviews1,348 followers
June 8, 2019

Talking about a hot contemporary romance... Did I love this book?
You bet!
And you can play safe and cheep with only 5 bucks since I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna win.

“Change can be good. It just depends on what we make of it.”

This book had all I want in a lovely contemporary romance:
- a great main character (Jamie), with a great voice that made me cheer for her;
- an amazingly hot love interest, that will make you giggle like crazy and lose your sleep ... still, I wonder why would someone need to dream having someone like Josh so fresh in the memory?
- a quite good cast of characters.. From the parents & friends to even the awkward boyfriend-wanna-be (yes, he was quite cartoon-ish but still somehow likable);
- a cute storyline that will keep you up all night.
- and I left the best at the end, 'cuz the best-kiss award goes toooo.. drum, drum.. Josh! *blushing*

Josh was one of the best male characters I read in a while - he made me laugh, he made me fall for him, he made me smile seeing how easily you can misinterpret everything you see or hear. He is one of a kind.

I loved how at the end we got the chance to see it all from his perspective as well. There were these clues left behind like a puzzle and at the end they all fit perfectly together. So, this book goes straight to my hot-romances-that-i-want-to-read-again shelf. I should create one on GoodReads as well.

Coming from Elizabeth, I can't say that I didn't see it coming.
I am not new to her writing and I loved this book even more than the previous one. What can I say, this story melt my heart, and so did Josh and Jamie, and their friends.

So, if you want to read some cute story with a pretty hot romance in it and some great characters (and a bit of sports), this one is for you.

“Sometimes I think that love is one big fairy tale. I wonder if people who say they are in love, if – really – they’ve just talked themselves into it. They want it so badly, they kind of make it happen. They fake it until they start believing their own story. Maybe that’s just sour grapes or something. Maybe because it doesn’t happen to me, I don’t want to think it happens to anyone else.”

There are some rules that you might want to keep in mind:
Rule Nr. 1: Don't make a bet unless you want to lose it!
Rule Nr. 2: Don't give away your heart if you fear that it might be returned to you in pieces.
Rule Nr. 3: There are no rules in love and war.

“I think I’m dying to get to know a particular guy. Then he opens his mouth and ruins it.”

This review can also be found at ReadingAfterMidnight.com

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PS: Thanks Laura.. I liked it so much! I laughed all night, because it kept me reading 'til dawn.

PSS: This story reminds me a bit of a cute bet that was quite popular once:

Guy - I bet i can kiss you without touching your lips ^_^
Girl - That's impossible, how much?
Guy - £20
*Guy kisses girl*
Girl - You touched my lips!
Guy - oh well, it was worth every penny!
Profile Image for Kajal Nehra.
95 reviews30 followers
June 4, 2012
Love at first sight. Believe in it? No? You'll see.

THIS ONE DID IT! Where do I begin? Uhm okay lets see from the start:

Jamie Carvelli: the tall, sexy legged, sassy, funny, hopelessly-romantic chick.
That's right, I loved this girl too. For one, I could relate with that want-some-romance part and because she had gazillion guy friends but couldn't find 'the one'. Yet.

"But your secret is a woman, and mine is a novel by Nora Roberts hidden beneath the cover of Competing in a Triathlon."

"Why couldn’t I ever leave a guy breathless?"
I know!!! I ask myself that freaking same question! :D

Josh Hammond! ♥ He is MY kinda guy! The big reveal that happened in the end, I'd been waiting for it all through the book. Actually, I thought I'd made it up at first, but as the book progressed I hoped, SO MUCH that god let it be true!!! Let this book turn in that direction. Let him be the Baltimore Hon!
I was sure I'd deduct a star if it didn't go that way. But it DID! I'm SO SO FREAKING HAPPY ABOUT IT! You wouldn't believe but I was all like: crying and crying with HAPPINESS that it was what I'd imagined it could be. I was literally screaming in my head: I knew it! I knew it! I'm so happy! Oh GOD Thank YOU!!! Haha, that's true. :P
Josh earned my respect. Every ounce of it.

"Did Mom write sex scenes from her own experience, I wondered, or did she make most of it up?"
Yeah baby! No offence authors/writers, but I think that too! What you write, is that really how it plays out in real life too? *giggles*

"Mom and I both had the tissues out and emerged into the lobby lights blinking our salty eyes and giggling self-consciously."
That sure happens in real life because I do that TOO! :D

" The rose held a kind of magic, a magic I almost believed in, left for me by a guy with no purpose but to be sweet and to remind me that he had tripped over a curb for me. "
That was one of the most beautiful lines in the whole book. I cried reading it.
I want my own Josh too! :'))
The kiss between Josh and Jamie took my breath away. I know I'll dream about this book for quite a while now. The Baltimore Hon, he rocked me. :) This book sure is one of my favorites!

Ted and Mona, oh lordy, they were ADORABLE! Oh so sweet. :D Ted is definitely head-over-heels in love with Mona and vice-versa. So now its Ted's turn to get all dizzy and start with the babble on seeing her: "I grow my own mint. And I make mint tea. From my mint." Definitely babbling. :D

Sam was lovely and lively. Cute one.
Andrew is the one I didn't like. In the beginning I found him nice and handsome, but later on? I was all: Stay away from that girl, you freaking moron! Over-confident bastard considering-himself-oh-so-superior! Now I'll tell you, he could be cited as the best example for: 'blowing your own trumpet'.
"Afterward, people kept coming up to me, giving me compliments. It can go to your head." No shit, dude, Obviously it already has!

The book kept me bound, interested, enchanted-even, and completely entertained! And well I cried, you know what that means, right? It means the book it amazing. Books that make me cry should never be left out! They just have to be read! :D
The smiles that this put on my face were dear to me. I laughed my way through it, enjoyed the journey and smiled tons. :))

Go ahead, you'd enjoy it too.

P.S. I LOVE YOU JOSH!!! ♥ And Devyani, THANK YOU! :*

P.P.S I read "So, let’s go ogle some guys" as "So, let’s google some guys" Hahah :D
Profile Image for Laurence R..
615 reviews84 followers
January 8, 2016
I'm reaaaaally not sure about my rating right now... There were some amazing scenes and characters, but I thought the ending was rushed and a few details ticked me off.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,445 reviews25 followers
May 6, 2011
I absolutely LOVED this book! I fell deeper and deeper in love with Josh as the book went on. He is defintely towards the top of my book boyfriends list! I really liked the way this story unfolded and how it wasn't as predictable as some stories can be. I would totally recommend this to anyone!
35 reviews
June 9, 2008
the kissing scene towards the end still makes me weak in the knees. i could read it over and over and still never get enough
Profile Image for Heloisa Imada.
47 reviews10 followers
September 26, 2011
What a book! I owned it for some time before starting to read it. Although I had already read other books from Elizabeth Chandler and really liked them, my expectation weren't too high.
But OMG, I was totally surprised - in a very pleasant way - by it.
By the way, I loved Jamie: she was such a cool main character! Not that kind that is always complaing or saying how much she loves a guy and he don't feel the same for her or whatever.
I also enjoyed that she was clueless that Josh could like her the way he did.
Regarding Josh, I felt myself falling in love with him. Such a handsome, strong-willed, lovely, cute, awesome, perfect....
One of my favourites as well! Absolutely awesome!
Profile Image for Natalie.
2,996 reviews99 followers
September 1, 2017
My last "summery romance" that I will read this summer - and I liked it the best out of all the ones I read, so that was nice.

Jamie, the main character, is the child of divorced parents. She has been living with her father in Michigan but moves to Baltimore to live with her mother after her dad gets a new girlfriend. She works at a sports camp and plays lacrosse, while juggling friendships and possible romance.

The story was predictable but still enjoyable and I actually liked the love interest in this one. I thought they had some cute interactions. He wasn't a stuck up jerk like a lot of the guys the contemporary YAs I've been reading are.

I liked the secondary characters a lot too, and I enjoyed watching their friendships develop.
Profile Image for Mikaela Alonzo.
25 reviews
May 11, 2012
The story is fascinating. One of the books that made me squealing like a lunatic in my room that wake up my cousin in 1 o’clock in the morning and made me grin like a Cheshire cat anywhere that I have to make so much effort to conceal my grin especially when I am caught up in the middle of a fight where people is intensely arguing.

I just like the fact that you first saw the love of your life in a wig, boa, cat-like glasses , high heels and leopard printed tights and you’re the girl.

A nice tale to tell you kids and grandchildren XD

Profile Image for luna ☾.
347 reviews73 followers
March 12, 2023
Reread for: 🍭 2023 Popsugar Reading Challenge 🍭
A book you read more than 10 years ago
Reread Notes: This might be so cringey and cheesy throughout but it doesn't change the fact that when I was a teenager (up to this day), this gave me so much good feelings that I would get literal honest-to-god chest pains from the cuteness.
Profile Image for Michaela.
7 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2019
I loved this book since I was 12 years old. I used to rent it from the library at least once every 6 months. At 22 years old, I can say I love it even more now.

This book is the perfect summer romance that anyone could get on board with.
Profile Image for Valerie.
901 reviews439 followers
January 12, 2011
Summer in the City by Elizabeth Chandler
Jamie has graduated from high school and has a basketball scholarship to college. She is looking forward to spending the summer with her Dad at the cabin; that is until he decides his new girlfriend should come too. So Jamie bails on her Dad and decides to spend the summer in the city with her Mom. Too bad Mom forgot to mention that she has a live-in boyfriend. Very uncomfortable for Jamie. Uncomfortable is the word for Jamie for this summer. Uncomfortable that her Dad enrolled her in a lacrosse class with girls many years younger than her. Uncomfortable that she ends up with a college guy for her coach that she is attracted too. Uncomfortable that the guy next door (a poet) is really into her and Jamie not so much. Jamie goes from trying to endure one thing to another. Will she ever get to go out this the guy she actually likes? Will he even speak to her? Will she get a summer job? Can she survive a summer job? Will she find the summer romance she was hoping for?

My thoughts:

Elizabeth Chandler does a good job of misdirecting the reader into not seeing the clues she has left behind. I like that in a book. I want some surprises. I don't want to figure everything out on my own. I really like the characters. They seem real. Josh, the coach, is a great puzzle that finally was a great picture at the end. Andrew is a piece of work. He has all the right moves for any girl; unfortunately he doesn't listen very well. I loved the teacher, the big M. She was perfect. The romance in the book was hot. I loved the kissing scene in the gym, it made the book!

If you like a fun easy read that draws you in and keeps you there, then you will like this book.

Enjoy the read! Summary:

Jamie has graduated from high school and has a basketball scholarship to college. She is looking forward to spending the summer with her Dad at the cabin; that is until he decides his new girlfriend should come too. So Jamie bails on her Dad and decides to spend the summer in the city with her Mom. Too bad Mom forgot to mention that she has a live-in boyfriend. Very uncomfortable for Jamie. Uncomfortable is the word for Jamie for this summer. Uncomfortable that her Dad enrolled her in a lacrosse class with girls many years younger than her. Uncomfortable that she ends up with a college guy for her coach that she is attracted too. Uncomfortable that the guy next door (a poet) is really into her and Jamie not so much. Jamie goes from trying to endure one thing to another. Will she ever get to go out this the guy she actually likes? Will he even speak to her? Will she get a summer job? Can she survive a summer job? Will she find the summer romance she was hoping for?

My thoughts:

Elizabeth Chandler does a good job of misdirecting the reader into not seeing the clues she has left behind. I like that in a book. I want some surprises. I don't want to figure everything out on my own. I really like the characters. They seem real. Josh, the coach, is a great puzzle that finally was a great picture at the end. Andrew is a piece of work. He has all the right moves for any girl; unfortunately he doesn't listen very well. I loved the teacher, the big M. She was perfect. The romance in the book was hot. I loved the kissing scene in the gym, it made the book!

If you like a fun easy read that draws you in and keeps you there, then you will like this book.

Enjoy the read!

Profile Image for Alexa (Alexa Loves Books).
2,360 reviews13.2k followers
December 3, 2015
(Review was originally posted on Alexa Loves Books)

Though I'm technically an adult, there's still a certain charm to reading chick lit meant for an age group younger than me. Elizabeth Chandler delivers one of the better examples of this particular genre in this book, Summer in the City.

I don't think I was expecting to feel the way I did about the book - I ended up really loving it!

We have a cast of fascinating characters, from athletic Jamie, her romance novelist mother, her new friend Mona, her next door neighbor-turned crush Andrew and her lacrosse coach Josh. They all seemed to be people I would get along with in real life, and were depicted quite wonderfully in the book. (My favorite character was Josh, of course. He's quite the hottie.)

And the setting was Baltimore, Maryland, so obviously, this book found a soft spot since I was born quite near there.

I really enjoyed the little love story in this novel and just how it plays out. I think it was brilliant how Elizabeth Chandler managed to weave the obvious in a not-so-obvious way. I felt like I knew what was going to happen, but that what I thought would happen could change at any time. And when it finally played out the way I thought it would, I was incredibly happy.

I could not stop re-reading the whole kiss scene. (If you've read the book, you'd know what I was talking about. If you haven't, well then, you'll just have to read it, won't you?) It sent a tingle down my spine, made my heart flutter and all those other romantic cliches. To say that the tension has been building between these two characters almost since the very beginning of the book is an understatement. I'm still so glad it played out the way I wanted it too!

All in all, the book was a charming read - perfect for summer, or a lazy day at the beach or park.
Profile Image for Kelly.
912 reviews131 followers
September 15, 2018
This was a disappointing read for me because it was so very similar to another of Elizabeth Chandler's books, I Do. There is a Pride & Prejudice vibe happening throughout the book (mixed in with a lot of sports and summer camp itinerary), which I enjoyed, but it really echoed too closely to I Do, which I read earlier this year. Even the one-on-one lacrosse challenge was nearly the exact same scene in both books.

While there were cute moments here, the story felt so rehashed that I have to give it the exact same rating as I Do, and nowhere near the 5-star rating of Hot Summer Nights, Chandler's other teen book in the Love Stories series, and a book that made me thrill, cry, laugh out loud, and clutch the book to my chest with joy at the ending. I never wanted that story to end. I'm still willing to read Chandler's other books to see if I'm ever again elevated to the same level of emotion I had while reading Hot Summer Nights, but I'm starting to think that's a unicorn in a field of lookalike ponies.
Profile Image for Shreeka.
322 reviews
August 27, 2012
“Sometimes I think that love is one big fairy tale. I wonder if people who say they are in love, if – really – they’ve just talked themselves into it. They want it so badly, they kind of make it happen. They fake it until they start believing their own story. Maybe that’s just sour grapes or something. Maybe because it doesn’t happen to me, I don’t want to think it happens to anyone else."
the above thought by Jamie is actually how i feel about love. i also wish that someday i will find my "Josh"..hehe! this was an enjoyable read filled with laughter, passion, romance and tears :'(. i laughed a lot in this story but i also cried a lot esp when jamie gets her heart broken many times. i find guys like josh rely interesting. they look sophisticated on the outside but inside they're really sweet and adorable!! i really liked jamie's mom as well. i usually dont like stories which turns out as predicted,(like mona and ted getting together, josh turning out to be jamies's hon who gave her the rose in the beginning) but i still enjoyed it alot. :) and that kind of thing happens only when the writing of the story is amazing!!
Profile Image for Angela.
100 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2013
No doubt in the five stars!
I am such a sucker for these kinds of stories. It's so cute, an I got a lot of moments when I always said awe! This is such a romantic comedy. There were a lot of laughs because of the different personalities of the characters.
My favorite part has to be the revelation :) I felt so good to have predicted it. And I totally didn't expect how the whole novel got wrapped up. I got the numbness feeling of imagining a fairy tale romance. I'd like a Baltimore Hon like that. He definitely "took some notes"
At first, I read this book just on my free time but as the movie started getting more interesting 1/4 of the way.. I really couldn't put it down I ended up reading the last 8 chapters in one night. Also, I just wanted a boom about sports realistic fiction. The one that ends up with Jamie is the kind of guys I like.
Profile Image for Beya Penn.
75 reviews
January 11, 2010
this book was excellent. i really do enjoy all of Elizabeth's book.
The book was romance, and its all just about a girl who is into sports, and finds that romance is like a false dream. she finds herself being the best frind of all these sport jocks and just being used beacuse of her father being the coach of her school.
i really like the fact that she wants to separte herself from being the best freind, and takes a chance with a new enviornment. I find it so funny when she starts getting in a fight with this guy, becasue they just lash out at each other. if you are into the girl finding love, and want an occasional laugh or 2, this is a really good book. It has its little sweet romantic surprises, and its just a good book, and a quick read. enjoy :)
Profile Image for Chincagaoan.
7 reviews
April 1, 2014
Totally a teen romance full of exciting, funny and heartwarming piece of art. I love the way they portray the "love at first sight" idea. It will make you believe and somehow wished at the same time to experience that kind of feeling. The whole time i'm reading feels like watching and rolling around my bed giggling and smiling about the story. There's definitely a chemistry between the characters and I love the way Elizabeth Chandler paired up the couples. Summer in the City tells you all about the simple and cute and exciting, all jittery feeling and everything that is all about the relationship young teenagers have. I absolutely love Elizabeth Chandler for this!
Profile Image for Shelby W.
26 reviews
October 17, 2008
I Learned that when you see a boy in drag who falls down when seeing you, he probably likes you!
Profile Image for Victoria.
25 reviews33 followers
August 31, 2010
I'm a sucker for the classic boy meets girl romances. This is by far one of my favorite light and happy love stories. Whenever I need a dose of romance, this is the book I turn to.
Profile Image for Mojo.
44 reviews1 follower
March 27, 2012
Funny romantic comedy with lots of mysterious kisses, poems, sayings and flirts. i wish i have my own baltimore hon :P
Profile Image for Chloe.
261 reviews43 followers
May 19, 2022

This was a cute YA read. Not as much romance as I expected. Honestly I couldn’t tell you much about this book, its just a cute summer read lol
12 reviews
November 11, 2017
I only read this book now because I liked an older book from this author. one she wrote a long time ago, and I was very disappointed.
The beginning started great, typical "Oh no I'm stuck doing.....for the summer...bummer" which I don't mind. The way she met her "Hon" and fell in love; the really hot poet who just wasn't right; the poker faced Coach Josh who seemed annoyed to be stuck with the "girl jock"; and even "the bet" which kind of ticked me off at first but ended up okay....ALL GOOD THINGS. But then it got....for lack of better words....boring and annoying.
There was too much of Andrew and not enough enticing moments with Josh, this is why we are reading the book...why stray to chapters at the mall, warm up, and annoying convos with moms lover? We get it, hes a jerk - When mom's lovers name comes up almost the as many times as your male hero, the author had gone wrong somewhere.
there was way too much repetitive scenes
The ending was rushed - basically backtracked the entire book in Josh's POV. It seemed like a one sided conversation, while our heroine was THROWING herself at the chest of a man who made her miserable for the past 2 weeks.
This is the one thing I hate about these YA novels, they spend way too much time leaving the heroine in miserable boring girly conversations that make no sense and then they rush what is supposed to be the best part of the book to the LAST TWO PAGES!
Often times was too immature (even for 18 yr olds)
Sometimes made no sense at all and jumped from scene to scene too fast
Left a lot of plots hanging

Those who gave this book five stars --- THERE ARE BETTER BOOKS OUT THERE!!
Profile Image for silver.
237 reviews
June 13, 2024
4.25 Stars

Once upon a decade, I saw a worn copy of this in my school library, borrowed, read it, and heavily disliked it. Now, here I am, having read hundreds of other romance books, and I think it's safe to say that this is one of the best summer romances I have ever read. (And thank god it was, because I put off studying for my final maths exam to read this 💀)

Light-hearted and sweet, this fucking blew my socks off. I didn't remember this as being as good as it was, and honestly just picked it up again for shits and giggles. Am I ever so happy I did. The H in this was sooo adorable, and honestly, we stan a short hero (and a tall heroine)! He was so sweet, and can we talk about ? Omg. Literal butterflies. This, once again, just proves how much I love the awkward and kinda inexperienced heros.

Also, if you're looking for a good romance with a female lead who is into sports, predominantly friends with boys, and in no way a pick-me/"not like other girls" girlie, this is perfect for you. I loved the FMC, girl she met and quickly became BFFs with, and how close she was with her mother. The scenes when she defended her, because others were putting her down because of her career (romance author)? 😙👌

So, yes, if you're looking for the perfect summer romance with a sports aspect, this is the perfect read for you.
Profile Image for B..
2,313 reviews12 followers
January 30, 2018
This was quite an enjoyable book. Very much fluff, but that was just what I was looking for, or rather just what I happened to find in this book, and just what I needed at the time. The plot was limited. The characters 1 dimensional, at best. All in all, the only reason this gets such a high rating was because in spite of all of that, or maybe because of it - it was just plain fun to read. I happened across this one in a little free library and picked it up because of how beat up it was. I planned on taking it home, reading it, repairing it, and returning it, but I'm adding this one to the collection instead, for days that I just can't cope with anything else.
July 17, 2018
it was awesome how Josh turned out to be baltimore hon!!!!!! I literally did not expect that!!!! Josh and Jamie both kinda misunderstood each other!!!!!!! both of them thought the other person didn't like them but both of them were falling hard for each other.but in the end it worked out. it was so worth reading.

1. FIRST KISSES#1(trust me)
2. FIRST KISSES#3 (puppy love)
Profile Image for Minerva Mercedes.
83 reviews6 followers
April 12, 2020
One pinkish itsy-bitsy novel, quite light to be read fastly enough even for a non english native speaker.
Had that something that usually most of the romance novels lack of.
Even though, after this, romance can go and suck a big one for a while.
September 9, 2020
This book was okay, but it kind of left me feeling...eh. It was just missing something. And the mom's boyfriend was super creepy! I liked Jamie and Josh together. I wanted to shake her when she went out with Andrew. Overall, I just didn't have strong feelings for this book.
Profile Image for ShariAnn.
2 reviews
April 26, 2018
I read this book at the beginning f every summer. Something about it has stuck with me since I read it as a teen.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews

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