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The Archer

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Aslin joined the Tirian army disguised as her younger brother, intent on saving his life. Skilled with a bow and fluent in Almanian, she quickly earned the trust of her fellow soldiers, all the while keeping her identity hidden. When a covert operation goes horribly wrong, Aslin finds herself a bound captive in an Almanian fortress. Nothing about her imprisonment is what she expected, least of all her captor Ero, an enigmatic captain of the Almanian army. They both have secrets to keep and weapons to wield, but they have one thing in common: an undeniable, magnetic attraction.

Aslin will do whatever it takes to keep herself alive.
Ero will do whatever it takes to keep Aslin.

The Archer is a dark fantasy romance with explicit sexual scenes. It is for mature readers only. There are scenes of rough sex, reluctance, and violent combat. This is a standalone work with a happy ending.

226 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 20, 2022

About the author

Ruby Rodrigo

4 books29 followers

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70 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 211 reviews
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,495 followers
March 20, 2023
So much potential, so little payoff.

I'm always up for reading a new fantasy romance featuring 'rough sex, reluctance, and violent combat'. Unfortunately, this book doesn't really deliver on any of those things.

Aslin is a Tirian, meaning her defining characteristic is basically being blonde, while the natives of their enemy Almania have dark hair. Yes, that is almost the ENTIRE basis for differentiating those two countries, that's how poor the worldbuilding is. There's slightly more to it than that - apparently Tirians are more reserved and pessimistic - but the main thing you see in action is the blond/black-haired distinction. The two countries are currently at war, for some unspecified reason.

Aslin dressed herself up as her younger brother to serve in the Tirian army, but now, four months later, she's been caught by the enemy after a mission. I got super excited here because girls dressed as boys is my catnip, but this book doesn't feature any of that. All of Aslin's disguise shenanigans happened before the book starts, and her sex is revealed in the first chapter when her clothes are cut off her.

Ero, a commander in the Almanian army, is horrified when he realises he's captured and strung up a woman. He gives her a bath and clean clothes, but he can't let her go in case she reveals the secrets she's discovered. (Though she hasn't really discovered ANYTHING. Genuinely the 'war' in this book was total wallpaper; you never see its effects). So he keeps her locked up in a room, but visits her everyday, and eventually falls in love with her.

Though it's difficult to see why, since Aslin has the personality of a wet tissue. I'm meant to believe this girl impulsively ran away from home, lived as a rough-and-ready soldier for four months, and carried out dangerous missions? She evinces no patriotism and, for the most part, barely any feelings.

Ero isn't massively better. His only personality trait is lusting after Aslin, to the point where it was actually laughable. How are you commanding armies from her bedroom? And what the hell have you fallen in love with, considering she barely does or says anything? He essentially turned into a massive simp, and it was kind of unappealing. I'm pretty sure the word 'abasement' was actually used at one point.

This book is also marketed as a 'dark romance'. I guess some newbie readers might categorise it as such, based purely on the fact that Ero is Aslin's captor and therefore there's an imbalance of power, but in reality the romance is nowhere near dark. Aslin actually initiates some of their encounters, participates actively, and shows her willingness throughout (even if not necessarily verbally). Yeah, that's not 'dark'.


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Profile Image for Visha.
22 reviews
January 11, 2023
If you like Mulan…


I was a smidge annoyed with the miscommunication trope. BUT it eventually occurred to me that they are from different “countries” and cultures! So obviously regardless of being bilingual there’s still going to be miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Anyways, this was a quick and delightful read to keep me warm on a cold night, thank you author!
Profile Image for Grisette.
449 reviews61 followers
February 13, 2023

4.7 stars

Loved this one. It deserved all the hype on FB, and more. I am amazed how for a first time published author, the writing was so good and clear, with a lovely plot and such scorching sensuality between the leads. Kudos RR, you made me feel all the tingles and made me rediscover my romantic dreamy self.

It read as a fairy tale of sorts, very geared towards erotic romance and with quite solid world building and a nice plot to boot. This book confirms that I really like sweet fantasy/barbarian style romances with a healthy dose of spice and epic-feel. The H, Ero, was such a perfect male, all considerate and princely and yet visceral in his feelings as well. The h, Aislin was a little more opaque in personality, but she was very brave and loved with all her heart. The tender angst between them was simply but effectively done, appealing to the heartstrings gently.

I only wished there had been a great epilogue at the end. But I am happy from the author's note that there are other stories planned to be set in the same world. I can't wait 🥰.

If you are looking for a sweet fantasy romance with light, but tenderaching angst and steamy moments, this book is a must read. Ruby Rodrigo is also a new author worth discovering and supporting. I foresee a bright future for her ❤.

P.S. Unlike what the cover says, it was not a dark romance.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Leigh.
1,316 reviews301 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
March 30, 2023
DNF@20% This one isn't working for me, it's slow and boring.
Profile Image for Mindy Reader.
546 reviews43 followers
February 28, 2023
Loved Aslin and Ero❤️❤️❤️

Aslin- Strong/ brave/sweet/vulnerable. A new soldier pretending to be her younger brother to protect him from the “draft” basically. She is skilled with a bow and arrow.

Ero-leader/Dominant/tender/protective- A soldier on the other side of the line finds out that the soldier they have captured is a woman. He has a moral compass and strong values when it comes to women and children. You can see early on all the traits that make him a strong and respected leader.

Even though this is labeled a dark fantasy romance, I don’t find it dark at all. While it did begin with the heroine captured, the hero was never anything but protective and considerate once things were revealed.

Nothing happened that needed groveling (thank goodness!!,)

The sex scenes were both sweet and spicy. Medium heat. Great chemistry!

A couple reasons why this wasn’t a five star read:
-The ending was abrupt. It really needed another chapter and an epilogue
- I wanted to know how her family felt about everything. What about her brother?
Profile Image for madison.
184 reviews2 followers
March 8, 2023
listen my main beef with this was the intimate scenes. i like dub non con!! but this???? NOT it babe. the amount of noncon happening… her not having sexual desires but him “not being able to stop” himself?? her unknowing of what sex or a climax even is while it’s already happening??? it gave disgusting, it gave trauma, it gave grooming. just don’t do it
53 reviews
April 16, 2023
This book felt very rushed. The romance was underdeveloped and there was actually no plot. I would personally not recommend this.

I didn’t think the sex scenes were well written and were awkward because I felt like they had no chemistry. And how could you when you “love” each other after meeting each other 9 days previously and then not talking.

It had potential but I wished the fmc pushed harder to escape and was more badass. Felt like a wattpad book.
Profile Image for Emily Eileen.
38 reviews3 followers
March 8, 2023
I gotta stop letting tiktok pull me in with a trope and one quote from a book. This was not good at all and read like a 15 yr old boy tried writing erotica for funsies.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
129 reviews6 followers
March 6, 2023
The Archer Book Review
I thought to give this book a try when seeing it being promoted on social media by the author and I have to say that it was pretty good!
The writing style was pretty good and the romance-oh! It was what anyone wanting to read a dark romance would want but I did have to say that Ero was quite possessive and for a warrior who is supposed to be stubborn she wasn’t exactly keen to being so. I think she bent to everything he said and allowed him to do far bad things. In my opinion their relationship was a bit controlling and possessive.
I also thought there could’ve been more of a plot. Including how the war ended or just more instead of it being just centered around the romance but that’s all I have to say.
I thought to give it a try and ended up quite enjoying it.
Profile Image for Alexa B.
21 reviews
April 27, 2023
Really easy read, some loose ends that were never returned to, but pretty good all around. Would’ve liked the love story to have had more depth. It kind of seemed like he had a soft spot for her for no reason other than her being a woman in close proximity to him. Also, not surprised to learn at the end that this author is also popular on Literotica!
Profile Image for Katelyn Allen.
57 reviews6 followers
March 29, 2023
A fast, great read for someone looking for a simple fantasy enemies to lovers plot
Profile Image for Mia.
299 reviews
June 24, 2023
this was actually a really fun read, i liked the setting in it a lot as well as the characters
Profile Image for Amanda Blazina.
163 reviews17 followers
October 14, 2023
I had high hopes for this and it fell short in every aspect. I guess that’s my own fault for expecting there to be more plot, but even the spice was blah.
Profile Image for Tracey.
4 reviews1 follower
February 14, 2023
it was so cute

honestly one of the best romance books i've read. it was beautifully written. im not a simple romance reader but i needed to switch up my reading list and this book was beautiful. i thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
23 reviews
March 7, 2023
Het was een soort van grammaticaal correct slecht wattpad boek, met de meest cliché en saaie verhaallijn ooit. Maar oké, het was maar €2,80 en hierdoor heb ik kindle ontdekt, dus prima.
Profile Image for Demetria.
13 reviews1 follower
February 18, 2023
there is no clear division in whose perspective you are getting. it usually takes a moment to figure out.
this was just a really poor mix of 'mulan' and 'pocahontas'. i wish i didn't have such an aversion to DNFing books because this one easily should've gone there after the first few chapters.
fmc is just dense, and there's never really any improvement.
miscommunication tropes not my thing.
mmc really doesn't have much depth.
poor world building. still have no idea why they were at war or anything about the place she was actually a warrior of.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tiffany T.
46 reviews
February 18, 2023
Lots of spice 🌶️ I keep finding book recommendations on tiktok and then binge reading them, this was one of them. This wasn’t a super complex or mind blowing book, but it was just a nice interesting book to read to escape from reality for a bit. I liked learning about the different cultures of the two territories mentioned in the book. Overall it was just a nice sweet romance. I wouldn’t classify this book as a dark fantasy, but still enjoyable as a light read.
697 reviews2 followers
January 15, 2023
A hidden gem that everyone must read!

This has so much going on and is so satisfying to read.
A young woman in disguise as a soldier to spare her brother’s life is captured and discovered.
As an enemy but a woman the noble Ero can not see her suffer any further abuse. He places her as his guest and brings her back to his kingdom.
A quick standalone read that even though this says dark fantasy it was actually really sweet. There is violence and Aslin does kill to protect her prince as the warrior she is.
A m/f fantasy romance. Enemies to lovers, a woman disguised as a man, a prince in disguise and a happily ever after.

Main characters
-Ero and Aslin
Multiple pov’s told in third person
Profile Image for Mar-Mar bookaholic.
1,033 reviews90 followers
February 26, 2023
The idea of this book was good. Had some Mulan vibes and was overall enjoyable read. It’s shorter, under 250 pages and is pretty hot.

Why not 5 stars, I mean it had all the awesome tropes I love

🔸 h disguised as a man
🔸 captured h
🔸 rough handling of h by H
🔸misunderstanding what lead to negligence by H

I mean, gah. Those instances were so so so good.


🔸 sex scenes were weirdly worded at times. I wanted them to be more detailed. I mean it was really detailed but I felt author kind of held back?
🔸 H was like Jekyll and Hyde- he was really dominant, j/p alpha and then switch- blushing, self doubting crying beta whimp. I wanted him to stay true to his character
🔸 h liked H rough handling but it was never addressed again , although she mentioned she likes it.
🔸 Could have been longer and plot to be fleshed out more. It had great potential.

🔸virgin h
🔸 experienced H
🔸 spanking
🔸 capture
🔸 fantasy, as it has made out countries
🔸 hot smexy times
🔸 no apparent triggers

Also, it’s definitely not a dark book, I think it’s a kinda sweet book. I read some reviews where it stated it has non-con scenes. I was disappointed, as it has zero non-con 🤷‍♀️ Everything is very consensual.
Profile Image for Natasha.
51 reviews
January 10, 2023
“You really are a youth, aren’t you,” he said mockingly. “Well, there’s one way to find out at least your battle history. Your markings will tell me your past honors, if you have any…And if your back is as smooth as a baby’s, then I’ll know you’re as untried as I’d wager you are.”

A dark romance story about a woman named Aslin who is disguised as a male soldier who finds herself captured by the enemy. She is held captive by the captain Ero

This was a fun stand alone book to read and I loved the idea of the plot. I took stars off because the instant love connection didn’t quite make sense to me at all, there wasn’t really an antagonist, and I wish more time were spent explaining the plot/background (Aslin’s time as a soldier, why was Ero at the fortress, why was Aslin on this covert operation, how and why did Aslin become an archer, why are Almanians thriving while Tirians are not, etc.). I really wish the plot of the book covered Aslin’s experience disguising herself as a soldier and her subsequent capture.

The book is full on spicy and those scenes were fun to read
Profile Image for Radlilyb.
34 reviews
February 23, 2023
This was really disappointing. The story had so much potential. Annoying Miscommunication trope. There was maybe one chapter that was “dark” but it was more non-Con than CNC so it was just gross and not sexy.

The mfc was supposed to be a warrior but had no fighting spirit at all. She just let things happen and when along with barely a question or complaint or putting up a fight at all.

I wouldn’t consider this a “dark romance”. It started with a sweet instalove and a very sweet caring mmc.. until he got his feelings hurt. Not the typical morally gray mmc. In the one dark chapter there was a “punishment” scene but with zero communication. The mmc said nothing to her at all! Then left her with no after care, no communication, no nothing. Left her to be sick and dehydrated for two days. All because he got his feelings hurt 🙄

The writing wasn’t bad though and had nice world building. The overall plot isn’t developed much was also disappointing.. but I don’t expect that with smut so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Christina Flygstad.
1 review1 follower
February 25, 2023
It’s so frustrating how much potential was absolutely wasted in this book. Not a single character had a personality, the idea of two warring countries and peoples is great but everything from the establishment of that war to the end result was all told, not shown, there was no plot, and no explanation of anything. How is she such a skilled archer, why is she ok to give up her warrior skills to just be in dresses all the time, why didn’t she try a little harder to go back home to her mom? Aslin could’ve been such a great female force to be reckoned with but every single feminist attribute was left far behind. This easily could’ve been a 3-part series of just Aslin and zero if the author had taken the time. I would’ve read that for sure.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 211 reviews

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