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Oeuvres complètes #2

True Devotion to Mary

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Considered the greatest single book on Mary ever written, this classic shows the way to Jesus through Mary. It sums up the entire Christian life and provides the key both to sanctity and to salvation. Beloved by countless souls; makes lasting devotees. St. Louis De Montfort prophesied that True Devotion to Mary would be the way of life of the great Saints of the latter times. This devotion is destined to change the world!

215 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1712

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Profile Image for booklady.
2,509 reviews64 followers
June 17, 2014
Glad to have finally listened to this. It is superior to de Monfort’s other work, The Secret Of The Rosary, although that was also excellent. Of particular value was the strict definition of ‘true devotion’ as opposed to either of two possible excesses. I also liked the many images of Mary, especially as the ‘Mold of God’ into which the Father poured the Holy Spirit to form Christ, as can be the case for any Christian. When seen as ‘a door’, ‘a path’, ‘the neck’ – which supports Christ, the Head. Through such metaphors Mary is revealed as always sustaining and leading to Jesus; never supplanting or overshadowing Him.

Very rich. Want to return to again soon.
377 reviews2 followers
May 12, 2013
I have read this book numerous times. I took my consecration in 1995. Life has not been the same.
Profile Image for Edward.
35 reviews8 followers
February 21, 2014
If you live this devotion sincerely, you will give more glory
to Jesus in a month than in many years of a more demanding
devotion. Here are my reasons for saying this:
1) Since you do everything through the Blessed Virgin as
required by this devotion, you naturally lay aside your own
intentions no matter how good they appear to you.
2) In this devotion we set no store on our own thoughts
and actions but are content to rely on Mary's dispositions when
approaching and even speaking to Jesus.
3) Our Blessed Lady, in her immense love for us, is eager
to receive into her virginal hands the gift of our actions,
imparting to them a marvellous beauty and splendour, and
presenting them herself to Jesus most willingly.
4) Lastly, you never think of Mary without Mary thinking of
God for you.
Profile Image for Ramón S..
740 reviews10 followers
January 1, 2021
I never get tired of reading this book, always I discover something new and helpful.
Hopefully you can consecrate to Jesus through Mary one day. It is one of the best things I have done in my life
Profile Image for Stacey.
1 review7 followers
February 9, 2017
This is my 4th time reading this and re consecrating my heart and soul to Mary , at my church we are even having a ceremony with all of us doing this . I can't say enough about these beautiful prayers and praying the rosary and how much healing and peace they give to me ... The Holy Spirit works his way deep into the recesses of our minds and grants us deep inner clarity and healing . I can't say enough how awesome this is !
Profile Image for Nelly H..
16 reviews4 followers
January 7, 2022
My fiancé and I are going to start our consecration in a few days, to be consecrated on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Ad Jesum per Mariam!
Profile Image for Luke.
2 reviews
October 28, 2010
Excellent. A great book for helping to understand and to increase one's devotion to Mary.
Profile Image for David.
22 reviews
February 21, 2012
Preparation for Total Consecration sounds like an excellent idea for Lent.
Profile Image for J.T. Therrien.
Author 16 books15 followers
July 18, 2013
There's a reason why it took me nearly eight months to read this 300 page book, and it isn't just because I'm a slow reader.

This True Devotion is basically two books: The first part is de Monfort's very French, very flowery 17th century devotional prose about Mary. In it he defends his new devotion to our Blessed Mother. I found it impossible to read. Yes, I could have skimmed it, but one hates to skim a devotional work. There were a couple of interesting parts, and they occurred near the end of part one.

The first was de Montfort's unique interpretation of the Isaac and Esau Biblical scene. De Monfort sees Mary everywhere, including as reflected by Rebecca.

The second interesting part follows the interpretation of Isaac and Esau, when de Monfort discusses the merits of his devotion. One can finally truly sense his love for Mary. Here he also offers several Marian prayers to be recited during Mass.

As a true Catholic, de Montfort's dictum is always "To Jesus, through Mary." He makes it very clear that Mary intercedes for us, bringing our petitions to her Son, Jesus. She is not a goddess, nor does he treat her as such. But she does have a special bond with Jesus, having given birth to Him, and so He listens to her as he did at the wedding feast of Canaan, when she brought the newlywed's petition to Him.

The second part of the book is the practical part of de Montfort's devotion to Mary. In it he lays out a twenty-one day devotion, with prayers and texts. As a member of the Legion of Mary (de Monfort's creation) I have done a smaller version of this consecration, and I plan on doing de Monfort's full consecration as outlined in this book next time.

I only gave this book three stars, but I found the first part quite difficult to read. The second part dealing with the consecration to Mary is the important section, and that deserves five stars and more.

true devotion is a must-read for all Catholics devoted to Mary, and also for non-Catholics wishing to understand why Mary is so important to we Catholics.
Profile Image for DBA OSB.
11 reviews5 followers
November 18, 2019
I share St John Henry Newman's aversion to this book (irregardless of Louis' sainthood according to the judgment of the Church). As he wrote to Pusey in his Eirenicon:

"Sentiments such as these ... seem to me like a bad dream. I could not have conceived them to be said. I know not to what authority to go for them, to Scripture, or to the Fathers, or to the decrees of Councils, or to the consent of schools, or to the tradition of the faithful, or to the Holy See, or to Reason. ... They do but scare and confuse me. I should not be holier, more spiritual, more sure of perseverance, if I twisted my moral being into the reception of them; I should but be guilty of fulsome frigid flattery towards the most upright and noble of God's creatures, if I professed them,—and of stupid flattery too ... Were any of them the sayings of Saints in ecstasy, I should know they had a good meaning; still I should not repeat them myself; but I am looking at them, not as spoken by the tongues of Angels, but according to that literal sense which they bear in the mouths of English men and English women. And, as spoken by man to man, in England, in the nineteenth century, I consider them calculated to prejudice inquirers, to frighten the unlearned, to unsettle consciences, to provoke blasphemy, and to work the loss of souls."
Profile Image for Jonas Perez.
Author 6 books32 followers
April 28, 2016
This book is an extremely beneficial for those interested in mariology. Yet, I have to say that it makes many conclusory statements that lack both premises and origin; that is, he wrote most of this under the assumption that the reader (or listener, because they're sermons) have a basic knowledge of Mariology. For those knowledgable in basic mariology, this book is a message to take you deeper. For those who don't, St. Bernard and St. Bonaventure would help a ton--only because he quotes them constantly. A blessing to me...unaware that today is the saint's feast day.
25 reviews2 followers
November 23, 2012
A very information-ally heavy book. It expounds on Mary's importance and role within the church. It also explains the method of following the devotion. The method isn't the most simple or easy devotion to follow, but its clear to see its merit. Deep spirituality and being open to a world view that is different than that which is popular is required. Highly recommended and I will read it again.
Profile Image for Candy.
255 reviews2 followers
June 1, 2020
This was a wonderful way to draw closer to our Blessed Mother Mary and honor her. It was very deep at times, but gave me much to contemplate.
Profile Image for Jessen.
29 reviews
April 4, 2016
Succinct and in-depth explanation of total consecration to Jesus trough Mary. Everyone who wants to consecrate themselves to our Lady, or already has and wants to go deeper into their consecration should read this book. It helped me understand the intensity which I struggled with so much in my initial consecration. This is definitely one to re-read for me.
Update- This book has impacted my life more than I could have known. It seems nearly inexhaustible in its wisdom.
Profile Image for George M..
20 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2012
If you are going to participate in this devotion, I highly recommend, The Man Called Montfort, by E. C. Bolger, S. M. M. , to be used as a companion study and meditation during the opening twelve days of St. Louis' True Devotion. It is a most practical guide and a beautiful insight into how Father de Montfort lived this devotion before ever committing it to writing.
262 reviews
April 25, 2020
This book led to the book "33 Days to Morning Glory", which I have read 3x.
Deep book. Controversial for sure. Makes some sense but still unsure.
Profile Image for Walter.
339 reviews25 followers
April 19, 2015
"True Devotion to Mary" is actually one of the best written books about devotion to the Blessed Mother that was ever written. In my experience, most books about Mary are flowery, poetic works that are not very informative, almost like romantic poetry. But this book is eminently practical. De Montfort gives the readers excellent reasons why they should have a devotion to Mary. Why not just worship Jesus? Why have this devotion to a creature? De Montfort reminds us that Mary was Jesus' first Disciple and his most devoted one. She is His only human biological parent and she said "Yes" to the angel which ushered in the Incarnation. She was humble, and yet the very ediface of human salvation rested on her mission as Mother to the Living Word. She was a servant, just as Jesus calls all of us to be. She tells us, as she told the servants at the Wedding at Cana, "Do as He tells you." And she does this as well. In return for her devotion, Jesus gives Mary to the Disciple at the Foot of the Cross, "Behold your Mother" and "Behold your Son." And so He gave Mary to all Disciples. Because she was the gate to the Incarnation, so is she the gate to all Graces.

In this book, De Montfort addresses several issues that arise in the devotion to Mary. He eloquently addresses the accusation that Devotion to Mary is really idolatry, the worship of a creature as though she were God. But he also addresses several of the issues that keep the Christian away from Mary. Why, after all, should a great man like myself be devoted to this poor Jewish peasant girl? This attitude of arrogance is the very thing that drove Satan and his angels in rebellion against God, and by being devoted to Mary, the Christian can guard against such faith-killing arrogance. Many people accuse Christians of crimes such as presumption, judgementalism and elitism. It is a shame that many Christians are guilty of these attitudes. But Mary was none of these things. She was completely devoted to God, yet she never took it as anything other than service through love. She never tried to take first place. By mimicking her humility, forgiveness and love, the Christian grows by light-years closer to Jesus. Many people say that Christians who have a devotion to Mary are preferring the Mother over the Son. But there is no division between Mary and her Son. In drawing close to Mary, we by necessity draw close to the Son, in a much more intimate way than we could otherwise do. No Son could say no to His Mother. Doing so would violate the 10 commandments, and his very piety as a good Jew. And so, Jesus could not say no to His Mother's entreaties on our behalf. How could we, as Christians, not take advantage of such an amazing blessing?

When reading this treatise, please avoid the old translations with the "thees" and "Thous". Get a good, modern translation that reflects De Montfort's vivid and forceful vernacular in the French. The end of this book contains the prayers, readings and rites associated with the Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Mary. Many people have undergone this consecration. If you choose not to do it, it is beneficial to read these last sections anyway, since they give the reader an excellent insight into the scriptural and moral teachings associating with the consecratation.

Overall, this book is a must read for anyone who is interested in Devotion to the Mother of God.
Profile Image for Adam.
8 reviews2 followers
April 1, 2012
I read this book for Lent 2012, starting on Ash Wednesday, and ending by making the Act of Total Consecration on the Solemnity of the Annunciation. This is by any standard a classic of Catholic spirituality, and is perhaps one of the best places to turn if you want to understand how the intense Catholic devotion to Jesus's Blessed Mother is at its heart a devotion to the Son.
Profile Image for Ce.
239 reviews13 followers
December 19, 2015
Sólo los humildes que reconocen a la Inmaculada Concepción como Madre y Señora, dueña de toda nuestra vida por la Gracia de Dios, podrán encontrar el camino hacia el corazón de su Amado Hijo Jesucristo.

Ha sido una gran bendición para mi leer esta obra y apreciar más de cerca a la Madre, que se hizo pequeña para que sólo se engrandeciera más la Santísima Trinidad.
December 15, 2022
Saint Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary is a beautiful, insightful read. I strongly recommend the book to anyone, Catholic and non-Catholic, seeking to know and understand Our Lady. De Montfort explains exactly why she is so important. She was the most hidden, most concealed of all the Saints, and yet she is the greatest of all Saints. She is the “safest, easiest, shortest and most perfect” way to Christ.

De Montfort has aided the 33-day consecration (this being my first) as a beautiful journey to know her and draw nearer to her like never before. I have learned so much about her through this book, with many beautiful realisations and moments to delve deeper in faith.
Profile Image for Jacob Benne.
12 reviews
December 9, 2023
After having done the 33 days consecration for several years I decided to do the original one from St. Louis this year. While I enjoy 33 days, True Devotion does a better job of emphasizing Mary’s true connection and dependency on Christ and the necessity of going through Her to Christ. It beautifully emphasizes the need for humility in our lives and I highly recommend!
Profile Image for Vincent.
64 reviews3 followers
August 7, 2016
I should've read this book a long time ago. It certainly lived up to its reputation as THE book on Mary by THE greatest Marian saint. The book is very thorough and has plenty of insights on the role of Mary, and how we can practice devotions to her. De Montfort says that God purposefully hid Mary from the world for a long long time time, largely because He didn't want people to confuse her as a deity. Humility is one of Mary's defining qualities, although it is so often overlooked. After reading the book, I realize that we have certain special advantages related to Mary that early Christians did not, for example, the Rosary. And we need to take advantage of the special graces that are available to us through Mary. We surely will need them to combat the new challenges of modern times.
Profile Image for Bethany Konopelski.
20 reviews13 followers
November 30, 2019
Oh how few souls know and practice this treasure of a devotion which de Montfort unfolds in this little volume!!
If there is one spiritual book which I wish every person read and practiced it would be True Devotion. If we go to Mary there is no way we could fail! Scripture infallibly tells us: "if God is with us, who can be against us?" How can we know infallibly that we are with God and He with us except through Mary? Go therefore to Mary and she will quickly, gently, and efficaciously make you into a saint.
If this sounds strange or even heretical read Saint Louis's little book.
2 reviews1 follower
December 18, 2015
Esto es verdadera devoción a Maria.

Es una joya de libro, que lejos estoy de una autentica devoción a la Santísima e inmaculada Virgen Maria, que poco conocemos de ella, aun los que decimos ser devotos. Este escrito, traza una linea recta para conseguir un acercamiento eficaz con nuestra Madre del Cielo.-
Profile Image for B0N0FVCE.
6 reviews11 followers
August 11, 2020
Great book for anyone wishing to grow in his/her relationship with Our Lord through Our Blessed Mother! My only critique is that some of the language found in the Baronius Press edition was sometimes rigid and difficult to understand to an American English speaker in 2020.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
551 reviews21 followers
April 28, 2010
Wow. I commented to my husband within a few pages that I thought st. Louis de montefort might become a doctor of the church and I read later on that he is in the running. This is very clearly written with compeling arguments.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 240 reviews

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