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Sherbrooke Brides #1

The Sherbrooke Bride

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Douglas Sherbrooke, Earl of Northcliffe, is a man besieged. He must have an heir. Thus, he must first provide himself with the requisite bride. Alexandra Chambers, youngest daughter of the Duke of Beresford, has loved Douglas Sherbrooke since she was fifteen. Unfortunately, it is her sister, the incomparable Melissande, he wishes to wed.

But life never ladles out what one expects, and Douglas finds himself wed to the wrong sister. If having an unwanted wife isn't enough, he is also plagued by The Virgin Bride, a ghost that is reputedly seen in the countess's bedchamber. Does the willowy phantom really appear to Douglas? Does she speak to him?

409 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1992

About the author

Catherine Coulter

354 books6,845 followers

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143 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 370 reviews
Profile Image for Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves.
1,385 reviews19 followers
June 24, 2019
This book has a tragi-comic undertone, hugely angsty but making light of it. And this very treatment keeps you jumpy, antsy and hooked!

It’s not for readers who don’t like triangles with sisters – because this one has it in a big way and the sister is present almost throughout and the author seems to be in love with the very spoiled, very self-centered and extraordinarily beautiful sister and seemed set on not only giving her a great guy, a hea but also a character development. And the H hankers after her till almost the end! I hated her but couldn’t carry on the hate for too long as she has a child like quality which is kinda appealing. Sorry!*grimaces*

*Spoilers all*
The H and the sister almost married a few years ago but he had go off to war – leaving her hopping mad at the insult. Now he’s back and sends across a marriage proposal to her father. The father agrees as he’s in dire financial straits. A date is set but history repeats itself/fate intervenes again in way of a call from the War office/ F.O. for a small secret mission to France. The H cannot refuse and sends his cousin to marry the girl in his stead (some accepted olden practice) and bring his bride back to him. The om takes one look at the sister and promptly takes her off to Gretna…comes back, puts his head together with the girls’ father and marries the plain younger sister for the H!

Of course, the H is hopping mad now. When this party of three arrive at the H's place, a fisticuff ensues with both the girls jumping in as well making it a free for all - very much like a cartoon movie scene. It left me very amused, very confused and very troubled. And thus the tone of the book is set!

So my review might seem to be all about the sister till now….but I liked the h a lot. She’s a canny little person, tries to woo her husband who proves very un-woo-able and angry and fixated on the sister. She has a real bad time of it - rejected, abused, blamed and used as well. She went in open eyed but still she didn’t deserve so mush ill treatment and humiliation.
Unlike other reviewers, I couldn’t completely blame the H – he had a right to feel short charged and the sister is described as a veritable Helen of Troy and she’s right there under his roof with her husband, who flirts and more with her right under the H’s nose - rubbing the said appendage nicely in it!

The H is obsessed with the sister perhaps (or the image/idea thereof) but the marriage is consummated. And in the tradition of HPs and Romances, the sex is spectacular and unlike any he’s ever experienced before and so on…

So while the cousin tames the shrew, the h thaws the boor. Throw in some more sex, some asshat scenes, some suspense, kidnap/rescue, some more sex and we have a story.
Oh btw, the opening scene where the H and his brother meet yearly (or was it quarterly) to do a head count of their ‘bastard children’ and provide for them, says it all for the book. Complete Twilight Zone!
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
March 21, 2019
I lasted 12 minutes...

This one is definitely not for me. It turned my stomach that a story... romance story, could show the "hero" and his brother with such a callous attitude to their illegitimate children. Not sure I have the patience to see him come good.

I'm cutting my losses and moving on. No rating as I didn't really give it a fair go.
Profile Image for Lori ♡ (Recovering DNF Addict).
1,052 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2024
Current rating: 4-stars (first 80% is perfect, last 20% went down the crapper)
Original rating: 5-stars and a keeper.

I originally read this story over 10 yrs ago, before I was using GR and writing reviews. I picked this story to reread with the purpose of being able to officially write a review of my thoughts and see if it needs to stay on my Keeper shelf.

😍 Douglas - my first ever grumpy hero that made me go “Hmmm 😃”. The story starts with him understandably furious over recent betrayals and wants to strike out. He was intolerant of the heroine and saw her as naught but an unwelcome intrusion. He eventually accepts her as his wife and starts to enjoy her company but is an oblivious control freak bulldozer that just couldn’t help himself to not say arrogant high handed comments. We get to see him slowly fall in love with her.

😍 Alexandra - starts off with pure calm optimism, took the hero’s anger and her sisters selfish rudeness in stride. She grew tremendously thru the story to act on her frustrations with the hero’s high handed’ness and give it back to him. I loved watching their battles and see their emotions running high.

😍 my favorite scene, I loved their argument in the stables when she was trying to leave and return to her father, saying she felt unwanted. My heart was pinging a mile a minute.

😍“Touch me, Alexandra. I would appreciate it very much.”
“Anywhere that pleases you so long as it’s between my chest and my thighs.”
“He’d never had to fight for control in his life. Yet she was touching him and it was making him crazy.”

😍Alexandra grinned up at him, saying nothing. She looked at his mouth and her eyes darkened. She loved his mouth, the feel of his mouth on her own; she saw his hands clench. She loved the strength of his hands, the frenzy of his mouth and his hands when he touched her, when he turned wild and savage and uncivilized, when she became the most important thing in the world to him. “Stop it,” he said beneath his breath”

😍 His mission was to return to being a controlled lover. He couldn’t for the life of him understand why he couldn’t remain calm, collected and under control during sex with her. He was so embarrassed at himself and kept apologizing that he will be a better lover next time. As soon as they were alone in their bedroom, he went into a sexual frenzy that he couldn’t wait a second longer. (Which I love seeing a hero lose his control). If I were to nitpick, the sex scenes felt non-descriptive for the type of intensity the author was going for. The story is told in 3rd person, but I felt that during the sex scenes, we are only privy to the hero’s actions and thoughts. So those scenes could have been written much better!

😡 at 84% the shenanigans kick in…The whole French spy plot at the end, I could have done without it. It was pure silliness. The scene at the bookstore = 🙄. Then **spoiler ahead** How the heck was the bad guy in the right place at the right time to kidnap the heroine in the middle of a road trip? 1) if he was following them on the road trip, he would have been easily seen, as no one else was on the road. 2) if he was laying in wait, how did he know that the hero and heroine would stop at this exact spot for a roadside potty break? Too unbelievable all around. And the hero seemed to take his sweet ass time to retrieve her while she could be getting raped or killed. This last 20% of the story ruined it for me as a future reread. It’s a shame as I LOVED the first 80% of their love story.

Content warning: on page miscarriage takes place. No cheating.
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,605 reviews589 followers
May 24, 2018
I almost DNF'd, but ended up re-reading due to GR friends reviews and dived back in.

I'm glad I did because after a truly disastrous start, the book, hero and heroine hit their stride and improved.

The reviewers weren't kidding when they said the two brothers compared how many bastards they had. I think I'm going to be sick. CC never pulls punches on the ick factor, does she?

Okay, I did finish it, and applaud CC for redeeming the hero. Kind of. He certainly does become besotted with the heroine's bust if nothing else. I will warn you that if you have a problem with cruel heroes, then stay away as this one crosses some boundaries.

It helps that the heroine is about a billion times smarter than him and deserves a besotted H even if it is just with her bodice.
Profile Image for Christine.
Author 15 books421 followers
August 1, 2009
I've read this book twice, once half a lifetime ago when I was a teenager and again this week. It's interesting the perspective that comes with experience. I still enjoyed the book, but in a different way. As a teenager who wasn't entirely sure she was supposed to be reading romance at all, I took it at face value and enjoyed the love story. As an adult, I realized that there is a great deal of satire in here. The author is trying -- and now succeeding -- at being funny.

The setup is completely ridiculous and draws widely upon romantic cliche. A nobleman needs must marry in order to produce an heir. He's getting old, you know, 29, and the pressure is on. But he doesn't want to court a woman, so he decides to marry the daughter of a duke who is having financial trouble and agrees to pay him, instead of receiving the usual dowry. But alas, he is called away on a military mission and cannot go to marry the beautiful woman, so he sends his cousin to marry her by proxy. The cousin marries her for himself instead and marries the beautiful girl's less attractive (by comparison) sister by proxy instead.

Yes, it's far-fetched, but just go with it. The characters are just as over the top as the setup. "I am your husband and master and you will obey me." And within the amusement, it still manages to be a rather compelling love story.

I plan to read the rest of the series, which seems to have grown substantially -- I only read the first 3 as a teen.

I recommend this to romance readers who don't necessarily have to take things too seriously.
Profile Image for Luana ☆.
619 reviews138 followers
March 6, 2021
What a beast of a man! I felt so enraged seeing his treatment with the heroine that I wanted to hurt him myself. What kind of gentleman treats a lady like that? Doesn't matter what she did, you just don't be so vulgar and hurtful with someone you just met.

Anyway, this book only got a good rating because she gave just as much as she got. I loved the fact that she had a consistent personality throughout the story where the hero was concerned. Most writers change the personality of their characters whenever they fall in love, but I absolutely loved that that was not the case here. Even though she loved him, she had no problems standing up for herself. Even hitting him!

This is not a book that I would have picked up if it was not an audiobook, but as I only listened to it, it was great.
Profile Image for Aayesha.
337 reviews119 followers
July 20, 2015
I'd read Catherine Coulter as a very young girl of 14, and I didn't like her at all back then. This book certainly did change my opinion, but I don't think I'll be reading any more of her books - they're too heavy and don't have enough candies-rainbows-and-unicorns-kind-of-sweet romance to suit me.

I loved the book in the beginning. It made me laugh out loud, snort and chuckle and just basically - I loved it. Coulter writes very well, there's a depth to her characters that you don't normally see, and they have many sides to them. Her plot was deep too, just like her characters.

I normally love the MOC with h in love with H and H in love with OW theme, but this novel fell flat for me. I didn't like the romance development between the two, and I hated the sex scenes - they put me off. It was actually the hero's attitude towards sex with his wife that disgusted me. Maybe others might like this stuff, but deep, heavy romance without sweetness is certainly not my cup of tea.

I'm giving the book 3 stars because I did enjoy some parts, and I loved it in the beginning - I loved (dammit, I fnished reading it 6 hours ago and I've already forgotten his name, HOW am I so bad with names?) Douglas's (had to go and look up his name) character. He was so delightful and swoon-worthy in the beginning, with his prized control and the way he carried himself. What I didn't like was how immature and stupid he acted when he didn't get whom he wanted to marry - he literally threw a hissy fit for days. He acted like a child, and while I loved my heroes being assholes and taking their anger out on the heroines, I don't appreciate them being like children and as - as - I can't describe it but something about the hero's behaviour with the heroine really, really put me off. It was probably the sex scenes. I like my sex scenes where the hero actually cares about the heroine's pleasure and doesn't just rape her twice in a row without giving a thought to her or what she feels. (No I'm not kidding, there were two consecutive rape scenes.)

So that's what irked me, the romance part of this romance. I also didn't appreciate how hung up he was on OW's beauty even after he'd had sex with the heroine.What I also didn't like was the physical abuse in the story - inflicted mainly by the heroine on the hero.

Okay admitted, I love this MOC with h in love with H and H in love with OW trope, but I'm coming to realise how dangerous it is reading this trope - very few books get it just the way I want it.

THE ONLY SOLUTION IS TO WRITE THESE TYPES OF BOOKS MYSELF. Now if only I can stick to writing one story long enough to finish it rather than leaving it after the first 10, 20 chapters or so.
Profile Image for Sonia.
9 reviews
March 13, 2009
Usually I don't read a book without reading reviews of what other people thought of the book, but I just happened to see this book and decided to try it. Now the whole idea sounded nice, where Douglas gets an unexpected bride, Alexandra, so I understood his temper at the beginning at being deceived, but I kept on getting frustrated as the novel went on because he kept comparing her to her beautiful sister Melissande and just humiliating her sometimes. And the love scenes were awful in my opinion, I just felt no connection between them, and it sounded rather cold as if he was just using her. Now there were some sweet scenes where he takes care of her during her fever and bits of humor where she attacks him with a table. While he does redeem himself somewhat by saying he loves her and all, it still wasn't enough to make this a truly enjoyable novel. While I was really looking forward to reading the series, I am now somewhat hesitant, especially since the next brother for Hellion Bride, Ryder does not sound at all likable or responsible, especially with the nonchalance that he keeps on having children out of wedlock. Once again the plot sounds interesting but I don't know if the story will be that great.
Profile Image for Gloria.
811 reviews30 followers
May 16, 2024
4.5 stars and why is this my first book by this author?

From page 4, Douglas and his younger brother Ryder have their scheduled quarterly meeting:

”Now,” Douglas continued, reading the top sheet of paper in front of him, “as of this quarter you have four quite healthy sons, four quite healthy daughters. Poor little Daniel died during the winter. Amy’s fall doesn’t appear to have had lasting injury to her leg. Is this up-to-date?”

“I will have another baby making his appearance in August. The mother appears hardy and healthy.” Douglas sighed.

And thus proceeded the brothers’ (yes, plural, because Douglas also had one extant) quarterly round-up of their illegitimate offspring.*

Gasp. And this was only Chapter One.

This was everything I know a reader in 2024 should abhor. But it was so in-your-face-and-all-kinds-of wrong, and the author kept on upping the ante chapter by chapter, that what ought to have elicited pained groans instead began drawing chortles of delight.

The main female character, Alexandra, was a smart, resourceful young woman who finally had it up to here—hand slash at forehead level—midway through the book and then things got even more interesting.

The main male character, Douglas, defies description. I’ll just let him speak for himself:

Douglas looked at her thoughtfully, then shrugged. “It’s really none of a wife’s affair what a husband does, but I see no harm in educating you.

He looked down at the expanse of rich white flesh and felt himself begin to shake. “Let’s dance, otherwise I might be tempted to thrust my hand down your bosom.”

“I think you’re pushing me and it isn’t wise. I think you need to be beaten. I think your humor needs silence and reflection. You are being impertinent and I won’t allow it. Be quiet, Alexandra.”

That’s a microscopic sampling of Douglas-isms and there’s lots more where that came from. The best part? It always comes back to bite him in the ass and he’s so thick it takes him the whole book to catch on and you know he’s going to continue to step in cow patties long after the book ends.

This was headed straight to 5-star territory but a situation went a little tragi-goofy close to the end and I thought it should have been handled more delicately. Other than that, this 1992 novel was an outrageously good time in a throw-back Thursday kind of way. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series.

*Ryder was 26. Gasp.

Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,833 reviews449 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 15, 2020
Alexandra and Douglas (the turd). I think I would have loved this 20 years ago, but my tastes have changed and I am less forgiving of asshat heroes now. I loved the Alex. She was all that. Didn't take any guff, courageous, spunky. But she was paired with an H who was the type to cut off his nose to spite his face. All Douglas can see is Melissande, Alex's beautiful but a-holish, self centered sister. It really annoyed the p*ss out of me that Melissande is there throughout the ENTIRE book. In your face. In his face. It made Alex start to take on a matyrish feel. Not NEARLY enough grovelling or tenderness to convince me that Douglas really cares. And not once did Melissande give any indication that she was anything other than a cr*p sister.
I marked this as DNF cause I skimmed pretty much the whole book. I mean 400 pages of this! Can you blame me??
Just gonna add this author to my "not my cup of tea" shelf.
I did like Douglas' sister though, but not enough to read her book...

p.s. I think what bothered me the most was that Melissande,
Profile Image for Sonia De la rosa.
424 reviews43 followers
November 6, 2017
Hay libros que es mejor no volver a leer, guarda en tu memoria lo bien que te lo pasaste al leerlo hace tantos años. La novia de Sherbrooke no lleva bien el paso de los años, en su momento lo encontré muy divertido, y refrescante, en esta relectura ha perdido toda su frescura. A parte que ha habido momentos que me ha rechinado por lo machista que es, aunque hay que tener en cuenta que es histórico y se supone que se comportaban así los hombres, pero aún así me ha desagradado al leer frases tipo: "Yo soy tu marido y vas a hacer lo que yo te diga", o "Me disgusta ese nombre profundamente. Mellie.Sin embargo, es importante que se me someta por completo. Si deseo llamarla así, tendrá que aceptarlo, ya que viene de mí, su marido, su dueño y señor."
Una cosa que salva la historia es que la protagonista, Alex, hace lo que le da la gana. El protagonista le da una orden y le exige que le diga "que lo ha entendido", la otra le dice "Si, lo he entendido", pero acaba haciendo lo que a ella le parece mejor
Además hay demasiadas escenas de cama, últimamente me aburren mucho.
He estado dudando entre darle dos o tres estrellas, al final le he puntuado con tres pq la primera vez si que me gustó mucho.
Profile Image for Melanie.
920 reviews34 followers
October 5, 2011
I reviewed this book for my blog www.bookworm2bookworm.wordpress.com

A couple of months ago I've read "The Valcourt Heiress" by CC, and my disappointment was so profound, that I gave that book a very scathing review, which brought forth a very lively discussion on Amazon, as well as with some of my personal friends. Some people agreed with me [...], and others not so much. In rereading my review of that book, I admit to being a bit harsh; however I still stand behind my words.

This being a New Year and taking in account a promise I gave, I went back and reread "Sherbrooke Bride" which was my favorite CC ever. I read this book years, years AND years ago.

This was her first novel in the Bride Trilogy. "Hellion Bride" (Ryder's story) followed and "The Heiress Bride" (Sinjin's story, the VERY controversial book with a spousal rape scene) was originally supposed to finish up the trilogy of the Sherbrooke's brood, but we still had Tysen, so I guess a few years ago CC decided we should catch up with him also, ergo a "Scottish Bride". I understand that there are a few more stories of their children, but I have not read any.

First book introduces us to all Sherbrooke's, but it's the story of Douglas Sherbrooke, Earl of Northcliffe. This was one arrogant, crude, rude, and utterly loving tyrant of a man. He is one of those heroes that we hate to love and we try very hard to put up with all his rude, autocratic behavior only because deep down in our hearts we know that only love motivates this man to put up with all the weirdness and antics this family dishes up for him. Only love for his brother Ryder would motivate our hero to put up with their quarterly "bastard meetings". Only love would keep him from not murdering his cousin Tony for taking the only woman he EVER considered marrying. Douglas in the end of the book becomes, or grows I should say, into a fully fledged hero we knew him to be from the beginning.

Alexandra Chambers is a sweet, loveable albeit plain, and yet very strong young woman who loved this man since she was fifteen. From the beginning of this story, I was frustrated with her meek behavior and I rooted for her to stand up and fight her man-for her man! And just when I thought she's down for the count, she picks herself up, and boy does she come up swinging! I greatly anticipated Douglas' downfall! Oh, and he did fall! BIG TIME!
In rereading this story, I got reminded about why CC's books appealed to me. The book is very well written with rich and engaging three-dimensional characters. A good dose of humor and a little intrigue added to it, and viola, we have a first-rate romance novel!

Some might say that the sex scenes were graphic, but to me they were entertaining and tastefully written. I got a kick out of Douglas' loss of control of his passion for Alex. It's nice to see a man lose control once in a while, don't you think? All in all, a very good read.
As I neared the end of this book, I decided to go ahead and reread all four of the Bride series and I was so glad I did. It surprised me also to find out that this time around, I liked Ryder's story most of all, and I understood Sinjin's story and the controversy of spousal rape better than I did the first time I read it. At the end of the series, I felt like visiting long-lost family members, and yet I was glad to go home after a short visit.

If you never read this author, please find her earlier titles. She used to write well. I'm not sure what happened to her writing lately, but as of now my disappointment still stands. I hope to change my mind, but I'm not holding my breath. I would love to hear from all of you about CC and her books. ALL opinions are more than welcome!

Profile Image for Serial Romance Librarian.
956 reviews233 followers
March 10, 2023
I absolutely loved this book. The banter was clever, cute and funny. The angst was real. I really felt for poor Alex constantly being in the shadow of her gorgeous, vapid sister Melisandre. The chemistry between the MC’s was great, but I was also fascinated by Mellie and Tony’s relationship. I have to read more by this author now!

TW: miscarriage
August 23, 2024
What a deliciously angsty love story...

... between a jaded, former spy earl and a sometimes shy and sometimes feisty heroine's 🔮人🔮

── .✦ Asshole heroes and their heroines, my personal ramblings

I adore assholes heroes because they provided the most nourishing ingredient to my dark soul, angst.

Lugubriously, I like my asshole hero angst to be cooked in a very specific style.

➜ Asshole hero ✖ Weak heroine

This pairing makes me feel like a spectator in a Roman colosseum of ole, because the heroーfor whatever real or imagined reasonー just spends most of the book systematically attacking the heroine until he breaks her and he has to grovel while crying over her unconscious/near death body (not necessarily, but you get my point)

Examples: If You Deceive, His Lady Mistress, Prisoner of My Desire

➜ Asshole hero ✖ Fiery heroine

This pairing is double the hurt, therefore double angst, therefore double the fun. The hero does something that hurts the heroine and he's hurt back because either she doesn't care outwardly (but cares inwardly) or runs from him.

Examples: A Kingdom of Dreams, Secret Fire, The Luckiest Lady in London

── .✦ Now on to my review, aka more of my ramblings

Douglas played his part really well for most of the book*👈. He really had my blood boiling. Exactly what one expects from these heroes.

I did have issues when his cruelty switched to humiliation (though not all of it was done by him). I can take all the "I didn't want you" he wants to throw at me, but I can't take his "normally the husband comes to the wife's room" *smirk, smirk, wink, wink* Especially coming right after the heroine is tripped and SAT ON in front of all of her in-laws.

But that wasn't my biggest issue.

➜ For me this heroine was neither weak nor fiery

The beginning was going so well with her making a shy, but definitely "broom-straight spine" effort to create her own space with the hero.

Forlornly, after the aforementioned 'sitting on' she just wilts, goes 'fine' and becomes a boring, meek heroine.

She doesn't even play weak heroine well, since she just shrugs at the the hero's jabs. She accepts she won't be loved and kinda gets comfortable in this knowledge and doesn't set herself up to change his mind.

I did like the flashes of fire when she keeps calling her feelings 'lust' and that gave me hope she would fight for more, but that was pretty much it.

I also loved her composure and cool head during her kidnapping. Even though I have no idea what that part of the story was supposed to bring to the table, especially with it having one of my only triggers, , that doesn't add either angst nor brings the MCs closer together.

I just wished the author had picked a lane for the heroine and stuck to it.

➜ 👉*except the most important part, falling in love

Asshole heroes are supposed to fall suddenly and hard. They're supposed to have this intense, mind boggling moment of "damn, I love her".

Douglas has that... about her boobs. He falls deeply and madly into lust with the heroine. He literally loses his mind each time he touches her or sees her boobs, covered or uncovered.

While that makes for great spicy scenes, it's not romantic enough for me. I really need to be 100% sure the hero can't live without the heroine by the end of the book and, despondently, by the end of this one, I wasn't convinced.

── .✦ Final thoughts (seriously, you have more??)

I don't know if you noticed the strange adverbs I've been throwing around, but that was my not-so-subtle way of leaving my own version of pebbles behind.

You see, you really shouldn't take this review disjointed rant too seriously.

I think I was still reeling from a previous book (yes, that one🍋🖤) and, sorrowfully, wasn't in the right mood for The Sherbrooke Bride.

The writing is engaging and the angst was good. I'm not certain I'm interested enough in the other characters to try the other Sherbrooke siblings, but we'll see.

2.5 ★ rounded up.
Profile Image for Regan Walker.
Author 28 books795 followers
April 21, 2018
4 and 1/2 Stars - Great Start to the Regency series with a Cast of Worthy Characters

This is the first in the Sherbrooke Brides series and a must read if you want to read any of the others. In it, we are introduced to the family and most prominently, the elder brother, Douglas Sherbrooke, Earl of Northcliffe.

Douglas, a cold man who takes seriously his duty as head of the household, has no real interest in marrying except to fulfill his duty to produce an heir. In considering the woman he will take as a bride, he decides on the one woman he recalls, the stunningly beautiful Melissande, who he once courted only to leave her for the army. And so, when called to France for a special assignment, he sends his best friend, Tony, to wed her by proxy.

Alexandra Chambers, Melissande’s younger sister, has loved Lord Sherbrooke since she was fifteen, but she will give him up for her sister if it must be. In a bizarre twist, Melissande ends up wed to Tony, who marries Alexandra to Douglas by proxy. And to make matters worse, there is a troubling appearance of the family ghost, the Virgin Bride.

What began with a less than honorable meeting of Douglas and his brother Ryder to discuss their many bastards, turned out to be a delightful story, most notably due to the heroine, her interactions with Douglas and some very funny dialog involving her sister, who is being “handled” by Tony. Douglas’ sister, Sinjin is also a fascinating character. The ghostly bride didn’t figure large in the story, at least until the end when she directs Douglas at a time of crisis.

Coulter writes well and tells a good tale. I am a fan of hers and always find her books a good read, hence I want to read more in the series.
The Sherbrooke Brides series
The Sherbrooke Bride (1992)
The Hellion Bride (1992)
The Heiress Bride (1993)
Mad Jack (1999)
The Courtship (2000)
The Scottish Bride (2001)
Pendragon (2002)
The Sherbrooke Twins (2004)
Lyon's Gate (2005)
Wizards Daughter (2007)
The Prince of Ravenscar (2011)
Profile Image for Nichole.
80 reviews
August 4, 2014

Well, hell! If it isn't the worst book I've read! Okay, I don't know where it started to be so painfully horrible because I really liked the story line and at first it was really wonderful, it has an emotional appeal and the cruelty of Douglas towards Alexandra could have brought tears in my eyes when he found out that his cousin, Tony, have married her instead of her sister, Melissande, who he really intended to marry. You see, Douglas' family is forcing him to get married and produce an heir, given that he's an earl and his offspring shall follow his footsteps. Anyway, as I've said, it could have been really good but it really just got of that road then became unbelievably stupid, like for instance, when Douglas' brother arrived and met Melissande, who by the way is the as the most beautiful girl, didn't react to her beauty as Melissande thought he would, she couldn't believe it and kept on interrupting Ryder while he was talking to Tony and introduced herself over and over, I don't believe that one is conceited enough to do that. Plus, I really hated the idea that Douglas was described as hairy, I mean seriously, the word was stretched that he his legs are full of dark hairs, I mean c'mon I know men are supposed to be hairy but when you describe it like that, it kind of ruins the moment you know.

I'm so relieved that I didn't buy this book, my money have gone to waste if I did. Phew!
Profile Image for Izzy.
209 reviews
May 10, 2020
To be honest, I skimmed most of it.

I liked the h a lot. The H was tolerable but nasty.

Safety: H is h’s only lover. H had an illegitimate 4 years old daughter with some woman. They don’t mention the child or her mother again. It is only mentioned in the beginning when the H and his younger brother discuss about any children born out of wedlock 🙄

(ahh “what to do” — can’t believe we have to deal with this in romance novels, but oh well, you can’t expect Catherine Coulter to not write this, trust her to force reality upon us).
Profile Image for Luz T.
1,818 reviews5 followers
March 14, 2018
I liked this story. Our hero, Douglas, was a very alpha male. He was very authoritative with Alexandra. He said some hurtful things to her, but she learned to not keep quiet. Because of this I really liked Alex. Even though she was very young she stood up to him and said her mind. She fought him every step through out the story. Even when he realized that he had feelings for her he could still be a jerk, but this was the style of writing romance during this time.
Profile Image for Zoe.
762 reviews196 followers
July 13, 2015
oh man how I laughed re-reading this book. I don't remember being so amused before. Leave it to Catherine Coulter to write the most brainless lustful book.

The plotline was ok. Douglas found himself being married to the wrong woman, Alexandra. The pair did not start interacting until 20% into the story. The first 20% was spent on buildling up the backdrop of the story. Douglas had some government duties and Alexandra was already in love with Douglas. Douglas wanted to marry Alexandra's beautiful sister. All in all, quite messy.

I truly detest Alexandra's character. She started out alright, as a quiet girl with a strong will. Very quickly she became this annoying heroine who begged Douglas to let her stay married to him, for "a chance to be his wife" as she called it. Douglas was angry and quite honestly, I understand him and cannot blame him for being an asshole. He repeatedly refused to accept her (and I have to say, I do not pity her). Somehow he made peace with the fact that he was stuck with Alexandra. And they started having wild sex, which was always very hard and quick and rather violent. Knowing Coulter's style, I kind of expected it.

I think Alexandra ruined this perfectly brainless lustful book for me. This book could have been a great book for what it is: a brainless lusty read. Alexandra had to be this fierece little woman who would do anything for her sorry excuse of a husband who did not want her but could not keep his penis in his pants. I could work with an arrogant asshole such as Douglas, but could not, could not, I repeat, stomach a stupid heroine like Alexandra. This woman has no self-worth. She did all that she did because she wanted so desparately to be his wife. Even in her "tough moments" when she showed some backbone, she was just angry because her husband rejected her. Seriously, what did she expect? She married him by proxy knowing perfectly well that he intended to marry her sister. And she was upset that he did not want to overlook that fact?

In the last 20% of the book, Coulter had to somehow wrap it up and make Douglas "fall in love" with his wife. So Alexandra was kidnapped and something terrible happened and oh wow Douglas could admit that he had feelings for Alexandra. I went through the last 10% very quickly, not really caring how Douglas came to find Alexandra. For 80% of the book I was reading with a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the messiness in this book. After all, Coulter is good at such lusty books. You don't need a heart to appreciate her romance stories because they are not romance stories. I imagine they are like hard porn, you wince and are appalled that people can actually get hot watching it. But you watch it occasionally and realize crxp people can get hot watching it.
Profile Image for Mancho283.
443 reviews
January 11, 2015
เล่มนี้ชอบที่สุดในชุดเลย พระเอกแนวเย็นชา แต่พออยู่กับนางเอกกลับควบคุมตัวเองไม่ค่อยอยู่ ต้นๆเรื่องสงสารนางเอกที่โดนพระเอกปฎิเสธเพราะความจับพลัดจับพลูมาแต่งงานกัน ประเด็นคือคนที่พระเอกหมายตาเป็นพี่สาวนางเอก แต่ดันได้แต่งงานกับนางเอกแทนผ่านตัวแทน มันสนุกตรงที่กลับมาแล้วเพิ่งรู้ว่าแต่งกับอีกคนหนึ่งแล้วตัวเองก็ปฎิเสธเขา ไม่เอาๆๆเจ้าสาวนี้เนี้ยล่ะ แล้วนางเอกเราเขาอยู่เฉยเสียที่ไหนละ ฮ่าๆ สุดท้ายด้วยความใกล้ชิดความสัมพันธ์ก็ค่อยๆพัฒนา น่ารักมาก
Profile Image for Mitashi.
94 reviews55 followers
June 19, 2013
A very different and very sweet story of a girl who loved the hero but the hero is so blinded by her sister's beauty that he doesn't look her way.. And than things changes... So much.. It was he'll of a interesting story.. Which I enjoyed immensely...
Profile Image for Cristina.
90 reviews5 followers
June 23, 2024
Catherine Coulter es una autora de las antiguas que nunca había leído y que llevaba años posponiendo. Debo decir que este libro está escrito de una manera que engancha y que es muy fácil de leer lo cual no necesariamente significa que el libro sea bueno. Pero reconozco que a mí me enganchó y me resultó muy fácil de leer. La autora tiene un humor muy peculiar acido, sarcástico. Al principio del libro el protagonista y su hermano se ponen a comparar cuántos bastardos tienen 😂.
Aunque el protagonista había veces que me caía mal por como trataba a la prota. El libro es antiguo y tiene sus cosas machistas.
La autora describe las escenas de sexo muy gráficas y descriptivas y crudas. Y ha hecho al prota un bestia que no sabe controlarse con la protagonista aunque solo le pase con ella. Las escenas de sexo son un aquí te pillo aquí te mato pero a la prota parece gustarle incluso se siente orgullosa de que el prota no pueda controlarse y se porte como un salvaje con ella.
La pareja secundaria de Tony y la hermana me ha gustado.
Solo hacia el final para mi gusto se ha desinflado.
La autora tampoco escatima en escenas desagradables como la de un aborto. Como he dicho en una autora muy cruda.
Y me ha gustado y me ha hecho gracia las muletillas del prota con la protagonista como

-necesito que lo entiendas lo entiendes verdad?
- lo entiendo

Y así me hacía mucha gracia como la prota lo llevaba a su terreno dándole la razón.
Y Aunque en el libro el protagonista amenaza varias veces con pegarle nunca lo hace menos mal.
Se supone que esto es una trilogía aunque luego he visto que hay más libros como me los compré todos por 1 euro cada uno.
El siguiente en el libro de Ryder y sinceramente no me imagino a un protagonista tan picaflor y con tantos hijos ilegítimos cayendo en la redes del amor. No me hace especialmente gracia leer su libro.
Y el tercero el libro de Sinjun la hermana me ha caído muy bien en este libro pero he visto que su libro no tiene muy buenas críticas.

Pues eso en general el libro me ha gustado y lo he devorado en dos días, es verdad que el libro es de 1992 osea tiene más de 30 años y hay que verlo con la mentalidad de aquella época.
Por eso pienso que el libro no ha envejecido muy bien para los estándares actuales.

Le doy 3.5 estrellas redondeando a 4.
Profile Image for MasterSal.
2,165 reviews19 followers
January 6, 2022
Lord many years later I still remember this book … though with a feeling of distraction at the hero who was quite mean to the leading lady. Must reread sometime
Profile Image for Bubu.
70 reviews3 followers
May 23, 2018
i read this one for the love triangle with sisters.. lol...usually i dont like this trope bc its yacky...but here its fun.. its angst fun...
Profile Image for Christina T.
306 reviews81 followers
January 18, 2020
Honestly I have heard for years that Coulter was an exceptional writer and The Sherbrooke Bride is a great read. I feel lied to. I hated it. After reading the other reviews on this book (most are right around 4 stars) I am wondering if maybe it is just me.

Douglas is pretty ticked off that instead of finding the beautiful woman he expects to come home to he is married to her younger sister that although handsome (Alex said she was quite handsome when listing her attributes to Douglas) she appears dowdy when standing next to Melissande...of course...according to the author....everyone does. So, what does Douglas do? Just figure that he didn't really know any of the girls that well and only wanted a brood mare anyway to give him an heir and anyone would do? Get mad and simply annul the marriage? Nope he treats Alex horrid. Seriously, horrid.

He ridicules her clothes. Saying things like, "That is such an unfashionable dress I doubt it was ever in fashion. I suppose you intend to wheedle me out of a new wardrobe?"

He ridicules her hair. "You will not pleat your hair like that. I don't like it. You look like a little girl."

He ridicules her feelings for him.....I still don't understand how she could have any tender feelings for the man who treats her so awful.

He often tells her that she will NOT ask questions. She will DO as he says and OBEY him. Often telling her that she will respond that yes "She understands" even if she doesn't.

He often referenced to his wife while thinking of her as "the little twit".

Alexandra's own thoughts were just as belittling. When thinking of her sister and herself she knows that Melissande is a diamond and she, Alex, certainly isn't a diamond but perhaps she could be a Topaz. A Topaz is, after all, a quite suitable and a nice gem.

I think that the love scenes (I use the phrase loosely) were the worse to listen to (yes I listened to it on audio without skimming most of it had I done if I had an actual paper version). The love scenes (cough cough) were all about him telling her, quite clinically what he would do to her and that she would enjoy it. The first one was the most painful...granted they all were bad but the first one is like that first plunge into the swimming pool you never know quite what to prepare for and let's just say that the very first love scene will stay with me for a long time....like chicken pox scars.

Douglas did a lot of talking.....a LOT!!! I don't remember much of it thank goodness as I tried to block it but what I do remember is that Douglas doesn't find his wife remotely attractive and can't figure out why he loses control when he has sex with her as he is ALWAYS in control. So even though his wife is not stunning in beauty it must still be her fault he ruts her like a school boy's first outing.

Oh and at one point they were talking about if he found her lovely and irresistible (I am paraphrasing by the way) to which he replied...."Well, No. But you have nice breasts." What a pig!

And what does Alex do while her husband treats her like this???? Why...... she declares her love for him.

One reviewer said that they fell in love with Douglas and mentioned he was the first "Alpha" male that they read. To me there is a big difference between an Alpha male and a jerkwad. Douglas is a jerkwad....perhaps even more of an asshat. Jerkwad is too mild of a word.

I was going to give this book a flat out 1 star rating (I never give less than that because that is the lowest my rating scale goes...although a half star would make sense too if I really was going to think about it...but I'm not at this point) oh, anyway, it fully deserved 1 star up until the last 80 or so pages (I'm guessing by the way since I listened to it and honestly don't know). The last 1/5 of the book picked up and had some sort of a twist that was mildly interesting and made me see Alex and Douglas as actual characters and not horrible plotting mistakes. Unfortunately it only elevated the book half a star...too little too late.

Oh, and there was a ghost in the book called The Virgin Bride. Almost pointless to have had it in the storyline...I suppose it was to give the book an added depth and shake things up a bit but it was a big FAIL....really.

Now I'm kind of in a dilemma...I own 38 more of her books. I'm scared to even pick another up.
Profile Image for Amarilli 73 .
2,487 reviews85 followers
June 17, 2013
da www.sognipensieriparole.com
Questo romance “introvabile” ha ben vent’anni, e direi che si sentono quasi tutti.
In realtà, è probabile che, dopo vagonate di romance molto più erotici o con trame spionistico-avventurose, le lettrici di oggi (in cui mi auto-inserisco) siano molto più smaliziate e abbiano gusti più esigenti, sia per quanto riguarda le scene passionali, sia per quanto riguarda la credibilità di intrighi e complotti.
Qui siamo nel 1805, in piena epoca di guerre napoleoniche, e il conte Douglas, dopo aver servito fedelmente la patria ed essere tornato dal fronte, è costantemente bersagliato da allusioni sempre più insistenti e sempre sullo stesso, “noiosissimo” argomento: sposarsi, sposarsi, e generare un erede.
Questo, nonostante lui e il fratello già stiano allevando un nutrito gruppo di piccoli Sherbrooke illegittimi, tenendo meticolosamente il conto con riunioni e aggiornamenti trimestrali (!!).
Va a finire che, a furia di voler pianificare tutto a tavolino, anche un semplice matrimonio combinato rischia di rivelarsi un gran pasticcio per il compassato ed algido conte.
Nel complesso, ci sono varie scene divertenti, perché Alexandra è un tipetto risoluto, a prescindere dai suoi diciotto anni e dalla sua apparente ingenuità, e il conte non è uno che cade facilmente ai suoi piedi, anzi, persevera nei suoi modi da despota e da marito padrone per buona parte del libro.
Semmai la principale debolezza, a mio parere, è aver voluto inserire una storia d’amore abbastanza prevedibile in una trama con risvolti pseudo-drammatici: le scene di missione all’estero, in effetti, mi sono sembrate le più inverosimili del romanzo, nonché le più inutili ai fini della narrazione.
Un’ulteriore delusione, poi, l’ho avuta proprio sul lato romance: a prescindere dal fatto che lo stesso conte biasima se stesso per comportarsi come una “donnola in calore”, le scene si riducono tutto a un ansimare di lui - tipo muflone – sopra di lei, che giace inerme con i vestiti strappati. Alla quinta scena in cui lui promette di concederle i preliminari, e poi si abbonda in una prestazione selvaggia e veloce, una lettrice romantica comincia ad innervosirsi.
Alla fine, ho trovato molto più adorabili il cugino Tony e la sorella-monella del conte, Sinjun.
E il fantasma della Sposa Vergine? Cosa c’entra in tutto questo? Gran bella domanda: il fantasma c’è, con tanto di lunghissimi capelli biondi e vestito di velo bianco, solo che io ancora non ho ben chiaro perché apparisse e cosa volesse dai suoi discendenti…
Profile Image for Rhapsody.
451 reviews
December 9, 2015
Incredible, a Coulter novel without physical abuse and rape. It's the first in the Brides series. Douglas, the Earl of Northcliffe, is 28. He proposes to his old flame, Melissande, who agrees in order to save her family. However, the same week he's to be married, he's given a mission in France, so he sends his cousin Tony to marry him to Melissane by proxy. Tony takes Melissande for himself and marries Douglas to Melissande's younger sister, Alexandra (18).

Such an annoying book. I understand Tony and Melissande eloping, but Tony shouldn't have picked someone else for Douglas. I disliked Alexandra for accepting--she had adolescent crush on Douglas. She was supposed to seem strong-willed, but to me she was silly and conniving. Douglas treats her coldly and heaps some mild verbal abuse on her. I was on his side, but she is portrayed as the victim. He should have annulled the marriage. When he discovers he has feelings for Alexandra, I felt like Yeah right. The feelings weren't believable at all. When Alexandra decides she wants to escape, it gets even more annoying. The book's annoyingness kept escalating for me!!!

And the character I hated the most was, yet again, Sinjun, the blithe, guileless younger sister who on two occasions prevented Alexandra from leaving. I detest this character. She's the heroine of the third book--I hope she goes through all the trauma I've come to expect from a Coulter novel (not that I plan to read it).
Profile Image for Gwennie.
904 reviews186 followers
December 15, 2011
There is nothing like stepping back into familiar shoes. I have read this book at least 100 times since my first as a young teen, and I still love it and enjoy it just as much now as I did then.

Is it a bit cheesy? Oh yes, in the absolute best possible way. The thing is, it's supposed to be a Historical Romantic Comedy, and if you remember that while you read it then you will see the same magic I do. In it's own way it's making fun of Regency romances, the male characters are all a bit overly pompous and the girls are overly flightly and it's so funny.

I personally loved Alex! She has way more personality then most romance heroines. Her antics led to some of the funniest moments I've ever read in a HR. And Sinjun is so precocious and endearing. I love Ryder. I think I may even love the Sherbrooke clan just a teensy bit more then I liked the Hathaways. I'll allow that that could be because I have had a lifelong friendship with those crazy Sherbrooke's, but they're just so quirky and zany.

Douglas was cruel, and but he grew and adjusted and the ending was endearing.

Picking up this favorite of mine was exactly what I needed.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 370 reviews

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