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The Stokehursts #2

Prince of Dreams

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A wealthy and bitter exile, he most dangerous and desirable man in all of England, he burns to possess a proud, headstrong beauty who is promised to another. But winning Emma Stokehurst's exquisite hand through threats and determination does nothing to fill the empty spaces in Nikolas' heart until passion's magic carries the handsome, tormented prince back to a bygone era of splendor and romantic dreams. For there his destiny awaits him in a distant life. And in one remarkable woman's tender touch, achingly familiar but gloriously new, he must seek the elusive promise of ecstasy . . .and learn, at last, to love.

416 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published August 1, 1995

About the author

Lisa Kleypas

98 books30.1k followers
LISA KLEYPAS is the RITA award-winning author of 21 novels. Her books are published in fourteen languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband and two children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 476 reviews
30 reviews24 followers
June 3, 2008
An overbearing hero who would do anything to get what he wants. He's also an unfaithful husband who visits brothels. True, he's been abused, had a horrible childhood, but c'mon! There were no redeeming qualities. I could not help just keep hating him.

The only reason he changes his ways is because he basically goes back in time and has, what seems to me, an incestuous relationship with a great-grandparent who was similar to his current wife. When he comes back to the present, I couldn't seem to get over the fact that it was not his wife that changed him, rather the ancestor. and so, which woman is he in love with?

This is one of my least favorite novels, I could barely finish it because it was just too painfully awful IMO. I usually love Kleypas' books, but this was a MAJOR disaster. I'd recommend reading her Wallflower series instead!
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,336 followers
September 29, 2008
Prince of Dreams started off with an excellent, engaging story that was hard to put down, but like it's predecessor in the Stokehurst series, Midnight Angel, it tends to loose steam during the second half. The book is arranged in four sections, and the first two sections are full of the deep, dark emotions that have become a Lisa Kleypas trademark. Prince Nikolas is quite possibly the darkest hero that Ms. Kleypas has written and that I have read, yet I found him to be thoroughly fascinating. He was not unlike Emma's wounded animals in his unpredictability, one moment being manipulative and cruel, the next tender and gentle. The reason I was able to like Nikki in spite of his dark nature is that I felt the author gives the reader sufficient insight into his psyche to understand what truly makes him tick, and he certainly had good reasons for behaving the way that he did. I was also able to give him some measure of respect, because unlike dark heroes in some other books, he never tried to force himself on Emma sexually nor did he ever physically abuse her in any way. Unlike some readers, I wasn't overly disturbed by Nikki's interest in Emma from the time she was only 13. If taken in historical context, one has to realize that girls were sometimes betrothed and/or married at a young age. Also, Nikki had minimal contact with Emma over her teen years, never outside the supervision of her parents, and he never acted on his interest until Emma was a grown woman old enough to make her own decisions.

I also thoroughly enjoyed Emma during the first half of the book, as she was still every bit the free-spirited young girl that we had met in Midnight Angel, only grown up now with a few new eccentricities that made her all the more delightful. She still harbors the same insecurities about her height and appearance which I found very relatable in the previous book. As an animal lover, I really enjoyed her menagerie and her involvement with stopping animal cruelty. I really enjoyed watching Nikolas and Emma find solace in their shared friendship and then trying to relate to each other in the context of marriage, when Nikki was so resistant to accepting or giving love. It was also nice to watch Emma mature and realize the meaning of true love.

I felt the problem with the story came about with the time travel aspect in section three, and then when Nikki returned to his own time in section four, the whole dynamic of the story changed. The time travel section was a nice little love story on it's own, but I never felt like Ms. Kleypas gave the reader any reason for Nikolas allowing himself to fall in love with the past Emma other than the legend fulfilling itself or perhaps him being alone in a different time and place with no familiar faces other than hers for comfort. It seemed like this whole section was simply a plot device for returning Nikolas to Russia, since he was in permanent exile and unable visit his home country any other way. Once Nikki returned to his own time, I felt the story fell rather flat. He was no longer the fascinating, complex character he had been during the first half, having been magically transformed into a “prince of dreams”, doting on Emma and openly declaring his love. There was also a complete role reversal as Emma became the cynical, jaded and distrusting one. Though understandable considering Nikki's past behavior, this side of her faded rather quickly, again with little explanation. The ending had a few interesting developments and some mild excitement, but it wasn't really enough to make up for the previous weaknesses I've mentioned. I simply have a preference for watching characters work through their dark pasts or any other difficulties they might face without the use of “magic” plot devices.

While Prince of Dreams was an improvement over its prequel, Midnight Angel, as with that book I still would not recommend it to first-time Lisa Kleypas readers. Try one of Ms. Kleypas's other books first and save this one until you've become a fan like me. It is also much better when the prequel is read first, since Nikolas and Emma played pivotal roles in that story, and while Luke and Tasia from Midnight Angel did not play a huge part in Prince of Dreams, they were still seen several times. For a book with a similar storyline including a dark, brooding hero who suffered childhood abuse, try Loretta Chase's Lord of Scoundrels. The two books reminded me a great deal of each other, but Lord of Scoundrels was done much better in my opinion.
Profile Image for R.
292 reviews30 followers
November 6, 2012
I did not like this book.

**Might be slightly spoiler-ish**

The whole hero goes back in time and falls in love with the pre-reincarnation version of his wife who he's treated horribly was just ridiculous. A hero treating a heroine horribly but then realizing it and actually doing something about it is one thing. (Not goo, but at least he sees that there is something wrong.) A hero treating a heroine horribly but then suddenly traveling back in time and completely changing his personality is just WTF.

And then not only does he travel back in time, but he falls in love with another woman. Yes, she may have an uncanny resemblance to the heroine, but no matter how similar, she's still a different person, with completely different life experiences. And so the hero has now lived a completely different life for a while, but has somehow managed to fall in love with the heroine during that time. And after he dies in the past-timeline, the past-heroine lives on forever alone in her old age. WTF? If both of them had traveled back in time, that would have been one thing. (Weird, but okay.) But the way it worked out, the hero is in love with someone who no longer exists, and yet has completely changed his personality.

The present-heroine should have just kicked him out and been done with him.
April 17, 2021
It finally happened. I found one LK book that I really don't like. I feel like I've just lost my innocence. 😂

Though, it went pretty well (kinda) before the half point mark. After that, I just skimmed. I think it all started when

To be honest, a lot of poor decisions were made about this book.

Also let's also address Emelia.

This book is just weird.
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,443 followers
December 10, 2008
I do have to say that Nikolas is a very unique hero. He's dark and conflicted. He wants Emma but doesn't know what to do with her when he gets her. He does everything he can to destroy her love for him. But at the same time, he yearns for her love with all his heart. A romance novel, for certain. But I felt it was also a character study. Nikolas is a character that makes you want to keep reading to see if he'll get a clue and turn his life around. He almost waits too late, but a magical twist of fate sends him on the path to redemption. This is definitely one of Kleypas' more darker books, but it's worth the read. Just be prepared to meet a character who will make you look very closely at your concept of what a romance novel hero is.
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2012
Hated it. The cheating bastard goes back in time and falls in love with some woman who's just like his current wife (heroine) so when he returns he's a changed man. What baloney..who the heck is he truly in love with.. if the woman in the past *is* the heroine of the present then why couldnt he have fallen in love her in the first place... This book was totally confusing and illogical.

June 16, 2020
This is my review for the novel titled Prince of Dreams by Lisa Kleypas.

There are three main characters of this novel .They are Emma Strokehurst Nikolas Angelovsky, and Adam Milbank.
Emma Strokehurst is a noble princess of nobility in London. She is Strokehurst's daughter. Then, Nikolas Angelovsky is richest nobleman from Russia. Whereas, Adam Milbank is a poor man who want to marry a noble woman.
Other characters in this story are Emelia Vasilievna, Tashia, Luke Strokehurst, Jacob, and Tsar Petter .

The following is a summary of the story that I got after reading this novel :
Emma and Milbank love each other, but they are not blessed by Emma's father. Nikolas comes into their lives. Nikolas loves Emma and forced Milbank to leave Emma. Emma doesn't know that Nikolas ordered Milkbank to leave.
Then, Milbank goes to a place far from Emma. He is married with American nobleman's daughter. After hear the news about Milbank, Emma is broken hearted and always sad. Nicolas often comes to visit Emma to cheer her up. Emma began to feel comfortable with Nikolas's attention for her and a little forget about Milbank.
One day Emma dreamed, Nicholas married her. In the morning when Emma woke up, it turns out Nikolas actually came to Emma's house to propose. Emma's father agreed because Nikolas was a rich and respectable man. Finally, Emma and Nikolas are married.
when Emma was with Nikolas on the first day of their marriage, she seemed happy because she loved Nikolas and vice versa.
Obviously, in the evening, Emma felt there was something strange about her husband's attitude. His behavior is very erratic and unpredictable.
Nicolas died Emma sleeps alone in her room. While he chose to sleep in a chair, outside the room. Nikolas slept for an hour. In his dream he dreamed of becoming his ancestor. His ancestor named Prince Nikolai who has married to Emelia. In his dream he also met Tsar Petter. He was a friend of Nikolai, but he hated Emelia because Emelia's father was Astleret. He is the murderer of the Tsar Petter family.
The tsar Petter told Nikolai to leave Emelia. However, Nikolai loved Emelia very much and chose to stay with her. Tsar Petter was very angry with Nikolai's decision. He imprisons Nikolai in the monestry for treason. Nikolai has saved the Emelia from seclusion.

After Nikolas wakes up from his dream, his attitude then changes. He really loved Emma and Jacob. Jacob is illegitimate child. Emma again feels the real love of Nikolas. She is very happy.
Someday, Milbank comes back to grab Emma from Nikolas, but Emma already knows what Milbank really wants the wealth of Strokehurst. Milbanks really want to kill Nikolas. When Milbank will shoot Nikolas. Emma shot Milbank first from behind. Then, Milbank was jailed, because he was very dangerous to the lives of Russian Noble, Nikolas. Emma and Nikolas live happily. They became a respectable family and were able to maintain their nobility.

The most interesting part of this novel is when the first part is the plot is advance, and then return or backward again. On this story, when Prince Nikolas in his dream of becoming his ancestor is Prince Nikolai, it has similarity of the world in the past and in the world of its future. In the past, Prince Nikolai married with Emelia. In the future, Prince Nikolai married with Emma. The face, body, and attitude also same.
The interesting part of this story is when the writer tells two different stories of the period faced by one character. This novel telling the reader about culture also, about the empire in the Russian.For example, when the author describes about the dancing room with instrument, and unique decoration ornamen. There are some ornamen that I as a reader and reviewer didn't know before, the things like ruby stone and safaran chlotes.
Not only that, the author use name the main character not only one designation. For example : The main character "Prince Nikolas". The author mentions his name with Niki or Angelovsky. Then, when the writer called the character "Emma Strokehurst", she called with Rusyka or Lady Strokehurst.
The lesson I can take after reading this novel is, that the events we did yesterday, will have an impact today. What we do today will have an impact on tomorrow. Then do your best for today which will be history for tomorrow.
I recommend all of you to read this novel, because it is very interesting.
Profile Image for Chels.
353 reviews473 followers
May 20, 2023
Kleypas is super interesting, but I don't really enjoy talking about her newer stuff because of the fandom around it. Kind of contrarian of me, but I think that looking at Kleypas as a whole -- the way she adapted after the 80s and 90s to solidify what I see as her formula with Bow Street Runners and Wallflowers, tells a kind of fraught story about how "progress" is often just CTRL + ALT + DLT certain words or plot points but not necessarily the ideas behind it.

Kleypas is a centrist, and the way that she views foreigners (I used that word deliberately here, because the hero, Nikolas, is Russian), sex work, and oppression are all very clearly from the lens of a white woman who once wrote an open letter to Hillary Clinton calling her a romance novel heroine.

This is Kleypas pre-formula, so you get to see plot points and character types she pulls in to later books to better effect. Nikolas, the hero, is a Russian prince that has escaped to England after pretty traumatic events, and Emma Stokehurst, the eldest daughter of a duke.

Nikolas starts off the courtship with control: he has an interest in Emma that he doesn’t quite put to words, but he threatens her love interest and essentially forces him to abandon courtship, which is something similar to what Harry Rutledge does in Kleypas’s Tempt Me at Twilight. Then Nikolas swoops in and proposes a marriage of convenience: she’ll get out of her father’s thumb and have control over her life and her menagerie (she has a menagerie of exotic animals, but they’re rescues so it’s fine!), and he will get to be married to her, a woman that excites him because she is a hoyden stereotype.

There's a paranormal plotline in this that is extremely bizarre and doesn't work, but it did save the book from being simply frustrating and boring. Part of me wishes that Kleypas still tried out wild ideas like this, and another part of me thinks that she just doesn't have the range.

Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,833 reviews450 followers
November 26, 2023
What was I thinking when I picked this one up?? I don't like reincarnation stuff usually, but I liked the idea of the wicked Russian prince.
Too bad he wasn't convincingly romantic. More like a creepy self absorbed bully with a split personality.
...but I had hopes he would redeem himself.

Nikolas is a Russian prince in exile for murdering the murderer of his little brother.
At the start he and Emma have known each other for years. She is now 20 and in her 3rd unsuccessful season due to her tall body and forward manner. When Emma was 13 Nikolas gave her a baby tiger he had rescued and throughout the story there are similarities drawn between Nikolas and the tiger.
Little does Emma know that the arrogant and aloof Nikolas has plotted patiently to have her for years. (but why did he take so long???)

I liked Emma, she was the best part of the story. She's a tall, red-haired, freckled vegetarian who likes to wear trousers and keeps a menagerie of rescued animals. She's also quite capable of defending herself and those she loves.

And the story was quite entertaining for the first half until the whole reincarnation debacle that basically turned the story on it's ear. Although I can't say as I liked Nikolas even in the first half. He is consistently self serving and after they marry, he puts her in a separate room and ridicules her when he's not sexing her up. His excuse I suppose is a dark history from a horribly abusive father

He kinda looses it when his illegitimate son (by a dairy maid) is brought to him after the boy's mother dies. A son that Emma had no idea existed. Nikki decides that he doesn't want Emma's love and does the unforgivable.

Then there's the whole reincarnation thing. At first it's a few brief 'visions' that he has, but then he falls unconscious for an hour and in that hour he becomes his past self for months! . Not like other stories where you are seeing things through the previous 'self's' eyes, but it's like he's gone back in time. For 62 pages you get to read about Nikolas being Nikolai and falling in love with Emelia... Not Emma.

Then for the last third of the book we are back in the present and it's like Nikki woke up a changed man. He's no longer an emotionally abusive asshole, but a loving man who swears undying love and asks for forgiveness, as well as becoming a father to his son. It was just annoying and unbelievable and not even romantic. He makes no effort to woo Emma. No little gestures of tenderness. Just talk about his previous life and how he's a changed man now. Like he expects her to just 'become Emelia'. Fortunately Emma finds it pretty convenient and unbelievable too, but only for a little while before she's lapping it up. But there's always Emelia lurking in his thoughts. When we see his POV we see him thinking about Emelia, not Emma.

Safety is NOT GOOD, for many reasons.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,291 reviews3,553 followers
April 18, 2021
Um so... I really loved this.

The story was unique, different, and brilliant. This was all about the Heroes Journey and boy... does he go on a journey. I was fascinated and I loved it.

4.5 stars. I was gutted. So Beautiful. The grovel was amazing.
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,309 reviews930 followers
April 17, 2022
This is the second book in the Stokehurst series and takes place 7 years after the first book, Midnight Angel, which I read earlier in the book. The characters and story was introduced in that book and the heroine, Emma Stokehurst, is all grown up now. Her father and stepmother’s romance was book 1. This book is told in 4 parts and I had heard it was wild beforehand, but on my journey to read all of Lisa Kleypas’ backlist, I was going in regardless. And it delivered on the bonkers, it has an old school romance vibe with that 90s storytelling and this story involves time travel and a bit of reincarnation! Honestly these earlier reads of Lisa Kleypas do not read like her newer work since Bow Street Runners and Wallflowers and on.

Emma is now almost 20, just about 6 ft, a vegetarian, and has flaming red hair. Prince Nikolas has been in her life since she was 12-years-old as he’s a relative to her stepmother, both from Russia. In the first book he gifts Emma a tiger cub after coming to England after his exile from Russia. Emma still has that tiger and has a whole animal menagerie on her family’s estate.

So now to the story. I was surprised when Nikolas and Emma get married at 30% in, honestly the story was going really good at that point and I was really entertained. But things took an odd turn when all of a sudden the charming, protective, obsessed hero becomes very distant and cold after their 3 months of marriage. Like he ended her engagement to be with Emma but then cheats on her! Don’t get me wrong, Nikolas’ character has a lot of trauma and abuse from his past (at the hands of his father) and is definitely a complex character.

This is also around the point of the story that he starts getting glimpses and “pulls” into another life/scene/the past. When a painting in his home is uncovered, Nikolas gets pulled into the past…going back to 1707 Russia, 170 years in the past. But he’s still himself and knows he’s in the past. And then Nikolas seemed more into Emelia (who I’m pretty sure was his distant great (times however many) grandmother. Like dude what?! He is obsessed and in love with Emelia who he does later describe looks just like Emma (his wife in the future). But he falls for Emelia hard in the few months he’s with her in the story and even once he comes back to present day with Emma, he’s still thinking and searching for what happened to Emelia. But he’s supposedly a changed man since he’s return (which lasted 1 hour in present time, but months to him in the past) and is back in love with his wife and ready to take on his duties. But all while thinking of Emelia always in his POV?! Like I wanted so much more for Emma here! Emma was a much better, stronger heroine! They aren’t even the same besides looks and both being vegetarians. It just all felt so weird and like whose romance is this book supposed to be?! I’ve heard LK said in interviews she had never written a good and proper time travel story and would avoid doing them in the future. And I think that’s honestly best because what was this book lol
Profile Image for Bona Caballero.
1,451 reviews63 followers
May 3, 2022
Esta novela viejuna de Kleypas solo la aconsejo si quieres leerte todo lo suyo. Mete un viaje en el tiempo, elemento paranormal que en ella queda raro. Debe ser cosa de la época. Los personajes además no son de los que caen simpáticos.
Es la segunda novela Stokehurst, la niña Emma de la primera no parece muy lista: está enamorada de un cazafortunas pero luego se casa con el príncipe Nikolai, ruso en el exilio que está obsesionado por ella. Emma acepta porque hasta la fecha se han llevado bien, y él le ofrece libertad. Nikolai se aprovecha de un momento de debilidad. Lo que ocurre es que, mira que se lo han advertido, que el Niki es un egoísta que sólo piensa en sí mismo, que la traerá por el valle de la amargura… Pues efectivamente ella será infeliz en su matrimonio y luego pasan cosas y, en fin... Eso sí, la parte sensual estupenda, ¡qué bien se le dan esas escenas a Kleypas!
Crítica más extensa, en mi blog.
Profile Image for Sara.
248 reviews4 followers
October 26, 2010
This was an amazing story. It was actually written with a different flow than most other Kleypas books. I thought half way through that it was going to go downhill, but I was wrong!
This book had my heart thumping,burning, and breaking. I teared up at least 3 times! Beautifully written!
Another all time favorite!
Profile Image for Tarsis.
1,150 reviews87 followers
November 5, 2017
Me encantan los libros históricos, no le doy el 5 por un cambio radical en Nikolas que no me gustó.

Mientras ella está viviendo un romance a escondida, uno que sabe sus padres jamás aceptarán, Emma se enfrenta a su primo lejano Nikolas, quien se acerca a ella continuamente y no logra saber porqué. Él por su parte tiene otras razones, decidió desde que ella cumplió 13 años y la vio como un ángel de la guarda, que ella sería su esposa, su mujer. Aunque está completamente claro referente a que, la quiere, pese a que no puede amar.

Nada me había sorprendido en el libro hasta que apareció Jacob, el hijo ilegítimo de Nikolas y que lanzó por la borda cualquier tipo de acercamiento que se hubiese logrado entre Emma y él. Porque ella tiene razón, un hombre que no es capaz de amar a su propio hijo no es capaz de amar a nadie. Luego me confundí un poco con todo aquello del viaje en el tiempo y la experiencia extra-corporal. Admito que fue entretenido, pero no me gustó que el cambio fuese tan brusco e inmediato cuando volvió Nikolas. Jajajaja me reí con la parte de los celos, Emma tiene carácter.

Fue muy lindo de leer :)
Profile Image for Océano de libros.
807 reviews90 followers
August 20, 2019
2,5 estrellas.

Estamos en 1877, han pasado siete años desde que Nikolas Angelovsky y Emma Stokehurst cruzasen sus caminos, ella ya no es una adolescente, es una joven de veinte años que quiere encontrar un amor que la acepte como es. Él es un hombre que no sabe amar, fue acusado de asesino, torturado y expulsado de su país… hasta que siete años atrás viese a su ángel salvador, Emma, una joven que le inspira vida y que pretende convertir en su mujer.

Segunda parte de esta serie que apuntaba maneras por su misterioso protagonista y es que desde el momento en que Emma y él se cruzaron nos esperábamos mucho más y la verdad es que la autora en esta novela no ha tenido mucho acierto.
Continúa la reseña en: http://oceanodelibros.blogspot.com/20...
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,268 reviews13.4k followers
January 13, 2021
3.75-4 stars!

Sooo, this book I kinda have a mixed bag of feelings about. I struggled a bit in the beginning because Nicolas was kinda like a dark anti hero character. This was definitely the darker side of Lisa Kleypas, but I ended up being more and more intrigued especially when more of Nicolas’ past and the horrific-ness of it was revealed. It had a bit of a time travel element in it also that I didn’t expect so...yeah. This book was NOT what I expected, but I trusted LK and stuck with it. This is definitely not your typical swoony romance hero. This one has a dark, twisted and sordid past.

Also, because I’m a dork I read this book, book two before the first book. I was still fine though and the story wasn’t hindered. I’ll read book one next. 😆
Profile Image for Sarahcophagus.
463 reviews25 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-pause-or-oops-library-return'
May 9, 2023
I can’t remember what % I noped out of this but it was pretty early and I don’t regret anything.
Profile Image for Kira.
1,262 reviews138 followers
July 22, 2017
DNF @35%

Normally I wouldn't give up on a book this early on, but I've been ready for it to be over for a while. I read the first book in this series a few days ago and really liked it. Emma had been 12 in that book. Now she was 20, but there was no change in her character. She still acted like a 12 year old brat. Her incessant whining about how her parents treated her drove me nuts. By the time a kid is 20 it's not a parent's job to be at their kid's beck and call.

Emma was in love with some guy. It was obvious he only wanted her for her money. Then when the guy left she blamed her father although he didn't make him leave. Even when it became painfully obvious he only had wanted her money, she was still in denial about it. Nikolas took advantage of the situation. Since Emma was pissed at her dad she went along with his plan.

I didn't care for Nikolas one way or the other. He was an ass who lacked charm. It was clear from the start that he was in love with Emma although he was in denial about it. I'll never understand why a worldly intelligent man like him would be interested in someone as naive and bizarre as Emma. Their relationship advanced quickly, and I didn't care about the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. I read a few reviews with major spoilers about the book. I'm glad I quit reading it when I did or I would have been really upset I wasted my time on it.
Profile Image for Graylark.
962 reviews43 followers
September 27, 2015
I had to comment on this one because it was SUCH a disappointment when I had high hopes.

I really liked the premise that Nikolas had waited for Emma to grow up and had always wanted only her, and saw her as beautiful.

However, a lot of things turned me off. I persevered until 76% and gave up.

- Emma was such a bitch towards her family
- Her constant whingeing about how the fortune hunter dude would have been the only one to ever want her also got annoying after a while. That's not true love, that's just desperation.
- What is up with the sudden time travel inserted into the novel with no preparation or buildup whatsoever? Wtf? It was weird and a cheesy vehicle used to automagically change hero from cynical brooding guy to suddenly loving apologetic guy after.

I stopped reading at the point of this magical transformation after the even more magical time travel. It was patently ridiculous and I felt cheated after all the characters' struggling to come to grips with their histories and emotional baggage for it to be resolved in this cheap, absurd fashion.
Profile Image for Erin.
114 reviews
August 6, 2012
One of my favorite Kleypas books that everyone else seems to hate. Oh, well I loved it!
Profile Image for Auj.
1,504 reviews112 followers
January 23, 2022
I never really felt any connection between the hero and heroine. When they had sex for the first time, it felt like two friends just decided to take off their clothes and lie in bed together. No, that's literally how it felt lol.

The beginning of the book was 2 stars for me. The time travel part in the middle of the story was more interesting and 3 stars. I liked how Nikolas got to back to Russia and he met Emelia, his great-great-great grandmother. He had been calling Emma "Emelia" before. Nikolas is in the body of his ancestor. His ancestor had to choose a bride out of 500 women. Nikolas chooses the woman who likes almost exactly like Emma.

When he dies in the past and comes back to the present, Nikolas is a changed man. He's resolved to be a better husband and father to his bastard son Jake.

The thing is though, Nikolas fell in love with Emelia, not Emma. I couldn't help but feel that Emelia was better for him.

It was overall just disappointing as a romance because I didn't feel much romance...

P.S. Nikolas cheats on her once off-scene.
Profile Image for Lea's Audiobooks Hensley.
437 reviews54 followers
August 23, 2011
Narrated by Susan Duerden
As I listened to Prince of Dreams, I heard the theme song from Doctor Zhivago, Somewhere My Love, playing in my head. I can’t quite grasp why I long for a Russian historical romance when one can’t easily ignore the misery associated with that country’s history. But there you have it. I love even a hint of a Russian historical and Prince of Dreams provides that and much more while the bulk of the story is set in Victorian England.

Although I had read all but two of Lisa Kleypas' backlist, this was one that remained in the unread column. Even the thought of the leads enduring a significant separation is enough to make me walk away but to discover that said separation is in the form of a dream with lovers reuniting – well, that’s just not my usual style. But I had a force driving me to listen and that was narrator Susan Duerden. Kleypas’ backlist is slowly being released in audio with Rosalyn Landor at the narrator’s helm. For some reason, Duerden was chosen to narrate both Prince of Dreams and Midnight Angel and I welcomed the break in narration with a great sigh of relief. Landor’s interpretation of Kleypas’ heroes has yet to work for me and I’ve been longing for another Kleypas narrator. Thank goodness Susan Duerden was the choice. I totally fell for the world Kleypas creates in Prince of Dreams and it was made all the better by Ms. Duerden’s fantastic narration.

Written in 1995, Prince of Dreams would break some of those politically correct romance rules we have hanging around our necks if released today. Don’t expect a nice sweet romance (although it is rather sweet for the last quarter) or an alpha hero who changes his personality once he learns about love. Hero Nikolas Angelovsky is an exiled Russian prince and he is as dark and brooding as they come. He’s been waiting for Emma Stokehurst to come of marriageable age and just why he’s so interested in such an unlikely woman is all part of the tale.

Performing both English and Russian characters effectively, Duerden clearly differentiates all characters with flair and her narrative has a lively quality. The men sound totally male and there is no doubting the female roles either. I found myself lost in the story without once being distracted by some inconsistency in the narration. Along with Nikolas and Emma, the listener wonders about the confusing feeling of love and angst surrounding the couple. It’s like talking about a fully fleshed out character but instead the listener experiences a fully fleshed out narration especially during Nikolas’ dream. There’s a lot to understand about Nikolas and Duerden comprehends that the listener must find reason to forgive him. A word of advice here – don’t skip the dream scene.

Although Prince of Dreams is the sequel to Midnight Angel, it works well as a stand-alone. However, if you are going to listen to both, I suggest you do so in order. I’m planning on listening to Midnight Angel soon but beyond that, I don’t know if there are many Kleypas historical audios in my future. I see that Landor is scheduled to narrate the next three releases. I can only cross my fingers and hope that by the time Lady Sophia’s Lover and Worth Any Price are released later this year that Duerden will be back on board.

Review written for the 8/22/11 Speaking of Audiobooks column. http://www.likesbooks.com/blog/?p=6890
Profile Image for Ana María.
655 reviews42 followers
August 22, 2017
Estaba leyendo "Angel de medianoche", a punto de tirarlo al estante porque me aburría.

De pronto, en la página 287 (de las 380 que tiene mi ejemplar de bolsillo de Zeta de dicho libro) aparece él, Nikolas...secuestrando a la protagonista, Tasia, que piensa al verlo que es "la criatura más cruel y hermosa que había visto en su vida, con la piel dorada y esos reflejos áureos en su pelo castaño y un cuerpo de tigre que se hubiera transformado en humano por arte de magia"
y eso que ella está enamorada de otro.

Lo terminé, lo devoré, en un rato. Se me paraban los pelos cada vez que él aparecía, cosa que sucede en casi las 93 páginas finales.

Me puse a averiguar cuál era el libro de Nikolas, ya que en el anterior queda claro que iba a haber romance entre él y la hijastra de Tasia, Emma.

Entro aquí y en otros foros y descubro que es este libro "El príncipe de mis sueños" pero también descubro que las críticas no son muy buenas

En realidad, hay "detractoras", "fascinadas" y "más o menos", como en todos los libros. Pero más opiniones negativas que positivas.

A este libro lo devoré en 8 horas, ME FASCINO

El problema de Nikolas es que no sabe amar.

Aquí, Kleypas utiliza el recurso de un sueño para resolver los problemas de Nikolás. Creo que es lo que las lectoras más han criticado de esta novela.
¿Viaje en el tiempo? ¿Terapia de vidas pasadas? ¿Un sueño revelador?

Como a mí no me gustan mucho las cosas complicadas, elijo lo de sueño revelador. En él es Nikolas, un antepasado que vivió en Moscú en tiempos de Pedro El Grande. Es un príncipe, consejero del Zar.

Yo diría que su inconsciente se liberó y utilizó una historia conocida, la de su antepasado, para reflexionar. Un psicólogo actual se llenaría de plata con esta técnica.

Estos capítulos también me gustaron, pero claro, a mí me encanta la historia rusa. Me hizo recordar la vieja miniserie que vi como hace 1500 años, “Pedro el Grande”.

Termina, obviamente, bien. No fácilmente.

En definitiva, ME ENCANTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Siempre hay cositas que a una le gustaría que hubiera tenido otro tratamiento, por ahí más charlas y reflexiones juntos.
Porque estos tienen muchos problemas con la palabra amor pero con el sexo, ninguno.

La traducción no es de lo mejor. En la versión en inglés incluso hay más escenas.
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,327 reviews388 followers
June 11, 2013
Buku ini terdiri dari 4 bagian , bercerita tentang reinkarnasi yang ternyata sangat di percaya oleh masyarakat Rusia saat itu (abad ke 18-19).
Saranku,buat yang baru mulai membaca Lisa Kleypas, jangan membaca yang ini dulu,mulailah dengan Suddenly You atau kisah Heathaway.
It's a dark srory, with a dark background hero.

Kisahnya menarik sebenarnya, panjang dan kelam...untung nya aku penggemar Lisa Kleypas, hingga bisa tahan juga membacanya sampai selesai. Setelah part 2, hampir aku tidak lanjutkan membacanya, karena si hero nya , pangeran Nikolas, terlalu pengecut dan malah melarikan diri ke brothel. That's my lowest point for Nikki.

Mencintai Emma sejak usia Emma 13 tahun, selama 7 tahun hingga Emma dewasa, memang tidak mudah buat Nikolas. Hingga suatu saat Emma jatuh cinta pada Adam Milbank, satu2 nya cowok yang mau sama dia (Emmma ini tinggi banget dan menurut dia, dia tidak cantik, ga standard Inggris lah)....Adam yang gold digger, mau aja sama Emma, karena ayah Emma Luke Stockhurs adalah orang terkaya di Inggris.
Nah, Nikki mengancan Adam agar menjauhi Emma, karena dia ancam Adam sedemikian rupa jika berani mendekati Emma, bahkan memandangpun gak boleh.

Singkat cerita, Emma yang kecewa dengan surat perpisahan Adam,melarikan diri ke Nikki dan menyerahkan keperawanan nya pada Nikolas.
Nikolas yang memeng sudah terobsesi pada Emma, melamar Emma, dan Emma menerima lamarannya, pelarian, tanpa cinta, walaupun dia agak menyukai Nikki.

Pernikahan mereka baik2 saja, hanya Nikki memang tidak pernah sekamar dengan Emma dan selalu pergi setelah mereka make love, gak pernah memeluk Emma afterward. hal ini tentunya membuat Emma heran dan bertanya2.
Puncak nya adalah kedatangan Jacob, anak haram Nikki dengan cewek kampung,dan Emma berniat menampung Jackob, karena menurut Emma , itu tanggung jawab Nikki doong sebagai ayah nya.
Nikki terus menghindar mereka berdua.
Yang aku gak ngerti di sini, jika sebegitu kuat nya perasaan Nikki pada Emma ,kenapa dia malah menghindar dari Emma dan pergi keluar mabuk2an dan main perempuan di luar???

Nikolas punya alasan sendiri, dan alasan itu di jelaskan di part 3, saat Nikki time travelling satelah pingsan melihat potret dirinya sebagai Pangeran Nikolai , lebih dari 100 tahun yang lalu.
Mereka ternyata adalah reinkarnasi Nikolai dan Emelia (Nikolas dan Emma yg sekarang). Nikolai teramat sangat mencintai Emelia hingga bersedia menyerahkan hidupnya buat Emelia, sayang nya, Nikolai mati. Dan arwah nya penasaran mencari Emelia cinta sejatinya.

Bangun dari pingsannya, tiba2 Nikki sadar bahwa Emma adalah Emelia, dan dia memohon2 Emma untuk memaafkan dia, janji gak akan berkelakuan buruk lagi. Dia malah membuktikan itu dengan menyayangi Jacob dan setia pada Emma. Emma yang merasa di khianati tentu saja gak percaya, dan minta Nikki untuk stay away from her.

Adam tiba2 hadir lagi dalam hidup mereka,dan mengunjungi Emma, minta maaf dan mengatakan dia selalu mencintai Emma which was, tentu saja bohong.
Nicolas yang tahu hal itu meledak cemburu nya, dan Emma punya argumen yang bikin Nikki terdiam dan bertekad untuk lebih keras membangun lagi kepercayaan Emma kepada nya, dengan memohon2.

Cinta Emma di uji terhadap laki2 gak tau diri ini saat Nikki dijebak Adam dan akan dibunuh (untuk kedua kali masa hidup nya)....
Bisakan Emma bertahan dan kembali mencintai Nikki seperti sebelum nya?
Lalu bagaimana nasib Emelia dan anak Nikolai, Alexei di masa lalu? Emma menemukan jawabannya :)

Very dark, gak ada lucu2an nya. Karena aku fans berat LK aja makanya aku bisa menyelesaikan buku ini. Dendam sama Nikki yang mata keranjang, dan tidak seperti tokoh2 LK lainnya. Reminds me of my former husband yang drunken master dengan vodka nya dan kegemaran nya akan perempuan (lain)..

Well, it's just another story somehow....but not the best....

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Courtnie.
746 reviews67 followers
March 30, 2021
I enjoyed the Russian mysticism and superstition that comes in this story. I have been interested in fiction books that delve into Russian history and culture in the last couple of years. It's both brutal and fascinating.
I wholly get how readers do not care for heroes or heroines who are less than their names imply, make terrible mistakes, are seemingly horrible people. This is one of those books where the line could be crossed for many. I personally enjoy a good redemption story over any other. Prince Nicholai seems irredeemable, and to some he is, but for me the story that Kleypas tells in bringing his change is extraordinary. The idea that you can meet a lost love in a future lifetime is terribly romantic and the basis for his catharsis. A story of hope and love, with razor sharp edges.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
302 reviews1 follower
March 27, 2011
This one was just ok to me, and actually had it been written by any other author I may have even liked it more. But I've come to expect something more from Lisa Kleypas and this one just didn't deliver. It didn't feel like an LK book, Nikolas didn't have that certain magic that her heroes normally have and something happened in the book that really turns me off of a hero. I can only think of one other hero (not a Lisa Kleypas) whom I was able to forgive for this trespass. Disappointed.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 476 reviews

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