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Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.

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This book provides a comprehensive look at Dr. Erickson's theories in practice, through a series of case studies covering the kinds of problems that are likely to occur at various stages of the human life cycle. The results Dr. Erickson achieves sometimes seem to border on the miraculous, but they are brought about by a finely honed technique used by a wise, intuitive, highly trained psychiatrist-hypnotist whose work is recognized as a major contribution to the field.

320 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1973

About the author

Jay Haley

69 books22 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Frrobins.
360 reviews26 followers
January 19, 2016
As a therapist who utilizes brief therapeutic techniques, I'd been encouraged to look up the works of Milton Erickson for some history on the field. While reading this book, I struggled between the viewing this as a history versus a viable method of doing therapy.

And as a method of performing therapy, I can't say I recommend this. In addition to the use of therapies that have proved to be harmful, such as age-regression hypnosis, some of the solutions Erickson prescribed, such as a mother sitting on her defiant son all day, were rather abusive.

Further, this book is really showing it's age, conceptualizing problems as moving from one stage of development to the other. Problems tend to be resolved by moving into the next stage of development, moving out of the home, getting married, having kids, letting go of the kids, dying. While lip service is paid to the idea that not everyone needs to get married and have kids, pretty much every successful outcome in the book IS getting married and having kids, so...

Erickson also tended to minimize the biological origins of diseases such as schizophrenia and autism, implying that parents needed to either be stricter with their kids or do a better job of letting them go.

Other things have held up better, such as his emphasis on finding individual solutions for different people, and his focus on the family as a system and not just the individual in his office. He was also of the of few people practicing brief therapy in the heydey of long term psychoanalysis. His focus was on effecting change, not finding the reason why the problem was happening in the first place, and idea with merit.

One thing in particular that disturbed me was the assertion at the beginning of the book that therapeutic techniques such as hypnosis did not need to undergo testing into their validity. This is a wrong and dangerous assertion. And while Erickson claimed to have great success with his techniques, it is important to keep in mind that this book consists primarily of anecdotal evidence and there is no research into the long term functioning of his clients as compared to others who received no intervention. Therefore, I would caution to take what is presented here with a grain of salt.

That said, as a work of therapeutic history, this was interesting and the case studies were intriguing. Once I got through the introductory chapters, which were incredibly boring, this book was a fun read and I feel I have broadened my knowledge of the history of therapy. However, I do think it is very important for the modern therapist to not use this as a manual for therapy.
Profile Image for Long Soul System.
198 reviews476 followers
July 7, 2023
¿Cómo manipular a tus pacientes? Insúltalos, engáñalos, golpéalos, no les respondas.
Definitivamente es una "terapia" no convencional, pero no por el uso de "hipnosis" (manipulación), sino por su arbitraria estrategia que es más intuición impulsiva que estrategia, a veces hasta parece justificar su falta de paciencia y humanidad y la hace ver como "una genial estrategia".

Su visión heteronormada, misógina, y homofóbica fue difícil de soportar. Demasiadas cosas que están mal.
1. Golpea a una chica en los muslos (levantó su falda) durante hipnosis enfrente de su madre
2. Arregla que un hombre homosexual salga con mujeres
3. Insulta a mujeres y hombres por su sobrepeso
4. Insulta a mujeres por casi cualquier cosa (hasta por hablar)
5. Insulta a un judío para hacerlo hablar y caminar
6. Manipula a mujeres con terror al sexo para que "consuman el matrimonio porque es su deber".

Si llegase a tener algún buen insight sobre lo que es familia y cómo hacerla funcionar mejor, es en medio de todos sus prejuicios y violencias.
13 reviews
February 7, 2018
This book changed my view of what is possible and made me laugh out loud repeatedly. I finished it with a profound awe and fondness for Dr Erickson.
Profile Image for Melvin Marsh.
Author 1 book6 followers
December 27, 2019
I think much of the book is solid, but, of course, dated. I cannot imagine being allowed to do some of this nowadays, however it is hard to argue with Dr. Erickson's results and for that aspect I enjoyed the book. I think one of my favourites were either his transcripts or anything that was in his own words. He was a fascinating guy. I also had to laugh at how much his son Robert was mentioned (I had the pleasure of meeting Robert just a few weeks ago).
Profile Image for Thom XRobson.
3 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2021
As a MH professional I think everyone in my field would find the techniques of Erickson shocking today though I would say there is still something to be learnt from this remarkable and oftentimes bizarre character.

His treatment techniques are fun to hear (I used audible) about and the anecdotes themselves demonstrate how they work in practice. Creative and thought-provoking Ericksons use of therapeutic rapport, strategic intervention, language patterns and pursuasive techniques are seminal to the work of many others and thus he remains a founding father of modern psychotherapeutic practice.
Profile Image for Matt Smith.
9 reviews6 followers
April 26, 2008

... is worth the read for it's reviewal of "paradoxical assignments" therapists can suggest for patients.

Nothing groundbreaking unless of course one subscribes intensely to such modalities.

Interesting though in that Haley insists "going with/encouraging patient's resistance is a good way to reinforce the therapeutic alliance." He goes on to describe how this plays out and it's actually pretty convincing -- just depends on the tonality & context of rapport.

Not bad.
2 reviews
March 19, 2011
My favorite book. Explains life from start to end. Each chapter is dedicated to a different phase of life with the case studies of individuals that sought Erickson's hypnotherapy and how he also helped the individuals through the situation they had.

This is a great book for anyone that enjoys psychology and all its wonders. Also, Erickson was and is still a major factor in the study of hypnotherapy.
325 reviews17 followers
May 9, 2014
This is a pretty interesting book for anyone who is intrigued with Milton Erickson or hypnosis. I learnt a lot about hypnosis reading it. And quite frankly, most of Erickson's case studies are just beautiful. Particularly, in the last chapter, the Prussian German man he helps with a stroke by offending him/pissing him off and using the Prussian willpower to drive himself to health. It's kind of amazing the way Erickson can find things like that with everyone he interacts with.
Profile Image for Lisa.
462 reviews23 followers
August 28, 2016
I enjoyed reading the case studies in this book. I also admired Dr. Erickson's technique in dealing with patients. His techniques gave me a lot of food for thought in how I deal with others and with my own issues. Dr. Erickson has inspired me to think more of the outcome in changing my behavior and less about why I'm behaving in a certain way.
Profile Image for Oralia.
94 reviews3 followers
January 8, 2020
Un viaje de estudios reflejado en cada página donde aprendemos el enfoque y visión de quien sin duda representa una base en el tratamiento psicol��gico, nos devuelve la comprensión en el paciente y la importancia de estar a la altura del supuesto saber que nos trae la profesión. Una eminencia en su campo sin lugar a dudas.
Profile Image for Michael Chan.
66 reviews
July 11, 2023
A much needed paradigm shift away from the strict confines of the psycho-reductionism characteristic of modern insight/cognitive-based schools of psychotherapy.
Haley provides a collection of endlessly interesting case studies coupled with useful commentary.
This is a method that brings the poetry and art back into psychotherapy.
Profile Image for Jamey.
Author 8 books87 followers
October 27, 2007
This is an anecdotal book about the rather miraculous short-term therapies conducted by the legendary hypnotist Milton Erickson. It all seems too good to be true. Still, the stories are oddly inspiring.
15 reviews
September 2, 2014
Great information on a great therapist. Milton Erickson and his techniques can be a mystery, but this book makes his work more understandable and functional. Some of the work is dated, but much of the work is very useful to many therapy situations.
Profile Image for Charles Frode.
Author 6 books1 follower
January 26, 2015
Wonderful practical compendium of master therapist, Milton Ericson's techniques. Anyone who is a healer, communicator, teacher, or human being needs to learn his stuff. It is so practical, powerful, and useful. Get this Ericson book first, then the other more focused ones.
Profile Image for Sylvester.
1,340 reviews27 followers
July 28, 2017
The book is predominantly focused on family cycle and hynotism, along with some more novel techniques used in brief therapy. Kinda tedious to read since half of it consisted of Erickson's interview with the patients, but it did contain some interesting cases.
Profile Image for Bill Powers.
Author 3 books99 followers
March 12, 2015
A fascinating (from my perspective as a non-psychologist) look at non-traditional indirect/conversational hypnosis. Yes, I am going to use it in a story!
Profile Image for Mark Manderson.
571 reviews28 followers
December 27, 2016
Erickson is basically the father of hypnosis. This book covers example after example of how he'd put people in a Trance and get to solution quickly. Great info.
Profile Image for Alex Giurgea.
148 reviews8 followers
January 14, 2017
O carte care mai aseaza o caramida in intelegerea succesului terapeutic. Are un continut dificil, este plina de studii de caz, insa ideile principale se sedimenteaza.
Profile Image for Jehree Anderson.
190 reviews1 follower
November 30, 2019
Novel techniques in Brief Therapy. Really enjoyed reading more in depth on Erikson’s methods
February 5, 2020
Como psicoterapeuta Gestaltico, el libro proporciona casos prácticos los cuales podrías aplicar en terapia. Me ha sido muy útil.
Profile Image for DANIEL GHANIME.
83 reviews
June 14, 2020
After my “and my voice will go with you” just keep going and grab this book if you want to know more about Milton Erickson’s techniques and ways
April 26, 2021
Great book ! Great selection of cases of Dr Erickson incredible practice! Highly recommend for therapists looking for inspiration.
Profile Image for Michael.
45 reviews
December 18, 2021
I really enjoy reading the stories these cases involve. The insight he had is quite amazing. Some of the practices just wouldn’t fly today.
38 reviews
April 20, 2022
Covers a great breadth of interesting case studies but doesn't dive deeper into the actual hypnosis/trance process and why it works.
778 reviews2 followers
April 30, 2023
I re-read this book every few years. So good.
October 8, 2023
I enjoyed listening to this book and learned about the human lifecycle, its stages and requirements to transition from one stage to another. The author explains that if transition is not smooth (eg from teenage to adulthood) neurosis can develop. He presents the treatment and the technique behind using practical cases. I liked the practical and future oriented approach of Dr. Erickson. Highly recommended for couples, parents and caregivers.
623 reviews1 follower
September 13, 2024
The number of five star reviews on this book is appalling. The man sexually harassed his clients, encouraged parenting strategies that could have harmed children, and actively peddled harmful rhetoric. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry while reading this book. I’m all for nontraditional therapeutic techniques, but I fully believe this man is lucky he didn’t kill anyone.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews

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