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Unlimited: How to Build an Exceptional Life

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Many self-help books offer a lot of new age platitudes and sappy mantras like "Just love yourself," "See the glass as half full" and "Believe it and it will come."

Really? That’s not how it works, and you know it. A lifetime’s worth of struggle is not overturned in a small moment of positive thinking. But if you have the right attitude—attitude and skills—you can and will accomplish anything and everything you want. This book gives you both, attitude and action. By its end you will have all the tools you need to change your life. No hype. No false promises.

You will learn

• Cultivate your passion and embrace your uniqueness to create a purpose-filled life . . .on your own terms.
• Transform your suffering into peace, wisdom, and strength.
• Work through fear, worry, shame, and negative self-talk to blast through obstacles and create self-confidence, self-esteem, and a healthy self-image.
• Take powerful, informed, deliberate actions to make your dreams a reality.

Forget it’s your time to thrive. You do have the ability and potential to achieve unlimited health, wealth, and happiness. Getting there won’t all be easy—nothing worthwhile ever is—but take this journey and your life will change dramatically. Your possibilities are unlimited, and your life is waiting for you to break free and claim it

252 pages, Hardcover

First published April 5, 2010

About the author

Jillian Michaels

30 books280 followers
Jillian Michaels is one of the leading health and wellness experts in the country. Perhaps considered one of the most demanding people on television for her role as trainer and life coach on the NBC hit series "The Biggest Loser," Michaels has created a brand name for herself and motivates millions of viewers every week on television, approximately one million subscribers on her website and many more with her weekly radio show.

As a motivator and role model, Michaels has a unique connection with her audience that stems from her own personal journey towards wellness. Before she was a TV success, Michaels struggled with her own weight. She was determined to reach her goals -- and through dedication and hard work, she did.

Books, DVDs, video games, meal plans... Jillian Michaels does it all. Already a New York Times bestselling author, Jillian's third book was released in April 2009. Her DVDs are consistently top sellers with Amazon, including her most recent DVD, "30-Day Shred"; and her website (www.jillianmichaels.com) enjoys tremendous success from people looking to Michaels for her online wellness programs and her meal delivery program.

Michaels can be heard on her weekly two-hour radio health and wellness talk show on Clear Channel KFI AM 640, and she is the official AOL Fitness Coach. She is also currently working on the ninth season of NBC's "The Biggest Loser." She also just completed her video game for the Nintendo Wii, "JILLIAN MICHAELS' FITNESS ULTIMATUM 2009."

Recently, Michaels launched Empowered Media, LLC with the goal of creating total life solutions for people across all platforms -- health, wellness, weight loss and overall lifestyle. By imparting her unique and inspiring philosophy to her clients, stressing the integration of fitness, nutrition, and behavioral changes, Michaels empowers each person she works with to define and reach personal goals, both physical and psychological.

Empowered Media allows Michaels to communicate her message of health and wellness to a large audience through different mediums -- online, books, DVDs, gaming, exercise equipment and so on. The company will work towards the goal of creating total life solutions with a circle of experts that will work with Michaels to act as life architects. Her team will be a part of her overall health and wellness brand and will help people to re-structure their lives. The motto: "Inspired by Jillian, empowered by YOU!"

Michaels lives in Los Angeles with her beloved and faithful Chihuahua, Baxter. When she's not on the TV set, she enjoys traveling and getting involved in charitable activities, such as her work as an American Cancer Society Ambassador. Look for Jillian Michaels not only on "The Biggest Loser" but also NBC's "Losing it with Jillian Michaels," premiering in 2010.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 267 reviews
Profile Image for Kassel.
154 reviews18 followers
May 3, 2011
If you are struggling with self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love, I highly recommend this book. As a Christian, I read it with my lens of scripture on and agreed with most of her concepts. Of course, she doesn't come from a Christian perspective but many of her truths hold up scripturally. There are many Christians who will probably read this so-called self-help "mumbo jumbo" and think this book doesn't deserve 5 stars. I do. I think this book can revolutionize one's life, if given the chance.

Jillian breaks her book down into three parts:

1. Imagine: conceptualizing, crystallizing, and attaching yourself to a vision for the life of your dreams
2. Believe: learning to believe in yourself
3. Achieve: taking deliberate action to bring that vision into reality

Unlimited is a bold book, one I didn't expect from Jillian. That being said, she writes in her typical no-nonsense style, encouraging her readers to shed fear and failure for a vision of freedom and success. And as she stresses even during her workouts: "It doesn't come easy." My favorite chapters were on "Forgiveness" and "Stop Selling Yourself Short."

The only drawback with this book is that Jillian constantly relies on clichés to make her points. (They're clichés for a reason, right?) But she embraces her love of clichés, and in the end, she does get her point across (although I wish she had thought up original ways of saying the same thing). If you positively abhor clichés, steer clear of this book. If you're like me and prefer that they not be used, well... you can deal with this book then. Her advice and writing style more than make up for the lack of original analogies.

Obviously Jillian's best and longest success comes from The Biggest Loser show so most of her examples come from that experience. (To a lesser extent her other show, Losing It.) But her examples are always clear and support the point that she makes.

The book is also more of an interactive book/journal in which she challenges her readers in sections called "Working It Out" to identify each issue she addresses, and when appropriate, think up a solution. (The 24-page journal can be downloaded as a PDF on her website.)

Jillian's words are tough yet inspiring and she instills confidence in her readers to believe in themselves even when they think they cannot.
Profile Image for Diane.
1,082 reviews3,056 followers
August 18, 2016
I'm one of those who has a girl crush on Jillian Michaels. I liked her on the NBC show "The Biggest Loser," and recently I got hooked on her podcast. Looking for some inspiration, I requested her books from the library. I perused all of them, but I only fully read two of them: Unlimited and Master Your Metabolism.

The two books are very different. Unlimited features Jillian's life-coaching skills — it isn't about fitness or what foods to eat, it's about how we can remove the stumbling blocks in our life that keep us from being successful, in whatever area we choose. My favorite sections were about finding your passion, about forgiving those who have wronged you (a very powerful chapter), about adjusting your attitude to be more positive, and being more conscious in your decision-making. It's all good stuff.

As you probably know, Jillian is a very forceful personality. She speaks her mind, she doesn't hold back if she thinks you're making a mistake, and she'll point out a better path. The writing in this book is very much how Jillian talks, so it feels like you're having a conversation with her. Recommended if you want a boost from a tough trainer.
Profile Image for Debby.
931 reviews23 followers
May 26, 2011
No, I didn't read this book b/c I'm a fan of The Biggest Loser or Losing It. I've never watched one episode of either show. I've never watched or done one of her exercise DVD's. I heard the author being interviewed about this book on The Today Show and what she had to say to people who are stuck or paralyzed by fear in any area of their life, not just weight issues, really intrigued me. So, I listened to the book on CD, which happens to be narrated by the author. That fact alone made the book really good. Jillian Michaels is on very high energy and funny woman!

Unlimited isn't just a bunch of self-help cliches and motivational kicks in the butt. It's like going to a therapist and starting at square one where you're "stuck". The journey from begins by first finding out what are your desires, passions and goals in life or for whatever area of life is out of control and then going step-by-step (and breaking each step down into pratical detailed steps) thrugh what it takes to actually reach those goals.

Jillian Michaels is very caring and has compassion for hurting people, she's been through a lot of crap herself and it shows! However, because she cares, she definitely speaks the truth and sometimes emphatically. So she is brutally honest about her own life journey through personal pain, failures and successes, as well as in what she knows is necessary to break the cycle that keeps someone stuck in failure and defeat mode in life.

Her 4-step approach and all the parts of each step are very insightful and quite helpful. I found the "working it out" applications at the end of each chapter to be very good!

If you're stuck in some aspect of life or confused about where to start to work for change, then I'd highly reccomd reading Unlimited. I thought the book could be a great tool used in conjunction thus enabling you to read, learn, do the homework and also have the opportunity to talk things out with someone. Change like this is nt a quick fix at all. Talking through and gradually working through each of the steps in this book would be of great benefit and where I'd bet the greatest change would take place.

I must say though, I don't agree with any of Michael's views on karma, zen, or humanistic spirituality in the book. I just sifted that stuff out as I listened to the book. Also, Michaels is so "herself" in her writing style. As you read, you feel like she's sitting down with you and just talking things out. Therefore, her language isn't cleaed up in any way for the book. The swearing is her way of description and emphais, as she would normally speak. All in the name of being real and honest, I guess.

If you choose to read this book, I hope you find it as helpful as I did. I might even watch a season (OK, maybe a few episodes, as I am not a fan of reality TV shows at all) of The Biggest Loser just to see Jillian Michaels in action.
Profile Image for Shantel.
14 reviews2 followers
July 26, 2011
I've a severe love hate relationship with Jillian.
On some levels I feel she is a money hungry sell out looking to make a quick buck....
exercise videos and games and supplements and online diet programs, etc etc etc.
It's get annoying. That is the Jillian I hate.
(yet I still go and give her more money by buying her book...lol)

The Jillian I love is the tough talking in your face Jillian who doesn't sugar coat shit!
in this book she is in your face, giving zero tolerance for bs and excuses.
She says it like it is and really makes you take back responsibility for your life - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
you can own responsibility for all of it.
This book exceeded my expectations actually.

It's got a lot of positive thinking, laws of attraction fluff going on but if you can get past that, you will get a good slap in the face from Jillian.

Some parts of the book I didn't like were her examples. I thought most were kind of lame. She gives a lot of scenarios to her claims and I found them to be really...well... stupid. I don't how else to say it. There was one about a guy who was broke and part of the reason was his dog had to have surgery and so maybe he should have got pet insurance when he got the dog. Really?! I just didn't feel that was relevant or a good example of how "your circumstances are you own fault"

But, I still liked the book. Gave it 4 stars just because she cussed at me and got in my face and actually got me to realize a few issues that have been holding me back in certain areas of my life. She speaks my language in this book.

Profile Image for Angela Mcclanahan.
34 reviews3 followers
June 14, 2011
I did not like this book at all. And just to be straight forward I did not finish this book. What Jillian has done is read several self help books and compiled the parts she likes together in her book. The most notable example of this is the vision board which "The Secret" is mostly based off from. What she wants you to do is just do them all together and well of course one of them will stick right? I was trying to get past that, maybe she has her own spin on these ideas. But then one the thing she wants you to do is "pray." She them spends 2 1/2 pages describing the fact that she does not really mean pray to God but to just send messages out to the universe of your desires and how she likes to say pray so she does. With this yes I am a little biased as I am a Christian who does believe in God and does pray to my God. But if she just made a quick comment that when she means pray she also means meditation or positive thoughts to the universe and then went on no problem. But she goes on and on about it making excuses about why she wants to use the word pray. Then goes on and on about she is actually new age and doesn't believe in God. If she can't be confident in what wordage she wants to use then maybe that explains why she is just stealing ideas from other people.
Profile Image for Kimberly Smith.
150 reviews49 followers
October 30, 2012
I ended up loving this book. I love how open and honest and bold Jillian is. I could almost imagine her yelling the words to me in my living room while I read the impactful sections of the book, much like she does to the contestants on the Biggest Loser!

This book has nothing to do with weight loss necessarily, but EVERYTHING to do with fixing your life and not letting your mind hold you back. I loved it, because I think it had the missing ingredients that other teachers and gurus often miss. There are real, practical applications here to break through fears and limiting beliefs.

She talks about an elephant, held by a small chain that it could EASILY break free from. And yet because it's trainer used a chain to control it from the time it was very young, before it *could* break free, it now believes that it's stuck. And belief is everything. So the elephant just stays put. It doesn't even try.

Jillian might as well be a psychologist, because she truly gets to the heart of the matter with the people she works with. I would recommend this book to anyone who is growth oriented.
Profile Image for Donna.
4,241 reviews121 followers
May 29, 2016
I like Jillian Michaels. She was my favorite trainer on 'Biggest Loser'. I loved her no-nonsense approach to exercise and her 'anti-coddling/confront your demons' philosophy. But I'm not sure I liked the audio of this book. I still give it 4 stars though, for three reasons.

First, I actually learned something about myself that I never knew before, and it had me completely pondering this revelation. Second, I have a friend who has an addictive personality and as I've talked to him the past couple of months about one issue in particular, this book had me saying, "I need to get him a copy of this book because this would really help him." So now I have to get a copy and somehow work that into one of our conversations. The last reason is that the narration got considerably better as Jillian finally fell into her rhythm of this book. It just started out so impersonal, stilted, and devoid of any emotion.

Overall, she covered a lot of material in this book we've all heard before, but it was a nice reminder. I liked how she related it to her area of expertise, and how it is applicable to others aspects of life.
32 reviews
August 24, 2011
Some good advice, but ultimately I think Jillian Michaels should stick to fitness rather than life coaching/self help books. She's accomplished a great deal in her life, but I would have liked to see a bit more organization in the book. Also, I felt a lot of what she was writing was trying to be broad but ultimately was only applicable to a very small range of goals that people might have for their life (i.e. things that she accomplished or deals with, like losing weight or becoming a famous fitness trainer), which is fine if that's what you want to accomplish. If you generally want to be "unlimited" find another self-help book geared more toward your specific goals/strengths.
56 reviews
August 13, 2018
I skimmed through this book because I felt that she writes about a lot of the psychological aspects that affect people on their journey to weight loss. I don't consider myself in that category and so I skimmed through most of that. I did take some positive things from the book though.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Natalie.
12 reviews
May 8, 2011
You may not watch Biggest Loser or like Jillian's in your face tactics on the show. But her book (listening via audio) is great for those who need help with self esteem, self worth, or just a kickstart to living life on your terms.
Profile Image for Lizzy Seitz.
Author 2 books25 followers
February 17, 2018
4.25 out of 5 stars

I listened to the audiobook of this and I loved how different this was from the tv side of Jillian that you see. She gets way more personal in this book as well as motivational and it's wonderful! Also I had no idea how spiritual/ mindful she was and I love it! Definitely recommend this!
Profile Image for Lyddie.
390 reviews5 followers
June 5, 2012
Happiness is not a myth. It’s a choice. Please, don’t roll your eyes at me. I know it’s a tough cliché to swallow but, don’t worry, it’s easier to implement than it is to believe.
Once again, I’ve sunk knee deep into the self-help pool, this time with Jillian Michaels’ Unlimited (which, by the way, was well worth the MSRP of $18). Why? Well, I’ve begun to notice a strange little pattern in my life: every so often, my brain just stops thinking logically. I get overwhelmed by my goals and ambitions; everything I want seems out of reach; and, most frustratingly, all this emotion manifests itself in my daily life, weighing me down with fear and frustration. Obviously, I don’t need to convince you that negativity can be quite paralyzing.
So, in my attempt to be proactive, I turned to – what else? – a book. Not just any book, though. A Manual, capital “M”. A Guide, capital “G”. Unlimited is not just a self-help book, it’s a blueprint. Michaels has honed her skills as a trainer, coach (woman and human being) and has collected all her thoughts onto 244 valuable pages.
First of all, does Jillian Michaels know what she’s talking about?
A resounding yes. And you want to know why? Because she comes from a place of complete honesty. She isn’t afraid to share examples of her own bad, inappropriate behavior, and how she overcame emotional hang-ups to become the successful person she is today. In addition to being incredibly knowledgeable, she freely admits that she’s always struggling with specific problems and that success is an ongoing process, and that we will make mistakes.
Why self-help books are not a crock:
Believe me, I’m the last person who would ever become an advocate for the self-help genre but, recently, my eyes have been opened to its real and practical value. Another unexpected reason? Positivity matters. And I do not mean this to sound like an episode of Full House but, try to think about your daily exposure to negativity. Everything from television to the books you read becomes the soundtrack for your life. So, if all you do is consume the news (murder, mayhem, horrible things happening everywhere, etc.) and read horror novels (people coming back from the dead with demonic intentions, etc.) and watch sad, emotionally draining movies, then you will feel more likely to identify with sadness than happiness. This is not to say that you have to read Chicken Soup for the Soul 24/7! Even I’m not that positive! But, it pays off to feed your mind happy thoughts.
Favourite kick-ass quote:
“I know what you’re thinking: What’s Jillian Michaels doing writing a self-help book? She’s the fitness guru, right? The fact that people think of me as a fitness guru is hilarious. I imagine a fitness guru as someone who wears spandex, feels the burn, and loves an endorphin high, then follows it all up with a shot of wheatgrass. That is so not me! What I do is not about fitness. Exercise is just one of the tools I use to help people rebuild their lives.”
Best advice from Jillian:
The concept of “target practice”, though obvious, hit me over the head with a Eureka hammer. Michaels touts the use of practice which, I think, is a no brainer; target practice, on the other hand, has an added specificity that will not only enhance your focus but will truly move you toward the desired goal. To work on the weakest elements of your game plan is, again, incredibly obvious, but sometimes it takes the words of someone else, perfectly articulated, to bring the idea to the forefront of your mind.
What I learned from this book:
Michaels will help you identify your patterns, both good and bad. What I found especially helpful is that her method is not gimmicky. As she points out that Unlimited does not come with a side of Kool-Aid. She wants to help us to see through our own behavior and be able to identify unhealthy habits, but she doesn’t expect us to hold hands, sing camp songs around the fire and start spouting lovey-dovey self-affirmations. So, in short, I learned how to see through my own bullshit.
Why you need to read this book:
Because everyone can see a little clearer, listen a little closer, feel more empathy. Unlimited should not be relegated to the self-help shelf in the bookstore. It’s a book about being human, how and why we make mistakes, and what we have to do to stay consistently progressive in our lives.
The Challenge:
Try reading something positive for 30 minutes before you go to sleep, perhaps an insightful article or a fun book. Watch a comedy and laugh a lot. No matter what, keep it simple and keep it happy. Fall asleep feeling capable and ambitious, not worried and anxious.

Check out more book recommendations at www.theliterarylollipop.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Carrie.
180 reviews3 followers
August 24, 2014
I have recently been watching a marathon of the Biggest Loser episodes on Hulu and really have enjoyed the dynamics of both coaches Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper. I thought I would see if Jillian had any recently published books and discovered this book, which was more of a self-help guide for everyday living and not built around just weight loss. I thoroughly enjoyed her very down to earth and honest approach to life--never sugar-coated but instead helping to guide the reader in a way to see how every little thing you do, often subconsciously,has an impact (negatively and positively) on our life. Rather than being preachy, Jillian's approach is very simple, using great examples of all kinds of different events that happen in every day life and applying the various steps and suggestions in her book. As a narrator, she is very charismatic and dynamic and really made this book so enjoyable and easy to listen to. Some might be offended by her occasional curse words (something I had seen mentioned in other reviews on Audible when I was trying to decide if I wanted to buy this audiobook), but honestly, it really wasn't as bad as some people would have made it out to be. Jillian's book is 'real' and I definitely plan to have another listen again soon. I even managed to borrow a hard copy of it from the library to skim through. Worth a 5 star rating from me--one of the few books I have found recently to be THAT good.
Profile Image for Sheralyn.
Author 22 books280 followers
August 6, 2016
I like this book. I never planned to read it. I was just at the library and there it was on the display with a little halo around it. I don't see books that call out to me very often, so I picked it up.

Is it perfect? No.
Is it disorganized? Yes.
Did I wonder more than once if the typesetter was on crack while formatting this book? Yes.
Did it have anything new to say? Not really, but I was totally okay with that for some reason.

For me there was charm in the all-around roughness of the book. Jillian Michaels is not a writer. She's a communicator and a trainer who is very good at her job. She doesn't like excuses, and I don't like excuses, so her tough style is like personal catnip for me. I love it when people just say things as they are, which she does. And I also love that she is uncomfortably frank at times about how deeply she needs to take her own advice. She's not some Buddha under a tree dispensing wisdom to the less enlightened. She's got issues. She knows she has issues and if sharing them is going to help you, then she doesn't mind sharing them.

And if they don't help you? Well that's just your problem.

All in all, me likey. And because her words got me asking questions I'd never asked before, I give this book full marks. After all, isn't that what these books are supposed to do? Think something new?
Profile Image for Misty.
110 reviews5 followers
December 14, 2011
I have few books that are AMAZING and I've got to say ... THIS ONE WAS. Jillian has a way to get you right in your core (that is the center of your heart)! Mind you this read is definatley not specifically set for fitness goals but goals of all nature. I'm a big goal setter myself and with the new year coming around or if you just want to change/add something to your life this is the book to pick up. I'm not kidding spend a little time with Unlimited and you'll be on your way to achieve!! She helps with online quizzes, goal setting, vision boards, motivation, whatever else she does to get you there. ON top of that Jillian has a way to keep you reading you definately wont want to put this book down. The only reason I stopped myself from finishing it was to write important adice down or work on a goal, other then that I was gulping it right up! Now if you know Jillian she does swear a bit and honestly I'm not a swearing kind of person but gosh dang it she does it for a reason (if you want to justify it). Anyways off to my goals good luck to you all and CONGRATS if your reading this you may be up to a new start in your future!
Profile Image for Gypsy.
104 reviews10 followers
March 2, 2012
This audiobook is surprisingly good, especially when the Jillian Michaels narrated the book herself. The book has lots of useful materials & thought experiments, and she is funny to listen to.
As a paperback book I might have lost interest during the book’s early chapters with the “out there” “new-age” bits purely out of reflex. But since she was the one that read it, her sincerity came through her voice & it was like listening to a friend talking. So, it was easy to let her finish her point & to see that the “new-age” bit was only a tiny portion of the entire book, put there to complete the whole picture she was presenting. I didn’t follow the Biggest Loser show nor have I seen any of Jillian’s fitness videos. You don’t need to be a fan of her shows to relate to this book, this book goes far beyond just the physical fitness; it’s an attitude adjustment for all aspects of life.
Profile Image for Carol.
42 reviews3 followers
February 11, 2013
It feels a little cheesy to admit having read a "self-help" book and one by Jillian Michaels, whose persona doesn't exactly scream gravitas, professionalism, or sophistication. I have enjoyed watching "The Biggest Loser" episodes and have felt inspired by the show. So, I thought why not get some inspiration from one of her books.

It's a fast and easy read. Jillian gives it you to straight and you can imagine her just screaming at you to get your lazy a$$ off the couch and GO GET WHAT YOU WANT. I can really appreciate that since I can feel rather lost and uncertain of myself. The steps to go about change aren't all that new or enlightening. However, if you are looking for that motivation to get you going to go after what you want in a simplistic manner, I recommend this book. Jillian is a good motivator in this sense. I especially enjoyed her own personal examples and stories from "The Biggest Loser" and her other show, "Losing It".

Profile Image for Heather.
365 reviews6 followers
October 18, 2012
This book isn't what you might think it's about. Well I thought it was more towards people wanting to workout and eat right. Well it is but it's really not about that! This book is for ANYONE who wants to become a better person inside and out. Spiriturally, mentally and physically as well. This book will make you think and give you idea to more forward in your life in a positive manor. I love books like this. I love this book the most of all of Jillian's book. It's very clean cut and to the direct point. She does not sugar coat anything. She says it like it is and doesn't worry about it. She's smart and beautiful inside and out and an inspiration to ME and to many! I will read this book again and apply what I learned. I will work on the pyramid GOALS that was mentioned in the book as well. :) This is a must own and read book! Thank you Jillian!
Profile Image for Karen.
124 reviews29 followers
May 3, 2011
I've never read a self-help book before, but I find it hard to believe that Jillian's is much different from anything else out there. However, I'm always up for a push in the right direction from this particular health & wellness guru, and I'm a big fan of her no excuses/you are the master of your destiny/DON'T QUIT! mantra. One thing that really resonated with me was her constant reminder that, while shitty things happen to people all the time and sometimes it feels like you don't have any control, you are completely in control of your emotions and reactions to people and events that hurt you. While some people experience her brand of tough love to be callous or, well, tough, I find it to be quite empowering and motivating.
Profile Image for Maria (Ri).
502 reviews46 followers
February 2, 2012
You know it is 2012 when Jillian Michaels has a book on spirituality! She is basically saying what many other great teachers are also saying (Wayne Dyer, Michael Beckwith, Mary Morrissey, Gay Hendricks, etc) but with A LOT more cussing. She is reaching a new targeted audience that these other authors may not reach, which is fantastic. I listened to the audio which Jillian reads herself. On the one hand, it is great to hear it in her own voice and intonation. On the other hand, I would only listen to it in the car when my kids were not with me!

As a naturopathic physician, I am so happy to have another resource to offer patients who are interested in exploring their greater potential but are turned off by "new age" stuff. This is a great fit for them!
249 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2013
This book helped me immencely.
I'm currently a Criminal Justice student that was originally planning to work in the Special Victims Unit, until I found out that SVU agents are actually detectives, which would require me to become a police officer, which is not what I want to do. So I had no idea what I was going to do with my life and future degree, but knew I loved all the subjects and was enjoying the program. So I grabbed this book at the library, and within the first chapter, I discovered that my answer lied in my past--- and all I had to do was go back and find it! Now I plan to go back for a bachelors in Communications, and become a crime reporter or news anchor, and possibly start my own talk show.
Profile Image for Karen Nowicki.
19 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2011
I consider myself a relatively put-together, can achieve anything, type of person so the book itself wasn't particularly eye-opening but it's a good book to remind yourself of the things you have to do in order to be better. It's a pretty easy read with no nonsense, easy path to follow in order to feel better about whatever it is you want to improve in yourself. Jillian uses a lot of examples from people she knows, contestants/families she's worked with on Biggest Loser and Losing It, and her own life as teaching tools. If you don't know where to start on creating a better life or you just need a reminder now and again this is a pretty good book to help you with that.
Profile Image for Dawn Mateo.
165 reviews3 followers
June 1, 2011
Jillian has this way of speaking to you in a way in which you FINALLY understand WHAT to do and HOW to do. There are many sections called "Working it out" in which you participate and write thoughts, plans, goals, etc.. in fact, the whole book requires participation, mostly...critical thinking, of yourself. I borrowed an audiobook from the library, but have plans on buying a copy and reading when my self esteem starts to get in the way of my goals and my life.
Profile Image for Lori.
132 reviews
February 1, 2016
Before reading this book I was thinking isn't Jillian Michaels strictly a fitness guru? How can she help me with a positive attitude and to get myself on track for a life I want? Well, this book proved me wrong! I loved her insight and tools on how to have a positive life and how to get there. She also explained what baggage you need to leave behind and what negative areas you can flip to make it a positive. I loved her no BS attitude and I plan on reading her other books.
Profile Image for Krista Skene.
32 reviews
May 13, 2011
This isn't the best self help book I have read but it does have a lot of good ideas. Jillian doesn't seem to have much confidence in her 'self help' writing. I want to read one of her other books to compare.
Worth a read, especially if you need a push.
Profile Image for Laura Lesburg.
13 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2011
I adore Jillian Michaels and I especially adore when she tells me how to live my life. Not a schmoozy self-help book that tells you to think positively...but seriously realistic, tough, and totally encouraging and motivating.
Profile Image for Rachel.
24 reviews25 followers
July 7, 2011
I read this one right when it came out. I expected another diet book, but this one definitely wasnt diet related. She took on more of the mental issues that people deal with, and I appreciated what I read.
Profile Image for Courtney Foster.
88 reviews1 follower
April 13, 2011
I love me some Jillian so I had to read this! It was good for the type of book it is and really got me motivated!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 267 reviews

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