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Breeds #8.5

Wolfe's Hope

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Hope believed Wolfe was dead, but he was only waiting for the right time to claim her. The scientist who created him, Hope's mother, has forced his hand. She wants her creation back, and she wants any children he may breed on her daughter.

He is a man whose DNA was altered, infused with the genetic code of the wolf. His unique genetic makeup has created a male unlike any other and will make itself known in the most surprising ways. Now Hope must convince her mate she hasn't betrayed him, and they must defeat the plans of a scientist gone mad.

41 pages, ebook

First published December 5, 2002

About the author

Lora Leigh

201 books10k followers
Lora Leigh lives in the rolling hills of Kentucky, often found absorbing the ambience of this peaceful setting. She dreams in bright, vivid images of the characters intent on taking over her writing life, and fights a constant battle to put them on the hard drive of her computer before they can disappear as fast as they appeared. Lora’s family, and her writing life co-exist, if not in harmony, in relative peace with each other. Surrounded by a menagerie of pets, friends, and a teenage son who keeps her quick wit engaged, Lora’s life is filled with joys, aided by her fans whose hearts remind her daily why she writes.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.



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191 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 210 reviews
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
April 15, 2017
What a disappointment!!! I was so looking forward to Hope and Wolf’s story but all I read was more explicit mating frenzies….with a lot of same from previous books
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and a lot of
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and lots of
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wow, everything about Hope did it for Wolf,
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even though he wanted to kill her…why???? Because she betrayed him but not really…she just had an evil Mom who just happened to be a WICKED SCIENTIST!!!!

Okay, I really enjoy erotic romance but after reading pages and pages of explicit sex (which I like as well) and not much of a plot, I’m like……
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Perhaps if this had been a longer book – this was a novella of about 57 pages – I might have engaged with the two mc’s…..
In my opinion, if I had not read this, I would not have missed much of the series.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
October 24, 2016
Breeds 10
Wolf Breeds 2
Featured Couple: Wolfe (wolf) & Hope (human)

I would like to start with an observation I have been dying to point out since the day I started writing the Breeds Reviews:

Felines’ leader: Callan Lyons with his book “Tempting The Beast”, pages 284
Coyotes’ leader: Del-Rey Delgato with his book “Coyote's Mate”, pages 341
Wolves’ leader: Wolfe Gunnar with his book “Wolfe's Hope”, pages 41 !!!

There is nothing that can be done now. I just wanted to say that it is a bit unfair…

Anyway, in just 40 pages Lora Leigh still manages to pull off a robust love story with a bit of action on the side.

Hope’s mother in the scientist who is performing experiments on Wolve before the Breeds were set free. The evil scientist discovered that her 17 years old Hope is Wolve’s true mate. Thus, she used her daughter as a lab rat to try and make Wolve breed on her. Wolve bit and marked Hope, but did not do anything else with her.

The book starts 6 years after the escape of Wolve who abandon Hope. Now he is back, he has kidnapped Hope and he is torturing her (using an enjoyable way some may think) in order to confess whether she has taken another mate and has forgotten about him.

The place where he keeps her locked is not specified, but I think it must be Haven (the new Wolves’ Breeds compound/base).
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,840 reviews753 followers
May 28, 2020
I’ve only read one book by author Lora Leigh. It was called Menage A Magick and I picked it up because of the catchy blurbage that delivered on the promise of the heroine being “the filling in a wizard sandwich”. Tell me, could you have resisted?


Anyway it was okay, nothing special, nothing awful so I decided to try this one when it turned up in audiobook format. I’ll read anything on audio and I mistakenly thought this was Book 1 in the Wolf Breeds series but I think it’s actually Book 10. It doesn’t really matter because the author spends a good amount of this 70 minute audiobook explaining how “The Breeds” came to life when an evil scientist created them in a lab to create an indestructible army and to mate with human women who are barren.

Hope is the daughter of the mad, cold-hearted scientist who plans to breed her to her creation named Wolfe. She forces an aphrodisiac on this barely 17 year old girl and throws her in a cage with Wolfe to “breed”. Wolfe marks her with a bite but doesn’t do the breeding dance because she’s too young. His mark, however, keeps her safe from other men and marks her as his property. Soon after, a fire happens and the would-be lovebirds are separated. Hope believes Wolfe has died and for six long years suffers from an arousal she can’t quench (has she no right hand, I have to wonder?!). Every time another man touches her she pukes and then Wolfe shows up. But alas all is not bliss . . .

She faints in some sort of fit of unconsciousness when he touches her and when she awakens finds herself tied to a bed and half naked with an enraged Wolfe lurking over her. Oh my! What’s a girl to do? Beg for release from the restraints, perhaps? Instead she begs for release from her sexual frustration begging for his cock. She must have it now! She has waited oh-so-long, after all. Instead he proceeds to torture her with sexual titillation but refuses to give her an orgasm because he thinks she’s a liar. He berates her, he accuses her of terrible things and all the while he continues to touch her and she is weeping from her eyes and her, well you know, from the frustration of it all.

Can you dig it?

I can’t. This was narrated by a guy which just made the whole thing feel seedy to me (sorry, but it’s true). He paused a lot and his reading was rather lifeless, the few times he perked up and acted out Wolfe’s anger just didn’t feel right and pulled me out of the story. My head started to throb from the repetition, the constantly clenching vagina, the ridiculous accusations made by his assholiness and the bad behavior being explained away by “genetics”. There was also a complete lack of characterization. I was annoyed by the entire scenario and 70 minutes of this stuff was too much to handle. I sure as hell hope the other books are better than this snippet, surely they must be?
Profile Image for Beatriz.
914 reviews824 followers
June 8, 2021
¿Qué onda? Pareciera que a la autora la tuvieron presionada por otra entrega y escribió algunas páginas por cumplir (y realmente fueron algunas páginas, no me demoré ni una hora en leerla). Entretiene, pero en el contexto de la serie, decepciona.
Profile Image for Kitzya.
101 reviews93 followers
April 6, 2016
lo lei por que trataba de lobos... ha sido mi primer libro de esta autora y creo que va a ser el ultimo. No me gusta esa relacion de chica débil y macho desconfiado. -3- puede que lea otro pero si es igual, me despido de está autora.
4 reviews
June 1, 2018
This book was a waste of time and space. What is wrong with LL? Why would she ever give a supposedly strong male leader of the wolf Breeds such a terrible, horrible backstory with his mate? His portrayal is nothing more than a dumbass dickhead douchebag who jumps to insane conclusions because a woman he KNOWS he cannot trust sends him pictures. Mmkay. And as another reviewer stated: the doormat, I mean mate, automatically forgives him instantly. Uuuummm...did you forget that he let you believe he was dead for SIX YEARS because reasons. And not even good ones, stupid macho male ego ones. But he declares that “she KNEW he was alive” because he is a mind reader and obviously knows what is in her brain. Yeah. I thought Breeds could smell lies...but that only really works if you take the time to ASK, and then LISTEN. Idiot.

Again, Wolfe takes the word of a crazed lunatic who used her daughter as a lab rat in a mad science experiment instead of bothering to ask the daughter. This is the woman you think Hope has partnered with. The woman who used her in a horrible fashion, and could not *possibly* be scheming up some evil plan to get you. Obviously Hope is in on it. Because she’s a masochist. Are you getting my sarcastic disbelieving tone here?

Oh, and did I mention the ridiculous, “well you have no barrier so you obviously are no longer a virgin” reason he believes she’s been out whorin around? Because as we all know, there is NO OTHER POSSIBLE EXPLANATION, right? I mean, THE ONLY thing that can POSSIBLY break the hymen is sex with a man and his penis...right?! RIGHT Lora Leigh?!?! It’s insulting.

This whole little novella is just...I wish I hadn’t wasted the hour and a half it took to listen to the audiobook. Fortunately, the version I listened to was a female narrator as opposed to some out there who listened to a male narrator instead...shudder. She did as good a job as she could with such material, but even that can’t elevate this past one star.

I’ve already spent too much time venting about this, so I’ll just say that I’ve enjoyed most of the other Breeds stories I’ve listened to so far. Some of them have a few issues that bothered me a little bit, but I just rolled my eyes at the alpha testosterone and moved on. This story took those issues and ran with them over a bridge too far.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Zeek.
889 reviews149 followers
April 27, 2011
Way too short to make this one really work- Wolfe came off too harsh and unreasonable- BUT I love what I see of these two later on in the books ...

I’m hoping LL will revamp and expand. Though only $2.99 from EC, it’s too short by far.

Hope believed Wolfe was dead, but he was only waiting for the right time to claim her. The scientist who created him, Hope's mother, has forced his hand. She wants her creation back, and she wants any children he may breed on her daughter.

He is a man whose DNA was altered, infused with the genetic code of the wolf. His unique genetic makeup has created a male unlike any other and will make itself known in the most surprising ways. Now Hope must convince her mate she hasn't betrayed him, and they must defeat the plans of a scientist gone mad.

First chronologically in LL’s Wolf Breed series, this tale was just too brief for my liking. Don’t’ get me wrong, the wolf breeds, created from human genes spliced with wolves, are hunky and ubermacho. Wolfe and Hope, the hero and heroine, met while Wolfe was imprisoned in the Breed labs where he was created. Hope is the daughter of one of the chief scientists at the lab. Wolfe wants nothing but revenge on Hope’s cold and brutal mother and, after the breeds escape, he’ll use Hope to get it.

I liked Wolfe and Hope, but that’s only because I’ve read the rest in the series. Because the story is so fleeting, LL seemed unable to round out the characters. We get a bit more of whom they are in the later stories, but still, it’s not enough. This is why I’m hoping she’ll eventually expand on it. ::crossing fingers::

Per usual, the sex is hot and graphic, with the sexual tension elevated. It’s just not long enough to ain any more points by me!
Profile Image for Kerry.
1,538 reviews113 followers
January 24, 2010
This is one of Lora Leigh's early entries in her Breeds series, a short story published with Ellora's Cave. In the years since, the series has moved to mainstream publisher Berkley, and she has significantly expanded the world she has created.

I'm one of those people who really likes to read a series in order. This can become quite a stress when publication order and chronological order differ and I have to choose one or the other to follow. In this case, I'm working with the series chronology provided by Leigh on her website.

That makes this early story number 10 in the series and that's where I've read it. Sadly, it's a huge step down from the other Breed books I've read so far.

I realise that saying I read this series, which counts as erotic romance, for the worldbuilding probably sounds like claiming one reads Playboy for the articles. But it is true. I enjoy the romances and especially the wider developing story more than the sex scenes. Sure, I'm happy to read explicit sex scenes if that's what I'm in the mood for, but I want more than that.

In Wolfe's Hope that's really all that there is. There's a very cursory bit of backstory but mostly it's a case of a badly done I-hate-you, I-hate-you (but I can't help having sex with you), I-love-you story. Since that's a device that tends to annoy me unless it is done very well, this story didn't have a lot of a chance with me.

In its defence, it is a very short story, leaving very little space for plot if there needs to be explicit sex (and this was written for Ellora's Cave after all and is part of an erotic series). All the same, it really did nothing for me. There's no real story, no character development. It's just sex.

If you're reading the Breeds series and enjoying the characters and the Breeds' struggles to be accepted as being as much people as normal humans, give this one a miss. It doesn't have any of that at all.
Profile Image for PJ.
609 reviews156 followers
March 21, 2015
2.5 'Hopeful' Stars
Audiobook version

This reminded me so much of a Laurann Dohner New Species book. That's a positive. Everything was there: great setup & story idea, strong characters with sizzling chemistry, My only issue was that the story was entirely too short. Even 50 more pages building up the background and their history, drawing out Wolfe's search for Hope, how torn he is between his rage and his lust for her. There's just not quite enough here. It would make a great Prologue to another story about Wolfe and Hope, or the Breeds, or the evil organization behind their creation.

Still, it did make me want to read another Breeds story and learn more about them.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
793 reviews19 followers
December 27, 2010
I promise that the low rating is not due to this being such a short story, though I would have appreciated at least a novella length allowance for more depth of the characters. The setup was great, as a way to introduce the wolf breeds. But what Wolfe does to Hope did not sit well with me. How Hope instantly forgives Wolfe sat even worse. Maybe I should be happy this was not longer.
Profile Image for Dee.
189 reviews
March 8, 2011
I think my review contains a spoiler so I privatized it.

I had a problem with the premise of the book.

Nearly all of the plot entails Wolfe accusing Hope of wrongdoing with Hope denying she did anything wrong. My problem is that if Breeds can smell lies (per all of the other Breed books), shouldn't Wolfe have known Hope was telling the truth? Instead, he kept accusing her of lying.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Delta.
1,912 reviews24 followers
July 20, 2014
1.5 stars Warning, Will Robinson...This tale is illogical!

First, apologies to my friends who loved this. I simply cannot agree on this one.

It is insulting to readers' intelligence when authors are very inconsistent with their own world building as is the case in Wolfe's Hope. Given what the readers know about breeds after just one story, most of this tale is not logical. For the record, I have generally enjoyed the Breeds series up until the past couple of books when the logic problems and some others have become more rampant.

For example,

The "hero" does not compute...

As for the Wolfe, the heroine, Hope Bainesmith, summed him up when she said, "You tied me up. You touched me while I was unconscious...You're no better than the bastards who created you, Wolfe." Wolfe is another annoying "hero" who knows what is best for the heroine and makes decisions in the name of protecting her and keeping her safe without ever having the first conversation with her about it. After all, that would be crediting the female with a brain and something to contribute!

The heroine is just a victim.

This is not an uncommon trope for creating angst, but it would have been more tolerable if the heroine had called him on it. Instead, she seems to support his actions by her response to it. it seems they then proceed to happily ever after.

If you are enjoying the Breeds series, my recommendation is that you just say no to Wolfe's Hope and skip it.
Profile Image for Mhairi.
158 reviews3 followers
April 26, 2017
Wolf's Hope (a short story) in the breeds series while a great start to the introduction to the pack and wolves I just wish it had been a bit longer.
Profile Image for Esther.
539 reviews28 followers
January 26, 2020
3.7 stars.

A short read but well written. The heat though... man I love a good love scene..
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Asounani.
535 reviews
February 27, 2017
Unnn estuvo bien pero le falto bastante, es divertido esta escritora tiene un claro problema desarrolla demasiado algunas historia al punto de volverlas pesadas y monotonas y otras simplemente no les da importancia.

En general esta es una de las historias a las que no le dio importancia solo la creo y listo no penso demasiado solo siguio el patro de otras. Una lastima de 10 hasta ahora rescato como 3 o 4 historias a lo mucho
Profile Image for Melanie.
460 reviews17 followers
November 6, 2015
Es gibt gute Kurzgeschichten und es gibt jene, die das genaue Gegenteil davon sind. „Wolfes Hoffnung“ zählt zu letzterer Kategorie und im Grunde kann man sie auch gleich wieder vergessen. Genau genommen ist die Kurzgeschichte eine einzige lange Sexszene, ohne tiefere Gefühle, ohne Einbettung in die Reihe, ohne weitere Informationen. Kennt man die Reihe nicht, wird man mit der Geschichte selbst nichts anfangen und sie nicht einordnen können und auch das Verhalten der Charaktere wird ohne dieses Vorwissen nicht verständlich, geschweige denn nachvollziehbar erscheinen (den Eindruck kann man sogar gewinnen, wenn man die Reihe bereits seit längerer Zeit liest). Und auch wenn man die Reihe kennt, wird man hiervon maßlos enttäuscht sein. Ich frage mich wirklich was sich die Autorin dabei gedacht hat - das Verhalten des "Helden" ist ja nicht mal schlüssig! Er weiß selbst nicht was er will und warum. Ich habe in dieser Reihe über vieles gelesen und über so manchen Helden den Kopf geschüttelt, aber wie sich Wolfe hier aufführt übersteigt alles und das ist nicht positiv gemeint.
Profile Image for Laura Beth .
826 reviews45 followers
September 21, 2018
41 page novella consisting of not much more than 2 scenes. I like the premises for this story but this is really just a very, very short story introducing the new wolf pack. Lora Leigh has lots of short stories in this series and while they are ok, they lack the character development and the ability to draw a reader into the story like the full length novels do.
Profile Image for Lindap.
1,450 reviews
May 2, 2017
2 Stars

This could have been a decent full length novel, but as a novella it wasn't long enough to really get into.
Profile Image for Altivo Overo.
Author 6 books17 followers
November 15, 2020
I have read much better by this author. This piece is another teaser, but doesn't make me want to read more. The language and the abusive behavior are repulsive.
Profile Image for Sydney M Neblett.
2,624 reviews16 followers
November 28, 2021
Dead man walking

What a wonderful addition to the series! I love how the author dropped us right into the action with this book. It was fast-paced with all the drama and action I have come to love, but over way too soon. I enjoyed the characters and the intensity, and I can’t wait to see what the author brings us next.
Profile Image for 78sunny.
2,193 reviews39 followers
June 22, 2015
Sicher bin ich etwas voreingenommen, was diese Story betrifft, aber ich denke auch wenn ich kein Fan der Breeds Reihe wäre (wo diese Kurzgeschichte Band 10 darstellt), würde ich diese von den vier Stories in der Anthologie am besten finden. Für mich hat die Art und Weise wie Frau Leigh schreibt einfach ein ganz anderes Niveau als zum Beispiel von Frau King oder Frau O'Claire. Sie schafft es mich auch bei so wenigen Seiten komplett in die Geschichte zu ziehen, mitfühlen zu lassen und richtig mitgerissen zu werden.
Leider war es emotional eher belastend, dass Buch zu lesen. Wolfe ist extrem verbittert und total irrational. Er quält Hope, die einem von Anfang an unheimlich sympathisch ist und man sehr mit ihr mitleidet. Vor allem Leser der Breeds Reihe wissen wie stark sich der Paarungsrausch auf die Frauen auswirkt, vor allem wenn das Verlangen nicht gestillt wird. Ob Leser dies nachvollziehen/erkennen werden, die die Reihe nicht kennen, weiß ich nicht so ganz. Naja, auf jeden Fall ist Wolfe aus einem bestimmten Grund der Meinung, dass er sie bestrafen muss und irgendwelche dummen Informationen aus ihr herauspressen muss und quält sie über das reizen und nicht erfüllen des Verlangens, dass durch den Paarungsrausch verursacht wird. Das hat mich wirklich genervt, weil der Leser weiß, dass es ungerechtfertigt ist. Vor allem seine Beweggründe was das Thema Eifersucht angeht. Das war dann selbst mir ein Spur zu heftig und ich hätte dem ganzen dann gern nur 3,6 oder 4,0 Sterne gegeben, aber im Vergleich zu den anderen 3 Stories der Anthologie habe ich mich dann für 4,4 Sterne entschieden. Das Buch hat mich schließlich komplett mitgerissen und emotional berührt, wenn es mich auch teilweise wütend gemacht hat.
Eigentlich muss man die anderen Bücher der Breeds Reihe nicht gelesen haben, aber ich denke man versteht das Verhalten der Charaktere und den Hintergrund um die Experimente einfach so viel besser, wenn man die Reihenfolge einhält. Vor allem kann der Fan der Reihe sich Wolfes Verhalten wenigstens ansatzweise erklären. Ich wüsste echt nicht wie ich sonst mit diesem unglaublich schrecklichem Verhalten von ihm gegenüber der armen Hope hätte leben können. Da ich aber schon von anderen Charakteren der Reihe weiß, wie stark sie durch ihre veränderte DNA und ihre grausame Vergangenheit gezeichnet sind, kann ich ihm einiges mehr verzeihen. So richtig nachvollziehen konnte ich aber nicht warum er erst jetzt auf Hope zugegangen ist. Seine Argumente am Ende der Story passen für mich nicht, da entgegen seiner Aussage Hope immer in Gefahr sein konnte und das muss er gewusst haben. Aber naja, hier darf man nicht viel nachdenken. Ich möchte auf jeden Fall noch eine Warnung aussprechen. Leser die empfindlich beim Thema Grenzüberschreitung was den Willen eines Partners beim Sex angeht, sollten die Finger von diesem Buch lassen. Ich muss sagen, es hat meine Grenze bereits überschritten, was die Einvernehmlichkeit angeht und ich bin da von der Reihe ja schon einiges gewohnt. Das muss dann jeder selbst entscheiden.

Meine Wertung:
4,4 von 5 Sternen
Profile Image for Севдалина.
688 reviews49 followers
December 6, 2020
Вълчи Породи #2 - Хоуп Бейнсмит (Човек) и Улф Ганър (Порода - Вълк)

Хоуп е дъщеря на зъл учен от Съвета по генетика. Щом майка й, научава, че генетично Хоуп е половинка на Алфа вълка в глутницата от Породи, които е създала, тя принуждава Улф да бележи Хоуп, но тъй като момичето е само на 17, той отказва да се обвърже истински с нея. Скоро в лабораторията пламва пожар и майката на Хоуп и съобщава, че Улф и останалите породи са загинали в пламъците. 6 години Хоуп страда за своята половинка, неспособна да се приближи до друго човешко същество, заради болката, която изпитва при докосване и ежемесечно принуъждавана от злата си майка да се подлага на изследвания, които да следят разгонването й. До деня в който Улф не се появява, жив и здрав и готов да я накаже за прегрешения, които не е извършила.

Години наред Улф се е борил да опази глутницата си след бягството им от лабораториите. Той вярва, че Хоуп го чака и знае, че един ден, когато е безопасно той ще дойде за нея. Всичко обаче се променя, когато получава снимки от майката на Хоуп на които половинката му е гола в леглото заедно с двама мъже. Бесен Улф е готов да си я върне и да я накаже за това, че му е изменила.

Амииии, новелата не е лоша. Принципно има потенциал за цяла книга, и имайки предвид факта, че Улф е алфата на вълчите Породи, биваше да си получи цяла книга, но авторката е преценила да не го прави. Улф отвлича Хоуп, завързва я за едно легло в далечна колиба в гората и е решен да я накаже, задето се е отдала на други мъже, давайки им това, което е негово. Малко ирационално при все, че 6 години той не е отделил 2 минути да й звънне и да й каже, че е жив. Имайки предвид, че майка й зло същество, което работи за Съвета, и която го бе създала и се бе държала с него като животно, факта, че очакваше точно тя да каже истината на Хоуп, за това, че Улф е жив и когато е безопасно ще се върне за нея... ами беше най-малкото наивно. Но дори и Хоуп да знаеше, че е жив, Улф я бе зарязал през полседните 6 години, и за мен нямаше право на претенции. В крайна сметка се разбра, че

Историята има потенциал, но за малкото странички, от които се състои този потенциал няма как да бъде разгънат и за съжаление, новелката е доста неправдоподобна и неиздържана смислово.
Profile Image for Shannon (Savhage Temptrest).
338 reviews10 followers
November 29, 2009
"Wolfe's Hope" by Lora Leigh is a short story in the Breeds series that was very informative and erotic with just a touch of violence.

This is the backstory for Wolfe, the Wolf Breed leader of a pack that escaped a Genetics Council lab the same time the Feline Breeds revealed themselves to the world, and his mate Hope, the daughter of one of the scientists that ran the Breeds lab.

Although this was just a short story, it gave a lot of information on relationship between Wolfe and Hope, and it introduced us to some of the other Wolf Breeds to come. I liked the story as a whole, but didn't like the sexual element as much as I usually enjoy in Lora Leigh's Breed series. It was just too compacted, and could have been drawn out just a bit more like in the short story The Breed Next Door. That being said, it is an important edition to this series, and all in all I still liked the story as well as Wolfe and Hope.
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,736 reviews82 followers
March 5, 2017
Delia Bainsmith is the lead scientist of the Mexican lab for the dreaded council in charge of imprisoning and experimenting on the Breeds they'd created. When Wolfe kills a guard to protect Delia's daughter, Hope, Delia surmises it's the trigger for the mating bond and orders Wolfe to impregnate Hope for the next phase of the council's plan.

After the explosion that destroyed the lab, Delia spent years trying to locate the breed wolves or proof of their death. Meanwhile she kept an eye on Hope's reactions to the mating bond and taunted an increasingly irate Wolfe with untruths once he learned his whereabouts. Wolfe summons the pack to help him retrieve Hope from the council's clutches.

For this readers taste this outing was much too short to revisit Breed history. There was little space left to Hope and Wolfe's relationship with each other or the reader except the sex. What's here is complete and fairly good and works for the series but feels extremely rushed.
Rating: 3stars
Profile Image for Sharon .
286 reviews20 followers
July 24, 2010
This was a very short and quick read about Wolfe and Hope. Wolfe came across as very, very unreasonable and was intent on making Hope "pay" for her infedilities.
I'm hoping there is more of them in upcoming books.
Profile Image for Kay.
1,901 reviews119 followers
August 12, 2016
This was originally released as part of the Primal Heat anthology, and later released as a novella.

While I enjoyed this very much, I found it lacked the intensity and spark that I've come to expect in a full novel by Lora Leigh. This is a wonderful filler story in the Breed saga.
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