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All Unquiet Things

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Carly: She was sweet. Smart. Self-destructive. She knew the secrets of Brighton Day School's most privileged students. Secrets that got her killed.

Neily: Dumped by Carly for a notorious bad boy, Neily didn't answer the phone call she made before she died. If he had, maybe he could have helped her. Now he can't get the image of her lifeless body out of his mind.

Audrey: She's the reason Carly got tangled up with Brighton's fast crowd in the first place, and now she regrets it,”especially since she's convinced the police have put the wrong person in jail. Audrey thinks the murderer is someone at Brighton, and she wants Neily to help her find out who it is.

As reluctant allies Neily and Audrey dig into their shared past with Carly, her involvement with Brighton's dark goings-on comes to light. But figuring out how Carly and her killer fit into the twisted drama will force Audrey and Neily to face hard truths about themselves and the girl they couldn't save.

337 pages, Hardcover

First published December 18, 2009

About the author

Anna Jarzab

10 books655 followers
Anna Jarzab is the author of All Unquiet Things, The Opposite of Hallelujah, Tandem, Tether, Red Dirt, and Breath Like Water. She lives in New York City and works in children's book publishing. Visit her online at www.annajarzab.com and connect with her on Twitter and Instagram @ajarzab.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 419 reviews
Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews172k followers
April 29, 2020
this is a really high three stars, because i really did like it a whole lot. my only reservations about going the whole four are that i know i will never read it again. five stars means i neeeed to reread it, and four stars - its chances are good that it will be revisited. but this is a mystery, and i am not the sort of person who has any interest in rereading a mystery once i know whodunit.

but it has a lot going for it.

it takes its title from childe harold, so already it's got me interested. my love of byron conquers all. he leadeth me beside the still waters and all of that.

also, this is a YA split narrative where both characters sound like different people. hallelujah! an author that can handle the challenge of creating distinct characters! you would think this would be child's play for an author, but i am finding more and more that many are just not up to the task. this one is great for that.

this book also has a great twin peaks-y vibe. carly was murdered a year ago, her uncle has been jailed for the crime, but her cousin audrey (daughter of convicted murderer) and her ex-boyfriend neily are unconvinced that he is actually guilty. looking into her past, questioning people close to her at the end of her life, and reading her journal, they find out all kinds of sordid information about her that she kept very well-hidden. she's filled with secrets, like poor laura.

overall, it is an incredibly rich book about guilt and betrayal, with complicated and generally unlikable characters. it's hard to root for anyone in this book. but in a good way. with first-person narratives, you want to see all the gritty nasty bits of a character. when you can see into their souls, as it were, and you see only pretty shit, they come across as underdeveloped and unrealistic. it is all out in the open here. jealousy and malice and rage and judgment, but all tempered by good qualities like loyalty and love and good intentions. it's the whole package - characters you understand because they are neither squeaky clean teen detectives nor sordid antiheroes. i thought they were really well-drawn.

now for the bad stuff. the ending...is not satisfying. the whodunit is fine, but there is a showdown that was totally silly. oh, dear. too convenient by half.

the epilogue was a big bowl of "who cares..."

and the part where we find out why carly dumped neily before her life started getting out of control was difficult to swallow. the author covered her bases; the decision was totally in keeping with the character of carly, as shown in one flashback in particular, but it still smacked of contrivance. i can't accept that a teenage girl has that kind of perspective in a situation like that.i was one, and i had no clue what my motives were half the time.

overall it is a solid read. i enjoyed the setting and the problems of this world. it definitely held my interest, and i would classify it as a page turner, but one whose pages i would only turn once.

come to my blog!
Profile Image for Reynje.
272 reviews951 followers
August 29, 2011
2.5 stars

Suppose Season One of Veronica Mars and Rian Johnson’s 2005 neo-noir film ‘Brick’ met in dark alley for a secret liaison, and the result was a book. If you are anything like me, you’d assume that book would be awesome, right? It would be darkly toned, with hardboiled, gutsy characters and razor-sharp dialogue wrapped around a tight, switch-backing plot. You wouldn’t be able to put it down and the grit would be practically leaching off the pages onto your fingers.

Despite the clear potential, I’m not sure that All Unquiet Things is that particular lovechild book.

Given the synopsis of Anna Jarzab’s debut novel, I think it’s fair to say that some readers would see similarities in terms of genre and themes between this book and the abovementioned television series and film. From Jarzab’s website:
All Unquiet Things centers around the murder of teen heiress Carly Ribelli, who was found shot to death a mile from her house in a wealthy Northern California suburb. Carly’s uncle, a dissolute alcoholic, was convicted of the crime, but a year later his daughter still doesn’t believe her father is guilty. Determined to prove his innocence, Audrey Ribelli contacts Carly’s ex-boyfriend, Neily Monroe, the boy who found Carly’s body. She is convinced that he knows more than he thinks about the events that led up to Carly’s death. Despite Neily’s initial reluctance, he and Audrey begin their investigation at the posh private school they attend, identifying prime suspects from among their spoiled classmates and digging up secrets about Carly’s past to get to the truth behind her murder.
To her credit, Jarzab has crafted a reasonably tight murder mystery and the care she has taken with her plotting, clues and red herrings shows. It’s a structurally sound novel, so to speak, in that it works as a mystery and the details have been carefully thought out. Information is revealed and withheld with precision in order to keep the story taut and well paced.

However, what All Unquiet Things packed in premise and potential, I feel it lacked somewhat in execution.

The story is told through the alternating perspectives of Audrey and Neily, and while this works for the purpose of the plot, I didn’t find their respective voices to be particularly distinct. For a large amount of the book, I felt that the two characters blurred into one as they were quite similar in tone, despite the fact that much was made of their difference in lifestyle and background.

It’s possible that it was due to this lack of a distinctive quality to the narration that also I found the main characters difficult to emotionally engage with. In fact, this story as a whole failed to resonate with me because I just didn’t connect with the characters or their lives. I kept reading the book out of interest as to how Jarzab would eventually show her hand and reveal the murderer, how she’d pull off the denouement, rather than out of any real investment in Audrey, Neily or even Carly. While I don’t require that I like characters, I’ll admit that my enjoyment of a book hinges largely on how compelling I find them.

I would say the attention to minutiae and plotting in the book, while absolutely necessary, also lends the story a slightly.. methodical feel. Rather than darkly atmospheric and gritty, making the most the “noir” aspects of the genre, the prose seemed slightly clinical. Which makes for crisp reading, but not so much for vivid setting and ambiance, which I something I feel that this story could have really played up a lot more than it actually did.

Anna Jarzab’s ‘All Unquiet Things’ was well-written, considered and carefully conceived. I will definitely read her further work, as I believe Jarzab will go from strength to strength from her solid debut.

However, given the (mostly) unrealised potential for awesome and the lack of investment I felt in the characters themselves, this wasn’t off the charts for me in terms of reading enjoyment.

Edit: I really like this cover. Creep-tastic.
Profile Image for Eilonwy.
857 reviews215 followers
October 26, 2014

Carly Ribelli was murdered just before starting her junior year at exclusive Brighton High School just outside San Francisco, and her trouble-making alcoholic uncle has been convicted for the crime. A year later, Carly's old boyfriend Neily and her cousin Audrey, both beginning their senior year, find themselves obsessing over the murder and, in Audrey's case, determined to prove that someone other than her father is responsible. They think someone at their school might have a better motive, and begin their own investigation, which eventually leads them into danger they never expected.

The story is narrated by Neily (short for Neiland) and Audrey in alternating sections. However, I really wish it were just written in third person, because I couldn't tell the two voices apart -- after Neily's first long bit, I had to keep looking at the top of the page to remember who was supposed to be writing. The book was frustrating in other ways, too. I never felt as if I really knew Carly, or even understood why Neily had been so in love with her. There was a lack of intensity in the investigation and clue gathering which made me not really care who did it or why. And when the murderer was finally revealed, it just didn't ring quite true to me, or maybe it just didn't feel like it mattered very much after all.

I did think the writing was very good. I liked both Neily and Audrey all right, although I didn't especially connect with either of them. But overall, I just didn't enjoy this book as much as I hoped, and it's not one I can imagine ever particularly wanting to re-read.

I read it because one review I saw compared it to Veronica Mars, a TV show whose first season I thought was just brilliant, but this book had nothing of the intrigue and intensity that that show did. However, people who don't have such high expectations might like this story better than I did.

It didn't help that I hated this cover -- It is apparently Carly's dead arm and a bit of her face. It really bothered me.

So, overall -- a disappointed meh from me on this one.
Profile Image for Thomas.
1,685 reviews10.6k followers
June 11, 2010
All Unquiet Things rotates from the perspective of Neily and Audrey, two individuals greatly affected by the death of their close friend Carly. Neily was Carly's ex-boyfriend, and has been emotionally distraught ever since he lost her - he was heartbroken because of their breakup, and his desolate feelings have intensified after her death. Audrey, Carly's former best friend and cousin, used to belong to the popular crowd at Brighton. But ever since her dad was jailed for murdering Carly, she has been left feeling more alone than ever. By trying to salvage his reputation, she managed to tarnish her own. These two former enemies come together to try to solve the mystery of Carly's murder and prove Audrey's father innocent.

Jarzab's debut novel possesses a beautiful cover and title. The strongest elements of the story were her writing and her characters. The two went hand in hand, somewhat like Neily and Audrey later on. Jarzab's writing flowed effortlessly - it had this unique quality that made it seem as if the characters were real people readers knew. Neily and Audrey were fully developed and by the end it seemed as if everything about them was brought full circle: their hopes, weaknesses, strengths, etc. In this regard, All Unquiet Things was one of the best books I have read in a while.

There were two problems I had with the book. One of them was that although the characters were perfectly realized and brought to life, they were not very likable. It seemed that Jarzab sacrificed readers' ability to empathize with Neily and Audrey so that they could be stronger overall. Also, the ending was a bit anticlimactic.

Besides having a few issues, All Unquiet Things was a fascinating story and enthralling mystery. Recommended for whodunit fans.
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
February 3, 2010
Those of you who know me, know that if it doesn't go bump in the night or have a goofy love story then I usually don't read it. So reading a mystery is something new for me.
With that said, I was surprised to discovery how intriguing reading a mystery could be!

All Unquiet Things was a thrilling book that held a lot of suspense and also a lot of heart.
I was absorbed in this story and even though I'm pretty good at seeing the outcome of books- Anna Jarzab had me guessing right till the very end. Shockingly Brilliant!

The characters are so real and there story is extremely compelling with very raw emotions.
But what really hooked me in, was the way it was written. Told from both Neily and Aubry's point of views and we even got a glimpse into what Carly was all about, Anna takes us on a eloquent and passionate tale of one girls tragic life that touched the people that she loved. The writing was exceptionally powerful and fascinating!
I may not be one for mysteries but All Unquiet Things is a great start!!

An Amazing Dubut!!
Profile Image for i..
332 reviews36 followers
February 5, 2013
" It is indeed a mistake to confuse children with angels" Douglas Coupland .
This quote at the beginning of the book made me curious, and I decided to give it a try.The book is easy to read but it is not about the easy life of some upper-class teenagers but about the hardships they have to endure and the choices they make in life. I wouldn't say it was entertaining because there is a lot of suffering involved but it was a nice break from dystopia and paranormal novels.

Profile Image for Emma .
2,506 reviews390 followers
September 13, 2016

All Unquiet Things is a murder mystery with thriller elements incorporated throughout the story. The plot focuses on the murder of college student Carly Ribelli. Carly is found shot to death in Northern California. Enzo, Carly’s Uncle, who was an alcoholic was convicted of the crime. However, one year later Audrey, the daughter of Enzo and cousin of Carly, turned up to school and is convinced that her father is innocent. Determined to prove his innocence, Audrey contacts Carly’s ex-boyfriend, Neily Monroe, who was also the person who found Carly’s body.

The story is told from the perspective of Neily. Neily is a teenage boy who is in his senior year at Brighton day school college. Neily’s first friend, and girlfriend, was Carly. Carly was sweet, smart and self-destructive. She knew dark secrets about the students of Brighton. Secrets that got her killed.

Everything was going smoothly for them both. Until, when Carly's mother dies of cancer, unable to cope she started hanging out with the wrong crowd. She started hanging around drug dealers - Adam and Cas. Neily began to think that that maybe Enzo wasn’t so guilty after all. So, Neily aids Audrey in his search to find the true killer in order to prevent an injustice occur, but their search forces them to face hard truths about themselves and the girl they failed to save.

The plot of the story has a lot of twists that hold the reader’s attention. It is like a rollercoaster of thrills and excitement. But who will the killer be and will the search be worthwhile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


‘So many questions- but nobody except Carly seemed capable of answering them’ – Neily Monroe.

Neily, one of Jarzab’s central characters sets the scene for an engrossing, page turning murder mystery. With a haunting, sinister murder plot and a disturbing pictorial book cover, Neily and Audrey narrate alternately the intricate twists and turns involved in their investigation of teenage heiress Carly’s murder. A murder that superficially appears to be financially motivated, camouflages the undeniable greed that permeates Empire Valley. It is a valley where secrets are buried deeply and darkly, until the youths are prepared to talk. As the title suggests, secrets are not secret.

It is too convenient to convict Carly’s uncle, who has been ravaged by life’s alcohol and heroin ridden destructive habits. Motivated by love, anger, hurt and humiliation, ex- boyfriend Neily and Cousin Audrey, determinedly form an unlikely partnership and set about finding the true answer to the murder. Using the two central characters, Jarzab invites the reader to second guess and point fingers at potential suspects, with utmost relish.

Jarzab provides a highly relatable teen read, as Neily and Audrey are both pupils of Brighton Day School. Set against the backdrop of wealthy Empire Valley, cardiothoracic surgeons, lawyers and Rhodes scholars scurry home to their palatial mansions at the end of their shifts. Jarzab’s novel is more than a murder investigation, it is an exploration of complex teen psyche, as they respond to these high flying parents’ pressurised expectations to be perfect, and desire to chart their futures.

Jarzab also includes the traditional supporting characters- the tough, good-looking, top billing on the roster Adam, and popular, basketball playing Cass. Both reflect the importance for teenagers of social mobility into the egocentric in-crowd and the risks associated with what may not be the best crowd.

Carly is portrayed as bright and smart, but vulnerable following her extremely painful loss. It is inevitable that the magnetic attraction of the in-crowd will recklessly develop Carly’s affinity for life at the sharp edge- a life with ‘gutter junkies teetering on the brink of expulsion’.

A perfect novel for teens and young adults, encouraging them to pace the corridors of their minds, and search for answers about themselves and others.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Scott.
Author 116 books3,461 followers
February 22, 2010
This book is so beautifully written it took my breath away. All Unquiet Things is about Neily and Audrey and Carly. Neily was once Carly's boyfriend, and Audrey was her best friend.

Carly was murdered, and Neily and Audrey team up--very reluctantly--to find out what really happened the night she died because it turns out that Carly knew things--and those things may have been what gotten her killed.

Told in alternating sections by Neily and Audrey, we not only see how things are, but how things were and it's just so brilliant and so gorgeously written that I dare you to not read this book and love it. That's how amazing it is.
Profile Image for Hallie.
954 reviews129 followers
May 1, 2014
Not bad mystery, though not that good a one, either. At least not good if you like your dialogue somewhat believable, or your main characters somewhat likeable. These weren't very likeable, and they weren't particularly credible as detectives, either. TSTL came near to being true in a literal sense more than once or twice, unfortunately. On the other hand, I was very happy to have been able to borrow the audiobook from the library, filling a gap while trying to decide what to use my monthly Audible credit on, and for that, it was fine.
Profile Image for Ashlie.
123 reviews5 followers
January 28, 2011
I enjoyed reading this book, and it was a nice change for me from all the paranormal YA I've been reading lately. Jarzab does a great job of creating a suspenseful mystery that will really capture your heart. The story deals with tough issues and deals with them boldly and bravely: personal loss, teen drug use, depression and different kinds of abuse (whether it's inflicted by ourselves of others). Since Carly was silenced by death, there is no one to speak up for her and no one that knows the truth concerning her death. It' not until Neily and Audrey agree to work together that Carly regains a voice and is able to help lead them to find her murderer. This is a moving plot and idea, and one that works well in the narrative that Jarzab has skillfully knit. The novel alternates between Nealy and Audrey's POVs, and the chapters also switch between their eighth-grade and senior years.

I loved Neily. I could relate to him in so many ways. Why should he help Audrey when the case is already closed? Carly broke his heart, in an embarrassing way. He was humiliated by her and then by her death, since he found her and was linked in so many ways to her, despite their estrangement. Sometimes I was so overwhelmed by the things Neily was going through that I didn't understand how he kept going! There were a few times when I broke down in emotion, grieving his pain. It wasn't that he didn't feel the pain, he just channeled it all completely different, not showing it outwardly until later in the story. He just lived his life ignoring the dull ache resounding through his body. Just thinking about it now makes my eyes tear up. His character is so powerful!

One part I particularly like about Neily is when he "borrows" Adam's phone from his locker. Right before putting it back he checks to see what Carly's ringtone on his phone would have been. I thought that was SUCH a great detail! If we didn't "know" Neily by this point in the story, then that detail could have been easily overlooked, but Jarzab makes it almost impossible for that to happen. I loved that carefully placed scene.

I think it's through Neily's experiences that we learn about the intellectual, reasonable side of Carl and through Audrey's that we learn the girly, emotional side of her. Both character's bright so much light to the stage, but each through a different style. Audrey wasn't as bad as I thought she was going to be at first. I think that since her childhood had been so messed up, she wanted to ensure that she wouldn't be a product of circumstance. Her environment and experiences absolutely shaped her, but it turned out not to be for the worse. That is always a good thing to see. She never played the victim either, even though she had plenty of reasons to. I loved the strength she brought to the story. Neily needed that from her and so did Carly.

I can't believe this was a debut novel. It was so gripping and realistic, I often found myself thinking what I might do if I were Audrey or Neily. Some authors have a hard-time being able to create one character the reader can relate to, but Anna Jarzab creates at least two and maybe even three, counting pre-death Carly. The story is really well written; I never felt lost or out of the loop, everything was clear and concise, funny at times and inlaid with emotional heart-string-tuggers. Even though I secretly hoped Carly really wouldn't be dead (I'm a hopeless romantic *sigh*), I wasn't disappointed with the story's ending. I understood and even sympathized with what Neily and Audrey were feeling as the book concluded; I understood why it worked out that way. It felt like it was the only suitable ending to give complete closure to the situation.

It's good, unsettling, beautifully tragic and bitter-sweet. It's pieced together in a simple yet sophisticated way that is so delicate. It is a must have in any personal library, especially for anyone with teenagers around.
May 11, 2017
After reading All Unquiet Things by Anna Jarzab, it gave me many different emotions.
Hating one character during one part of the book and feeling sympathy the next. All Unquiet
Things is about Carly a student at Brighton High School who was about to start her junior year
but was murdered a few days before starting school.
Her uncle, an alcoholic, was convicted of her murder and was facing time in jail locked
up for a crime that he denied. Now it’s Carly's cousin, the daughter of her killer, Audrey, and
ex-boyfriend Neily to investigate the murder and risk their lives trying to find out what really
happened to Carly that summer day on that bridge to find relief and comfort.
Profile Image for Lisa Nocita.
1,064 reviews2 followers
May 3, 2011
Carly, a young, wealthy high school student, is found murdered, shot in cold blood four times. Audrey's father, Carly's best friend and cousin, has been convicted of the crime. In the aftermath, Neily, Carley's ex, who found her body, and Audrey struggle find some resolution and peace in a world that has been turned topsy turvy. Audrey's father is an alcoholic and ne'er do well. He is a convenient fall guy on which to pin the murder. He had motive, opportunity, and no alibi for the night of the crime. Audrey is convinced that her father is innocent despite his many failings and shortcomings as a parent. She convinces Neily to help her investigate the murder. Neily begrudgingly agrees to help her more so to face his own demons than to help her. Although Carly and Audrey were close, Neily felt no great affection for Audrey, even blamed her for Carly's abrupt change in personality and wild behavior after her mother's untimely death from cancer. Carly fell into a fast, popular crowd at their elite private school and made it clear to Neily in no uncertain terms that she no longer wanted a relationship with him in a very public and humiliating way. However, the night of her death, Carly called Neily and left a puzzling message that he can't help but wonder about. He feels guilty, sure that if he had answered the call he might have been able to help her. Neily and Audrey begin to piece together the events of her last days to uncover the real murderer. The story alternates between two voices, Neily's and Audrey's. This, to me, was a weakness in the writing, but perhaps a necessary conceit so that we the readers could be privy to the entire story. Unfortunately, I didn't find that there were two distinct voices. I often found myself re-reading a passage with dialogue to figure out who was saying what. And, I failed to connect with either character very deeply. The mystery was enough to keep me turning the pages though. I thought there were more red herrings than there actually were and I was surprised to discover that the murderer was in fact more obvious than one would expect. There were not many deep twists and turns. Some of the plot seemed implausible but perhaps that is my lack of experience in the wider world of money and drugs. I would rate this one as "M" for mature themes, murder, mayhem, sex, and drug references. All in all, I think this will resonate with teen readers who will not question it in the same way I did.
Profile Image for Mary.
643 reviews42 followers
August 26, 2017
Carly was a sweet girl with a wonderful personality. She was pretty and popular; vivacious and funny. She was as smart as a whip and knew everything about the privileged student body of the Brighton Day School. As much as he still loves her, it's disturbing for Neily to see how much his girlfriend has changed: she has begun running with a much faster crowd, and become extremely self-destructive.

When she suddenly dumps him for a notorious bad boy, Neily is devastated. Bewildered and angered by Carly's strange behavior, he steadfastly doesn't answer the phone whenever she calls. However, what initially seems like a typical teenage reaction to a difficult breakup, becomes tinged with sadness and regret after Carly is murdered. Neily is ultimately wracked with grief and guilt for his own stubbornness.

If he had answered the call she had made before she died, he may have been able to help her. Now, he can't get the image of her lifeless body out of his mind. Desperately hoping to assuage some of the guilt he feels about her death, Neily reluctantly teams up with Carly's cousin Audrey to find her killer. After all, it is the last thing they can do to honor her memory.

Audrey is dealing with her own regrets over her cousin's death. She was the reason Carly got tangled up with Brighton's fast crowd in the first place, and she will have to live with the consequences of that decision on her conscience for the rest of her life. Because Audrey is convinced of two things about Carly's death: someone at Brighton is obviously a murderer, and the police have put the wrong person in jail. So, she turns to Neily for help in finding Carly's killer.

As Neily and Audrey begin to investigate their shared history with Carly, her dealings with Brighton's seedier elements come to light. For the amateur sleuths, these are shocking revelations that lead them to wonder if Carly actually knew something that could have gotten her killed. However, figuring out how Carly and her killer fit together into the twisted drama of Brighton's secretive world will force the reluctant allies to face some harsh truths about themselves and the girl they couldn't save.

To be perfectly honest, I found some of the pettiness between the characters to be slightly annoying. Having said that, I still enjoyed reading the book. I would give this book a definite A!
Profile Image for Steph | bookedinsaigon.
1,181 reviews443 followers
February 7, 2010
I have to admit, I did not take to this book. Excellent writing clashes with unsympathetic characters and a snail-like plot to make ALL UNQUIET THINGS a difficult read for me.

There is no question that Jarzab’s writing is great. Like Curtis Sittenfeld, Jarzab meticulously analyzes nearly every facet of Neily, Audrey, and Carly, making them feel as if they could be your flawed classmates. However, also like Sittenfeld’s characters in Prep, Neily, Audrey, and Carly simply aren’t very likable, sympathetic, or appealing. We know their history and their thought processes as if they were our therapy patients—an overly intimate and annoying form of relationship that I, as a reader, found disturbing and unenjoyable.

I don’t really mind psychoanalysis—at least not when the person has some ultimately redeemable qualities. However, the three main characters in ALL UNQUIET THINGS are just so unlikable. Neily spends most of his time sulking and remembering the past, his relationship with Carly, while Audrey bullies Neily into helping her uncover the mystery behind the identity of Carly’s murderer.

I also found an unsettling disjuncture between how Audrey and Neily are in the present time, and who they were in their flashbacks. I think this is a result of all the telling-not-showing that went on in the narration. I don’t want Neily to tell us that he hates Carly’s new friends, then be shown a passing moment in which they snap off, like, two biting remarks to one another; I’d rather see the tension between the characters, the strain of the past versus the present, of what they think of one another versus who they truly are. As a result, I couldn’t connect to the main characters as real people, so much like untouchable character sketches they were.

I mentioned earlier that Anna Jarzab is a great writer, and I’m not contradicting myself by saying so: if you enjoy ultra-complete character analyses, you’ll find this a great book, a wonderful achievement by a debut author. However, I felt that her writing skills were unfortunately used in the wrong way—too much in the telling and flashbacks, and not enough in the playing out of a genuinely interesting story arc—which led to my lack of connection with the book.
Profile Image for Leann.
347 reviews425 followers
June 1, 2015
All Unquiet Things is intriguing, mysterious, and downright shocking.

The novel is split into four parts, and an epilogue. Neily narrates Parts 1, 3, and the epilogue, leaving Audrey to narrate Parts 2 and 4. At the end of Neily's first narration, I was initially worried that I wouldn't enjoy Audrey's voice as much, or that I would get confused, but the transition was easy and enjoyable.

It took me a few chapters to adjust to Neily's voice, but I grew to enjoy his sarcasm. He's still really hurting from Carly's death, and all the things they went through in the past. Audrey is so sweet and genuine, you just want to hug her. But she can toss a comeback right back to Neily, so I liked for her that as well. She's feeling some guilt too, for helping pull Carly away from Neily in the first place. Carly was definitely the shining star, however. I enjoyed all the flashbacks of her, showing how much she changed, and how many secrets she held.

Neily and Audrey pair up, and begin their investigation. But the more they dig, the more danger they place themselves in, as they get closer and closer to Carly's killer.

With each part of the novel, Jarzab takes us through the present while also weaving in some details from the past. I found myself putting the book down, walking away for a bit, just to really think about things, and to savor the story. With each new revelation, I found myself counting down my list of suspects, trying to piece it all together. The ending was definitely quite a surprise, and I wasn't disappointed.

Highlights: Jarzab's writing was just my style. I was hooked enough to attempt dragging out the story as long as I could, reading as slowly as possible, and re-reading passages over again. I enjoyed both of the character's perspectives, and found both of their voices to be believable and realistic. I also loved how effortlessly the flashbacks fit in with the story, because there was never a moment of confusion.

Lowlights: Hmmm.....It took me about a chapter or two in to really get hooked on this story? That's a pathetic excuse for a lowlight, isn't it?

I guess, in the end, I just have to say that Anna Jarzab's debut novel All Unquiet Things was spectacular. It was mysterious, realistic, and I loved every second of it.
Profile Image for Anna.
936 reviews110 followers
February 24, 2011
If I didn't hate this book already, the epilogue alone probably would've done it. But, unfortunately, I found much of this to be quite awful. And painful. And yet silly me kept listening because I read a lot of good reviews and I expected this to turn around at any moment. (Also, the author is Polish so I hoped my homegirl would come through for me.) And it didn't. And she didn't. And the story actually managed to get worse and worse...

I listened to the audiobook version of this and maybe that was the first mistake. The readers SUCKED. The guy that read for Neily was way too old to be pretending to act like a teenager. He totally ruined those parts for me. Plus, I thought Neily was very unlikeable overall so I suppose it didn't take a lot of effort for me to dislike him but I especially disliked the reader. I didn't like Audrey's reader much either but she was way better than Neily's.

I thought the character development in this book was weak. It's not good when you don't feel any empathy towards the main character of a novel and when a novel has three main characters and you feel nothing for them it's kind of hard to care. I found the setting (the private school) to be frustrating because I couldn't relate to the characters and their whole over overprivileged experience. I sort of wondered, too, how many kids really could relate and then I wondered why this book just couldn't have been set in an average high school that many people actually do attend.

I'm going to stop criticizing this because I think I've said enough. I am disappointed. I guess I'm glad I finished this but it's not anything I'd recommend to anyone. And I also don't like the title.
Profile Image for Sammy.
318 reviews72 followers
October 26, 2015
The four main elements of this book are- murder mystery-friendship-betrayal-loss.....

This is weird , I have never started a book after leaving it TWICE ...

Yeah I started it reading few months ago, read 20 pages .. didnt continue ... again picked it up, read 33 pages ... left ...

Suddenly ,three nights before , I got reminded of this book ... and I completed it & even enjoyed it.

I guess the beginning is bit confusing , but as soon as you grab the story , you are hooked on it till the end ...

The best thing I liked about this book was, how the main characters were made friends, & not forcefully turned into couple , coz that would have made me real angry. You need to see the reality of the situation, and a true friendship between a girl & a guy.

Talking about the main characters, I liked both, But I liked Audrey more than Neily , her maturity , & her witty thinking makes it all possible. ofcourse not without Neily 's help. The one character I was full on angry was Carly. Everyone suffered , but her way of grieving was just not acceptable. So , No she doesn't have my sympathy , ofcourse what happened to her was not her fault. And she deserved justice.I just hated what she did with Neily & how she behaved with Audrey.

The ending was a bit shocking, I mean I am still trying to understand that one character who did all this , and who was responsible for it, But the reasons are still not so clear to me....

Anyways , the reason i gave it 3 stars are , because I am not going to re-read it again. Thats the drawback of mystery book.Once the twist is out ,you no longer enjoy it ...

I would recommend it to ones who love mystery element just like me ...
Profile Image for PinkAmy loves books, cats and naps .
2,493 reviews239 followers
March 15, 2016
Grade: B+

One word: Captivating

Audrey's father may be a drunken loser, but they doesn't mean she thinks he deserves to be in prison for murdering her best friend and cousin Carly. With the help of Carly's ex Neily, she's determined to find out the real killer. Too bad Audrey and Neily can barely stand each other, but they do agree the true culprit is probably one of their prep school classmates.

Anna Jarzab created two difficult to like characters in Audrey and Neily, who alternated telling sections of the story. Both had difficult relationships with their fathers and were considered outcasts and neither reached out to the other, the two people closest to Carly, after her murder. I had a hard time understanding why one of them hadn't contacted the other, if not to provide support than to seek it. Neily had more dimension than Audrey.

I loved the mystery and plot of ALL UNQUIET THINGS and suspected almost every character of the murder, including that the actual killer was already in jail and Audrey was wrong about her father. Jarzab did a great job leaving enough red herrings and major and minor dishonest characters that any number of scenarios would have made sense. I particularly appreciated that Audrey and Neily's verbal sparring didn't have a romantic undertone, because guys and girls can be just on and off maybe friends, without eventually realize they've fallen madly in love.

THEMES: family, parents, death, grief, drugs, murder, mystery

ALL UNQUIET THINGS is an engaging mystery that will keep you guessing.
Profile Image for Katie.
887 reviews1,021 followers
March 9, 2010
All Unquiet Things is one of the most beautifully written books that I have ever read. It was haunting and tragic but somehow so full of hope. It's hard to believe that this is Anna Jarzab's debut novel.

Neilly Monroe and Audrey Ribelli are both grieving for Carly Ribelli. They both loved her but in very different ways. For some reason, Carly's death still haunts Neilly. Her killer is behind bars so why does he feel as if he is missing something? Audrey knows what he is missing. Her dad may be in prison for Carly's murder but the real killer is still out there. And together they will bring him down.

One of the things that I loved about All Unquiet Things was the way the story was told. There were sections from Neilly's point-of-view and sections from Audrey's. It was a great way to show the different ways that they saw Carly. The flashbacks also really made it feel like I knew Carly. She wasn't just some dead girl, she was real. The book wouldn't have been nearly as good without seeing both sides of Carly.

The plot was spectacular. It was a little boring in the beginning but it picked up pretty quickly and didn't slow down for the rest of the book. I never could have guessed who the real murderer was and I could not stop reading until I found out.

Overall, All Unquiet Things is a fantastic book that I recommend to everyone. Everything about it was awesome and I can't wait for more from debut novelist, Anna Jarzab.
Profile Image for Carol(ina).
41 reviews20 followers
December 29, 2009
Lately it's rare to find such a remarkably well-written YA novel. With at the so-so written YA novels in shelves, ALL UNQUIET THINGS is sure to stand out.

The voices of the two main characters—Neily and Aubrey—are so strong and so realistically portrayed that I found myself reading their story well into the night. While their voices are a bit familiar that you need to check whose part it is, their narration really sucks you in. Their grief, frustrations, anger, and their other feelings just leapt off the page and felt so true.

I do read quite a few of mystery books that I can easily tell who the culprit is a few chapters into the story, but Jarzab kept me guessing and doubting myself. I just couldn’t believe the twist at the end! It was superbly well done.

The book does start a bit slow, but the story picks up a few chapters in. All the characters ���even the secondary ones—were written in a way that it felt as if they could be someone you knew. Jarzab is so great at writing characters and plotting out a novel that I didn’t believe that this was her debut novel.

Overall, ALL UNQUIET THINGS is a book that I strongly recommend and that should be on everyone’s to-read list and one that I can’t stop gushing about. Jarzab has made be a fan of her works for life.
Profile Image for Megan.
383 reviews
February 27, 2010
I'd like to give this more stars, but I can't - for lots of reasons. First, while Jarzab's writing is very good, at times I found it to be stilted, uneven and a bit over the top - especially the dialog. Perhaps it was because I listened to this as an audio book, but the writing was terribly uneven in parts - uncharacteristically deep and too dramatic for eighth, ninth and tenth graders at one moment and then stunningly accurate teen-age language. The disparity was bothersome. While I like the dual narrator technique, the emphasis was clearly on Nealy as the more sympathetic character. And, actually, I didn't find any of the characters in the book all that likable. Especially all of the father figures - there isn't a single positive paternal-figure trait in this thing. They're almost caricatures! In all, the book seems like a rip-off of a "Veronica Mars" episode arc mashed up with a John Green novel. But it moves way too slow at first. I thought the villain was easily determined a little over halfway through. That said, I did want to see how the story wrapped up and I was pleased with the ending. I hope Jarzab improves from here; I'd definitely give her another shot, depending on the plot and characters.
Profile Image for Diane Ferbrache.
1,867 reviews30 followers
May 6, 2010
Neily’s life will never be the same – last year he found the body of his murdered girlfriend, and now her cousin wants him to help her find the real killer. This is a well-crafted mystery told in Neily’s and Audrey’s alternating voices. Readers are shifted back and forth in time between freshman year where Neily and Carly first get together to senior year when Audrey returns to town determined to prove that her father didn’t murder Carly. There are twists and turns in the plot that keep the reader turning pages.
Teens should enjoy this story authentically told in the voice of two teens who lost their best friend. There are some obvious villains, but the moment where we realize who really killed Carly is a surprise. There are some moments that concerned me, though. There’s a LOT of drinking and sex (including a rape) and much of it begins when the teens are just 13. These are rich teens with little supervision who certainly behave in dangerous behavior. I really liked the book, but it’s for a more mature audience.
Profile Image for Adriana.
414 reviews44 followers
February 26, 2010
I'm surprised this book has such a high rating. I get that the suspense or the whodunit aspect is appealing, but seriously, the story was all over the place! It's broken up into parts told from two different perspectives - one from the dead girl's ex-boyfriend, and the other from the dead girl's cousin. The first two parts go from present to various past times, like "eighth grade fall semester" or "freshman year spring semester", but all out of order. Who can keep track? After a while I didn't even want to keep track, I just kept reading so I could find out who killed Carly already. The latter half of the book doesn't even have these "flashbacks" anymore, so it just comes off as really convoluted. I found the characters to be kind of annoying and the whole story of how and why Carly got killed uninteresting. Didn't like the characterizations, didn't like the setting, didn't like the plot. The title is great though.
Profile Image for Nomes.
384 reviews369 followers
June 20, 2014
Jarzab has a way with words -- her prose is sharp and evocative. The nuances of her characters and their experiences make them seem real, almost as if you are in the room with them, as if you have known them (or someone uncannily like them) all your life.

I was sucked in by the mystery. Unfortunately the pacing was slow for me. The further I got in to the story it seemed the less I knew. The less I knew, the less I cared. In the end it seemed I barely cared at all yet I soldiered on (through great writing) to find some resolution. I would like to read more of her work, even though I just couldn't click with this particular book.
Profile Image for Erica Alyson.
829 reviews82 followers
February 4, 2014
I really really enjoyed this book! I was reading it all day yesterday and today. It was so hard to put down to go to bed last night.

The author must be familiar with the setting. I have lived in San Ramon, Ca 25 years and her facts about the bay area and surrounding are accurate. I love it! I had so much fun reading this book.

I don't want to give much away about the story since it is a mystery. I suspected the person who committed the murder a few times, but I also suspected many others so it kept me guessing.

Excellent book!
Profile Image for Samantha (WLABB).
3,857 reviews274 followers
June 19, 2020
Well, that took a turn I really wasn't expecting. It's funny, that Jarzab even got me to care about solving this murder, because I found it hard to like the victim. Wow! She left some proverbial bodies in her wake. Let's just say, I am grateful for that bit the author gave me at the end, to help me understand the victim a little better. I really liked the structure of the story. The book is split in half with the first half told from Neily's (the ex's) point of view, and the second told form Audrey's (the cousin's) point of view. I was impressed with how Jarzab maintained the mystery, while also packing quite an emotional punch.

Profile Image for Becca.
784 reviews4 followers
May 16, 2020
Main character Neily is coping after the death of ex-girlfriend Carly and the guilt he feels for not responding to her final attempts to reach him the night she was murdered. Their breakup the year before had been especially painful and embarrassing for Neily. When Carly’s cousin Audrey suggests the real killer is still at large, he thinks she is just trying to clear her father, who is serving time for the crime. Gradually, the two find clues in Carly’s diary that make someone else a plausible suspect. 
Told in both Neily's and Audrey's perspective...
Profile Image for Cassie.
753 reviews1 follower
October 26, 2022
This was a really well-crafted and all-around great mystery. I loved that it didn't lean into thriller at all, and even though it was teens solving a murder, it didn't feel campy or trite, and the characters grappling with heavy and conflicting emotions was handled very well. There was a lot of buildup in the first half and action in the second half that could have been evened out a bit, but overall enjoyed this one.

CW: rape, underage drug use and abuse, stalking, date-rape drugging, gun violence, fist fighting
4 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2012

There are secrets all around you. That is the moral of All Unquiet Things. The author: Anna Jarzab makes that pretty obvious in this book, because there are so many events when they find out the truth about certain people and certain things. It’s like a mystery all the time. Neily and Audrey: the main characters don’t believe in the final decisions of the police, so they finish the case on their own. Just two teenagers wanting to know the truth about what really happened to their best friend. No one was ever told the whole story; there are still questions waiting to be answered.

“...We all know Enzo didn’t kill Carly. “You did.”

I would say one of the closest books I could compare this to would be the Pretty Little Liars Series because of the similar murder cases. In both books you find out things that you never would have expected to happen, which I really liked because it always kept me guessing. All Unquiet Things is a detailed, shocking, and interesting book. Once I got into it, I wanted to just keep reading, and reading because it was such an interesting book. After I was done with the book I was disappointed, but just because I wanted to read more. In my opinion both girls and boys could read this book because it goes back and forth to a girl’s point of view and also a boy's point of view. Therefore, I recommend it to all.

“There was another reason I had come to Empire Creek Bridge. There year before, almost to the day, a girl I loved had died on this bridge, shot in cold blood. The police considered the matter solved--there had been an arrest, a trial, a guilty verdict--but Carly’s murder retained an air of mystery for me and so did the place where she died. I had so many questions, but nobody except Carly seemed capable of answering them, and by the time I had found her body she was already dead.”

The characters went through a lot in this story. Love, friendships, deaths, emptiness, hope, and fear. I say love, because they fall in love, and out of love. Friendship, because they find their true friends ,and they find out who they really are as a person. Emptiness, because they both have times when they feel alone, or like something is missing in their life. We all do. Hope, because they both have dreams. Finally, fear. Fear of letting go of everything they once had. Fear to fall in love again. They are just like everyone of us. I could really connect to them because of that.

“Carly Ribelli, the girl who died, had been many things. She had been my first friend at Brighton, and my first girlfriend. It had ended badly, and I had never forgiven her for it.”

“From the moment I met her, Carly was the most important person in my life. We didn’t have the perfect friendship. WE fought a lot, probably more than most people think that best friends should fight, But Carly was loyal, sympathetic, and hilarious. She sensed when something was bothering me, and she knew just how to make it better, carefully drawing me out bit by bit, allowing me my silences but doing her best to demonstrate unconditional support.....”

Neily and Audrey became friends because of the case.
“...Do you see now why it’s so important that I do this?” I nodded. “Okay, I told her, after a very long silence. “I’ll help you.”

They changed a lot in this book, they learned to really only trust each other. To be cautious of their surroundings and keep an eye on each other because of the murder. One of the most important things they learned was to stick up for each other, and to stick up for themselves. Their friendship grew and grew throughout the book.

“She laughed, the open, happy laugh of a healing heart, and I got a flash of who she would be when she got older. It was only a flash--I couldn’t reproduce it in words for anything--but it left me feeling safe, and that’s something.”

It seems to me that there is always something going wrong in this book, they are just trying to figure it out how to make it right. They want to be happy, they want to forget, they want all of the problems to go away so life can just go back to normal. But will it ever be normal again? That’s how they feel. Nothing can be the same now. Now that this has happened. But in the end, they will find something to be happy about again, it all just takes time.

“...But the truth of the matter is that it’s over now, so I no longer grieve--I only hope. That hope is enough for me.”

Overall, I reward this book with a four out of five stars. Reasoning is, because there were ongoing pictures being painted inside my head. Which, in my opinion in my favorite part while reading. For the most part I understood what was happening at all times, because the author was a good explainer and had much detail take in. This book kept me hooked, and kept me wondering what will happen next.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 419 reviews

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