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Operation Tailwind: Memoirs of a Secret Battle in a Secret War

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The Studies and Observations Group was a covert American military unit in Vietnam that specialized in clandestine cross-border operations in Laos and Cambodia. In September 1970, sixteen Green Berets and one-hundred-twenty Montagnard mercenaries departed on Operation Tailwind, the largest and deepest raid in SOG history. Their mission was to disrupt and distract the enemy in support of a larger CIA operation that originated in the White House.

Over the next four days, as their ammunition dwindled and casualties mounted, these soldiers, and the aircrews overhead that went to extraordinary lengths to keep them alive, achieved the improbable if not the impossible.

Twenty-eight years after Tailwind concluded, CNN produced a documentary about Tailwind, called “Valley of Death,” accusing the participants of war crimes, specifically using nerve gas to kill women, children, and American defectors. This broadcast created a media firestorm that reached around the world.

In Operation Memoirs of a Secret Battle in a Secret War, Barry Pencek gives an incredibly detailed account of the four-day running battle and does a thought-provoking deep dive into the failure of journalistic ethics at CNN that created a media debacle. Besides being one hell of a war story, Operation Tailwind provides a great example of the need for the highest integrity in journalism and should be required reading for all J-school students.

404 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 7, 2022

About the author

Barry D Pencek

1 book1 follower

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Profile Image for Dave McCracken.
173 reviews3 followers
April 1, 2023
I read this book to find out the truth, Barry Pencek delivered.
The truth remains for the book reader, not the reviewer. I won't be a spoiler. Suffice to say, this fascinating history of a young man discovering his talent for flying and heading to war is captivating. The fast-paced narrative brings you into close contact enemy action in the front seat of a Cobra Gunship. In no time flat, his squadron is flying over the border on Secret Missions supporting Long Range Patrols deep in North Vietnamese held Laos.Gallantry, sacrifice and the fighting spirit of Special forces soldiers and their Montagnard comrades is an inspiring story.
The second part of the book brings truth to a monstrous lie curated by ambitious CNN so-called journalists. Decades after the war a group of conspiracy hungry, evidence baiting CNN journalists slandered their own countrymen on a lie they carefully cooked up. Barry Pencek careful research and objective opinions of those involved in the lie are meritorious.
Highly recommended for those interested in Special Forces deep penetration operations. Equally recommended to those readers enjoying a good story that unseats the CNN miscreants as we have come to know them.
Profile Image for Lori.
122 reviews2 followers
February 9, 2024
As it I needed ANOTHER reason to be disgusted with CNN news...

This is a good memoir, and very well researched to back up his assertions.

CNN in 1998 did a hatchet job on the US govt and the operators from this mission, accusing them of war crimes. It was all based on the lies of a couple of self-aggrandizing men and the ramblings of an elderly veteran with dementia who was finally badgered into saying something incriminating after several days of exhausting all-day interviews by the "reporter" in question.
The allegations were investigated by the Pentagon, intelligence agencies, several news companies and some private groups, all of whom eviscerated the CNN allegations as being baseless.

Shame on CNN for broadcasting that trash.

I'm glad the author made it home alive, and not merely because it allowed him to write this.
May 18, 2023
Operation Tailwind

A great read. This should be required reading for all the so called "journalists " in mainstream media today. I applaud the
military and all the members of operation Tailwind for their contributions.
February 20, 2023
MWSA Review

This detailed memoir/history is divided into three distinct parts. The first is a true memoir, briefly covering the author's youth and early years as a Marine aviator in the Vietnam era. The main part of the narrative is an exhaustive accounting of a then-secret 1970 military raid into southern Laos, in which the author played a supporting role. The last part comprises the author's critical analysis of a discredited CNN investigative report that was broadcast some 28 years after the raid.

At a period when opposition to the Vietnam War was reaching its high point, the author doggedly pursued his goal of becoming a Marine aviator. Assigned in country to an attack helicopter squadron, he provided close air support for Operation Tailwind, a four-day CIA-led raid against North Vietnamese forces on a segment of the Ho Chi Minh Trail deep in southern Laos. Since Laos was a neutral country, the use of US ground forces there was highly classified. The action was met with fierce opposition, and ended with a costly withdrawal and limited success. The author provides a day-by-day account of the raid, which was conducted by a small contingent of American Special Forces soldiers and a company of Montagnard troops. By the time the team was extracted, all sixteen Americans had been wounded and three Montagnards had been killed.

Operation Tailwind might have become a minor footnote to the Vietnam War, but 28 years after the incident a controversial TV documentary entitled "Valley of Death" alleged the use of deadly poison gas by United States forces. "Valley of Death" arose from a perfect storm of over-eager journalism, questionable sources, and slipshod oversight. A joint venture of the fledgling Cable News Network and TIME Magazine, and narrated by Pulitzer Prize-winning war correspondent Peter Arnett, the 18-minute show was quickly discredited but nonetheless cast a shadow over the integrity and heroism of the original raiders and their leadership. The fact that the operation was highly classified added to the difficulty of countering the accusations of the documentary. Nonetheless, the sponsors and promoters of "Valley of Death" were ultimately forced to withdraw their claims and in many cases professionally disgraced.

The author is reluctant to let the conclusions of the many critics of "Valley of Death" stand and spends the third part of his book addressing the many inconsistencies and outright falsehoods in the documentary.
The book provides excellent background on the political and military challenges presented by North Vietnam’s covert invasion of its neighbor to the west and the vital role of the Ho Chi Minh Trail as the lifeline for the communist fighting forces in South Vietnam. The story of Operation Tailwind provides a vivid example of the intensity and desperation of combat in the shadows of a little-known sideshow to the greater Vietnam conflict.

Review by Peter Young (February 2023)
210 reviews2 followers
May 13, 2024
Book consists of 3 distinctive parts. First is authors early years, start of military career and early deployment to Vietnam. Second part is concentrating on operation Tailwind mostly from the point of infantryman on the ground with author's involvement in mostly general terms. For those who want more aerial action Richard E. Diller's "Firefly" is book for you. Third part is about CNN's misinterpretation of operation Tailwind. Unfortunately i have to disagree with some of authors conclusion. Whole media fiasco is presented as a result of capitalist characteristics of industry - greed, uncontrolled competition, hubris, etc. Author conveniently forgot that important part of whole story is left ideology. Proverb that fish smells from the head can be applied here as Mr Turner involvement with Ms. Fonda is well known, and her "patriotic" stunts during Vietnam war are legend. Next is political situation in which popular president got involved in sexual scandal and his political and ideological friends decided to produce "contra-scandal" and nothing better then pull out some American war crimes. As public used to lap them in '70 probably such thing will go in '90 too. Unfortunately for media political scene changed and veterans , who have been targets for spitting competitions found their social and legal standing and effectively fought back and win tactical battle. Strategically CNN won as public (who anyhow has a attention span of a fruitfly ) got another and prolonged scandal and some heat is taken out of President's problems. Good part of the public actually believed all that drivel as veteran's unfortunate experience on playground can confirm. Side effect of whole story is that senior management of CNN(consisting of white, middle aged man) got rid of two tenacious, energetic, ruthless, single minded females( who will take their power probably sooner then later) without any controversy or politically incorrect scandal.
One little detail is also interesting. Arnett is almost always "Mr" but Hill and Oliver are never "Miss, Mrs Or Ms". Fortunately not a lot of rabid feminists are reading military history otherwise it will be lot of bad reviews. Arnett is treated with kid's gloves as author is impressed by his Pulitzer award. Author forgets that award didn't came from Haven on the wings of the angels but is given to capable guy who is on same ideological page as those who are giving it. Presenting Arnett as a bad boy who is out just to annoy high brass is naive to extremes. Just omitting word "tear" in tear gas he got USA in front of UN as a perpetrator of war crimes. It was done on purpose and not by mistake. In operation "Rolling Thunder" USA dropped hundreds of tons of high explosive on North Vietnam trying to break their resolve to continue war. Arnett and his colleagues in media didn't throw a single firecracker but with their half truths, insinuations and allegations they almost single handedly destroyed will of American people to wage war. Realities of brutal foreign war (dead, wounded, crippled etc) did the rest. Certain Spanish generalissimo will call Arnett& co fifth column and very efficient one too.
Unfortunately I have impression that author allowed certain bias to enter in this otherwise very good book.
45 reviews1 follower
December 13, 2022
Good Intent - Too Many Talking Heads?

As usual, the majority of politicians "attempt" to provide orders at the expense of our warriors, the media attempt to sell the story they want to be heard for their own benefit and the a number of our military leaders want to look like hero's (once again) even when they know it is unlikely they will win! Our warriors are the only ones who take orders from the politicians and General's, and then suffer when they do not get the support they need to get the job done. Our warriors in Tailwind were the hero's, and the rest just muddied the waters. The story of Operation Tailwind is a must read.
13 reviews
November 28, 2023
Setting the Record Straight!

Barry Pencek writes a good book! Perhaps he drank a little too much in Park 1, but I remember a few blurry times myself as a Marine officer. Part 2 was a really detailed and informative narrative of the operation itself and throughly enjoyable. Bill Beardell was a Basic School classmate of mine and was a character in his own right. His last man on the “string” was a topic at every reunion until he passed a couple of years ago. Part 3 served as vindication of not only Operation Tailwind but the bias and lies that all of us Vietnam veterans deal with. Well done,
May 19, 2023
The truth has a ring to it.

If you have a silver quarter, 1964 and older, and take one of the modern clad quarters. Drop your each o.
ne on a table top. Which one rings and which one clunks. When that Valley of Death story first aired most of my fellow vets called BS. None of it rang true or made sense. The only good thing that came out of it was the declassification of the SOG files. I had seen guys darling from choppers while at Dak To coming from the border and wondering who In the world were those guys.
19 reviews
June 19, 2023
A story of a different kind of conflict in1970 Vietnam

Mr. Pencek writes a compelling story of a heroic battle, twisted by noncombatants for their own ends. He does a very thorough job of that, thereby restoring integrity to our armed forces and those involved. It should be required reading in any school of journalism.
12 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2023
A Much Needed Book

I can only hope this book will be read by today's journalists looking for more on ethics and responsibility regarding what they write. The current narrative cannot be slavishly followed. It may take guts.
39 reviews1 follower
February 2, 2023
Good read

Excellent detail about the operation tailwind and the fallout from how it was reported by the media over the years. The author did an excellent job writing the book
457 reviews8 followers
May 16, 2023
Interesting piece of history.

Liked this piece of Vietnam War history, worth ur time and money. Interesting outcome, hope we never repeat it. God speed to those left there.
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