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The January 6 Report: Findings from the Select Committee to Investigate the Attack on the U.S. Capitol with Reporting, Analysis and Visuals by The New York Times

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FROM THE PULIZTER-PRIZE WINNING STAFF OF THE NEW YORK TIMES, this edition of THE JANUARY 6 REPORT offers the definitive record of the attack on the U.S. Capitol, with exclusive reporting, eyewitness accounts and analysis.

Listen to the report from the select committee’s investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, with accompanying insights from New York Times reporters who’ve covered the story from the beginning.
This edition from The New York Times and Twelve Books contains:
• THE JANUARY 6 REPORT from the Select Committee
• Reporting and analysis from The New York Times that puts the committee’s findings in context
• A timeline of key events 
• Photos and illustrations, including detailed maps that show the paths insurrectionists took to breach the Capitol
• Interviews, transcripts and documents that complement the Committee’s investigation
• A list of key participants from the Jan. 6 hearings

A critical examination of the facts and circumstances surrounding that dark day, THE JANUARY 6 REPORT promises to be the definitive account of what happened, with recommendations from the committee about how to safeguard the future of American democracy.

608 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 24, 2022

About the author

The January 6 Select Committee

6 books4 followers

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Profile Image for Joy D.
2,530 reviews275 followers
June 6, 2023
This report explains the sequence of events before and during the January 6 insurrection. It is based on facts and evidence. I think it should be read by all US Citizens. It is written by a committee, so it gets repetitive, but I think it is important to understand how close we came to losing our democracy and why.

“While the danger to the Capitol posed by an armed and angry crowd was foreseeable, the fact that the President of the United States would be the catalyst of their fury and facilitate the attack was unprecedented in American history. If we lacked the imagination to suppose that a President would incite an attack on his own Government, urging his supporters to “fight like hell,” we lack that insight no more. And the best defense against that danger will not come from law enforcement, but from an informed and active citizenry.”

Note: This report is available free online at the US House of Representatives website under Committees No Longer Standing.
Profile Image for Fred Klein.
555 reviews26 followers
February 2, 2023
This is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand what led up to and happened on January 6, 2021. The New York Times put the report into a convenient book form and left out the footnotes or endnotes that would have made it much longer, but provide access to them on-line (I have not gone to look; I was fine with just the book).

The report is repetitive and could have used editing to avoid that, but I'm assuming that it was issued this way in order to get it out quickly.

I wish everyone would read this book because it is the answer when people make claims like the attack on the Capitol wasn't as big a deal as it's made out to be; or it was really Antifa that did it; or it was caused by an FBI agent or agent(s); or the rioters were let in by Capitol police; or Trump told his followers to go in peacefully -- all ridiculous.
59 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2022
Well worth your time and attention

When put together in a narrative I found this to be astounding. It is not a political statement as much as a serious of reports on facts for you to put together. It is long and frequently repeatative as it provides different facts to incorporate similar facts. A lot is footnotes that pop up if you choose to see them.
Profile Image for Rita Arens.
Author 13 books176 followers
February 21, 2023
Extremely easy to digest despite its length. At the same time, hard to fathom this really happened.
Profile Image for Jim.
169 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2023
I actually listened to this on audible. Readers were excellent. We all know the basics. We lived through it. But this report adds a lot of details to create shocking timeline that connects all of the dots. The investigators created a super compelling narrative that seemed fresh and new, even though I’ve been keeping myself informed about the Trump crime family since 2015. Read or listen to this excellent thorough report. We’re living through history.
Profile Image for Courtenay.
317 reviews5 followers
February 20, 2023
I wish it was less dense & more reader-friendly so people would actually pick it up and read it. But then, I was reading it through the lens of making it comprehensible to 7th graders…
December 25, 2022
Eye opening look at a dark and tragic event in America’s history all because of the fragile ego of one damaged man. #neveragain
Profile Image for Karin.
1,378 reviews51 followers
February 13, 2023
Don't let the length of this put you off-- there are probably over 100 pages of citations here, and it's written in a voice that's easy to read. This is the definitive account of what happened on this date, I'm glad I took the time to read it. Practically everything in here is cited.
Profile Image for Melinda.
581 reviews15 followers
January 22, 2023
Glad I read it! A bit redundant in parts but well researched and documented.
Profile Image for Mary Ann.
357 reviews3 followers
December 24, 2022
All Americans need to know the facts about the January 6th insurrection. This report is well-written, logically organized and exhaustively annotated. These are facts, not opinions. We came close to losing our Republic. We should all pay attention. I encourage you to read it...all 845 pages (a lot of those pages are endnotes, so it's really not that daunting)
Profile Image for Irene Budoff.
1 review
January 17, 2023
Keep up with the news? Watch all of the 1/6 committee hearings? Think you know all there is to know about what happened? Perhaps not. This report has relevance insofar as it will stun the reader with all you may have not known or with what you may have forgotten. The New York Times edition ( the one I'm currently reading) adds photos that will bring the events of the day back to even the casual news follower. Well worth the time and effort.
Profile Image for Joseph Stieb.
Author 1 book197 followers
July 5, 2023
Even if you have read books like Jonathan Karl's excellent "Betrayal" or Jamie Raskin's compelling memoir about Jan. 6, there is still a ton to learn by reading the Jan. 6 Report. I plan to write something longer about it, but this report offers and incredibly detailed and well-sourced narrative that demonstrates several key points about this attempt to overthrow an election and obviate the will of the American people:

1. When Trump didn't get the answers he wanted about electoral fraud and overturning the election from his main advisors, he turned to "Team Crazy," which included John Eastmann, Mark Meadows to some extent, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, John McEntee, Jeffrey Clark, Ken Chesebro, and others. They developed not only fraudulent claims of electoral fraud the whacky and illegal theory that the Vice President could simply negate the electoral slates of states Trump lost and either declare him the winner or kick the election back to the states to deliberate (read: switch their electors to Trump) or even over to the House where the GOP controlled 26 of 50 state delegations. The endless pleas and appeals of Trump's more sane advisors were not enough to get him to stop spreading lies about the election or pushing forward on several fronts in the attempt to reverse the election. The key dynamic here is that for a leader as ruthless and egotistical as DJT, it isn't enough to have responsible people in the room; he won't listen to them when push comes to shove, and there will always be hacks, ideologues, and lackeys waiting in the wings to advance ridiculous ideas and push for radical solutions.

2. Another thing this Report reveals is that the crazy legal theory described above wasn't even something that its architects, like Eastmann, really seemed to believe. Eastmann had rejected the theory before the election, and then during arguments with more sane DOJ lawyers, he admitted that it wasn't a sound theory. He and others simultaneously pushed this baseless theory while angling for pardons, showing that they knew that their proposal was B.S. To me, this dynamic proves that this was "a coup in search of a legal theory," in the apt phrasing of one judge, in the sense that the ideas and evidence didn't really matter; they were just pretexts for the fixed goal of reversing the election.

3. This report really shows the centrality of Trump to what happened on Jan. 6 and throughout the entire coup and disinformation campaign. Had he abandoned the lies and provocations after Biden won (especially after he lost all the post-election lawsuits), the idea of reversing the election probably would have remain pretty fringe. However, when he called his supporters in mid-December to be in DC on Jan. 6 when the election was going to be certified, the far-right responded with a massive organizational campaign and showed up in force with advanced planning (by groups like the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers) to try to disrupt the electoral certification in some way. The report then does a pretty good job showing that the insurrectionists responded to Trump's tweets in real time. His denunciation of Pence via tweet caused a surge in the rioters' movement into the Capitol, and when he finally (3 hours later) called the rioters to go home, many actively responded to that as well. It's fairly clear that in a causal sense that if Trump hadn't done what he did and said what he said from the election up to Jan. 6, the taking of the Capitol never would have happened; that's how damaging he was as President and why he can never be allowed to hold power again.

A few mild criticisms: It isn't totally clear to me, or to anyone for that matter, how the idea of entering the Capitol by force really came about. A lot of the insurrectionists seemed to plan for this, and they started moving on the Capitol during Trump's speech. Trump called them to "fight like Hell" and so on, but never to actually seize the Capitol. He did nothing for 3 hours to stop or discourage them, suggesting that he supported this move (he clearly thinks the insurrectionists were the good guys). So it seems like the idea to infiltrate the Capitol emerged from the mob mentality and the activism, for lack of a better word, of Proud-boy type extremists in the mob.

Another mild criticism: There wasn't much here on the Congressional GOP effort to decertify the electoral slates of swing states that Biden had won. This was truly a radical move: the majority of the House GOP caucus as well as 7 GOP senators voted on the basis of fraudulent evidence to disenfranchise entire states (sometimes, their own states) to support an authoritarian demagogue's effort to hold on to power. This shows how deep the rot is in the GOP, but it's only mentioned in passing in this report. It seems like a major part of the overall coup attempt, and I would have liked to have read more about its origins and evolution.

There's a lot more that could be said about this report, which is excellent and quite readable. This was one of the darkest and most dangerous periods in US history, and the fact that almost no one in the elite ranks of the Trump admin has been held accountable for orchestrating a systematic attempt to overthrow a fair democratic election and obstruct constitutional processes is stunning. It's a testament to the absolute rot of the GOP, whose leaders like McConnell and McCarthy missed crucial opportunities to finish Trump off during the impeachment process and since have acted like this never happened. Meanwhile, on the right, Jan. 6 is either something they are proud of or won't speak about or will dismiss as a minor thing (or they will make dubious comparisons to riots related to the George Floyd protests). The fact that Trump, DeSantis, and other GOP contenders have promised to pardon Jan. 6 insurrectionists shows how the right-wing lionizing of these traitors has flourished. The wheels of justice, including lawsuits against Trump in places like Georgia, will hopefully advance quickly, but ultimately it is up tot he American people to face up to what happened btw Nov. 2020 and Jan. 2021 and reject Trump and all he stands for.
82 reviews
November 12, 2023
This was very interesting however its so repetitive and long that it became very annoying and considered abandoning it. I made it though but the entire thing could have been 1/3 of its length and achieved the same goal. If interested read the executive summary and you'd be good and then the last chapter of recommendations.
Profile Image for Susan D'Entremont.
767 reviews19 followers
February 9, 2023
I read this for a political book club because that's the kind of nerd I am. I probably would not have made it through if it weren't for talking about it with other people. It is so jammed packed with information that one reader will miss a lot. I enjoyed hearing what other readers picked out.

Lots of legal cases are going to arise from this. Some readers felt it was almost a blueprint to DOJ and other jurisdictions as to who they should go after and try to prosecute.

Parts of this were actually funny, believe it or not. Little digs were inserted into the report, such as some of the comments people in the administration made about Trump behind the scenes or the fact that money raised by "Save America" went to Melania's designer for "strategy consulting."

Will the electorate's mind be changed by this report? I doubt it. People believe what they want to believe. But I do think it will have consequences for many of the people mentioned. I am also glad that this document was created for future generations to study.

I wish there had been a list of all the players and their positions in alphabetical order. Some, but definitely not all, of the people are in the front of the book, and they are in a seemingly random order. Maybe in the order that they are mentioned in the report? But there are a LOT of people in the book, and it is hard to keep them all straight, even after watching a good chunk of the hearings.
Profile Image for Bonnie.
2,244 reviews7 followers
December 13, 2023
I really wondered if I could stay interested for the 24 hours this audiobook takes to listen to. But I found that I was interested in it the whole time. I do wish that there were more Republicans on the committee. If that had been the case, so many in the Republican Party would have a harder time automatically dismissing it. I thought that the fact that so many of those who testified are Republicans does a great deal to provide balance.

Unfortunately, there are a great many people who (according to what I've read) trust Mr. Trump more than they trust family members. They will not believe anything that this committee has brought to light. Because of these people we will in all likelihood face the dismal prospect of another election where the nominees are Biden and Trump. Hopefully, they will choose running mates who would make better presidents than they have been. They are both old enough that they could be gone before the end of their terms.

My own husband has not been in favor of Trump ever since the disgraceful July 6th insurrection. Nevertheless, he wouldn't think of listening to this audiobook as he thinks the committee was run by Democrats to put it to Republicans.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,585 reviews93 followers
January 16, 2023
Written by committee, I'm sure...a committee of staffers...but a compelling narrative, even when we think we know all the details. Meticulous editing. Readable prose, compelling pacing. Amazing.

This seriously reads like a political thriller...counting down to the morning of Jan 6, and then a minute-by-minute account of all the players, in all the places. Minute by inevitable minute. We see the carnage approaching and we're helpless. Maybe political thriller with horror story thrown in.

The endnotes that close the summary and each chapter are breathtakingly complete. Overwhelmingly thorough.

This saga begins with, "Late on election night 2020, President Donald J. Trump addressed the nation from the East Room of the White House," and it concludes with, "At 3:32 am, the Congress completed the counting of the vote and certified the election of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the 46th President of the United States." The nation nearly lost its way.

I bought the version that includes an Epilogue by Rep. Jamie Raskin. His words gave me the hope I needed.

The work of this Committee is heroic. We owe every person who worked on this masterpiece our gratitude.
Profile Image for Tucker.
Author 28 books208 followers
November 5, 2023
Do you know how much work the committee had to do to write this. Not least because Trump told all his friends not to testify. And they still deposed over a thousand witnesses! Even though some of them pleaded the Fifth! (I'm sure they're innocent.)

The committee also collected a MILLION documents. A meeeeeelyon documents!
Dr. Evil from Austin Powers
I've only read 2,000 books. I'm counting this eight-hundred-something page government report as one of them. Someday I'll have read a million books and then I'll finally come up with a theory why half of the US wants to re-elect Trump, but until then I'll continue to have zero clue. Give me some time and my internal committee will get back to you.

Anyway, about this report, my favorite chapter is Chapter 5. If you don't have time to read the whole report, read one chapter, please.
Profile Image for Merrie Fox.
584 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2023
friggin a long long book! It is in chapters that sometime repeat the same thing. I learned a lot and the best thing is all of it is back up with FACTS from the people that were there, what has come out in court as people pleed guilty and those that are convicted. Lots of things to learn here. PACs need to go away. The National guard needs to be led by someone that is not in any way associated with the white house. Family should not be in charge across the table like the Flynn brothers. Still dont know how they have both been arrested. Hell Im not sure how a lot of people havent been arrested. When you KNOW it is a lie but you put it out there and bad things happen you are GUILTY. ALL of them. Everyone that repeated the LIE, Rudy, Stone, Eastman, Cruz, Stone, Trump, Trump family, All of the proud boys, 3 percenters and Oath Keepers and so many more. I dont think these guys are going to go away so we may never be safe. It is a long book and although I did the audiobook I think a paperbook might be better. The readers were excellent but I organize better when I see it on paper
Profile Image for Fishface.
3,193 reviews240 followers
March 11, 2023
This was a remarkably fast read considering that it came to 592 (oversized) pages. I came away knowing much, much more about the events around January 6th than I thought there was to know. There must be even more out there to learn because my copy of the book turned out not to be the final version. The full report has about 300 MORE pages of calumny, violence, official misconduct, and high-level government corruption. In truth my edition has a second-draft feel to it, with uncaptioned photos leaving me wondering who is testifying, words left out of sentences and very, very repetitive writing that had me wondering "didn't I just read this?" again and again. Remarkably, it described a Michigan Senator as a Republican from Vulcan, which can't possibly be just a typo. Leaving that aside, I never thought any president could make me miss Richard Nixon, but this book made that happen for me.
42 reviews1 follower
March 16, 2023
Well written and accessible for everyone. Well documented like a legal brief.

Extremely disgusting view of the corrupting influence of power. One that every American should be forced to read.

When lies are normalized, the things that we value fall apart. It feels weird to say that the heroes of this story simply refused to believe in or claim election fraud without evidence of election fraud, but that’s gist. Disappointing how many people were not heroes given such a low standard. Rona.

The more power we give someone, the more our system relies on their good character and honor to do the right thing. That reliance was completely misplaced in this case. Trump has neither and what happened has to rank in the top ten darkest moments in our Country’s history. The confederate flag in the Capitol building. Thanks Donald. And the GOP is concerned about kneeling. SMH.

Profile Image for Adam.
206 reviews
March 28, 2024
A Well-Documented Audio Account for History, Leaning Informative

The New York Times' edition of the January 6th report offers a well-written and informative account of the attack on the Capitol, presented in both print and audiobook format by The New York Times' award-winning journalists. The report combines the committee's findings with analysis, providing a comprehensive look at this historic event.

While the report can be repetitive at times, it serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of January 6th. The audiobook format makes it accessible to a wider audience.

It's important to acknowledge that any historical account reflects some bias, but the Times' report strives for neutrality by presenting the facts alongside the committee's analysis. Similar to the 9/11 Commission Report, this detailed account will likely be seen as a valuable resource for future generations, offering a clear record of a pivotal moment in American history.
Profile Image for Sarah R.
23 reviews
February 8, 2023
To state the obvious: this is not a nonfiction book by the likes of Ron Chernow or Doris Kearns Goodwin - it’s a government report. As such, it’s more challenging to read and not always easy to track. It’s not the most compelling thing I’ve ever read, but oh boy is it not dry.

The chapters are arranged thematically rather than chronologically, so everything to do with election lawsuits is in one chapter, everything to do with the pressure campaign on the VP is in another chapter, etc. That makes the text pretty repetitive, but I think it was the right choice: there was SO much going on between November 2020 and January 6 2021 that a narrative told in strict chronological order would probably be even harder to follow.

Overall: Reading this report was like if the Coen brothers and Stephen King had a strange evil baby.
Profile Image for Sharon.
677 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2023
Highly illuminating as the information is extracted from the actual records of the J6 Committee: all facts, little if any personal opinion. Reports cover communications between major groups (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, & 3%s), Trump tweets calling supporters to action, the rally on the Ellipse, the march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol, the breach and destruction of the Capitol, and Trump's 187 minutes of silence. The appendices focus on government preparation and response to J6, National Guard preparation and response, money collected through donations and how Trump and the RNC used those funds, and evidence (or the lack thereof) pertaining to foreign influence on the 2020 election. Very readable with "minute-by-minute" action and excerpts from J6 hearing transcripts. An intelligent read for anyone wanting the truth to what happened at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Profile Image for Shelley.
687 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2023
This is an extensive and in-depth recounting of the events surrounding the storming of the Capitol and attempted insurrection on Jan 6th. Although I’d watched each of the sessions conducted by the Congressional Committee, this book had so much information and was presented in such a way that really helped me understand more fully the events that led up to the event, the event itself, and the subsequent events that have transpired since. It’s important to me to think for myself and form opinions based on reliable and credible resources, rather than merely espousing what I’ve heard others say in various media formats. This book is not a fast or an easy read, but it’s well worth the time and effort for those interested in learning the truth about the attack on our nation’s capitol and democracy itself on Jan 6th.
Profile Image for Charles.
Author 19 books39 followers
January 6, 2023
Having watched all the Jan 6 committee sessions, this book is a thorough and detailed review of the successive narratives that they establish to explain numerous facets of the events preceding Jan 6, occurring on that day, and subsequent events. This book is also a guide to the unindicted criminals serving in Congress, e.g. scumbag Jim Jordan, scumbag Scott Perry, scumbag Andy Biggs, scumbag Mo Brooks, and Uber scumbag Kevin McCarthy. This books shows clearly that even though these events did not result in overturning the 2020 election, we are nowhere near having these events behind us, especially when lawmakers and public officials are currently yet to be held accountable for their criminal actions on 1/6/21.
137 reviews12 followers
April 1, 2023
Clear, detailed, and well documented. Persuasive evidence of a conspiracy among a number of government actors to overturn a lawful election. And also of an even larger number of government actors that ultimately chose to put duty ahead of personal relationships and even interest. Some have paid terrible prices for their patriotism.

There are few black and white issues in the world. I do not follow political issues closely and read political news infrequently, except as it pertains to my job.

I understand there is inherent bias in any story, particularly one told entirely by members who have all made the same conclusion.

Nonetheless, I am grateful to the committee members for their work and to our civil servants for their sacrifices.

FIVE STARS. Necessary reading for citizens of our Democracy.
Profile Image for Jay.
118 reviews1 follower
June 8, 2023
I suppose it's astounding that so many people can't absorb this incredible recent attack on our Democracy. Every American should be familiar with the facts surrounding this audacious coup attempt. Future generations will be flummoxed by the blasé disinterest so many people have toward these events, or that in some circles Trump's popularity even increased. If we hadn't seen it for our own eyes, no Hollywood screen writer would have invented such a plot. On one hand brazen and on the other hand amazingly stupid. Trump has a Svengali-like influence over the weak minded, and the morally bankrupt opportunists in this country.
12 reviews
February 19, 2023
Consumers of news know that the majority of what is in the report, was covered at the 1/6 hearings. Shame on us as a country for becoming so ignorant of what a real news source is, & being fooled into thinking that the internet and you tube provide truthful information.
We shouldn't have to read the report to know about all this. It was available in real time on CNN, MSNBC since 2016. Keep up people or next time, the coup attempt might be successful. Educate yourself as it happens, not AFTERWARD.
Profile Image for Synthia Salomon.
1,023 reviews20 followers
February 25, 2023
The January 6th Report (2022) is the official Congressional report into the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The report confirms that Donald Trump, the outgoing president, was the root cause of the attack on the Capitol, and the committee recommended that he broke numerous laws in the process and should be brought to justice.

Donald Trump knew he’d lost the 2020 election – and his response was to obstruct justice and lie about it.

Tactics Trump employed included faking election certificates and influencing state legislatures and the Justice Department.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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