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The Great Core's Paradox #1

The Great Core's Paradox

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Just because he's small doesn't mean Paradox can't Level up BIG time. The Great Core demands it!

Name: Paradox
Species: Snake, [?]
Description: A tiny snake with great potential.

That was who I was. That was what I was. A tiny snake with great potential. The sole creation of the Great Core.

It was just us, the Great Core and I, tucked away in our little corner of the World Dungeon. Together, we hid from the bad-things and the Coreless of the world outside - safe from the horrors that would consume us.

Until, one day, the Coreless found us. Until they tried to steal away my creator. Until, with no other option, I swallowed the Great Core that had made me.

Only after that did I become what I was always meant to be.

At last, I became the Great Core's Paradox in more than name.

[The Endless Cycle] began.

Thus begins the story of a little snake zealot and his journey to greatness.

646 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 12, 2022

About the author


2 books12 followers

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5 stars
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7 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,931 followers
July 18, 2023
At a little over three-quarters, I petered out. It was pretty good to that point. Or, at least, I was engaged with Paradox the dungeon noodle and his struggles to survive in a deadly environment so far above his capability. I particularly liked his determination that saw him through his challenges.

But I had a problem with his blind faith towards "the Great Core" right from the start and that became ludicrous once he "protected" it by eating it. So the "Great Core" literally doesn't exist but it is still his every devotion and every thought and the source of his great determination. I don't like seeing people being duped and it is only made worse when they're doing it to themselves.

Things picked up after he joined some humans and started to see a broader perspective of his environment. Only, he's still thinking in terms of converting them to his fantastic religion. You know, with the object of devotion that doesn't actually exist.

I had finally had enough when Paradox became an object of devotion even though he still can't understand human speech or have any kind of conversation with them. I got impatient that all the misunderstandings still exist. But more that his internal insistence on his superiority based on a fiction is still so indomitably expressed.

I'm trying to find an excuse to give this a second star and I'm coming up blank. The persistent faith beyond all reason that finally wore me down is too hard a barrier to get over, though. It's a good idea. And interesting characters. But that one aspect made it impossible for me to sink into and enjoy.
Profile Image for Clint Young.
849 reviews
July 15, 2022
KU Review

Monster evolutions are fun. Even more so when the cute but clueless and delusional MC seems to warp the world around him, making his own reality come true. Super fun story.

As the title says this is a review for Kindle Unlimited and as such is a reflection of my enjoyment of the book and in no way reflects cost to value analysis.
2,213 reviews52 followers
August 1, 2022
An intriguing idea that has some execution issues.

The whole book being from the snake's perspective is a fun idea. But it tends to get bogged down in minutia making for a difficult read. This is fun and cute, but needs to be refined into a smoother story.
Profile Image for Koffe.
727 reviews17 followers
July 19, 2022
A surprisingly great and humorous book!!!
I went in with very little expectations from this book as I only found it by coincidence. So it was with an overwhelming delight that I got hooked straight from the start. The world building was great, the plot was amazing and very unique. So many twists and turns I didn't see coming at all. So many feelgood moments in this book. The emotions it invoked are real. It was funny and had me laughing out loud many times through out the entire book. The action and obstacles Paradox had to overcome was amazingly well written and detailed. I really felt a connection too the characters in the world. I can't wait for the next book in the series. This is probably one of the most underrated books I've seen in a long time.
Profile Image for Wilhelm Eyrich.
339 reviews23 followers
June 21, 2023
This was almost 4 stars.

I love monster evolution and the way this was done was great, if it only focused on that aspect I would have loved it. The other POV stuff is more than I would like, and the constant talk about the great core got old quickly.

Is this also a dungeon core book? If so I like this take the best, immediately eaten (although not forgotten fast enough).
19 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2022
Really enjoyed the book

Wasn’t expecting that much from the book. A book about a snake? However I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was as it drew me in. Really looking forward now to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Callum.
76 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2022
A charming lit rpg worth your time

Like it seems a lot of people based on reviews I was lured into reading this book largely by the idea of a monster as the main character - a tiny adorable snake. That alone wouldn’t make the book good but the way the character is developed with sharply witty characterisations was just so charming I ended up loving it. The story is well paced, the systems in the book thought out and it’s technically well written but the best thing about it is just how loveable the characterisation is. The conflict between how paradox - the tiny, delusional, grandiose but very cute MC - sees the world and the way things actually are. And the way things slowly start to slot into his world view was a lot more compelling than I expected. The characters around him don’t get as much development but are still well done and I cared about them particularly not needle by the end. There’s also breaks from his perspective to other characters which adds to the humour to their dichotomy. I devoured this book as I will the next and would 100% recommend it.
4 reviews2 followers
October 19, 2022
A super fun and well-written read!

I read so many books, usually 3-4 a day, and even still, I am seldom so mentally satiated, even somewhat exuberant, after completing one such as this book. I think I only stumbled over a few grammatical errors, so my hat goes off to the editors as well as to the wonderful author.

The story definitely ranks in my top 30 list (and given the literal thousand+ books I’ve read, hopefully it is understood what high praise that is), with a wonderful firsthand viewpoint of a snake, complete with its own (amusing) vocabulary descriptors of the people, places, and actions. I am very much looking forward to the next in the series.
42 reviews
July 26, 2022
damn good book

I decided to try this book out since i was bored…lately I’ve been wanting a book series where the mc isnt human and dosent want to be, so this gave me that and towards the end i started to feel proud of Paradox as he “Spread the Great Cores influence” and now alas i need to wait for another wonderful book so without further ado i bid thee well and may we meet again in the second foretelling of Paradox.
18 reviews
August 11, 2022
Very unique take on dungeon type litrpg

The title is sorta deceptive, I went into this book expecting a dungeon type litrpg. What I got was more akin to adventure type litrpg. With that said. This book was an amazing read and you can't help but root for the little snake that bites its own tale. I myself can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Devan.
506 reviews14 followers
August 12, 2022
so refreshing

I absolutely loved this. Of course I am a sucker for monster evolution stories. Especially when they have a naive distorted perspective of the world. Makes it so interesting and hilarious.

Loved the MC progression and evolutions. Also loved the interesting use of out of the ordinary skills.
Profile Image for Daniel.
67 reviews
July 25, 2022
The narrative style using ore flesh, scale flesh, smell taste, etc is quite annoying initially. Once you get used to that however the story is great! I love the spin taken on the litRPG genre and doing it all from a snake's point of view is quite fascinating.
62 reviews
November 24, 2023
Fascinating story

I love this book. The author did a fantastic job of creating a world from a snakes point of view. I loved how the snake came to view the people, especially the children.
I like stories like this where the nonhuman MC doesn’t think or act like a human. Well written and enjoyable book. Definitely 5 stars.
Profile Image for Danny A..
187 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2022
Great core Paradox the boss

This was a delightful read and I liked the little snake. It's not always you get a truly inhuman MC. I loved how he grew to love the humans around him but still managed to be the lovable snake monster that he is.
October 13, 2022
a good read

It’s an interesting take on the dungeon core genre. Viewing the story from the pov of the snake is very cool. The author did a great job of describing things from its perspective
Profile Image for Rovelt.
29 reviews4 followers
December 22, 2022
A novel experience

3.5 Enjoyabe simple resd. MC is the only "person" with a character arc, which feels unearned. Magic system feels underdeveloped, pages at a time of inane dialog, and repetitive battle scenes. Hopeful book 2 addresses these issues.
Profile Image for Amber Kluttz.
105 reviews9 followers
December 31, 2022
Pretty good!

Simple review, but honestly it was a good read. New and interesting theme that went in directions I didn't think of. I would like to see Paradox get a bit more.... Overpowered personally, but it's still a good book!

I'd recommend it.
Profile Image for Travis.
2,519 reviews37 followers
January 12, 2023
Very cute. Never thought I'd be rooting for a snake regardless of the story, but this little guy just takes the cake.
Very amusing story, and very cool to boot. If you're a LitRPG fan, grab this one, it will entertain you to be sure.
Profile Image for Jordan.
33 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2023
I never knew I’d feel for a snake

A fantastic MC makes for an enjoyable ride. I loved the misunderstandings of our non human MC as it tries, and fails, to interpret the humans around him. The progression is fantastic as well. I highly recommend it.
9 reviews
July 23, 2022
Fun story

A nice little story. Pacing is a little weird but it's all good. Looking forward to the next one. Hopefully the little snake will go more time traveling.
1,803 reviews7 followers
July 25, 2022
Very good read

I enjoyed reading this book very much and I recommend this book to anyone who like LitRPG and progression type of books with lots of action.
3 reviews
October 22, 2022
Cute and heartwarming

I absolutely adored this book. The story told from a, sometimes very confused, snakes point of view. This was very entertaining and humorous.
5 reviews
November 2, 2022
A book

I liked that be book contained words that elicited certain emotions when linked together and was written in a language.
558 reviews12 followers
March 12, 2023
Ok book

Liked the snakes point of view ,hated the humans dialogue with themselves as always the writer fell into the trap of making it about the humans instead of the snake
Profile Image for ??.
213 reviews
Want to read
August 11, 2023
DNFed at 44%

This was well-written, with good action and interesting characters, but absolutely zero plot 🙁
Profile Image for Michael Rinaldi.
48 reviews1 follower
August 14, 2022
very interesting

The entire thing is meant to be from a snakes perspective, but put in a way we can understand. It starts nice and peaceful until humans are involved when everything gets bigger. After 50% it’s as if the story is based on the humans with Paradox being a side character.

All in all it was an interesting read due to the change in perspective, but in the search for multiple characters it turned from a story of a snake to a story of a community of people with a guardian.
1,976 reviews
July 15, 2022
Surprisingly I didn't know that the protagonist was gonna be a cute little danger noodle, a snek! I didn't know the author, but I did suspect that Zendran posted on the Royal Road because of the nom de plume. What I did know was that the amazing Peter Berkrot was the narrator, and the book was published by Aethon, who tends to provide amazing books for the discerning SF&F reader!
This book just takes my breath away, a whole book written from a Snakes POV. How amazing is that? I ask you?!? And it's a very small snek, with a humongous amount of confidence in both the Great Core and in it's own ability, as is fitting for a dungeon boss named Paradox Ouroboros. A boss who can control destiny and thus honor the Great Core. So with his pet hooman adventure team, they set out for adventure. The humans of course have their own notions of what's goin on, but they all realize that their chances of survival has dramatically increased with the "tame" dungeon monster's help!
Ohhhh and yeah, I was right Zendran is a Royal Road author! And RR has yet to fail me!
1,078 reviews
October 14, 2021
This is a story about an ignorant yet intelligent creature attempting to understand and adapt to a world beyond it’s initial understanding. I love books like this and this is one of the decently written ones.

One minor (usually major) negative is that this story is very human centric. Fortunately, this protagonist doesn’t become a slave to humans or otherwise sell himself out to them. Paradox selfishly and mistakenly thinks that he is converting humans to his Great Core worshiping religion. Eventually this sort of happens in a round about way, with Paradox becoming a minor deity-like figure.

Book one end of chapter 109 (118 chapters total).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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