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Arcana of the Tarot #1

The Fool and the Sparrow

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As the top operative for a global shadow government known as the Order, Thea has served and protected the elite 1%. Her life changes suddenly when she escapes the Order with damning evidence of the group’s existence. Now she is on the run for her life, looking for a way to expose what she’s stolen. Fate intervenes when a fortuitous encounter with a tarot card reader leads her directly into the path of a divine being from another realm.

Kit the Fool leaves the Arcana realm for Earth, following visions sent to him from his sisters, Fiona the Moon and Kathryn the High Priestess. As he accompanies Thea on her quest to expose the Order, he is thrust into a cat-and-mouse adventure that captivates his curious and impulsive nature. As does the Sparrow at his side. The stakes are raised even higher when he uncovers a threatening connection to his own people.

Together, Thea and Kit set off to expose the nefarious Order, but along the way, the two find themselves tumbling headfirst into an attraction that defies cosmic logic. How will these two souls from very different worlds defeat the odds stacked against them?

The Fool and the Sparrow is the first book in the Arcana of the Tarot series. It is a fantasy romance packed with political intrigue and high heat, featuring a mythical being let loose in the mortal world and a weary heroine on a life-or-death mission.

For fans of Laura Thalassa, Nalini Singh, Zoey Draven, JA Huss, Thea Harrison, and Ruby Dixon.

302 pages, Paperback

Published June 15, 2022

About the author

Dana Fox

6 books26 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews
Profile Image for RLbooks (on a break).
828 reviews313 followers
September 9, 2024
I have to think on this review but I want to try and put initial thoughts up. It’s an intriguing concept combining tarot with a second realm that influences ours. The connections and meaning to tarot are explained but I felt that the story would have benefited from a glossary with a barebones explanation to start, as well as some of the other language meanings. Additionally, I didn’t see a trigger warning and there are some heavy topics in these pages including grooming behaviors and using young women as tools.

That said, Kit (H) is an adorable fish out of water with an infectiously joyous spirit and a naïveté that’s sweet. He feels something brewing in him and after consulting others in his realm, comes to the human realm to pursue a possible connection. Thea (h) stands in contrast to him with the bleakness of her past and the questionable continuation of her future. She’s a trained assassin and spy who’s had little joy. Somehow these two worked as an engaging couple that found an instinctive ease and care for each other. Plus their initial meeting and Kit revealing himself as this immortal being was something else. There’s also a significant amount of steam in this story, which honestly surprised me for some reason. Maybe because the characters are literally running for their lives and to fulfill a higher purpose of contributing to a burgeoning rebellion against a corrupt organization.

Written in third person, dual POV. No ow drama, kind of a small amount of om drama regarding h’s ex-handler/lover, and both are experienced (h mostly had experience being a honeypot and using her sexual attributes on missions; H is an immortal being so he’s been with others but sex isn’t a driving force for him).

This has kind of a road trip feel as Thea and Kit move from place to place trying to get info she stole into the hands of someone who can help with exposure. There are emotionally intimate moments between them as they go about this, some of which are devastating to Kit as he realizes all that Thea has gone through (he had met her briefly as a child and feels he could have checked on her or done more, which Thea does not feel).

It was sometimes jarring how Kit and Thea could be together in a soft moment, then the tone would shift dramatically as Thea recalled her past or violence would erupt in the present. Thea’s past was especially difficult to read about and some aspects were repeated as if the reader would forget the wrongs that had been done. This also somehow both high stakes and slowly paced. Another GR friend felt the book read quickly but it was the opposite for me, this took days, which in fairness could be my mood.

To balance out the heavier themes, there is humor and moments of lightness. Kit attracts small animals and is compared to a Disney princess. Thea does get some moments to just be and enjoy some freedom. But the danger they’re evading is always looming.

The ending is HFN and the epilogue is from another character’s POV that complicates the situation. I felt like there was satisfaction in that Kit and Thea will be together and are in love, but not at all with what’s to come in the fight against the bad guys or determining what’s occurring between the human realm and the Arcana realm.

There were enough elements of the premise and the writing that didn’t quite work for me that I won’t be continuing the series. However it was a different concept and I think other readers may enjoy it more.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
5,780 reviews217 followers
June 2, 2022
I really found the synopsis of this book to be very intriguing and thus the reason I wanted to read it. So glad that I took a chance on this book. It was a sweet surprise in a very good way. The blend of mythically with present day was lovely. The dynamics between Thea and Kit worked really well together. Kit was my favorite. He had a witty side to him, which I guess you could say comes from the fact that he is the "fool". Also, Kit interacting with the real world and discovering new things was entertaining.

I don't know much about tarot cards but after reading this book, I am curious to learn more about tarot cards. As you can expect that this book being a fantasy romance that Thea and Kit do start a romantic relationship. Yet, it did not happen until much later into the story. I appreciated this as it made it more believable and real this way. Wow, though as the steamy level is spicy.

This was a fast read for me. I look forward to reading book two in this series. Don't let the word "fool" trick you in the title of this book as author, Dana Fox weaves a lovely story with witty, engaging characters with The Fool and the Sparrow!

Lastly to quote Thea:

The Fool was her future.

And this Sparrow was free.
178 reviews23 followers
June 7, 2022
The Fool and the Sparrow follows Thea, a woman on a mission to expose the secrets of lies of the organization she’s gotten out of, the Order.

Blending not only genres, but myth and reality, this is a tale woven straight out of a classic fantasy, but modernized and so unique, you’ll never find anything similar to it.

I have very little knowledge of tarot cards, but I am now super fascinated and want to dive into them more. The references from cards to characters, to actions and sequences in the book was incredible and so well done!

The writing style in this was very enjoyable, as well as memorable. It wasn’t a short read, but it went by quick and was extremely fast paced. This is the first book in a new series, and I’m extremely excited to see what happens next!
Profile Image for Klee.
524 reviews19 followers
July 2, 2022
"I feel lost.
You are."

Vaaa vaaa vaaa voom. Kit & Thea, absolutely here for it.

Thea is an undercover operative - a spy, an assassin, a seductress. She works for the not so mysterious Order, who are the controlling elite in America. We meet her on the streets of Vegas, escaped from their clutches after shooting her handler in the gut and with a USB with vital whistleblower information in her pocket.

Kit is one of the Major Arcana. The god-like people of another realm who influence humanity. Kit is feeling, well, just really not quite himself. He approaches other Arcana for some insight. He finds himself back on earth, with a grown up Thea who he met when she was a child.

Their paths cross. What happens next is a whole heap of adventure and lot's of steamy, steamy consensual romance. I LOVED IT. It has all the things I enjoy - fantasy (tarot realm - yes please), action (I was never bored), and some pretty hot and heavy scenes. AND the social commentary and critique is fantastic, it's searing and real world relevant. Love a book with a good dose of social conscience on the side.

Get yourself a copy so Fox can write sequels, because I am here for sequels and I am all for supporting indie authors. Total Katee Robert vibes y'all.

Thanks to the author for providing this to me for an honest review.

"Brave is just what people call you when they're glad they don't have your life."
Profile Image for Pancha Mantilla.
162 reviews13 followers
June 15, 2022
First thing first, I revived an ARC copy of this book thanks to Katieandbreya.

Now, the books is defiantly a fun read. It follows Thea, an ex sparrow in her journey to take down the organization that made her life a living hell. She was raised top be a weapon, an assassin that would do whatever it take to get her target. Only a few days after her scape she encounters Kit, the fool. The arcana character that travel realms to find answers, only to find her. Intertwined by fate they must face not only the learns of the shady organization controlling the world from the shadows but the nature of humanity.
A really fun book with amazing characters and interesting story. As a tarot reader my only confession to make is that it was super strange to see the cards as characters. And for them to have their own names, voices, realm and language. It was strange, but you get passed it after a few chapters, or at least that happened to me. Son if you’re a reader thinking that …. Don’t be afraid to try, it really gets better and yo get used to it. Specially if you take into account how easy is to get invested in the story form the very beginning.
Profile Image for MusingsofRu.
260 reviews29 followers
June 15, 2022
The Fool and the Sparrow was a fascinating read that had a mix of suspense, fantasy and romance.

The book did a great job of creating sparks and chemistry between the two main characters; Thea & Kit. I particularly enjoyed the fish out of water sequences that Kit the Fool was placed in. It led me to laugh and break the darkness of the suspense scenes. Thea is a badass. Her life and motivations were well explained and made me root for her. Together Thea and Kit endeavor to complete her mission to expose a shadow organization that stole Thea's childhood and innocence. Kit and Thea feel an incredible bond, one that surprises both of them.

I enjoyed this book, thank you to the author and Katie & Brey PA for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for DeAnna Hill.
Author 2 books44 followers
May 31, 2022
For Those Who Love Tarot- You Will Love This
ARC Review but the thoughts are honest and my own
Instagram & Tiktok @wildhill_reads

Overall:3.5/5 (will explain below)
Relationship: 3/5
World Building: 4/5
Spice: 3.5/5

Thea was once one of the top assasians for the global shadow government called the Order. She is on the run and ready to expose all that she knows and stolen.

Kit the Fool is feeling restless and decides to leave the Arcana Realm to head to Earth in search of answers.

They end up together through fate and together they help each other out, while realizng their own connection to each other.

My Thoughts

I am 100% here for Kit and Thea. This is a debut novel. The world that Dana Fox creates is amazing at capturing the essence of the Tarot. I dropped a point in the overall review because while she did do an amazing job at explaining the tarot, it might be confusing to those who are new to the tarot. With that said, seeing the Fool come to life was A++ and I am living for it. The beginning can be a bit confusing because you do have to learn a few names and a lot of things quickly (especially those who do not already have some background into the tarot. The spice scenes were well written. My only true hangup is some of the languages that Kit uses, but I believe that is purposefully done to show his age, his heritage, and his other worldly ness.

I enjoyed watching their story play out and will be ready to read the next book in the series.

Triggers & Tropes
*One Bed
Profile Image for Adriana | nannersreads.
225 reviews9 followers
June 27, 2022
Thank you to Dana Fox and Katie and Brey PA for providing me with this eARC in exchange for an honest review.
I told you I’d be back with a full review! What a ride! From the get-go, I was drawn by the unique premise. The Tarot personified is something I hadn’t even considered before and I immediately needed to know more. This book had a bit of everything without losing its stride. It had thrills, romance, political intrigue, and fantasy all in one. Modern covert operations and government takedowns aren’t usually my jam in books. That’s something I usually reserve for the screen, but turns out I just need it slathered in fantasy and romance. 😂
As much as I like to poke fun at irresistible, immortal MMCs, Kit was so easy to fall for and exactly what The Fool would be. Funny, charismatic, adventurous, and slightly naïve. And Thea? I love nothing more than watching a woman wrangle back her own autonomy. I was rooting for her every step of the way. Their love was in the cards. Pun fully intended! I appreciate the fact that Thea doesn’t stop being a badass just because Kit enters the picture. It’s a “you and me against the world” situation and I’m all here for it.
Maybe my only issue is that I wish we had spent more time in the Arcana realm and got to interact with all the Major and Minor Arcana more. But I get it! We needed the story to develop first and I’m totally okay with that. Hopefully we’ll spend more time in Arcana further down the line.
If you’re into Tarot, this book is definitely for you. Even if you’re unfamiliar with Tarot, this book can still be for you! Dana does a great job of explaining Tarot basics and making it easy for readers to consume. The Fool and the Sparrow has a bit of everything for everyone.
The Fool and the Sparrow is available to purchase now in ebook and paperback format. It is the first book in Dana Fox’s Arcana of the Tarot series. Make sure to order your copy now and go give Dana some love at @danafoxwrites on Instagram!
May 31
I just finished reading The Fool and the Sparrow and what a way to end this month! I couldn’t put this book down! I can’t wait for you guys to read it when it drops later this month.
Thank you to Dana and Katie and Brey PA for allowing me to read this wonderful book!
Keep your eyes peeled for my full-length review later this month as part of its release tour! 🖤
Profile Image for Tia Johnson.
12 reviews2 followers
May 30, 2022
A modern day spy thriller mixed with mythological romance. I was taken by surprise when I started this book. It begins set in the Tarot Card world of Arcana and quickly dives into modern day Earth. I have never read anything quite like with book and I was charmed with the originality of the story. Kit, the fool and Thea, the assassin sparrow are bound by fate. They team up to take down The Order, Thea’s former employer, but there are plenty of obstacles in their journey. The book ends with the possibility of a sequel which would help conclude the story of Kit and Thea. Warning: There are explicit romantic scenes.
I received an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Marles Henry.
731 reviews37 followers
June 16, 2022
The world of Tarot has always fascinated me.  The idea of a fancy deck of cards created in the 1400s being used for divination and readings caught my attention, as did the classic Rider-Waite deck that are so vibrant and an etching I bought in Italy several years so, of Il Matto, or “The Fool”.  How could I say no, coming full circle, to reading “The Fool and The Sparrow”?

A beginning. A leap of faith. Being spontaneous. Chaos. Folly. A lack of direction. Recklessness. Risk.  Believing in fate. Kit is The Fool. He is restless, there is a yearning in him mand the moon and High priestess steer him back to Earth to connect with someone he once knew. On Earth, Thea is focused, on a mission, trying to stay alive. Something tells her to step off that Las Vegas strip into a tarot shop, something telling her to take that risk. Her reading is that binding moment. It is the moment when two distinct forces of nature – one of the Major Arcana, and another professional femme fatale – surrender to each other in more ways than one (and for the spice lovers, you will be happy).

In love the whole undercurrent of the universe still being guided by the Arcana; we navigate life with the 22 major arcana’s spiritual guidance, and are supported through the day to day complexities with the 56 minor arcana. Kit relies on his Arcana family as a mirror to his own life and to tap into the wisdom lives in his realm; for Thea, it is the opportunity to get in touch with the woman beyond the killer she was trained to be. Can’t wait to see what the next instalment will be in this series. Might have to charge my deck at the next full moon to be ready. Grab this if you would love a mystical delight to read!
Profile Image for Holly Rife.
383 reviews5 followers
November 3, 2023
'The Fool and the Sparrow' is a unique romance I never knew I needed in my life. It's centered around tarot, but no prior knowledge is needed, because everything is explained beautifully.

'Kit the Fool' lives in the Arcana and he goes back to help someone he once knew. She was once a little girl in an alley and he took her to the police station. Years later, he comes to help her again. Thea, the girl's name, has endured much pain and is on the run. She and Kit go on a crazy journey that will have major implications for so many people.

Kit and Thea are two complex people dealing with one hurdle after another and together, they are complete. They ignite like wildfire and it is spectacular to watch!!! Their journey brings healing to Thea's deeply scarred heart while working to uncover terrible secrets many want to keep hidden. I love Kit and Thea together - their wit, their chemistry, and the way they heal each other is just divine.

This is book 1 of 'Arcana of the Tarot' and I'm just thrilled because this is just such an excellent start!! I can't wait to see what the next books will be!!!
Profile Image for Samantha.
163 reviews637 followers
September 7, 2022
4.5 ⭐️
3 🌶
This book was an utter delight!
I bought it on a whim not knowing much about it & I throughly enjoyed it.
This book questions a lot about how our world is currently living - with greedy people in power taking & taking, it had some really poignant moments of reflection.
The Magic system of the tarot cards was also really unique & I loved the personification of the cards into gods & how they affected humans.
But ultimately the love story between the two characters was beautiful - it gave me Hercules & Meg vibes - & while I don’t normally love a mmc who feels naive… the juxtaposition between him & the FMC who is an assassin was perfection. I found myself laughing out loud & grinning like a fool (when you read it you will understand that reference!)
For a shorter book the relationship development between the characters was perfection - along with the spice level.
I highly recommend this book if you are after a nice quick read, with a beautiful love story with substance!
I’m looking forward to book 2!
Profile Image for Alicia Ceasar.
1,375 reviews11 followers
August 4, 2023
This was so fun. I had a blast reading it. I love tarot so reading a fantasy romance that is heavily based on tarot was amazing. This book follows Kit, The Fool, as he goes back to earth to team up with Thea, a human woman who has been trained to be an elite spy for an organization known as the Sparrows.

A detail I liked about this book that is hard to get right is the characterization of Kit himself. He is hundreds of years old but he isn’t super familiar with Earth so he has a naivety about him that never feels childish. He is just a joyful, sweet character. I really enjoyed Thea. I feel like we didn’t see a ton of her skills as a spy but what we did see was fun.

This is a romance so a big chunk of this book leans into that but it takes a little while to get going. I would say this book is about 30 percent spice, 70 percent plot. I cannot wait to continue with this series. I am always looking for fresh stories in the fantasy romance category and this was perfect for that. This is available now on Kindle Unlimited so check it out!
Profile Image for Ashley Knight.
173 reviews9 followers
June 8, 2022
I've always thought the tarot readings and tarot cards equal magic, so when I got the opportunity to read The Fool and The Sparrow, I couldn't say no!!
The Fool and The Sparrow by combines myth and reality with a human girl trying to take down her former employer, The Order and an immortal being who's known as The Fool, who goes back to Earth to help the human girl in her mission.
This book is fast paced, well written, action packed and just really good. While the book is on the longer side, it's definitely worth taking the time to read it. I highly recommend this book to any fantasy lover and/or tarot card/reading lovers. This is the first book in the series and it releases on the 15th, so PREORDER or wait and order it once it releases... either way you won't regret ordering this book!!
Profile Image for Kayla.
100 reviews12 followers
June 14, 2022
I don’t know if I have enough words to express how much I loved this book!

I’m so happy to see accurate representation of tarot in this story. So often, books/tv/movies get it wrong (devil card is evil, death card means you’re going to die, hanged man is a bad omen). But that’s what happens when tarot is written about by people who don’t actually know the journey through the major arcana. Luckily, that’s not the case for this book ♥️

I absolutely loved Kit and Thea. Always a fan when the grumpy/sunshine trope gets reversed. Their mutual attraction while trying to fight it results in a fantastic slow burn. And The Fool knows what he’s doing in bed 🥵

And that epilogue has me beyond ready for book 2!!
🌶 3 / 5
Profile Image for Hayley.
20 reviews1 follower
June 7, 2022
The Fool & The Sparrow blends the mythical world of Arcana with the modern human world. When Kit the Fool leaves behind Arcana on a journey to discover his destiny, he quickly meets Thea, a young women who he saved when she was just a little girl but now she is something much deadlier. A Sparrow, a trained spy and assassin who works for a secret organisation.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book but I was pleasantly surprised! I love the mix of fantasy and modern world. The contrast between the perspectives of Kit and Thea is very intriguing.

The Fool & The Sparrow had a bit of everything, fantasy, action, mystery and of course a healthy dose of romance.

I can’t wait to read what Dana Fox has planned next.
Profile Image for Adrianna Lamm.
662 reviews14 followers
June 15, 2022
I was intrigued by the synopsis of this book and took a chance on it. I loved the blend of mythical with the present day. The descriptions of the scenes make you feel like you’re there in the room/place with Thea and Kit. The spice scenes were written well And could not put this book down. Thea and Kit had an amazing dynamic. Dana Fox made an amazing world. She explains tarot for those readers who don't know anything about it but at times it was confusing. I loved loved Kit. I overall enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for Rimi.
642 reviews16 followers
June 27, 2022
✳ Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

✳ Review:

First let appreciate the beautiful cover of this book.

I really really like this book. The book has two setting, one is unique, Arcana, a tarot world, where all the characters from the trot cards are living god, with their powers. Even though I don't know anything about tarot I never feel lost, cause the author explains every thing perfectly well. Another in modern Las Vegas.

As for the characters, I really like Kit and Thea. And enjoy their beautiful as well as steamy romance. And there's much more going on.

The plot is not so complicated but intriguing and engaging. There's actions, adventures, beautiful scenarios, a full package of romantic fantasy book. And I'm definitely going to look forward the next installment, as I can see the plot going to thickens more.

And definitely recommend this book, if you love fantasy and romance.
Profile Image for Kim.
52 reviews2 followers
June 1, 2022
This was a nice quick read. The world building was very light with some mystery still left as to how the living arcana came to be. The pacing of the book was quick and easy. I initially found the beginning of the book to be a bit challenging to read. The unique way the Arcana spoke to each other I found it initially difficult to follow, however once we got to Thea things were much easier.

Thea reminded me a lot of Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow from the Marvel Comic book, but Kit was a combination of aloofness, spontaneity, and recklessness. The author tries to embody the meaning of the tarot card in his personality, and I feel she does a good job in this, however I didn't really care for him as a character. I felt their initial meeting was awkward and I practically yelled at the book when Thea decided Kit could go with her..

While it was a fun, sexy read, I wish the relationship between Thea and Kit was deeper. It seemed like they were a partnership of circumstance. I love that she mentions lots of today's social issues in her book, and a strong female lead is always ALWAYS a win for me. If you're looking for a quick, steamy read be sure to grab this book.
Profile Image for Bri Serena.
92 reviews5 followers
June 2, 2022
Wow! Alright, so I'm a huge fantasy lover, and a huge dystopian lover. This managed to tick both boxes. Not traditional dystopian, but elements of it with "the order" secretly controlling the world.

I have never read a book in which the Tarot was embodied in this way, it was absolutely refreshing and unique. We all know that similar storylines are inevitable in the fantasy genre, but I can honestly say I've never read anything similar.

The MCs are both incredible, complex and well-developed. Their attraction and relationship is beautiful and wholesome. I love the elements of consent and pure love between them. And the spice is perfect.

The epilouge has me wishing book 2 was already out!

I absolutely could not put this story down once I started reading and I highly recommend reading.
Profile Image for Scarlet.
55 reviews3 followers
June 26, 2022
I got so so excited about this to finally read about tarot as characters! Got not disappointed as well! Surprised with the spice which was actually good spice. So of you like spicy you should read this! Their relationship is so adorable and i just cant wait to read more!
Profile Image for Pam Ela.
38 reviews2 followers
June 6, 2022
This book has so much character and the relationship between Kit and Thea is wonderful. It's fast paced, it's fantasy, it's romance, it's fish out of water, all bound together by the magic of tarot.  @danafoxwrites does an incredible job of combining two very different worlds and two very different people. Really great read!
33 reviews3 followers
June 2, 2022
I could not put this book down once I started! The descriptions of the scenes make it feel as if you're right there in the room/place with Kit and Thea. A fast passed spicy fated romance on the run from a shadow government? Yes please! I cannot wait to continue the adventure to see how everything unfolds in the next book.
Profile Image for ɠιɳα ☠️.
67 reviews9 followers
June 25, 2022
What a wonderfully enjoyable book! Great characters, deadly adventures, sexy times, a few laughs–and Tarot Cards personified? This book has it all!
So without giving anything away, the story is about one of the Tarot Cards, Kit The Fool, noticing a “reversal” happening within himself, the Arcana, and later, Earth. At the center of it all is a girl he once met on Earth years before, Thea. He and Thea need to team up to get to the heart of the reversal as well as her own journey. The whole time reading, you’ll be on the edge of your seat wondering, will they succeed?
Or, at least, I was!
Honestly thought this was not only a great book, but a highly original one. I haven’t read any books before about the Tarot Cards being personified and as an amateur card practitioner, I really loved the subject material. It’s also clear that the author is quite knowledgeable about The Tarot and really knew how to bring The Fool’s character to life. Super intelligent read. Also had some action, romance, SPIIIIIICE, and an amazing message to share. Five stars all around.
My only *complaint* would be to watch out for typos and editing issues. They were prevalent in the ARC I received (in exchange for an honest review) but overall were not a hindrance to the excitement and pace of the story.
June 13, 2022
“If one could move through mirrors, that’s what traveling through the crossover gate felt like.
A step toward yourself, but a step off a cliff as well.”

Thank you to Dana Fox and katieandbreyPA for the advance copy of this book!

I loved how this book was written, it immediately drew you in and felt conversational with the reader. I was enthralled with the character of Kit the Fool and the world of the Arcana, I thought it was explained well and easy to grasp as someone who isn’t familiar with tarot at all. I was really taken with the dynamic that Kit and Thea developed and how their relationship evolved quite quickly, the spicy scenes were nothing short of scorching hot and I *chef’s kiss* loved them. I really appreciated the humor spaced throughout the story to break up the heaviness that came from Thea’s history, it was a nice balance and reprieve. Overall I felt that this story is one I’m interested in continuing with book two as I was left wanting to go deeper into the story and characters. If I had to assign this book a taste, it would be lemonade. Fresh and tart and just in time for summer!
Profile Image for samantha  • insomniabungalow •.
190 reviews4 followers
June 11, 2022

Have you ever 𝕨𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 what it would have been like if 𝕮.𝕾 𝕷𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘 𝖔𝖗 𝕷𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖘 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖑 wrote an adult book?
Wonder no more, this book mixes our world with a fantasy realm, 🄰🅁🄲🄰🄽🄰, with a system built on Tarot Cards. And, to make it even more interesting (+ addictive), the spice is TOP NOTCH - a 4/5 spice rating from me. A medium slow burn, when the scenes arrive, THEY. ARRIVE. SO HOT (pg 200/1 you're welcome).
FMC, ᴛʜᴇᴀ, "𝐀 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫, 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐲, 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐩𝐨𝐭. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐚, 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲, 𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫. 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩." On the run, trying to expose what seems to be the root of evil in the world, she meets Kit, the Fool, an ethereal being from the realm that connects to earth, run by the Major and Minor cards of the Tarot deck. He is card 0, the beginning of all, confused and antsy he travels to earth after a period of troublesome signs to find a child he saved long ago.
The world building in this book is actually really good; well planned and thought out. The pacing of the information throughout the book is done just right - the author doesn't force feed information, she integrates it within the story, which I, for one, really enjoyed.
In my opinion, this book is so different to many books fantasy genre, as well as the urban fantasy genre, it is a breath of fresh air, having different themes running throughout the book that we don't usually see was so refreshing for me. I was most definitely hooked early on. Considering the amount of time it can take to build a new world and magic systems, the book is a perfect length at 302 pages.
There are some slightly dark themes - Thea's past is heart breaking. But, seeing the journey to freedom she sets upon is amazing and her character definitely comes along way within this first book.
Also, I hadn't expected to love Kit, my book boyfs are usually dark, broody alphas - Kit is charming and cheeky, but man did I fall for him. And damn, does he know how to please a woman!
“𝑰 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏’𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆.”
“𝑶𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆.”
“𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅.”
“𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅.”
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒂 𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒎.
𝑲𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒂 𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒚𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒚 𝒕𝒐𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓.
In regards to the writing: the dialogue at some points could be a bit stilted, the author had a habit of overly using words in a paragraph or sentence which didn't flow right at times and I was slightly confused at some of the language that Kit used (there was different words for certain body parts but not others, almost as if the writer was uncomfortable with certain words). However, in regards to setting the scene, time pacing and a descriptive nature the author wrote really beautifully. She writes a mean spice scene, too, for which there are many!
Book one has an open ending, with a happy-for-now for Kit and Thea, there story continues in the next book and I am EXCITED, for the first time in a while I am invested in a series!
Please, don't be put off if you aren't into tarots or divination, I have little to no knowledge and I really loved it, seeing the characters from the cards come to life was so interesting, too. It's actually really spiked my interest!
Go PRE-ORDER NOW! You won't regret it.
Profile Image for Rudrashree Makwana.
Author 1 book55 followers
June 15, 2022
The Fool and the sparrow

“This isn’t a coincidence. This is synchronicity. Our lives are meant to synchronize”

Look at the cover, how gorgeous it is. The book cover is speaking for itself, I must say the author did a great job by choosing this cover, the person you see on the cover is the immortal being called Kit the fool, he is a member of the Arcana Realm, bound by magic and the eternal light. If you are looking for fantasy, romance and steamy read, this is perfect for you. Follow the mythical odyssey of Thea and Kit.

Get yourself ready to dive in the eternal gripping world bound by magic which is composed of 56 Minor arcana and 22 Major Arcana’s. Now, Kit the Fool is a member of Major Arcana. After Tydaull, their festival honoring Fiona the Moon, Fiona and Kathryn send him to Earth to fulfil his purpose, there he finds a mortal being he saved years ago. Now she is a grown up woman yet she is working for a dangerous organisation and helping them accomplishing a secret tasks. Bound by the destiny yet oblivion to her true purpose, one day she meet Kit the Fool. Slowly and gradually, they form a bond and they navigate their way through sparrow and ventures on this odyssey together. Will Thea trust Kit? Are they both meant to work together for a higher purpose? Will Kit learn about Thea’s secrets? What will happen if the mortal and immortal beings will work together? Will it bring a big change in both the realms or it will turn their world upside down? And how the two realms are connected?


🎴The Arcana were symbols of the journey a human soul took in life, from the naive Fool to the Death of ego to wisdom of the World.

🎴All in all, just seventy-eight souls resided in the Arcana realm.

🎴Despite these individual differences, they were all strong, they were all powerful, and they seemed to glow and pulse with magic. And even though they looked human, they simply were not.

🎴If one could move through mirrors, that’s what traveling through the crossover gate felt like. A step toward yourself, but a step off a cliff as well.

🎴 Three cards. One for the past, one for the present, and one for the future. But before we begin, you should know these cards do not predict the future.”

🎴 There was no such thing as signs and symbols or magical cards which divined fate because coincidences were just that, coincidences. Right?
Profile Image for Jessie.
12 reviews
June 10, 2022
Just finished ✅
No spoilers

Imagine Rudyard Kipling wrote a spy novel. It would be packed with moral dilemmas, a specific cadence to its language, and some valuable life lessons or commentary on our world, against the backdrop of assassination. Can you imagine it? Good. This book, releasing June 15, gave me all those Rudyard Kipling spy vibes.

What it’s actually about: “The Fool and the Sparrow is the first book in the Arcana of the Tarot series. It is a fantasy romance packed with political intrigue and high heat, featuring a mythical being let loose in the mortal world and a weary heroine on a life-or-death mission.” (From Dana Fox’s website)

In short, Tarot Cards are alive and have an almost god-like influence over the lives of humans. Kit, the Fool, finds himself on a journey on Earth, where he finds Thea (a spy/assassin/corruption ass-kicker) and they work together against The Order and for the betterment of humankind.

We have lots of commentary about the state of our world - political influence, power, injustice, environmental destruction, etc. - you know, all the crappy stuff we do to each other. Harumph. We also have the hope that humans and our heroes in the Arcana can help us sort it all out and achieve our individual and collective enlightenment. Interesting premise, no?

As usual, I like considering the story behind “the story”… and I love Kipling…so I enjoyed this unique and thought-provoking spin on society, culture, and spiritual influence. I loved the rhythmic cadence to the writing. There’s also plenty action, romance, and intrigue.

Sauce: 🌶🌶🌶 frequent, descriptive, exploratory, consensual.
In a warped take on Green Eggs & Ham:
“Would you, could you, in a chair?”
“On the beach, in a chair, I will do it everywhere.” (NOT complaining) 😘🤣

@danafoxwrites @katieandbreypa

#2022reads #danafox #thefoolandthesparrow #bookish #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #fantasybooks #romantasy #goodreads
Profile Image for Bunny.
18 reviews
June 19, 2022
❝𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍.❞

The Fool & The Sparrow is a first of its kind that I've read. Set in a world that brings Tarot to life, something I had never explored before, it aroused my interest immediately. I loved the snippets of information which were sprinkled throughout the book and allowed me to understand the world better. However, there were still some instances where I found myself somewhat confused about the concept. I believe it did disrupt the flow of reading a bit as I would have to take a pause just to google things for more clarification.

Thea and Kit's collision was certainly interesting and I was curious as to how this tale of a headstrong assassin on the run and a god-like entity in search of an adventure would spin. It was both amusing and endearing to follow Kit's "fool" behaviour and watch him enjoy the pleasures of the mortal world. Thea's rough past and her strong determination pulled me in to admire and empathise with her. They made a cute couple, I just wish that their romance was written a bit more naturally as it felt very "right off the bat".

I really liked the blend of mythology and reality, and how the author encompassed the commentary regarding nefarious social structures so fittingly into the story. What I did find lacking was the absence of intense conflict. It was told from the start that the only obstructions Thea would face in her mission would be the members of the Order. Due to how evil and strong the Order was built up to be, it kinda bummed me out when I reached the point of confrontation as it was played out too easy.

I also have mixed feelings about the epilogue as it took away the suspense regarding who the corrupted player in Arcana was. The book would have been better off without the epilogue in my opinion.

Anyhow, I'll be waiting for the sequel ♡
Profile Image for Ashley Kimes.
38 reviews6 followers
November 18, 2022
“𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢’𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚕𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎.”

Thea is a spy, assassin, and honeypot, trained to easily integrate and just as easily disappear into any situation and can read a person with ease. Owned by the Order, she has been in their care since age 5 and knows no different until a switch flips in her brain and she realizes what she’s doing and who she’s working for. Now, she’ll give everything, including her life, to try to expose the Order. That starts by her shooting her handler, downloading his files, and going on the run to get the files to someone who owns a site that posts things like her information.

Kit is The Fool. No, seriously. He is part of the Major Arcana and the card that spurs new adventures and encourages you to follow your heart. Living in the Arcana realm, he and the other Major cards, along with the Minor cards, nudge humans to live through their arcana journey and try to encourage them to reach the World and have enlightenment while finding their true selves. That is, until he feels a pull to visit earth and encounters a beautiful woman who he pulled off the streets as a very young child and put into the care of the police…

Wow! Honestly I was kind of wary initially of this book but it’s honestly blown me out of the water a bit. I wasn’t expecting the spice, the real-worldness, the action, and the LIFE that this book brought. Very well executed @danafoxwrites and honestly putting these personalities to the cards may help me understand my tarot journey without having to look at the guide book every time 😂


I received a free book in return for a fair and honest review through @katieandbreypa, go check them out and sign up with them to get free books in return for reviews!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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