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Op een koude dag in Reykjavik verdwijnt een baby uit een kinderwagen. Op haar plek vindt de vader het lijkje van een ander kind. Het onderzoek naar de vermiste baby leidt al snel naar de draagmoeder. De dader van de verdwijning wordt echter niet gevonden, en de baby blijft spoorloos.
Elf jaar later overlijdt een meisje aan het mazelenvirus. Haar vader gaat op zoek naar de drager van het virus om wraak te nemen voor de dood van zijn dochter. Ondertussen wordt in een ander deel van de stad in een verlaten auto het lichaam van een vrouw gevonden.
Politieagent Huldar en kinderpsycholoog Freyja worden geconfronteerd met drie heel verschillende zaken, die met een onzichtbare draad met elkaar verbonden lijken te zijn. En alle drie de zaken worden omringd door een hoge muur van stilte.

448 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2011

About the author

Yrsa Sigurdardottir

37 books2,608 followers
Yrsa Sigurðardóttir is an Icelandic writer, of both crime-novels and children's fiction. She has been writing since 1998.
Her début crime-novel "Last Rituals" published in the US in 2007, and the UK in January 2008 was translated into English by Bernard Scudder, and is book 1 of the Thóra Gudmundsdóttir series.

Yrsa Sigurðardóttir graduated from high-school in 1983, finished a B.Sc. in civil engineering from the University of Iceland in 1988 and M.Sc in the same field from Concordia University in Montreal in 1997.

Yrsa now works as a civil engineer for the company Fjarhitun, as well as being a writer.

In 2000 the Icelandic department of IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) awarded Yrsa for her book Við viljum jólin í júlí (We Want Christmas in July).

Yrsa lives in the Reykjavík suburb of Seltjarnarnes. She is married with two children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 622 reviews
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,893 reviews14.4k followers
February 9, 2016
A luxury yacht, repossessed from its crooked wealthy owner sails from Lisbon to Iceland. On the dock waiting is an older couple and small child, they are waiting form the rest of the family. But when the yacht arrives it is empty, no people, no apparent bodies. Thora is hired by the older couple to collect on the large life insurance policy, the money to be put aside form the smallest daughter, the one considered to young to make the trip. What could have happened and where are the seven people who should have been on the yacht? Reminds me of And then there were none, but of course there is always one but is it human or not of this world?

Very slow paced story, alternately narrated by Thora as she investigates and the story of those that started out on the yacht. Clues abound, discoveries made and eventually the truth is known. Creepy, chilling and not just the weather, and though I was impatient at first with the pace I soon melded with the story and loved it.

ARC from Netgalley.
Profile Image for Richard.
1,989 reviews166 followers
August 1, 2017
This is a truely creepy book much of which is set on a yacht sailing from Lisbon to Iceland. This is told in parallel with the investigation into what happened to the passengers and crew aboad when the boat crashes into Reykjavik harbour with no-one on board.
These two accounts make for an intreging mystery which perhaps knowing the fate and thinking the worse makes for uncomfortable reading at times. It is quite like the best of Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None ", with the hapless people seemingly trapped on a luxury yacht where you are mystified as to what is going on as it slowly dawns on you that you might no make it home.
The author is able to crank up the suspense as the 'truth' is slowly revealed. Thora trying to make a case for all hands lost at sea so the elderly parents of the passengers and their grandchildren can plan for providing for the youngest granddaughter left as an orphan. The Police belatedly take a keener interest when another ship reports that the yacht radioed that a body had been found abord before all communications were lost with the stricken vessel.
The question is it an unexplained mystery like the Mary Celeste or is there a more rational explanation for what went on and if there could be survivors somewhere.
Original in its plot, and tied as usual to the Icelandic economy, although it is not set very much in the country some of its superstitions are carried into this terrifying tale.
Profile Image for Jaksen.
1,508 reviews80 followers
April 24, 2022
Can't get this review to appear on 'my books,' so had to do some moving around. It says I never read it, but I did, so...this is an older review. So I'm going to delete everything, save this review, and repost it. I can't seem to fix it.

I loved the set-up of this one, a little disappointed in how it plays out.

Thora, the MC, a PI, is asked to look into the whereabouts of a missing family who were sailing to Iceland via a private luxury cruiser. Said cruiser enters (bangs into a jetty) in Reykjavik harbor minus crew and passengers, ie., the family: mother, father, nine-year old twin girls. Somehow, after just reading this part of the book I got a funny feeling that all might not end well...

No spoilers here, just a sense of 'oh, no, not good' which hangs over the entire book. I read this book during some torrential downpours - Patriots' Day, Boston - and as my husband was alternating between marathon news and some old zombie flick on TV. Needless to say, the atmosphere in my house was one of doom, doom and more doom: it's three o'clock in the afternoon and as dark outside as night. Really, our street lights came on. Anyhow...

Half the story is Thora's, as she tries to uncover where this family is, what happened and how - she interviews a former crew member of the ship, the parents of the missing father, and anyone she can who has a link to the ship, its past owners, etc. So for her, it's a book about running from place to place, looking for leads, and as one other reviewer said: Thora does nothing more than a lot of paperwork.

The other half focuses on the family: mother, father, twins, and the three crew members (they are returning the ship to Iceland from Portugal), and what is happening on the ship. Much of what we see, as readers, Thora will never know, not even at the book's end. And for me, there were some gaping holes - or things I just didn't 'get.'

So I re-read the last few chapters, saying what? how? where? Few other reviewers noted any of this, so it's got to be me. But I really do feel this book was rather rushed at the end, and not 'contrived' so much as - hey! I need more explanation here! Almost like I wanted one more chapter where Thora sits down with coffee and explains it all, say, to her own husband or something. Even though I'm a great reader of mysteries - and mystery series - sometimes I need things SPELLED OUT!

So in the Thora-mystery series, a decent, yet not exemplary three stars, even though I am looking forward to the next one by Ms. Sigurdardottir. :D (less)
Profile Image for Cynnamon.
684 reviews129 followers
November 17, 2022
English version below


Ich hatte den 1. Band der Þóra Guðmundsdóttir-Serie mit großer Begeisterung gelesen und mich daher sehr auf diesen 6. Band gefreut. Leider wurde ich bitterlich enttäuscht.

Eine Luxus-Jacht läuft als vollkommen leeres Schiff im Hafen von Reykjavik ein. Neben dem Kapitän und zwei Mann Besatzung war noch eine vierköpfige Familie an Bord gewesen. Die Eltern des Familienvaters beauftragen Þóra, die notwendigen Unterlagen zusammenzustellen, um die Lebensversicherung des Sohnes ausgezahlt zu bekommen.

Im Wechsel mit der Beschreibung von Þóras Tätigkeit lesen wir Kapitel die den Hergang der Geschichte auf dem Schiff erzählen.
Die Story zieht sich wie Kaugummi und entwickelt sich unglaublich langsam. Þóra macht eigentlich nichts anderes als Papieren hinterherzulaufen. Dass sie dabei mit der Polizei in Berührung kommt und viel Informationen erhält ist wenig glaubwürdig.
Auch die Geschichte auf dem Schiff ist eher langweilig.

Irgendwie hat es die Autorin geschafft, jeden einzelnen Charakter in diesem Buch, einschließlich der Protagonistin, unwahrscheinlich unsympathisch erscheinen zu lassen, so dass ich das Interesse an der Auflösung ziemlich bald verloren habe.

Und dann die Auflösung: Wie vom Blitz getroffen offenbart sich Þóra ganz am Ende des Buches die Auflösung und alle Bösewichte gestehen. Leider ist auch die Lösung des Falles gleichermaßen uninteressant wie das ganze Buch.

Es gibt allerdings einen Punkt, der mich das ganze Buch über interessiert hat und mich immer noch interessiert. Warum hat Þóra ihre unfähige und unverschämte Sekretärin Bella immer noch nicht entlassen?

Das war also nichts. 1,5 Sterne, aufgerundet.


I had read the 1st volume of the Þóra Guðmundsdóttir series with great enthusiasm and was therefore very much looking forward to this 6th volume. Unfortunately I was bitterly disappointed.

A luxury yacht arrives in Reykjavik harbor completely empty. In addition to the captain and two crew members, there had been a family of four on board. The family man's parents ask Þóra to compile the necessary documents to get the son's life insurance paid out.

Alternating with the description of Þóra's activities, we read chapters that tell the story aboard the ship.
The story drags on like chewing gum and develops incredibly slowly. Þóra doesn't really do anything other than chase papers. The fact that she comes into contact with the police and receives a lot of information is not very credible.
The story on the ship is also rather boring.

Somehow the author managed to make every single character in this book, including the protagonist, seem incredibly unlikable to the point that I lost interest in the resolution pretty soon.

And then the resolution: As if struck by lightning, the resolution pops up in Þóra's head at the very end of the book and all the villains confess. Unfortunately, the solution to the case is just as uninteresting as the whole book.

However, there is one point that has interested me throughout the book and still interests me. Why has Þóra still not fired her incompetent and rude secretary Bella?

So that was nothing to write home about. 1.5 stars, rounded up.

Profile Image for Pamela.
343 reviews44 followers
February 24, 2016
Sadly thrilling

This is a chilling story, told adroitly by its author. Written in a fashion that generates curiosity and fear, it lives up to its title as a thriller. To this reader's mind, none of the characters are very likable, although Thóra, who investigates, has some compassion for those who are affected by the death of their family members.
How Thóra solved the mystery is a bit of a mystery, as the solution is nearly as confusing as the mystery itself! I seldom have criticism for the arc of any story, because I am not its creator, but I found this one to be uncomfortable and odd.
All the characters, good and bad, seemed to have unexplainable shifts in their character. Not much is revealed about Thóra's mystery-solving processes until she is accusing or confronting others. The characters lack a certain mesh with their reality as the author expressed it. So, to me, this story became a "cheap thrill" at the expense of the terror and sadness of the more sympathetic characters.
Profile Image for Andy.
454 reviews81 followers
March 17, 2017
Book 6 of the Thora series which has been a long hiatus for me since my last venture with Yrsa. It’s not always been a smooth ride with some of the stories a bit of a grind.... those with her German b/f in tow to be precise but seeing as it looks to be the last in the series I thought to finish it off.

So a Mary Celeste style mystery it is as we start with a ghost (luxury Yacht) ship running into Reykjavik harbour...... The story starts with Thora being hired to investigate whilst a story also runs concurrent (alternate chapters) with the crew/passengers onboard ship from the start of their voyage..... the stories converge... mystery solved then......? Had me floundering with my guesses right to the end with suspect after suspect being the next victim!

Quite engrossing tbh.... I don’t as a rule follow many female authors..... but have come to like Yrsa style for the most part (except where her German boyfriend is involved.....!) as its more about the mystery & less about her personnel/family problems which has been my experience with other female authors to date (Anne Holt a case example) which I jus can’t relate too. Bella, Thora’s secretary features more in this one as well which is good & preferable to the books where her b/f is working with her...... you may have picked up on the dislike of her b/f vibe....... its not a cultural thing its jus her inane/banal interactions with him..... so this tale is one of the better ones fro me & really enjoyed it.

A ghost of a tale  4 stars in what appears to be the last of her series about Thora? Or perhaps she’s taking a break to explore other series?
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,990 reviews1,066 followers
March 25, 2023

What a wonderful mystery. You go in thinking it’s supernatural and just realize the tragedy of the whole book. It does drag a lot though (why the 4 stars). I think this may be the last book in the series, you can guess what can happen next I think from context clues, but said to not get another Thora mystery.

"The Silence of the Sea" follows Thora's investigation into what happened to her clients son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. The son was able to bring his family aboard a journey to return a luxury yacht from Lisbon to Iceland. His employers had seized the yacht and he thought it would be great to bring his family along. However, weeks later the yacht crashes into a harbor in Iceland and the family and crew are all missing.

Thora does what she does best, talks to people and does her own investigation. She is puzzled and troubled by the missing family of her clients and assumes they are dead, but she wonders how and why. She has her cranky secretary Bella along due to her ties to someone close to the case. I thought in the end that the book did well enough with bringing more interest to Bella. With regards to Thora, she's reeling because her son has plans to move to Norway with his girlfriend and son to live with his father. She's fighting against it, but realizes she can't do much about it. Since her and Michael are at an impasse about it, I wish we had more scenes with the two of them at least discussing things. Michael felt weirdly absent in this one.

The book really slows down to a crawl though when we follow the family on the boat and we slowly get to what happened to them and the crew. I will not lie, I started to skim in self defense after about the 6th time we left the present to jump back to the past in the boat. I saw a lot of readers had the same issue I did and rated the book lower because of that. Honestly I get it, the flow was way out of wack throughout. The boat scenes pick up towards the end though and then you get some reveals about things.

I thought at first this was playing into the supernatural mystery that Sigurdardottir has been
playing with the last few books. I was wrong, but I liked how the book came together in the end.

The conclusion to the book was really interesting. I like that everything was tidied up. This was similar in my eyes to "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. It was a great little locked room mystery in essence taking on board a yacht.
Profile Image for Kari.
284 reviews35 followers
June 6, 2015
I found this boring and the story felt like it was dragged out to breaking point. Where was the chilling, creepy, crime mystery? People disappear from a boat, lets spend over 500 pages taking you through their entire paranoid voyage whilst also following a lawyer as she proves how great she is at collecting various bits of paper from people. Yes, apparently the lawyer is trying to solve the mystery but in reality she is visiting various people in the company of her wholly unbelievable receptionist as she tries to get an insurance company to cough up the policy money for the family missing from the boat. Oh and the ending - are you kidding me? That was so completely unbelievable, saccharine and ever so slightly nauseating that is tipped me over the edge from general apathy to actual dislike for the book. I didn't expect this book to be life changing but I was hoping for a decent read.
Profile Image for Baba.
3,812 reviews1,273 followers
March 28, 2019
A luxury yacht on auto steer comes to dock in Iceland minus it's crew and a young family. A b-list, but once very rich superstar wife of the previous owner of the recently sold yacht has also gone missing! Thor Gudmundsdottir is hired by the young family's parents to investigate.
Yrsa takes a slow procedural investigation and recounts what happened on the boat and via both stories slowly reveals the chilling horrifying truth of what really happened. Yrsa's crime thriller moves very close to the suspense / chiller area with it's slow but intense build up without reverting to tropes and/or over the top plotting. Nice read.
Feels like I really need to have read the other books in the series to really get this, and sadly I don't feel the need to. 7 out of 12.

Profile Image for Jeanette.
3,698 reviews742 followers
March 5, 2016
Intense noir Icelandic to the max!

Although I adore Thora and Bella - especially that dynamic of boss/ worker- I like it more when Matthew is in the mix. This time, it is less Thora's family and more her work. As a lawyer she is in the case of legal procedure to declare a couple deceased so that their daughter may inherit.

Frankly, I was shocked at the fact that in Iceland, the government declares that children who are orphaned become dictates of the state. All regard decided by the "authority". Grandparents of age (over retirement) are "too old" to be their residential guardians regardless of their own desires to do so. And people put up with that and feel lucky to receive visitation rights. APPALLING!

But that is one of the issues Thora has at the center of her crux on this case.

The rest of the story is how this little girl is left the only one standing. It's quite a match to the Agatha Christie "Then There Were None".

Up to page 250 I would have given it a full 4.5. But the ending didn't satisfy, IMHO. And therefore it is a 3.5 star rounded up for the excellent Thora thought pattern and sequence of deductions.

Remind me never, ever to take a ship/boat or any other floating device upon the Northern Atlantic.

Yrsa can write. Thora is a keeper. Bella is the iconic bureaucrat. Hopefully their next escapade will not be so noir and of a much lighter nature. And I hope Thora's son gets off that oil rig near Norway and makes it back to Iceland.
Profile Image for Vesela .
352 reviews10 followers
October 28, 2023
Поредният заплетен трилър на Ирса, който с неочакваните си и драматични обрати буквално до последната няма да разочарова почитателите ѝ! Браво на тази жена! С всяка следваща книга надгражда и става все по-добра и по-добра!
Profile Image for Paulo Pires.
246 reviews47 followers
July 28, 2016
« Um iate de luxo parte de Lisboa com 7 passageiros e chega à marina de Reiquiavique sem ninguém! O que terá acontecido? Thóra, a advogada contratada para accionar o seguro de vida de dois dos passageiros, AEgir e Lara, começa a investigar a verdadeira razão daquele evento misterioso. Mas como provar que alguém morreu se não há corpos?

Yrsa Sigurdardóttir, é para mim uma autora especial. Eximia na arte de surpreender e chocar o leitor deste a primeira à última página. Julgo que o seu poder está na camuflada intensidade das suas palavras. Na flexibilidade e facilidade que tem em recorrer a uma linguagem marcante e incisiva, de uma forma fluída, equilibrada e de astuciosa perícia.

Sempre que leio um livro de Yrsa, ofereço-lhe um olhar atento, atempado e cuidado, pois a sua escrita é das poucas que tem o condão de me conseguir afectar!

Considero a sua escrita profundamente emocional, uma vez que nos compele a abandonar a parte racional, invocando e despertando os nossos instintos naturais. É das únicas autoras que me consegue arrepiar, e isto de uma forma tão subtil que me leva a desarmar e entregar à sua história sem qualquer resistência.

Lembra-me o título de uma conhecida canção de Britney Spears: "Oops!...(She) Did It Again". :)

As 444 páginas, mantêm o leitor literalmente à deriva, uma vez que não (...)
Ler mais em:
Opinião: O Silêncio do Mar de Yrsa Sigurdardóttir |Livros e Marcadores

Profile Image for Leandra.
365 reviews14 followers
March 1, 2022
Como desaparecem 7 pessoas num iate?
Foram tantas as opções que criei na minha cabeça e a autora surpreendeu-me!
Cuidado, este é um livro que nos agarra do início ao fim.
Profile Image for Любен Спасов.
341 reviews81 followers
July 11, 2024
За пореден път след прочит на книга на Ирса съм ===> 🤯🤯🤯!!!

Истински майстор е тази жена. Писането ѝ, как заплита интригата, как всичко е адски сложно, а след това няма една нелогична малка подробност. Как мотивите на убиеца, всяко действие, всяка причина е супер логична, подплатена с много психология и отново фокус върху важни социални теми. Затова ми е любимка и затова няма да спра да говоря за нея.

В тази последна част от поредицата за Хюдлер и Фрея Ирса отново успя да ми скрие шапката и да направи един многопластов случай, в който да последно не се знаеше какво се е случило. Оказа се, че жестокото убийство, с което полицията се занимава е свързано с други два случая, които накрая така се преплитат, че за тези различни сами от себе си събития, вина има едно решение преди 11 години, което променя живота на много хора. Звучи заплетено и нелогично, но ако прочетете книгата това ще е най-смисленото изречение в цялото ми ревю. 😁

Отново имаме и социалните теми, вплетени между кървавите страници на романа - за еднополовите бракове и възможността да осиновяват деца; за това как трябва да внимаваме какво говорим пред децата си по време на вечеря; за възпитанието на децата, отношението към тях и колко важно е общуването; за здравеопазването; антиваксърите. И, разбира се, за пореден път - психичното здраве и нашата грижа за него. И как всяко едно наше решение, носи последствия, които винаги ни застигат - незавсимо дали веднага или сред време.

Страхотна Ирса! Отново! Ще ми липсва тази поредица, тези герои, но съм сигурен, че от нея може да очакваме още много качествени криминални истории.
Profile Image for Oda.
419 reviews17 followers
March 4, 2021
First of all, the greatest crime committed here is the cover of the Norwegian edition...

It's a bit stupid, but it works. I've read far worse nordic noir. But what fascinates me about this formulaic series from Yrsa Sigurđardóttir is that we know she can do so much better! Better than this series and certainly better than this and the book that came before it. Is she writing them with one hand tied behind her back, just to pay the bills? One-book-a-year deal with her publisher? Has she become lazy? Ran out of good ideas?

I still sometimes scare myself at night when I think of her first horror, which I read late at night 8-10 years ago. Her stand-alones are amazing. Her Tóra series was captivating. Then came Huldar... WHYYY??? Time for a new series, Yrsa!
Profile Image for Trish.
1,392 reviews2,651 followers
Shelved as 'put-aside'
September 6, 2016
This has a very cool premise and neat characters. However, I found it had too many words. I adore this kind of scary mystery and Sigurðardóttir may have managed it further on in pages that surround readers like the endless ocean outside the yacht. Only I would not see it because I would be dead already.
Profile Image for Leah.
1,536 reviews262 followers
January 14, 2024
A modern Mary Celeste…

A luxury yacht arrives in Reykjavik harbour with no one on board. Crew and passengers are all missing with nothing to indicate what may have happened to them. Only the fact that the yacht was being navigated by autopilot has brought it to its destination. The yacht had had only a skeleton crew aboard, and the passengers consisted of one family of four – father, mother, and two young daughters. The parents of the father ask lawyer Thóra Gudmundsdóttir to help them. They are looking after the couple’s baby daughter, and they need the couple to be declared dead so that they can claim on the insurance policy for the money they will need to provide for their only surviving granddaughter. But is the family dead? And if so, how did they die?

The story is divided into two sections which alternate: the investigation in the present day, and a short leap back in time to show the voyage and the lead up to what happened on board. My enjoyment was also divided. The section aboard the yacht starts out wonderfully creepily and for a while it's quite difficult to know if there is going to be an actual supernatural element to the story. Sigurdardóttir is great at creating that kind of mysterious atmosphere just at the crossover between reality and the supernatural, and the isolated yacht in the middle of an empty sea provides a frightening and atmospheric setting. However, after a bit these sections become incredibly repetitive and draggy, with nothing really happening to move the story forward. I reached a point where I was skim reading them to get back to the other half of the story.

The sections in Reykjavik with Thóra are lighter and more entertaining This is the 6th book in the series and Thóra and her family and colleagues are now established into a kind of settled pattern. Thóra is a likeable protagonist, although her method of investigation owes as much to luck and coincidence as it does to any great skill on her part. Her strength is her ability to chat to people of all ages and walks of life in a friendly way that makes them open up to her. Her extremely annoying and incompetent secretary, Bella, plays quite a big role in this one, and I'm glad to say that some of the more ridiculous excesses of her antisocial behaviour are toned down a little. Although a reason is given in the first book for why Thóra and her partner haven't sacked Bella, I didn't find it realistic and don't find Bella nearly as amusing as I am clearly supposed to! However I enjoyed catching up with Thóra’s refreshingly functional family – her boyfriend, Matthew, now her long-term partner, her grown-up son and his partner now with a baby of their own, and her teenage daughter. There is enough about her home life to make her feel real but not so much that it overwhelms the plot.

The story of what led up to the disappearance is very convoluted and really stretches credulity quite far. I felt we were given the solution by the author rather than Thóra really working it out for herself. And it all leads up to an ending that is considerably bleaker than I was expecting – too bleak for me, in fact. But that’s why they call it Nordic Noir!

So a rather mixed response to this one from me, finding half the book considerably more enjoyable than the other half. As so often with contemporary crime, I felt that cutting a hundred pages or so in the middle would have made this book tighter and better. It was first published in 2011, however, which was at the height of the trend for over-long crime novels —a trend which I'm happy to say seems to be passing a bit at last. It appears this is the last instalment in this particular series although Sigurdardóttir has gone on to write many more books, both standalones and a new series. I've only read the first and last volumes in the Thóra series, and haven’t quite decided if I’m enthusiastic enough to go back and read the ones in the middle.

Profile Image for Denise.
2,188 reviews92 followers
January 11, 2016
4.0 out of 5 stars -- Complex and intense mystery, the latest in the Thóra Gudmundsdóttir series (#6).

The chilling opening of this suspense novel by the "Queen of Nordic Noir" quickly sets the mood for this well plotted tale. A luxury yacht that is supposed to have 7 persons on board crashes into the pier in Reykjavik Harbor. A family of four (husband, wife and twin daughters) and 3 crew are missing from the yacht. There is no evidence of foul play and no clues as to what might have happened. Thóra Gudmundsdóttir gets involved when the parents of the missing husband (who have been keeping the youngest daughter while the rest of the family was on the cruise) ask her to help them sort out the life insurance. Thóra needs to prove that the missing husband and wife are dead in order for them to collect the money.

This is a very complicated mystery and the narration shifts in time and person from the point of view of what is occurring on the yacht out in the ocean and Thóra's investigation back in Reykjavik . It is methodical and slow in some parts, but the reader is guessing wildly as to what happened on the yacht and why there is no one on board as the clues come to light. The revelations at the very end are surprising and very satisfying. No spoilers!

I love this series. I'm waiting for #3 and #4 so that I can be up-to-date having just finished this one, the most recent. I like the main character a lot and the writing style. There wasn't much of Matthew Reich in this book, and that's fine by me. I'm looking forward to reading #7 whenever it's written.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the e-book ARC to review.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,071 reviews65 followers
September 11, 2016
4,5 estrelas
Para mim, o melhor trabalho de Yrsa Sigurdardóttir, terminando assim a série da Thóra. A partir de meio do livro fiquei completamente agarrada ao livro tal o suspense provocado pelo enredo. Foi uma excelente ideia intercalar intervalos do que acontecia no barco com a investigação depois do barco vazio chegar ao porto. À medida que as pessoas no barco iam morrendo e os conhecimentos que os leitores adquiriam com outras revelações sabidas pelos capítulos do "depois" foram provocando um aumento de ansiedade em saber de tudo. As gémeas, com apenas 8 anos, é que era a parte mais difícil de saber...

No final só fiquei mais desiludida com a forma como tudo é revelado ao leitor:

Para fim de série também teria ficado bem uma coisa mais arranjada no que se refere à Thóra. É como se não estivesse planeado que este fosse o último livro da série, que viesse mais livros a seguir.
Profile Image for Ana.
473 reviews
February 15, 2017
Yrsa tem o dom de me deixar de boca aberta...
Depois de ler "Lembro-me de ti", k conseguiu até me assustar, estava à espera de algo do género neste livro... mas isso n aconteceu... Ok... há partes k nos faz correr um friozinho pela espinha...
É um policial sombrio envolto num grd mistério que nos deixa em suspense até à última página.

3,5⭐️(pq estava à espera de algo ainda mais sombrio)
Profile Image for Ana Rute Primo.
261 reviews38 followers
August 8, 2021
Não é segredo para ninguém que gosto muito da autora Yrsa Sigurdardóttir. Até à data li Cinza e Poeira, Lembro-me de Ti (talvez o meu preferido), Alguém para tomar conta de mim e agora O Silêncio do Mar, cuja reedição tem o título Lisboa Reykjavík.

Para me decidir a ler este livro só li as primeiras linhas da sinopse que, basicamente, constam do seguinte: um iate de luxo parte do porto de Lisboa com sete pessoas a bordo, entre tripulantes e passageiros, mas quando chega ao seu destino, Reiquiavique, encontra-se absolutamente vazio.

A narrativa desenrola-se, por um lado, através da investigação da advogada, Thóra, contratada pelos familiares de um dos viajantes, por outro, vamos seguindo os acontecimentos que têm lugar durante a viagem do iate e a interação com as várias personagens que seguem a bordo.

«Não sou especialmente supersticioso, mas toda essa conversa sobre uma maldição punha-me nervoso.» (Cap. 8)

Yrsa já nos vem habituando a seu estilo Nordic Noir, com muito suspense, mistério, muitas incertezas, sem que percebamos se estamos no campo do sobrenatural ou não. Só no fim tudo se encaixa e revela.

«(…) senti como se as pessoas ainda ali estivessem, como se não se tivessem capacitado de que deviam ter desaparecido.» (Cap. 5)

Gostei muito apesar de achar que o final poderia ter dado para um pouco mais, foi demasiado rápido quando comparado com o ritmo de toda a narrativa. Mas a verdade é que nada é o que parece…

«Se fossem os seus filhos, quereria o assunto fechado ou antes agarrar-se a uma esperança, talvez ao longo de toda a sua vida? (…) talvez preferisse viver com a incerteza.» (Cap. 10)

Espero que a nova edição tenha tido a oportunidade de ser revista, uma vez que a revisão da edição digital carece de muitas melhorias.

❤️ Artigo publicado em boasleituras.pt ❤️
Profile Image for Carol Peace.
594 reviews
April 11, 2015
Wow, I really enjoyed the book and definately a 5* read. I was lucky to get this as a first read winner and I am so pleased. The book makes me feel as though I was on board the yacht, sea sickness and all. When the boat arrive at Reykjavic harbour with no-one on board the police are mystified. What had happened to the crew and family that left Lisbon. The family's parents are looking after their youngest daughter and are worried at what will happen to her now they can't be found. They are too old to be granted custody of her so they go to a lawyer to find out what will happen,Thora Gudmundsor looks into the case for them. She is the mainstay of the book and because she isn't police it seems she has easier access to things. Where did the parents and 2 young girls go to? what happened to the crew? I was totally involved with the book and didn't see the twist coming. I found myself getting very emotional and didn't even realise I was holding my breath untill it ended.
Profile Image for Daniela Pedras.
66 reviews3 followers
August 2, 2021
O silêncio do mar, posteriormente publicado com o título "Lisboa Reykjavík", foi a minha estreia com a Yrsa Sigurdardóttir. E posso dizer que gostei muito!!
Um iate de luxo abandona a soalheira capital portuguesa rumo a Reykjavík, enfrentando as águas escuras e gélidas do oceano, com sete pessoas a bordo. Quando o iate entra no porto de Reykjavík, é encontrado vazio... O que terá acontecido à tripulação do navio e à família que nele viajava? O que se terá passado a bordo daquele iate que justifique o desaparecimento de todas as pessoas?
Um livro muito bom, que nos envolve numa aura de mistério e com um enredo que nos deixa em suspenso. Somos absorvidos por um ambiente sombrio e arrepiante, pela escuridão e frio gélido do oceano, com uma envolvência de terror. Muito bom!
Profile Image for Kristín.
522 reviews12 followers
March 14, 2020
Þessi bók náði mér ekki. Sakamálið náði einhvern veginn aldrei flugi og Huldar og Freyja eru orðin þreytt. Þeirra mál var reyndar ekki eins áberandi nú og í fyrri bókum en þá var alla vega þessi spenna og togstreyta á milli þeirra en nú skipti eiginlega ekki einu sinni máli hvað þeim finnst hvoru um annað. Og þessi flutningur Freyju yfir lögregluna heppnaðist ekkert svakalega vel. Ég mæli með að næsta bók fjalli annað hvort aftur um Þóru eða leiti á nýjar slóðir. Það var aldrei erfitt að leggja þessa bók frá mér þegar ég fór að sofa.
Profile Image for Hannelore Cheney.
1,290 reviews29 followers
February 27, 2016
Loved it, hardly drew a breath while reading it and couldn't put it down. A yacht crashes into a port in Iceland, empty...Where are the 7 people who were on it? This scary, addictive book moves back and forth between the yacht and Iceland, seamlessly and effortlessly. There are scenes that made me promise myself never to travel the ocean on a yacht - terrifying... But utterly recommended!
Profile Image for Vivany.
776 reviews9 followers
June 5, 2018
when you can feel the love without even say a word i love it
it's get me deeply
Displaying 1 - 30 of 622 reviews

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