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Custodians: Beyond Abduction

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UFO Sightings and abductions by aliens were the beginning, the tip of the iceberg.

Dolores Cannon's work in hypnosis has taken the study beyond abduction.
This accumulation of twelve years of cases includes:

• Cases of missing time
• Spacecraft from other dimensions and planes of existence
• Condensed or distorted time
• The differences and functions of various alien races
• Much more

Dolores traces the phenomenon from the simple to the complex. Exploring areas untouched by other investigators, she makes the unbelievable become acceptable and understandable.

556 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

About the author

Dolores Cannon

126 books1,364 followers
Dolores Cannon (1931 - 2014) was a self described "past-life regressionist" and hypnotherapist who specialized in the "recovery and cataloging" of "Lost Knowledge". Her roots in hypnosis went back to the 1960s, and she was specializing in past-life therapy since 1979.

Dolores became, perhaps, the world's most unlikely expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus. A retired Navy wife from Huntsville, AR, USA, Dolores was nearly fifty years old when she began experimenting with hypnosis and past-life regression. The results were, to say the least, quite spectacular!

Working through several different subjects, Dolores was able to establish communication with the living Michel De Notredame, better known as the prophet Nostradamus. His revelations and their impact on our own time are both fascinating and at times frightening.

Dolores has written the three volume set "Conversations With Nostradamus", the series on the translation of Nostradamus' quatrains. This series contains the translation of almost 1000 prophecies, all interpreted for the first time and have been in print since 1989. It is considered the most accurate interpretation of the prophecies ever printed.

Dolores has been a UFO investigator for twenty years, using her skills as a regressionist to help people that had been involved in abduction cases. She has written several books on the UFO information volunteers have revealed while under hypnosis.

Her unique technique of hypnosis is being taught all over the world via the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy.

Dolores has written 17 books about her research in hypnosis and UFO cases. Her books are translated into over 20 languages. She founded her own publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing, in 1992.

Dolores has toured in the USA, England, Europe, the former Soviet bloc countries, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia to promote her works, and to discuss her particular brand of psychic research. She has spoken to radio and television audiences worldwide. She has given lectures at such locations as: Whole Life Expos in Los Angeles, New York and San Diego; Global Science Congress; various A.R.E. Edgar Cayce Foundations; Conscious Living Expo and MBS Expo in Australia; The College of Psychic Studies in London, England; The Theosophical Society in London, England; as well as many other organizations. Dolores was the first American and the first foreigner to receive the "Orpheus Award" in Bulgaria, for the highest advancement in the research of psychic phenomena.

Articles by/about Dolores have appeared in several magazines including: "Body, Mind and Spirit"; "Magical Blend"; "Connecting Link"; "Kindred Spirit" (an England magazine); "People Magazine" (an Australian magazine); "Conscious Living Magazine" (an Australian magazine); "After Dark" (the Art Bell magazine); "The Unknown Magazine"; "The Washington Post"; and "New York Times". Also magazines and newspapers in Russia, Spain, South America, Bulgaria, Japan and Arab countries.

Dolores appeared on various TV specials including "A Current Affair" (in Australia); BBC Documentary Series "Divine Magic"; "Ancient Mysteries of the World" (a two hour special on CBS); "Ancient Prophecies I and Ancient Prophecies II" (two hour specials on NBC); "Encounters" ( a one hour special on FOX network); "Good Day LA" (in California); "Mysteries, Magic and Miracles" (the Sci-Fi Channel); "Marilu Talk Show" (ABC); "Biography" (series on A&E Channel); "America After Hours" (CNBC); "CNN International Entertainment News".

She has spoken on over 1000 radio shows including Art Bell’s Dreamland, George Noory’s Coast to Coast, and Shirley MacLaine, plus speaking at innumerable conferences worldwide. In addition she had her own weekly radio show, the Metaphysical Hour, on BBS Radio for nine years.

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Profile Image for Owlseyes .
1,743 reviews279 followers
November 16, 2021

When you read James Casbolt (on “cloned humans”) or Laura Eisenhower (on the military involvement in the creation of “hybrids”, or the weather modification and mind control technologies used against mankind) versions of the aliens, you easily find them malevolent.

Even the version by Professor David Jacobs regarding abductions (“The Threat: The Secret Agenda What the Aliens Really Want and How They Plan to Get It”) will get you into a sordid picture of these so-called aliens.

Yet, with this book of Dolores Cannon you‘ll get another picture*: the benevolent, positive one. I reckon a positive view also with Bridget Nielsen, "mother of 10 alien hybrid children" (check on Hybrid Human Alien Children).


She [Dolores] didn’t start with UFO’s. Her work began with hypnosis for relaxation of a patient with eating disorders; then the hypnosis gave her entry into past lives. Regression.

Only in 1985, she was introduced by Mildred Higgins and Lucius Farish into the UFO phenomena, and especially, in her debut using hypnotic regression in cases of abduction.

She affirms her distinct approach: while some stopped at the physical traces and abduction per se, and still others focused on the genetic manipulation some aliens may be involved, Dolores went further.

She thinks these aliens are benevolent: they’re under a “higher authority”….their plan “was fashioned for our world eons before the first human appeared”.

They are doing this (abductions….) NOT for their purposes but for OURS.

Save some mavericks (aliens) who are negative , she admits, ….her data led her to believe that their “examinations “ and experimentation with the human race are for our good: they are, sort of, "keeping the garden", seeding planet earth, taking care of “our evolution”. It’s a generational work.

She says, nevertheless, in the history of mankind, some anomaly might have occurred: (maybe) a meteor had introduced organisms foreign to our planet. The custodians would prepare us to live on other planets. She believes these custodians have been “carefully influencing” the development of our brains.

The so much talked about “gene manipulation” is meant, according to Dolores , for OUR PROTECTION, OUR PRESERVATION AND SURVIVAL.

Her views seem really different from other researchers; whereas some talk about “missing time", she speaks about “condensed or distorted time”; “events take place in far less time than it would normally take”.

She believes these Custodians have evolved to the point where they are “pure energy”, no longer requiring physical bodies.

Polemic,… to say the least.





...further down















.carry on






























.down under






























































.don't give up





.still ahead























Profile Image for Iona  Stewart.
834 reviews268 followers
August 8, 2011
This is yet another extremely informative, fascinating and mind-expanding book by Dolores Cannon, one of my favourite authors. I greatly admire this author for her tremendous service to mankind in communicating all this information to us and also in leaving us in no doubt whatsoever as to the existence of the extra-terrestrials.

This book is so packed with new information that on completing it I have difficulty in remembering the details it contains, since I haven't been able to digest all this information in just one reading.

As indicated in the sub-title, Dolores doesn't just enlighten us about the nature of alien abductions, though she does that too, but through her regressed subjects gets to talk directly to highly advanced "aliens" (I put the word in inverted commas, because I feel a kinship to them), who can give us information about their advanced technology, the true purpose/s of the abductions and much more.

The book is entitled "The custodians" in view of the fact that we are rapidly destroying our planet, and the extra-terrestrials have felt themselves obliged to take on a custodial role here on Earth. Radical earth changes are widely prophesied to occur at the end of 2012 (and many have already taken place) and when severe things like these happen to Earth, this will affect, perhaps drastically, all other planets, the whole universe, and probably many other universes. So these beings cannot just sit quietly and leave us to our own devices - though they are not allowed to "interfere" in our development, they feel they must do what they can to alleviate any coming drastic effects.

The material presented in this book is too comprehensive for me to do more than provide an inkling as to the information contained therein. But I can say that the author begins by exploring cases of "missing time", which is one of the first signs that something untoward has happened, and that the persons concerned may have been abducted. Regression provides access to what has taken place in the missing time.

Detailed descriptions of the various alien types are given. The advanced forms of aliens have a great admiration of Dolores Cannon because of her work to get information out to us Earthlings about them, and therefore she gets to communicate with and interview many of their "top people", those with knowledge of the most advanced concepts.

It turns out that one of Dolores' most valuable subjects, Janice, is herself a highly advanced being who is also held in high respect by the aliens. Towards the end of the book we experience a very emotional and touching meeting between Janice and her "real" space-father.

In the penultimate chapter, Dolores regresses one of her colleagues working in the same field, Bonnie, and obtains valuable information from this regression. Bonnie had been abducted from the highway late at night, and her abductors regarded her as a wonderful "catch", because of all the information they could copy from her mind, mostly about how human beings are being affected by the alien visits. The aliens partly want to communicate with us, and enlighten us about themselves, partly they desire as much information as possible about us.

We are told that another planet is being prepared for us in the event that we render the Earth uninhabitable. They have produced "genetic duplicates" of us so we are not allowed to perish.

This is a very exciting book, as are all her books. Please read it.

Profile Image for Sue.
1,698 reviews1 follower
February 3, 2016
I didn't care for this one that much; maybe I'm getting used to the material. I kept dozing off, very exhausting and draining. Should I say boring?

The other book, Keepers of the Garden, was much better.
Profile Image for Rowan.
35 reviews
May 1, 2014
I love Dolores - Another Truth Seeker!! A must read. She stumbles upon the existence of a past life, while trying to use hypnosis to ease someone's fears and has not stopped seeking answers since. Read Five Lives Remembered to see where it all began. Then read this one and Keepers of the Garden. All of her books are eye opening. Remember she is only asking questions to find answers.
Profile Image for Monique.
17 reviews12 followers
March 9, 2015
In the top five most valuable books I have ever read.

I cannot say enough about how important the information contained in this truly epic work is. I have read many many books on spirituality, science, Extra Terrestrials etc, and this is one of the most valuable to date. I could just about feel myself transforming as I read it. This is about so much more than ETs and has changed my perception of them from something sinister and frightening, to the understanding that they are highly evolved spiritually and are assisting humanity in wonderful ways. There is so much misinformation out there on this topic and this sets the record straight in my opinion. The author does much more than access her client's memories through hypnosis-on many occasions she was able to communicate directly with other beings through the clients themselves, with the client's permission. It is very clear when a highly evolved being is speaking as opposed to the client themselves, and often I was moved to tears from the caring nature they demonstrated, not to mention the highly detailed and advanced topics covered. It does stretch the mind a lot, but that is the ultimate sign of learning. The message shared over and over is that the Earth is going through highly perilous times, and that the more people can integrate the concepts and energy shared in this book, the better chance we have of surviving and evolving in wonderful ways. I read hundreds of books each year and almost never write reviews, yet I felt compelled to write this one. I urge you to read this book, you will be glad you did.
26 reviews
January 11, 2009
This is the 4th book I have read from Dolores Cannon, the second related to extraterrestrial life, and I just can't seem to get enough. I've never before been terribly interested in UFOs, aliens, etc., certainly not enough to read books about them. But Ms. Cannon's books are captivating, mind-bending, intriguing...certainly thought-provoking. I will continue to read more of her work, without a doubt.
Profile Image for Lauraley Dilgard.
Author 6 books7 followers
January 14, 2011
The first time I saw this book I didn't buy it I thought it would be silly. Then a friend told me to read Dolores Cannon books so as I read other books she wrote I ordered this one and laughed when I saw it was the book I was too embarrassed to buy before I know who Dolores was. I found this book very interesting I couldn't put it down it was so interesting. I also read several more of Dolores Cannon's books. She writes about the universe in a series of books I read and also could not put down.
Profile Image for Stephen Ward.
23 reviews13 followers
March 29, 2021
(Review for audiobook version)

There are a lot of comments about the narration so I'll address that first.

The main narrator (speaking Dolores' sections) does a great job. Then there are 3 other narrators who voice the subjects and entities. 2 of these are perfectly fine and 1 is very annoying. The annoying one gets a few chapters early on and I think this puts people off. She appears again towards the end but, for the most part, the narration of this book is fine.

This book might be a 5* for someone new to Dolores Cannon but after a few books there is a lot of overlap. New sessions, I'm sure, but very similar - not many new revelations. Still, there is something new in each one.

The book is a seemingly near verbatim account of the hypnosis sessions so there is a lot of getting to know you conversation and little remarks that I found unimportant filler. Still, some others might enjoy them.

It's easy to listen to. Simpler material than, say, Seth or The Law of One. Readers familiar with those might find this slow or frustrating, especially when DC talks about something fairly simple being "complex".

Still, I'm grateful for the material Dolores has produced and will read a few more (I've read Convoluted Universe 1-3 and am halfway through Conversations with Nostradamus 1).
Profile Image for Ashwini Sharma .
176 reviews11 followers
August 27, 2016
Well, I wanted to have my 'mind-expanded' like how some books tend to do.

But this book has only few mind expanding things to offer and most of it is just 'lights' seen by this or other chap who then feels some time has gone this or the other way, and has had dreams where aliens have abducted them without distorting their view of a linear time and then there are buried memories, again, of lights and lost time.

I mean, things could have been believable a bit, but when even the descriptions of aliens by people under hypnosis seemed to be nothing different from the popular 'image' of the alien, I completely lost whatever credibility i had for the book.

Profile Image for Panda1602.
107 reviews19 followers
December 23, 2016
A fantastic book full of interaction with inter dimensional beings. A brilliant piece of work. I found at times I would have to place the book down to let the energy calibrate and then could continue reading when I was drawn back to it. I did not experience this with the other books I have read by Dolores Cannon. If this book resonates with you then there is some energetic coding to unfold for you whilst you read it.
Profile Image for Grumpus.
498 reviews278 followers
June 26, 2007
Hypnotic regression and alien abduction. How can all these people share the same experiences from different cultures as recalled under hypnosis? Hard to deny.
38 reviews2 followers
January 15, 2016
What a great journey into the mind and soul of alien life forms.

Delores Cannon takes you through space and time into a deeper understanding of the purpose of our being observed over the eons. You are introduced to the miriad of different life forms, different dimensions, and love and concern for our species by our space brethren. It's mind expanding for the reader. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Revellanotvanel.
51 reviews9 followers
October 6, 2012
I felt this book was rather hopeful compared to other abduction-related reads,

it wasn't fear based which I appreciate, this is a book that I have kept in my library and

look back at least once a year. The story about the person driving and ending up in some

kind of time warp was very interesting, the manipulation of time in more detail than I've

gotten in other books.
Profile Image for Jessie Raeke.
1 review1 follower
January 8, 2013
My first book on the subject, The Custodians proved to be a compelling authority on the subject of alien abduction. Cannon not only provided first-person accounts, but also offers a sneak peak into the reasons behind the apparent observations and investigations by extraterrestrials. We are, indeed, not alone.
Profile Image for Stacey M.
70 reviews18 followers
February 8, 2012
very interesting and a bit creepy. I find myself looking over my shoulder a lot when reading and being a bit paranoid which is why I take breaks in between. I'll update when I finish. It's a LONG one.
Profile Image for Misti.
47 reviews7 followers
January 5, 2014
If you have ever had periods of missing time, sleep paralysis, or been interested in extraterrestrial contact with mankind... you should read this book. It covers several topics through the tool of hypnosis. Real people have had experiences they want to share with you.
Profile Image for Hassan.
Author 2 books6 followers
August 18, 2015
Interesting information from past life regression hypnotist Dolores cannon , where she contacted starbeings using the past life regression method giving her lots of info about them and about human , earth and universe in general ..
3 reviews1 follower
Currently reading
May 29, 2010
GREAT book! I love it :)
Profile Image for Rachel.
26 reviews5 followers
August 18, 2012
loved it as with all her books i have read..
Profile Image for Kelly.
11 reviews
March 5, 2013
Just starting this (hoping) fantastic read. Will keep my "'Good Read' friends" apprised of my progress! Stay tuned....
Profile Image for J.B. Rhod.
32 reviews2 followers
October 7, 2020
This dragged in some places. Some of the narration was off putting.
Profile Image for J.W. Wright.
Author 5 books10 followers
July 10, 2019
Down through several decades, scores of people have claimed to have terrifying experiences of being abducted by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to cruel and unusual experiments, breeding programs, and encounters with entities so alien they are bone-chilling. But are these experiences really more positive than negative? Is the guarded and cosmically xenophobic mind actually playing tricks on humans who believe that these are torturous experiences rather than enlightening ones? What is the true purpose of these “abductions?” This and so much more is explored in Dolores Cannon’s riveting book “Custodians: Beyond Abduction.”

When I found and purchased Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe Series” at my local bookstore, and started to read book one, I found I had made an error; I needed to read the account of the incidents that had set Cannon down the path to the unlocking of cosmic mysteries in the first place; which is found in the prequel, “Custodians: Beyond Abduction.” Dolores relates in this book how she had no idea that when she began investigating UFOlogy, she had no idea the great and reality-changing cosmic secrets it would unlock. If you start on this book, make sure you have plenty of time set aside, because you’re not going to want to put it down anytime soon. It is absolutely riveting and engaging, and you will be on the edge of your seat as mysteries and answers to many questions are mind-blowingly revealed through Cannon’s QHHT method of communicating with the subconscious or ultra-conscious mind.
In this book are revealed the answers to such intriguing subjects as:

-Cases of missing time

-Spacecraft from other dimensions and planes of existence

-Various races of extraterrestrial beings

-Alien worlds


-Alien-human interbreeding programs

-What “Source” energy is

-What happened to Earth’s lost astronauts

-What secret treaties have the government negotiated with various alien races

And so much more. If you are at all interested in life out there amongst the stars, I strongly suggest you pick up and read this book. You’ll have the intergalactic ride of your life!

I give “Custodians: Beyond Abduction” by Dolores Cannon a 5 out of 5.
Profile Image for K.
802 reviews
August 14, 2023
Custodian, “a person who has responsibility for or looks after something.”

The author made a career of sorts traveling and talking to people about their past and aliens. The book consists of scripts from these meetings and interviews. It ranges from people providing wild tales about aliens and their backgrounds. The author claims she can “see the fakers” so we are assured they are real (yep yep). She quotes her findings as valid and honest due to her subjects all having the same or similar descriptions and experiences, but this is common with hypnotists as they project what they want into their subjects. As usual, the people wish to remain anonymous, which only causes more issues with fact checking but when its mostly just wild tales and impersonating aliens, not much to fact check.

A good chunk is about people who have aliens speak through them. So you may want to look into psychosis and paraphrenia, a chronic psychotic disorder characterized by a strong delusional component with preservation of thought and personality. Delusions should not be encouraged but if the subject isn’t a threat to themselves, then alright I guess. At least this nice lady came to visit them and tell them nice things. That's worth pointing out is that Dolores is pretty chill.

I did like the wide arrange of stories though, some were very interesting. I felt like a short stories collection more than anything else but the constant breaks into the author’s personal matters and referencing other books by her took me out of the immersion. If this collection was written more like a series of diary entries from a traveling hypnotist, then it would flow better. Not a bad read but not a compelling one. Nothing is too gripping and nothing is written in such severe detail to make you become engrossed cause its all through talking to one another.


Until her death in October 2014, Dolores Cannon was a Hypnotherapist recognized as a pioneer in the field of past-life regression, stemming from interactions from her hypnotist and war veteran husband. I think this publishing company is still in affiliation with her family and they have reprinted this book many times.
Profile Image for Femi Massiah.
7 reviews
June 20, 2012
Whether you believe in past lifes and hynosis, you should really read this book with an open mind. That's what I did and I have been pretty much addicted to Dolores Cannon ever since. The concepts she explores are pretty complex and even she will admit that she has times where she has a hard time in understanding them herself but after much research and soul-answering questions and hynosis we finally get a picture of what abductions in the fourth kind really entail.
71 reviews1 follower
December 25, 2014
Loved the book. This is the first of Dolores Cannon's books I've read. It was more information than I expected. Sadly, she passed away a month or so ago. I was really hoping to email to ask her questions, as she invited people to do. I hope she has a person to carry on her work. Now I'm geared up to read more of hers. With this one I had to stop for some hours to digest the info and see if the continuity fit. Seemed to.
Profile Image for Patricia.
221 reviews3 followers
March 9, 2016
Dolores Cannon has written several books with the subject of UFO's. In this one, she covers many situtions/people who, under hypnosis, talk about their experiences. These experiences cover topics such as alien visits, alien abductions, missing time, etc. Most of the book is written as a transcript of the hypnosis sessions.

The author has some very interesting information and I think you will enjoy the book if you are into UFO's. (I am.) I need to check out some of her other books.
Profile Image for Candace.
141 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2016
3.5 stars. It started off really slow and I kept falling asleep. But then it picked up and started introducing some concepts that left my brain feeling like mush lol. By the end of the book I felt like I was ready to learn more and to read more about topics that are foreign and rejected by most people. In a sense, the author has "touched" me and opened up my mind.
Profile Image for Jack Pramitte.
134 reviews2 followers
September 16, 2015
Extraterrestrial beings do exist and certainly visit our planet. However I don't believe in the so-called contactees.

That said, even if Dolores Cannon was a fraud, she had a beautiful personality and a rich imagination. If you like The X Files, there is a chance that you'll like her books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews

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