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Something always brings me back to you…
Cevyn has more responsibility on her shoulders than should be legal. It’s fine because she was built for this. She’s the strong one, and she’ll carry the world on her shoulders alone if it means her sister is okay.
Cevyn and Kas have been jumping in and out of each other’s beds for years. Up to now, they’ve enjoyed a string and love-free affiliation. No matter what happens, though, they always end up back in each other’s beds.
Tragedy strikes, and she’s no longer able to bear the brunt of the world alone. Suddenly, her friend with benefits is starting to look like her knight in shining armor. Can they help each other through this dark, painful time and come out the other side as something more?

245 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 30, 2021

About the author


61 books725 followers
I'm just a girl in love with literature. My love affair with romance novels started with I was 13 and has flourished into an obsession. I've always been a writer. Even when I was a little girl, I always had a pen and a notebook poised to let something out. You Make Me Better is my first project that will be published and I am STOKED. My goal is to write stories surrounding positive black love, with a little humor tossed in.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 422 reviews
Profile Image for Annette Williams.
1,049 reviews278 followers
May 3, 2022
There are not enough words in the English dictionary to express how phenomenal this book was. Gravity took me through a range of emotions I was not even a little bit prepared for. The subject matter of the storyline was tough to read but, it definitely needed to be told. It hits on a lot of triggers such as mental illness, suicide, grief, and abuse (emotional and physical). The author did a wonderful job depicting how mental illness is sometimes handled in the black community. The unconditional and selfless love Cevyn has for Ayte had me in tears damn near the entire book. Her selflessness was awe inspiring. The way she doted on her sister and made her a priority when their parents turned their backs on her was a beautiful thing. While caring for Ayte was often a full-time job, Cevyn still managed to find a little peace and his name was Kaswell Mosley. Cevyn and Kas were surprisingly an unproblematic couple. I loved watching them go from FWB to unintentionally falling in love. This was an amazing book and there’s a lot to unpack so, I’m not going to give a detailed review. Between Victoria’s unstable azz, Mindy’s audacity, Big Kas’ BDE, Little Kas’ sweet nature, Ms. Opal's wisdom, and the hot sex you will most definitely want to read this book. Gravity was a beautiful heart wrenching story. It takes you on an intense and emotional journey through the highs and lows of mental illness and how it impacts families and relationships. The subject matter was heavy, realistic, and emotionally charged. The author balanced out the seriousness of the storyline with a good amount of humor and feel-good moments. So, grab your wine and tissues and prepare to get your ugly cry on. Someone asked me the other day what my favorite book of 2022 was and, now I can say it’s Gravity.
Profile Image for Jahda.
752 reviews184 followers
May 30, 2023
I've been putting off reading this book because I anticipated the negative impact it would have on my feelings. This made me cry like a baby. Exactly why I don’t like reading heavy books. I felt many different feelings as a result of Gravity. Cevyn and Ayte, two sisters, shown great unconditional love for one another. No matter how much you battle for someone's mental health, you can never fully understand what they are going through. My feelings for the Omeres tore me apart. Kas truly helped me catch my breath after that. For a long time, Cevyn and Kas had a mutually beneficial friendship, and I admired how Kas encouraged Cevyn both emotionally and physically. Understanding the ups and downs of mental health and how it affects loved ones around you via this character's emotional odyssey is powerful. Enough of that I want Mindy, Mandy,Molly whatever her name is head and slow ass Victoria because truly what is wrong with them.
Profile Image for Eboni Jack.
14 reviews8 followers
April 21, 2024
I am NOT okay!!! 😭😭😭😭 I'm an emotional wreck right now. Why didn't anyone tell me what I was getting myself into?! Gravity was an enormously heavy read but, I loved TF out of it. From the storyline, the characters, the humor, and the subject matter an emotional time was had. I definitely ugly cried the entire time I read this book. AshleyNicole put her entire soul into this book and sis should be proud of the finished product. If you have not read Gravity, push it to the top of your TBR now!
Profile Image for Wobilba.
713 reviews112 followers
February 18, 2023
4.5 stars

Wow! This book was amazing. This is only my second read from this author so I thought I was gonna get same fun and humor I got from the first read but boy was I wrong. This book was highly emotional. A very raw and gut wrenching one. It had me ugly crying. I loved the relationship between the characters in this book, Kas & little Kas, Kas & Cevyn, and Cevyn & Ayte.
Kas & Cevyn’s build up from fwb to lovers was amazing to watch and I loved how they were there for each other.
Seriously, every woman needs a man like Kas, every son deserves a father like Kas and every girl deserves a sister like Cevyn.

Thanks @Rashawnda for recommending this one
Profile Image for Rashawnda.
1,226 reviews525 followers
April 5, 2022
The reviews did not remotely prepare me for what I was getting myself into reading this book. When I tell you I UGLY cried. I mean snot nosed hyperventilating type crying. Just wow!!! This book was so emotionally moving that it will stick with me forever. FOREVER!!! So many love stories were told in this book.

Cevyn and Kas- I mean their love and friendship was everything and they really held each other down in the most complex ways possible. How could you not love each other after the bond their individual traumas brought.

Big Kas and Little Kas- I’m a sucker for the bond between a father and son and this was like nothing I’ve ever read. It was such a necessary relationship and more father need to express this type of love while sons should definitely experience it.

Cevyn and Ayte- soulmates and soul sisters through and through. My heart aches for them both. Mental illness is definitely a thief and boy oh boy did their whole story GUT ME!

Omere and Ayte- I mean this man LOVED Ayte. I can’t even imagine the pain of watching the woman you’d give anything to spend the rest of your life with suffer mentally. He waited for her while loving up on their baby. I was so heartbroken for him.

Cevyn and Kas’ mom- just wow! That woman had a heart of gold! GOLD do you hear me.

I’m so full after reading this book and it will (currently) be known as the best book I’ve read to date.
Profile Image for LaShaun’s Literary Lounge.
69 reviews31 followers
July 7, 2022
This book deserves all the stars! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 If I could give it 10 stars I would! Gravity was a beautiful masterpiece. The author touches on a subject that, to this day, is still taboo in the black community. I absolutely love how she told Ayt's story. It was gut wrenching and, a lot of the time, hard to read. But, we needed this up close and personal view of how mental illness affects not just the person afflicted with it but, their family as well. Read this book people. You will not be disappointed!
Profile Image for Naomi'sBookNook.
39 reviews7 followers
August 5, 2022
What an absolutely beautiful and heart wrenching story! This book gutted me. 😩😩😩 I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much while reading a book. Gravity deserves more than just five stars. If I could give it twenty stars, I would. If you have not read Gravity, I implore you to stop what you’re doing and read this book!
Profile Image for Charm &#x1f33b;.
203 reviews34 followers
September 29, 2022
Sweet/Emotional Read

Ooooh… the Kas’ and the Omeres. One thing about me, I love a sweet romance. Pair that with mature, emotionally intelligent, and affectionate black men… Yeah, I’m all in. It was also the story of soulmates who happened to be sisters and the power of love or the lack thereof. I appreciate any book that gives a take on mental illness in different forms for those who may not understand what it looks like in a non-traditional sense. This will pull on your heart strings a bit, and though I was able to figure out the climatic “shocker” in the middle of the book, I really enjoyed it and would recommend 10/10. I loved how the Kas’ and the Omeres loved Cevyn and Ayte. This was good read. It took me some time to finish, because it’s one that you want to actually sit and enjoy with no distractions. I’ve read a few books by Ashley, and now she’s got me about to check out her entire catalog.
Profile Image for Ebony.
1,107 reviews105 followers
November 20, 2022
Gravity wins

Wow, damn I was all in my feelings with this one. Sheesh the journey of love and loss that Cevyn and Kas went through was heart wrenching.
Cevyn and Kas had been friends with benefits for years. It seemed to be a safe situation for them. One that each of them could fall back on that wasn't tainted with relationship drama. The truth was it just wasn't their time, but like gravity they would always be pulled together.. Oh but when their time came it wasn't all peachy, instead they became each other's support system.
Sweet Cevyn was so strong, loyal, and giving. The way she cared for Ayte, her sister, and sacrificed for her was just....love. I loved the way she protected her through the entire book. Unfortunately Cevyn didn't really have anyone in her corner, well so she thought, but Kas was there holding her up.

Kas, wow what a good man. He was a protector, a lover, a helper, a supporter. Once he was back in Cevyn's life it seemed like he was ready to show her a different side of who he was. He was ready to give her his all and I felt the shift. He was her calm in the middle of the storm of life she was experiencing. He pulled her out of her rut and loved on her even before they had declared love. All the while he is navigating little Kas and his deteriorating relationship with his mother.
The drama was high and the emotions were thick. I cried with Cevyn. I cried with little Kas. I cried for baby Omere and Ayte.
You know the book has gone into another level when you can feel the characters pain, empathize for them deeply, and hope they come out on the other side. This is that book. Still stunned.
Profile Image for Sharon.
795 reviews45 followers
January 27, 2022
Tears 😭

I do not even k ow where to Begin….

But this book here I would give 10 stars. I’ve cried for 2 days. The love between the 2 sisters I could feel through the pages of this book. The bond between Father and Son were ever present. The Author did an amazing job showing how the characters were affected by mental illness. Again I cried for 2 days. Phenomenal job!
Profile Image for Emaleigh Nichelle.
274 reviews11 followers
February 10, 2023
I just need for some one to pronounce the sisters name for me cause WTF is Ayte ?

Ok I’m back with the review. I finally figured out why this book didn’t click with me.

It was lacking romance. The story is good. The characters are full. But this didn’t give me romance vibes. The story arc of the two sisters over shadowed the romance. But go ahead and add it to your TBR because it is well written and a good story. The movement of the story is well paced and there are a lot of people to keep up with but there are bonds that won’t be denied. New and old.

There are some heavy topics that happen on page. So check the content warnings.
Profile Image for C.M..
5,447 reviews92 followers
January 5, 2023
I have never!

It took a while to read this story because of the very emotional materials covered in this story. I am honored and truly amazed to say this was the very best. The level of respectful details given regarding Atye's mental health and struggles were spot on and well researched. I marveled at how detailed and decent the way each detail was conveyed. Cev is the kind of sister we all should have. I cried with her and grieved as though the incident was real at the end of the story. And Kas was solid. Bae for real, and a rider. No matter what the situation with Cev, Kas was ready to step in to hold her down. Lil Kas was the sweetest replica of his dad. I loved the relationship with Kas, his parents and his whole family. Cev will be okay with the Kas men and his family.
The story was the most popular release as it related to the amount of rating. I see now why everyone raved about this tale. This story will stay with me for some time. If you have not read Gravity, do yourself a favor by taking the journey with the wonderful ladies in this story. And hug your sibling when you get a chance. Thank you AshleyNicole for this most magical story.
Profile Image for LeoLady.
48 reviews
July 18, 2022
O.M.G! Niagra Falls, I balled like a baby! I didn't have wine but I had tissue for my tears! The love between Ayte and Cevyn was beautiful, true sisterhood. The strength & love Cevyn had to keep her sister safe; the support and patience Kas has for Cevyn; the love & guidance Kas gives his son; Ms. Opals wisdom & nurturing ... equals a wonderfully written book! The sex was hot but didn't overrun the story, just enough. Yea, Mindy, Vick & Cevyn's parents needed a good ass whoop; just horrible, self-centered & careless people. Mental health is so real & serious, but never taken as fact in the Black community. I'm glad it's being addressed. Thanks for a GREAT read! Cevyn, Ayte, Nyne, Tyn..loved their bond.
Profile Image for Terra Jeniece.
119 reviews2 followers
August 18, 2023
I can agree I was not prepared nor did I see this story playing out this way. Not many books can make me
Cry but this one did. I loved it.
Profile Image for BrittNee Chanel.
130 reviews32 followers
March 15, 2022

This book is beautifully written one of the best books I’ve read this year easily said. The amount of emotions I felt while reading this was so real. This author gave the perfect amount of everything in this book. I can barley put this experience into words. 10 star read for me.
Profile Image for Bishara Martin.
37 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2022

Honey I haven’t cried this much since I read when my soul met a thug!!! It’s very rare that a person mets their soulmate but honey Cevyn was lucky enough to have 2, her sister & Kas ❤️
Profile Image for Dahyana.
631 reviews68 followers
July 22, 2022
Cevyn x Kas

Yeah, this story wrecked me. It wrecked me in a way I was not expecting. My heart is so heavy and I feel so emotionally exhausted and burdened. Words cannot explain how overwhelmingly wonderful and amazing this story was. It was a masterpiece. The way my heart tore into pieces for Ayte and everything she went through was absolutely ridiculous. I seriously had to take sometime to regroup before I continued the story. I cannot fathom or imagine what it's like for people and families who are dealing with this issue in real life. Seriously, my heart is in shambles.
If anyone wants to know what sacrificial love means, (after reading the 4 Gospels in the Bible about Jesus) read this story. It's Cevyn. She was the definition of selfless and sacrificial love.
Then there's Kas. Wow. Just wow. This man's heart was so beautiful, so big. He was gentle, he was calm, he was a protector. He was EVERYTHING.
Honestly, I don't know what else to say about this book, because I can go on and on and on and on. Just know that this book is absolutely amazing. The author did a phenomenal job talking about something I don't think gets talked about enough and she delivered it immaculately.
My heart goes out to anyone who’s dealing with stuff like. 🙏🏾
Take care of your mental health.
Profile Image for Toya  Davis-Stokley.
2,129 reviews61 followers
January 14, 2022
I needed a minute after that read! To dry my tears, process my thoughts and digest all the gems that were taught here! This read was heavy! But, also a beautifully told story about friendships, mental illness, loss, grief, rejection and unconditional love! 😭 Cevyn was an angel! The was she cared for and supported Ayte, was the most amazing display of sisterly love I have ever seen! It was heartbreaking to see how hard Ayte fought for her peace, until she couldn't. Kas! This man was everything! Calm, supportive, affectionate, vulnerable, loyal, what else could you ask for? He and Cevyn had such an easy going friendship, that naturally evolved as life happened to them both. His quiet presence was always there, right when Cevyn needed him to be. Cevyn meeting Mema, gaining knowledge from her wisdom, and getting loved on by little Kas; worked wonders on her mental and set her on the road to healing. I was already a big Ashley Nicole fan, but this right here is the best yet! Bravo ma'am! 👍👍👍
Profile Image for Marie Farrior.
59 reviews2 followers
February 27, 2022
This story made me feel so many emotions. Loved the romance between Kas and Cevyn and I loved the relationship between Kas and little Kas. Overall, great book! This was my first book from AshleyNicole and it won’t be my last!
Profile Image for melanatedbookjunkie.
278 reviews50 followers
January 18, 2022
I was an emotional wreck!

Bravo! Standing Ovation! 👏🏾👏🏾

AshleyNicole brought one of the most beautiful, tragic, and heart wrenching stories that I’ve ever read! “Gravity” is no easy read! Please take heed to the trigger warning she included in the beginning. This story hits on some really heavy subjects such as mental illness, suicide, and grief. These characters will definitely be impossible to forget. The unconditional and selfless love that Cevyn displayed towards her sister Ayte just brings me to tears thinking about it. I don’t have personal experience with someone dealing with mental illness, but I loved how I felt apart of their journey. The many highs and the many lows. The unpredictability of it all. AshleyNicole was very delicate and respectful of this journey. Kas was definitely a man to remember. His unwavering support of Cevyn was beautiful. The evolution of Cevyn and Kas’s relationship was inevitable. Little Kas was such a joy and Ms. Opal was a godsend! I loved everything about this story! I loved the writing! I loved the characters! I loved the storyline! Make sure you have your tissues nearby because this story was a real tear jerker! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Antoinette (_literaryaura_).
313 reviews55 followers
March 27, 2023
8/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Even though I had fair warning, I still wasn’t prepared for this story. It was so heart-wrenching and had my emotions all over the place. In addition to it being a very emotional read, it was also engrossing, thought provoking, and realistic. I was sniffling and crying all throughout the book and although it contained a certain amount of grief and sadness, the abundance of love shown from these characters (excluding Cevyn & Ayte’s parents) conquered all in the end. There really isn’t much more to be said that hasn’t been expressed by other reviewers.

** The story contains references to suicide, domestic violence, child abuse and mental illness. **
156 reviews
February 12, 2022

This was absolutely an amazing read! I enjoyed it so much. I need an update on these characters. All of them. I love how black authors are touching on mental health in the black community. It's so needed and needs to be taken seriously. This book is amazing. Read it and I guarantee you're not going to want to put it down. I done fell in love with Big Kass and Little Kas is the sweetest kid everrrr!!!!
Profile Image for Shay Babb.
156 reviews5 followers
March 10, 2022
my gosh my heart!

I am so happy and so sad at the same damn time!
I just finished and I’m crying happy-ish tears of joy…the book is so heartbreakingly beautiful.
I have no other words to describe it.
I’m definitely about to her whole catalog.
Profile Image for Dawn Higgs |BeachReadsTCI .
119 reviews32 followers
January 25, 2022
Ashley Nicole is a GOAT!!!

She said she had 1 more 5⭐Read for the list and as always she did not disappoint.

This book had ALLL the feels!!! Yes ALLLL of them!!! Cevyn and Kas were sweet, sexy and just wonderful people. Like I just wanted to hug them, they were so cute.
Character development ✔ Intelligently written ✔ Creativity with splashes of humor to make me laugh through the tears✔

Great way to end my reading year!!! 5⭐s Highly Recommend

#BeachReadsTCI #AvidReader #BlackRomance #BlackLove #BlackLoveStories #BlackLoveStoriesMatter
#BeachReadsTCI #AvidReader #BlackRomance #BlackLove #BlackLoveStories #BlackLoveStoriesMatter
Profile Image for Melanin Book Lover.
241 reviews24 followers
January 23, 2022
Whew chile I forgot how much an AshleyNicole book can make me cry. I mean I was in tears reading most of this book. Everything Cevyn and her sister went through broke my heart, I found myself wishing that Cevyn was my friend so I could love on her, that’s just how invested in the book I was. Kas was amazing that man literally loved Cevyn back to life. Little Kas was such a cutie, and his storyline tugged at my heart strings also. Kas was such a loving father, I loved how AshleyNicole wrote this father son bond, they were so loving and had no problem showing their affection.

AshleyNicole has a way of pulling me into the storyline that I almost don't care about the romance part because I’m so invested in the other part of the characters lives. The romance is like an added bonus to the story for me. I think this is why her books are so relatable, she gives us real raw stories that make you feel. I loved the little family unit Cevyn and Kas built in this book. There are very sensitive topics in this read but AshleyNicole does give us a content warning so be prepared for the tough content.
Profile Image for Jerrell Everett.
51 reviews19 followers
February 3, 2024
I really really loved this book. I love a heavy romance novel and this one definitely didn’t disappoint. I loved the relationships outside of the main characters (Cevyn and Ayte, Big and Little Kas and Cevyn and Little Kas) just as much as I loved watching Cevyn and Kas fall in love. This would’ve been a 5 star read if it had been edited better.

TW - suicide, mental illness, abuse
Profile Image for Jordyn.
139 reviews56 followers
January 6, 2022
“Cevyn, Ayte, Nyne, Tyn. Forever ❤️

Let me start this review by saying this book was one of the best book I've read in a long time. A Very emotional but necessary roller coaster. Without giving away any spoilers the book was great. Well done ❤️
Profile Image for Bonn.
249 reviews3 followers
February 20, 2023
Loved it.

(I wrote the wrong review for this book before I noticed so if you saw it ignore it please 🌚❤️)

I loved these two. I have nothing to add because the first chapter hooks you and you have no regrets. It's funny, sweet, heartbreaking and it puts you together in the end. Just a great read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 422 reviews

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