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Saved by Faith and Hospitality

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Too few Christians today, says Joshua Jipp, understand hospitality to strangers and the marginalized as an essential part of the church's identity. In this book Jipp argues that God's relationship to his people is fundamentally an act of hospitality to strangers, and that divine and human hospitality together are thus at the very heart of Christian faith.

Jipp first provides a thorough interpretation of the major biblical texts related to the practice of hospitality to strangers, considering especially how these texts portray Christ as the divine host who extends God's welcome to all people. Jipp then invites readers to consider how God's hospitality sets the pattern for human hospitality, offering suggestions on how the practice of welcoming strangers can guide the church in its engagement with current social challenges—immigration, incarceration, racism, and more.

326 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 21, 2017

About the author

Joshua W. Jipp

19 books20 followers

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Profile Image for Robert D. Cornwall.
Author 31 books105 followers
October 18, 2017
Sola Fide, "faith alone." That has been one of the hallmark Protestant slogans. Perhaps we would be wise to amend that statement to include hospitality.

Hospitality is a central theme in the biblical story, for good and for ill. Abraham and Sarah were commended for showing hospitality to the three strangers at the Oaks of Mamre, while the peole of Sodom and Gomorrah became known for their violent response to the strangers who came to their own community. Jesus' own ministry was defined by his Table Fellowship. Even when he was a guest, he became host. It was in the breaking of bread at Emmaus that the two disciples recognized him. Paul gave instructions to the church of Corinth so that they might show proper hospitality to all members, no matter their social class or gender.

"Saved by Faith and Hospitality" is a powerful book written by New Testament scholar Joshua Jipp. Jipp teaches at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I wasn't sure what I would find as I opened the book, but it is an inspiring treatise for the church in our times.

In the introduction to the book Jipp sets out the basic premise of the book: "the God of the Christian Scriptures is a God of hospitality, a God who extends hospitality to his people and who requires that his people embody hospitality to others" (p. 2). When we think of hospitality to the others, we need to understand that this truly means the ones we often consider "the others." To the stranger, to the one we perceive to be different. Hospitality, he writes, "is the act or process whereby the identity of the stranger is transformed into that of guest." At its core, hospitality is creating a "safe and welcoming place where a stranger can be converted onto a friend" (p. 2). This concept of hospitality to the stranger is, he argues, the "core of the church's identity and mission." As one who is part of a faith community that places the Lord's Table at the center of worship, I take to heart his declaration that this hospitality to strangers "is "art and parcel of what we celebrate when we partake in the Eucharist" (p. 3). Thus, to be saved, to be reconciled, is to participate in God's hospitality to the stranger, even as Abraham was saved by showing hospitality to strangers.

The six chapters of the book are divided into two parts, each with three chapters. Part One is titled "Divine Hospitality." This section of the book sets the biblical foundations for Part Two: "Human Hospitality." The first chapter of the book focuses on Luke-Acts, and deals with "food, stigma, and Identity of the church." Jipp notes that Luke-Acts are "filled with the language and elements of hospitality --- food, meals, houses, and traveling -- in order to express something significant about Jesus identity, namely, how God's hospitality is extended to his lost, broken, needy, and often stigmatized people" (p. 17). In this chapter he lifts up Jesus' Table Fellowship as a means by which Jesus overcomes stigma. Chapter two explores "ecclesial hospitality amidst difference and division in Paul." He emphasizes the message that unity in the church does not mean uniformity. Differences are part of human identity, and that this is recognized in Scripture. Paul's challenge is helping his congregations live with differences without division. This is ritualized through the Lord's Supper, which "is the foundation for unity, friendship, and voluntary self-abasement that pursues the good of the other within the church" (p. 59). Finally, in chapter three, Jipp turns to the Gospel of John, which is titled "The Meaning of Human Existence and the Church's Mission." He writes that the core question in the Gospel of John concerns how humans who are alienated from the God of life come to know God and thereby have life" (p. 79). He writes that in the Gospel the church's mission is conceptualized "by inviting others into experiencing God's hospitality just as Jesus enters into hospitality scenarios and provides the opportunities for evangelism whereby people may experience life through almost every element of hospitality practices" (p. 93).

On the basis of this biblical foundation, which lays out the premise of divine hospitality, he turns to human hospitality in part two. In these three chapters Jipp addresses tribalism, xenophobia, and greed. At a time of growing infatuation with a narrow nationalism in the United States, resistance to and fear of the immigrant in our midst (nativism), and income inequality, this is a most powerful message. I need to make clear that the author is a self-described evangelical. I need to make this point, because evangelicalism has been tarred/infected by tribalism, xenophobia, and consumerism. This is a word first of all to Jipp's fellow evangelicals, many of whom have forgotten the biblical premise of hospitality, who have embraced a vision of salvation that is so individualistic that it has forgotten the biblical message of God, the divine host.

In his chapter on tribalism, he makes clear that when speaking of hospitality, we are not the hosts, and others are the guests. He speaks a prophetic word to those of us "whit a sense of power and privilege, we may be tempted to feel as though others are always the beneficiaries of our hospitality, and this can allow us to retain a false sense of superiority" (p. 99). Thus, he writes to remind us of the importance of being "good guests." As for tribalism, he writes "here about friendship and hospitality with the religious others" He does so in relationship to the story of Paul and his journey to Jerusalem, wherein Paul is the recipient of philanthropy, first on teh part of the Roman centurion who allows Paul to be cared for by his friends, and then prevents Paul and the prisoners from being killed by his soldiers when shipwrecked. He points out how Luke describes this military officer not as brutish, but as gracious and virtuous. Then there is the welcome given by the "barbarians" of Malta. Though of different religions, they share Table. As a good guest Paul adapts to his host, so that he might win some to the Lord. Jipp speaks to the value of interfaith friendships, and of challenging tribal boundaries. Chapter five is worth the price of the book. Here he addresses hospitality and the immigrant. He addresses the common "concerns" about immigrants -- they threaten national security, take jobs, threaten the economy, etc. He writes that "thoughtful Christians who take the Scriptures seriously can and do disagree about what is best public policy, but I want to make the simple suggestion that the Old Testament Scriptures call upon God's people to reject xenophobic exclusion of the immigrant, and rather to demonstrate hospitality to the immigrant-stranger." Indeed, "God roundly condemns societies that oppress the vulnerable stranger, whereas individuals who love the stranger are righteous and loved by God." (pp. 126-127). Finally, in chapter six, he takes up the divine economy, and the call to overcome greed. He recognizes that there is a tension between "God's kingdom economy of abundance and our human economy of scarcity." He doesn't want to leave us with an unrealistic look at economics. He also notes that there isn't a biblical economic plan. But, in contrast to Gordon Gecko in the movie Wall Street, greed is not good! He suggests that the key is moving from "competitive patronage," the economic vision of Rome, to one of economic solidarity. This starts in the church, where social stratification needs to be rejected. In this case, divine hospitality is the antidote. We can look to Jesus' own Table Fellowship, which embody the divine economy of hospitality by creating a hospitable place of welcome for those on the margins of society to experiencing the life-giving presence of Jesus and the Kingdom of God" (p. 164). By participating in acts of compassion, feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, caring for the least of these, we enact the divine economy of solidarity.

Yes, this is a book for our times. I found myself challenged, stretched, encouraged, and more. Jipp has a keen understanding of the biblical story, and the role that hospitality plays in it. He also has a keen sense of our current state of existence. He is able to bridge the two in ways that are very impressive. I recommend this book whole-heartedly to all who seek to be saved -- by faith and hospitality."
Profile Image for Ian Hammond.
229 reviews19 followers
August 31, 2018
The title is taken from 1 Clement, one of the earliest Christian documents outside the New Testament, which teaches that Abraham, Lot, and Hagar were saved by faith and hospitality. Jipp interprets the writer to mean that hospitality functions as a sign that one has embraced the message and person of Jesus. It is an inextricable component of the Christian faith.

Jipp defines hospitality as, "the act or process whereby the identity of the stranger is transformed into that of guest."

Application of this to the modern Church, Jipp shares, would look like, "the Church intentionally making space for immigrants and refugees, for continuing the early church's legacy of visiting prisoners, and rejecting all form of xenophobic rhetoric about the religious other."

Profile Image for Gino.
47 reviews3 followers
June 6, 2024
Jipp gives us a wonderful account of how the hospitality of God to us, is extended to others through us. Focusing on accounts from Luke-Acts (but also Paul and OT narratives as well), this is a robust description of hospitality.

The latter chapters address incredibly important issues such as overcoming xenophobia and greed. Well done to describe the problem and give some principles for healing. For a more detailed example of what divine economy in practice could look like, I recommend the second part of Jonathan Tran’s Asian Americans and the Spirit of Racial Capitalism. Read in tandem, accentuates Jipp’s argument.
Profile Image for Karen Grothe.
260 reviews16 followers
May 30, 2019
An important book for the current time, Saved By Faith and Hospitality pulls no punches in criticizing how poorly many people who consider themselves Christians treat immigrants, the poor, and the marginalized. The author uses examples from both the old and new testaments to explain how much emphasis was been placed on hospitality to strangers throughout biblical times. He offers much food for thought for modern Christians.
Profile Image for Dmitry.
92 reviews
May 30, 2024
Ok theology, bad delivery - dry, theoretical, uninteresting.

It is a research paper that someone allowed to become a book. The premise could have been easily summarized in a short article or blog - love people, invite them over to your house, share meals with them.

On top of being a bad writer, the author has a bad case of inferiority complex handed down by political correctness, apologizing for being a white male, the whole nine yards.
Profile Image for Nicholas Varady-szabo.
160 reviews5 followers
March 5, 2019
Overall I was disappointed by this book. Jipp sets out to make a much needed case for the importance of hospitality to the Christian faith. He begins with a long look at the theme of hospitality throughout the scriptures and though he is thorough, I found the content somewhat dry. I also felt like he skirted close to works righteousness with his coupling of showing hospitality and salvation. In the latter part of he book he jumps straight to modern day immigration policy. Though for some parts of the church that type of challenge is sorely needed, I felt his argument here was naive to the complexity of the social situations and policy decisions we experience today.

Someone needs to take the good things from this book and write a better one.
Profile Image for Ksenia.
104 reviews
November 17, 2022
A very detailed book. The author draws attention to the thought-provoking nuances on what it meant to be a hospitable Christian during the lifetime of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. After reading an ebook I ordered a paperback. I’d love to read it again in the nearest time.
615 reviews
June 10, 2020
Many good thought and reminder of our need as Christians to show hospitality. Needs to develop deeper some ideas, but also need for an abridged edition aimed at practicing Christianity.
Profile Image for Dan Mays.
69 reviews
January 9, 2019
Really good. I believe that this exposes some areas of weaknesses in my own theology and likely many others. Jipp does a great job of pointing things out that I have missed in the text, especially Gospel of Luke.

Really appreciate how he alerts the reader of something important he is about to say.
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

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