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Little Black Girl Lost #2

Little Black Girl Lost 2

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After his blockbuster success of Little Black Girl Lost, Keith Lee Johnson takes us back to 1950's New Orleans, into the world of betrayal, envy, lust, and murder, where everyone has ulterior motives. Little Girl Lost left you in shock right up to the very end with its revealing truths of the world of Johnnie Wise, a 15-year-old girl, who was being pursued by ruthless crime boss, Napoleon Bentley, who will stop at nothing to have this young beauty.
Little Black Girl Lost II, begins as we find Johnnie in bed, and even though there is a thunderstorm directly over her Ashland Estates home, she is sleeping soundly for the first time since the murder of Richard Goode (her mother's killer), and the subsequent riots. However, during her waking hours, Napoleon Bentley enters her mind more often than she'd care to admit. She wants him to bed her again, but she loves Lucas Matthews, her boyfriend. Or is he?

300 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2006

About the author

Keith Lee Johnson

54 books239 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews
Profile Image for The Book Chick.
334 reviews13 followers
March 17, 2016
Very entertaining. I'm listening to the audio books. The narrator is good. I'm not sure if I could have patience reading it. The characters have a lot of inner expression and reading that would wear on me but hearing the narrator brings it to life. The rating is lower because this is a highly improbable story but he has weaved it nicely and also because he killed a very good character off.
Profile Image for Terry.
144 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2015
While I don't relish the fact that a 15-16 year old is being so smart-mouthed and demanding in a segregated world WHILE being a prostitute, I do like the mob side of the story. Can't wait to read the third book!
Profile Image for Nikka.
39 reviews3 followers
July 1, 2010
His books get better and better. I'm just finishing it and I'm ready to read number 3 already. Definitely a page turner and kept me interested from start to finish. The only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is because there were too many characters/names to keep up with when it came to the mob bosses. It's probably just me but when there are too many names I get confused and have to go back and read a lot. I'm very interested to see if Napoleon will keep his word and break all ties with his black associates.
Profile Image for P_panther.
24 reviews
November 5, 2012
This book was a difficult read for me. The beginning was very slow to start and could not keep my interest. I ended up putting it down for about 2 weeks before picking it back up again. The plot thickened and the climax caught me. Even though it wasn't anything extrodanairy I wanted to read some more. By the end I had lost my interest again. I think the character development of the main character Johnnie is extraordinary, but the other characters lack. The plot is really dry and typical (centered around sex and women) I could go without a second read and I wouldn't read it again. And there are so many grammatical errors!
Profile Image for Nicole.
153 reviews3 followers
October 12, 2017
Great Read!!
I can't believe that Marla helped her husband Napoleon set up Lucas so he could have Johnnie but I bet she didn't plan on falling for Lucas one thing she did get out the deal was her freedom. I give it to Napoleon he is a smart guy and got what he wanted to be the boss of New Orleans but will he get Johnnie. Johnnie finally told Earl Samus about his self. Will she wait for Lucas or be with Napoleon.
Profile Image for ToniReads_1.
480 reviews16 followers
March 15, 2021
Part 2 of this series. More of the Mafioso in this book but keeps you on the edge of your seat and turning the pages. My heart goes out to Johnnie, just seems like she can't catch a break.
Profile Image for Angelique.
795 reviews
February 3, 2024
This was slower paced ran the first one. I felt like there could have been more focus on certain plotlines.
February 20, 2017
Just fascinating, l enjoyed each and every book so much that l shared with several of my friends. And that's all that we talked about.. So, have Mr. Johnson written any more reads parallels to this? I want to know..
Profile Image for Nardsbaby Reader.
415 reviews73 followers
January 5, 2009
Unfinished Business

Johnnie Wise was once a good church going Christian. It was Christmas Eve almost two years ago when her virginity was auctioned off, manufacturing her into a prostitute turned adulteress and now an accessory to murder.

Little Black Girl Lost 2 follows up with Miss Johnnie Wise after a vicious race riot that tore through the black owned Sable-Parish. If it wasn't made clear in book one, it is officially confirmed that Miss Johnnie Wise possesses that potent stuff. The men who are surrounding her are all willing to risk their own lives and those around them in an effort to be triumphant in her eyes.

Johnnie has decided that she needs to identify with the Beauregards', her white relatives. It's not long before she realizes that both families' behavior is a lot alike. With her power, beauty and knowledge, can Johnnie be accepted into the family despite her skin color?

Lucas Matthews is the boy that Johnnie truly loves. She knows that he is hurt by her deception and she's decided to fight to the end to win back his favor. Lucas has become a powerless love slave, but to how many women? Though he understood Johnnie's "profession" it still hurts him. Can he deal with her fascination of his employer?

Napoleon Bentley is a dangerous, devious and powerful man. Although Johnnie is young in age, she is unlike any other woman he's been with. So much so that he's waged a war against his unsuspecting pawn to win her love. Will she tumble into his grasp?

Little Black Girl Lost 2, while entertaining, was not as interesting as part 1 and at times is droning.
Profile Image for OOSA .
1,802 reviews234 followers
January 2, 2009
Still Finding Her Way

Johnnie Wise is back after her stolen virginity, the murder of her mother and the riots that helped seal the deal for the "Negroes." Now she tries to pick up the pieces of her broken relationship with Lucas and win the hearts of her racist white relatives, the Beauregards.

Lucas Mathews loves Johnnie with all his heart. He can't wait for the day that he can take her away from New Orleans and Napoleon. Even though Lucas works for Napoleon, he has his own tricks up his sleeve to teach Napoleon that Johnnie will always be his girl.

Napoleon Bentley is ready to claim what's his, New Orleans and Johnnie. After dealing with the Negroes of New Orleans he knows that they have his back and will do anything to make sure that he is a permanent fixture. Now he just has to do a few adjustments to make the path clear for his title. Napoleon can remember the first time he laid eyes on Johnnie and cannot wait until he has her all to himself. By using Johnnie's vulnerability, Napoleon gets Johnnie right where he wants her, alone and open for him.

Keith Lee Johnson gives us a solid sequel to Little Black Girl Lost. Since I know how Johnnie ends up in Fate's Redemption, I am looking forward to reading Little Black Girl Lost 3.

Reviewed by: LaDonna
Profile Image for Zarinah.
630 reviews
April 25, 2012
This second story is very good and fact its hard to top the first book but he did it. Jonnie is now dealing with the death of her mom and all the drama resulting from her mothers death. There are some many twist and turns that you will turn the pages so fast you hate for it end! This book had me talking out loud to no one! I have to go get book 3! I love how the author gives a preview of the chapter by starting the chapter with a sentence from the chapter it really teases the reader!
Profile Image for Jewell.
192 reviews
March 20, 2015
The second of the series I read this because I needed to put down a book that was somewhat tedious and needed tan escape from my daily grind. Getting the third from the library and will probably renew it a few times before reading it. Very curious to see what path johnnie will take now that she has taken a look into herself
November 24, 2007
A follow up to Little Balck Girl lost... this one will drag for a little but pick itself back up just as good as the last book. Finally the young girl has grown up but now all she must do is contain herslef.
8 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2009
Her mother was killed for trying to blackmail a white man and she and boyfriend and her secret lover (later in story) killed the killer and caused a roit. The white people was killing the Blacks and hanging children and raping the women.
Profile Image for Quela.
7 reviews
October 16, 2012
The second book out of 5 books . About a girl, Jenifer, she's only 17 in this book , and she's being raped by the man she works for, her boyfriend is sleeping with her boss's wife and she doesn't know but her husband does .
Profile Image for Kimberly.
133 reviews1 follower
May 18, 2009
I finished reading the second book of the "Little Black" girl series. It was very poignant.
Profile Image for Maggi Colunga .
57 reviews16 followers
September 6, 2009
he did a great job on this book also wanting you to come back for more. Ended it where you wanting the next book.
10 reviews3 followers
June 30, 2010
This book was a good continuation from the first book! Can't wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Sheena.
202 reviews35 followers
December 20, 2010
This wasn't as good as the first but still a great read. can't wait to read the next one!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews

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