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Lucky Devil

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In the latest graphic novel from the creator of Harrow Couty , a down-on-his-luck schlub is possessed by a malevolent demon.

Just when he thinks things can’t get worse, the exorcism goes wrong . . . and he finds that somehow he’s retained all of the entity’s supernatural gifts. After a path of revenge on all the people that have wronged him, he begins to gather worshippers and form a cult.

But the legions of Hell don’t take kindly to this, and they send demonic agents to murder the schlub-turned-god before he gains too much power.

104 pages, Paperback

First published March 8, 2022

About the author

Cullen Bunn

1,995 books983 followers
Cullen grew up in rural North Carolina, but now lives in the St. Louis area with his wife Cindy and his son Jackson. His noir/horror comic (and first collaboration with Brian Hurtt), The Damned, was published in 2007 by Oni Press. The follow-up, The Damned: Prodigal Sons, was released in 2008. In addition to The Sixth Gun, his current projects include Crooked Hills, a middle reader horror prose series from Evileye Books; The Tooth, an original graphic novel from Oni Press; and various work for Marvel and DC. Somewhere along the way, Cullen founded Undaunted Press and edited the critically acclaimed small press horror magazine, Whispers from the Shattered Forum.

All writers must pay their dues, and Cullen has worked various odd jobs, including Alien Autopsy Specialist, Rodeo Clown, Professional Wrestler Manager, and Sasquatch Wrangler.

And, yes, he has fought for his life against mountain lions and he did perform on stage as the World's Youngest Hypnotist. Buy him a drink sometime, and he'll tell you all about it.

Visit his website at www.cullenbunn.com.

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3 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Alexander Peterhans.
Author 2 books267 followers
February 13, 2022
A book that is hard to gauge - it's all set-up, set-up and set-up. The book feels short, as the story doesn't really get going until the end.

It's Cullen Bunn so it's horror, but this time he's attacking the genre more comedically, and that works quite well. There is a time jump between chapters/issues 1 and 2, and it took me a while to acknowledge that, for the longest time reading chapter 2 I didn't recognise the main character (to be fair, maybe that's just on me).

Some of the details of all the infernal powers and how they are bestowed and work, feel very murky.. why would our main characters have any power over other demons.. the demon he got his powers from wasn't higher ranking, I think, in fact I'd think he was ranked lower.

I'm not a huge fan of the art, it's quite Skottie Young-like cartoony.

Until there's an actual story, I can only really give an empathic shrug, aka 2.5 stars.

(Thanks to Dark Horse Books for providing me with an ARC through Edelweiss)
Profile Image for A.J..
603 reviews68 followers
March 14, 2022
I thought this was pretty nifty. Not amazing and I probably won’t come back to it like ever again, but it’s gory, surprisingly funny, and ends very strongly. Like I really rocked with the ending.

The only downsides are the art isn’t really my cup of tea and the first 3 issues are mainly set up. At the same time, it’s mostly good set-up and then leads to an awesome conclusion, so mileage may vary on that. The ending more than made up for the slow start for me though. Fine book that you should probably check out if you like Cullen Bunn or horror comics.
Profile Image for Kadi P.
816 reviews133 followers
January 31, 2022
*Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.*

This comic was unexpectedly enjoyable for such a demonic topic and the compelling protagonist was the perfect choice to focus the narrative voice through. The plot was a novel idea and the pacing was well done despite the page restriction, but the story as a whole could've excelled even more if it had several more issues to delve into deeper topics and build on the already interesting foundations of the main characters. It just seemed a shame that such a fantastic story ended with so many unexplored avenues that it was almost a case of wasted potential.

The art was a spectacular explosion of vibrant and atmospheric colours which enhanced the story on every page. It really helped to emphasise the sass and fun vibes throughout.
Profile Image for Michael J..
877 reviews26 followers
July 3, 2024
I'm a fan of Cullen Bunn, especially his original horror and weird western comics. I'm less of a fan when he's writing licensed property superhero fare. While LUCKY DEVIL provides an entertaining (sometimes humorous and gross/violent) past time, this is not his best work. If you are reading Bunn for the first time, I would not recommend this.
The story centers on an exorcism of a demonic possession that goes wrong. The demon is expelled, but stays in close proximity to the main character - - who now possesses all the supernatural powers of the demon. Neat idea, but the execution of the storyline left me indifferent to this tale. There are two reasons:
1) Too much set-up that took too long to get there. The final issue's conclusion/resolution, while satisfactory, comes as a big disappointment.
2) I don't like the main character, which is necessary to fully invest me in a story. I felt empathy for him during the first issue, which quickly diminished as the story progressed. I didn't care what happened to him.
18 reviews
June 8, 2022
It has such an interesting and well-set up premise that it completely squanders by the end. It feels like the set-up never stops until the very end. It just ends. Some cool art and an intriguing premise, both of which lead to nothing.
Profile Image for April Gray.
1,366 reviews8 followers
April 6, 2022
I enjoyed this story of a demon possession and exorcism gone wrong. We follow Stanley, a regular-Joe schmuck whose girlfriend is cheating on him and coworkers treat him as a lackey as he gets possessed by not just any demon, but a demon lord named Zed. Zed, enjoying his freedom to walk around in a meat bag, wreaks some havoc before wearing himself out and falling asleep, leaving Stanley with a lot of guilt and blood all over him. Stanley decides he needs an exorcism, which he finds at a discount price from a fortune teller/conjure man. Things don't go quite as planned, however - Stanley is now demon free, but retains the powers of the demon lord at his command. Whatcha gonna do, amiright? Well, if you're Stanley, you're gonna start a cult, and preach that God and Satan are no longer needed. This attracts attention, some wanted (the Church of Lucifer wants to hook up) and some unwanted (Hell doesn't like outsiders using its powers and sends assassins). Zed, who wants his powers back, offers to set up a meeting with Satan himself, so Stanley can try to strike a bargain to keep himself and his friends alive. Will he be successful, or will they all go to Hell?
I enjoyed the story; who doesn't love some good vengeance? The art worked well with the story, with lots of moody, atmospheric color and creepiness going on. Zed gets an award for Best Supporting Character, what can I say, I do love a snarky demon! I wouldn't have minded another issue's worth of story to flesh out a few things (other than making money, what does the C.o.L. do?), but only a half-star off for that, and I always round up, so that's negligible. A fun read!
Profile Image for Shazne.
91 reviews
January 22, 2024
Cool idea but not much else to it. It's a good pass time. I enjoyed the mythology but It could've been a little more hardcore.
Profile Image for Catarina Prata.
Author 2 books13 followers
May 7, 2022
Even though it had some social criticism and a cool entertaining story, Lucky Devil read like a B rated movie, without the fun. It was engaging and the art style is beautiful but not exactly a break through in relegious horror.
Profile Image for Quinn.
410 reviews3 followers
February 13, 2023
What Worked For Me:
- I found the work's deeper premise (that human life is valuable beyond the dictates of angels and devils) interesting, even if more could've been done with it.
- The work included bonus material like character design sketches and notes on the design process.

What Didn't:
- The book felt like all set-up and little pay-off. When the work ended, I was left wondering, "that's it?" For being a four-issue miniseries, it doesn't feel anywhere near a "complete" story.
- The basic premise (disaffected white "schlub" gets power and takes his revenge) is a tired, tired troupe.
- Some of the character designs, like , felt derivative.
- Dezzy, Stanley's love interest, is given very little to do over the course of the story. She is written as little more than Stanley's cheerleader, and the story is worse for it. At best, I was pleasantly surprised .

The best I can say about this one is that it was a quick read and it had some good ideas, even if the execution left me wanting. Most folks can skip this one, I think.
7 reviews
October 8, 2023
Muy intenso en la manera de narrar y dibujar. Todo es energía y te identificas con la ira y el miedo de él conforme siente cosas diferentes. No parece terminar o el final es demasiado abierto o, mejor dicho, es demasiado pronto para acabar la historia aunque lo escrito es estupendo.

SPOILER: Un muchacho débil es poseído por un demonio. El demonio actúa a través de él y mata sin Piedad. El muchacho busca un exorcista para que le saque al demonio y lo consigue pero se queda sus poderes aunque el demonio sale. Se dedica a usar su poder y crea una congregación en torno a sus poderes. Se asocia con otra organización seguidora de Satan. Otros demonios se enteran de su presencia y quieren destruirlo. Hace un negocio con alguien cercano a Satán porque el muchacho es una persona molesta porque no es un demonio pero tiene sus poderes. Acepta que no le persigan más a cambio de atraer gente. El cómic acaba con el muchacho diciendo que se siente raro desde el trato y viéndose como habla ante un estadio lleno de gente con una mirada muchísimo más demoníaca dejando ver que cada vez es más demonio.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
9 reviews
May 1, 2024
A bit rough around the edges, but a fun modernized throw back to the twisted morality tales of EC Comics. My main complaint was that this could have been a one shot with some better editing, it really didn’t need 4 issues, there was just too little story spread over too many pages. The cast was too large and most of them lacked distinct voices, the girlfriend and the other Satanic priest added absolutely nothing to the story but cluttered up the page. Also worth noting that Bunn is one of those authors who only writes women as people when they’re the main characters. The art was a bit inconsistent, it felt like characters went off model every couple of pages, but the designs of the demons were quite fun, if a little derivative. The most inventive and fun design was the little shoulder slug Satan, I want a plushie of that guy.
Profile Image for alexander shay.
Author 1 book20 followers
December 11, 2022
The premise of this comic intrigued me but the execution left much to be desired. Apart from the style not really being my thing, it's a thinner comic with only a few issues inside; we don't really get time to know the protagonist and are really only led to empathize with him because he's been treated like garbage at work and supposedly life in general. While many of us have "been there", I don't find that to be reason enough to use demonic powers to right the "cosmic wrong" and get the protagonist what he wants. He's really just a jerk. The arc of the comic was also way too short, skipping a lot of scenes that could have been included and squishing plot points too close together to be effective. It felt rushed and not particularly well thought out.
Profile Image for RubiGiráldez RubiGiráldez.
Author 8 books26 followers
March 2, 2022
Una miniserie de comedia de terror bastante agradable y divertida que parte de una interesante salida argumental a la ya conocida temática de posesiones diabólicas. Sin embargo, sus mejores ideas apenas son presentadas, supongo que cómo movimiento de cara a una potencial continuación. Pero por desgracia, esto hace que los números que componen Lucky Devil parezcan una lectura más que se apoya más de lo que debe en los sardónicos diseños del dibujante Fran Galán. Lo que termina por dotar de la verdadera personalidad a la propuesta.
Profile Image for Paxton Holley.
1,798 reviews9 followers
April 5, 2022
A regular average guy named Stanley is possessed by a demon, then a second rate exorcist performs a ritual that expels the demon but leaves all of his supernatural power inside Stanley. Stanley isn’t sure what he wants to do with this demonic power, and he’s unsure if that power is also corrupting him the more he uses it

This was pretty good with great artwork. Can Stanley control the power? Is the demon trying to get his power back from Stanley? And is Satan himself not happy that a mortal now has the power of a demon lord?
Profile Image for Myra.
1,367 reviews7 followers
December 23, 2022
I thought that this was a lot of fun, but I wish that it were the start of something bigger. Will read more by this author.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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