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Secrets and Scrabble #7

Death at the Deep Dive

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When Pirate Cove's mystery bookstore owner and sometimes-amateur sleuth Ellery Page discovers a vintage diving collection bag full of antique gold coins tucked away for safe keeping in the stockroom of The Crow’s Nest, it sets off a series of increasingly dangerous events, culminating in meeting Police Chief Jack Carson’s parents. Er… Culminating in murder.

222 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 14, 2022

About the author

Josh Lanyon

173 books5,263 followers
Author of 100+ titles of Gay Mystery and M/M Romance, Josh Lanyon has built her literary legacy on twisty mystery, kickass adventure, and unapologetic man-on-man romance.

Her work has been translated into twelve languages. The FBI thriller Fair Game was the first Male/Male title to be published by Italy’s Harlequin Mondadori and Stranger on the Shore (Harper Collins Italia) was the first M/M title to be published in print. In 2016 Fatal Shadows placed #5 in Japan’s annual Boy Love novel list (the first and only title by a foreign author to place on the list). The Adrien English series was awarded the All-Time Favorite Couple by the Goodreads M/M Romance Group. In 2019, Fatal Shadows became the first LGBTQ mobile game created by Moments: Choose Your Story.

She’s an EPIC Award winner, a four-time Lambda Literary Award finalist (twice for Gay Mystery), an Edgar nominee, and the first ever recipient of the Goodreads All Time Favorite M/M Author award.

Josh is married and lives in Southern California with her irascible husband, two adorable dogs, a small garden, and an ever-expanding library of vintage mystery destined to eventually crush them all beneath its weight.

Find other Josh Lanyon titles at www.joshlanyon.com
Follow Josh on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 125 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
884 reviews805 followers
August 26, 2024
I enjoyed this as much as the other books in the series. The mystery part was good, I liked that it's related to the events in one of the previous books, but I found it a bit sad in the end.

The romance part made up for it, though. I really enjoyed it here and I loved the ending. Ellery, Jack and Watson are the best. Looking forward to the next one!

Re-read 8/2024
Profile Image for Noah.
336 reviews223 followers
August 15, 2022
I don’t really think I could adequately express why I enjoy this series so much so I’ll just say this; I both read this in a day, and stopped another book I was reading mid-paragraph just to start this. It really puts the “cozy” in cozy mystery!
Profile Image for Carol.
3,138 reviews121 followers
November 24, 2022
I understand that Josh Lanyon started this little series at the start of the Covid epidemic. It's a M/M romance but not "heavy" on the romance. She said she wanted this series to appeal to everyone and it certainly can and does. This is book #7 and Jack and Ellery have been very good guys and surely have not offended anyone. The entire thing is actually more a mystery series that just happens to feature two gay characters. She calls the series "Secrets and Scrabble"...and it is one that should be started from book #1. The series also features a cute puppy named "Watson". Who could possibly find anything offensive here? Once again, Josh has given us a mystery with just enough danger to keep us coming back and wanting more...unfortunately, this one reads like it could be the end. Everyone that has waited for a certain event to take place will be happy with the ending. I love these little books. They have all had very good vibes. Hope to see more of this series and I hope somewhere, somehow, book #6 comes out of hiding...wherever it is. if this is the end...then I wish Jack and Ellery all the happiness they so very much deserve.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,354 reviews186 followers
August 23, 2022
Aaah, what an ending! Josh Lanyon does it again in Death at the Deep Dive. A creative and super fun mystery, filled with clever characters and wonderful descriptions of life on Buck Island.

One thing I've said over and over again about Josh Lanyon's stories, is I love how they build a romance! Knowing Jack from only Ellery's point of view gives us a uniquely myopic view of whatever Jack's thoughts and movtivations are... and literally nobody does it better than Josh Lanyon.

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times - you've got to stay the course in a Lanyon series, I promise it's worth it!!!

I can't wait for the next episode. An Ellery Page hosted HOUSE PARTY? Whatever could possibly go wrong?
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,315 reviews87 followers
August 13, 2024
A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

I really love this series! Jack and Ellery are so cute! And Watson! I am not a dog person but I love book dogs because they are always so perfect, and Watson is just such a cutey patootty.

This is a very dangerous town to live in, lol. Murder left and right, thieves, blackmail, ghosts, busy bodies, and a very mean and out for blood reporter. Ellery learns more about his Aunt Eudora who left all her belongings to Ellery, hence his move to the island. It's sad to hear what happens at the end of the story and how her life would have been different if things had gone according to her plan at that time.

I knew what was going on between Jack and Ellery

I highly recommend this series, and side note, this book was released before the book prior and I was just fine reading it. I didn't feel like I missed anything so feel free to read this one now.

4 stars.
Profile Image for Eva Müller.
Author 1 book75 followers
August 19, 2022
First: get this dog a dog trainer. I cannot stand another cutesy description of him yapping and not shutting up or how the only way to stop him from running somewhere is to lock him up because he does not listen to commands. This dog will grow a lot and then it will bite you in the ass. Probably both figuratively and literally.

Second: I'm beginning to realize that the target audience of Josh Lanyon books are...Josh Lanyon fans. People who really care about the characters and their backstories. And I just...don't. Not anymore. I think I used to care more but even then the appeal to me was "These are cool mysteries solved by characters I like". Now the stories are more like "these are mysteries solved by characters". The mysteries are not fleshed out enough to be really interesting because the books are fairly short and what feels like 50% is spent on references to past events I have already forgotten, descriptions of the fucking dog or funny scenes in which Elery's silver sleuth friends ignore all his boundaries.

I just dgaf anymore.
Profile Image for Aimee Nicole Walker.
Author 70 books1,916 followers
September 7, 2022
I adore this series. Each book is better than the one before, and find myself falling deeper for the main characters. The island, it’s inhabitants, and the properties are so richly described that they feel like characters in the book. I want to live there. I can’t wait for more!
Profile Image for Iz.
918 reviews19 followers
April 11, 2023

Another fantastic installment in the "Secrets and Scrabble" series.

"Death at the Deep Dive" was gripping and funny, light-hearted and entertaining, but also fueled by tension and packed with some pretty emotional moments.

Ellery Page's latest adventure was, as usual, an absolute joy to follow: a sixty-years old murder mystery, pirate treasure, decades old disappearances, family secrets and grudges, ghosts and secret journals, unexpected career opportunities (both of the sleuthing and acting variety) and, of course, Ellery's usual run-in with a conveniently placed corpse: our Scrabble and mysteries-loving hero can't catch a break at Pirate Cove. But thankfully, his romance with Jack seems to be going great, for once.

I absolutely adored this installment! It's not my favourite of the series, but it's fun and clever and the mystery was complex and ridiculously enjoyable. And Josh Lanyon's writing is, as usual, absolutely brilliant and witty.

The whole cast of characters, both main and side, were fabulously entertaining, as usual, and quirky and ridiculously wacky: Ellery owns my heart; Jack for once doesn't need to do any grovelling because he was an absolute dreamboat (THAT FINAL SCENE!!!); and the Silver Sleuths stole the show, again. I love those meddling, trouble-making little rogues so damn much!

The premise for the next book sounds AMAZING. I cannot wait to read it.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ami.
6,040 reviews491 followers
August 21, 2022
3.5 stars

This book cannot be read alone for sure because it relates to the previous ones. Ellery, reluctantly, is dragged again to another investigation when Vera Shutton-Shandy, the elderly matriach of the Shandy family, asks him to find out what really happens when her brother, Vernon, went missing with his doubloons. Ellery cannot say no because one of Vera's suspects is his own great-great aunt, Eudora, and he feels the necessity to clear her name.

The answer to the mystery is rather sad in my opinion (. But I'm happy that Ellery finds a way to 'connect' with his great-great aunt when he finds her journal.

On the other news
Profile Image for Preeti.
724 reviews
September 12, 2022
As of today I am officially out of anything unread from Josh Lanyon.😔😔😔 I found her in last July-August and was happy to see that she has such a impressive backlist. But, obsessive me devoured everything and now I maybe left with 1-2 shorts, nothing longer than 50 pages or rated more than 3 stars. 😭

And, I hope we get at least 6-7 more books in this series because I cant get enough of Ellery, Watson(puppy) or of the members of silver sleuths.... okay maybe Jack too but he is side-dish.😄😄😄
Profile Image for Terri Jones.
2,532 reviews48 followers
August 9, 2024
4.5 stars. I enjoyed this mystery on several levels, plus there's actual relationship stuff. As usual, could've used another careful line-edit, particularly in the last third. But it did its job; on to #8. :)
Profile Image for Jax.
976 reviews34 followers
June 5, 2023
I enjoyed the mystery more than in book 6. And there’s a comfort to spending time with the Silver Sleuths and other denizens of Pirate’s Cove. But these don’t appeal quite as much as her less ‘cozy’ books. And the…er…event…at the end felt like it came out of nowhere. Is it just me?
Profile Image for CrabbyPatty.
1,674 reviews181 followers
March 19, 2023
This latest installment in the Secrets and Scrabble series is one of my series favorites. In Ellery's brief time in Pirate Cove, he's built up the Crow's Nest bookstore with the able help of his assistant manager / sleuth Nora Sweeney, is restoring his ramshackle Victorian gothic mansion, gotten the pretty much perfectly dreamy boyfriend - Police Chief Jack Carson - and has been involved in far, far too many murders.

Buck Island's history is a rich melange of pirating and sunken treasure, with the Shandy family featuring prominently. Vernon Shandy has been missing for almost 60 years, and with Ellery's discovery of a sack of Spanish coins, it appears that Vernon did find the famed Blood Red Rose treasure. Ellery believes that Vernon was murdered and Vernon's sister Vera tasks him with solving the murder, offering up a list of suspects, including Ellery's great aunt Eudora.

Ellery's great aunt Eudora Page has always been in the background of the series, mostly as the vehicle to bring Ellery to the island by willing him the bookstore and mansion, the Captain's Seat. But here we finally get to meet Eudora - as an young attractive woman in 1963. We've grown to love the village of Pirate's Cove and Bucks Island and its residents and in solving the mystery, we poignantly learn Eudora's dreams and her sadness.

And, in the end, the perfectly dreamy Jack Carson comes through with a perfectly romantic scene, and I am left to look forward to the (final?) installment in the series where we meet Jack's parents?? Learn if Ellery returns to acting to finance restoring the Captain's Seat? See if Jack finally learns to cook?? 4.5 stars.

I received an ARC from the author, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Agla.
718 reviews58 followers
September 23, 2024
This series was a bust to me, unfortunately, and I'm stopping here. The couple didn't grow on me. Jack remained a character, not a real person, and I don't know what Ellery saw in him or vice versa. The mystery was underwhelming. There is some sleuthing, but not really. The solution is brought about because the culprit acts like a moron and outs themselves.
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
614 reviews5 followers
August 23, 2022
Is it me or are these stories getting shorter and shorter! Also - what’s with producing episode 7 before episode 6 - I can’t get my head round it! Despite rather liking Ellery - I might have to call it a day with this series. Perhaps Josh Lanyon should concentrate on producing one or two good, full sized stories a year and stop spreading herself so thin.
Midsummer murders anyone?
Profile Image for ~SZ~ &#x1f49c; cats & coffee.
642 reviews32 followers
May 17, 2023
4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this! I was not that into the previous book in this series but this one made up for it. I started reading this little by little because I was in a book slump and at first I didn’t think I’d get into this but then I fully committed and I’m glad I did!

The mystery in this book was interesting and exciting even if it was about a 50 year old murder. Ellery is a fun character who is so down to earth and relatable. I even liked Jack in this! I hope there’s more about the sitting room “ghost” in an upcoming book. That was creepy!

The silver sleuths were a bit annoying but also so entertaining! They are ridiculous but endearing at the same time.

I know this a cozy mystery but I wish there was some heat! I just love with a couple who are so intense as Ellery and Jack that we could see that burst into flames. I’d love to see Jack let go and I think it’d be so sexy! But that’s me, the books certainly don’t need any sex in them. The cozy mystery feeling is what makes this series so fun. But a girl can wish! 😉

Profile Image for Daniel Myatt.
803 reviews83 followers
August 6, 2023
My favourite one yet!

More mystery, more danger and more secrets for Ellery in this one (yes there's a theme to these books I know)

I liked the character development more in this book, you got to know more about Ellery's aunt and see Jack develop into the kind of man we know he is really.

Watson was lacking as a 'Watson' but he was a wonderful comedic character throughout.

Love this series of books.
Profile Image for François Thurston.
566 reviews16 followers
August 27, 2023

PREMISE: When Ellery Page discovers a vintage diving collection bag full of antique gold coins tucked away for safe keeping in the stockroom of The Crow's Nest, it sets off a series of increasingly dangerous events. Who's are they? Why were they in his stockroom? And, more importantly, did someone die because of them? Along with boyfriend Jack Carson and The Silver Slueths Ellery sets out to solve the cold case.

THOUGHTS: As I said in the title I don't like cold-cases. This is because we don't get the opportunity to be invested in the situation before the death occurs. Unlike in a standard case where we meet the person, find them to mostly be unlikeable and then the die (which brings about intrigue into the 'who' donit), with a cold case we don't know them and so therefore have no reason to care.
But Josh Lanyon has created a world that I love going back to each and every time! I love Ellery as a Main Character, the man has a ton of spunk! I love his boyfrienf Jack Carson who clearly cares deeply for Ellery and his well-being and I truly love Watson their dog (not to mention Matt Hayes, the audio narrator and the cute way he barks every time Watson goes "ruff, ruff, ruff" haha). So despite my absolutle dislike and even disdain of cold cases, I still can not help but love the book as I love being back in this world with these characters.
The reveal was great! The character arcs have shown great development and Ellery as a sleuth gets better and better with each book.
But trust me, read this book for it's ending!!!!! I wont give it away, but it was GOLD!

5 Stars!
Profile Image for Eli.
176 reviews
April 26, 2023
This was so much fun, and a wonderful new chapter in this series. There were a few things going on, but it was all paced very nicely, and Jack and Ellery were extra cute in this one. And, of course, Watson remains the best pup!
Profile Image for Tessi4M.
523 reviews22 followers
November 14, 2022
I love this series so very much, so I finally gave up waiting for book 6 and read this one. I guess it'll be fine with regards to the mystery parts, but I might regret it when it comes to the relationship part. We'll see.
As always it was a lot of fun following Ellery's sleuthing and the Silver Sleuths went all in when trying to assist him.

I need to talk (rant?) about Watson. So annoying in this one. He may be cute, but I wonder if his vocal chords are ruined by now? I have never heard of a dog barking this much in one book. That was, of course, when he wasn't simmering or whimpering. Maybe try some obedience training? Or get one of these?

Obedience training still needed, but at least it might actually be helpful when danger lurks ;)
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,833 reviews721 followers
September 11, 2024
Seventh in the Secrets and Scrabble amateur sleuth cozy mystery series and revolving around Ellery Page, a former actor-turned-mystery bookshop owner on Buck Island. It’s been eight months since Ellery moved to the island in February ( Murder at Pirate's Cove , 1).

My Take
You don't want to miss this one! There are revelations galore and a cold case gets solved in a most unexpected manner.

Meanwhile, Ellery is making great progress on renovating Captain’s Seat thanks to Brandon Abbott, and I am enjoying the changes.

The series is definitely a study in economic contrast between Buck Island’s summertime tourist trade and the doldrums of winter, which makes me wonder how they all manage to survive.

It’s through Lanyon’s use of third person protagonist point-of-view from Ellery's perspective that we learn of Ellery's thoughts and feelings on his abilities as an actor, lol.

It’s so sweet to read of the progression of Ellery and Jack’s friendship and romantic relationship. It’s so ideal for laying a good base. Jack’s attitude toward Ellery’s insistence on “meddling” is funny. He’s both worried and accepting. He’s also a fanatic about good police work! But he’s not keen on all the politics that comes with being chief.

I do love Lanyon’s descriptions of Watson’s interactions with the world:
”Watson took off to inform the squirrels he was in residence again.”
The re-discovered treasure raises all sorts of questions ranging from the Law of Finds to the Abandoned Shipwreck Act. It also re-opens Vera’s anger and determination to learn the truth. Another discovery is how Ellery is related to the Shandys!? It was quite interesting to learn of Eudora’s relationship with Vernon.

It’s taken me awhile, but I’d like to know why Ellery keeps re-painting that vintage Beetle he inherited. It started out black, then went lighter, now it’s blue, er, baby-blue . . . Then there’s Douglas Franklin’s death in 1990 and again in 1985. I do wish Lanyon would make up his mind whether it’s Pirate’s Cove or Pirate Cove. Lanyon really needs to pay attention to continuity!

Phew, Sue Lewis claims to want to bury the hatchet — Ellery thinks she wants to bury it in his back. At least we finally learn why she hates him.

I would have liked Aunt Eudora. She was opinionated and independent. Usefully, she kept journals.

I do enjoy Lanyon listing children’s mystery writers. I’ve read the Hardy Boys (my mom’s books!), but I never did read Encyclopedia Brown or heard of The Three Investigators! I must redeem that lack!

It’s all about family history and relationships, all of which influences the action. Most of it is wild, but there is some sweet romance. And there’s always a rogue clan, lol. It seems there’s always a dead body around Ellery as well.

The Story
Bored, Ellery Page decides to clear out that storage closet and discovers a dive bag. One filled with pirate treasure — in the bag of a long-missing local man.

Murder only furthers the chaos.

The Characters
Ellery Page has settled into being the owner and proprietor of the Crow’s Nest, a mystery bookstore in Pirate’s Cove. "Elliot Parker” had been Ellery’s stage name. Watson is his black spaniel-mix puppy, rescued in Murder at Pirate's Cove . Talia Alexander, Ellery’s mother, is married to George Alexander, his stepfather ( Body at Buccaneer's Bay , 5). Ellery also inherits Skull House.

Jack Carson is the chief of police and Ellery’s boyfriend. Ellery reckons Jack is perfect in so many ways — but he’s a terrible cook. Mac is the desk sergeant. George Lansing is one of Carson’s detectives who's planning on running for mayor. Ballard, the previous chief of police, did not have a good reputation. Colonel Giordano is with the State Police.

Pirate’s Cove, Buck Island, Rhode Island, is . . .
. . . the village where Captain’s Seat (the mansion built by Captain Horatio Page that Ellery inherited from Great-great-great aunt Eudora Page) and the Crow’s Nest (the mystery bookshop) are located. Founded by the original eight pirates, the Pirate’s Eight, the island is riddled with tunnels.

Tom Tulley owns the Salty Dog pub and inn. Libby Tulley is Tom’s daughter and away at college. “Cap” Elijah Murphy writes a column for the Scuttlebutt Weekly , the island newsletter owned and edited by Ellery’s arch-enemy, Sue Lewis. Cap is also the captain of the Fishful Thinking. Dylan Carter owns the Toy Chest next door to the bookshop; runs the Scallywags, an amateur theater guild; hosts the Monday Night Scrabblers (a game to which Ellery is addicted); and, is Ellery’s closest friend on the island. Abel and Bess Crawford are ancient and prone to domestic disturbances. Ezra Christian drives the island’s taxi. Trevor Maples’ Gimcrack Antiques ( Murder at Pirate's Cove ) is now a Mexican restaurant.

Felix Jones, the ex-mayor’s son and Libby’s boyfriend, has been helping out at the Crow’s Nest. He’s now at Brown University, majoring in Theater Arts and Performance Studies. Nora Sweeny is the assistant manager. Kingston Peabody is another employee — and in cahoots with Nora. He’s also begun Saturday Storytime to bring in the children.

The Silver Sleuths book club is more of an investigating group of readers — Ellery thinks of them as a flash mob — that includes Stanley Starling, Hermione Nelson, and Mrs Clarence.

The Shandy clan runs a marine salvage business and is one of the original families. Vernon Shandy went missing decades ago in 1963. But his dive bag has shown up, which had originally belonged to Virgil, Vernon and Vera’s father. Tackle Shandy, a sometimes bodyguard and Vernon’s nephew, has a bad reputation. June is Tackle’s long-suffering wife. Vera “Gram” Sutton-Shandy is the matriarch of the clan, Vernon’s sister, and Tackle’s second cousin. Ned Shandy is the thief for whom Ellery spoke up and Tackle’s nephew ( Mystery at the Masquerade ). The Deep Dive is both the Shandys’ business office and a bar for locals. Originally it had been the Shandy home. Reg, the bartender from the Salty Dog also bartends at the Deep Dive.

The Pages are said to be related to the Shandy family through Oliver, Barry, Violet, Lowell, Sidney, Everett, Virgil (he married Dana Starling and they had Victor, Vernon, and Vera), and Daisy who are all Eudora’s first cousins.

In the 1790s, Molly Shandy married Phineas Page, and they had Alec, Quillan, and Minerva. Somehow there’s a Sabrina Page and Alden Shandy whose children died. Samantha Page (Eudora’s great-aunt or great-cousin) married Hamilton Shandy, and they had eight children.

Thirza Sweeny founded the whole line (I'm guessing that Lanyon means the Sweeneys and maybe they intersect with the Shandys?) Joan Lewis, Sue’s grandmother, had also been hit on by Vernon.

Suspects include the lying Josephine “Joey” Franklin; her husband, Douglas, who worked as a cook at the Blue Galleon; Barry Shandy (Vernon’s uncle); Tony Bernard (Vernon’s navy buddy and Vera's fiancé); and, Eudora Page. Rocky is Barry’s son and Tackle’s father. Ginny Murphy was married to Rocky. The wary James Franklin is Douglas’ son, who works as a travel agent.

Ronny is Ellery’s agent with an unexpected proposal with the Happy Halloween! You’re Dead franchise in which Ellery starred as Noah Street. Black Palace Entertainment is the studio owned by Vincent Raimi. Dick Waller will direct. Dex Zimmerman is doing the screenplay. Timon Grantham is SFX. Fallon Provost will be Noah Street, Jr. John Nealon will play the grandfather. Billie Watson will be the female lead. All have a rep as being top-notch. Brandon Abbott had been Ellery’s ex in Secret at Skull House . Danny Boyega had coordinated the fight scenes.

Back in the day
The Royale Hotel, built in 1915, was a very grand hotel that fell on hard times. Located on the far side of the Old Harbor, the area had been a thriving part of the village until . . .

The Blood Red Rose , Captain Blood’s ship, is a legendary wreck. The waters off Buck Island are notorious for shipwrecks. The Rhode Island Marine Archeology Project is located in Newport with Dr Judith Shelton its head.

Ballard Hall is an old mansion that burnt down in 1960. The Yardarm had been the previous newspaper. Pittenweem Jo. Carroll Cole. Odette Wallace had been Tristan's widow in Body at Buccaneer's Bay , 5. Mr Landy had been Aunt Eudora’s lawyer. Frances Crane is the hardnosed director of Sunset Shores, an expensive retirement home.

The Cover and Title
The cover's background appears to be a sponged peach. Most of the text is in white with a black shadow starting at the top with the author's name, The title is below that with the first three words very small. Below that is the graphic — an orange and black box of matches from the old Deep Dive, At the bottom is an aged paper scroll with the series infor in dark brown.

The title is that Death at the Deep Dive, in which the truth will out.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,967 reviews40 followers
August 24, 2022
I like this series, don't ask me why *laughs*

As always, this is a fun little mystery that somehow involves Ellery's aunt Eudora and a missing person, maybe a murder, committed 59 years ago.

And it looks like Ellery's acting career isn't as defunct as he thought it was, which caused a little misunderstanding between him and Jack. Luckily, it was promptly solved :P

And although I think the thing with the Silver Sleuths is a bit overdone I still enjoyed passing some time with the characters :)
Profile Image for Donna.
3,069 reviews40 followers
September 16, 2022
I want to start by saying... May 2023 is TOO far away!!!

Now, for the story... YES!

There were enough twists and turns in this story to make me car sick, but we certainly got a lot of answers to long-standing questions! Jack and Ellery made relationship progress and can I just say, for some reason, I have always felt like Jack's name should be... NOT Jack! 🤦‍♀️ I have NO clue why this bothers me. Jack is a perfectly good name. It just doesn't seem to fit the character. It is probably just me... 😭😭😭

Now, I suppose I will need to go find something else to keep me entertained while I wait for Corpse at Captain's Seat to be released. 🤔
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
April 13, 2023
I hate reading books out of order but I gave in since #6 isn't out yet. This wasn't my favorite mystery but I enjoyed it. What I really love the slowly progressing relationship between Jack and Ellory. Since we only see Jack from Ellory's POV it's interesting to guess at some of Jack's thoughts and feelings. Nobody does slow burn romance better than Josh Lanyon. Add in a quirky town full of interesting characters and it's a fun series. Looking forward to the next one or the previous one as the case may be.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
550 reviews27 followers
May 1, 2023
We finally find out where the doubloons came from!

The Silver Sleuths continue to be full of helping information and shenanigans

Winston is still the best, I love him every time I see he’s on the page I get so happy

Another great installment of Secrets and Scrabble. I’m so excited for the next one I can’t wait to start it!
Profile Image for Kassu.
521 reviews9 followers
February 21, 2024

There still seems to be mysteries and murders in this small island town. This one was alright at the start, actually turned interesting towards the end, and the romantic relationship hasn't been forgotten. The emphasis is still on all the humorous, peculiar characters living in the island. I'm entertained but onboard getting this series tied up with a HEA already.
36 reviews
August 16, 2022
A great return to form for Lanyon. The fifth book was a bit of a let down so I was apprehensive about buying this one but it’s well worth the time and money. It’s a short read but the atmosphere is pleasant and the characters engaging and the mystery comes to a satisfying closure.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 125 reviews

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