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Wreck Me #2

Camden Walker: Apartment 8C

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After surviving severe trauma, Camden Walker has spent his life being trapped by labels. Now, at age twenty-seven, he’s fine being the gifted artist not wired for a world that’s left him scarred. All he wants is to break free and find the beauty that’s been stolen from him.

Painfully ordinary.

Olivia Price is used to being invisible and living in the shadow of her younger sibling. The fact that Olivia is secretly in love with her sister’s boyfriend is just another example of craving what Claire takes for granted.

But when Claire dumps Camden without a thought, Olivia can’t let go of the haunted green eyes she’s loved for so long—especially when they finally see her too.

Because maybe it takes the one not wired for this world to appreciate the one who’s been ignored by it.

And maybe it takes the only person who’s ever understood the wounded artist to show him he’s as radiant as his art.

Camden Walker: Apartment 8C is an emotional, slow burn contemporary romance that can be read as a standalone.

Coming June 23, 2021.

305 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 23, 2021

About the author

Aly Stiles

30 books484 followers
Love. Laugh. Cry.
From angsty and dark to snort-laugh funny, Aly writes romance from her soul to yours.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 128 reviews
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,048 reviews940 followers
June 18, 2021


4.5 beautiful Stars

“That’s what you do, Cam. See what others ignore. Love what others neglect. Cherish what others throw away.”

Whilst Camden Walker: Apartment 8c is the second book in the Wreck Me series, it can be read as a complete standalone, with the only connection being the apartment building where the lead characters reside, though we highly recommend meeting Ashton Morgan in book one. His story completely stole our hearts. However, this is Camden Walkers’ story, which is a slow burn, raw, painful, and deeply moving story about love, healing, and acceptance.

‘Love takes trust I don’t have, not just because it won’t betray you, but in yourself. You need to believe there’s something worth loving to accept the possibility that another could find it.’

Aly Stiles trademark lyrical prose perfectly suited Camden and Olivia’s story which revolved around art, emotion, and colours. Camden as a character was written to perfection. His pain was our pain, and we felt personally invested in every aspect of his character. His dissociative personality was captured with honesty and sensitivity. Aly Stiles did a stellar job in portraying Camden’s issues.

Twenty-seven-year-old Camden suffered a traumatic and horrific incident in his youth which has left him feeling not only unworthy of love, but he doesn’t quite understand what love is, thus incapable of giving love in the ‘normal’ definition. He sadly doesn’t see the soulful beauty underneath the self-loathing. Expressing himself through his art, he’s transient with partners, always anticipating the inevitable – the time when his relationships will end.

‘I was formed in pain. In some ways, it’s all I am. My art is my story. All people have to do is understand it to read my secrets.’

Olivia perfectly sums up Camden when she says ‘Someone taught him he’s a commodity. That he’s nothing but currency to be bartered and traded in exchange for survival.’ Camden wears his pain like a shield, and Olivia Price was the first person to see Camden the person.

Twenty-nine-year-old Olivia Price is successful in her job but lacks self-worth and the excitement of life, this following year of living in her beautiful (but awful) sister Claire’s, shadow. Camden slowly brings out the beauty and the belief Olivia so lacks. Olivia shows Camden love and colour, seeing the man, not the victim.

‘I just think I’m more equipped to absorb pain than most people. I can endure and shed heartache that would break others.’

Much of Camden’s story was left up to the readers’ interpretation but it was no less difficult for us to imagine what Camden had endured in life. We did have an issue with the fade to black love scenes. We felt this intimate and touching moment would have been the perfect time for us to see and feel the healing of Camden as he lets his guard down and understands what it can truly mean, and we wish it had been a little more explicit in that regard. It is rare that we voice a need for it in our stories but this time the poignancy of just one scene would have added that momentous moment of realisation of love.

‘How could something horrific produce something so beautiful? And how can you hate that thing with every fibre of your being and be grateful for it at the same time?’

Although we did find the end moved a little on the slow side, there was no doubting this was a moving, honest and extremely beautiful story of a man’s struggle to love and a woman who never gave up on him.

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Profile Image for sara.
795 reviews318 followers
August 31, 2021
it’s different, i won’t give it a rating cause it wasn’t for me, but it’s not bad it’s just… not your typical love story.
24 reviews
June 11, 2021
Aly Stiles has done it again! I don’t know what it is about those Rosewood apartments, but those boys have depth!! Cam will grab you by the heart, twist you up in knots and not let go. This is the book that has given me the most feels in awhile, even more than Ashton Morgan did. My daughter has talked about people being different colors when she sees them, and it was hard to understand from an 8 year old’s perspective. Reading it through Cam’s eyes really brought it to a whole new level! This is a must read!!
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,803 reviews537 followers
June 26, 2021

An emotional wrecking machine in the most beautiful and breathtaking ways. And totally different from anything I expected – much to my delight I might add. And I don't want to spoil any of the reactions and sensations you'll experience on your own, so I won't be retelling the story. Read the blurb, if you must.

Readers will get a big dose of different emotions running from one end of the scale to the other. The story is packed with all the good stuff that sticks with you: love, identity struggles, suffering and loss, betrayal and those ugly family complications.

Camden and Olivia share an agonizingly sensual and profoundly moving love story that is kept private and behind closed doors. Readers get the idea, but not the vivid details. Don't worry -- there's enough steamy chemistry and banter to keep it sizzling.

The prose alone will keep you mesmerized from the first page. Aly Stiles has created a poetic wonderland dazzling with a blazing prismatic explosion of colorful feelings and emotions. Unique, lyrical, passionate, tragic, hopeful and yes, even magical, these characters will fly off the page and straight into your heart. This book celebrates art’s capacity to heal the broken-hearted and will make you realize just how beautiful and intoxicating words can be.

Simply unforgettable. If you’re looking for a book that’s deeply powerful and affecting, look no further.

Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
June 20, 2021

4,5 beautiful Stars

“That’s what you do, Cam. See what others ignore. Love what others neglect. Cherish what others throw away.”

Whilst Camden Walker: Apartment 8c is the second book in the Wreck Me series, it can be read as a complete standalone, with the only connection being the apartment building where the lead characters reside, though we highly recommend meeting Ashton Morgan in book one. His story completely stole our hearts. However, this is Camden Walkers’ story, which is a slow burn, raw, painful, and deeply moving story about love, healing, and acceptance.

‘Love takes trust I don’t have, not just because it won’t betray you, but in yourself. You need to believe there’s something worth loving to accept the possibility that another could find it.’

Aly Stiles trademark lyrical prose perfectly suited Camden and Olivia’s story which revolved around art, emotion, and colours. Camden as a character was written to perfection. His pain was our pain, and we felt personally invested in every aspect of his character. His dissociative personality was captured with honesty and sensitivity. Aly Stiles did a stellar job in portraying Camden’s issues.

Twenty-seven-year-old Camden suffered a traumatic and horrific incident in his youth which has left him feeling not only unworthy of love, but he doesn’t quite understand what love is, thus incapable of giving love in the ‘normal’ definition. He sadly doesn’t see the soulful beauty underneath the self-loathing. Expressing himself through his art, he’s transient with partners, always anticipating the inevitable – the time when his relationships will end.

‘I was formed in pain. In some ways, it’s all I am. My art is my story. All people have to do is understand it to read my secrets.’

Olivia perfectly sums up Camden when she says ‘Someone taught him he’s a commodity. That he��s nothing but currency to be bartered and traded in exchange for survival.’ Camden wears his pain like a shield, and Olivia Price was the first person to see Camden the person.

Twenty-nine-year-old Olivia Price is successful in her job but lacks self-worth and the excitement of life, this following year of living in her beautiful (but awful) sister Claire’s, shadow. Camden slowly brings out the beauty and the belief Olivia so lacks. Olivia shows Camden love and colour, seeing the man, not the victim.

‘I just think I’m more equipped to absorb pain than most people. I can endure and shed heartache that would break others.’

Much of Camden’s story was left up to the readers’ interpretation but it was no less difficult for us to imagine what Camden had endured in life. We did have an issue with the fade to black love scenes. We felt this intimate and touching moment would have been the perfect time for us to see and feel the healing of Camden as he lets his guard down and understands what it can truly mean, and we wish it had been a little more explicit in that regard. It is rare that we voice a need for it in our stories but this time the poignancy of just one scene would have added that momentous moment of realisation of love.

‘How could something horrific produce something so beautiful? And how can you hate that thing with every fibre of your being and be grateful for it at the same time?’

Although we did find the end moved a little on the slow side, there was no doubting this was a moving, honest and extremely beautiful story of a man’s struggle to love and a woman who never gave up on him.

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Profile Image for Kathe.
177 reviews2 followers
July 6, 2022
Me entró una basurita en el ojo 🥺 que historia más hermosa de estos dos, que personajes tan únicos 💜
Profile Image for Comfy Couch Book Reviews.
634 reviews45 followers
June 24, 2021
It is really hard to put into words the feelings and emotions that arose in me while reading this incredible story. Only 35% into it and I was absolutely gutted, heartbroken and unable to stop the tears falling.

Aly's incredible talent as a writer amazes me more and more with each new book but she has truly outdone herself this time around. This book is so powerful, it is written with incredible depth and raw emotion, Aly has so obviously put her heart and soul into this masterpiece. I am totally in awe of the way in which she was able to convey how Camden was still haunted by the pain and horror of his past but refrained from going into detail, leaving readers to draw their own conclusions.

Being a victim of his past has affected Camden in many ways, he has been told so many times that both he and his incredible artistic talent is worthless that he has become immune to insults. He lives in a world of his own where only his art matters and he only ventures out into the world when he needs to work to make money for art supplies and food.

Camden has endured so much cruelty at the hands of others that by the time he meets Olivia he is unable to feel. Trusting anyone is not an issue because he knows that everyone takes what they want from him and then eventually leave him with nothing.

Olivia has admired Camden from afar while he was her sister's boyfriend but never really knew him. Once she sees who he really is she begins to understand him and care for him, even falling in love with him, but she knows that she has to go painfully slow in order to gain his trust. She has to teach him how to feel and to believe that she wants only the best for him. This is definitely no ordinary love story, here are two polar opposites who are drawn to each other for no definable reason. Olivia never feels sorry for Camden she just wants to help him to live a better life and understand that he is a person worthy of love and accolades for his artwork.

What more can I say except that this book must be on your to read list and yes you will suffer a book hangover. This story is so beautiful and insightful and it will teach you many truths that may make you look at people differently and with more compassion.

Anyone who believes that romance novels are fluff will truly have their eyes opened with Camden Walker. I thought that Ashton Morgan the first book in this series was one of the best books of this year, but stand aside Ashton, Camden Walker has taken over your top spot. Five stars are truly not enough.
Profile Image for ItaPixie.
1,154 reviews127 followers
June 25, 2021

Olivia Price was attracted to her younger sister's boyfriend since their first encounter, so when Claire breaks up with Camden leaving him alone on the street with his few possessions she decides to be his friend. Camden Walker is an artist, who doesn't like to talk about himself and his past. He has never had a friend so he doesn't know how to be a good friend with Olivia but it seems they share a connection. Will Olivia be able to breach in Camden's defenses? Or will she be the latest in a long line of people that betray him?

I loved Olivia, she is selfless and resilient wanting to help Camden to get a better life, even if doing that could break her own heart. Camden is a survivor and he only knows how to live in the present, going on one day at time trying to create his next perfect piece of art.
I liked how their journey is not smooth because they are too different and their confrontations and the slow burn make it more real.

I liked this story, it was devastating but written incredibly well by Aly Stiles, the only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is that I wasn't able to empathize with Camden in a very deep level but I still recommend to read it and to meet this very criptic man.

Copy kindly provided by the Publisher/Author

Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
5,004 reviews45 followers
June 24, 2021
Oh my! This deserves more than just 5 stars. I don't know how to describe how amazing it is. Amazing is such an inadequate word to describe Camden's story. It's beyond amazing. It's breathtakingly beautiful. I was continuously in awe reading his and Olivia's emotional and raw story.

Camden is such a different character I've ever read. He is so misunderstood, that he doesn't even care about people's opinions anymore. He would go cold and distant immediately. I absolutely loved Olivia. She is the only one who sees and understands who Camden is. She is patient, caring and gentle when it comes to him. No one is even more perfect for him than her.

This is definitely not your typical love story. It's even more than that. Aly Stiles did it again and knocks it out of the ball park.
Profile Image for Donna.
76 reviews
May 10, 2021
This book is raw and powerful. It pulled out emotions that I didn’t know a book could evoke. Camden Walker is tragically beautiful and is STILL consuming my thoughts. Hands down one of my top reads of 2021!
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,515 reviews201 followers
June 25, 2021


Camden's numb by years of abuse and pain. Olivia's always felt invisible to the world. How on earth these two fall in love seems like a mystery on the face of it, but it's simple really - she sees the real man, the beautiful artist inside him, and he sees the beautiful soul she always feels like no one else can see.

Olivia and Camden's story is painfully gritty, but it's also beautiful in its own emotional way. I felt for both these two, fell in love with them, and was rooting for their love the whole way through.

ARC via author for an honest review.

Review / Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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Profile Image for Irma *Irma The Book Whisperer*.
1,632 reviews133 followers
June 22, 2021
Why is it when I read a book by this author, I can't breathe? Why do I keep holding my breath withouth even realizing it? Why do I torture my heart and my soul by rereading the most painful moments? Why is it when I read stories by this author, I feel alive?

Because her characters are agonizingly beautiful. Because she creates heart-gripping moments that are just addictively thrilling. Because she always weaves a powerful tale of aching romance, delicious angst and immersive settings whilst never losing that addictive 'just one more chapter' allure.

The tale od Camden and Olivia felt haunting and brave. Camden Walker: Apartment 8C tugs at the heart and quickens the pulse.

Enthralling and enchanting! I couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Hazel James.
Author 8 books626 followers
June 16, 2021
This book is raw fragments of beauty, pain, healing, and hope reassembled to create a true masterpiece. Five exquisite stars!
Profile Image for B. C. Booklover.
750 reviews50 followers
July 9, 2021
Another beautifully written story by Aly Stiles but I'm not surprised by loving yet another of her characters because there have been many of them that captured and captivated me from her fictional worlds. I don't think I'll ever forget Camden Walker and the emotional ride his heartbreaking story took me on...and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I'm somehow completely and inevitably drawn like a moth to a burning hot flame when a man like Camden, with a tortured background, broken, beautiful and misunderstood, drops into my bookloving head and roots himself there for the duration of our time together. The fact that he was an artist (major swoon for me), so unbelievably creative, IQ off the charts and saw the world in his own filtered way just made me crazy for him.

It would take a special person to love such a unique, haunted man and the woman he was with as the story began didn't deserve to be anywhere near him. He knew it too. BUT, there was always someone else looking on, wishing she could have what she knew could not..bringing ALLLL those fluttery feels I love finding in my angsty romances straight into my heart!!

I was hanging on by a thread for a little bit as Camden grappled with his past and those demons who wouldn't rest easy but was rewarded with the best sweet, twisty ending for him and his perfect soulmate. The woman who loved him with every single piece of her huge, tender heart!!! Sighhhhh....I really loved this one!
June 15, 2021
Camden Walker: Apartment 8C (Wreck Me #2) by Aly Stiles is an emotional, slow-burn contemporary romance told in first person dual POV. It’s book two in the Wreck Me series, and a complete standalone. The story follows the relationship between Olivia Price, a wealthy, successful businesswoman, and Camden Walker, a genius, artist, transient, and her sister’s recent ex-boyfriend. And that’s all I’m going to say about the plot because I don’t want to give anything away and spoil the magic of this story for anyone.

I love, love, LOVE Camden and Olivia! Aly Stiles is a master at crafting complex characters that grip your heart and don’t let go. This story gutted me and put me back together again. ALL. THE. FEELS! I’ve had a book hangover since I finished reading a few days ago. I keep thinking about this story, not quite ready to leave this world and say goodbye to these characters. It’s definitely one of my favorite books of 2021. I can’t remember the last time I highlighted so many book passages that were not only beautifully written but incredibly moving and deeply profound in equal measure. A vivid kaleidoscope of raw emotion, inspirational truths, and breathtaking romance. Highly recommended!

*** I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. ***
Profile Image for Angela Jones.
166 reviews13 followers
June 12, 2021
This story sure pulled at my heart strings. But I just had to read it. I was drawn in because it was about an artist, which I try to be, so I share a tiny bit of the passion Camden has. He is such a tortured soul in ever meaning of that word, but yet he feels color and light so powerfully. And Olivia was just perfect for him because she took the time to see him shine through his creations. I don’t want to give spoilers away, but just know this book isn’t just a romance. It’s a book that reminds me what real love is about, that it’s not perfect or selfish. That a true love will accept us for our flaws, because those flaws make each of us original works of art. This is a must read book and series.
Profile Image for Emily Bierman.
851 reviews14 followers
June 12, 2021
Oh my sweet Camden! I’m completely gutted.

Aly Stiles is the destroyer of my heart. And also it’s surgeon. She has this incredible gift of seeing into the depths of our souls and creating the most beautiful works of literary art.

Where Aly’s rockers play like my favorite song or album, Camden’s story is meticulously crafted into a 3D sculpted masterpiece of color & feelings.

I’m not going to be over Camden & Olivia for a long time.
13 reviews
June 10, 2021
I loved this book so much. It was very emotional. Camden is one of my new favorites. He is a beautiful soul. Him and Olivia are perfect together. This book shows you what true love is and it's definitely in my top favorites. I can't wait to read more from this author.
Profile Image for Cindi.
1,075 reviews43 followers
December 31, 2022
Killed. Me.
This book will wreck you, but it puts you back together again, just different. Aly Stiles sees things differently than any author I've ever known. She makes you hurt for others in ways I didn't know I could. That I should.
This story is nothing short of transcendent. Read it.
Profile Image for M.E. Carter.
Author 51 books1,060 followers
October 29, 2021
Holy. Shit. How does she doe that with words and art and music? Just wow.
Profile Image for Tab.
445 reviews13 followers
August 22, 2024
This is one of those books where its hard to explain why you like it so much. It has a bunch of tropes I should hate but they all work in the context of the story. The fact that the characters are so well flushed out definitely helps.

Camden has been living with Olivia's sister Claire when she kicks him out. Olivia has been in love with Camden since she met him and takes the opportunity to build a friendship with him. His talent and love of art is so different than her analytical managerial career but that doesn't stop her from fulling appreciating how special both he and his art work are.

They bond further over the fact that her job and his work job end up inter-twining in a way that makes her appreciate him even more. I really enjoyed reading about his artistic processes and the thoughts he put into them.

Camden has come from an abusive background as a child that impacts both his self-esteem and his ability to connect with other people beyond sex. Through both his and Olivia's POV we get to see how his view on this changes and how having Olivia in his life has really changed him. He sees her in colours and that was so effective in showing how their love grew. This one of those books where I truly could see the former sort of man whore being happy with just one woman for the rest of his life.

Her family and his ex the sister, are initially dismissive of the relationship. But they come around and in such a believable way. There was plenty of angst but it felt organic. Camden's ability to see things from an objective view also made these scenes so much more interesting.

Camden on paper would sound like a tough character to like but I ended up fully invested in his happiness. Reading about him and Olivia falling in love made this books so enjoyable.

The secondary characters are interesting but do not steal the book from the leads. They just add to the story.

The book is well written and overall one I would read again. Not your typical romance books but one that left an impact on me.
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,410 reviews33 followers
June 28, 2021

This story is just WOW!

Camden & Olivia's journey is full of color. Love is a color. Art is love. I want all the violets & greens! *happy sigh*

Grab your tissues, because their journey is emotional and brilliantly paced. I loved them a lot a lot a lot!!! 10++++ stars!!

Profile Image for Moon.
87 reviews
July 16, 2024

He is so nostalgic and depressive that I love it. I also want to save him and put him in a little box with everything he likes.

Comforting is a band-aid to the heart 🩷
Profile Image for Aaly.
1,357 reviews56 followers
June 15, 2021

5 “love is violet” stars and so much more.

Aly Stiles’ storytelling has an uncanny ability to get right to my heart, a wide range of emotions. Like an explosion of colors, full of meaning when every color is closely associated with certain feelings and emotions. Well it resonated with me.

It is no secret that I adore this author, each book is an experience in itself making you feel every moment, so deeply. This one is no exception, raw, scorching and showing so much love and compassion.

Olivia and Camden, two souls who seemed so different but connected on a deeper level. Camden who was living through the motions, an artist who seemed out of this world, a man who learned to survive, to cope with his pain, putting people at distance.

Someone that was perceived in a certain way mostly on his looks and I loved how Olivia could see past it but more through him, the beauty hidden within. When art could reunite hearts, an expression of emotions which was captured in a moment.

There was something so special, intense and magnificent between Olivia and Camden. She was like the only color missing in his life, a breath of fresh air in this toxic atmosphere. For once maybe someone was loving him without expecting something in return. She was the one blooming by his side, in contact with his artistic creativity to his fractured soul. Learning to understand him with real interest.

Admittedly there were some heavy moments that almost broke my heart, the struggles and suffering that the main character had to go through, a constant reminder of his past.
Traumatic events come with many forms and Camden was just trying to cope in his own way.

Surprisingly Olivia was proving him wrong every minute, reading him like no one else ever did. Being that shining and vibrant color in his darkness.

I could talk about this book for hours and I would never get tired of talking about how much it made me feel, how much it moved me, with kindness, strength and sincerity. It was like a canvas in the making upon which emotion has it meaning, place and subtle in its delivery. I felt a lot of pain for sure but the happiness resulted was just breathtaking.

Profile Image for Jennifer.
842 reviews22 followers
June 23, 2021
In Camden Walker: Apartment 8C Aly Stiles goes the extra emotional mile visiting places that many avoid or turn a blind eye too. Never discount the vision of this writer or the depth of her sensitivity. To find that one special person who sees beyond the outside facade that we all wear is special and Ms. Stiles shows that in this story as Olivia recognizes the beauty of Camden beyond the superficial. In turn Camden unleashed the beauty that Olivia kept hidden, protecting herself from the censure of the world she rigidly lived in.

This was an intense story, often sad, yet hope lingered and eventually turned into one of finding true happiness. Ms. Stiles took a man that people only saw at face value, never taking the time to search deeper, finding the real beauty that lay in his mind and heart. The underlying tragedy in his life, that Camden struggled with, further complicated his already difficult issues when people formed their own opinions of him based on something that happened to him versus the man that he really was. Olivia saw the real Camden from the moment she met him and their journey as a couple was one of building trust and recognizing their truths. It was heartbreaking to watch this pair each grapple with feeling deserving of each other's love and love in general. To see two kind and gentle souls find their place in the universe was really powerful and this author tapped right into the energy of their metamorphosis.

Aly Stiles continues to stretch the scope of her amazing mind and the unique love she creates in Camden Walker: Apartment 8 C. Showing that love comes in many forms and expressions is her forte. The emotions that this author describes easily translate to her audience with profound clarity. Camden Walker: Apartment 8 C was so much more than a romance, it is the kind of work that remains on shelves and hearts permanently, a highly recommended Jenerated Reviews read.

*I was given an advanced copy. All opinions expressed are my own. *
*While part of a series this book can be read as a stand alone.*
Profile Image for Nicole.
504 reviews17 followers
June 26, 2021
I spent a night and the entirety of the next day with Camden and Olivia. I knew I was gonna need time and my full concentration to read this story. I am glad made time to give it my full attention because the story is so gorgeously complex. I have to tell you that this is my favorite work from Aly Stiles, to date.

Camden Walker Apartment 8C is, honest, raw and real. It is filled with the pain and beauty that scars our souls. It speaks of things within and beyond our control. Most of all it reaches right down to my soul and makes me see myself and the world in a different way. It is truly art.

The way in which Camden Walker views the world is unusual and fascinating. His energy and spirit are intense. The way he see the world as a work of art in progress is eye opening. The way in which he transcends his traumatic childhood is incredibly inspiring. His determination to turn negative situations in to positives is astounding.

Olivia Price is the polar opposite of Camden. She loves her job and the logic that drives it. She grew up in a stable home where she knew she was loved if somewhat overlooked. Her kind heart rarely puts her first in line for attention and love.

Olivia grew to know him through his art. She saw his soul and fell in love. When Camden founs himself living in a new place. Olivia made sure he had a friend he could count on. Their unlikely bond created a relationship that is magnificent and perfect.

At 85% ,I had to put the book down. I cannot tell you how much I resented that I had to stop reading so that I could sleep. All I wanted to do was know what was going happen next and how this story ended. I was not disappointed.

I am eager to see who will be the next resident of the Rosewood building in the Cedar Lake complex. I know their story will be equally captivating and fascinating. Aly Stiles is truly brilliant. Camden Walker, Apartment 8C is phenomenal and should be on everyone’s reading list.
Profile Image for Carol Seymour.
778 reviews3 followers
June 22, 2021
Not your typical romance from Aly Stiles. There is a love story contained in this emotional novel but first and foremost there is story of finding the love and beauty in each of us through the eyes of another.
Camden has led a life of tragedy, mistrust, abuse and homelessness. He actually just wants to live life on his own terms but everyone is always trying to make him fit their mold.
Olivia has lived her life according to the guidelines. She is lives an orderly life. Sadly she also lives in the shadows of her younger sister. She considers herself to be plain and ordinary and when her sister's boyfriend catches her eye she may only watch from afar.
One day her sister throws that boyfriend away and Olivia hopes to befriend Camden so that she may be closer to him.
Camden sees more in Olivia than plain and ordinary. Olivia loves Camden's spirit and would not change a thing about him. Will these two find a world that they may share and still maintain their individual spirit.
Emotional, thought provoking, and world building. This story will challenge you to think outside the box.
Profile Image for Amazing_BookReads.
136 reviews1 follower
October 1, 2021
HOLY SH*T words cannot being to describe how much I loved reading 'Camden Walker Apt. 8c'.

I found it almost impossible not to cry and really feel for Camden everytime I took the time to read the ARC. Everything in this story is just so raw and powerful. Camden's character has such a way with words and and very unique perspective on...well everything. The way he attempts and succeeds to find a new purpose and beauty of everything disregarded is amazing. Love his overall character, period.

I immediately fell in love with Olivia. She has such a sweet, strong, and loving soul. She truly takes the time to put her desires aside and understand Camden, and his 'complex' ways. She shows him something he had decided long ago didn't exist and brings light...or violet...back into his world.

I have to add that this may be my favorite book by Aly Stiles so far. Will it stay that way? Time will tell...
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