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S-Squad #11

Operation: Yukon

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Newly promoted Sergeant Wiggins doesn't have any time for celebrations.

The squad's latest assignment takes then to the Canadian Yukon, into the middle of a winter storm and to a town overrun by ancient enemies of man, back now to wreak havoc in the snow.

136 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 21, 2021

About the author

William Meikle

402 books1,829 followers
I'm a Scottish writer, now living in Canada, with more than thirty novels published in the genre press and over 300 short story credits in thirteen countries.

My work has appeared in a number of professional anthologies and I have recent short story sales to NATURE Futures and Galaxy's Edge. When I'm not writing I play guitar, drink beer and dream of fortune and glory.

For an intro to me, my writing and my accent see my Youtube channel

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Dale Robertson.
Author 6 books31 followers
January 29, 2021
I love an outing with the S-Squad! It's always a huge amount of fun - great banter, different countries, oh and friggin monsters!

The story made reference to the "Siberia" operation, which would probably give the reader a bit of background on "yon beasties" but i haven't read that one (yet!). I don't think it's necessary but would maybe recommend before diving into this one (or not, the choice is yours)

Another great addition to the series.
Profile Image for The Smoog.
299 reviews
July 20, 2022
The S-Squad travel to northern Canada in Operation Yukon, which is something of a follow-up to the earlier Operation Siberia.
Still a (reasonably) enjoyable read, but the biggest problem I had with this is that the narration has moved to newly-promoted Sergeant Wiggins' perspective, and the storytelling has most definitely placed him as the main character: he now gets the attention from the girls and comes up with the majority of the plans, making poor old Captain Banks, the series' original protagonist, feel somewhat redundant. Although Wiggo is clearly Mr. Meikle's favourite character, he has definitely never been mine (I find him quite annoying and, although his personality has somewhat changed due to his new responsibilities, he’s still not a character I can bring myself to like). This change in style for the series made Operation Yukon my least favourite so far. Hopefully back to normal in the next instalment, which I’m off to start now!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,151 reviews14 followers
May 7, 2021
William Meikle’s Operation: Yukon is the 11th book in his wonderful S-Squad series. These are fun military-versus-monsters tales with a squad of Scottish lads who get a reputation for being monster magnets. I urge you to read the whole series, because it’s just so delightful.

This entry is a little different: Wiggins (Wiggo) has been recently promoted to Sergeant, and this tale is told in a first-person point of view narrated by him. (Before we were largely focused on the captain.) He has a new corporal to deal with, and that corporal doesn’t seem entirely ideal for the unit. Their unique experience with monsters gets them sent to Canada to look into a joint Canadian/UK research team that’s gone silent. They don’t even make it as far as the research station, though, when they find some dire wolves that look awfully familiar from their trip to Siberia. And the town they come across has become a hunting ground.

The critters the squad is going up against are tough and formidable. There are also some interesting characters about, my favorite being Sheriff Sue. It’s fun to see Wiggo teach the new guy a few lessons, but of course there’s more depth to the corporal than that as well. It’s a relatively quick read, but there’s still room for triumphs and heartbreak, strategy and tactics, cigarettes and coffee.

Content note: slurs (the new corporal doesn’t think very highly of gay or Black soldiers, which is a pity seeing as how they’re on his team–but don’t worry, Wiggo isn’t about to let him disrespect his squaddies). Also there is monstrous-animal-harm and -death.

Original review posted on my blog: https://www.errantdreams.com/2021/05/...
Profile Image for Calvin.
193 reviews4 followers
August 26, 2021
Back to excellent form

Fans of this series be excited, this novel gets the series back on track. More action, more monsters, more character development, more everything good about the series. The last book sucked, to keep it simple. But this one course corrected and fixed it.

The squad is back and better than ever. I liked the 1st person narration better than the previous 3rd person. The author spent more time describing people, places, and events but didn't lose the energy or frantic pace. The squad faces off against enemies connected to the Siberia operation and I'll be damned if the author didn't throw in a surprise that I wasn't expecting. This book was probably the best of the series so far. Hopefully the author continues on this track and we can move on from the disastrous North Sea book.
15 reviews
May 5, 2021
Sad that’s it’s the end of a awesome series

From the very first book this series has grabbed me I couldn’t wait to start it and I hated to end it I drug them out as long as I could but alas I came to the end of the series. It had great story lines call monsters and great characters. I hated to have the series come to an end and I hope that there will be more eventually. Because this book what is a set of books that I would actually buy and put on my library shelf. The camaraderie in it what is what I think made the book the best.
Profile Image for Nadia.
94 reviews43 followers
June 22, 2022
Well that was different...

In my opinion, it's a jerk move to get to the 11th book in a series and then jump from 3rd to 1st person narration. I've never been a huge fan of Wiggo and I was pretty irritated to realise he was going to be narrating the whole book. That said, the story was fine. Not one of the best ones but far from bad. Sheriff Sue is neat and I'd like to see her back, though given that there are only 2 more books to go and neither is anywhere near Canada, I'm not very hopeful.
36 reviews4 followers
January 23, 2021
Interesting addition to the series

Mr. Meikle throws a curve it the latest S-Squad story. It was interesting to see the narration switch to the perspective of the newly-appointed Sergeant Wiggins. Can't tell if the author did it intentionally or not but it felt like the narrator was intentionally writing in an exaggerated hardboiled manner, almost like you'd imagine a first-time author might do.
Profile Image for Trevor.
1,290 reviews2 followers
February 5, 2021
S Squad are back in action and this time Sergeant 'Wiggo' Wiggins takes centre stage. Newly promoted Wiggo, steps to the front and the story is told totally from his point of view. Good fast moving story, as the events from Siberia hit Canada and the team are up against another experiment gone wrong.
49 reviews
February 3, 2021
Another S squad great read.

Love all the S squad books. Read them all. Re-read them too. Great fun and strong characters, well developed since book 1. Highly recommended. Hope there's another!
Profile Image for Pat.
159 reviews
February 7, 2021
I love this series of books by Willie Meikle. There is a down to earth realism and grittiness at the heart of the supernatural, weird and downright mad stories that make up the S-Squad tales. Monsters, werewolves and tough as f**k Scotsmen. What's not to love.
Profile Image for Adam Wilson.
142 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2021
The men of S Squad are back and I was surprised and a little dismayed at the change in perspective.

The story is now told in first person by Wiggo and I miss the Captain.

Overall it was a solid read with connections to a previous volume, plenty of action and beasties.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Valadia.
155 reviews4 followers
April 15, 2021
This was Harder to finish.

It is taken from Wiggo's POV, and for some reason was harder to get through. Still a good book. Didn't help that I read them all, one right after another, until I was finished. Good read. I recommend!
Profile Image for Mary Maddy.
16 reviews2 followers
August 1, 2021
Great fast action.....I m a y even read this one sgain...

Loved all of it. God, I hate counting words. Great characters..I would not be surprised if the sheriff showed up again...
14 reviews2 followers
August 13, 2021

Good fun read….series is entertaining….original take on inventive crypto’s….soldiers versus beasts ….unending potential….series is nothing to take too seriously or critically.
128 reviews4 followers
November 4, 2021
Good reading on a cold night.

I gave this book a high rating because I couldn't put it down. I enjoyed and liked the characters, even the big, bad wolves. Thanks to Mr. Noelle for a few hours of excitement wrapped in a good book.
118 reviews
February 15, 2023
The Eleventh Book in the series, this was an interesting read seeing the return of not an old friend, but of an old foe. It also features is probably the series darkest moment, and with everything that has happened in previous and future books that is saying something.
527 reviews10 followers
January 26, 2021
absolutely fantastic. love this series and the guys. they are like family. Keep them coming
Profile Image for Rita L. Woods.
21 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2021

Another great S-Squad adventure! Always an enjoyable read and I look forward to Book 12. Thank you, Mr. Meikle!! (maybe Sheriff Sue should join the S-Squad)
37 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2021
A nice change of perspective, but the plot is a little rehashed from an earlier book.
51 reviews
March 15, 2021
Another great mission for the S - Squad

I love these stories and the characters. They are action packed and hard to put down. Maybe the next newbie is a woman?!

March 26, 2021
Another great adventure with S - Squad!!!!

I wish the stories were a little longer but nonetheless, they did it again. Enjoyable read and cannot wait for the next adventure.
610 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2021

Hello, this is a really great story. Very well written and entertaining to read. I wish it could have been longer, but it is what it is. Thanks.
170 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2021
My hair was standing straight up.

I could not put the story down till I finished it. My hair was standing straight up, by the end of the book. Wow what a exciting story .
Profile Image for Leigh.
83 reviews10 followers
April 19, 2021
Would've preferred a more independent novel, as opposed to attached to a previous Operation (Siberia). Most of the other Operation series only referenced previous Operations, were never really directly tied to any one specific one. This one felt too connected. Sheriff was awesome! Wish it was lengthier as well ... felt hurried, almost like it wasn't finished in time and it needed a fast ending.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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