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Peter Pan has crash-landed back on Neverland. But this is not the island he remembers.

Desperate to rescue Claire and the fractured Lost Boys, Peter must unravel what truly tore his dreamland apart. But with each step, he is haunted by more of his own broken memories. Not even Pan himself is what he seems.

Claire Kenton is chained to a pirate ship, watching the wreckage of Neverland rocked by tempests. When she finally finds her brother, Connor is every bit as shattered as the island. Claire may have pixie dust flowing in her veins—but the light of Neverland is flickering dangerously close to going out forever.

To rescue Neverland from the inescapable shadow, the boy who never grew up and the girl who grew up too fast will have to sacrifice the only thing they have left: each other.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published July 1, 2021

About the author

Kara Swanson

8 books1,006 followers
Hi there! I’m Kara.

I write stories about fairytales and fiery souls. I spent my childhood a little like a Lost Girl, running barefoot through lush green jungles which inspired my award-winning Peter Pan retellings, DUST and SHADOW.

I’m also the co-founder of the Author Conservatory (authorconservatory.com) where I have the honor of teaching young writers to craft sustainable author careers.

You’ll find me with my toes in California sand as a SoCal resident, belting Broadway show tunes on weekend drives to Disneyland with my delightfully-nerdy husband, or chatting about my love of magic and mayhem on Instagram at @karaswansonauthor.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 433 reviews
Profile Image for Jenna.
Author 2 books168 followers
August 23, 2021
Do you ever have that book, when you finish reading the last page you just want to hug it to your heart? To absorb all the beauty, all the story, all the feelings? Shadow was one of those books for me. I knew it was going to be, knowing how wonderful Dust was. This story gripped me. It was filled with consuming suspense and darkness and shadow. But light and hope and beauty and truth bursted forth in a shower of golden pixie dust. ✨ This is a whimsical, powerful story and I highly recommend it. There is always hope. There is always Light. You can face your shadows and come out stronger.
Profile Image for Jane Maree.
Author 11 books118 followers
June 18, 2021
Man, oh man, this book is jaw-dropping. From the very first chapter, it's so intense and gripping, I couldn't stop reading!

It's impossible not to love the characters. Kara Swanson has crafted such unique, vivid, real people, and I was drawn into their story, heart and soul. Tears were shed, jaws dropped, hearts were melted. It was an amazing time.

This book is a PERFECT sequel to Dust. It picks up right where the first book left off, capturing the same whimsy and magic, but also diving into the shadows and the darkness, and doing it in such a beautiful, heartfelt way. The intensity of this story never lets up, but there's scenes of soft wonder and beauty mingled throughout. I can't find words to express how raw and genuine and beautiful and incredible this book is.

I recommend this duology so, so much. I can't believe it's over! A definite reread for me.

I received a complimentary copy from the author and was not required to write a positive review.
Profile Image for Kristianne.
197 reviews25 followers
December 27, 2021
In many ways, Shadow seemed to describe this strange, tumultuous year as we too have watched our world fall apart. And yet, it gives hope with its beautiful culmination of love, forgiveness, and second chances brought out in the first book, all colliding in the magical land of Neverland.

Characters: I absolutely loved watching Peter and Claire, and especially Peter, grow and mature in this book. It was so encouraging to watch Peter journey from being a selfish, hot-tempered boy to a caring, responsible young man worthy of Claire. I loved seeing him work more as a team as he realized that he couldn’t fix everything himself and it was ok to ask others for help. He grew more humble, more self-sacrificial, more caring as the story progressed, and this is seen beautifully in his sacrifice for the Lost Boys and for Claire.

Despite how much I enjoyed Peter’s character arc, Claire will always be my favorite character. She was so brave and strong, and I definitely felt that come out more in this second book. She matured too, although she didn’t have quite as much growing to do as Peter. And despite all she went through, she let it make her stronger. She refused to go down without a fight, and she refused to give into the shadows. Her love for Peter despite all his failures and flaws was so sweet. And I knew she’d really grown a lot when I came to that one beautiful scene at the end!

There weren’t a lot of romantic moments between Peter Claire, not as much as in the first book, which I appreciated. I prefer when YA romance is more subtle and woven into the rest of the story instead of acting as a separate plot line. I love that while they’re both flawed, they also don’t give up on their relationship. They are there for the other through thick and thin, no matter what comes.

Tiger Lily was so powerful, and I so enjoyed seeing her grow into the strong, confident, yet caring leader her people needed. And the romance between her and Tootles was adorable!

I couldn’t relate very much to Connor, but my heart broke for all the loss he’d endured. Each of the characters faced huge loss in this story, but the beauty and magic of this story is that they didn’t let that loss chain them and hold them back. They didn’t let it define them. They pushed past it and created light and hope despite all the darkness that had invaded Neverland.

I was also surprised by how much I liked Captain Hook! I like how Kara painted him more as a grey character–not quite good or bad. He was charming somehow, in a villainous way!

Plot: Kara is a master at weaving stories so full of twists and surprises that you wonder how in the world the story can ever wrap up in five more chapters! While I thought I could pretty much predict the ending, I was still jaw-drop shocked at how it turned out! I was not expecting that ending at all, and yet it was perfect. Kara did a fantastic job creating an ending worthy of this beautiful fairytale, and I loved every part of it. I couldn’t put the book down!

Worldbuilding: As always, the world-building details added such depth to the story. I loved learning more details about Neverland and its magical past as the story progressed. The world-building details and magic added more layers to an already amazing story and made Neverland so much richer and more beautiful than even the original fairytale.

The tribal hanging village was especially fascinating, and I loved that Kara put a unique spin on a familiar part of Neverland. It sounds like a delightful place!

I loved the idea that Claire’s dust was connected to the soul of the island. Kara did a stellar job taking a familiar story and transforming it into a deeper, richer story while still keeping its original charm and beauty!

Themes: The themes of love, forgiveness, redemption, and second chances came out very clearly in the characters. I loved that Claire and Peter overcame their weaknesses to save Neverland and create a new life for all the creatures living there.

Content: While there is quite a bit of violence throughout the book–characters are injured, mildly tortured, killed, and drowned–none of it is graphically described. There are also a few interactions with tangible shadows and demon-like creatures, which might be disturbing for some.

There is only one major romantic scene where a kiss is shared, but it isn’t heavily described. I would recommend this book for ages 13+.

Shadow is a beautiful conclusion to an equally beautiful duology, whisking you away on a magical, breath-taking journey deep into the heart of Neverland and what it means to face the shadows. You’ll come out on the other side encouraged, inspired, and emboldened in your own fight against the darkness in this world!
Profile Image for Josiah DeGraaf.
Author 1 book277 followers
August 21, 2021
This is one of those sequels that surpasses the original. Shadow hits the ground running with an emotions-wrenching plot that grapples with hard questions through some pretty great characters and surprising plot twists. I loved the way Swanson has re-imagined each of these characters from the Peter Pan legend and the depths to which she explores each of their psyches. You don't get much time in this world since this is just a duology. But every moment is worth it.

Rating: 4 Stars (Very Good).
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Krispense.
Author 1 book90 followers
August 5, 2021
What a fantastic conclusion to the Heirs of Neverland duology! I was so curious to see how Swanson would pull it off, and I was definitely not disappointed.

I'll start off by saying that in my review of Dust, while I said that I loved Peter's character...I also failed to convey just how annoying he was. He refused to grow up. Treated it like a disease to be avoided at all costs. I said that his character growth was amazing, and I still stand by that. But I also think that his real growth came in the sequel.

And let me tell you...I loved it.

I adored seeing him struggle with responsibility and the consequences of wrong actions. (Like Shadow. Shadow was the most irritating character on the planet and I'm glad he got what he had coming to him. But I digress.)

So...that brings us to Connor. The character we've long waited to meet. Claire's loyalty to him was understandable, even admirable, yet...even while I wanted to throttle her, I completely understood her feelings and reasoning, and that should tell you just how well-written the story is. *trying to avoid spoilers* Connor was a hard character to love; more like one we all love to hate. But I loved him because Claire loved him.

The reason I docked it a star is because it was...confusing. So many plot twists that my mind was spinning and could hardly keep up with them (Hook and that other secret character? Kinda overplayed in my humble opinion). Plus, since Shadow takes place in Neverland (whereas Dust took place in London), I knew to expect some worldbuilding. It was just...I don't know. I don't wanna say confusing because that's honestly expected, especially for someone like me who doesn't make it a habit of reading fantasy. But there were certain parts that still left me scratching my head and wondering what in the world was going on.

I also didn't like the epilogue. Y'all can fight me on this, but there are very, very few books that wouldn't be just as good—or even better—without the epilogue. And, in my opinion, this was one such book. I get so invested in the characters throughout the entire book, I don't want to skip ahead several years to see how everything's changed, thank you. Even if it's a good change.

The plot...it was hard for me to keep up with all the pieces, but bit by bit, it all came together. And it was inspiring. And painful. And suspenseful. And...*sigh* okay. Y'all. That bit with Lily's people? Dude. Yesssss. The battle. The sirens. Even for a fantasy, it was all pretty epic.

Also, I love Tiger Lily. And the Guardian.

Also, Claire and Peter are pretty cute.

And I hope y'all enjoyed my late-night disjointed review. *halo*

*I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher for promotional purposes. All thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Maya Joelle.
548 reviews81 followers
December 17, 2021
Well, Kara Swanson made me not utterly hate the story of Peter Pan, which was a monumental task, so I'm impressed.

However... this duology really isn't my cup of tea (or coffee, or whatever drink you prefer). The style is reminiscent of Shannon Messenger (whose writing I dislike), the plot feels rushed, random new characters keep getting introduced without enough explanation, and the ending felt quick and trite.

Even though I didn't particularly enjoy Dust either (it felt very short and had no closure whatsoever -- the entire thing was a set-up for book two), I think I liked it more than this one, because there was a promise of a beautiful ending to come. The actual ending, though, featured weird soul magic stuff and a lot of confusing made-up fantastical concepts. I love fantasy but I appreciate it when the magic system is clearly defined.

Kara does handle mental health struggles really well (esp. in book one). I don't have any major problems with the books and definitely recommend them if you like Christian fairy tale retellings, but I likely won't reread them.

(I really missed Jeremy in this one.)
Profile Image for Anna.
Author 19 books315 followers
August 21, 2021

“Even in the midst of all the shadows that claw across this island, a bit of light has still managed to survive.”

I am very much a mood reader. It’s the bane of my booksta existence. Cause while I love getting books to read early, if I know I HAVE to read it, I resent it 😂

So when I got an arc for Shadow, while I’ve been DYING to read it, I started it, but then kinda ... maybe ... put it off. (I did have other arcs to read!) But when two of my very good friends found out I hadn’t read my arc, they kinda kicked my butt to finish it.

Y’all. I can’t with this book. I can’t say much without spoilers, but I will say this: 95% of this book aches in the most painful yet relatable way possible. It hurt you so badly, but you keep going despite it. The other 5% is adorableness. Now, that may seem like a wide swatch of pain compared to cute. But that 5%? It MELTS YOU. Like, happy smiles, butterflies, actual pixie dust flacking off you from joy!

Anyways, this book is up there on my 2021 top ten reads list. I am on the second star to the right, guys. This book was *chief’s kiss*!
Profile Image for Allie Andersen.
Author 1 book36 followers
January 31, 2022
Okay, so I'm posting a more general review here, I'll have a more in-depth, spoiler-y review posted in a couple weeks on my blog. 😉

This book was FANTASTIC! It flew by so much faster than the other books I'd been reading before it, I just couldn't put it down. The pacing was fantastic--I was literally on the edge of my seat throughout this whole book. I personally loved this story quite a bit more than I loved the first book, probably because most of it took place on Neverland. 😆

I loved all the characters even more than I did the first book--especially Claire and Peter. 😊 It was great that we had all that character development from the first book and it continued on through to this book!

It was also really fun to see all the different Lost Boys in this book as well. I'm not sure how many of them are actually in the original and how many of the characters are in the Disney movie adaptation, but I had fun going back to the classic movie and imagining those characters as young adults/teens.

The only thing I wish we had a little more of was Jeremy Darling, but otherwise this was a fabulous book and I would 100% recommend this series to anyone who loves Peter Pan and Neverland!
Profile Image for Bryn Shutt.
Author 3 books161 followers
April 28, 2021
This was an enjoyable, moving finale to Swanson's Heirs of Neverland duology. I loved the settings, the feeling of familiarity mixed with originality, the characters (obviously), and of course, the message.

Look forward to more from this author.
Profile Image for Ry.
139 reviews1 follower
January 26, 2022
Wow. This ended WAY too quickly! The ending was amazing! (but as always, I wish it lasted longer. when everything is fixed, books end too quickly) I love Hook! (you'll have to read it to see why lol) And Peter and Claire were just PERFECT!!! I love books that change my opinion of things. I like Hook, and Neverland isn't some creepy island anymore. It started like that, but it grew (like Peter!) I believe it is a home for the broken and it will stay a home for the broken no matter what Peter Pan story I read! <3

ALSO, I posted this on Instagram as a book review, so I'm sharing it here! (if only my Goodreads reviews were this deep. lol)

I never liked Peter Pan. What is appealing about a selfish boy who steals children (not to mention who it was written by)? Creepy. Anyway, about a year ago, mom read Peter and the Starcatchers out loud to us. I really enjoyed it, so I went on a hunt for Peter Pan retellings (because I knew they would be better than the original but still keep some of the stories in them). I came across the Heirs of Neverland duology. So I bought the first book and read it in July 2021. I was in love. (MUCH better than Peter and the Starcatchers because it kept more of the story. the other series is more of a backstory to Peter-not Neverland) Finally (after the really annoying cliffhanger), Kara Swanson released book two, Shadow. I re-read Dust because I completely forgot the important stuff, and finished Shadow today. I wish the story lasted longer. The books completely changed my view. (for one, I now love Captain Hook, and you probably think I'm crazy lol)If I ever watch Peter Pan again, I will still view him as a shellfish annoying boy, but I now see hope in his future. These books are full of magic, faith, trust (lots of trust), and of course, Pixie Dust. These stories are darker than the original, but SO MUCH BETTER! I now view Peter as a changed man (yep. man) who gives broken children a home. So, please check these books out if you haven't. I promise you won't regret it!!

Here is the blurb: Grounded in London and hunted by his own Lost Boys, Peter searches for the last hope of restoring his crumbling island: a lass with magic in her veins. The girl who fears her own destiny is on a collision course with the boy who never wanted to grow up.

P.S. Don't get me wrong, I don't HATE the original Peter Pan, I just don't run to it if I have a choice between that and this. I love songs about Neverland and Peter Pan stuff, but I would match it up with Dust and Shadow instead of the original. Like, "oh Peter Pan bookmark!" Peter from Dust comes to mind, not the annoying boy. lol
Profile Image for Kayleigh Idea.
31 reviews16 followers
August 7, 2021
I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I feel bad that I didn’t like this book as much as everyone else, but here are some of my thoughts.

Let’s start off with what I liked.

First of all, this book has great writing. It’s very clear, engaging, and easy to read.

The pacing was good too. There weren’t any unnecessary scenes and the story didn’t lag.

The descriptions were beautiful, especially about the world building.

I thought the romance was mostly well done. I may have “awwwed” a few times.

And I loved the ending as I’m a sucker for happy endings.

Now onto what I didn’t like…

I just… wasn’t compelled to keep reading. It took me a long time to get through. Although, the second half was better.

I was also confused about some things like the magic, Peter’s backstory, and other aspects of Neverland, but that could just be me not paying close enough attention.

For some reason, the writing felt very middle grade to me even though this book is young adult.

I felt myself cringing at the dialogue at times and laughing during other moments that were supposed to be emotional and important.

Finally, probably my least favorite part was the confession of love. I cringed. They hadn’t known each other that long! I knew they had feelings for each other but it felt like it came out of nowhere and very unrealistic.

All in all, I liked Dust better, but I will still read more of Swanson’s work in the future!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for lydia.
236 reviews528 followers
July 27, 2022
What an amazing sequel! I had some unnecessary worry it just wouldn't live up to Dust, but Shadow delivered in every way.

It has some darker elements than Dust, what with Conner and Paige and the fractured and twisted Neverland. But the unmistakable magic in the writing, story, and characters shines through regardless. This isn't just a dark and bloodthirsty YA story with no moral or point. It's a dark story about fear and shadows and grief, true, but above all, how we overcome it. If you really read it, not just read the story, read INTO it, then maybe you'll see Kara Swanson isn't just writing about Peter Pan and his Never Never Land. Maybe the whole thing is a metaphor about the shadows and fractured dreams in our own lives.

Yes, if you couldn't tell, I am completely in love. I will get down on my knees and beg you to read these books...

Right after I go beg Kara Swanson to write a villain origin story for James Hocken (aka Captain Hook) using what she already has on him in these books.

~God Bless and happy Reading ❤~
Profile Image for Sophia.
128 reviews22 followers
April 25, 2021
Hold on just a minute there. I need to take a deep breath.

Alrighty. Here, let me tell you what this story is. Shadow is fantastic. It's superb, it's encouraging, it's gorgeous. It's haunting, and it's seat-belt buckle exciting.

Who am I kidding? Shadow is more than fantastic. It has everything jammed pack in your favorite YA fantasy novels: action, emotion, depth, plot, wonderful writing, romance, development, emotion. I mentioned emotion twice now, did I?

Before talking about emotion, the wonderful characters deserve a say here first because, without the author's ability to make us care for Claire and Peter, Tiger Lily and Tootles, emotion wouldn't be a thing in this book, friends. Ever since Dust, both Claire and Peter booked a soft spot in my heart. They are flawed characters, characters that go through tough stuff and sometimes (honestly? Most of the time) do things the wrong way. Peter's development from Dust to Shadow is remarkable; it wasn't a drastic 180-degree change that "somehow" happened, but we actually got to see his growth as he learned from his mistakes. I was cheering for the both of them all the way through, and let's just say they made this lady here bursting with pride for 'em! The story was in their POVs, and I was able to connect with them both. And that connection led me to increasingly care for them as I did in the previous book, which also led me to unsurprisingly shed a few tears with them...

The writing? Check. It was so good in that YA-fantasy straightforward-ish type while still being poetic and so beautiful and pleasant to read!

Romance? Yep, it was there all right. It wasn't heavy and more subtle in this book, and a part of me did wish to see more, but I was too distracted with the on-goings of, "What are they going to do, now??" to even notice.

Depth? PUH-lease! XD Depth is there in both Shadow and Dust, in both the characters and the message. Everything in this novel resonates with me, and I can see that it's a beautiful story shared from the author's heart.

Overall? I'll say it again: Shadow is fantastic. More than fantastic. There are threads of hope woven into this story that makes everything so beautiful, a message that the shadows in us can be overcome and won because of the Light. This book here drew me away from reality and allowed me to soak in the beauty - and havoc - of Neverland, travel with its characters, and keep me on the edge of my seat throughout, leaving me turning the pages all the way through. I can HARDLY believe that this beautiful duology has officially come to an end and that now I'm forced to say goodbye to Claire and Peter! And believe me, I'm seriously considering rereading Dust right at this moment. (Especially since I can't seem to read anything else at the moment.)

And so, with a little bit of faith, trust, and pixie-dust...be prepared, peeps, for a rough, exciting, jammed-pack-with-action journey with Claire and Peter and possibly for the tears to shine in your eyes.

(Yes, I couldn't help adding that faith, trust, and pixie-dust thing... even if it didn't make sense in the sentence. Its too awesome to exclude.)

Thanks so much to the author for allowing me to read an eARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! <3 All opinions are my own!
Profile Image for E.C..
Author 1 book101 followers
January 5, 2024
~DISCLAIMER: I received a free ARC copy from the publisher in exchange for an HONEST review~

SHADOW by Kara Swanson is truly a memorable read, one that remained with me long after reading it. I read this in literally two sittings, it was that good.

The author's writing style is spectacular, matching the setting of the story perfectly. The characters were vivid and lifelike, and while I didn't like all of them (Paige was a bit. . . off to me), I loved the Peter + Claire relationship (despite not being a big romance person :P). The author spun the basicness of human nature, the war against the shadows and light, into this 300-page novel—hence the title. And it was done very well, in my opinion.

As for what I didn't like. . . besides Paige, and besides not really being emotionally connected to most of the Lost Boys, I feel like some aspects of the story dragged a bit, where there wasn't super clear conflict, and I was kind of just waiting for something to happen. However, that only happened in little parts of the story, so it wasn't enough to make me stop reading.

But how this author took the classic tale of Peter Pan and spun it into THIS is just. . . amazing. The story blew me away with its twists and kept me flipping pages until the end. I wanted these characters to be okay. I wanted to see them keep reaching for the light.

Definitely a must-read for fairytale retelling readers (but read DUST first, it'll make much more sense XD).
Author 3 books34 followers
April 11, 2021
I love love love this duology! I’m having a hard time coming up with what to say about Shadow, so here is my jumble of thoughts:

Peter’s Shadow was actually pretty scary at the beginning — I love how Kara introduced him and it reminded me of the hand in Zelda: Twilight Princess, how it travels above you and drops down — if you know, you know. 😅😂 I kept wondering when he was going to shop up again and when he finally did at the climax, I was so blasted happy. (See what I did there? I keep using that word.)

I think Dust is still my favorite, but Shadow was great as well. I just loved the London setting so much in Dust, and the fact Peter was pretending to be Ben.

And Nibs... oh Nibs. 😢

I’m not sure how I feel about the final chapter... Like, I think it told me a little too much. I like to imagine what happens to the characters after the story. I want a few details, but enough to leave me with room to daydream for days. You know what I mean?

I kind of wish the sirens had played a larger role in the story.

But all in all, Kara did a fantastic job with both of these books and bringing Neverland and Peter Pan to life. ✨

Also, I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. (This is my first advance copy ever!! Ahh!!)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eve.
97 reviews4 followers
July 14, 2021
*screams* *fangirls* *squeals and fans self* *tries to write actual words*

AHHHHHH! Shadow! It. Was. EPIC!! I speed-read this in a day and a half and was on the edge of my seat the whole time. While Dust was slower and had more calmer scenes, Shadow was fast-paced and filled with SO MUCH ACTION!

Things I liked:

- Hello, pain and darkness! Dust and Shadow have the central themes of growing through our pain and focusing on how the light will defeat the darkness. Shadow, like the title suggests, was filled (FILLED) with shadows and darkness that had to be fought. And pain - so much pain! (The kind that makes you scream in fangirl agony ;))

- Peter and Claire. Y'all. THEY'RE SO CUTE! The character growth for Peter is just perfect. Claire is almost as steady a character as she was in Dust, but she has new battles to fight and persevered.
And Peter and Claire's relationship? *sighs dreamily* You won't be disappointed!🥰

There were a few things I didn't like (though they didn't take away stars if that makes sense):

- I feel like some things happened really fast. Maybe speed-reading caused it to seem too fast, but it just seemed like a lot of information just ~came out.~ I'd have preferred if the info took a little more digging to uncover.

- Paige and her issues seemed . . . off. It just felt odd and crazy to me. Though maybe it was supposed to seem like that.🤷🏻‍♀️

- There were some things about a soul-bond (not to say to much because SPOILERS lol) with Neverland that seemed random, and I wish we had more information on those.

- Conner seemed to disappear totally after the darkness and resolution and all. I would have liked to see him more and watch his healing. *makes puppy eyes at Kara* I wouldn't mind a short story or something with him....😉He's a little broken bean and I need to see his healing continue!

To summarize that super long review, I really enjoyed Shadow!! Go get Dust and Shadow if you haven't already and please feel free to comment here or contact me on Instagram @bookish.believer to discuss the book because this one is totally worth chatting about!🤩

CONTENT WARNINGS: Clean (no cussing and romance only goes to kissing). But lots and lots of blood and very tragic deaths, creepy shadows and things, and talk of past abuse are things that might be disturbing. Shadow isn't for the faint of heart, but the darkness and tragedy make the light and happy ending better!

Many thanks to Enclave and Kara for the honor of getting to read a free eARC of this amazing book!
Profile Image for Alabama Rose.
Author 2 books58 followers
April 28, 2021
(I received a free ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.)

I love this! Fairy tale retellings aren't really my thing (and I don't know the story of Peter Pan) but WOW.

The characters are just so well done. I love seeing how much Claire has grown since Dust—she's just so much lighter. And Peter! He's grown, too. Although not quite on purpose. ;)

It was heartbreaking to see the truth about Neverland. But the themes were woven in so well and it felt—right.

All in all, I loved this book! I'm gonna need to reread this SOON.
Profile Image for Joanne | wellreadcoffeeaddict.
329 reviews125 followers
February 21, 2022
A full 5 stars ✨

I don’t know where to start with this review. You can clearly see the heart and soul Kara breathed into this heart-achingly beautiful story. This will about Shadow *duh* but the entire Neverland journey is just ahhhhhhh (in case you couldn’t tell, I am in love.)

I started this book and finished this book in one night. It was whimsy. It was beautiful. It was epic. It was everything I said about Dust but more intense. It broke me. I cried (and that's not something I do very often with books).

I just cannot get over Kara’s writing style, or how magical the story is! It’s out of this world surreal. I reread chapter 20 multiple times. It was… wow. What an ethereal interlude. I truly felt like I was floating along with Peter and Claire. Safe to say, I am a star struck fan.

One particular scene just…. wow it broke me. Not to be dramatic or anything, cause I’m usually not. And Peter’s reaction to said shocker made me want to CRY. Kara’s writing is truly superb; I was completely immersed in the setting, and felt like I needed to be there for Peter and rub his shoulders while he grieved. And then to come to the realization it’s just a book and I’m not in Neverland at all!

And oh Nibs 😭

I feel like my emotions went on a rollercoaster, but all the tumultuous highs and lows were spaced out perfectly, it felt so fulfilling.

All the foreshadowing in Dust did not prepare me for the INTENSITY that was Shadow. And yes, going back to reread Dust, I’ve realized how much was subtly teased for Shadow and oh it is so good.

And real quick, the characters! Peter had such amazing character development. He’s still the fun-loving, enthusiastic boy we already know and love. But he’s got depth now. He’s matured, grown up. (as much as he hates to admit it.) His character doesn’t go straight from realizing he’s wrong, to apologizing and receiving forgiveness and everything is right in the world again. No, he fixes (or tries to) his mistakes and learns from them. He realizes it will take time to become trustworthy again, and he works at building that trust again. That is character depth you don't often see in YA fiction.

Claire was - well, just dumb for and then when she tells Peter in Shadow again that she cannot trust him, I just facepalmed. I understood, but still. However! There is growth in the end, Claire redeems herself, and the complexity of her character, and especially Peter’s, makes it all worth it.

This was long. Yet I’ve only touched the surface of my thoughts on Shadow. Yes, it had its dark moments, the shadows that desperately wanted to take over, but light does prevail and sprouts unexpectedly to offer glimmers of hope when the characters can't see past the darkness. I so appreciated the author's note at the end that eloquently reminds us that 'there's always a bit of light to chase back the shadows.' If you take anything away from this review, it is to go read Kara’s Neverland journey for yourself. You will thank me. And then please come back to fangirl with me ✨

After reading Dust, I had no idea how I was going to wait six months - SIX - for Claire to save Neverland. A huge thank you to Kara and Enclave Publishing for allowing me to read an early eARC of Shadow. All thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Eden Joy .
30 reviews
July 7, 2021
Wow. I adored this book.

Even though sequels are commonly known to be disappointing, I loved the last book in the Heirs of Nederland duology even more than I loved the first one, Dust. So that was a really nice surprise.

Also, as cool as London is, I Neverland was a gorgeous fictional setting. (The Hanging Village!!! The Neverstar! The Mermaid Lagoon!)

The character were even better than the setting. Claire made me so, so happy. Watching her grow and change and become so brave and really come to understand herself made me feel so proud. She and Peter were just the sweetest, and good for each other.

I thought Hook was a fascinating character as well. That's all I'll say about him. Read the book. ; )

Overall, I loved Shadow because it was full of light, (yes, and shadows), and hope, and was a clean, delightful, exciting YA read.

I'd recommend Heirs of Neverland to anyone who enjoys unique fairy tale retellings, clean YA, sweet romances, adventure, or lovable and complex characters. And if you happen to enjoy reading all of those, then I don't think the series could possibly disappoint. : )
Profile Image for Carissa (Regency Woman).
264 reviews56 followers
October 22, 2021
I have never before given a book a rating before actually reading it, but I can't believe someone gave a 1-star rating also without having read it, and unfortunately, GR won't do anything about it. That's a whole other topic, though which might require a frustrated blog post. Just know that I will give an official review once Shadow is released and will update my star rating at that time if need be.
Profile Image for Kaytlin Phillips.
Author 13 books202 followers
September 4, 2024
4.5 Stars

This was not what I expected in a good way though...lol...I love this twist on Peter Pan that is so believable, I can tell how much thought Kara put into the story.

Peter grows so much in this story and I love it. I was tearing up a few times, like wow...the way he grows and learns from his mistakes. The sacrifices he makes.
Claire...She's awesome! I love her tender heart but also the fact that she doesn't just give her trust to anyone. She's determined to help others and yet fears being hurt and I connect with that so deeply.
I actually really love Captain Hook...lol...he reminded me of the villain my sister wrote for her book (The Guild of Thieves).
Tootles was such a great addition!
I love Tiger Lily!
Oh, goodness there are so many characters and can I just say my heart broke for Connor and Paige...just broke for them and their brokeness.

That no matter how dark it gets there is always light and the light will always overcome the dark. That we can't hide from the fear and pain in our past, we have to face and surrender it to the Lord because we can't carry it on our own. It was Beautiful!

1 use of 'heck' that I remember.

2 kisses, only one detailed one but more detailed emotion wise than anything. It felt like the romance was a bit...not rushed, but hurried in some respects, but in the end I was happy with how it ended.

I feel like I need to add this section to my reviews. So here we are.
Mentions of blood, two knives to the throat, death, shadows that evil and quite scary, burns, punctures to the side and chest, mentions of drowning, and I think that covers everything. The blood is mentioned as there being a lot but it's not super detailed.

Some mentions of dark/evil magic having been used but we never see that happen only the after effects which are obviously not a good thing.

This is such a unique and fun take on Peter Pan, it's intense and deals a lot with mental health and why we have to face our past and grow up, why growing is an important part of life. It's beautiful, honestly, very beautiful.
Definitely a doulogy I hope to have time to reread in the future!

Recommended for ages 15+ because of the heavy content of the book.
Profile Image for ✧*̥˚ Jordyn *̥˚✧.
114 reviews1 follower
October 27, 2023
❝ This is a place where lost things are found. ❞

Y'all... mah heart...

I finished this book wayyyy too fast, and I'ma need some like short stories or something, bc y'all Kara Swanson has created something much more than Neverland.

When I first held this book in my hands I was scared. I'd begun to love these characters in Dust and the acclaim for this book held words like "darker" and "emotional".
But I am so glad I trusted Mrs. Swanson because the reviews don't lie and this book is such a bittersweet finale.

What I loved:
✦ Hook 🤭 (Hook needs a book, Kara 🙏)
✦ Kara captured Neverland in such a beautifully realistic way that those of us that do have to grow up may find comfort in our own Neverlands and not fear growing up.
✦ We get to grow alongside Neverland and face many issues we face in the real world alongside the comfort and bravery of childhood heros.
✦ Her writing style *sparkles*

What I didn't love:
✦ One of the things that happened seem a bit short and convenient but I'm being picky haha

Overall, this was a magical series.

(P.s anyone else out there catch in the dedication she included the word Ignite?)

Language: Made up curses, mentions of people cursing
Violence: People are burned (wounds are described), a person is stabbed (semi-detailed), a person is attacked (semi detailed), people die (none detailed to semi detailed), a person mentions wanting to end "all of this", many wounds are mentioned/described, close brushes with death
Sexual: One semi detailed kiss
Alcohol/Drugs: Mentions of alcoholics
TWs: Death, abusive childhood home, suicidal depression
Age recommendation: Any "darkness" this book holds is dealt with super well and not gory so I'd recommend it to ages 14/15+ based on their comfort levels

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚝.
~𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗 𝟷:𝟻

˚₊‧✩ Happy Reading ✩‧₊˚
February 1, 2023
I read this in a day. True story. Another true story: I own one book hardcover and the other paperback.


So yeah that is facts on all the plot twists except that and my opinions: I like this book. I also like Dust.

Also, my friends brought this up and I agree with them, Kara Swanson (she has a rly pretty name imho) should write a companion/prequel novel on Captain Hook's backstory. She does share some of it in Shadow, but she could definitely go more into his backstory, as well as .

Anyway if you find my sanity please turn it in to local authorities maybe they'll know what to do with it because apparently I did not. Thank you!

Almost forgot: I really liked the !
Profile Image for Nina Friess.
99 reviews
April 30, 2021
Alright, so.
I'm a *huge* fan of basically any story set in Neverland, but this is one of my favorites. I loved Dust, but Shadow is, in my opinion, far better, because we finally get to the root of the conflict. I loved Dust for its worldbuilding and personal characterization, I love Shadow because of its depth (well, and the worldbuilding and characterization, but y'know :P).
The struggles of these characters were so real and personal, even in this other fantasy world, and Kara's depictions of grief, depression, and all the darkest "shadows" in our lives, all of it was beautifully done. I completely devoured this book.
And, as I'm a naturally critical person, if there's one thing I didn't *entirely* love, it was Paige. While I can see how her presence was necessary for the plot, I just didn't feel her struggle like I felt the rest (and even Hook was relatable for me). Maybe this was intentional, but I feel like her story has a deeper course than I was getting, and I would have liked to see more. I won't spoil anything though, so you'll have to read and discover for yourself.
But that aside, I really, truly, loved this. I'm sure not everyone will, but for me, this book was a gem.
Hats off to you, Kara. 🥰

(Note: I did receive a free ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest and very willing review)
Profile Image for Bree Dawn.
190 reviews7 followers
Currently reading
September 4, 2024
I’m enjoying the first few chapters, but my library loan is about to expire and I haven’t been able to really get into this one right now. But I look forward to coming back to it at a later date!
May 28, 2021
First, let me just say I really enjoyed Dust, the first book in this series, and I was really looking forward to Shadow to see how things wrapped up for Peter and Claire and the rest of the Neverland characters. Second, I have really struggled writing this review because I know how hard and how much work an author puts into writing a story, so I hate writing a negative review, but this story just didn’t work for me.

I’m going to keep this simple and short. This story was way too dark and way too depressing. For the majority of this book, bad won and when good did prevail, it was a small short victory where bad came right back and ruined anything positive that happened. The violence in some parts was over the top. I’m particularly thinking about something that happens to one of the main characters. It was way too detailed and gruesome. While the ending was happy, it was too little too late and a little too convenient.

Another big issue I had is that there was virtually no justice for a couple of main characters who did some seriously horrible things.

I really wanted to like this book, but there were just too many things that I could not get past.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Grace.
101 reviews7 followers
August 18, 2022

This book.

The first book was good.



The depth, the emotion, the plot twists, the literal world.

It’s nothing and yet everything.

It’s ugly and beautiful.

In the end, I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Lili P.
117 reviews1 follower
August 28, 2021
Shadow was absolutely brilliant! Let me just list a few things I loved.

The theme was so powerful! I was moved very much by it.

The characters! I love all of them so much! Like HOOK! Who would have thought!

The plot twists! This book kept me reading. It was so hard to put down and I wanted to tear my hair very many times.

Overall, this book has highly satisfied me, and I will miss reading it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 433 reviews

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