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A Death So Sweet #1

Shadowed Heart

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Murder. Payback. Chaos. If you’re looking for a story about unicorns and rainbows, this ain’t it. Now, if you’re in the mood for something a little psychotic and a whole lot crazy, then you’re in the right place.

I’m Lola Harding. My parents used to call me their angel, but they’re dead now. For the last few years, I’ve made a name for myself—the Night Slayer. I stalk the clubs and make sure anyone with greedy hands and stupid ideas is permanently taken off the streets.

One night I happen to kill the son of a crime lord, and then everything changes.

They’re going to kill me, I know, but until they do, I’m to be their pet, wear their leash, and do whatever they say. The Lucianos are a family full of psychos and hatred… and I just might fit in better than I ever did anywhere else.

And as a bonus? The other sons are the handsome and dangerous type, and even though they despise me for what I did to their brother, even though there might not be any light left for me at the end of this tunnel… I plan to enjoy the ride.

Buckle up, b*tches, because it’s about to get wild.

**Shadowed Heart is the first in a planned trilogy. It is an RH/Why Choose series, meaning there are multiple love interests, steamy scenes, and some things you might find triggering: violence, mentions of abuse, etc.**

279 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 20, 2021

About the author

Candace Wondrak

109 books1,752 followers
Hey guys! I'm a writer, an office worker, a wife, a mother to two dogs and two cats, and half of a strange pair of young adults who flip the houses they're living in with the goal of having no mortgage (so that I can eventually focus on my writing career!). Needless to say, I'm busy.

Still, I somehow find time to write, to read, and to enjoy life. Wish there were more hours in the day, really!

If you're active on Goodreads and have similar interests, friend me. I don't bite. Or if you'd rather follow my reviews, you can do that, too.

Happy reading!

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198 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 558 reviews
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews791 followers
March 8, 2021
How does this book have so many positive reviews. It sucks!

If you know me, you know I enjoy morally grey heroines, I like them doing slightly questionable sh*t so when I read the blurb about a serial killer heroine I was quick to jump on it.

Turns out the heroine was Black Widow spidering the heck out of men, or is it Praying Mantising but without the sex? I think. She acts drunk and lures men that are trying to take advantage of her drunkeness and kills them. While that is a terrible thing for the men to do, killing someone for that is a bit drastic.

She kills the brother of a crime lord and is taken hostage by the family and instead of killing her they decide to use her since she likes killing so much. Members of the family hate her so much that they are constantly hate f*cking her.

Then you hear the backstory of how she became a killer and you just have to wince and sigh. Terrible story but noooot quite enough to make this sh*t believable. I'm out.
Profile Image for Amara.
598 reviews57 followers
February 7, 2021
Psycho RH

I fell for this book when I heard the premise, then again when I read the blurb, then yet again after seeing the cover... so I waited.

It does not disappoint in any way. It is exactly what I love about any book Wondrak releases. It's platinum, baby. All the way.

I'm so hooked on Lola and the Luciano family. You thought I had it bad for the Scott family? Wait til you meet the Luciano family. 

In this book, we meet a girl hell-bent on settling a score with men who take advantage of drunk women. She's on a mission of vengeance and isn't afraid of being caught or dying. She's quite a character... I love her! She's a whole level of psychotic packed in a pretty package. She's damaged and ruthless. She's perfect. 

Enter the Luciano family. Maddox, Sylvester, Vin/Viper, Big Mike, and Tony seem to be the stars of the show. I can't wait to find out who she ends up with. I'm hoping for all, but sometimes I'm greedy, haha. There are also cameos by the two guys from Voyeur - Roman and Carter. 

In this book, we get to see Maddox and Sylvester mostly with a couple of POV chapters from the other guys and Lola of course. I gotta say, I'm a huge fan of Maddox and his murderous intentions already. Sylvester seems more thoughtful and calculated. The twins - I'm obsessed with them too. And that piano scene with Mike and then Tony... LOVE IT... No, it's not what you're thinking! Though that would have been amazing too, haha. I just like the idea that big bad mafia guys can play the piano or are willing to learn. ;)

This series hit the ground running and I'm so excited to see where it goes next. I adore these characters already. I have a feeling we're going to get to see into the minds of each of the guys and as we do we'll fall for every single one of them. I can't wait!!
Profile Image for Courtxneyburns.
59 reviews10 followers
February 4, 2021

It’s unusual to read a book based on a female serial killer. Definitely, not something I’ve read before. I loved how unique this storyline was as-well as all the characters.

I kinda wished there was more torture and gory from our female main character, I understand this book was just setting up the story for the next in the series and hopefully, they will show us her in action!

Can’t wait for the next book & to see where the story takes us.

5 star read 🌟 if you’re looking for something a little different, then give this one a go! 😈🙌🏼
Profile Image for Valkyrie ✨.
652 reviews877 followers
October 27, 2021
This is the year I realize I have a thing for unhinged, murderous female characters. Go figure.

I loved the first half of the story, but the second was a bit of a mess. Lola started as such a strong, badass, funny psychopath. But then she went down hill and I kind of lost interest.

The men who supposedly hated her (because she had killed their baby brother) treated her better than most bully romances I’ve read 😅 it was very anticlimactic, especially Maddox and his constant internal monologue about hurting her and killing her, while all he did was give her orgasms. Sylvester (and jfc why that name?) straight up fell for her at first sight and acted like an idiot the whole book.

I was going to give this 4 stars but something bothered me a lot. I loved the idea of A Promising Young Woman turned into a RH romance. I was intrigued by the concept of an avenging woman, pretending to be drunk in clubs and bars, and allowing predatory men to take her home to then end their lives. The thing is that, for that idea to work, she needs to act wasted, incapacitated to consent and truly drunk. Instead, Lola pretended to be tipsy at best. She just giggled a lot, pretended to lose her foot now and then. But she was verbal and consented to getting into her victim’s car. And consented to getting naked once they were at his place. And she even offered to blow him off. So the situation never reflected the idea of a predator taking advantage of a woman who was unable to consent due to alcohol ingestion.

But I’m giving this book kudos for the realistic portrait of how Lola enjoys her sexual encounters. She doesn’t have 4 orgasms every time she’s with out of the guys. In a few occasions, she loves what’s happening but doesn’t get an orgasm at all. She even talks about how it’s harder for women to get there. I was so glad to see something resembling the truth in my romance book.
May 17, 2021
Hell F*cking yes this book was AMAZING! I've always been fascinated by the crazy ones and this heroine is one badass Bitch! She's a serial killer and she has no qualms about what she does as she's ridding the world of one piece of male garbage at a time. Only her life is drastically changed after one particular kill where the son of a mob boss is her target. She catches the eye of his family and they have some twisted plans for her. However, they were not expecting the absolute psychotic nature of the heroine or the twisted soul inside of her so they decide to use her for their evil plans rather than torturing her and outright killing her-even if that's what she and even they really want. Having said that this is obviously a dark book. There are no naive or innocent characters who can't handle themselves. They all live a dark and dangerous life and even with the killing of their brother shadowing her, the men can't deny the pull between them all. Dark likes dark after all. The heroine is not just a serial killer out of nowhere and has had a horrific and brutal past she's sort of on the run from (mentally). If you have any trigger warning issues you should just skip this one but if not it was a wild ass ride as I loved it from start to finish. There are multiple POVs which helps let you know each character and while there is an OW moment with one of the men, given the context and non-caring nature of the heroine it didn't bother me like it normally would. In fact he's only with someone else because he hates himself for wanting the heroine, the killer of his brother. I literally cannot wait to see where the series goes. It's funny how their relationship evolves even in just this one book but now that their feelings are showing I'm eager to see how it plays out!
Profile Image for JadeReads.
310 reviews28 followers
March 13, 2021
All talk no action ,and writing style was cringe 😬
Profile Image for Cindy ✩☽♔.
1,231 reviews987 followers
February 9, 2021
That was the most abrupt ending ever...I guess it’s a good thing the next book comes out next month.

This book has confirmed what I already knew. I have a think sociopathic/psychopathic lead characters. There is simply something fascinating about characters who are so uninhibited, who are not limited to the typical constraints of social norms. I do hope to see her connect on a deeper level with her men. Because while there have been moments, the obvious imbalance in their power dynamic has their relationships treading a very thin line.

Also, I have never been more pleased to hear that a lead character's parents are dead. Because if ever there were a pair who deserved it - it is Lola's parents. Now if only she and the guys could rectify the issue of the other piece of shit still being alive I shall be a happy gal.

Trigger warnings: violence, abuse, sexual violence, trauma
Profile Image for Dani.
31 reviews19 followers
February 7, 2021
What the H is going on here


Lemme get this straight...
Her parents disown her because they yearn for a baby boy...when said demon spawn is born they still pretend she doesn't exist. Did they physically abuse her? I can't effing remember.
Her brother eventually hits puberty and the lunatic impregnates his sister more than once?? Her family is rich, so they're fine paying for all the abortions or whatever... when it takes like 2 seconds to tell ya boy to wrap it up.

Anyway, one night she murders both her parents, I can't recall if her brother was home so he gets away, or vice versa.
Lola says SAYONARA and turns to slayin' babes out of spite.
Don't worry, she'll show you her wicked scar that tells us everything about the blasphemy of her upbringing.

Did my blind ass somehow completely overlook and miss the real reason why she is dubbed The Night Slayer?

She killed Mario and the guy sounds like a fucking saint ffs.
How dare you Lola.

Should I even dissect her squad? xD
Mad Maddox favorite pastime is hate fucking Lola.
Sylvester is in love with her, I was expecting a ring in the box, not a gdamn mask lmfao.
Vinny AKA Viper is obsessed with snakes, I also think he's in love with her.
Mike? Who is Mike??? He's really just her bodyguard right?
Tony, they call this one the flirt....but the panty dropper gets cock blocked and his schedule suddenly fills up, leaving his sex scene TBA.
I feel like I'm missing someone....

Dear god.

I'm glad others enjoyed it, this just wasn't for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for BLuvsBooks.
622 reviews113 followers
August 7, 2021
Lola is a unique character in that she is a serial killer with no feelings and tough. Later in the read We do get to see some of her vulnerabilities and why she becomes a killer. The men in this reverse harem are all part of a mafia family and do have different personalities which is always needed in this trope.
I enjoyed it however some of it felt choppy and rushed in places.

Dark romance. RH. Triggers. Mafia violence.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
71 reviews34 followers
May 4, 2021
Will review shortly! Lola is some girl, so bloody funny yet misunderstood. still unsure how to rate this... let me think & get back to you 👌🏼
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
February 15, 2021
Trigger warning: child abuse & rape.

A well written FMC that’s a serial killer? I love me a F antihero. I will follow this series
Profile Image for Noa.
519 reviews499 followers
September 2, 2022
~3.5 stars~
I really liked the concept. There are more books in the series but if it ended here I would be good. Still gonna read on though lol
Profile Image for One chapter more.
779 reviews145 followers
October 31, 2021
2.5 stars

A beautiful cover, kick ass heroine, people needing therapy, dark romance… what a girl needs more to enjoy this read, right? Well, that’s what sold me, but after 50% I can easily say, this is not doing for me.

I simply don’t like the characters, even Lola pisses me off more than I thought she would. And she’s my type of the heroine- sassy, doesn’t give a shit what kind of troubles she’s in, can hold her own… but then she goes and screws everything that’s moving around her. She also admits she doesn’t do any homework before any of the killings. She never said no to those drunk guys. Yes, they were assholes for approaching a drunk girl but I’m sure at least some of them, were not the rapist material. It would made sense (the killing) if she said no to them and they were still trying to get to her. Does it make me a bad feminist to say that? I just think this would make more sense if she researched her victims first.

Not sure if I’m going to continue the rest of the 50% of this book and series but I do appreciate me a good cover 😁
Profile Image for Madison Miller.
191 reviews8 followers
November 17, 2023
I felt like I was reading one of those “how to write a why choose for dummies” books. The writing was elementary the plot was nonexistent. At least TRY to be subtle with your tragic back story hints. Gah it was just not good. But the cover is gorgeous.
Profile Image for Alli.
339 reviews15 followers
June 15, 2021
3 stars
Interesting and well written but chaotic and the main character was stupid.
Profile Image for Amy.
212 reviews15 followers
February 4, 2021
I had fun with this book. It reads like a very well written 18+ Harly Quinn AU fanfic is the most succinct summary I can give. Which is fine by me. She’s one of my favorite characters in the DC universe.

Now notes for future readers to decide if this one is for you: if you’re looking for a cozy sugar sweet read this ain’t it. This book is loaded to the brim with everyone being a broken mess. Plus aggressive sex scenes.

Lola is great, but the men in this book come off really flat and really honestly I had a hard time really sinking into this book because she killed the mob father’s son, and a week later they find her magically, and they decide to hate fuck her until it’s time to just revenge her. This was a huge deal for me personally as a reader, just no, they would have just given her the cement slippers and been done with her. There were tons of more believable ways to have her be a serial killer and then get tied up in their mob family that would felt more realistic and not ruined the immersion.

Also be warned while this is labeled as book one in a trilogy it reads more like the 1st 3rd of the story, there really is nothing going on but set up here, so be aware you’re going to be reading past book one for the plot to start moving I’m assume. I personally don’t care enough to dive into book two. Didn’t hate it, but I didn’t LOVE it either.

Best suggestion, don’t think about this book too hard, and it should be a fun crime family harem ride.
Profile Image for foreverreading🫶🏽.
123 reviews11 followers
February 15, 2021
4 ⭐️ not gonna lie I got the book because of the cover However this book- ahh what to say..
Really intense and not easy to read at times. Triggering topics so tread carefully. Seriously.
Lola, a serial killer kills the wrong man. Then gets taken by his crime family and is told she can either work for them or die.
I really enjoyed this, and trust me I was not expecting to at all! Reminded me of Den of Vipers but in my opinion can’t compare the two at all. Because everything is so complicated, complex and the stakes are just so much higher. It feels kind of impossible that things could work out for Lola.
By the end of the book I had tears in my eyes and I wanted to hug the crap out of Lola and shower her in love. Don’t get me wrong she is psychotic, an unforgiving serial killer. But she is suffering and drowning in trauma and literally the affects of that have shaped her life and her. Everything sort of stems from that past, her decisions, choices and what she thinks are possible and impossible for the future.
I like how the author keeps asking questions, like she’s asking us to really think hard about whatever question Lola asks.
Looking forward to the second book!
Profile Image for queen_of_the_books_18.
863 reviews231 followers
February 21, 2021
The cover of this book just drew me straight in and I went in blind without any idea of what this book was about and I’m so glad I did.

Lola, the serial killer, The Night Slayer, the avenging Angel and oh so broken.

The start of this book hooked me so quickly and before I knew it I was half way through and not knowing where it was going to go. Lola was hilarious, she was kick ass. Who knew that I would laugh so hard at a serial killer.

Lola has been on a killing spree, luring and stabbing men to try and counteract all the evil in the world and her past but one night she kills the wrong guy. When his family track her down, she challenges them with a massive smile on her face.

This book had so many tropes that I loved. Mafia, RH, forced proximity but it also had a lot of triggers so please beware before reading.

I was really disappointed in the ending though. It was abrupt and not really a cliffhanger at all. I was expecting a massive boom and nothing.

I can’t wait for book 2!
Profile Image for Aplis.
562 reviews42 followers
April 12, 2021
The story was good. I just found the female lead's inner monologues way too long and annoying. Her back story sounds horrible although I'm quite confused about the exact time gaps and the exact age differences between her and her sibling. And I can't believe I'm saying this but there's way too many men to keep track in this non typical reverse harem story!

I may read the second book after it releases but right now this story didn't interest me enough to want to read the next book.

Did a re-read and it wasn't that bad. Like sure, Lola goes on and on and on and on..but other than that, the story was pretty good.

I can't believe I thought there were too many male leads in this book! I totally forgot that Roman and Carter were a part of Voyeur and after reading books like the Kit Davenport series and the Sweet Omegaverse series, I've adjusted to stories where there are at most 6 men in the harem. So the barely 4 or 5 here is manageable.

Now onto Crooked Heart.
Profile Image for Nicole.
37 reviews
February 26, 2021
Couldn't make it past 35%
I like the psycho chick some what, even though the way she picks her victims is pure bullshit. I couldn't get past the killing men because they liked drunk uninhabited cooch!?! Like what !?! She never said no, he never attacked her, she practically threw her twat at him and offed him cause he went with it.?! Who goes to a club and gets shitfaced and goes home with someone and blames their lack of self control on the other person ,they're groping and dry humping!?! He didn't even try to drug her or anyone else. And because of that I can't see how one of the damn brothers is more concerned about protecting this crazy chick. I mean seriously, what self respecting mafia guy would give 2 shits about the deranged chick that unjustly killed their baby brother?!? I'm sorry cover art is awesome, story has potential but I can't even finish it.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,975 reviews
February 23, 2023
This is a crazy book. I somehow ended up rooting for a serial killer? Haha at least the men Lola kills aren't good guys, which makes me feel a bit better. I really liked Lola, she's got a screw loose but she laughs in the face of death and isn't going to let these mafia guys get to her. She challenged them and pushed them until they realized she was their match.

The pacing is quick and has plenty of steaminess to keep you interested. The ending revealed some interesting details and makes me want to see what happens next. I'll definitely be jumping into the sequel soon!
Profile Image for Nicole Hale.
945 reviews29 followers
February 2, 2021

Candace Wondrak holy heck this book is a masterpiece. I am going to be short and sweet with this one!! It’s freaking dark and delicious. Lola the FMC is a bit of a blood thirsty psycho I loved her then towards the end we got to her story of why she is like she is. INSTANT HEARTBREAK!!

I can’t wait for book 2!

Profile Image for Shelby Boatman.
242 reviews26 followers
October 7, 2023
🖤FMC S3ri4l Kill3r
🖤Crime Family
🖤Crazy FMC
🖤Enemies to lovers

Wow, what a hell of a ride this book was. Lola is a female vigilante (in her eyes) / Serial killer whose latest victim was the son of a powerful crime family. Rather than kill her right away, they choose to exploit her “talents” against their enemies. Lola is great. I am a huge sucker for crazy FMC (ala Brooklyn, Harley, etc) so I’m very biased. There is a plethora of viscous males that are very entertaining and keep things spicy. Check the TW because to say there is a lot of dark material here is quite the understatement.

And that’s just book one. There could be a dad / son dynamic later…? Unknown.
Profile Image for Zoé.
55 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2023
Did I like this? Do I need therapy? I was disturbed but like also intrigued. I was sick to my stomach, but like also couldn’t stop reading ya know? Idk but this was a fun ride! I enjoyed this one!

Am I gonna recommend it to my friends? Not sure they’ll be able to handle this one- But this writer could take all of my money and I’ll read anything she writes. Please make sure you read trigger warnings!! And be aware that this book is more for those who like (or are used to) this genre of dark romances.

Don’t read it, but like read it…get what I’m saying? Ready for book 2!

TRIGGER WARNINGS **** look them up first, Don’t be crazy.
Profile Image for Crazydutchbooklady.
161 reviews11 followers
February 1, 2024
Shadowed Heart, a bit wild, a bit bloody, but fun and full of psychos.

After reading the mindfuck series I haven’t read any dark romance living up to it.
But this one definitely did.
Perfect balance of crazy and in definitely curious to read what comes next.
Profile Image for aida.
447 reviews45 followers
May 19, 2022
I’m a SUCKER for a dark romance, a SUCKER for mafia romances, and the world’s BIGGEST SUCKER for reverse harem. So, obviously, this series really called out to me.

Let me also mention that I have this absolutely awful quality of not letting myself DNF books because I feel like I just need to push through so that;
1.) I can form a proper opinion.
2.) I need to know what happens otherwise it’s going to bother me, no matter how bad the book may be.

Well, this was the case with this series. I really wish I could go back and DNF. But I can’t.

So I’m going to keep my review short, and I’ll be using this review to cover all of the books in the series because I can’t be bothered to write one for each book. Probably spoilers ahead.

1.) This plot ends up being so dumb. She’s a serial killer who preys on men who hurt women, but she kills the Luciano brother without any actual proof that he hurts women. Just an absolutely idiot assumption that he does because he left the club with her.
2.) The fact that Maddox & Sylvester ever even forgive her or move past her killing their brother is beyond me, and I don’t think it makes sense.
3.) Tony is a GODDAMN MACGUFFIN!!!!! He serves NO purpose in the story other than to betray. We never even fully understand what his role with the Lucianos was; why was he so involved with them? We also don’t get a good idea of why he betrayed them. AND WORST OF ALL, it is HEAVILY implied that he sexually assaults Lola and she never even tells her guys about it? Even when they’re going to kill him. Like…. Wouldn’t that be something she mentioned?
4.) The whole crap storyline with her creepy brother is dumb and it’s meant to be the reason Lola is a serial killer, but it pans out to be so unsatisfying. He is made to basically be the devil for what he did to her but when it comes time for him to waltz back into the story, he’s not any real threat and they remove him from the story so fast.
5.) I hate Big Mike’s character. Is he part of the harem? Why the hell do we have this loose end with him all throughout and it’s never fully taken care of? It’s dumb and he shouldn’t even be in the book because he doesn’t matter.

Ugh… Honestly, even just going through all of this and writing about it is pissing me off because this series was bad and I never should have finished it.
All of these books are like a 1.5/5. Goodbye.
319 reviews3 followers
February 2, 2021
Well well what a deliciously dark story and what an amazing read love it. Lola wow what a character she is beautiful a body for sin and a very calculated mind. Lola past has made her into the women she is now and she likes to go on the hunt for guys that prey on drunk girls. But one night she picks the wrong guy Mario but little does she no he is the son off a very infamous criminal family and when they find out what happen to Mario they what revenge.

Then Lola is thrown into the world of Maddox , sylvester , big Mike , viper and Tony who all hate her for what happen to Mario but they are also drawn to her in a way that they find hard to except. So Maddox makes it very clear they now own her and in order for her to live she will do everything they tell her to or face the consequences.

Lola character goes through an emotional rollercoaster while living in the house with all the guys they are starting to make her feel things she has not felt in a long time and Lola is also trying very hard to hold it together and to not flip out and lose it emotionally and mentally.

They way the book ends who knows what is going to happen next it’s dark lots off hot steamy scenes and a little bit off blood. I definitely recommend this book I loved it and the twist off who the serial killer is brilliant
Profile Image for Cheryl Sedman.
1,159 reviews11 followers
January 28, 2021
Wow what a freaking amazingly dark read this is. With a kickass storyline from beginners to end, in which we meet Lola.
We first meet this beautiful lady known as Lola in a club trying to pick up a guy, for some dark twisted reasons. When she picks up Mario.
When she turns from sweetness and light and into the dark badass Night Slayer, things start to change for Lola.

Then we get to meet Maddox, Sylvester, Viper, big Mike and Tony. Plus also see the appearance of the Hot Roman and Carter from Voyeur.
This is when we find out who exactly she had killed and more twists are put out there. To see Lola go through so many emotions and a massive flip out where you will find out everything about why she did what she did. To then end in a sweet yet also open ended book knowing that things are going to get even better and even darker in the next book. For that I honestly can't wait!! This book is also filled with many many hot steamy scenes that are also a little dark but really good too. So you just gotta pick this beauty up, otherwise your missing out on such a treat.
Profile Image for Marisa.
774 reviews35 followers
January 1, 2022
Firstly, this is probably one of the most beautiful covers I have seen in a very long time. That alone makes me want to have this book displayed on one of my shelves.

Besides this gorgeous artwork, the story itself is fantastic. Our FMC, Lola, is psychotic and I adore her. Ruthless, twisted, damaged, and irresistible, I loved her banter with the other characters and with herself. I was rooting for her the whole time. I love the way the author let us into her mind to see how and why she is the way that she is. Other than my new major girl crush, the men introduced were just as interesting, with backstories that I hope we get to see more of.

I also liked seeing some characters from the author’s previous release, Voyeur. Looking forward to the next installment in this trilogy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 558 reviews

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