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Shadow Court #1

Shadow of the Fae

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She’s a broke antiques dealer. He’s a Fae king. What could they possibly have in common? Turns out, everything.

I’m used to my life being a mess. After all, I run a failing antiques shop, drink way too much coffee, and suffer from an eighties cartoon addiction. But being confronted by two savage killers who break into my shop in the middle of the night is a new low, even for me.

So when a dark-haired Adonis appears out of nowhere to save my life, things finally take a turn for the better. Or worse. I’m still not sure which. You see, those two savage killers weren’t human. They were Fae, and the man who saved me? He’s one of them too. And now he’s telling me that I might hold the key to stopping a war between my world and theirs.

But that’s not the weirdest thing he’s told me.

He also says I’m his fated mate.

I’m not sure I can resist those smoky good-looks or that sculpted, sexy-as-hell body.

But if we’re gonna do this saving the world thing, I’m sure as hell gonna have to try.

Shadow of the Fae is a fated mates paranormal romance full of sexy Fae males, sizzling magic and searing passion. If you like your romance full of high-octane adventure, danger and spice then grab this book today! High heat level - recommended for over 18s only.

158 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 29, 2020

About the author

K.J. Baker

8 books15 followers
Librarian's Note: There is more than one author on Goodreads with the name K.J. Baker. When adding books for this particular author, please use two spaces: K.J.^^Baker

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews
Profile Image for book_lover_jess.
206 reviews15 followers
June 1, 2024
I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what to expect from when I started reading this book. But I overall enjoyed the story line of the characters.

There were parts of the book where I felt sorry for FMC as she had lost so many people.

MMC was interesting at times wasn’t a huge of fan of him there wasn’t much that stood out to me.

But will be interesting to see where the rest of the trilogy goes.

Stars: 4/5
Smut: 2.9/5
Profile Image for Emily Elizabeth.
160 reviews3 followers
January 23, 2022
God was this book bad. I've literally read fanfiction longer than this book that was 1000000x better. Between the lack of detail and the rushed pacing of this book, I absolutely did not care about any of the characters or their problems. I absolutely did not buy into the romance between the two leads because there was literally no chemistry between the two. It was so cliche I rolled my eyes, which was surprising because I usually read books like this BECAUSE they are cliche.

The main character bounced back from choice to choice so fast it gave me whiplash.

Also, I can only buy into the "we're mates and are meant for one another" if the love interests actually have CHEMISTRY. It took me forever to finish this book, even though it was only 150 pages. It seriously felt like a waste of time and there's no way I'm reaching for the next one any time soon.
Profile Image for Mikky.
870 reviews233 followers
September 29, 2024
Currently putting up past reviews from my Blog on GR because I forgot at the time oops 😅

This was an okay book. The world-building was okay, the characters were okay and the writing was okay. It was a quick read and kept my attention well enough throughout the story.

Asha started out as an interesting and geeky character. Though after she meets Raven she kind of forgets about her life and makes him the center of her universe. I disliked that the author gave away the mates aspect of this novel in her synopsis even though it's a plot point with quite a bit of lead up towards the end of the story.

I wanted to get to know Raven more as a person rather than through Asha's lustful lens. The story was go, go, go so both characters rarely had time to sit down and just get to know each other. Though in Raven's POV chapters we did see a different side to him. I wanted to see that more outwardly even if he's a warrior and all. Warriors can show emotion too, you know?

The ending could be seen coming from chapter 1. I'm not mad at it but I'm also not excited about the predictability of this story. This book didn't wow me and because of that, I won't be picking up any future books in this series.

My Favorite Quotes:

"It's how you believe [the universe was created]. It's the excuse you tell yourself to justify what you've done."

"We came from different worlds, worlds that were about to collide."
Profile Image for Katt Faëhart.
183 reviews1 follower
April 13, 2022

Asha pisses me off. She gets mad because he lied and is frustrated because she doesn't know what's going on between them but-


EVERYTIME. EVERY FREAKIN TIME that he tries talking to her and tell her she's his mate she cuts him off.

"I don't wanna talk about it"

Like Asha please. Get your shit together.

And they have known each each other for what??? 2 days ?? 3 ??
And they love each other with their entire heart, body and soul .

I get insta love but stilll they don't even talk to each other like communicate their feelings they just... Ugh

Whatever the story with the orb and war between fae can be good.
73 reviews4 followers
February 4, 2022
Annoying heroine

This book had a heroine that was out of her depth & instead of being smart, she would repeatedly bungle Ravens plans and create situations where Raven would have to rescue her (again) from the bad guys. She was like a Chihuahua trying to attack a Rottweiler... Ridiculous and annoying.
Profile Image for Mikki.
22 reviews
February 11, 2024
Plot: 2.8/5
🌶️: 🌶️/5

This book was okay. It’s very short but was pretty okay with the plot. It was just kind of annoying because the characters weren’t prepared for any possibility of something going wrong. I’m not sure I’ll be reading the rest of the series.

Ps I did in fact get this on stuff your kindle day.
August 2, 2024

The fl is an idiot, she makes dumb decisions. Then blames the ml when things go wrong. The fl is not relatable, Predictable plot, and very rushed. It's a short book not much to it.
Profile Image for Katheyer.
1,557 reviews22 followers
December 8, 2020
“Shadow of the Fae” is the first installment in the “Shadow Court”, an adult paranormal romance fates mates UF series by K.J. Baker.

Asha Grant is an antiquities dealer, which a great attitude and an addiction to coffee that make up for her continuously state of bankruptcy. Accustomed to Brendan McNally hard bargains, she should have been even more suspicious when he let her buy the strange orb for mere ten dollars. She should have known better: now she has not only been attacked by two inhuman killers in pursue of the ugly thing, which is in fact the valuable Orb of Tir, but has also been rescued by a equally non-human guy, who keeps insisting Bree is his fated-mate and the key to stop the war between the realms.

Raven is dark, tall, gorgeous, deadly and every girl dreams (or is that nightmares?) and Bree would gladly enjoy that fated-mate thing for a while, is the part about the war that give her headaches.

“Shadow of the Fae” marks the start to the “Shadow Court” series an interesting take on the classical war of the realms theme, featuring deadly, sexy, interesting Fae, who are aimed to a mature readership. The book is a well-written, enjoyable introduction to the series, that succeeds in introducing both the verse and the main characters, with an interesting background plot and a good paranormal romance story.
666 reviews2 followers
January 23, 2023
Raven and Asha discover an overwhelming attraction towards one another with the additional pulls that will confirm that they are fated mates. They meet on Earth during a burglary at Asha's antique store when two Unseelie Fae, who are searching for the Orb of Tir, take Asha hostage and literately aim a gun at her and pull the trigger. Raven enters the store, catches the bullet and saves Asha. During the altercation, Raven touches Asha and a powerful current passes between the two.
A union between a Fae and a mortal is not seen as a good thing by the Fae and the High Council.

Information that the Spire has been murdered by a human has already been circulated and, does nothing to help the current situation. Add to that the fact that the Unseelie,with the help of the Sun Court want to re-enslave the humans have all the makings for a Fae civil war.
The author has succeeded in creating a story that depicts accurately, the different cultures within the Fae Realm. A dose of treachery mixed with prejudice, hate, love, action, close friendship, investigation and, a series of twists and turns make this book one that I highly recommend as well as rate 5 Stars.
2,257 reviews5 followers
January 3, 2021
Her life has been turned upside down.
While out looking for antiques to buy and sell in her shop. Asha finds a funny looking round piece of metal with runes on it. It looks intriguing so she buys it but later that day two men appear in her shop calling it the Orb of Tir and they destroy her shop and try to kill her for it, but another man rescues her. She learns they are fae from another realm and her rescuer needs to stop the men who have the Orb because they want to tear down the veil between the mortal world and the fae world and they want to make humans their slaves. Now she and Raven are on a mission. She can’t go back because her store is destroyed and she wouldn’t be safe. But every time she touches Raven she gets these feelings and mental pictures. What is going on? Raven pushes her away even though she sees desire in his eyes. Can Asha and Raven stop the tow Unseelie before they find a portal back to the fae realm? They must because the fate of humans rest in their hands. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Profile Image for Kathy Wideman.
2,501 reviews39 followers
March 22, 2021
This K.J. Baker’s debut book. Asha Grant owns an antique shop. She is often finding odd and unique things. Then one night she is confronted by two robbers in the middle of the night looking for something things quickly take a turn. Raven in a fae warrior and king. He is trying to stop the unseelie fae from whatever they are plotting. He never expected to find his fated mate while on a mission. What does he do now? He people will never accept a human as their queen. It would be so hard to her in the summerlands as well. They must find the object the unseelie took from her shop. Asha and Raven is about to go on a wild ride. So much happens in this book. I felt for Asha so much is thrown at her and she isn’t given much time to process anything. Then there is her attraction to Raven. Could they really be made for each other? Could she give up everything she knows and follow him into the summerlands? I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read the next book in the series. Fantastic job K.J. Baker.
7 reviews
December 31, 2020
I really enjoyed this book. Not everything is easily solved for the main characters, and there is no magical solution for them in the various events they face. Also, I think it’s worth pointing out that Raven isn’t some all powerful creature. He has weaknesses like anyone else would. It makes him more realistic (as far as characteristics/personality go, not the whole fae king thing). The plot is good and the ending is well rounded. It does end without clearing up all the problems the two main characters face, but it doesn’t leave off at some pivotal moment making you want to scream wondering what happens next. Can’t wait for the next book!!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
2,601 reviews44 followers
March 5, 2021
This was a great introduction to the series. It is fast paced, passionate and so much more with an epic line of intrigue that will keep you on your toes. I found once I started this book, I could not put it down. The concept behind this book is unique and I adored it! That connection you can feel right away between Asha and Raven. When everything gets twisted and turned upside down, Asha is learning there is more to the world that meets the eye! Raven is so driven that you cannot help but swoon for his alphaness! This is one of those stories you do not want to end!
Profile Image for Jennifer Johnson.
435 reviews10 followers
January 9, 2021
Shadow of the Fae is a wonderful book that has begun world building with hopefully many more books to come. It's imaginitive, sexy, intriguing and exciting. I look forward to learning how the Seelie, Unseelie & mortals fair in the end and will definitely continue to read this series. I highly recommend to all the paranormal romance lovers out there, you will be glad you read this!
Profile Image for Brin Shayhorn.
33 reviews
February 5, 2022
Couldn't finish

I got 80% through the book when I had to stop reading. Unfortunately the characters and story was lacking. It wasn't necessarily bad I was just bored the whole time. I was hoping to push though and it would get better but it just didn't. Even the scenes where there was fighting going on I was still bored.
116 reviews1 follower
March 26, 2021
Fae romance

Welll....surprised to really enjoy this story between Raven and Ashe ,a good solid story..bold characters and plenty of clever action ...good page turn...so much I read the book in 1 evening..
Roll on book 2 and 3...

57 reviews
June 25, 2021

The book was very good but I felt like the two MC s really didn't have much relationship building other them there misunderstandings and arguments. But the detail around the far realm was enlightenment for the second book
Profile Image for Koisty.
310 reviews818 followers
November 23, 2022
This book misses the mark on many levels.

It reminded me of watching the old school Charmed series (not in plot/content but with the same vibe of it’s on the verge of good/trash TV and it can’t make up its mind what it wants to be but you can’t look away type of vibe)

The characters are extremely one dimensional and stay that way the entire book.

The story starts with Asha basically buying an orb for her Antique shop and comes off almost instantly as “not like the other girls” cause she is young and beautiful and wears sweatshirts and sneakers and is different. Two Fae break in and basically wreck her whole shop and she is saved and teleported by “the most beautiful man” she has ever seen…Raven.

There are weird gaps in the plot and decisions that are made that don’t really make sense as to why which ends up leaving strange plot holes and questions. The story moves very quickly and aspects and situations are not fully fleshed out that this sometimes feels like fan fiction that could have used a few more rounds of editing and cleanup… the dialog is trying to be “modern” and spunky but feels very cliche. There is banter between Raven and Asha but it just gets annoying.

Due to the fact that there is no character development this is just action and fluff. Passes the time but not impactful.

I got to about 80% of book thinking sure I’ll read the next book in the series.… but then I just realised I was very annoyed with the decisions the characters made and the way the story went (it’s very predictable though).

If I had NOTHING ELSE on my TBR to read, it’d pick up book 2.
Profile Image for Reads_Must .
684 reviews15 followers
January 30, 2024
Shadow of the Fae
Shadow Court #1
K.J. Baker

• ꜰᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴍᴀᴛᴇꜱ • ᴅᴜᴀʟ ᴘᴏᴠꜱ • ʙᴇᴛʀᴀʏᴀʟ •

I've read alot of books based on the Fae but this one was a little confusing. Usually the Seelie are good, represented by the sun, gold, light etc and the Unseelie are the opposite and represented by the dark, shadows, beasts etc, but in this book Raven is from the Shadow Court which is part of the Seelie and the fae that wrecked Asha's shop were Unseelie but from the Court of the Sun.

There were a few odd word choices, as if the author had used a thesaurus because they didn't fit right and it threw me off every time.

The characters were ok but I found Asha to be very frustrating. I'm not a fan of the miscommunication trope at all but Asha would constantly swing between wanting to know every single detail to suddenly not wanting to talk about anything at all amd walking away.

Although Asha and Raven are mates, I felt like their "relationship" developed far too quickly. They knew each other for 2-3 days and confessed their undying love for each other. Asha herself notices at one point that she knows nothing about Raven but just brushes it off.

The pacing was far too fast. It would've been a lot better if things progressed more slowly.

Some of the decisions the characters made didn't really make sense and there were a few plot holes.

It's a shame because this book has a lot of potential but after finishing it, I feel like not a lot really happened plot wise and I'm not invested in the characters enough to continue this series
Profile Image for Maria.
335 reviews45 followers
March 15, 2021
3.5 stars

This my first foray into Fae paranormal romance and the world building was just what I expected and easy to follow. The story took place in our world with some exposition on the Fae world sprinkled throughout - not too little information and not too info dump-y.

I like both main characters, Raven and Asha. Raven is not the typical tall, dark and handsome ass and more of the quiet type who is holding himself back. I enjoyed how their romance developed over the book and that while there was some instant attraction, both of them focused on the task instead and got to know each other before diving deep into the romantic thoughts. Their conflict was basically that meme of the guy who is shooting himself and then blames someone else instead. Raven allowed Asha to make her own choices in everything but their relationship, held back information and then left her only to blame the universe for his loneliness? Yeah, I did not feel that sorry for him there ...

Overall they were cute together and I want to read more of their story. I'm curious what will be in store for the both of them, even though I'm kinda bummed that Asha had nothing left that tied her to the Human World by the end of the story.
Profile Image for Sara Ann.
656 reviews5 followers
May 30, 2022
I think my biggest problem with booktok, is I just add books without looking into any more information about them, and boy have I ended up reading some boring books.

My biggest issue with this book is the characters had no depth whatsoever, I was not invested in the characters, I was not invested in their "romance" I wasn't. Usually I love fated mates, but they were "in love" after 2 days, without knowing ANYTHING about each other, or building any sort of bond or connection. The story felt very rushed and forced. The characters don't grow at all, (I just read the book 5 mins ago, and can't even remember their names!) but anyways the MMC does not tell the female what she is to him for like the entire book, he doesn't really share anything about himself besides the fact he's a soldier. The only character trait the FMC has is that she is an antique dealer, but I wouldn't really call that a character trait. Also, what was with the MMC wanting to kill a human slave lol like that was his go to solution to fix the problem.

I will not be continuing this story, frankly because I have too many books on my TBR to read a book that doesn't have any depth to it.
Profile Image for Tiffany Readz.
1,969 reviews50 followers
February 27, 2021
3.5 Stars-It's a Start

Shadow of the Fae is the start of the Shadow Court series and our introduction to Raven and Asha. A little out of my comfort zone, I was intrigued by the blurb for this series and decided to give the Fae world a whirl.

It reads a little clunky and like it's trying too hard, however K.J. Baker did a nice job of introducing her characters, as well as the supporting characters and all that is going on in the Fae world, which was a bit much for me at times. That said, I enjoyed taking the journey with Raven and Asha and will continue to see how this is going to play out for them in the next book. We've spent some time on Earth, now we'll get to see what the Fae world is all about from a mortal's eyes.

Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog.
13 reviews
February 20, 2022
So the storyline was fast paced and entertaining but the romance part has me hesitating on whether I liked the book as a whole. The fated mates concept is one that I personally enjoy so that isn't the issue. My issue is that they didn't have chemistry aside from just lust. There was no witty banter, there was no connection other than pure attraction. Their conversations consisted of the next steps of their plan and a small insignificant argument. Additionally, they are professing their love after what, four days? It just seemed rushed, the romantic side could have been drawn out in the second book. There were a few typos but that isn't out of the ordinary for KU books.
Profile Image for Alexis.
40 reviews
January 29, 2024
I admire anyone who has the courage to put their writing out there. Whether that's books, fan fiction, whatever. It's not an easy thing to do.

That being said I really, really didn't like this book. The Fae MMC doesn't know what a cell phone is but he has and knows how to drive a car? The FMC identifies unknown fae assailants early on in the book based on their different hair color but continues to call them "Blond" and "Dark Hair" throughout the rest of the book despite learning their names. Characterizations felt flat. This really felt like it could use way more editing.

I did have to put the book down and laugh out loud when Raven threw Asha off the motel balcony though.
Profile Image for Eliza.
698 reviews6 followers
January 3, 2021
This was a pretty good read. A lot of action and events going on in this plot. I did get confused at times but that was due to being slightly distracted when reading. The plot was decent with lots of ups and downs. The characters were great, growing over the course of the story. It was a great work to kick off a new series. I look forward to the next in the series.

I give this a four out of five stars. The plot and characters were great. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,157 reviews18 followers
July 4, 2023
DNF @ 53%

This girl is into antiques, some bad fae show up and bust up her store, she teams up with a "good" fae to stop the bad fae from completing their master plan.

So our heroine is just constantly acting like she didn't force her way into this partnership. She blames him for just everything under the sun, but he told her repeatedly not to come along so I wish she would have just had a better attitude. When she gets mad at him for planning on returning home without her, a girl he's known for a few hours, I just couldn't take her crazy anymore.
Profile Image for  Emily ༘.☽˚。⋆.ᨒ↟.
12 reviews2 followers
July 6, 2024
This was just okay. Plenty of annoying details but the worst part is that the main character calls two other characters in the book "blond" and "dark hair" the ENTIRE. FREAKING. BOOK. Even after she is told their names. She's over here saying "dark hair" in reference to this man in very serious conversations and it's not even funny, it just feels so ridiculous. 'We have to get there before dark hair'. I can appreciate goofiness in a book but that ain't it.
200 reviews2 followers
March 10, 2021
LOVED it!! I was looking for something GOOD to read and gave this a try and it was perfect! The story line is so good. A struggling young antiques dealer finds an interesting but odd sphere of metal with strange carvings on it. She wakes up that night and discovers 2 handsome strangers in her shop and then another pops into the shop and the action and intrigue begin!!
Profile Image for Marianne.
6,214 reviews71 followers
December 23, 2020
This is an amazing fae romance! I really enjoyed it... It has magic and fated mates. Hold-your-breath action and a yummy fae king..

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews

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