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City of Dragons #1

The Awakening Storm

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Grace and her friends must protect a newly hatched dragon from mysterious evildoers.

When Grace moves to Hong Kong with her mom and new stepdad, her biggest concern is making friends at her fancy new boarding school. But when a mysterious old woman gifts her a dragon egg during a field trip, Grace discovers that the wonderful stories of dragons she heard when she was a young girl might actually be real--especially when the egg hatches overnight.

The dragon has immense powers that Grace has yet to understand. And that puts them both in danger from mysterious forces intent on abusing the dragon's power. And now it's up to Grace and her school friends to uncover the sinister plot threatening the entire city!

240 pages, Hardcover

First published September 21, 2021

About the author

Jaimal Yogis

23 books210 followers
Jaimal Yogis is the author of numerous books including Saltwater Buddha, The Fear Project, and All Our Waves Are Water, which have been internationally praised and translated into numerous languages. More recently he has been writing children's books like Mop Rides the Waves of Life, which was named a 2020 Favorite by the Children's Book Review and one of the best sportsbooks for all ages by Book Riot. The next picture book in the series, Mop Rides the Waves of Change, comes out this July from Parallax Press and Penguin Random House, and his middle-grade graphic novel series, City of Dragons, also releases this fall, 2021, from Scholastic. Jaimal's award-winning journalism has appeared in publications like The Washington Post, ESPN Magazine, The Atlantic, and many others. He lives near San Francisco's Ocean Beach with his wife Amy and their three boys.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 378 reviews
Profile Image for Bookishrealm.
2,793 reviews6,017 followers
January 14, 2022
This wasn’t what I was expecting! It started off rather slow, but about 60% in the story really picks up. The story itself focuses on a young girl by the name of Grace who ends up moving to Hong Kong after a family tragedy. While there she learns that the fantastical myths her father used to share with her may actually hold some truth. This story has some great aspects to it including the friendship between Grace and secondary characters. After experiencing so much, it was nice to see Grace have a solid core group of friends with such varying personalities. Together they help Grace put the pieces of the puzzle together when she meets a mysterious woman in the market who gives her an egg. I will say that no one is who you expect them to be in this story and that it also covers some pretty heavy themes. It’s a really interesting take on Chinese mythology and because it ends on a cliff hanger I can’t wait to get to the next installment. The artwork was fantastic, full of rich and bright colors. The only down side is that it does take a little while for the story to build up and get really interesting, but once it does you’re in for a treat. If you haven’t considered checking this out make sure you do so!
Profile Image for Jessica (Odd and Bookish).
611 reviews815 followers
September 23, 2021
I received a copy of this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun and wild ride!

You can’t review a graphic novel without first talking about the artwork. The art in this book is colorful, vibrant, and full of life. It complemented the story beautifully. Additionally, the dragon illustrations were superb. They were depicted as fierce and majestic.

The story was so entertaining. I’m a sucker for fantasy adventure quests. Plus, who doesn’t love a tale about dragons? At the same time, there was also a lot of heart and emotion throughout which gave the story some balance.

However, the ending felt a little convoluted. There was a lot going on. Luckily, this is the first book in the series, so more will be revealed in the coming book. The end does set up the next book nicely. I am very intrigued to see it how unfolds.

I also loved the characters. Grace and all her friends were fleshed out, dynamic characters. I was glad that their backgrounds were touched upon. It made them feel more real and relatable.

Overall, this was a highly amusing graphic novel. It’s aimed at middle grade readers, but can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you’re a fan of dragons or Chinese mythology, be sure to check this one out!
September 26, 2021
Man, this was sooooo good! I didn’t think I could be on the edge of my seat with a graphic novel, but I was WRONG! Lol This begins full force. Grace has to deal with some ignorant creeps who, are 1st of all racist jerks, & 2nd of all-get physically rough with this little girl! 😡 She lets them know what’s what though, & kicks some serious butt! Then she suffers a loss, fast forward 3 years, & her mom moves them to Hong-Kong. She makes the most amazing friends who go on this adventure with her, after a strange old lady gives her an egg-& a dragon hatches! Nate has my whole entire heart! I want him! This can definitely get dark at times, but it was a wonderful, wild, crazy adventure. The humor is also SO good! I laughed so hard at Ramesh! I loved all of the culture in here, & diversity. I LOVED learning about the Dragon Kings & the Yellow Emperor, & was so intrigued & engrossed reading this. Me being me, I immediately went online to learn more lol. I especially loved how this came full circle, with the beginning the creeps making her feel awful for her “mixed blood”(but they used an even more ignorant term). But then she learns how special that blood can be-stronger & with more courage & compassion. And all of us are “mixed”, no matter outside appearances, & that’s a great thing. This is full of family, culture, loss, bravery, grief, friendship, humor, danger, suspense, compassion, healing, & hope. I cannot wait for the next one. The art by Vivian Truong is STUNNING too. LOVE everything about this. Highly recommend-it’s out now too!💜
Profile Image for Anniek.
2,233 reviews830 followers
August 5, 2022
I randomly picked this up at the bookstore, just because it was one of the few graphic novels they had and it looked ADORABLE. And I loved this! It's like reading a middlegrade Marvel movie, and with DRAGONS!!
Profile Image for Nicole.
642 reviews56 followers
June 10, 2022
Netgalley eARC
german and english review

Das war so gut!!! Ich wünschte mehr Leute würden über das Buch/die Geschichte reden.

Es hat ein bisschen langsam angefangen, dass muss ich ehrlich zu geben aber es nimmt dann echt an Geschwindigkeit zu und obwohl es mehr Action gibt, bleibt die Geschichte nicht hinten dran.

Die Charaktere sind wirklich toll. FREUNDSCHAFT FEELS!!!
Ich mochte die Geschichte und das Abenteuer. Die Wendungen. Der Artstil war wirklich schön. UND DIE DRACHEN!!!!

Freu mich auf mehr davon.


This was so good!!! I wish more people would talk about this book/this story.

I have to admit it started a bit slow but then it really picked up the pace but even though there was more action going on, it still didn't lose the plot over it.

The characters are really great. FRIENDSHIP FEELS!!!
Overall I really liked the story and the adventure. The twist. The art style was really fun. AND THE DRAGONS!!!!

Can't wait to get more of this.
Profile Image for Danielle.
Author 2 books258 followers
January 16, 2022
So enjoyed this action-packed graphic novel, not only bc it was set at my high school in Hong Kong. :) A fabulous blend of story, surprise, and a group of kids who balance jokes and friendship and high stakes.
Profile Image for kate.
1,455 reviews976 followers
March 28, 2023
A beautifully illustrated, incredibly fun, sweet and action packed adventure story that’s perfect for young (and older) readers looking for an exciting read with Marvel movie vibes.

TW: death of a parent
Profile Image for Anna  Quilter.
736 reviews38 followers
February 21, 2024
More interesting and developed than I first gave it credit for.
It does take some turns I wasn't expecting and despite the 'fun' cover..it seems to be aimed at older YA.
Profile Image for Starr ❇✌❇.
1,484 reviews148 followers
December 4, 2021
TW: racism

This was both a cute story of identity and baby dragons and a tense, action packed adventure! I love the saturated color palette and the way the dragons are drawn, and I enjoyed how well the main cast works as a friend group while also being distinct characters. The ending also begs for more adventure to come!
Profile Image for Vern.
54 reviews
January 16, 2023
I really enjoyed City of Dragons: The Awakening Storm. The artwork was beautiful and the plot was great. Between all the action and mystery there’s hints of humor. I’m definitely going to read the sequels to see where this story ends.
June 28, 2022

Auf dem Nachhauseweg wird Grace von einer Gruppe Jugendlicher abgefangen. Sie ziehen sie mit dem Wort Mischling auf und lästern über ihre Eltern. Zu Hause ist Grace verwirrt und berichtet ihrem Vater von dem Vorfall. Dieser tröstet seine Tochter mit einer Geschichte aus lang vergangener Zeit.

Er berichtet vom Gelben Kaiser, dem Vater des chinesischen Volkes, der in der Lage war, sich in einen Drachen zu verwandeln. Als ein Krieg ausbrach, mischte der Kaiser sein Blut mit dem seiner tapfersten Krieger. Das Ergebnis waren Menschen, die von ihrem Umfeld als Mischlinge bezeichnet wurden. Doch diese Mischblüter waren stärker als Drachen, ja sogar stärker als Götter. Sie besaßen den Mut der Unsterblichen. Hinzu kam großes Mitgefühl.

Diese Geschichte beruhigt Grace. Der Alltag holt sie bald wieder ein. Doch der starke Husten, der ihren Vater tagtäglich begleitet, eskaliert. Irgendwann bricht er zusammen. Es wird Krebs diagnostiziert. Als ihr Vater dann stirbt, ist das Mädchen am Boden zerstört.

Die Mutter findet einen neuen Mann. Hank arbeitet in einem erfolgreichen Unternehmen, das sich mit der Erforschung von Krankheiten wie Krebs und der Verlängerung der Lebenszeit von Menschen beschäftigt. Hank wird von seiner Arbeit stark vereinnahmt. Daher ziehen Grace und ihre Mutter zu ihm nach Hongkong. Grace geht auf eine neue Schule und lernt dort neue Freunde kennen.

Einer von ihnen, Ramesh, stiftet sie an, während eines Schulausflugs abzuhauen und auf den nahen Markt zu gehen. Grace ist unwohl dabei, macht jedoch mit und wird dort schnell von einer Handleserin vereinnahmt, die bald schon schnell und in einer fremden Sprache auf sie einredet. Ein Marktarbeiter übersetzt, dass die Handleserin kein Geld möchte. Stattdessen hat sie ein Geschenk für Grace: Ein riesiges blaues Ei.

Ab da an beginnt für Grace ein großes Abenteuer. Denn am nächsten Morgen ist das Ei vom Nachttisch verschwunden. Überall liegen Eierschalen, deren Spur ins nahegelegene Bad führt. Und plötzlich tritt das Fantastische in ihre Welt. Denn in der Toilette schwimmt nichts anderes als ein kleiner Babydrache ...


Von dem Zeitpunkt an, an dem Grace das kleine Drachenbaby in der Toilette entdeckt, beginnt der fantastische Teil dieser Geschichte. Grace erinnert sich an die Erzählungen ihres Vaters, der einst vom großen Krieg zwischen dem Gelben Kaiser und seinem General Daijiang erzählte. Drachen waren für Grace bis vor Kurzem nur eine Legende gewesen. Doch das, was sie dort mit großen Augen aus dem Abflussrohr anschaut, sieht nicht wirklich wie eine einfache Echse aus.

Die ersten Probleme stellen sich jedoch gleich nach dem anfänglichen Begeisterungsschub ein. Denn ihrer Mutter und ihrem Stiefvater möchte Grace ihre neue Entdeckung nicht zeigen und somit versteckt sie das Drachenbaby, dem sie den Namen Nate gibt, in ihrem Schulrucksack; gemeinsam mit der kuscheligen Decke von Oma. In der Schule kommen ihr drei Mitschüler auf die Spur. Grace bleibt keine andere Wahl, als diese in ihr Geheimnis einzuweihen.

Es handelt sich um Ramesh, James und Jing. Drei Jugendliche, die durch das gemeinsam gehütete Geheimnis schon bald zu einem Team zusammenwachsen und sodann in ein riesiges Abenteuer starten, das mit der Erforschung der Geschichte von Nate beginnt. Schließlich möchte so ein Drachenbaby auch gefüttert werden und überraschenderweise macht es auch noch einen riesigen Wachstumsschub über Nacht. Grace wird Nate nicht auf Dauer in ihrem Rucksack verstecken können.

Bald schon artet die Forschung der Jugendlichen in einer wilden Verfolgungsjagd aus. Irgendwer möchte Nate stehlen. Doch wieso? Und warum weiß diese dritte Partei überhaupt von dem Drachen? Wo ist die alte Frau vom Markt hin? Nach und nach decken die Vier Geheimnisse auf und geraten in gefahrvolle Situationen. Die Bilder sind hübsch und niedlich, verständlich und spannend.

Jaimal Yogis hat mit seinem Ermittlerteam dramaturgisches Geschick gezeigt. Die verschiedenen Charaktere ergeben eine höchst unterhaltsame Mischung.

So findet Grace Unterstützung durch den technikbegeisterten Ramesh, der zum Beispiel ein zweites Smartphone mit automatischem Selbstauslöser in seine Schuhsohle integriert hat. Oder einen Minispielzeugflieger mit eingebauter Kamera entwarf. Dann gibt es noch Jing, die Ramesh hinter ihrem Rücken als „die Schönheitskönigin“ bezeichnet und die einige gute Kampfkunsttricks beherrscht. Last but not least James, „der Streber“, der zwar als Waisenkind aufgewachsen ist, dies aber bei einer liebenswerten Familie in Australien. Australien bietet, so James, herausragenden Schülern mit Interesse an internationalen Beziehungen jedes Jahr die Möglichkeit eine Schule außerhalb des Landes zu besuchen. Und somit kam James nach Hongkong. Und hier bereichert er das Team rund um Grace mit seinem großen Wissen.

Die Freundschaft der Vier entwickelt sich schnell zu einem festen Bündnis. Abends sitzen Grace, James, Jing und Ramesh gemeinsam in Grace Schlafzimmer und beraten gemeinsam, wie ihr Abenteuer weitergehen soll. In Krisensituationen können sie sich aufeinander verlassen.


Jaimal Yogis legt mit „City of Dragons – Der Sturm erwacht“ eine Graphic Novel, die das Fantastische als Einkleidung nutzt, vor. Dabei kommen Spannung und Humor nicht zu kurz, sodass sich das Buch unglaublich kurzweilig liest. Die verspielten Zeichnungen und das Bildgeschehen ziehen die Leser durch die Seiten.

Auch das Setting ist gekonnt gewählt: Hongkong. Die detailreichen und farbenfrohen Schilderungen transportieren Lokalkolorit, das authentisch wirkt. Selbstverständlich gilt dies nicht für die Geschichte, die darin angesiedelt ist. Und das ist auch gut so, denn gelungene Fantasy gibt sich - wie hier - unendliche Mühe in den Details.

Ich empfehle das Buch daher an Drachen- und Fantasyliebhaber, die auf der Suche nach einem großen Abenteuer sind.
July 29, 2024
I saw this graphic novel in the library and because it has 'dragons' in the title, I had to read it. It was fun and I enjoyed it a lot.
The story talks about Grace, who moves to Hong Kong after the death of her father and she goes to a private school. It's hard for her to adjust, but she makes friends. After receiving a dragon egg, things start to get weird. She discovers that she's a 'halfblood' and embarks on an adventure with her friends and her dragon.
It's a colorful graphic novel and the characters are really good worked out. They are not blank, but have depth. At times it's high in action and fast paced, but also very funny and a lot of humor in it.
The extra to the story is the history lessons about the dragons and the gems.
Profile Image for D.T..
Author 5 books78 followers
October 16, 2021
The artwork is snazzy (it’s giving me Webtoon energy lol), but in the first few pages there’s a lot going on story-wise. Grace feels alienated due to her mixed ancestry (Chinese dad, white mom), and her dad tries to cheer her up with surfing. Jump forward three years later, Grace’s going to an international school in Hong Kong. There are some cliché beats, a la wise, old person gifts MC with a magical item/creature, but it works. Tropes aren’t inherently bad, but it’s how you use them.

As always, I love dragons (Eastern or Western), and I think kids will probably enjoy this one.
Profile Image for Brigid Cruickshank.
131 reviews18 followers
February 14, 2022
I read a few reviews which warned of inappropriate content. It's true there are violent moments (someone is pushed out of a window; a person gets slammed in the face with a skateboard), but pretty tame - especially compared with real life (& their video games). So... I let it ride & got them the book.

Darcy finished it in two days and asked for another book by the author. Mackenzie took about a week (for her a new record). Both are fans.

Nothing like a little inappropriate content to get the kids reading!
Profile Image for Liberty {SaltyBookSlinger}.
477 reviews54 followers
September 2, 2023
I saw this at work and thought it was too adorable to not take home to read. It's the first in the graphic novel series City of Dragons. I loved Vivian Truong's lively, colorful art throughout, and Nate the Water Dragon is the cutest little guy. I don't know that I'll continue the series, but I always like to give the first book a try, if only to be familiar with it for customers. This is something I'll be able to recommend to middle grade readers looking for fantasy and adventure, with diverse characters and clean content.
June 21, 2023
It took me a long time to read this one even though it was a graphic novel. It was just too boring for me. So many of the “emotional” scenes fell pretty flat, which led to the book getting such a low review from me. However, I did like the characters and I grew more fond of the main character Grace as the book went on.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews410 followers
December 6, 2022
Dragons! Magic! Family! Friendship! And more! This was so much fun and I am delighted that I found this book!

So during my vacation I was at a bookstore when I came across this book! Graphic novels, especially in English (and at a decent price even) are very rare. So of course I picked this one up. It had Dragons, a ton of mythology, adventure, and more! Sign me up!

In this book we meet a girl named Grace. She had a fun life so far.. until her dad dies. Until she has to move to Hong Kong where her new stepdad lives (no worries there is a bit of time between death and mom getting a new man, I was also confused when I read that in the blurb). She can barely speak Mandarin/Chinese. She is in a foreign country. At first she wings it, but then during a trip she gets gifted an egg. She doesn’t know what it is, but she finds out very quickly. Haha, I had a laugh at those scenes because HECK yes, I would have reacted the same way. Like, WELL, NOPE. But quickly she becomes friends with the little dragon. And I loved it! Grace was such a fun and interesting character, you just want to root for her. Give a hug at times because things aren’t easy and with the addition of a dragon things only get harder.

Because yeah, there are some people who want that dragon. Some very bad baddies. I have to say I was both shocked and saddened by the fact that it was THAT person behind things. I won’t spoil anything, but while I did have some suspicions on that person.. I still was in disbelief. The book gets quite exciting with chases, a boat trip gone very scary, big dragons, flying, and more! There is definitely not one boring moment while reading.

I loved reading about the dragons, get some more mythology, and see Grace’s dragon grow and learn more about him. Did you know that a dragon is very expensive to keep? XD

And as the story continues, and especially later, we get some shocking revelations!

I wasn’t sure about Grace’s new friends at first, but I really started to like them as the story continued and I am definitely hoping that all these kids get a dragon so they can form a team. Because hey, according to the legend there are more dragons and I definitely need them in my life! I need more adventure.

The art was really fun in this graphic novel. I love the style and definitely want to see what else Vivian Truong has done!

All in all, I would recommend this one to all! It was just so much fun and I need the next book soon!

Review also posted on https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Becky B.
8,441 reviews147 followers
September 16, 2022
Grace has moved to Hong Kong with her new stepdad's job. Grace is still grieving her dad who died of cancer, but she's trying to make the best of things. During her first week at her new international school Grace is out in Kowloon on a field trip when an old lady palm reader uses a phrase her dad used to talk to Grace about, mixed blood, only in her dad's stories it refers to a legend about people who had a mix of human and dragon blood. Grace is pretty sure the old lady is just telling her she's half-Caucasian, half-Asian, but then the old lady gives Grace a strange orb. The next day that orb hatches into a very real baby water dragon. Soon Grace and a few kids from school are hunting down where the little dragon could've come from and why it was given to Grace.

I love the Hong Kong setting and the international school student featured in this. It will be a huge hit with our international students here in Bangkok who can relate to the third culture kid experience. (As an international school teacher in Asia for almost 2 decades, I thought the depiction of what an international school is really like was about 70% correct, and 30% close but not quite, but hey, I'm just glad to see one in a middle grade book!) The dragon was also very cute, and the way the legend about mixed blood and Grace wrestling with her mixed heritage worked together very well. There's a mystery that gets somewhat revealed towards the end of this and now I need book 2 as soon as possible. I'm so curious to see where things go next!

Notes on content: There are some racist comments at the beginning. Grace's dad does a great job talking to her about that. No sexual content. There's bullying at the beginning that gets physical with a teensy bit of blood shed. There are dangerous situations with threats from guns and other dangers, and medical experiments you aren't sure were good or not. The death of a parent from cancer is part of the story.
Profile Image for joanna.
625 reviews19 followers
May 20, 2022
This was SO cute! I’m a sucker for anything to do with dragons, and the dragons in this one were just adorable! It reminded me a lot of the dragons from Raya and the Last Dragon. The artwork in this was absolutely stunning and fit the story so well!

For me the artwork was the best part of this. The story was very lacking at certain points and was so choppy I felt like I was getting whiplash. It just jumped around so fast and was like it couldn’t decide what it really wanted to be. The mythological aspect of it was just sort of there to get the story moving but was never really explained in detail.

I also felt like the characters were just so bland. Like they were so vague I never really got to know them or anything.

In short, the artwork is great, the story is meh, but I’ll pick up the second one if it comes out just to see where the story goes!

Profile Image for Elizabeth.
50 reviews27 followers
January 15, 2022
Fast paced story, engaging characters, really enjoyed it. There are some things I think could use some work/development, so we'll see how the series continues.
Profile Image for Celia.
Author 7 books533 followers
September 20, 2021
ARC received from the author!

The world works in strange ways.

There are moments when I'll be on Amazon looking through novels or graphic novels and scrolling through the Recommended for you lists in order to discover new reads and add them to my evergrowing TBR. I came across The Awakening Storm: City of Dragons saw the artwork and immediately preordered it. Let's fast forward to some time later and here I am with a review copy in my grabby yet grateful hands. There are some days when I've run out of spicey veggie straws or half & half and I think to myself, this is not a wonderful world. BUT then I read books like this and it's like someone coming over and bringing you a breakfast burrito and a cold brew: utter perfection.

The story opens up with Grace kicking some serious butt and we immediately get a feel for the type of person she is. Fierce, protective, and maybe a little hot-headed, but it's fine. Being a girl in the world, you must be rude to stay alive. Her father has cancer and after a while, he succumbs to it.

Full-stop there.

I was not expecting the military funeral and big, fat tears may have fallen and stained a page so there's that.


Fast forward three years later and her mother has remarried and moved to Hong Kong. Grave attends an international school where she feels like an outcast, but before long, she meets a trio of friends who take her out for a day on the town. Grace meets an old woman selling jewelry who hands her what appears to be a decorative egg of some kind. But when the egg hatches into a bitty blue dragon, Grace realizes she has to keep it safe. When a batch of goons show up, she and her friends race against time to get help. Someone wants the dragon for their own purposes, but our Grace isn't going to let that go down.

Let's talk about Grace. Like I said earlier, she's super fierce and I loved her from the very start. But after her father dies, we see a change in her. She's meek and definitely lives inside of herself. I loved seeing her true nature come through as the story progresses and her friends definitely help with that.

The Chinese mythology surrounding dragons was *chefs kiss*.

Dragon stories are always a draw for me and much too often (you all have read my rants over the lack of dragons in DRAGON BOOKS) we don't get a strong focus on the dragons, but the story here balances both the dragon's myths and Grace's story without sacrificing both.

All in all this story had me up late last night. I'm a little tired BUT a good tired because I know it wasn't because I was scrolling through Reddit or solving a crime via youtube. This was a very good use of my time and I cannot wait for future installments.

Profile Image for Rayne Kleinofen.
69 reviews
November 6, 2023
A more accurate rating would have been 2.5 stars. This book is definitely aimed at middle school readers and while I appreciate the choice to platform Chinese mythology, I simply think there are better books available. Despite the book taking place primarily in Hong Kong, the intended audience seemed to be US children. This was most obvious when certain words or concepts were “westernized” (like the MTR renamed to the subway). Taking that context into account there were a few incentive creative decisions made (such as making the only black character the abandoned adoptee). If the target audience is in the US, it is important to be mindful of the taboo character type decisions are going to be interpreted by that audience. However, I feel we are at a point in literature where diverse works need to be written for a worldwide audience. It’s more impactful to write a story for any reader than to prioritize one localized area. The characters,though coming from all around the world, were flat and aligned with archetypes US children would associate with those places in the world. Westernizing the language represents a distrust in a young readers ability to visually recognize the similarities in transportation systems despite having a different name. That theme of distrust from the author circulates throughout the writing with the absence of exploring complicated issues surrounding race, displacement, and grief. After struggling to stay invested in the work and sensing something off about the storytelling, I looked up interviews the author did. It solidified my perception that, though the author has a respect for this culture, there is an inherent disconnect that caused the overall work to suffer.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mrs Heidrich.
716 reviews28 followers
August 9, 2022
This was a surprise for me and how much I enjoyed it. It's not that I don't enjoy graphic novels, but they're not my go to. I picked this one up as the artwork was fabulous and the blurb on the back was interesting as well as anything with a historical connection, I'm game for. I didn't put this down! Read it in one sitting!

Grace is the main character and she has lost her father to cancer and about 3 years later, she and her mom and step dad move to Hong Kong. There some fitting in and adjustment to school and new friendships before she meets a woman in a market that gives her an egg... and then the adventure truly begins when the egg cracks open! Grace is reminded of stories her dad used to tell and her and her friends help her to see what's going on.

I'm not saying more as I don't want to give anything away, but I'm very glad this is a series and look forward to Book 2!
Profile Image for Lata.
4,289 reviews233 followers
October 12, 2021
3.5 stars.
Ancient treaties, legends, war, a search for immortality, young teen Grace still grieving her wonderful dad starts school and makes friends with three other terrific people, meets an adorable creature, aaaaaannnnd, there are dragons!!

I liked the artwork a lot—it was exuberant and expressive.
The story was enjoyable, and I liked the friendship amongst the four individuals.
I could see the betrayal by one of the other character’s coming from the book’s beginning, but a younger audience would probably be shocked by the unmasking and the mostly self-serving reasons given by this antagonist.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,709 reviews34 followers
December 12, 2022
After Grace's dad dies of cancer, she moves to Hong Kong with her mom and new stepdad. At a market, an old woman gives her an egg-shaped rock, which hatches into...guess what. Turns out that Grace inherited some interesting genes (or something) from her father. And that other people and entities are aware of that, which puts her in danger and also gives her help. She also gets help from the friends she's made at the prestigious international school she attends, and they get deep into adventures. This book also sets the stage for more adventures, and I will watch for the next in the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 378 reviews

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