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Witches come of age when they turn eighteen—the age where they reach the full potential of their power and magical abilities.

Cricket Kendall's birthday is a little more than a month away. She's just moved to Emery Ridge, Colorado for her senior year of high school in the hopes her eccentric aunt Aurora might help her learn all she needs to know about becoming a full-fledged witch. Just a few days after moving to her new town, Aurora introduces Cricket to a young werewolf from the local pack.

Theo Ashbrooke is funny, charming, and super-freaking-hot.

Cricket and Theo connect right away, and it doesn't take long before they're spending almost all of their time together. The only problem is, Theo has two equally hot best friends:

Hollis Wakefield and Cas Seymour.

356 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 20, 2020

About the author

Willow Hadley

15 books874 followers
Willow Hadley is a self-published author who primarily writes sugary sweet reverse harem romance. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, their dog, ferret, and two cars. She started writing in early 2018, and decided to pursue publishing in 2020. She loves character driven stories and fluffy books that give you a warm, fuzzy feeling. She’s also obsessed with Disney movies, and her favorite candy is licorice.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 397 reviews
Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,494 followers
July 22, 2022
When I got to the end of this book I discovered that it had originally been published on Wattpad, which explained A LOT.

It's not a bad book, per se. Yes, the heroine is a massive Mary Sue: she's a gorgeous D-cup blonde, eats endless burgers without ever putting on a pound, and is the lust-object of practically every boy she meets except the gay ones. Yes, there's insta-love with the heroes. Yes, basically everyone who meets the heroine either loves her or hates her on the spot, and she's the talk of the whole school.

But there are good points. For one, the heroes are all clearly recognisable as different people from each other. For another, they're all just weirdly charming. I even found Cricket, the heroine, charming. And I liked that even though the heroes were unabashed manwhores before she came along, she was just as promiscuous as them. There's also NO OW drama; the guys are dedicated to her. It's completely angst-free and kind of refreshingly sweet.

One of the things that stopped me giving this book 4 stars, though, is when the heroine calls J.K. Rowling 'literal garbage'. I do not think it's okay to dismiss a victim of domestic abuse like that, or to normalise the verbal abuse of a woman who's already received countless death threats and been the subject of lots of misogynistic slurs. If you want to disagree with her ideological position, you can do that without resorting to personal attacks - especially in books that aren't inherently about real-world matters, like this one. It just felt jarring to me that Cricket would come out with this in between discussions of werewolves and witches, and made her seem more like a mouthpiece for the author's views.

This isn't inherently about me defending JKR, or even about her views. It isn't about the person; I've also criticised C.M. Stunich for using the names 'Donald', 'Jared' and 'Kushner' as villains' names in her books, even though I am no fan of Trump and his administration. It just makes the book feel incredibly inorganic to shoehorn in things like that.

Okay, off my soapbox now, back to the review.

So the characters are kind of interesting, but I'm sorry, am I the only one who finds it kind of weird that one of Cricket's older twin brothers regularly sees her naked and goes into the bathroom with her to get changed?

Other than random irksome points, it was a pretty readable book.

374 reviews6 followers
November 19, 2020
Now, what do I say... I have read this book so many times on Wattpad but it never failed to make me smile every time. It's such a cute, fluffy and completely refreshing book that I feel everybody needs to read it at least once.
Now, this is a reverse harem book. Not many people are aware of this genre and it's understandable their hesitation to give this a try. But, it's totally worth it especially coming from me for who this is the reverse harem read.
Honestly, there is so much negativity and hatred in so many other books that this is something we totally need.
Highlights - the MC (not the typical goody-two-shoes), no slut shaming, diverse LGBTQIA+ characters, dialogues heartwarming
Profile Image for Nique .
233 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2020
Seriously one of my favorites books I’ve EVER read. The author is sooo talented and portrayed every character so realistically . The main leads are so lovable and I love absolutely love that the female lead is so strong. She’s a total Queen and I really don’t want to spoil anything more even though I could talk about this book for daaaays. I’m so happy I found this book and I’m obsessed and waiting every days for the sequel to be updated. I hope to see many more books from this author in the future. Seriously this is a book that you just shouldn’t miss.
Profile Image for Mabel.
213 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2021
What a disappointment.

I truly enjoyed the author’s debut book, Smile Like You Mean It, so imagine my shock when Cricket ended up being not just a train wreck, but a trashy one. I really can’t imagine how else to describe a book that feels such a constant need to remind the reader how perfect its main character is, complete with her bra size. Because knowing she has huge, huge boobs is of the utmost importance for the reader to understand the character.

It goes beyond Cricket’s Mary Sue-levels of perfection (and those cannot be overstated, as it seems no one in the town has anything better to do besides gossip about her, be it either in jealousy or in awe), everything about this book feels so embarrassingly juvenile, right down to the fact that Paisley, the only girl in the book described as ‘heavy set’ is also described as both a ‘mean girl’ as well as ‘pathetic’ for her crush on one of Cricket’s guys. It’s a particularly unfortunate character choice given the book clearly aims to sell itself as diverse, what with the healthy amount of LGBTQ+ representation, the frankly tacky comment on J.K. Rowling, and Cricket’s proud history of promiscuity. All of that is fine, but the line of acceptable character traits stops at ‘fat’.

Then there’s the guys. Beyond the absurdly repetitive writing, which insists on hitting the reader over the head with their tics (did you notice Theo scrunches his nose when he laughs? That Hollis bites his lip and Cas runs his fingers through his head? That’s odd, as it is only repeated every couple of sentences) I enjoyed them, at least until Theo went ahead and gave away a girl’s phone number as a prize to a guy who did him a favor. How the hell did no one have a problem with this blatant breach of privacy?

That and the fact that Emerson and Killian enjoy dressing their younger, underage sister in, and I quote, ‘slutty’ clothes so guys hit on her at bars and they get to drink for free, firmly killed any interest I may have had on continuing this series. ‘Cricket’ could already be cut by at least half if a competent editor actually worked on it and told the author that characters don’t need to constantly giggle, laugh, smirk, grin or burst into laughter (screeching laughter in more than one worrisome occasion, too) to transmit a light atmosphere, as well as the fact that we don’t need to know the minutiae of these character’s every action. This book was already a slog of obnoxious writing and characters. I cannot expect the 516 pages of ‘Wildflower’ to be any different, and I need it in my life just as much as I need another hole in my head.

Gorgeous cover, though.
Profile Image for Alli.
3 reviews
November 19, 2020
I'm so happy I found this book on wattpad. I could not put it down. It's definitely a book you'll read more than once and still not be tired of it. The style of writing and the character's are so good.
3 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2020
I found this book at the beginning of my reverse harem journey and I couldn’t be happier.
I was unsure about the genre because I hadn’t found any books within it that weren’t completely overpowered by all the erotica components in it... Cricket was a much-awaited eye-opener.
I enjoyed reading this book so immensely much that I can’t even fully describe it.
It is light, funny, easy to read and the connection with the characters was immediate. They all have different personalities that are well developed and evolve throughout the book. They make mistakes that bring consequences upon them which makes them relatable and human, although we are talking about supernatural beings here 😄
Fantasy elements are well thought out and make the book much more interesting, I’m certainly immersed in this specific fantasy world and I want to learn even more.
I’m also glad that the main characters face problems with their feelings and a new relationship that they don’t know how to fully deal with or function in it.
Side characters are very appreciated and I’m relieved that they aren’t there only to serve the plot. Our main characters have friendship, enemies, and family storylines that intertwine with the main one. And it’s realistically done - there is a family drama, teasing, new friends or enemies that you would normally see in day to day life, just in a slightly different way.
But what makes this book so special (in my opinion) is that there isn’t a threat of some “big bad villain” looming over them all the time, instead the book focuses more on the dynamics between characters and how they function in their supernatural world with all of their differences. It’s truly refreshing.
I can’t wait to see where the story will take me next, I will be eagerly awaiting future adventures.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,073 reviews111 followers
November 25, 2020
Not my cup

I couldn't get past chapter 3. I haven't read much on these characters but right of the bat cricket and theo p*ss me off something fierce. How is cricket talking about starting out new from jerk ppl when she herself seems kinda a jerk herself? She meets the girl who works for her aunt and describes her as " heavy set"! Then we meet theo who she's pretty much hot for, they go out and she hears how him and his friends kinda make fun of her behind her back for crushing on a guy and writing him poetry, she's like that's not right! And he's like, "sorry, and he does feel bad but says "she's not really his type" I'm guessing because even though it's not said, it's because she's chubby right?! Then , cricket now feels bad that she's upset theo, and reaches out to console him! she understands him because she has two hot brothers??? And since she's always wearing little cut offs, lacy half shirts she's the damn cream of the crop huh? Yeah f*** off.
50 reviews1 follower
November 20, 2020
I cannot express enough how amazing this book is! The author has done an incredible job weaving a story to portray a world you as the reader are desperate to be a part of. The pace moves along perfectly, keeping you interested and on your toes, and the characters have been written so well that you will fall in love with them yourself. The sentiment behind #whychoose is personified by this author's work, I can never just choose one of the men she writes about, she makes them all too loveable. I have read all of her books many times on Wattpad, but being able to read this published version was incredible, the edits and changes made it even more interesting! I now just have to find it within myself to be patient and wait for the rest of the books to get published!
Profile Image for Nicole Hale.
945 reviews29 followers
November 20, 2020

I became a fan of Willow Hadley when I read Smile like you mean it! So when I saw she was releasing Cricket I knew I would love it! And let me tell you she did not disappoint!

Cricket she is an amazing MC! She is so real and down to earth I love her!! Theo, Hollis and Cas were amazing as well!

I will not post spoilers but this has a little bit of everything sassy and witty FMC, multiple POV, Witches, Wolf-shifters and RH with sexy men!! I loved this storyline so much! I also really enjoyed it not being insta love these characters built something solid by the end and I couldn’t get enough I was laughing through most of the book because her and the guys are just perfect. I read it all in one sitting and I need the next book!!
Profile Image for Seneca H.
23 reviews7 followers
December 17, 2023
Phenomenal. This is one of my favorite witch characters of all time, and certainly one of the best written. If you're anything like me, you'll fall in love with all the characters, and Willow will leave you begging for more.

This is one of the sweetest, most wholesome (for now lol) reverse harem books I've read, and it feels very authentic to true polyamorous experiences.

I'm not great at writing reviews, but I'm an avid reader, and this book checked all my boxes.
Profile Image for Aella-Tempest.
2 reviews
November 20, 2020
I received an ARC copy in exchange for my honest review of this book.

First off, let me start by saying that the cover of this book is amazing. It perfectly depicts what Cricket would look like in my mind's eye. From the very beginning, this book drags you in hook, line, and sinker. The plot of Cricket is not just some slightly altered, run of the mill, ordinary witch/werewolf reverse harem. Everything was extremely well thought out - right down to the smallest details. In fact, the reason why this book is such a good read is because of the imaginative approach the author took when writing this book and the uniqueness of the characters' situation.

You can tell that the author took care when writing this book because things aren't forgotten or pushed aside in favour of focusing on the larger picture. Every facet of this book gets time in the spotlight. That being said, because everything was so well described, I also got the feeling that this book was a little slow-paced, as it takes 10 chapters to describe 1 week. Although the character development was necessary for the progression of the book, I feel as though it could have been compressed. This resulted in a slightly skewed timeline.

The characters are well described, and their personalities are realistic in the sense that they act exactly the way a living, breathing human being would. They embody the people they would be in real life. Another great thing about this is that all the characters, even the secondary and background characters, have their own personality and uniqueness which makes Cricket interesting to read.

Now, onto grammar and conventions. In the entirety of the 36 chapters that make up Cricket, I found around ten errors, most of which were made up by backward quotation marks or the lack of a space after a period before starting a new sentence. For a book of this length, that is extremely good editing.

This is a book that you don't want to rush. It is gripping, entertaining, and an overall fun read. Other than swearing and some mention of sexual activity, Cricket contains no mature content. I'd recommend this series to an audience aged 18 or older.

You can continue the Cricket journey on Wattpad at: https://www.wattpad.com/user/xwillowee
February 3, 2021
Ok, so first I wanna put it out there that LOVE this cover.

This story is adorably sweet. The book is focused on Cricket and the guys going to school and hanging out. There's no big bad lurking in the shadows. While i'm not the biggest fan of the writing and nothing really happens, I tend to put characters over writing, plot & story so it wasnt a big issue.
The interactions between her and the guys was cute, and yes the word cute and adorable was used way too often in this book. I am in such a big RH slump and i'm so glad I randomly came across this book and actually gave it a chance. I was smiling throughout reading, Cricket is one of my favourite type of FMC. Yes she is a Mary Sue but I loved the fact that she wasnt jealous of the guys past sexual experience because her's is just as long and she unapologetically owns it.
While this book may not be to everyone's liking, it had all the elements of what I like in reverse harem and books in general.

I look forward to reading book 2 when it comes out
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,810 reviews
May 3, 2024
Must Read

I absolutely love this book and can’t wait to read book 2 in this series. I really love these characters especially the demon cat . Cricket is a awesome free Spirit and she’s hilarious and doesn’t really care what petty people think of her. Let just say first impressions are awesome especially when she meets the guys the first time.
Profile Image for G.
498 reviews187 followers
June 5, 2024
Really wholesome. Cant wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Daisy Delfin.
1,199 reviews158 followers
September 20, 2022
Pages: 390
My rating: 3.5

This is the second book of Willow Hadley I read and it is sweet and cute and fluffy. I actually like ultra slow burn rh romances, because if the author is good there is a great relationship building. And I love a good relationship building. Also the side characters are very interesting. I like Cricket’s brothers and her aunt, but also the guy’s mums. But to tell the truth, it took me a long time to finish this book and I am sure I would have liked it very much, if I would have been in the right mood. But unluckily I was not in the right mindset for this book. You really have to be in the mood for fluffy romance. I really liked Cricket, because she was only 17 but very secure in what she is and did not have the normal teenage problems like I am not beautiful, I do not look good or anything like that. And she already lost her v-card. I also liked that she used to be a player, because in many rh books girls are unexperienced or still have their v-card.

Overall I give it a 3.5 star rating and round it up to 4, as anything less would be because of my mood.

The Characters: according to Willow Hadleys Character Guide at the end of the book and additional remarks from me!

Summery: detailed, lot’s of spoiler
November 21, 2020
I loved this, I think Hadley is quickly becoming a favourite. I loved her first release Smile Like You Mean It and am eagerly awaiting the sequel and now I find myself in the same situation with her second release. I look forward to seeing where this story goes!!
Profile Image for Arabrax.
8 reviews
May 28, 2021
So the whole ‘plot’ of this series is how these characters need to wait until she’s 18 so they can have sex?

This heroine, who has a history of promiscuity, has no problem acting as bait for men to buy her and her brothers’ drinks at bars by dressing up in ‘slutty’ dresses?

The whole plot of this is ‘let’s wait until book 3 and you’re legal to see if we’re allowed’ to fuck?

How creepy. Especially when the characters are written like 12 years old, constantly wanting to ‘go play’. It almost feels like the constant talk about everyone’s promiscuity was put there to remind us these guys are teens and it’s okay. Except the idea of reading a sex scene with these characters disgusts me because they feel like tweens instead of any type of believable young adult.

Fucking gross.
Profile Image for Savannah Laegen.
234 reviews18 followers
January 17, 2021
Ahh okay. So this was my first book by Willow and I'm addicted😏
This book was so sweet - perfect for in-between all of the dark reads I've been into lately.

Cricket is a character that is unapologetically herself and I'm here for it. The guys... Hoyles moly the guys. I love them.
Profile Image for Tiana.
50 reviews3 followers
April 23, 2021
I'm so sorry to everyone who liked this and to the author but oh my god this is the most boring book I have ever read in my 23 soon to be 24 years of my life! I was enthralled by the cover, but as the saying goes ' you can't judge a book by it's cover'.

Okay, first of all, the whole 300+ pages of the book, the whole "plot" if it can be called that, happened in barely 2 weeks. Quite literally we heard about almost every minute of every day of Cricket's life. Her life in which n o t h i n g happens ever. Except that she and almost everyone around her laugh A LOT. Like all the time, just laughing all the time and smirking and smiling wide aND LAUGHING. Also, she gets mad a few times in the book so she glares but like a second later she forgives BECAUSE SHE CAN'T STAY MAD BECAUSE SHE FEELS LIKE something something.

It was unnerving.

Second, I wanna say that the book is pretty repetitive, the characters seem older and younger than they say they are, pick a lane, please. Oh, I just remembered this as well, but in the first, like idk, 5 pages Cricket is 5'3 and like 3 pages after she is 5'4 PICK ONE lol.

Third, OH MY GOD WHY WOULD YOU ADD A COMPLETE RANDOM PERSON POINT OF VIEW, THIS SHIT BOGGLES MY MIND, NEVER BEFORE HAVE I SEEN THIS?! Holy shit I was shook. Like I know some writers like dual pov or multiple characters pov, BUT always main people, never have I seen some random person thrown in and for what? To see how one of the guys is cute? Lol.

Fourth, we are teased about the sexy times, but like I said nothing ever happens, barely even kissing, though we do know that Cricket, as well as 2 other guys from her supposed future mates, are promiscuous, which isn't a problem to me at all, and neither it is for them in the book. At least one good thing here, where women aren't shamed for that stuff.

Fifth, there isn't depth to any of the characters tbh. We get some pointers like this guy's moody, this one is hot and this one is funny, some superficial stuff like how hot their bodies are. Cricket is of course the perfect female with huge bewbs, perfect 'curvy' proportions, blonde with blue eyes, the whole package. Loves wearing the least amount of clothes, walking barefoot, wearing necklaces and bracelets. There's not much to her except her affinity (but nothing much comes of it either, except she gets a bit stronger when she meets the guys) and that she is so quirky and fun and woke? I didn't like the trashy comment on J.K. Rowling, even if I don't like her, such comments weren't really for the book. And the mention of Riverdale was cringey too.

In conclusion, I liked the boys' names and that's pretty much all that I liked. The book is pretty juvenile and I found out it was a book from Wattpad so go figure. I'm not saying Wattpad has all bad and cringe-worthy stuff, but it is a ground for that.
Wow, this review got out of my hands, I wasn't planning on writing so much, but I got stuff to say about this book so it had to come out. If anyone read this, thank you for your time and have a nice day.
5 reviews3 followers
November 21, 2020
Cricket is my all-time favourite book!
I stumbled upon it one day on Wattpad and I was instantly hooked for day one. Cricket was my first reverse harem book and I have to say, I have yet to find another book that handles the relationship with such flow and ease like Willow does.
Cricket is down to earth, relatable and kind - the perfect protagonist that does not let anyone walk over her. The boys - Cas, Theo and Hollis - each are unique and perfect in their own ways, but not without flaws. While the relationship flows from the the couple of chapters, there is still so much development and anticipation. Are they mates, are they not?
The perfect part about Cricket is how Willow handles the side characters. The book revolves not only around Cricket, Theo, Cas and Hollis but also develops the minor characters until you feel as if you are actually part of the little community that Willow creates.

For anyone interested in reverse harem, werewolves and magic, I would strongly recommend Cricket as well as any of Willow's other books!!
Profile Image for Georgia.
474 reviews4 followers
November 22, 2020
My face hurts from smiling.

So I might be hella biased as a Smut Ambassador for the OG Cricketeers, but daaaaaayuuum.
Rereading Cricket for the millionth time, but as a PUBLISHED NOVEL was amazing. I love the changes that were made and I'm definitely interested to see how these changes affect the long term storyline 👀
As always, the wonderful fluffy cheesy goodness was perfect. You split the OG Cricket at the best point and I can't wait to read the next book!
Profile Image for Libby Fowler .
466 reviews3 followers
January 6, 2021
Loved it!!

I absolutely loved this book! The characters were great the storyline was amazing. I loved Cricket's personality she is just an amazing female lead and the way the guys treat her is just lovely! The only thing that does bug me about this book is it didn't feel like an ending of a book, more like an ending of a chapter.
Willow Hadley if you are reading this in the next book please make Aurora fire Paisley!!
Overall i loved it!
1 review1 follower
November 18, 2020
I love the writing style and everything about this book. I was hooked on every word. I didn’t want to put the book down whatsoever! I fall in love with Cricket and the boys. I can’t wait to buy a paper copy. 😍
Profile Image for Melissa Hickman.
1,022 reviews12 followers
November 21, 2020
Great book!!!

Cricket is a fantastic character! Her guys treat her like a princess and they are 🔥🔥🔥! What more could you possibly ask for?? I can’t wait to read the next book!
223 reviews11 followers
July 10, 2021
I wasn't a big fan of this book. It's pretty repetitive, and the characters seem simultaneously older and younger than their stated ages. They are always talking about going outside to play, and their internal thoughts are fairly young-sounding aside from all the casual conversation about sleeping around a ton. There's not much depth to any of the characters either. Yes, the guys are distinguishable from each other, but in a superficial way - as they say in the book, there's the funny one, the moody one, and the quiet one. Cricket (anyone else having flashes of the old doll?), of course, is a total Mary Sue and everyone either falls over in love with her or hates her, but there's no good reason for it. She just thinks everything is cute and adorable, and she can eat a lot but still have a great ass. Oh, and she does magic tricks. I honestly don't know much about her character otherwise. She is supposedly quite funny, but that felt much more like a tell than show. All of the characters are pretty much identical in tone and humor, and the guys are, in usual self-published book fashion, always falling over they are laughing so hard.

The book's pacing was also too slow for my taste. Only about 1.5 weeks or so pass from the start of the book, and it gets hung up on describing too much everyday minutiae (but at the same time not giving enough real detail or emotions if that makes sense). I probably won't continue.
Profile Image for Tamára Pinto.
48 reviews3 followers
March 7, 2022
It is so bad i want to give you a zero. but that's not possible, so i give you a one.
Profile Image for B C Morgan.
51 reviews2 followers
February 22, 2021
I love it!

I haven’t been in a pnr mood for a long time, but when I heard about Cricket I just couldn’t resist giving it a go. I usually read dark romance, and although this isn’t one, I still love it so much. I love the chemistry between Cricket, Theo, Hollis and Cas! This book gave me all the feels and I’m so glad I took a break from the dark to experience the light! This book was definitely worth it and I can’t wait to get started on book two!!
4 reviews
December 28, 2020
I need the next one. Please. I’ll bet.

I absolutely loved this story. I love the characters, I love that there’s no unnecessary or forced drama to offset the sweetness and tender interplay. I love how inclusive and positive the author is for the LGBTQ characters and that they’re not just stereotypes. Really a wonderful book. Now if you could put out 3 more that would be absolutely smashing. Read this on kindle unlimited, but I’m planning on purchasing to support the author since I really want to see more from her (you’re a *ucking star, mate - I’m a book-a-holic and read 3-5books a week and it’s been a while since I’ve read something that made me this happy to read! More! Please more!)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 397 reviews

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