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The Trojan Women

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Here is a new comic-book version of Euripides’s classic The Trojan Women, which follows the fates of Hekabe, Andromache, and Kassandra after Troy has been sacked and all its men killed. This collaboration between the visual artist Rosanna Bruno and the poet and classicist Anne Carson attempts to give a genuine representation of how human beings are affected by warfare. Therefore, all the characters take the form of animals (except Kassandra, whose mind is in another world).

96 pages, Hardcover

Published May 25, 2021

About the author

Anne Carson

84 books4,383 followers
Anne Carson is a Canadian poet, essayist, translator and professor of Classics. Carson lived in Montreal for several years and taught at McGill University, the University of Michigan, and at Princeton University from 1980 to 1987. She was a 1998 Guggenheim Fellow, and in 2000 she was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship. She has also won a Lannan Literary Award.

Carson (with background in classical languages, comparative literature, anthropology, history, and commercial art) blends ideas and themes from many fields in her writing. She frequently references, modernizes, and translates Ancient Greek literature. She has published eighteen books as of 2013, all of which blend the forms of poetry, essay, prose, criticism, translation, dramatic dialogue, fiction, and non-fiction. She is an internationally acclaimed writer. Her books include Antigonick, Nox, Decreation, The Beauty of the Husband: A Fictional Essay in 29 Tangos, winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry; Economy of the Unlost; Autobiography of Red, shortlisted for the National Book Critics Circle Award and the T.S. Eliot Prize, Plainwater: Essays and Poetry, and Glass, Irony and God, shortlisted for the Forward Prize. Carson is also a classics scholar, the translator of If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, and the author of Eros the Bittersweet. Her awards and honors include the Lannan Award, the Pushcart Prize, the Griffin Trust Award for Excellence in Poetry, a Guggenheim fellowship, and a MacArthur Fellowship. Her latest book, Red Doc>, was shortlisted for the 2013 T.S. Elliot Prize.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews
Profile Image for prashant.
162 reviews250 followers
June 5, 2021
leave me with the stones. i’m made of stones. i weep stones. and when i’ve wept all the stones there are, i’ll be done.

such a unique way to present a tragedy i loved this anne carson is a genius
Profile Image for Ksenia.
93 reviews
May 26, 2021
Unsurprisingly excellent, I was waiting for this one. Anne Carson is a splendid Euripides translator, she understands and speaks his dramatic language, bar none; occasionally - makes it better (like in this case, due to the fact that "Trojan Women" is not exactly a masterpiece of tragedy). Loved the illustrations and overall artistic direction as well. Reimagining classics is what keeps them fresh and exciting and there is no such thing as too much great drama.
Profile Image for Sarah.
848 reviews224 followers
January 7, 2023
This was just meh, unfortunately.

It was amusing to see Helen turned into a fox and a hand mirror, Hekabe, “Top Bitch” a sled dog, Athene, literally an owl head in a pair of overalls.

I’m sure it’s all impossibly witty but I didn’t get it. Missed the point. Don’t care enough to dig for the point.

Also I wished the drawings had color.
Profile Image for Rosamund Taylor.
Author 1 book181 followers
June 25, 2022
This is Carson's interpretation of Euripides' The Trojan Women, as illustrated by Rosanna Bruno. Plays and comics have a lot in common, both being forms that marry the visuals and dialogue, and both can work with broad or small palettes. Rosanna Bruno's illustrations are loose, spontaneous and gestural: they give the play a sense of immediacy, as though the action is taking place right now, almost too quickly to be captured. Though many of the interpretations of characters are quirky or unexpected, such as Andromache appearing as a poplar sapling, or Athene as a pair of overalls, Bruno captures the poignancy of these images, as well as their irony. Carson's interpretation of this story is also admirable: her poetry is vivid and clear, and captures the atmosphere of a city devastated by war. It feels brutally relevant: these characters wait in a camp for their future to be decided by forces beyond their control, unable to protect their children. Carson presents the facts starkly and without authorial comment, making the story feel both immediate and eternal. Though there are imperfections both in the text and in the images, overall I thought this was an impressive achievement, much more so than many of the other modern interpretations of the women of Troy.
Profile Image for Eric.
303 reviews
September 23, 2024
The art style is either deliberately obtuse or just plain bad. Not sure it matters. Either way, it oozes laziness, and is so grating on the eye it manages to distract from and deaden the remarkably energetic and dynamic text it accompanies, which is the death of any comics collaboration.
Profile Image for Gareth Reeves.
144 reviews7 followers
July 9, 2021
This isn't, and doesn't pretend to be, an introduction to Euripides' play. It's almost the opposite: an obscurely witty retelling that James Joyce might have liked. For me, most of it fell a bit flat, and the overall effect was muted. I bought it based on (a) the opening page and (b) the fact that it was translated by Anne Carson. It's not Euripides' best play (Medea, Bacchae, Hippolytus - take your pick), but it didn't seem to have any power at all, awkwardly comic and obscure. Rosanna Bruno's decision to use animals/objects to represent people/gods is a divisive one, and her drawings are sketchy. The review in the TLS said the translation closely matched the playwright's style in Ancient Greek; if so, it is pretty garish in modern English. I'll read the play in a different modern translation and perhaps revisit this later.
Profile Image for Kate.
279 reviews8 followers
July 18, 2021
This collaboration of an economical poetic text by the eminent classics scholar and translator Anne Carson and raw, powerful illustrations by Rosanna Bruno, was an absolute pleasure to read and absorb. The retelling of Euripides play captured the suffering and the absolute surreal existence of those who survive on the losing side of a war. I'm not sure how effective it would be for people unfamiliar with the original play, but if you have a familiarity with the original text and enjoy imagining re-interpretations of old stories, I highly, highly recommend this version: the images and the language will haunt me for a long time. It's simply a beautiful work.
Profile Image for Jude.
139 reviews8 followers
August 2, 2021
The only issue with this is that I didn't like it, and it was bad. The art I mean was just too zinecore, and the translation I found too self conscious, lacking something; yet it's a surprising departure in esotericism for the poet which is dope. I got Isle of Dogs vibes. The grief of a thousand women is weaponized, and made to shiver and hunger yet never dying. These women speak as a chorus of dogs and cows, and Athena is a pair of overalls with an owl mask. And the book just goes nowhere, meandering like dead sons.
Profile Image for kate.
156 reviews31 followers
February 6, 2022
5 stars for οιμοι love u anne carson
Profile Image for Johan Thilander.
491 reviews35 followers
December 26, 2022
Carson är som allra bäst när hon låter sig filtreras genom de grekiska texterna. Snarare än en översättning är detta att läsa både henne och Euripedes - samtidigt och parallellt.

Dramatik i serieformat fungerar förvånansvärt bra, men som någon redan påpekat är det ju två manusbaserade medier.

Fantastisk såklart.

(Läst jämte Emil Zilliacus översättning av Trojanskorna, Euripedes kanske mänskligaste tragedi).
Profile Image for James.
487 reviews17 followers
October 5, 2021
I read a good review somewhere of this graphic version of The Trojan Women, doubtless by way of one of my classics-nerd Facebook follows. I'm a fan of both Euripides and the graphic format and I generally like an irreverent take, so I was anticipating this read with some pleasure. I read the Richmond Lattimore translation beforehand, somewhat to prepare but mostly because I'm a completist who is working his way through the tragedies, and I watched the superb Michael Cacoyannis film , and I'm glad to have experienced both of those, but the graphic version itself didn't really seem to have been worth anyone's time: Anne Carson's, Rosanna Bruno's, or mine.

I guess that's unduly harsh, but I found the text tin-eared and awkwardly contemporary (Ganymede is described at one point as the "buttboy" of Zeus, which is accurate enough, I suppose, but the casual homophobia is jarring and I didn't understand the point) and the drawings graceless, weird and kinda contemptuous of the text. The Trojan women are all dogs* and cows (uhh, pick one), Helen is mostly a fox (natch), but sometimes a mirror, Menelaus is a gear box and Athene is a set of coveralls and an owl mask. Aphrodite and Hera, though, look like badly drawn Disney princesses. WTF?!? Was Bruno swinging for the Maus fence? She couldn't've whiffed more completely.

So, the only good thing about this self-consciously "edgy" snooze is that it pointed me toward better versions of a terrific play that could not be more relevant right now as Afghan women experience the terrible consequences of opportunistic, West vs. East adventuring.

*I will admit that this choice sorta worked for Hecuba, who spends a good chunk of the play lying in the dirt.
Profile Image for Nicole.
645 reviews22 followers
August 11, 2021
Another perfect Carson translation paired with what feels like a production with some strong directorial choices. The closest thing to a play on a page.
Profile Image for casually_20th_century.
100 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2022
The text by Anne Carson was amazing — she is basically God to me but I just did not love the art style.
Profile Image for Tessa.
167 reviews20 followers
October 8, 2021
Anne Carson branches into graphic novels?? Effervescent. Also sad. The play is, as they say, a tragedy.

Loved Andromache as a tree split down the middle => Astyanax is a sapling cut down too soon. Athena as a pair of "Warhartt" overalls with an owl mask (this is so funny I will never not love this). Wonderful illustrations. I think this is a really good medium for plays!!! More ppl should do dramatic poetry as graphic novels pls
Profile Image for Lucía C..
70 reviews79 followers
March 17, 2023
Impresionante versión, dolorosa e irónica, que demuestra el profundo conocimiento por parte de Carson de la obra de Eurípides, de cuya traducción parte para construir una nueva visión desde el s.XXI.
Profile Image for Antonio Delgado.
1,660 reviews49 followers
May 28, 2021
Anne Carson’s translations are always a modern version of the very old world we still have not fully detach from. In this version of Euripides, the world is collapsing and decaying. But that collapsing and decaying is an act of disappearance know and experience since the two wars of the last century.
Rosanna Bruno’s art carries on the drama and the action in a living way. Her own interpretation of Carson’s interpretation is revealing and refreshing.
From Baldwin to Beckett, we still go on eve when can’t go on. On.
Profile Image for Justine Cucchi-Dietlin.
347 reviews22 followers
June 28, 2021
Not a fan of this manifestation of the play. Although many of the insults hit their mark, such as Zeus' cupbearer Ganymede being called a "butt-boy," it still felt odd and out of place. The art style was also not for me.
Profile Image for Nelson.
532 reviews18 followers
January 30, 2022
Trojan Women is probably no one's pick for best play by Euripides. On the other hand, there is nothing by Anne Carson that is without interest. Maligned unfairly by those who ache for the stilted pieties of the old Lattimore / Grene editions (U of C Press) of the Greek plays, Carson is a vibrant translator who reaches for striking images and metaphors to connect to modern readers, yet always anchors her moves in nuanced and empathetic readings of the original text. So it makes perfect sense to pair her powerful renderings of Euripides with an illustrator who isn't going to do a straightforward depiction of gods, mourning women and Greek soldiers. Rosanna Bruno's images occupy an analogously oblique space to the original text that Carson's metaphors do. In short, they are a really fine pairing who manage to render palpable the agony and distress of soon-t0-be-enslaved prisoners of war in ways that earlier translations, with their choral odes and inert but accurate diction failed to do. All translations are by definition interpretations; why not an interpretation via graphic novel that keeps what is weird and strange about Euripides through new verbal and visible means, while fulling conveying the horror of the original text? This stands as a terrific rendition of Euripides and a compelling graphic text. Like everything Carson touches, this is highly recommended.
Profile Image for Jason Furman.
1,296 reviews1,061 followers
January 15, 2022
I enjoyed and was fascinated by this sophisticated and surreal adaptation of Euripides' play "The Trojan Women" by noted poet and classical translator Anne Carson and illustrator Rosanna Bruno. I did not, however, understand much of it, probably missing many references, and being puzzled by a number of the choices, but maybe one is not supposed fully understand something this surreal.

It starts out with Poseidon depicted as a wave, Troy as an old decaying hotel, and then it starts getting weirder when Athena is an empty pair of overalls. Hekabe is an old mangy dog, Helen alternates between being a fox and a mirror, Andromache and Astyanax are both trees, and then it gets really weird when Menelaos is depicted as a floating "some sort of gearbox, clutch or coupling mechanism, once sleek, not this year’s model."

The underlying play has a lot of weaknesses compared to the best of Greek drama but this was an intriguing and thought provoking way to experience it again. Unlike many simplistic graphic depictions it didn't clarify and simplify but instead moved in the opposite direction, creating some unforgettable images in the process.
Profile Image for Cassandra.
48 reviews3 followers
November 30, 2021
As an adult I’ve never read a comic before but what Anne Carson creates, I am intrigued by, so this was my first comic as an adult and wow. I was not let down, this is amazing! It is so so innovative, it really speaks to all of Carson’s strengths, her intimate understanding of classic greek texts, her ability to use colloquial language in a way that never diminishes the beauty or complexity of the text, in fact I think it allows the text to exist in a natural and organic way, her humor, her absolute genius. The choices in the illustrations are so insane and perfect, to have Athene as a fox that turns into a mirror, to have Kassandra as the only human, to have Menelaus as a gearbox, etc.
this comic beautifully and heartbreakingly explores the grief and pain of the Trojan women after Troy is conquered by the Greeks, with touching modernized images like a grave with a “#1 dad” sign.
The illustrations themselves are also so good!
Highly recommend this to anyone interested in Greek mythology.
Profile Image for Rex Libris.
1,209 reviews3 followers
July 16, 2021
This the graphic novel version of the Classical Greek play by the same name. It is an anti-war statement that follows the fates of the Trojan women who survived the Greek sacking of the city. The main characters are Hecabe (the widow of King Priam), her daughter Cassandra (the prophetess of Apollo who is fated to never be believed), daughter-in-law Andromeche (widow of Hector), Helen (the cause of it all).

The author does an excellent job encapsulating the story into the abridged version presented her. Well worth the read to see her translation.

Like many graphic novels, the project goes off the rails with the artwork. Too many artists ruin the imagery with odd symbolism and drawing style. The author represented Athena as a pair of overalls, Menelaus was a set of gears, and Helen was a fox in high heels.
Profile Image for Joanna Clausen.
72 reviews2 followers
August 2, 2021
I hadn't read The Trojan Women by Euripides for many, many years, so I reread it before reading this graphic version. I'm glad I did.

There are things about this book I love: (Troy ". . . crouched on the plain like James Baldwin . . .") and Athene embodied as a pair of "Warhartt" overalls carrying an owl mask, not to mention Hecuba as an "ancient emaciated sled dog of filth and wrath," and my favorite, the chorus of dogs and cows. Things that are bizarre enough to be thought provoking. I had hoped to add this to my beloved collection of art books.

But, my inner English teacher rose to the surface (of Poseidon?) when I read "not" instead of "naught" and "by" instead of "my." My red pen grew enraged. I may need to consign this work of art to the Little Free Library. Alas, proofreading is dead . . .
Profile Image for Jack Markman.
68 reviews
January 8, 2024
The most haunting comic I've ever read (admittedly, not stiff competition). Anne Carson flexes once again her masterful use of language to draw out the grief and tragedy for the women at the fall of Troy. Her terse, modern style is perfectly paired with Rosanna Bruno's rough, archaic/crude illustrations, painting a troubling picture of human cattle at the end of the slaughter. I imagine dark pleasure was had by both Carson and Bruno that in visualizing the inspiring work (tragedy) as a comic (comedy), the primal Greek genres are flipped on their heads. Much like Troy, I would suppose.

While I don't think it is a work I would return to, it is a good read and an excellent catalyst for anyone who thinks that the ancient classics lack any remaining power to move us. War makes beasts of us all.
Profile Image for Emery Pallas.
3 reviews
December 31, 2022
If you like Anne Carson's translations, then you'll like the translation here. If you're a stickler for a more literal translation of the Greek, then you'll probably hate that she uses more modern words and concepts (the art does too). That said, Carson captures the feeling and flow of the Trojan Women extremely well. The art style also won't be for everyone. It's messy, confusing at times, the way people are depicted is symbolic instead of literal. I think that goes extremely well with what the Trojan Women is about though. It's a messy, confusing, horrific event where the women are being treated as commodoties instead of people. I think this translation and art are exceptional at depicting the Trojan Women in a way that can resonate with people.
Profile Image for Anetq.
1,189 reviews60 followers
June 22, 2024
Recreation of Euripides' The Trojan Women - which I wasn't familiar with. Telling the story of the women of Troy after the war has ended - all represented by animals - dogs and cows mostly. All their husbands and sons have been killed and they are now waiting to be shipped as the greeks' slaves as the spoils of war - to be killed or raped or whatever else might happen.
Unless the gods get them first - as Athene has talked Poseidon into making waves for the greeks as soon as they set sails.
I'm guessing the eternal message through the times is that war might be bad, but it's always doubly bad for the women who suffers no matter who wins or loses...
Profile Image for Steve.
946 reviews8 followers
October 23, 2021
An abbreviated, modernized at times, version/translation of Euripides' "The Trojan Women" by premiere poet/Classicist/translator, Anne Carson. She gets to the heart of the original play.
Well illustrated by Rosanna Bruno, with whom I was not familar before this. Mostly using animals for the humans, when she chooses to use something diferent, it works out really well (Andromache and Astyanax as trees).
Well done on every level.
It does help to be familar with the original play, and I read the OUP Alan Shapiro translation, which is heavily annotated and has a great Intro, before I read this.
Thanks to my PL for a copy to read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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