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Straight Guys #5

Just a Bit Confusing

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Best friends, inseparable since childhood, one in love with the other, the other straight and in love with a woman.
Stories like this don’t have a happy ending; James Grayson knows it. He puts on a smile, he laughs, he jokes, and he pretends he’s fine when Ryan kisses his girlfriend in front of him—until he can’t.
Except nothing is easy and letting go turns out to be much harder than one might think. Some bonds are too strong to be broken, even for a straight man. And sometimes love and desire can have different faces and layers.

A story of two men trying to function without each other and failing.

This book contains explicit M/M content, rough sex, drunk sex, and graphic language.

228 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 15, 2015

About the author

Alessandra Hazard

28 books7,361 followers
MM Romance Author

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,073 reviews
August 5, 2018
2 Forced Stars

So I read the first 3 books in this series and totally loved them. This one not so much. It wasn't that I hated it but I really didn't like it. I felt no connection between the two heroes other than friendship. James and Ryan were both okay, but it was clear that Ryan was straight. I felt like Ryan didn't really have romantic feelings for James at all but just caved to the pressure and fear of losing his best friend. I didn't feel any passion in their sex just resentment and angry. I felt like Ryan resented James for giving up his girlfriend. Overall I love friends to lovers stories but this one was a miss.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
March 21, 2021
Sixth re-read: 21.03.2021
I can not believe that I found myself re-reading this one yet again. I'm fucking weird. That said, I can't stand Tristan.

Fifth re-read: 12.11.2020
I couldn't sleep but I was still tired, so I decided I needed something light and easy and this became it. I'm just obsessed with Alessandra Hazard 's books. Keep going back to them.

Forth re-read: 24.02.2020
I....I... I'm almost embarrassed as to how addictive I am to this series. I shouldn't be, it's not even that great, but I just can't help it. This series (most of the books) just works for me.
New rating: 3.5/3 stars.

Third re-read: 27.01.2019
I had a bad day today, which is probably the reason I felt what I felt. I dislike Tristan. I had how he treat James, putting all the blame on James like it's James' fault. James didn't even know they were brothers, and I hate how Tristan that it's ironic this or ironic that. He really is a horrible person even though he says he is trying, he's just so cruel to him. I want to slap him. Sure, he gives some advice, but he's still not a good person, so far from nice. I can't seem to soften up to him even though I did like his book better after I had re-read it. I just.. can't seem to get along with him. I mean, he barely even tries to be kind to others.
I’ll be at the house. The weather’s still good. Grab your trunks. We can hang out at the pool.
The house Ryan was referring to was his family home, or rather, Ryan’s eldest brother’s house. Ryan had moved out of there a few years ago and acquired a place of his own, but since Ryan’s workplace was close to Zach’s house, he lived half of the time at Zach’s for convenience’s sake. James didn’t mind hanging out there—he’d been there hundreds of times over the years and he liked Zach.
Or you can borrow mine, Ryan sent before he could reply.
You’re gross, James responded.
You love me, Ryan sent back.
James closed his eyes as the familiar bittersweet feeling filled his chest.
“I love you,” he whispered, because sometimes the urge to say it became too much. Sometimes he needed to say it, even if there was no one to hear him.
Even if there was no one to say it back.

Anyways, let's stop talking about that guy and focus on the book: this whole book kinda centers around emotional manipulation; all Ryan wants is to give James everything to make him happy, but the one thing that James wants is for Ryan to be in love with him. But Ryan is straight as an arrow and he simply can't give James what he wants. Simply put, they mess with each others heads so badly. Sadly I'm re-reading this book at a bad time; I'm not feeling all that good so it's ruining the enjoyment and I'm more annoyed -.- So I'll let the rating be the same, since the probably is me this time and not the book.
Ryan started thinking that he had fallen asleep when Jamie mumbled quietly, “Do you ever wonder if there are alternate universes? Lives where things are a little bit different? It makes me feel better to think that maybe in another life…” His voice got strained and he trailed off.
Before long, he was asleep.
Ryan lifted him carefully and carried him to his bedroom. Jamie didn’t wake up even when he tucked him into his bed. Ryan sat next to him, leaning back against the headboard.
His forehead creased, he watched Jamie sleep as the nagging feeling in his gut became stronger and stronger.

Second re-read: 18.10.2018
Uh, I need to stop with the re-reading. It's just that this series has SO MUCH POTENTIAL. Seriesouly, it could've been my favorite series if only something wasn't missing. I just need to figure that out. Though like I said in my reviews for the rest of the series: they feel like a prequel for each couple and they need one more book to fulfill the story and my need.
New Rating - 3 stars.
“No.” Ryan nuzzled his cheek, and when he spoke, there was nothing but raw honesty in his voice. “You do know I love you, right?”
James stared in front of him, unseeing. God, didn’t Ryan realize how much worse his words made him feel? It was like seeing a tantalizing glimpse of what-could-have-been if things had been just a little different if only Ryan had been even a little bi-curious. He knew Ryan was as attached to him as he was to Ryan. The only difference between them was their sexuality: while his attachment had shifted into a sexual, romantic one, Ryan’s remained platonic and brotherly—but it didn’t mean it was weaker or less.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*So lost. So damn lost*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Re-read: 12.04.2018
This series seriously lack depth, however, I do believe this one has the most depth of them all. The friendship is quite powerful, yet unhealthy, but I like it. I love friends to lovers and I love possessive, and protective friends. And this book has that. But yeah, it's quite unhealthy, but it works for them in the end and I'm needy of it. Tristan could disappear for all I care, though. I really can't stand him. What Zach sees in him I don't see, but everyone has different tastes. Overall, I'm lost, completely lost lately. I can't find anything that even looks interesting. Not even re-reads. So now I'm just picking to read just to read. Because I really do need to read. I feel incomplete if I don't read, so I need something to read and this became it. Now though... now I have nothing to read. Fuck me.
New Rating - 3/2.5 stars.
He was the reason Jamie was miserable, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Jamie would continue to be miserable—until he finally got tired and left.
The truth of it sliced through him, and Ryan’s arms tightened around Jamie. Something churned in his gut, a primal fear the likes of which he’d never felt before. He tried to suppress the insane urge to grab Jamie and lock him up somewhere safe. Somewhere only he had access to.
Yeah. Right. That wasn’t creepy at all.

Other characters:
Hannah, Ryan's girlfriend.
Zach Hardaway (31), the eldest of the Hardaway brothers, John Hardaway, Nick Hardaway, and Miles Hardaway (18) were much more laid back and mild-tempered. Sandra Hardaway, the sister.
Tristan DuVal, Zach's boyfriend and .
Arthur Grayson and Barbara Grayson, James' parents.
Luke Whitford, James' friend.
↦ Lady Megan Cadogan, James' betrothed. He’s been betrothed to her since birth.
“Being in love is pretty fucking great, actually. You deserve to find your Hannah.”
Jamie wondered if it would actually hurt more if Ryan stuck a knife in his gut and twisted it slowly. He thought he smiled. He hoped he was smiling. His face hurt, so he must be.
He said, “Sure I will. Later, mate.” He was surprised by how absolutely normal his voice sounded.
He smiled again and turned away.
He walked to his car.
He got in.
He closed the door.
He put his hands on the steering wheel.
His throat worked as he tried to swallow the painful lump in his throat. He couldn’t. A terrible, choked sound came from his throat. His chest began to heave. He pressed his hands to his eyes and breathed in, breathed out.


First read review:
I feel uncertain of how I'm gonna rate this one, on whenever I liked it or not. Don't get me wrong, I felt the pain James ‘Jamie’ William Arthur Grayson (22), the Viscount Exmouth felt. I got teary quite often, yet I'm not sure if I liked the story as a whole. I did adore Ryan Hardaway (22) protectiveness, his possessiveness, but I didn't like how he use the words ‘slut’ and ‘whore’, just because Jamie wanted him. It didn't feel right.
Jamie looked…He looked as if he’d just been snogged thoroughly: his pupils blown, pale cheeks flushed, and lips parted. The longing, hungry look he gave Ryan was downright shameless and obscene—the kind of look that belonged on a whore’s face before she spread her legs.

Overall, I liked the closeness between the two friends (over 14 years of friendship will do that), even though their neediness for each other might, for some people, seem unhealthy, but I like it. Still don't like Tristan though.
His back to Ryan, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath in—
And he let go.
It was the hardest thing he’d ever done. Tearing away all the illogical hopes and dreams of Ryan loving him back was so damn painful and difficult. But he did it. His throat hurt, his chest hurt—everything hurt—his eyes stinging with tears he would never shed. But when he opened his eyes, Jamie’s— James’s—face was calm and collected. James. He was James. Jamie had been the foolish boy who’d fallen in love with someone he could never have. Jamie was in the past.
He was James William Arthur Grayson and it was time to move on.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M)
Series: - Series (Standalone?), Book Five.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - James ‘Jamie’ William Arthur Grayson.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
Rating - 2.5/3 stars.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,139 followers
June 25, 2024
|| 1.5 stars ||

First read: August 2022 | ★3.5 stars
Second read: March 2024 | ★1.5 stars

EDIT after my re-read:

I’m not sure what kind of insane high I was on when I first read this, but there’s no way I actually thought this was good. It was so damn awful. Not only was it very toxic and weird, it was also just plain boring. I feel like Jamie emotionally manipulated Ryan into being with him and kind of abused Ryan’s affection towards him to create something sexual between them, while Ryan honestly was just NOT into Jamie like that. I don’t care that they eventually ended up together; Ryan was obviously straight, and that doesn’t just change. Ryan was happy with his girlfriend and he was truly in love with her; Jamie ruined that and Ryan let him. It’s not a cute story.


Ryan and Jamie were unhealthy, co-dependent and kind of crazy together, but I couldn’t help but love it.

These two have been best friends since early childhood, and Jamie has been in love with Ryan the whole time. Ryan, however, is unaware and also ‘straight’, so they go on with their friendship (included with cuddles and all) until Jamie tells him how he feels.
Neither man wants to lose the other, but how can their relationship work if one’s love is platonic while the other’s is romantic? Ryan would desperately want to love Jamie back in the same way, but he can’t.. Or can he?

The obsessive need between them had me in a chokehold. Their chemistry was also pretty awesome, and I could genuinely see the true devotion and care between them.
They might have had a fucked-up relationship, but it was definitely intense and all-consuming in a loving way. They were each other’s number 1, always. Nothing was more important to them than the other person, and I honestly adore that sort of thing.

It’s just that they were both so confused and they simply didn’t know what they wanted or how they could have it. It was all a bit impossible between them, but their longing and pining never wavered. It was perfectly angsty.

'Straight Guys' series:
0. Straight Boy - 3.0 stars
1. Just a Bit Twisted - 3.5 stars
2. Just a Bit Obsessed - 3.0 stars
3. Just a Bit Unhealthy - 2.5 stars
4. Just a Bit Wrong - 3.5 stars
5. Just a Bit Confusing - 1.5 stars
6. Just a Bit Ruthless - 4.0 stars
7. Just a Bit Wicked - 3.5 stars
8. Just a Bit Shameless - 4.5 stars
9. Just a Bit Gay - 1.0 star
10. Just a Bit Dirty - 3.0 stars
11. Just a Bit Wrecked - 2.5 stars
12. Just a Bit Bossy - 3.0 stars
13. Just a Bit Heartless - 3.5 stars
14. Just a Bit Captivated - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Shin Mon Thway.
663 reviews1,654 followers
January 6, 2018
Urghh .. another let-down in the series for me. 🙄 This is my second least favorite in the series and the first prize goes to Just a bit unhealthy. 😂 Very similar storyline and plot with a bit less unhealthiness. Still equally frustrating. 😒

3 words: Too Much Denial! 🙄🙄🙄

Ah .. I hated it. Not as much as I hated Gabriel but Ryan almost equally frustrates me to no end. 😒 Love is simple in my books .. you either love someone or you don’t. I hate when there are too much denial and self-torture going on between MCs. And I wanted to strangle Jaime to death too. 🙄 Why is he giving in to Ryan all the time? Urghhhhhh! 😑 I mean of course, they did get a HEA in the end but 75% of the book was a disaster. At least for me. 😕 So far, I have read all books in the series and my favorite is the 6th one, Just a bit ruthless. 😍 Despite ups and downs in the series, 7 books out of 9 were spectacular so I think this is such a winner series. 😊 I just hope I get more elements like book 6 in the coming books. Speaking of, I can’t wait for the next installment in the series. 😌

2.5 denial sucks stars
Profile Image for JAN.
1,197 reviews917 followers
August 8, 2022
Not sure why I liked this one so much when I first read it. 🤯🤯

*** 3 stars ***

**** 4.5 Stars ****

And to think that I almost skipped this...

I am sold.
My favourite so far.
Wrap me in a nice paper, put me a bow and stick a SOLD tag.

Because I don't think a GFY hit me that hard ever before.

"You're the reason I feel like shit and the only one who can make me feel better."

I got it. Straight, gay, bisexual, bi-curious, gender fluid, lesbian, pansexual, queer, passing, transgender, what bloody ever ... don't mind me here, I had to google all that and the list is ginormous.
My point is, that all these labels that are addressed to us, had no significance here. Ryan was labelled straight. However, his feelings for James crossed that barrier over and got us to the point that love is love, no matter what.

I shit you not, their emotional connection was kind of spiritual. It was meant to happen.

Loved it.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,437 followers
November 14, 2022
Jamie's lips trembled against his before laughter erupted from his chest, unburdened and happy. Grinning, Ryan wrapped him in his arms and held onto him—his best friend, his lover, his other half, his happiness. Labels didn't matter if they all meant the same thing: Jamie.

i loved this!! it had the perfect angst in a best friends to lovers trope where i cried majority of this book bc my bb Jamie deserved the world 😩 the longing, tension, possessiveness; i loved all of it. my only problem? i wish it wasn't dragged out until the end bc i was craving cute moments between these two as a couple but i've come to a realization that, with AH's books, the story basically ends once the couple gets together. in this case, we spent the first half of the book with Jamie in an unrequited love for Ryan while the second half was when things start to blur on Ryan's end between platonic love and romantic love towards Jamie but he does end up sending mixed signals, which frustrated me at times. you know what i adored the most though? the way Ryan chose Jamie over anyone else in his life again and again. that warmed my heart so much but, regardless, a part of me also wished he had let Jamie go during the time when he was feeling confused on his feelings for him bc i hated seeing Jamie give in, only for Ryan to tell him he wasn't ready. 😭 overall, i genuinely did love these two together, both their friendship and relationship. ♡

THE EPILOGUE WITH LUKE?? i'm intrigued. 👀
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
August 21, 2024
Reread August 2024

4.25 stars

First of all - What the fuck?

Second of all - I will go to my grave swearing it is voodoo. Because these are the kind of stories i rant about.

Ryan and Jamie!!! what a fucked up best friends to lovers thingy. I ate that shit up. One second i wanted to punch Ryan for being a douche and shake Jamie for being a sap, the next i wanted to hug them and let them know you can use your best friend to get off.

There is an element of dubious consent here, that i found hot.


I loved Ryan and Jamie for some weird unexplained reasons. They deserve each other. They have the most dysfunctional relationship. At least with Gabriel and Jared, Gabriel was the fucked up one. Here we have two fucked up co-dependent people.

I loved Tristan here. He was so funny and bratty. What a combo.

I feel like book 6 will be my favorite because there is a hint of a mysterious Russian. I love my book Russians.

Let the madness continue in book 6. I am in too deep i can't quit.

Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,702 reviews25.1k followers
October 22, 2023
Just a Bit Confusing is book five in the Straight Guys series by Alessandra Hazard. Why do I love these so much? I can’t even explain it except to say that I just do!

Ryan Hardaway and James William Arthur Grayson met when they were eight years old and have been inseparable since that day. Ryan is the brother of Zach whom we met in the previous book. Part of a large, noisy family that lives and loves with all they have. James is the only son of a very wealthy and prestigious family with huge responsibilities on his shoulders just from his name.

Now these two are twenty two years old. Ryan has met a girl that he thinks might be the one. Jamie is gay, has known it for a long time. He’s also known for just as long that he is in love with Ryan, his best friend. His best straight friend. Now that Ryan has met Hannah, it’s slowly eating away at him watching them kiss, watching Ryan’s affection towards her. He knows he can’t go on like this. He tries to date other men but it just doesn’t feel right. Something is going to have to change.

Jamie knows he has to move on, that he can’t be a part of Ryan’s life like this. Ryan is struggling with his feelings. Once he realizes how Jamie feels, his reactions are very confusing and unhealthy for both of them. So when Jamie says they need distance, maybe that will be best? But both of them realize that the connection they share is more, is stronger than either of them thought. That without each other, they are only living half of a life.

I admit I got a little frustrated with Ryan a time or two but I also understood just how messed up his head was. And I loved who the voice of reason turned out to be in this! I never would have expected that! I loved this one and now I can’t wait to go on to the next book, Jamie’s friend, Luke’s book in Just a Bit Ruthless.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews504 followers
April 10, 2020
Is it gay for you? No.
Bicuriosity? No.
Is it a straight guy with a gay best friend? Yes!

I totally didn't get this story. I think I've seen many combinations in romance, but a straight guy who loves his gay best friend WHILE staying straight? That's new.

Jamie and Ryan have been friends for 15 years. For the last 10 or so, Jamie has been hopelessly in love with his best friend. But while Ryan always was overprotective and a bit possessive towards Jamie, he was also always a straight boy with a string of girlfriends. 

And still, Ryan loves Jamie. Like a brother.

When their 'bromantic' cuddling becomes unbearable for Jamie, he confesses his romantic love to Ryan - and Ryan accepts it. But he's still straight and cannot love Jamie back 'that way'.

Is it just me or does that sound incredibly tragic??

I honestly didn't believe these two would make it to a HFN. And the way things resolved at the end - after LOTS of back and forth - left a HUGE question mark for me. 

I somehow think their relationship is not a healthy one...

It's definitely different to other stories and unique among the common MM romance plots.
But is it satisfying? I don't know.

Still, I love this series of dark romances and the author's writing style is amazing and absolutely immersive.

It's just not my favorite instalment in this series.
3.5 stars
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,528 followers
July 26, 2021
“grinning, ryan wrapped him in his arms and held onto him – his best friend, his lover, his other half, his happiness. labels didn’t matter if they all meant the same thing: jamie.” 🥺

gotta looooove a nice best-friends-to-lovers romance. the unrequited love aspect, the push & pull between them, the codependency, the angstiness... it was all very delicious. i loved it!

yet another win in this series!
this now belongs in my list of favs from this series, along with books 3, 7 & 11.
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews781 followers
May 18, 2019
3.5 Stars

Told mostly in dual POV, 3rd person. It’s the fifth installment in the "Straight Guys" series and it’s better if you read it in order. It's best-friends-to-lovers story/gfy and a bit angsty. My only problem was with Ryan (one of the MCs). His denial was too much and a bit OTT. He did stuff (and I mean gay stuff) but still he thought of himself as a straight man. His denial was a bit annoying and the ending was a bit too rushed! Overall, it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t really good either, Hope you enjoy it!
Profile Image for Lau ♡.
449 reviews467 followers
August 21, 2023
I can’t remember the last time I felt so confused. I've been wanting to try Alessandra Hazard for so long but there was something pushing me back; books that are only fun if you are able to not take them too seriously hardly ever work for me and sadly this was not an exception.

Just A Bit Confusing is the story of two best friends from childhood, one of them very straight and with a girlfriend, the other one gay and in love with his straight best friend since forever. My main problem with this book was that I didn’t understand one single action made by the characters. I didn’t understand why the straight character kept having dirty thoughts about his friend while also saying he saw him ‘as a brother’. But I’m not someone known for reading incest novels so maybe that one is on me.

The worst part is that their friends made less sense even than them, every single advice they gave them was worse than the previous one. It was so crazy I found myself laughing at the absurdity of it. I guess I have to give it to the author, she wrote a series called ‘straight guys’ made of an entire cast of ‘straight’ guys behaving as stereotypical straight guys.

Exhibit A: No time for a BJ? Let’s fuck for the first time because thas so much faster.

Ironically, I understand why so many people love reading this author: sometimes having fun it’s all you need. I’m giving it two stars because it made me laugh, even if I’m pretty sure I was laughing at the book-but it still kinda works. I don’t know if I’ll be trying another book by the author, I don’t see myself falling in love with this brand of romance. However, since my friends’ ratings follow a pattern of 1 to 5 stars I can’t comprehend, I guess they are trial-and-error kind of books that you need to pick up by yourself to figure out where you lie in.
Profile Image for wesley.
223 reviews239 followers
December 28, 2015

Just a Bit Anticlimactic, I must say, especially having already read Book 4. I mean, sure, the way the unrequited love trope was brought to life – and between best friends, at that – was original and noteworthy. I liked how Hazard went with the direction of the story – from the buildup, to the many confrontations, realizations, and finally the big fallout. It was just the right push and pull that made Jamie and Ryan’s story not overly dramatic but not bland, as well.

Factor in Ryan’s effed-up way of thinking that provided more flavor to the book’s theme. It contributed to a more adrenaline-induced and exciting storyline, even though this was not the action-packed installment (Hello Book 6! I’m patiently waiting for you, by the way). Ryan’s behavior just screamed of danger, which did things to my overactive imagination.

ryan and jamie1

ryan and jamie2

But see, in all of the previous installments in this series, Hazard has that signature erotica that you only get from the not-so-vanilla books. Forbidden. Unusual. F*cked-up. Crossing the fine line of being taboo, but not really. So, the sex was always mind-blowing. And this book lacked that. The intimate scenes were more subdued. Tamed. Mellow.

I guess I was expecting a level-up from Book 4 (which still holds the title of 'Best Book' in the series, after having read this), and I was disappointed. Hence, anticlimactic. A good read, nonetheless.

Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews238 followers
June 22, 2021
As a loyal reader of Alessandra Hazard I couldn't skip this, even though I wasn't really interested in it before picking it up. Now I have thoughts. 🤭🤭

One of the reason I was skeptical of this was: Tristan and his hate for his half brother James, I love that boy and I couldn't betray him reading about his enemy. Color me surprised when the reason I liked this book was because of James, say whut? And surprise me again when Tristan actually helped his brother, say whut again? I loved them!! And yes, I adored James, he was genuine, heartfelt and he loves Ryan with all he's got!!! Besides... The boom shaka laka was hot because of him. 💁🏻‍♀️💅🏻

Ryan? I didn't understand him much, the process he went through I didn't get, how can you say you don't love someone when you could put everything aside for that person? To me he was so blind I couldn't deal with him sometimes. BUT I appreciated what his character brought to the story, he isn't my favorite in this series but he did his job and he fell for James at the end, wich is what is important. 🤭🥰❤

After finishing this I can say that I love the Grayson's brother. 🥰🤭❤
Profile Image for Vickie.
152 reviews9 followers
June 13, 2021
Wow this was actually worse than book 3. Through out this story I felt uncomfortable annoyed and confused . Ryan pissed me off by constantly fucking with James and confusing him. James annoyed me by being selfish and manipulative. I didn’t feel any love between them and it felt forced most of the times. A lot of the sexy times were creepy and confusing and just not fun to read about. Hopefully book 6 is better than this shit show
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,923 followers
June 23, 2018
I really enjoyed this short but very sweet "gay for you" / "best friends to lovers" story.

Jamie and Ryan have been best friends for 15 years. They love each other very much and Ryan has always taken care of his best friend Jamie, who means the world to him. But Jamie's feelings run way deeper than that. He has been in love with his best friend forever. But Ryan doesn't even know that he's gay.

He's been hiding his feelings, but it's getting harder and harder. Especially with Ryans girlfriend around all the time. Finally he breaks and confesses everything. Now Ryan..he loves his best friend like a brother...not a lover. But he's willing to go pretty far to make Jamie happy ....but he just can't turn gay all of a sudden.

I really enjoyed this one eventough Ryan did get on my nerves a bit with his..."he's my little brother, so this is sick" attitude . I also loved Tristan in this book...he's still my favorite brat

4 stars from me and looking forward to the next one ;)
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews339 followers
February 9, 2022
***3.5 rating***

"He wanted to have him, needed to put himself on him, in him, crawl his way inside, brand him, love him, use him, take care of him, own him, cram all of him into Jamie—"

Well I read this book that all my GR friends seemed to have a mixed opinion on😂🤣. How did I feel about it? Honestly I was torn what to rate it. I didn't love this one nor dislike it. I am neutral? Does that make sense?

I mean this book has all the things I would usually love: best friends to lovers trope, unrequited love, angst and the drama that comes with it. So why didn't I love it?

Well to start with it, I was annoyed with Ryan (mostly Ryan) and Jamie (a bit). These two were so frustrating. Most of the book, we see Jamie pining for his best friend Ryan who is supposedly "straight" and "in love" with his girlfriend, Hannah, but he has an unhealthy attachment and protectiveness towards Jamie who is really called James. But he is Jamie to Ryan. His Jamie. Only for him. Does that sound like they are only friends? I think not🤣. I mean even Tristan called it in the last book, Jamie was his shadow, aka his other-half. To me, Hannah seemed like the third wheel, not Jamie. I felt bad for her, especially when Ryan thought it was okay to be giving kissing lessons to his "brother" while claiming to be "straight" and in a whole relationship.

I found Ryan being "straight" hard to believe. Even after Jamie confesses his feelings to him, what does Ryan do? Give him a ✋ job. What a generous friend 😂. Even prior to all the angst he thought it was cool to cuddle with his male bestie. Yep straight guys definitely do that sir. Yes Ryan is so straight that he allows Jamie to give him blow jobs, kisses and yep they eventually even fuck. Super straight.

Can we say delusional? 🤡

One thing I had a issue with was whether Ryan really consented to the kisses and their first fuck. Jamie sort of forced himself on him even when at times Ryan whispered no. He seemed to participate in the acts but like the title of this book, I too was confused. Are we into Jamie or are we not Ryan? I couldn't tell. It wasn't clear at all. Ryan sort of just went with it as a means to keep Jamie by any means necessary. It seemed at times he led Jamie on. You either like someone romantically or you don't. I get that he was confused but damn so was I at this point😩🤧.

I felt sad for Jamie, unrequited love sucks.*insert Taylor Swift music here*

He wanted Ryan any way he could have him and that frustrated me, because I am like you deserve better sir.

In the previous books even when the previous guys were "straight" there was at least some mutual desire, want, and attraction. In this book, it seemed nonexistent until 88% into the book. But you know what they say? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

It did eventually for Ryan when he tried to get back with Hannah. Life without Jamie was dull and empty. I could have told you that sir. No straight man in love with his girlfriend breaks up with her for his gay bestie. Its okay though he woke up eventually from denial.

Hallelujah 🎉.

When they got together, I was happy for Jamie. He can finally get laid in peace 🙏🏻💀.

I really loved that Zack and Tris were in this book. We got to see them and Tris bonding with his half-brother. He even confronted his estranged father (we hate him). So yes that cameo was satisfying.

I liked the introduction to Luke and his story. Cannot wait to see his story unfold. Love a good mob romance, I think that's what the next book is about lol 🤣.

Overall, this book was okay. A bit frustrating but okay nonetheless.

I am really devouring this series🙊😌.
June 28, 2024
2 reread: 3.5 "wow not really close to four" Stars
♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

3.75"close to four" Stars

One of the BEST friends-to-lovers romances I have read! Easily became my top 3 favorites in this series. I'm still debating whether I like Alexander/Christian (book 2) or Ryan/James better...

I debate: I love them both equally

Personally, I think this book and Ryan/James relationship was a perfect example of friends-to-lovers. Most of the times I tend to avoid this trope because eventually it turns to FWB, but not this one! Their friendship was soo beautiful and close that I get why Ryan would be confused and hesitant with his own feelings.
This last line has me MUSHY and SWOONY:

Grinning, Ryan wrapped him in his arms and held onto him—his best friend, his lover, his other half, his happiness. Labels didn’t matter if they all meant the same thing:


One thing I realized after/while reading this, I hate the trope "one of the MCs has a girlfriend." Do you know HOW MANY TIMES I have read this LINE (or similar to it) in book 2, book 3, and this one (book 4):

So there’s no point in telling him. He loves her, he’s happy with her, and if he finds out, he’d only feel sorry for me.”

Another thing, I was seriously considering putting this book in the "taboo" shelf. The many times Ryan mentions the lines: "brother", "he's like a brother" "you're like a brother" etc. to James was really frustrating and funny.
Then I had to say to myself "Girl, its a friends-to-lovers, they have been friends for over 15 years!! Duh, he would consider James a brother!!"

ONE BIG THING, I have noticed the story writing in this book has really improved from the first book. There is more plot and the emotions are clearly expressed on page!! The endings are also not short-lived! Round of applause to Alessandra Hazard!

I got over myself and decided a five stars on this one because this is the first friends-to-lovers trope that I ACTUALLY enjoyed that didn't change to a FWB! Surprisingly, I don't find myself remembering or noticing any niggles..!
Fav couples so far:
1. Derek/Shawn (teacher-student, book 1)
2. Alexander/Christian (threesome-2 people lovers, book 2)
3. Ryan/James (friends-to-lovers, book 5)
4. Zach/Tristian (enemies-to-lovers, book 4)
5. Jared/Gabriel (DNF, book 3)
Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
642 reviews256 followers
May 28, 2021
Loved this! It was a tough one for sure but thankfully I pushed through. Characters, both main and secondary, were magnificent! The ending got me bawling my eyes out. It wasn't dramatic or anything like that but damn finally I can breathe. Need the next one asap!
Profile Image for eli ♡ .
160 reviews136 followers
July 27, 2021
.·:·.☽✧ 4.5 stars ✧☾.·:·.

these few quotes very well encapsulate the energy and theme of this novel.

""Everyone’s straight until they’re not,”"

""It’s wrong and weird only for as long as you let it be.""

"“I love you, silly. That’s never been a question for me. You’re my everything. I want everything from you. I want to give you everything; I always have. I just couldn’t before.”"

my dude Tristan of all people made the first two quotes, and I couldn't agree more. he really matured and became wiser than he initially was. love that for him 💗.

even without Tristan's cameos in this book, "Just A Bit Confusing" was definitely one of my favorites out of the whole series. all the angst, uncertainty, and love just did it for me. still wondering why Luke chose to go to Russia, of all places, since he said himself that a lot of people there aren't very accepting of different sexualities. I guess I'll find out more in the next book. super excited to read the sequel 🤗.
Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
648 reviews510 followers
November 16, 2021
Readers: We didn't ask for Sadness.
Alessandra: YES.

This was is pleasantly surprising.
✨ It has more depth than the previous book
✨ Ryan and James friendship was ACTUALLY SHOWN
✨ The unrequited love was actually kind of definitely sad.
✨ Tristan, that fucker, actually grew WISER
✨ I actually kind of LIKE James and Tristan's biological father
✨ This HAS to be the least problematic couple from series.

He didn’t know what sort of person he would be without Ryan. It was fucked up, but it was the truth. This love, no matter how hopeless and painful it was, had been a part of him for so long. It was a part of what made him James Grayson. Jamie didn’t know who he would be without it.

I love how:
💝 Jamie's mouth was no ones but Ryan's Property ✋🤧
💝 Ryan's protectiveness 🤧
💝 Jamie who is a STARVED PUPPY for his man's bread crumbs.
💝 The POWER Ryan holds over James when he simply puts his hands on James neck!
💝 There is no Jamie without Ryan, and there could never be a truer Ryan without his Jamie Bear.
💝 “Holding Jamie’s gaze, Ryan said, “It doesn’t matter that we have jobs and relationships now. Because you and me—it’s us, and nothing will change that, got it? You’re stuck with me. If you think I’m letting you push me aside for your dad or for that dickhead, think again. You’re mine first.” ✋ PLEASE someone needs to RESTART my heart.
💝 The soft, simple and just carefree moments we got; where we can just see the beauty of their friendship
💝 PLEASE. THIS SCENE. “Are you drunk?” Ryan said, trying to ignore the stirring in his groin.
Jamie shook his head. “You know I’m not. So can I suck your cock?”

💝 The pacing of this book was, in very few terms, perfection.

Jamie’s lips trembled against his before laughter erupted from his chest, unburdened and happy. Grinning, Ryan wrapped him in his arms and held onto him—his best friend, his lover, his other half, his happiness. Labels didn’t matter if they all meant the same thing:

Also, is it just me but it DEFINITELY feels like Zach and Tristan is Alessandra's favorite couple. I mean, the amount of times they were MENTIONED-
Tristan gave them a pinched look. “Stop. Just stop.”
“Don’t pretend to be offended,” Ryan said, smirking. “I’ve heard Zach call you dollface many times, which is way worse.”
The look Tristan gave him was very sweet and very poisonous. “You’re not Zach. Only he can get away with calling me ridiculous things.”

I honestly don't have much to argue about this book, except the fact that I wanted to throw Ryan an iron for the “but he's my brother” argument that lasted until the damn book, but I'm blaming that on NO ONE BUT MYSELF because I have lost also delusions to “Forbidden” Relationships.

initial reactions:
well this was a lot SADDER than I expected
Profile Image for Elisa Glendenning.
522 reviews48 followers
November 15, 2020
4.5 Stars

I feel as though I’ve been through the emotional wringer. Unrequited love is so bloody painful. I was on tenterhooks until the very end and whilst I did have certain reservations (partly due to Ryan’s continuous, albeit realistic doubts), I loved every minute!!!

Aside from the drama, Tristan’s role as intermediary was an added bonus and I was more than ready for that long awaited confrontation with his father.

Finally, after that epilogue, I CANNOT wait to read the next in this highly addictive series!!! AH has found herself a new fan.
Profile Image for ~✿ Tala✿~ .
164 reviews41 followers
June 3, 2021
Reread 06/03/2021:
2 stars --> 3.5 stars
This reread really made me see this story with new eyes! I've come to realize that when I originally read this book I was an Alessandra Hazard newbie, so the relationship seemed toxic (but compared to future books it's nothing LOL) which now having read more books by her I've come to love her unhealthy dynamic couples! This time around I did enjoy Ryan and James together but I still stand by that Ryan should have stopped with the constant "I'm straight" "I don't see you that way" "you're like my brother" comments a bit sooner because even in their post-breakup reunion scene at 80 something% Ryan is making out with him and still thinking that!!! Nonetheless, this was a good best-friends-to-lovers story. The end was cute, seeing James so happy in the epilogue was so heartwarming!

Original review 03/05/20 (2 star rating):
Disappointed with this one, Ryan spent waaay too long denying his attraction to James, there was too much self-torture and guilt it kind of dampened the intimate moments between the two MCs :(
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,366 reviews554 followers
August 29, 2021
3.5 stars rounded down

I liked this one. But I do have to say that Ryan and James were, in a word, frustrating as hell. I mean damn, even Gabriel and Jared weren't this frustrating as a friends-to-lovers thing and they were supremely frustrating, so that is saying something.

But maybe because with Gabriel he had such an intense way of showing his love for Jared (even if he was in denial about it being romantic at the time) it didn't feel as frustrating, because Ryan was so very much "straight" for the majority of this. I mean, damn, even Gabriel didn't feel that in denial even when he was in denial. It felt right when he and Jared finally got together.

And as hot as Ryan and James were, it still didn't feel quite...right, I guess, when Ryan finally got his head out of his ass? Probably because he realized his love for James and was not longer "confused" until literally a few pages from the end of the book. There wasn't enough time with Ryan in a state of acceptance and getting used to be in love with James, ya know? So the ending didn't feel like it worked.

Also, why did Ryan look at James as a "pseudo-little brother that he had to protect" when James was literally only a few months younger than him? The seeing him like a brother thing, all right I can see that, but seeing him a little brother to the point that it felt wrong that he wanted him? Why? We never saw these two get to a point where Ryan would feel that way (as they've been friends since childhood before this starts) so he just kind of...felt that way.

And he was in denial for soooo long it was crazy (and I say this having had to deal with Gabriel's annoying ass denial for like 90% of his book. But somehow Ryan's felt longer even though it was about the same length wise in the book.) and honestly Ryan and James felt more unhealthy than Gabriel and Jared for the majority of this book until Ryan got his shit together.

I liked that James took the initiative eventually - but shook my head at Ryan's idiocy, taking like 2 plus months to actually do something to get James back.

Anyway, overall this wan't as strong as most of the others have been in this series, at least for me. I guess, like the title, Ryan's behavior was a little confusing.

But I still liked it, so 3 stars instead of less that that. Also, James and Ryan still had awesome chemistry.
Profile Image for Virginia Cavanillas.
Author 42 books172 followers
April 4, 2017
Máxima puntuación, ¡sí, señor!

El segundo libro en esta serie que consigue el podio y, dado que "just a bit wrong" y "just a bit confussing" los he leído seguidos, en el transcurso de una semana, mi alegría ha sido enorme.

¿Lo mejor? Pues, veamos, ¿aparte de sus sus protagonistas que son de verdad estupendos y se merecen un 10?, ¿aparte de la "perfecta" angustia presente en la mayoría del libro que es la justa y necesaria para entristecerte y engancharte al mismo tiempo y que merece otro 10?. Pues además de eso, quizá me quedo con las intervenciones de Tristan y Zack. Sobre todo del primero. Me encantó en su libro y me ha gustado todavía más en éste.

Me ha gustado muchísimo la forma en la que James define a Ryan. Cómo te hace ver al personaje según sus ojos y cómo llega a gustarte lo que de él te dice.

El único "pero"es el que suelo poner en muchos de los GFY: es un poco inverosímil en su enfoque. Sobretodo en este caso, en el que los protagonistas son amigos de toda la vida. Pero oye, a mi me satisface lo suficiente para seguir leyendo este género sin parar.

Es un libro súper adictivo, que te lees enseguida y que te deja con terribles ojeras (de no dormir, no de llorar... Aunque lo esto último también tiene...)
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
October 19, 2021
[2.4] to all those who thought i’d love this (including me because i *live* for the childhood bffs-to-lovers trope), i give my humblest apologies but the more i think about it, the lower my rating sinks so here's me dropping my review and skedaddling the heck away before we enter 2-star terri- uh oh, i was too late 😩


okay so it wasn’t as atrocious as this gif makes it out to be but ~when high expectations drastically backfire~ 🙃

this felt like a Just a Bit Unhealthy rehash but with lackluster execution and even unhealthier vibes (surprisingly enough) that weren't endearing to me this time around.

what i enjoyed: i absolutely loved Jamie and my heart broke for him again and again as he got put through the unrequited love wringer ("boy falls for his straight best friend" is always so tragic 🤧). the emotional manipulation on Jamie's part—when he finds himself throwing down an ultimatum at Ryan's feet—and taking what he could get while the opportunity was there—albeit with a good heaping of dubcon sprinkled in 👁️👄👁️—was YUM. Ryan's response to the ultimatum, not hesitating for a second to choose him, showcased his protectiveness & dedication to Jamie's happiness to a T and i was living for itttttt.

but that's where my hype fizzles out.

for a tale of two best bros stuck at the hip since forever, there was so little fun and too much telling of their everlasting bond that i truthfully wasn't that invested in their friendship. a few sunny blue skies are in order to balance out the depressing rainy days otherwise the friend aspect of the trope doesn't get the chance to build and shine through.

now i can see why Ryan would constantly bring up the fact that he sees Jamie as a younger brother because they were basically raised together. Ryan's family was Jamie's second family—it's not strange at all that a brotherly affection developed.

what i don't understand, however, is how Jamie having certain lady parts would change a single thing. Ryan claims that thinking of Jamie as a female turns him on, but if anything, it makes his "incest" point moot 'cause f!Jamie would instead feel like a sister to him so what’s the diff?? 🧐 idk i think i was left more confused than Ryan was in the book and that's saying something 🤣

who knows, maybe he's just that desperate to come up with a reason not to see his bff in the light of carnal desires, but his repeated denial and not very enthusiastic reception to their physical intimacy till practically the end made it feel like he was genuinely straight and forcing it.

by the end i was under the impression that AH was forcibly trying to tie a nice bow with a live snake, asserting that Ryan's main source of conflict stemmed from his inability to reconcile the best friend/"younger brother" Jamie who he oh-so-dearly wants to protect and make happy, and the Jamie he wants to hungrily do the horizontal tango with..... only to have it bite her in the butt since this was never directly hinted at or explored in the buildup to The Big Revelation (it would’ve worked otherwise!). for a lightbulb moment, it struck me as an obligatory surrender and not a real wanting, and boy was that unsatisfying 😔 taking into account how long his protests persisted, the last few pages after they finally got together were nothing short of anticlimactic.

that's where the disconnect arose, and the forced HEA romance simply didn't cut it.

this might be just a bit twisted (wrong book, Alyssa 🤣), but the story would've made more sense in its current state if it'd taken the "i'll touch and kiss and do whatever with you as long as it makes you happy even though i'm straight" route, but that's my unpopular opinion 🗿

don't get me wrong, the story had its highs, but the lows were low and i was flying out the other side of the planet. here i go pulling out my trusty list again to note a few other niggles i had:

- i couldn't stop laughing at how Ryan managed to rationalize getting bjs and practicing making out with his best friend (for educational purposes ofc) by telling himself that his gf would understand so it's all good UMMMM OKAY 🤣

- Tristian giving advice to his brother was really cute, especially when Jamie didn't know they were related yet!!! well, cute except for when it wasn't. i know he's the type to use crude language and all that but maybe his talk about converting straight guys by sucking their dick enough could've been reworded 😬

- i know these words come from the super unlikeable rich sorry-excuse-for-a-father so maybe it was set up to make us dislike him more but the fact that this guy complains about the "rudimentary grasp of English" Russians have yet doesn't have the mind to hire a professional translator for smoother communication despite rolling in money?? the elitism and snobbery i'm- 💀

- the cherry on top 🍒: Jamie learns that his next closest friend has been missing for 10 days and spends maybe a split second worrying about his safety before he and Ryan are sticking tongues down each other’s throats LMAOOOO a true paragon of camaraderie 😂

THE SMEXY SCENES WERE SIZZLING HOT THOUGH. i read this while on a 4-hour drive home and was hoping my family members wouldn't notice the semi-permanent blush on my face 😳 wasn't enough to save the reading experience, but you win some, you lose some 🤷🏻‍♀️

Profile Image for K.S. Morgan.
Author 4 books17 followers
December 14, 2015
Every time I start a new book by Alessandra Hazard, I know it will blow my mind. Just a Bit Confusing wasn’t any different.

I didn’t really connect with James and Ryan in the previous book, and while I still looked forward to reading about them, I thought they were immature and childish. Well, even the first page of their story proved me wrong. I was shocked to see how much pain and heartache James was hiding, how skillfully he was pretending that everything was fine, that he’s happy, when in fact he was falling apart and there was no one who could see it. Even Ryan, the most important person in Jamie’s life, his best friend, someone he’s been in love with for forever remained oblivious.

I loved Ryan. He was loyal and adoring toward his Jamie, but I just couldn’t see how they would ever work out, considering Ryan seemed in love with his girlfriend and was honestly seeing James as his younger brother only. The tension in their relationship was growing, James was getting more desperate and dejected, until one night he finally broke and Ryan found out the truth.

Ryan didn’t disappoint me. Yes, after that their relationship took a very confusing turn, but his devotion to Jamie remained as strong as ever. They shared some very emotional moments, and when Ryan had to make a difficult choice… well, let’s just say it pleasantly surprised me. It added even more depth to the confusing feelings raging between those boys.

Ryan didn’t suddenly turn gay. He didn’t suddenly realize he was in love with Jamie all along. No, the path to that was long and realistic, with lots of obstacles on the way. Alessandra Hazard has the ability to make the most obvious things shocking to me — like the reasoning behind Ryan’s realization about the nature of his feelings for James. Is it possible to get so used to something that you keep believing in it just because it’s a habit, without digging deeper? I felt that’s what happened here — and it made Ryan and James’ relationship even more explosive and unusual.

I loved seeing Tristan and Zach. What I lacked in the previous part — Jamie knowing about Tristan’s being his brother, Tristan’s meeting with his father — it all was here, and wow, it was amazing! I wanted to cry from the pain Tristan felt. He was still both an angel and a brat, but in this book he grew up, matured, made some significant changes in his life. I loved his growing friendship with Jamie (when at first it seemed they hated each other). Tristan and James’ father redeemed himself a little in my eyes. Not completely — never completely — but at least I started to understand him.

This story was hot, it was emotional, it was angsty, funny and touching. Ryan and Jamie deserve their happiness, but now I want to know more about Luke and his story, because Stockholm Syndrome? By Alessandra Hazard? Yes, please!

*ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dani.
129 reviews39 followers
September 24, 2017
LOL, I don’t know if I read the same book as everyone because I definitely didn’t love this story. I liked it, but it wasn’t something spectacular. Other ‘friends to lovers’ story with a very confused MC and a very confused Dani………….. I haven't seen a title more accurate than this one. (uhg, I hate the cover btw)

Ryan and Jamie have been best friends since they were little. Jamie is in love with his very straight friend who sees him like a ‘little’ brother and thinks it will be really gross to be with Jamie. Yep, ouch.

This story is very similar to Jared and Gabe’s in Just a Bit Unhealthy because their relationship was a bit unhealthy too. Ryan only felt a brotherly love toward Jamie but he seemed to be unable to keep his hand or his lips away from him -you know, typical best friends thing that is always kissing you even more than your boyfriend (just in case, I'm being sarcastic)-, he was always groping him but yeah... He doesn’t want Jamie for a sexual or a romantic purpose.

What I didn’t like was how Ryan was messing up with Jamie’s head the whole book; it took him AGES to find out how he really felt about Jamie. The whole book was Ryan saying he really didn’t want him that way and Jamie moping around until near 95% that’s when Ryan had some kind of enlightenment and his life is solved miraculously.

I admit it; it’s a really entertaining story. Somehow, Hazzard unrealistic story and messed up characters have certain appealing. Though, I don’t know if I want a psychologist for the characters or for the author… I haven’t figured it out yet but if I keep reading this series the one who’ll need a psychologist will be me. (Seriously, I may actually need one 'cause I don't get why I still want to keep reading this series, Hazard has some weird spell on me.)

Well *shrug*, I guess I like constantly rolling my eyes with the stupid things I read here. God, this was an inducing eye roll story. Besides, I can’t deny I have fun reading this book because is so ridiculous and I adore criticizing it, LOL.

I still love Tristan and Zach, those two are my favorite and I loved seeing Tristan again <3
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