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She needs his love. He needs her safe.

When a workplace romance becomes something deeper for Lexie Harper, she’s devastated to learn Asher Becket is determined to keep their sensual touches and passionate kisses behind closed doors. But that’s not good enough. Lexie won’t be anyone’s dirty little secret…especially when she’s harboring a secret of her own that won’t stay hidden for long.

As an ex-special forces soldier with a target on his back, Asher lives each day with just two goals: put an end to Project Arma, the program that changed him forever; and keep his feelings for Lexie locked down tight. His life is a hotbed of danger, and he’ll die before letting it touch her.

Then Lexie’s secret is discovered by people so evil, Asher’s her only hope of staying alive. Instead of pushing her away, he’ll have to hold his greatest obsession closer than ever.

292 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 9, 2020

About the author

Nyssa Kathryn

31 books704 followers
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Australian Romantic Suspense Author, Nyssa Kathryn, is a passionate reader and writer of all things romance. Living in South Australia with her hubby and daughter, when she's not spending time with the family, she's either plotting her next story or got her head stuck in a book.

Follow Nyssa here:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews
Profile Image for Karin.
2,178 reviews
November 11, 2020
Lexie and Asher’s story was addicting! There connection was so strong from the beginning even though Asher tried to downplay it. These two both had secrets but when Lexie’s comes out it brings them closer and she feels she’s finally getting what she needs and Asher will protect her at all costs!
Profile Image for Kami Dodson-Perry.
710 reviews23 followers
March 21, 2021
Finally Asher and Lexis get their story. There were bits and pieces throughout the first 2 books now we get to see the outcome from the months of a casual relationship.

Lexie is fed up with Asher being non -committed . Lexie wants all of Asher, she wants his secrets, trust and most of all his love.

Asher dis not want Lexie's life to be put in danger. This is the reason why Asher is holding onto his secret so tight. But now that he learns a little secret of Lexies he had no choice but to tell her about Project Arma.

Lexie's character is beautiful, positive, loving, strong and determined.

The ending was great and we are introduced to Save as well as Fletcher is this book.

Rating: 3 1/2 Stars
Profile Image for Kristiej.
1,391 reviews93 followers
June 26, 2024
This one was meh at best. At different times I found both Asher and Lexie annoying and I wasn’t sure if I would keep going or not. I didn’t think the suspense of the evil Arma group moved forward and the heroes/heroines are becoming quite interchangeable. I’m not sure if I’m going to continue the series and I know I won’t br rereading it.
Profile Image for Jite.
1,165 reviews70 followers
July 2, 2023
2.5 stars

I overall liked Asher and Lexie’s story. It was in the style of one of my favorite romance tropes (secret baby) and Lexie is overall a likable. However, once again I found that even though the hero was cast as the “nice guy,” he was a little overbearing and a little unclear about consent or listening to the heroine despite her being incredibly vulnerable about her needs and her boundaries and him affirming to her time and time again that he wasn’t willing to provide her with what she needed. I’m glad his friends were able to talk sense into him but his whole reasoning for being a commitment- phobe made little sense. Perhaps if he has also been given a back story about his family history, it would have made sense, but to blame everything on his fears about drawing her into the Project Arma danger when she’s already a beloved member of their work family AND his is not even the first serious relationship nor is he the team leader or anything… it just made very little sense. He was a f-boy for f-boying’s sake and honestly Lexie deserved infinitely better. I feel like with the next book Sage is being set up for some gaslightery but perhaps the author will salvage it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kait.
1,227 reviews190 followers
November 18, 2022
FINALLY Lexie & Asher ❤️

Friends with benefits worked until she caught feelings and he wasn’t willing to commit. Lexie is tired of the secrets. The last thing she wants is to turn out like her mother and it’s happening before her eyes. She can’t hold out for someone who’s not willing to even try, she has to move on and do what’s best for her and their baby. Asher wants her more than anything but thinks she deserves more. He also wants to keep her safe from the people who kidnapped him and his team. But the more he pushes her away, the worse he feels.

Kind of wanted to strangle Asher but I also understand where he came from. My heart went out to Lexie and all she dealt with from him. They both keep big secrets from each other which made me sad but happy they figured it all out. They are so sweet together. Love how devoted Asher becomes.
November 13, 2020
A Thrilling Action-Packed Story which kept me on Edge right to the end!
I've liked Lexie & Asher as Side characters in Previous books but Now I totally fell in love with'em❤.
ARC Received for a Honest Review.

NOTE: This can be Read as a Standalone but Best Enjoyed in Series, You'll understand the people & Situations better.

Asher 'Striker' is the Jokester of our Ex-Navy SEAL guys' team & we see his Growly protective side here!
Lexie, Fierce & Witty, has been close friends with Evie & Shylah.

From the Previous 2 books, It's pretty obvious that Something's going on with Ash & Lex.
Ash was in a Secret "Casual" Relationship with Lex, Not that he didn't want more, but 'Cause he Cared & wanted her safe. But Lex had fallen in Love with him & wanted Stability & Commitment. Things Asher couldn't give, so she'd "Broken Up" with him.
But She worked as Receptionist in The guys' company: Marble Protection, so avoiding Asher is Impossible. Nor Asher wanted To avoid her.

Both Are keeping Secrets..
Him about Project Arma, which without Consent Made them Genetically modified Super-Soldiers. Now Whom Asher & our guys are Searching For, To Destroy it & Revenge the lives lost.
If Lex was made a target due to him & Hunted, it'll destroy Asher..
The Story starts with Lex Finding out She's 6 weeks Pregnant *Omg!*. With an unstable childhood which made her independent fast, what did she know about Mothering? But She Will give this baby what it'll need, with or Without Asher. Oh no, she'd to tell Ash too..How will he React?
Due to this fear, she kept this news secret from Friends & Ash, till the 12th week. But She was sick so they knew Something was going on, but what?

Stressful time, Hell of a morning Sickness, Friends & Priorities, Banters, Secrets & Powers, The Fundraiser, Baby's Truth out+Her fainting, The hospital..
Finally the Secrets Come out! Asher will do everything to protect Lex & their baby. And they've loyal Friends who'll do the same. *Swoon!*
A SuperBaby in Womb has "More" Needs... (Here comes Dr. Sage!)

In the upcoming weeks, Asher is like Everything she needed him to be. Sweet & Attentive.
Mama issues, Suspicious Goons, Almost Kidnapping, Strain.. As Troubles arises they handle it together.
Pregnancy Brought them closer, But what about LOVE? Does he love her? Is their 'us' Forever?
Misunderstandings, His Idiocy, Her Extra Stress, Friends' Intervention, True feelings, Commitment, I love yous *Yay!*, Nursery Surprise!

Project Arma's After their Unborn Child, So Protection is necessary. As Months pass, With Sexy times, Love & Fun (BabyQ!), Baby grows normal but Fast.
At 35 weeks, baby's coming early but The Danger is too close..
Pizzas & Project Arma, Kidnapped, Labor, The Commander & Fight..
They've won the fight, Found Hard truths, Everyone's safe..But the Raging war is FAR From Over.

I loved the Ending! Asher, Lexie, Baby Fletcher make a Cute family AND Seeing the sweet Newborn with all the Gang is.. *Aww❤*
Plus Such a tease for Mason+Sage, I'm so Excited For their Story!
~This book, hell the whole series, is a MUST!
Profile Image for Marnie.
1,191 reviews23 followers
November 7, 2020
Another 5-Stars of Seal Action!!!

Holy smokes, once started, my backside was glued to my chair and I barely moved for food because I needed to get through Nyssa Kathryn’s latest release in her Project ARMA series. The woman is a genius. She has come up with an addictive underlying plot thread that rolls through each pair of character’s romantic story, and I tell you now that it is highly advisable to read them in order. If you heed my words, you’ll be doing yourself a solid by getting in on the plot points and reading some amazing as all hell books while you’re at it.

Normally I take notes for review writing as I read, but, with these books, it is something that I have consistently failed to do. I simply DO NOT want to be distracted from reading them. I just have this unerring desire to inhale every word, not to just reach the end exactly, it’s probably more about pigging out on a favourite food, only there’s a limited amount to be eaten. I have no chill and no control. I’m just all in and slurp! It’s devoured. In the same way, I need to know what Ms Kathryn has going on in the latest series instalment, and as always it was freaking AWESOME!!!

The relationship in previous books between Asher and Lexie could be seen as tense and tenuous at best. Lexie wanted openness and honesty, whereas Asher wanted to keep it on the down-low and shield her from the danger that the secrets around Project ARMA entail. She’s had it with Asher’s secrets, and the book opens with her just having discovered she’s pregnant. You can now imagine the plot turn when those behind Project ARMA hear of the first baby to be born to one of these super-soldiers. While the chemistry and heat between Asher and Lexie is strong, it doesn’t lead the book but rather enhances the romantic edge to the story.

As you can imagine, I was one ball of tight tension as I read my way through this book. Whoever tells you that reading is relaxing obviously hasn’t reading ANYTHING from Nyssa Kathryn!!!! 5-action-packed-packed-stars. Again 🖤💛
Profile Image for Lily.
202 reviews4 followers
June 14, 2024
Pretty much just rinse and repeat of the other books. I liked Lexie from the beginning and her dynamic with Asher was introduced early in the series, so I was looking forward to this book. I didn’t expect the secret pregnancy trope going in, so that was a surprise. It was very slow paced though. The books aren’t even that long and it took almost 50% of the way through for Asher to even learn that Lexi’s pregnant. That’s basically just 150 pages of her hiding the pregnancy and being strung along by Asher.

I found Asher infuriating. His constant back and forth, needing her, claiming her as his, just to insisting over and over that he wasn't willing to give her with what she needed, what she was asking for. It was cruel. Lexie was incredibly vulnerable communicating her needs and her boundaries, and he just kept yo-yoing her. He didn’t want to commit to her, but also refused to let her move on, basically telling her “I don’t want you but no one else can have you.” And Lexie is so strong - or stupid depending on how you want to look at it. Asher yo-yoed her for at least a year, if not longer. I wouldn’t have been as patient - having feelings for someone who didn’t reciprocate those feelings, repeatedly told me he never would, refused to publicly acknowledge me as more than a friend, only showed affection and caring when no one else was around, then just to disappear in the middle of the night and make me feel used for sex. That’s a big nope. I’m out.

And Asher’s excuses are fucking stupid. He blamed everything on his fears about dragging her into the Project Arma danger, but she's already a beloved member of their work family and obviously means something to him. He was merely torturing the both of them for no reason. And it wasn’t like him and Lexie would’ve been the first serious relationship among the guys - Luca and Eden were prime examples of making serious relationship work even with the danger of Project Arma. If Asher really wanted it, he would have figured it out earlier. It made him seem like a fuck boy and Lexie deserved better.

And we still have the same rinse and repeat of these genetically modified, highly trained super soldiers epically failing and continuing to be bumbling baboons while their women keep getting hurt and/or kidnapped. They are the most oblivious protection agency/bodyguard trope I’ve read. They’re all basically Johnny Bravo - big, muscular, good looking guys that are dumber than a box of rocks. And there are 5 more books of this buffoonery. I don’t have that in me right now.

I was almost on the hook for continuing with Mason and Sage because the introduction of her character was interesting and I wanted to know more about her. But honestly, I don’t really care. Like, I wanna know what happens without having to invest the time in reading the books because at this point I don’t care enough to invest that time. I need to read something different, something that actually intrigues me. Maybe I’ll come back to Marble Falls later… but I definitely need a break for now.
Profile Image for Bette.
2,826 reviews13 followers
July 5, 2023
A Gripping Romantic Suspense! Great Story & Listen🎧

Project Arma, Book 3
By: Nyssa Kathryn
Narrated by: Avery Caris, Oliver Clarke

I am loving this series and I would say it keeps getting better and better, but that would not be fair to the first two books because they are just as amazing as this one. I recommend enjoying the series in order written, each book features different lead characters, but characters crossover into each other’s books and seeing them again is like seeing an old friend. And there is an ongoing “Project Arma” storyline, and it is beneficial to be in it from the start, more details surface in each book as the team gets closer to their target or the target gets closer to them. This third book is Lexie and Asher’s story, they have been dancing around each other from the start and there was definitely something going on between them and I’ve been looking forward to finding out what. I was also looking forward t learning more about them too. Asher a former seal who, like the other men who were on his seal team, were wronged, used as lab rats to experiment with power enhancing drugs, altering their DNA. They got out of Project Arma, but those responsible for it and ran the experiments escaped. Asher and the others formed Marble Protection, but their primary mission is to mission to find them and take down Project Arma. The problem is those on the run are aware of this and always one step ahead, plus they continue to conduct experiments on others, so they are not the only ones with superhuman powers. Asher and Lexie have been spending time together, but Asher wants to keep their relationship a secret, though he won’t tell her why. He has his reasons, one being it could put her in danger, but she takes it otherwise. But it is something else that puts a target on her back and now Asher and the team need to keep her safe. The writing, plotting and world building are fantastic and there is a perfect balance of drama, angst, action, twists and turns, thrilling suspense, heartfelt emotions and another fabulous romance. Nyssa Kathryn, thank you for another fantastic story and the wild and emotional rollercoaster ride. 

🎧📚🎧  And for the fabulous narration, Avery Crais and Oliver Clarke did an amazing bringing these characters and story to life. They had a complete understanding of the characters they were portraying and were believable in every role they played. The quality of the audio and their performance was top-notch and you could hear how much heart they put into their work as they captured all the character’s emotions and had you feeling every single one. They set the perfect tone for the story and handled the witty dialogue with ease. These entertaining storytellers are versatile voice artists and a pleasure to listen to. Thank you for this great listen.
November 15, 2020
**Disclaimer: I was provided an advance reader copy by the author in exchange for my unbiased review and opinions**


This is the third installment of the Project Arma series. It can be read as a standalone, but you'll understand more of the story if you read the prior two books.
This is Asher's story, which has been hinted at through the prior two books. Lexie is a tough lady, having grown with an absent mother that dealt with addiction issues. Asher is her one blind spot in life and she keeps giving in to him, even though it'd pretty obvious he doesn't want a relationship with her (and says so). Asher, the stubborn mule, does not want to get involved because he doesn't want Lexie to be a risk. You can imagine how is this going to go...

This book has a surprise pregnancy, so if that's not your jam, you've been warned. I usually do not enjoy this trope but decided to continue reading and I am glad I did. I am happy this author didn't drag the drama out and the heroine told the hero of her pregnancy fairly quickly.
This story has some irritating moments. The way her friends act at the beginning of the book. The way Asher refuses to be in a relationship with Lexie because he's scared about the risk (even though two of his friends have SO's). The way he kept being a jackass almost to the end. I seriously wanted to hit him with a frying pan.

It was fairly easy to discover the antagonist in this book, which continues to frustrate me ( I guess I need to go back to reading thrillers and mysteries since I am not getting a lot of that element of surprise through most romantic suspense I am reading).

The book is well written and I do want to know more about the overall arc of Project Arma, but at times this book felt like an itch between the shoulders that I couldn't reach.
Still, I am invested and I want to know more about the overall arc and I will continue to read this series.
Profile Image for Debbie.
2,630 reviews47 followers
April 24, 2024
Asher is the third book in the Project Arma series by Nyssa Kathryn. This is Asher and Lexie’s book.

Lexie has thrown enough hints in the previous books that we knew she and Asher had something going on. Problem is, he doesn’t want to make anything official and doesn’t want to admit what they have is serious.

Asher genuinely cares about Lexie, but he’s terrified something might happen to her because of the people his team are after. He tries to fight his attraction towards her, but knows something is wrong and Lexie is hiding a secret.

I don’t understand how Project Arma’s genetically altered soldiers always get away from our Seal team who are supposed to be equally enhanced. Every time they have an altercation, the bad dudes, especially the Chris dude, ALWAYS manage to escape. I thought our guys were supposed to be badass and unstoppable. Not to mention, the bad guys obviously have a number of people in higher positions helping them because they seem to be one step ahead of our men and know secrets they shouldn’t. It’s beginning to make our boys look pretty weak and incompetent.

Asher and Lexie were cute together once they finally worked things out. I understood Asher’s reluctance to an extent, but I felt he needed to man up a little sooner than he did. Lexie was a pretty good leading lady, and I respected her for being so adamant about what/who was going to be her first priority in her life. Her only flaw was knowing her life was in danger and then deciding she could leave for a minute without one of the guys protecting her and thinking nothing would happen.

I’m enjoying this series and like seeing all the returning characters. I’m looking forward to watching all these men get their happy endings, but also wanting more of the bad guys taken out!
Profile Image for Nicky.
1,126 reviews19 followers
May 13, 2023
My least favorite of the series so far. So we’re continuing on in this Project Arma saga. But this book unfortunately focused more on the Asher and Lexie relationship. Those two were a headache. First we had Asher being stupid. He clearly was in love with Lexie, but refused to let her into his life anymore than necessary. But that decision got taken out of his hands when she end up pregnant with his baby. And things are very complicated because of his super genes. These two are happily thrown together, except things just didn’t feel right to Lexie. She wants the “I love you” and Asher is still terrified to let her in.

This is where things go down hill for me. Lexie became insufferable and annoying and I was lowkey starting to hate her. Like I said before, she wanted the “I love you” but she wasn’t willing to give him the “I love you” either. The big fight/break up/separation or whatever happens because she hears him make a comment. And it’s not like she overheard it accidentally. He made it to someone while they were all sitting together. So it wasn’t some secret. Anyway, she completely misunderstands what he says. And instead of ASKING HIM what he means by it, she pouts and broods and ignores him while creating her own narrative in her head. And then she picks a fight with him and leaves him and he still doesn’t really know exactly what she’s mad about. She had her own idea of what love looked like that she wasn’t willing to see the ways he showed his love. She was looking for him to disappoint her and let her down. She didn’t accept him until he figured out how to read her mind and play her stupid games. I was so done with her from that point on. I couldn’t bring myself to care about her after that. So the end of the book fell kind of flat for me.
3,179 reviews30 followers
October 30, 2020
We are back with the former Navy SEALs that escaped Project Arma. A covert operation, that turned strong men into genetically altered “machines”. Some of their brothers were turned into killers controlled by an unknown group or individual. This surviving and ethically and morally group of men, have targets on their backs. Likely to spread to anyone they get involved with.The goal of Asher Becket’s team is to eliminate the evil that continues to want to destroy them.
In the meantime, they have formed a company training others to defend themselves. One of their employees is Lexie Harper. She’s their front of counter and organizer of the team. She’s also been in love with Asher and though for a while they had a relationship behind closed doors, she’s told him she can’t do that anymore and they “break up”.
But fate interferes when she has a secret that will be evident very soon. When there is a possibility of having a relationship, someone is determined to harm and kidnap Lexie.
When the secret is revealed and the danger continues, all bets are off and Asher is determined to keep her safe. But will it be enough for Lexie’s heart and safety?
This was another story in the series that grabbed your attention from the first page to the last. Keeping you on the edge of your seats, while also getting you to root for the couple’s chance at love and not knowing if everyone would survive the danger.
I can’t wait for the next story in the series, likely to be another winner.
I was entrusted a copy of this book. The opinions expressed are solely my own.
Profile Image for Audrey Nelson.
324 reviews2 followers
August 2, 2021
This series just keeps getting better and better, I also love that we are getting all the characters stories after we met them all in Luca's book.
We finally get Lexie and Asher's story in this book and it takes you for a ride. Lexi is a spit fire, not tolerating any bull crap, and is very strong and independent. She and Asher have been on and off for awhile, him being too afraid to actually commit to a relationship, even tho she really wants to have a committed relationship. She doesn't understand why he doesn't want to commit to her, and thinks it's her, and gets self conscious about herself, not knowing the real reason Asher doesn't want to commit to her is because he's doing it to protect her from Project Arma, since she's the only one who doesn't know about it and the team's special abilities. Throughout the book, Asher finally tells her his secret, after she tells him the one she's been hiding for several weeks. Together, they have to learn to trust each other, and to be open and honest with each other. I liked seeing their relationship grow after Asher finally realized he couldn't not have Lexie in his life. He will do anything to protect her, and their baby, but will their new baby be on the Project Arma radar already without their knowledge? Will Lexi and the baby be safe? A very good read full of suspense, love, passion, and some mystery still behind Project Arma and who's organizing it, and who the team can trust and who they can't trust. Looking forward to reading Mason's book!
Profile Image for Jenny Jackson.
916 reviews5 followers
November 20, 2022
Asher and Lexie

This was another fast paced romantic suspense. Asher and Lexie have been circling each other for two books now and Lexie has finally had enough. Asher thought he was protecting Lexie by not committing, but when reality sets in, he realizes he was actually putting her more at risk.

When Lexie finds out she’s pregnant, the casual relationship she has with Asher is no longer enough. Now that she has a baby to think about, she has run out of time to wait for Asher. Asher has been conflicted about the ultimatum Lexie gave him, but when he finds out she’s pregnant with his super soldier baby, he finally realizes his mistakes. Asher is all in from the moment he finds out Lexie is pregnant. He is supportive and caring and tries to help Lexie in any way he can. Of course there are setbacks, he shows Lexie how he feels, but he doesn’t tell her.

Asher feels incredibly protective of Lexie and his unborn child. Because of his altered DNA, Lexie is at risk. Commander Hylar reappears to take Lexie and test her baby. Asher will stop at nothing to keep them safe.

This was very fast paced and high action. Asher and his team struggle to keep Lexie safe while continuing to search for Project Arma. There is betrayal and kidnapping and just when everything looks bleak for Asher and Lexie, the team pulls through and rescues them just in time. I can’t wait for the team to take down Commander Hylar.
Profile Image for Patty.
4,556 reviews42 followers
July 1, 2023
Project Arma, Book 3
By: Nyssa Kathryn
Narrated by: Avery Caris, Oliver Clarke

Wow!! This series is packed with suspense and romance! I was looking forward to Asher and Lexie's story. These two are explosive together, but Asher's always pushing her away. Now, with both of them holding secrets, they will find out just how dangerous Project Arma is. This book is a thrilling and romantic installment. Asher figures out just what is important to him, and just how much danger he has put Lexie in. His over protectiveness may not be enough to keep her safe, and he may never get the chance tell her his real feelings. How does it all turn out? I cannot say enough good things about this book. It has the incredible chemistry that Lexie and Asher have, the intensity that their secrets hold, the impact of how these secrets effect their life and the danger and deception that the project is bringing. But there is a silver lining in this one, and you will have to listen to find it out!

Narrated by Avery Caris and Oliver Clarke, we are treated to a fantastic performance. These two bring out the banter between Lexie and Asher as well as the incredible passion these two have. Caris is strong and determined as Lexie. She brings out a true warrior in her. Clarke is that alpha male that I love to hear. He as a protective quality and a vicious soldier when it comes to family. It's an amazing team, and incredible listen.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,290 reviews12 followers
November 14, 2020
Asher “Striker” is in love with Lexie, but with his need for retribution and finding those behind Project Arma he won’t commit to her because he doesn’t want her in danger. Little does he know that she has a huge secret that will put her in more danger that being with him alone would have caused. When he finds that she is already in danger and needs his protection his reservations about a relationship could destroy what they’ve had. The good part is that Lexie is not stupid enough to think that she can protect herself and is not running off.

The men that were created by Project Arma are powerful in so many ways and the men of Marble Protection are powerful but also have the morals to fight the evil that lurks in the world, especially those behind Project Arma and the dangers that they create. Asher and Lexie’s story will bring out more of the secrets from Asher and his brothers’ past and they will learn the actual master mind behind the project. It will not be an ending to them, but it does give them more answers and insight. If you enjoy a book with some sexy, powerful, lethal men and the women that can bring them to their knees, you will love the Project Arma stories and the men and women in them. These women are strong in their own rights and their men bring out the best in them. I give Asher a 5-star review and cannot wait for Mason’s story.
937 reviews11 followers
May 1, 2022
It was good, but oh so frustrating!

If this book had only focused on the danger to them, I think it would have been a lot better. As a lot of the book is taken up by the Asher and Lexie story. Lexie being hurt by him, and then taking him back again, over and over.

Lexi is in love with Asher and has been for a long time. He cares about her, but won’t commit to a relationship with her. He’s happy keeping it between them and it just being sex. Until he finds out she’s pregnant with his baby. To be honest, I spent half the book hating him! Considering he’s a super soldier, with a whole team behind him, he’s so scared of Lexi getting hurt if they’re together, that he avoids a relationship with her. I felt like shouting at him,” Strap on a pair!” Maybe a little bit uncouth, but he was a wimp.

So the Project Arma story continues. When they find out that Lexi is pregnant, she is in serious danger.

Again it’s really frustrating, with the rushed climax to the danger. One page it’s really bad and scary, the next it’s a flaming week later!!! 😡😡 I wanted to read about that week!!!

I have to say in fairness, that Nyssa Kathryn can really write about emotions. I cried with Lexi, when Asher was being an arse. And I love the way that they are all family and behind them.
Profile Image for Andrea Huntke.
20 reviews
November 5, 2020
Stand by my side, don't let me go, and love me alright.

Asher the jokester of the Team, Lexi the company woman for everything. What could go possibly wrong?
No commitment is the theme with what Asher walks into Lexi and their relationship, but not because he doesn't want to, because he can't. Too much feelings of angst and fear for her, the woman who caught him are involved and are stoping him from surrendering to her. Lexi on the other hand loves Asher and can't ignore the relationship status is her new situation.
Her past chases her through the book like Asher's hunts her down like his own fears stopping him from doing the right thing and discovering her truth.

An excellent reading flow is what you can expect besides the awesome and superb story which is waiting for you! Nyssa wrote an awesome Book! Til now the best!!!! of the Project Arma series in my opinion. I wasn't so flashed with Eden or Luca but Asher flashed me away.
The book is written in 3 person, which I normally don't read but for Nyssa I always make an exception because she is a bombshell surprise like she confirmed this time!

For me, the best military read 2020 and I would and will recommend it in this category.

************** I was given an Arc for an honest review *************
Profile Image for Kaye.
7,177 reviews67 followers
November 11, 2020
Holy hotness batgirl! Nyssa unleashes one helluva hot bed of this action packed, hard hitting, nail-biting, spine tingling, nerve racking, block busting overload, keeping you riveted on a razors edge, propelling this jewel to a whole new level. Escapades and serendipity descend in a whirlwind of brutal tactics and sinister deeds, baring the relentless struggles and soaring triumphs, noting the sinister twists and treacherous turns, broken barriers and blurred perimeters, restrictions are amplified and expanded, showcasing the explosive ups and tortuous downs, propelling this jewel into a frenzy with mind-blowing results, fusing this gem together flawlessly. The attraction and chemistry collides with such force, unveiling explosive emotions and undeniable affections, drawing our characters closer, binding them to one another perfectly. The characters are authentic, realistic and genuine with depth and qualities that blend into amazing personalities. The scenes are strikingly sharp with abundant details and colorful descriptions so rich and lively, they create an elaborate backdrop that makes the storyline pop. Remarkable job Nyssa, thanks for sharing this bad boy with us.
Profile Image for Mikole Potter.
112 reviews3 followers
July 6, 2023
probably my favorite of the series

*Romantic Suspense
*Accidental Pregnancy
*Small Town

Oh Asher. He is so frustrating but I can’t help but love him! It was evident he cared for Lexie but the distance he kept putting between them was frustrating. And sweet Lexie, her strength is commendable. All the female characters in this series have been such a great example to strength but I connected with Lexie. She had to endure a hard past and then gets wrapped up in project Arma. She never gave up and became even stronger through it all. I hope we get to see more of her and Asher through this series!

I also listened to this on Audible. Oliver Clarke and Avery Caris did a phenomenal job. Oliver captured Asher’s laid back but protective personality well! I loved Oliver’s ability to voice all the characters (male and female). Same for Avery! They could have carried this book on their own if needed. But the two of them together made this story great! They really helped me feel the chemistry and the chaos between the characters and the story.
2,129 reviews81 followers
November 3, 2020
Asher is another amazing story with a fascinating plot that has you on your toes waiting to see what is going to happen next. Its fast pace has you flipping through the pages dying to know what is going to happen but be prepared as things are not always predictable-thank goodness.

Lexie and Asher have been seeing each other on the quiet since book one but things boil over in this book. Both have secrets that need to be shared, both are reluctant to share them though. What follows is one heck of a ride.

I can’t recommend this series enough, it has absolutely everything you could want in a story:
*A terrific romance with variety galore
*Interesting and different characters that you can’t help but like
*Mystery and suspense that have you on the edge of your seat
*A great sense of humour
*Fabulous descriptions to get the visuals flowing in your mind
*Evil characters that are truly nasty
*Emotions that you feel along with the characters and
*Brilliant writing by an incredible author
Profile Image for Chelsea.
84 reviews
January 2, 2024
Lexie was everything I could’ve wanted in a main character. Strong, independent, fiery and didn’t take any shit. The way she protected herself and her baby was amazing.

Asher…. I liked Asher but ffs he took his time messing Lexie around!! He was obviously besotted with her, but for no reason at all, couldn’t commit!

I am still loving the project arma drama and think that so far, each book has had its own different twist. I love how the stories are linked with all the guys and their new ‘women’, as they put it so many times!

I am obsessed with this series and cannot wait to read Masons book next. I think in my excitement of reading this book, I must have read too quickly over the initial description of ‘Sage’ the doctor, as I don’t remember her being beautiful and the same age as the girls and guys. I think I just pictured some old sciencey lady. So it’s going to take me a bit to get that image out of my head, but I’m sure it’ll be as good as the others!
Profile Image for Helen Diedericks.
151 reviews
November 10, 2020
Don’t settle!!

I loved Lexie. I loved that she did not settle. Even if it meant being alone. I like that she decided what she wanted for her future and fought for it! “Fight like a girl!!!” (Borrowed from another great author)

We met Lexie in Luca and Evie’s story. She is upbeat and friendly and you get the feeling that she is carefree. But underneath it all there is someone who, like all of us has a past. A very past that in a way influences you in what you want to be or not to be... She is strong and brave.

Asher, like most me, needs to be smacked in the head (😉). But lucky for him he has friends/brothers who are not afraid to let him know when he has his head up his, you know what.

This was such a pleasure to read and the buildup to Mason’s and Sage’s story is so exciting! Can’t wait.

Great series. Love every book so far!!!

Profile Image for Kristin.
16 reviews2 followers
October 31, 2020
If you loved someone so much, would you be able to do the unthinkable and walk away?

Nyssa Kathryn's newest novel, "Asher," is the third book in her Project Arma, and it's amazing. Lexie and Asher have convenient friends with benefits situation; only now Lexie wants a relationship. Lexie has watched as two other friends have fallen for the Project Arma SEALS and have found love and happily ever after. Yet, Asher has seen the danger of Project Arma and how it could negatively affect relationships. So he has vowed not to bring Lexie into one.
Only now Lexie has a secret, and she needs Asher to commit so they can move forward.

My only complaint was that it was over too quickly. Super excited to see how this series goes.
381 reviews
November 6, 2020
Another great Project Arma by Nyssa Kathryn. Lexie finds out she is pregnant with Asher's baby. Before she even has time to tell him about the baby she starts to have a terrible pregnancy. Asher and Lexie have an off and on again relationship which is off right then. She does end up telling Asher that she is pregnant under less than ideal circumstances. If you have read any of the Project Arma books then you know about the Marble Protection Agency and the former Seals that run it. Will Asher and Lexie get together? You do not have to read the previous Project Arma books to read this one they are all stand a lone books.

I received an Advance Review Copy of this book in exchange for my voluntary and honest opinion.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
177 reviews1 follower
February 8, 2022
This one was not my favorite. It really should be a 2.5 stars. And it's all because of the female character that had too many TSTL moments in the book. And on top of that she was just too damn whiny. I guess she was upset because ashner refused to tell her he loves her but she never told him she loved him. Maybe she grew a set and told him he would have said something to her back. I get she was trying to be a bad @ss but it came across as trying to be forced. Why is it these guys are super powered so to speak but they always get the drop on them by the bad guys. I'll go ahead and read Mason's story but I have a funny feeling that he's going to piss me off too. Just in that chapter alone where he's slipping a bug into her phone without her knowledge. Isn't that illegal?
64 reviews
October 31, 2020
Asher, Book 3 in the Project Arma series, continues with everything we love about the first few books in the series – romance, suspense, a strong willed h, and a sexy H. The emotions brought forth for both Asher and Lexie and the new revelations about Project Arma had this being another page turner from Nyssa. I really enjoyed getting to know Lexie better and she currently sits as my favorite female from the series. The suspense is building for Project Arma and I’m interested to see where it leads us to. As in previous reviews, I recommend reading the previous books in the series before indulging in book 3. The series keeps getting better!
Profile Image for Mrs R.
1,196 reviews11 followers
November 10, 2020
This is #3 in the series but is a standalone.
I could not put this book down, and devoured it in one day.
If you've read the earlier books in this series then you know what you are getting, and this one doesn't disappoint.
Asher wants to keep Lexie safe by keeping his distance but Lexie wants all or nothing from him and he doesn't know if he can commit, but he can't seem to stay away either.
As the team continue to hunt for Project Arma, danger is always close by. This book kept me on my toes, lots of suspense and a few little twists - and a ton of romance.
I loved the characters, I could really feel the emotions between Asher and Lexie.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 146 reviews

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