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UnderVerse #2

The Forgotten Faithful

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Things are looking up for Jax, more or less, He’s met a cool girl (Who’s a wisp), got some new friends (Who’re Dwarves and Cat people and Elves and all sorts), and started a war… (Whoops!)

That last one might not be the best idea he’s had yet, admittedly, but the guy was an ass, and he deserved it.

Only thing is, they say an Englishman’s home is his castle, and Jax’s home is in ruins… this place isn’t going to be any use in defending his new people unless he gets it sorted, and fast!

He needs material, equipment, magic and people, most of all he needs time, time to get things ready, to get his ships in the air and his house in order.

When you’re surrounded on all sides, outclassed, outnumbered and everyone’s probably a bit brighter than you are, there’s only one option…


532 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 2, 2020

About the author

Jez Cajiao

27 books314 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for GaiusPrimus.
814 reviews87 followers
July 15, 2021
The best thing I can say about this book is that I waited as long as I did to start reading it.

Now I have 5 other books after this one to gorge on an awesomely vivid and entertaining story.
Profile Image for Clint Young.
849 reviews
August 17, 2020

First, my review: “This was a fun book. I am glad that I read it. You should try it too.”

Over the past year it has become apparent that my reviews are somewhat antagonistic and I apologize to those of you that have taken offense. I think I had hoped to change peoples’ minds about reviewing works of art and that seems to have backfired spectacularly. However, I am still going to be true to myself and write what I believe.

To the author: Thank you for this chance to escape reality and enjoy the world you created! Keep up the good work.

To my fellow reviewers: Messaging me and reviewing my reviews is as productive as trying to shovel water out of the ocean. Stop. I get it. Let’s just all live peacefully.

To potential readers: Art needs to be experienced at an individual level. You are the only one that can determine what you like and don’t like. Don’t let others make that decision for you. You should definitely read the book and completely ignore all of the reviews. You are a much better judge of what you will like than anyone here.

3 reviews
August 27, 2020
Fantastic second book! On a roll!

Jez Cajiao is on a mission to make litrpg's mainstream!

A perfect follow up to the first book. And even managed to out do him self and prove that his not a one trick pony!

The book is self follows Jax. The most relatable main character of any movie game or book I've ever seen. With his dark humour and charm he is just a gem to follow. I'd consider him a bit of a Deadpool but very much his own character.

This time he mange to find a few friends to help him along the way. These characters are written with near equal love to Jax and give him just the perfect group to bounce off on.

Jez him self gave heart and soul into this book and it shows! This is not "another book by another author" this is a passion project.

Eagerly waiting for book 3.
Love you! You bearded beauty!
August 12, 2020
A great read.

A good second book to the series. Definitely one of those books you intend to read a chapter and then end up reading 3 or 4. I do believe I will now have to start hounding him for the 3rd.
Profile Image for Geoffrey Shimp.
30 reviews
August 10, 2020
Epic sequel!

Another great book! Love the fighting and leveling aspects of the game. The characters are great and continue to improve. The story is captivating! Best of all.... it’s a long book! Many pages to get lost in while visualizing the UnderVerse!! Can’t wait for the next one!
194 reviews3 followers
August 11, 2020
Loving the series

Great pacing. Interesting narrative to tease a potential super MC but still keeping him relatable and relevant without contrived instances that break the reader out of the story. Eagerly awaiting the next installation.
84 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2020
Good book

This was a good book an I look forward to book three to follow the adventures of Jax the Oracle, Thomas and the tower.
Profile Image for Ryan McCoin.
179 reviews8 followers
August 6, 2020
A Promising Sequel

This is a great sequel to the debut novel. The world was expanded in the same tone of dark wonder and creativity that was shown in the first book. Characters were given a little more depth, even if more would have been nice. I was a little worried that the first half would be too bogged down and lack a sense of drive and action, but it worked out and the sense of urgency came back. There are still a handful of typos throughout, but nothing too bad. Overall, it was enjoyable to read and still felt like a fresh take on an often derivative genre.
Profile Image for Jon Honey.
83 reviews2 followers
August 9, 2020
Great work

I’m LOVING this series. Some people poo-poo the swearing, but TBH it’s the most natural sounding conversational swearing I’ve heard in any LitRPG. Great characters, great word and excellent story. My only complaint is that I’ll have to wait for the next one. Thus, this review, so the author can do this full time.
6 reviews1 follower
August 8, 2020
Second book doesn’t disappoint

You never know whether the 2nd book will grip you like the first but once again this has all the key elements to great litrpg but probably more importantly, is an excellent example of great world building, excellent characters and a strong storyline
17 reviews
August 10, 2020
Better and better

Love this series! One of the best I've read in a while and I can't get enough of it. Looking forward to number 3!
17 reviews
August 5, 2020
Excellent continuation

A couple places which seemed to have minor grammatical errors, but other than that the book struck a good balance between explanations and action, building and exploring. A common issue I often find in litrpg books is getting bigger down in chapter long explanations of systems to the point not much happens. That is mostly avoided in this novel. Also, FINALLY a character who put some points into charisma, I don't know why but it seems to never happen. Can't wait to read the next one! ~gabe
8 reviews
August 7, 2020
Excellent LitRPG

This is a great follow up to the first book in the series. Getting to see a bit more of the awesome world the author created was good fun. I enjoyed the tone, the characters are interesting and I kept reading way way after I should have gone to bed. I enjoyed the book and am already hungry for more!
229 reviews1 follower
August 9, 2020
Frustrating but Fun

Really enjoy the world this author has crafted. The MC is such a idiot though it gets a bit irritating at times but thanks to the other characters that acknowledge how dumb he is it keeps it very entertaining. Fun ride looking forward to book 3
152 reviews1 follower
August 16, 2020
Great follow up

A couple grammatical issues throughout but they take nothing away from the story and plot progression. The new twists are great and setting up for to much more. Can’t wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Scott.
1,379 reviews9 followers
August 6, 2020
Great follow up

A great read and an enjoyable set of characters and events making for a immersive read and some great action scenes and battles. A few bits of humour help a lot and keep the interest going.
41 reviews
August 7, 2020
Good read

This book and the first one have been a good read can't wait for the third one to come out
Profile Image for Adam Shook.
152 reviews4 followers
August 7, 2020
A great read

Loved the book though there was more than a few typos and fingers lips that broke immersion. can't wait to see how the story continues.
Profile Image for Grant Merrifield.
586 reviews12 followers
August 5, 2020

Now that's what I'm talking about. Thank you Jez for an epic book an epic story and an epic series
Profile Image for Stephen.
115 reviews7 followers
October 19, 2020
Boring. Mainly a romance for people who’ve only heard about romance from children.

The first one was ok, but this one has lots more romance (at a primary school level of maturity). It’s so cringey that the guys (assume 30 years old, ones 80) are talking about whether they should tell their love interests how they feel etc. There’s also lots of slow slow slow village building and very repetitive immaturity from our MC in terms of dealing with his anger and with being a leader.

If the book was 1/3rd as long and written for adults it might be decent. As it stands it’s just awkward and boring.
14 reviews
October 21, 2020
Even better than the first. A great continuation of this series which has great characterisation throughout. Different personalities bringing different voices into this enthralling read. Main character is definitely not op and usually gets his ass handed to him in the process of winning.

Could have covered a bit more story if I'm being hypercritical, but this doesn't detract from the score at all.

Thoroughly recommend this series and hope it keeps up the pace.
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,479 reviews25 followers
May 11, 2021
I gave the first book a lot of leeway, and forced myself through many chapters. But I can't do the same with book two.

The book is reading like it's completely different characters.
The main protagonist of book one has someone talking down to him, using his own resources, in his own tower, and he is behaving like a teenager would. Getting angry and talking utter foolishness. Is this the same killer from book one? Also when did the protagonist become so super chummy with the panther-man and dwarf?

I can't take this anymore, I will skim for another chapter or two, and if nothing has improved I'm dropping the book and the author. It's a shame, I would have liked to see what the slave brother would have done.

It seems the author ran out of things to write, and wanted to fill as many pages like book one, so he wrote utter nonsense.

I don't even know why I picked up book two. I should have listened to the warning signs.
I tried, but I can't do this any longer. I pushed my way through a quarter of this book with the protagonist's horrible dialogue and the change in character, and shift of urgency of the first book.

I will now skip parts that start to get annoying until the book is done.

No matter what, this is going to be a one star when complete. The things I expected from how book one ended that made me pick up book two was not given (at least not in the lengthy chapters I read so far).

I could have looked past the protagonist if there was a good story, but I can't look past all these added characters, boring story, and the protagonist not killing rapist and murderers that tried to kill him because of "muh earth laws".

It's like we have a different person from book one.
Book one would not have suffered a kid diddler, yet this one is finding excuses not to kill, and blaming it on an "amplifying emotional bond".
The one that was trying to build up his skills and make himself stronger, is instead playing house.
It's like the author read that civilization building is popular when he was nearly finished with book one, and tried to integrate it into book two.

There is nothing I hate more than an incompetent protagonist. He let two groups of people that were hostile to him, loyal to his enemies, and knew of his defenses, people, and resources to go scott free, he even armed them to get a chance at survival. I'm 100% sure this will come back to bite the protagonist.

This is just bad writing. I'm not picking up any sequels, nor do I think I will read anything else by the author.
He had a great story to tell that was interesting, but he flubbed its' implementation and execution somewhere. Too many characters too fast. The author should have spent sometime strengthening the protagonist. At least it's a single POV. I think that's why I'm able to push through.

I finished everything without skipping anything. After putting myself through that, I don't want to read anything else from the author. I'm also sure the stupidity of letting those men that tried to kill him go will come back to bite him.

1/5 Stars
Profile Image for Curtis.
767 reviews18 followers
October 9, 2020
Wow. Freaking Wow. Read This Series Now

There are a few things any avid reader enjoys more than seeing a fantastic breakout author appear. I remember what I felt when I closed “The Eye of the World” or “The Name of the Wind” for the first time, and I’m feeling it again with this series. “What?”, you say? “Epic fantasy comparisons to a LitRPG series? Are you mad?” Nope: I’m entranced. Just read it and see.

Firstly, there’s nothing wrong with LitRPG books producing great work. Yes, the genre is young, and contains quite the range of quality, but it’s due. No one probably thought the same with Fantasy or Science Fiction genres in their early days either, and they’re firmly established yet that range of quality is still ...err... broad.

Seriously: read these books. Do you pull for the characters? Do they have depth? Is their behavior consistent? Does the story evoke emotion? Does the plot intrigue? Is the plot fresh? Is it well-written? Does it take you to amazing places? Does it make you Want To See What Happens Next? If all the above is true, then you’re reading “a really good book” - regardless of the genre.

Next, get technical: what words are used? How are the words used? What’s the dialogue like? How good is the editing? What’s the pacing like? How are the scenes connected? How well does everything flow? Is it formulaic? Is it predictable or unpredictable? What about the imagery? What’s the word count? Is it too short or too long? Can you respect the hours of effort and care that went into the work?

If you find that all or even most of those answers are positive, then you’re looking at a good author. (Again, regardless of genre.)

Lastly, how do you *feel* after reading the story? Did it make you feel good to read it? Are you remembering scenes days later? Are you still chuckling over funny moments? Are you trying to picture the MC or other characters in your mind? Do you continue to remember their words, phrases, attitudes, and actions? Do you want to just dive back in and read it again? Do you want to tell friends about it? Do you share book moments with others who have read it? If most of that is true, then you’ve not just found “a really good book”, but “a great book”, or even “a great series”.

And now you have the same feeling that I’ve had, after reading the books so far. Fresh characters doing interesting and amazing thing in amazing places. Being as good or bad as they ought to, with hope for more. Well-written words describing scenes of action, comedy, and drama: sometimes on the heels of each other. All written and edited with a deftness that says someone cared. Someone sat and polished until the results spoke for themselves. Excellent.

And that, my friends is what this series has in common with those other excellent works. I can’t wait to see what the next book holds. (And no, I’m not related to the author.)

Very Strongly Recommended! (15+)
July 21, 2021

Only by reading the second in the UnderVerse series did I realise how constrained Jez Cajiao must have been by the the need for exposition in the first book. With much of the heavy lifting done in book 1 the second book has a more organic world building process.

Jax continues to work through the multiple challenges facing him and consolidating his power base. While its tempting to think that LitRPG would facilitate a story style where an overpowered MC just push through any and all obstacles Jez avoids any such traps. Every battle is hard fought, every action has consequences and things take time - there are no easy or quick fixes. Injuries are horrific and healing isn't painless, allies aren't immortal and characters aren't always sympathetic to the MC.

I don't know if the magic system is based on those used by other authors but it is incredibly well thought out - with the risks and benefits of experimenting clearly shown as well as limits imposed by mana reserves and the damage caused by exhausting this or fumbling a spell.

The MC makes progress in the different plot threads and quests woven throughout the story but Jez keeps these going and we're left wanting more.

@Jez Cajiao Author hurry up and finish the series you magnificent B*st*rd.
461 reviews6 followers
December 30, 2021
Another excellent LITRPG adventure

Jax, the MC continues to level up and secure his position. He still has to fight monsters, trolls, spiders and dark elves. He also has to deal with treacherous people and put together a team as he works to secure his base, while taking the fight to his enemy, Lord B.

The major head scratcher is that he's fighting so many strong opponents that he's got to drink a gallon of healing potions from being cut to pieces so much. This is even with his fighting team backing him up and his patron goddesses' assistance. There must be a limit to how much healing one man can take, like there's a limit to how many skill books he can absorb. Somewhere along the line, he should also do some battle planning, or find some tatical advisors to help him figure out that his "go big or go home" mindset can only carry him but so far.

I do like the teasers that Jax's brother is now a minion of the death god who buggered the world and betrayed the other gods. It wil be interesting to see how this works out.

All said, l quite enjoyed the story and am looking forward to continuing to read the series.
Profile Image for Wesley.
47 reviews
June 15, 2021
Yep, made it through the second book, but had to stop, I agree completely with others. The world building is interesting, as well as the story line being engaging. but honestly, the constant obsession with his Junk and all the sexual reference with the wisp left me feeling like the author as a serious Tinker Bell issue. Plus the fact that there is a "Bonding" issue between them, creating a Power Dynamic that is 'uncomfortable' and the Wisp is always written as childlike, makes it SUPER uncomfortable.

Additionally, the MC never gets any smarter or more qualified to lead. Despite all the points he puts into Intelligence and Charisma. He is always an uneducated, uncharismatic, lewd, street tough who's mind is always in the gutter.

I see where the author wants to go (sort of) most of the MC anger issues comes from the ball of anger of the Eternal, but, it never gets better. The MC never grows and more often than not, just stumbles into good fortune.

and honestly, the whole wisp and sex thing... it feels like a grown man wanting to have sex with a child. just yuck.
4 reviews
January 4, 2022
Nice idea, let down by poor main character

I really wanted to like this. I thought the concept for the world was interesting and I love the combination of litrpg and base/empire building.

However, I found the main character extremely annoying. Behaves incredibly recklessly and childishly, but avoids all consequences due to plot armour or simply plot holes. I held on for book 2 hoping this was setup for some kind of character development, but I can't read any more. With the MC constantly winning from his nonsensical plans and rage induced violence, with the author seemingly trying to make him a likeable antihero, why would he need to change?

The initial villain does everything to make the MC hate him, but also trains him for combat and sends him on a mission without setting up any leverage? The same villain who puts his maids under magical compulsion didn't even try the same on the MC, just hoping the guy he's abusing will do him a favour once he's free??
Profile Image for Ndjhaugen3.
56 reviews
May 28, 2021
1) The voice choice for the narrator of some sort of mafia smoker simpleton bruiser is irritating.
**Spoiler Alert**
2) Boilerplate, the guy who wants to be good, but was bad and is given path to be a leader even when he doesn't think he's good enough.
3) Boilerplate world is so bad that he seems reasonable and good even being dumb
4) Boilerplate picking skills or abilities that have massive drawbacks
5) Boilerplate dumb stat placement at times. put shit ton of stats into agl to then act as a standing tank, in a dark place and fighting with constant mana regen and amount defiancies and decides to place a huge amount of stats in charisma.
6) Dain Bramage
7) The "everything causing him pain" gets dull. Level ups and stat increases hurting all the time, the fights when he does stupid shit or constantly makes stupid mistakes, it just makes the MC seem really incompetent.
163 reviews
December 27, 2020
It was good buuuut

Good tempo and pace but some of the scenes where he described Oracles attempts to seduce him were like listening to the renditions of a perverted uncle who has to tell you about his exploits over and over again. Its kinda of funny at first but as with all things in this area it goes too far and becomes Prolonged protracted and painful. Sadly this did nothing to further the story but make you mentally cringe. I hope he figures out how to work through this phase as a writer because he has talent and as previously mentioned it destroys the story after reading the same attempt at humor 50 times. Now that you know the downside its worth reading and i'm going to keep plowing further into the series with the hope that he finds a better way at humor...
7 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2020
Where is book 3??

I reallu enjoyed this book. It took just a little bit for the pacing to ramp up but it got to moving well. I like The characters and the differences in the way Jax is versus everyone else in the world. He makes alliances with different species, protects people who need help, and is constantly striving to be better. I like that there isn't a huge focus on debating the merits of different paths. Jax knows what he needs to choose and id fairly pragmatic. I don't love the sex part of thr Oracle plotline but it is not overdone and doesn't detract from the stuff I do like. It is a solid read -- I am anxious to read the next installment!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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