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Bridgertons #8

Buscando esposa

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El último Bridgerton soltero ha empezado la búsqueda de la mujer de sus sueños. Es el único de los hermanos que no ha pasado por el altar y, por su carácter romántico, jamás aceptaría un matrimonio por conveniencia. Pero Gregory se enamora de la mujer equivocada, mientras que la cauta y delicada Lucy Abernathy no se da cuenta de sus atenciones. Cuando, por fin, el joven escuche realmente el latir de sus sentimientos, ya será demasiado tarde: Lucy se encuentra a las puertas de la iglesia a punto de casarse con otro hombre. Gregory deberá recurrir a su ingenio y valentía si no quiere perder a la mujer de su vida. En esta entrega, Julia Quinn invita a sus lectores a asistir al último capítulo de su popular y aclamada serie sobre los Bridgerton, con un desenlace lleno de romance, humor y calidez. Una obra plagada de divertidos diálogos, finalista de dos importantes premios en el género romántico que hará las delicias de toda su legión de fans.

352 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 27, 2006

About the author

Julia Quinn

138 books43k followers
#1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code.

A graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, Ms. Quinn is one of only sixteen members of Romance Writers of America’s Hall of Fame. Her books have been translated into 32 languages, and she lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

The Bridgertons, her popular series of historical romance, is currently in production by Shondaland as a Netflix original series starring Julie Andrews, Phoebe Dynevor, and Rége-Jean Page.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 10,363 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
August 15, 2024
I have finished the entire Bridgerton series.


Now, I will be the first to admit that a lot of Quinn's books blend together in my head, but this one is completely different. In fact, it's quite a bit different from the vast majority of the romance novels that I've read.
I don't think I'm clever enough to find a way to talk about this one without revealing spoilers, so if you'd like to remain in the dark about what happens, for the love of god stop reading right now.
I'm going to spoil the entire book, so you've been warned!


So Gregory falls in love with Hermione. Except he doesn't really love her because love at first sight is really lust at first sight. And YES, sometimes it works out that those lusty individuals actually end up falling in love for real because odds are that sort of shit would have to happen every now and then. But I don't for a skinny minute believe that somehow you can look at someone and know that's the person for you. I do, however, believe that you can look at someone and know that you'd like to get naked and do dirty things with them.


Ok, ok, ok. But then obviously he's going to fall in love with her best friend, Lucy.
But not till after he makes a complete ass of himself by following Hermione around like a total loser at his brother's house party for days and days. He's getting advice from Lucy on how to woo her friend, but in the end it does him no good because Hermione gets busy in the ferns with Lucy's brother! They get caught, mainly because Gregory can't keep his mouth shut, and married off happily & quickly.


However, Lucy has a sorta/kinda fiance. <--arranged by her uncle.
But Gregory loves her and he does this big I LOVE YOU thing, and Lucy is all set to tell her uncle that she just can't go through with his arranged marriage because Gregory is the guy for her.
Her uncle informs her that her fiance's father, the Earl of Whatever, is BLACKMAILING the family with proof that her long-dead father was a TRAITOR to England and she has to marry his son or he'll tell everyone. The shame would be bad enough, but Lucy's brother is an earl and he just married her BFF Hermione, and the Crown will strip his title and leave him penniless and destitute and it will ruin his life AND the life of her bestest friend in one fell swoop.


Why is her fiance's father so determined for his son to marry Lucy? Well, his son is gay.
YES. The hits just keep on coming, folks.


But Gregory won't give up! <--even though Lucy hasn't explained why she can't marry him.
So. He sneaks into her room and they are all overcome with the passions and he deflowers her the night before her wedding.
Problem solved. Now, they must marry.
She packs him out the window and lets him think that she's going to call it off, but she just gets dressed, hops in the carriage, and rolls on down to the wedding all sad and mopey.


But our hero believes in the power of true love.
So he runs and runs and runs and runs and runs and finally gets to the church, throws the doors open, wobbles down the aisle, and stops the wedding!


He does the whole Love ME! Marry ME! thing and it's all romance and pleading puppy dog eyes.


And she says...No.
And then marries the other guy.


But Gregory won't give up on true love.
So he sneaks into the wedding reception at her home, hides in her bedroom, kidnaps her, ties her to a bathroom pipe in the nursery, and gets her to tell him what's going on.
She FINALLY tells him about the blackmail, and he's all like, What proof did your uncle show you?


And she suddenly realizes that she may have been duped because her uncle is a complete asshole.
Then he tells her to give him one hour and he runs around finding her husband, her brother, and her brother's wife (the ex-love of his life). He explains to them what is going on and her husband is super cool and is all like, Yeah, I'll get an annulment, no problem. Because he's so chill and confident and I'd like to be his friend.
Then her brother is like, No way was our father a traitor! Uncle Asshole isn't truthing! And he gets all mad.


But in the meantime, the evil uncle has found Lucy and he (because HE was the TRAITOR!) holds her at gunpoint and there's this whole Mexican standoff thing that happens, but it all works out because this is a romance.


And yay! They're so in love.
And then the 2nd epilogue comes along.


She has twins - baby 8 & baby 9. <--holy shit that's a fuckton of kids!
And Lucy starts bleeding and loses consciousness and Gregory is devastated and they aren't sure if she's ever going to wake up because DIRE! It's very dire!
After 9 kids, you really can't blame your lady parts for staging a revolt, can you?
But then just when you think Quinn is going to do the unthinkable and kill her off, Lucy finally wakes up, and ohmygod this was such a fucking roller coaster.


I don't know if it was actually great or if it was just batshit but this one was definitely memorable.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
December 31, 2020
Gregory's book has been the one I was least excited for because we just didn't really get to know him through the series, and reading his book meant that the 8 Bridgerton books would be over. As soon as I started this book, though, I flew through it and fell in love with Gregory!

What I loved most about Gregory was how much he wanted love. He had seen all of his siblings fall in love and was determined to find that for himself. I loved how he fell "in love" with Hermione when he first saw her and Lucy, Hermione's best friend, decided to help him win her over. Lucy and Gregory become friends and become more comfortable around each other until they actually fall in love themselves. The romance was just so adorable and SO ANGSTY because there is a reason that Gregory and Lucy can't be together, no matter how much they love each other. The story even turned a bit suspenseful in the end and I loved it.

Since I binged all 8 books, I loved how much of the family we got in this last book. Kate and Anthony are in a lot of the beginning and then we get a lot of Colin, Hyacinth, and Violet in the end. I loved how they discussed Gregory's place as one of the youngest and his relationship with his family. This whole series is just amazing and I loved how it ended!
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
February 3, 2023
if more time had been spent on the romance i think i would have really enjoyed this! i liked that Gregory was so intent on marrying and specifically marrying for love (unlike some of his dumbass brothers in prior books). and i thought Lucy was sweet. but the word love was thrown around far too quickly, especially given the conflict at the beginning of the book. i needed more banter and more connection to love this.

oh also did you know the human vagina can also be a t-shirt gun style baby ejector? epilogue for this book is wild.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,931 followers
May 22, 2019
This is eighth in a series. And the last. But do yourself a favor and just skip it.

I'm maybe halfway in and I just want the pain to stop. Gregory and Lucy are fine. Well, okay, they are complete wimps and spend the first half of the novel being stupid with each other. Gregory is mooning over someone he barely knows and calling it "love" and Lucy is obliviously helping with completely useless advice. And then they both know that they're actually in love with the other, but neither has the guts to do anything about it. And then Lucy's prospective father-in-law happened and he was so incredibly gauche that I can't buy him as a character and everyone who tolerates him is even worse for doing so. He's inspecting Lucy like she's a broodmare. Literally. Like, inspecting her teeth and asking her to recite multiplication tables and talking about breeding, I kid you not! And her uncle and aunt are sitting there like that's even a thing and her fiancé is going along, too, and I just want to stab all of them with farm implements. Rusty ones!

So Quinn is obviously ramping up the drama for maximum tension and it's all so manufactured I could scream. I mean, half of the novel so far has been navel-gazing by one lead or another thinking about what love is and do they really and will their life be tolerable and wouldn't it be nice if they could be with the other only that's obviously not going to happen because reasons. Seriously, you could cut this novel by 75% by simply removing all the internal monologuing. And you could cut it in half if you just removed all the monologuing about stuff that was blindingly obvious and/or completely redundant.

I feel like Quinn phoned this one in, larded a bunch of extra crap on it when the editor complained, and then added the prospective father-in-law out of misanthropic spite. Gah. I hate that this series ends with a couple of indecisive idiots cowarding their way through a quagmire of their own making.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.3k followers
March 27, 2022
“I simply refuse to deal with idiots...It has cut my social obligations in half”.

Vaya, pues este es el segundo libro de los Bridgerton que no me encanta (el primero fue el de Eloise). En este el protagonista es Gregory, un hombre que siempre ha creído en el amor y espera conocer a la mujer correcta para comprometerse con ella. Un día, conoce a Hermione, una mujer deslumbrante, y siente un flechazo que toma como una señal de que ella debe ser su esposa. El problema es que a Hermione él no podría interesarle menos porque está enamorada de un hombre que no le conviene. Entonces Lucy, su mejor amiga a quienes todos ignoran ante la belleza de Hermione, se ofrece para ayudarle a Gregory a ganarse a la señorita. Pero, evidentemente, las cosas se tuercen y pronto el joven Bridgerton empezará a darse cuenta de que siente cosas por Lucy Abernathy, quien lastimosamente está comprometida.

La verdad no sé por qué no pude engancharme tanto a este libro como a los demás, pero creo que una de las razones es que se me hizo demasiado largo. Lucy y Gregory le daban muchísimas vueltas a las cosas y el ritmo se perdía. Además, sentí que toda la primera parte del libro, cuando ni Lucy ni Gregory han empezado a sentir nada por el otro y todo se centra en Bridgerton haciendo el idiota detrás de Hermione, no me encantó porque me daba la sensación de estar leyendo páginas de relleno. ¡Yo quería que llegara el salseo con Gregory y Lucy!

¡Y esa es otra cosa! Normalmente, los libros de los Bridgerton tienen su buen nivel de drama y spice, pero este se me quedó cortísimo en esos aspectos. Pero bueno, ya solo me queda un libro más de la saga y podré seguir leyendo todos los otros enredos románticos históricos que cuenta Julia Quinn en sus otras series.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,139 followers
July 11, 2024
|| 2.5 stars ||

Did I really just read a whole book about a guy falling in love at first sight with some beautiful girl he knows nothing about, becoming completely (and creepily) obsessed with her, only for him to reluctantly realise that her normal-looking best friend actually has a quite charming personality, so he might just marry her instead? Wow, how romantic…

Honestly, I just felt bad for Lucy. Especially since she was such a kind girl. Gregory was a good guy too, albeit kind of an idiot, but I truly believed he did not deserve her if he wasn’t even going to appreciate her during most of the book. I’m not even kidding, this was what most of his (decidedly unflattering and passionless) inner monologue about her was like:

Lucy Abernathy would never inspire poetry, but she would make a very fine friend.


She was Lucy, for heaven’s sake. She was quite wonderful, in quite a number of ways, but she wasn’t the sort men lost their heads over.

Also, I got so insanely annoyed over all of the ridiculous obsessing that every single person seemed to do over Lucy’s best friend, Hermione. There wasn’t a page that went by where I wasn’t reminded how beautiful she was or how many men were foolishly in love with her.
I mean, I know it wasn’t really her fault, but I’d go crazy with a best friend like that. I don’t know how Lucy was able to stand it. Constantly being overlooked by everyone and permanently living in someone else’s shadow isn’t fun…

Anyway, last but not least, now that I have finished this entire series, I want to voice a general complaint I have had about almost all of the books (with this one certainly not being an exception):
Why, on earth, does this author continually choose to make her heroines so unattractive? I know I’m not speaking for everyone, but I personally find it incredibly off-putting when the hero constantly remarks how plain or unremarkable the heroine looks, while she just goes on and on about how handsome he is… She doesn’t have to be the most beautiful person alive, but jeez, at least try to even the playing field a little!
The way it was now, the couples’ dynamics always seemed super off with the hero having the upper-hand and the heroine always appearing more lucky to have him than the other way around. I prefer it to be more equal, and if not, I want it to be the heroine who is out of the hero’s league. That way, he will at least truly worship her completely, and not have him reluctantly admit he might enjoy her company well enough to marry her, while she’s been swooning after him like a lovesick fool from the beginning, which is exactly what happened in a lot of these books…

'Bridgertons' series:
1. The Duke and I - 3.5 stars
2. The Viscount Who Loved Me - 2.0 stars
3. An Offer From a Gentleman - 3.5 stars
4. Romancing Mister Bridgerton - 3.5 stars
5. To Sir Phillip, With Love - 3.0 stars
6. When He Was Wicked - 3.5 stars
7. It’s in His Kiss - 2.0 stars
8. On the Way to the Wedding - 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,251 followers
January 22, 2021
*3.5 stars*

I'm such a Bridgerton party pooper, but I accept my role.

I'm happy to note that I finished off the series on a somewhat high note. There were other Bridgerton books that I downright hated, so On the Way to the Wedding feels like a win.

I enjoyed the somewhat exciting, fast pace of the story, and Gregory Bridgerton wasn't a total ass, which, honestly, is unique amongst the Bridgerton men. I thought the story was fun and entertaining, even if it took me a couple of weeks to read. Plus, I have a signed paperback of this book, which makes me automatically like it more.

Not to end this review on an off note but, if you are reading this review because you've decided to read historical romance because of the Bridgerton show on Netflix: Welcome! But know there are also stronger historical romance series out there.

Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
August 22, 2021
3 stars

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit disappointed that the last book of this series is my least favorite. I'm never a fan ... but I still liked parts of Lucy and Gregory's story, and of course seeing some of the other Bridgertons!

Audio book source: Libby
Story Rating: 3 stars
Narrator: Rosalyn Landor
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Historical Romance
Length: 13 hours
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,746 reviews215 followers
December 19, 2014
I must be weird because I liked it more at the beginning, while Gregory was in love with Lucy's friend. I liked their easy relationship, their friendship, their openness. But I didn't feel any chemistry between them to make me long for them to become a couple. Gregory was just not hero material for me and though Lucy was grounded and straight-forward, I didn't care for her much. And I felt that it dragged a lot towards the ending. The whole 'oh, we can't be together', 'no, I'll find a way, love conquers all' went on and on for 3 or more chapters, without pretty much anything happening.

This is my least favorite of the Bridgeron books with the exception of To Sir Phillip, With Love which I haven't read. It lacked passion, it lacked humor, it lacked interesting chracters. Quinn tried to build up the suspense towards the end, but it was so obvious what the big secret was, that it felt to me that she was merely prolonging the ending trying to fill more pages. Not the best conclusion to such a great series.
Profile Image for zainab .
121 reviews71 followers
June 15, 2022
first love, heartbreak, first great love, secrets, intrigue, kidnapping, hostage taking and Gregory bursts into the middle of the wedding and confesses his love in front of the sound. The last part of the Bridgerton series travels with you from the first page. Quickly the kind and funny Lucy gets into the heart. Lucy is promised to Lord Haselby, but the price she must pay is great. Gregory tries everything to free her from this marriage, but does he succeed in the end? or doesn't Violet Bridgerton get all her eight children married?
The finale of the Bridgerton's is once again very heartbreaking and you fever with Gregory and Lucy until the end.

Profile Image for annelitterarum.
316 reviews1,583 followers
August 13, 2021
TELLEMENT D’AVENTURES‼️‼️ j’ai adoré la fin… bien hâte de pouvoir découvrir le dernier tome qui sera un recueil de nouvelles, car c’est déjà bien triste de quitter les bridgerton🥲
Profile Image for Lamaleluna.
325 reviews1,230 followers
June 1, 2021
Gratamente sorprendida 😱😱
Buscando esposa, último libro de la saga Bridgerton es sin duda mi favorito

No lo esperaba😄

Vengo leyendo estos libros porque son entretenidos, fáciles de leer y para distraerme. Y ya llegando al libro número 8 no esperaba nada nuevo, suelen ser libros repetitivos y básicos.
Sin embargo me gustó muchísimo más que los libros anteriores.🤩

Tenemos como protagonista a Gregory Bridgerton, el séptimo hermano de la familia y el último que todavía no está casado. Gregory busca esposa, pero claramente teniendo 7 hermanos que se casaron por amor busca lo mismo para él.
Por otro lado tenemos a Lucy, siempre opacada por su amiga Hermione a quienes todos admiran por su belleza. Lo que la gente no sabe es que Hermione está secretamente enamorada del secretario de su padre. Gregory le pedirá ayuda a Lucy para conquistar a Hermione y así es como poco a poco se irán haciendo amigos y más.

Es un poco más largo que los demás libros y eso ayuda un montón, hay más desarrollo en los personajes y vemos realmente el romance poco a poco.🥰
Me pareció el libro más romántico de toda la saga. Los otros solían tener mucha más atracción sexual, este fue puro romance y tragedia. Me gustó mucho más.❤️
Todos los otros libros de la saga tienen comentarios o escenas machistas en mayor o menor medida. Este libro no tuvo nada!! Ni un comentario, ni una escena tóxica romantizada.. NADA. Tuve que esperar 8 libros para esto.
Realmente deseo que quienes lean los libros anteriores no romanticen esas escenas y actitudes.😑😄

Y este libro si tuvo EL DRAMA de la temporada. Muchas veces en los libros anteriores sentía que el drama estaba súper injustificado o exagerado. Acá fue realmente muy merecedor de Drama lo que estaba pasando.😱😱

Además, me sorprendió en muchos aspectos. Hubo algo que no pude adivinar ni de cerca y cuando pasó estaba impactada.

Y... Hubo un personaje LGBT+ estuve esperando 8 libros para que aparezca algún personaje no hetero y ya había perdido las esperanzas. Ojalá hubiera habido más diversidad en toda la saga y ojalá hubiera tenido más protagonismo.

Tuve que esperar 8 libros para que me guste uno jajajaja pero valió la pena. Todos fueron entretenidos.

Yo leyendo buscando esposa: 😄😱😭🥺🤩
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,654 reviews2,483 followers
April 29, 2020
I have enjoyed this series very much so I was a little sad to be picking up the last book. However Gregory is the last Bridgerton to require a partner in life so this had to be the final episode.

It was all very typical of the whole series -good clean fun, an interesting story and lots of amusing repartee. By book eight we know the Bridgerton family very well. Gregory's brothers as usual provided all the comedy and Hyacinth had a wonderful role towards the end.

The ending was delightful. Gregory and Lucy seemed set on creating a dynasty. Perhaps Julia Quinn will write a series just for their offspring. It would be a nice long one! In the meantime she has already written many more books so I have plenty of reading material ahead of me!
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews458 followers
November 10, 2014
Opsss... I skipped Hyacinth's book... Shame on me!

For me this was the worst one... I couldn't for the love of me like neither the hero nor the heroine, even if I liked her better... but still... I dodn't enjoyed this book as much the first few of the series.

Both Gregory and Lucy were too juvenile, sometimes too stupid.

Greagory couldn't decide what he wanted, or, better, who he wanted! I hated this! First he was creazy in love with Hermione (by the way, I couldn't stop immaging her like Hermione from Harry Potter...LOL), then he stopped loving her and fall crazy in love with Lucy...

Well, for me that's not love! At least not love as it should be in romance novels!

If I were Lucy I would strat asking myself: if he so easily falls in and out of love how can I be sure when he says he loves me???!!!

Sorry, but 3 stars are completly because of all the secodnary characters and the sual witty dialogue!
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2020
So disappointing. I didn't even post one update while reading ... that should tell you what I thought of it. I thought Gregory and Lucy came across as quite childish ... couldn't warm to them at all. I was literally skimming towards the end of the book!

It would barely make the three star mark for me but as I did enjoy the series of books overall, I will give it three. Even the presence of the other Bridgerton siblings couldn't help this one. I know I am in the minority here ... I still love the series and I love Julia Quinn but this is one I will definitely NOT be re-reading or listening to!

Honestly, it was all a bit tedious, truth be told. Such a disappointing end to the series ... even the Epilogue was silly! 😢
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,629 reviews425 followers
March 12, 2019
*** 3 STARS

Ya es el último libro de la serie que triste.
Todavía no me quería despedir de ella pero pss tenía que leerlo.

A mi parecer no estuvo a la altura de un cierre de serie le faltó mucho, más interacción familiar que es la esencia de la serie y ser un poco más divertido.

Gregory fue muy lindo y romántico muy Bridgerton, de todos si es el más romántico pero sentí que la autora no profundizó tanto en el personaje, lo conocimos muy superficialmente esa fue mi percepción.
En cuanto a Lucy al principio me cayó medio mal después muy bien y luego muy muy mal para después ya caerme bien sobre todo en el epílogo.

Y La historia fue floja además que yo me esperaba otra cosa y eso me pasa muchas veces cuando leo la sinopsis y me hago ideas de cómo va a ser el libro hay veces que me sorprende pero la mayora me termina decepcionando y eso me paso.

Ay tengo que decir mi escena favorita y es obvio cuando sale mi amado Colin y está acompañando a Gregory trepados en un árbol vigilando a Lucy.
Colin es lo máximo y siempre pidiendo comida aunque esté arriba de árbol ay LO AMO!!!
Profile Image for Amanda.
400 reviews114 followers
March 29, 2016

What the hell did I just read? Besides 300+ pages of utter nonsense. Why Julia Quinn, WHY?

I wish I could say I enjoyed SOMETHING about this book, but I can’t. Even the Bridgerton family cameos offered little relief from the madness of the plot and the blehness of the main couple. Although, okay, I will admit to laughing my ass off when Gregory tied Lucy up and hid her in a water closet. Yes. That is a thing that actually happens. Don’t even get me started on how everyone fell in love with the back of everyone’s heads and necks and the fluttering, god it was just terrible. I seriously question the state of Julia Quinn’s mind when she wrote this.

The only positives? Lord Haselby (or as I liked to refer to him as, Lord Deadpan) and a rather adorably ridiculous epilogue BUT THAT’S IT. What a bitterly disappointing end to what was a wonderful series.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
November 19, 2015

Reading this book was so bittersweet because I knew it was the end to the Bridgerton series, yet at the same time, I simply had to read it! I’ve been putting off the last two books, not wanting the series to come to an end, but I just had to see how things ended up for Gregory, too.

After finishing It’s In His Kiss which I adored, I had such high expectations for this book, maybe too high, because unfortunately, On the Way to the Wedding just didn’t quite live up to them.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a really good story – sweet, sexy, romantic – with those same loving, quirky Bridgerton siblings, but there was something almost subdued about them. It was as if they knew this was the final book and couldn’t be quite as enthusiastic as they had been in previous books. Or maybe it was just me, having to bid a fond, albeit sad, farewell to one of my very favorite historical romance families.

The Bridgerton series has been an absolute delight to read, and is one I’ll re-read time and time again.

Profile Image for Sonia.
1,108 reviews1,606 followers
June 29, 2024
This was okay... too bad it wasn't better for me

By the time I got to this book, I was excited to be on the last book of the series. We haven't read much of Gregory in the previous books, so I wasn't sure what to expect of him.

Gregory knows that true love exists- he's seen all of his seven siblings fall in love and marry for the right reasons. He's a romantic at heart. So when he sees Hermione, he falls in "love" (well, more like lust, 😐 but whatevs) instantly- and he wants her. Except that, EVERYONE wants Hermione- and it shows with how bored she is when men try to woo her😬.

Lucy is Hermione's best friend. She knows what men will try to do to win her heart, so when Hermione confesses to her that she loves someone that isn't exactly respectable, Lucy is opposed. Hermione's father will not approve, so Lucy wants her friend to marry someone with a name for himself, someone that comes from a good family, someone like Gregory.

Gregory approaches Hermione, and Lucy is rooting for him, except Hermione doesn't care for him. As Lucy gets to know Gregory, OF COURSE, she falls in love with him. But she's promised to marry someone else; in fact, the contracts have been signed😐. Then.. something scandalous happens😱- something that causes Hermione to have to marry *gasp* someone else, which leaves the MCs of this book bereft. By this time, Gregory has started to realize that he ALSO has feelings for Lucy... but now it may be too little too late😬.

We get ONE🙄, yes only ONE intimate scene😑... man, for being the eighth book in the series, I expected this to be EXPLOSIVE with chemistry and smexiness😏. I mean, book 6 was suuuper smexy, and book 7 didn't disappoint... and then we get to this dry spell of a book- WOMP WOMP😒. As I was reading, I kept eyeing the percentage, questioning WHEN we were going to be getting some sexy times... and we do get it, but it was lackluster ugh. The ONE scene was amazing🔥, don't get me wrong, but for a romantic like Gregory, why did it disappoint in the romance department then? Ugh... I expected more.

By the time the ending came, I was glad it ended. Eventually, Lucy and Gregory have enough chemistry to make me believe their HEA, but I wanted it to happen sooner. Like, why did it take Gregory so long to find Lucy attractive? He was pining away from her best friend for WAY too long in this book. Ay yay yay.

2024 reread skim
I really wish there was a better comeuppance for the uncle 😑
My 2021 feelings remain the same 😅

⚠️Safety Squad⚠️
-no cheating/sharing
-OWD: H is in "love" with the h's best friend for a lot of the book... once the H wakes up and realizes his feelings for the h, then he's only about the h
-OMD: the h is promised to marry OM- the OM doesn't care for her or want her, but there is a contract signed (spoiler- OM is gay). They get married but it gets resolved quickly
-virgin h
-HEA/epilogues (9 babies later)/second epilogue almost made me question the HEA 😑
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,268 reviews13.4k followers
March 26, 2020
What is life now?

I can’t believe I just turned the last page of the last Bridgerton book. I literally feel like I’ve lost my best friend. I can’t tell you how much I love these books! The talent that Julia Quinn possesses blows my mind! Each book truly kept me captivated and longing for more! My heart aches with the loss of these characters, but they truly live in my heart.

Gregory and Lucy’s story was so unpredictable! It literally had my heart thumping out of my chest towards the end, not knowing what in the world was happening, and going to happen! Their love was one for the history books!

Bravo, Julia Quinn. Bravo!!!
Profile Image for myo ⋆。˚ ❀ *.
1,145 reviews7,989 followers
April 19, 2024
gregory “down astronomically bad” bridgerton

i thought this was really fun and a bit insane, i enjoyed how messy it was because it kept me intrigued. i love how much gregory loved romance and his friendship with kate! i wish the romance was a tiny bit better because they randomly were like “oh so THIS is what love feels like? well i love lucy/gregory” and it just kinda felt rushed instead of making it a bit organic but other than that i had a time!
Profile Image for chaity.
174 reviews431 followers
December 27, 2021
Google: You can read Bridgerton series out of order, but—
Me: *picks up the last book of the series first*
Profile Image for Exina.
1,252 reviews405 followers
August 18, 2019
The last installment of the Bridgertons series is the story of Gregory and Lucy.
It was a disappointment. The first part of the novel is boring, the end is forced, the dialogues are faint and full of repetitions, and I was annoyed by Gregory's constantly growling stomach.

In this book everything is overdrawn:
• Gregory’s rhapsodic emotions;
• Lucy’s sense of duty and devotion;
• Hermione’s beauty and praising it to the skies;
• Some romantic scenes – especially – what a cliché!
• Drama: blackmail, hostage crisis, and shooting affair;
• The number of children.

However, it has positive aspects too. Gregory and Lucy have some sweet moments, and the secondary characters – Lady Bridgerton, Hyacinth, Lord Haselby and Hermione - are very likeable, and they undoubtedly benefit the story.

Profile Image for Jimena.
347 reviews131 followers
June 11, 2023
El último libro de esta saga resulta también uno de los más entrañables de la misma. Gregory, a diferencia de sus hermanos, no rehuye de la idea del amor ni percibe al matrimonio como un deber. Al contrario, después de años de ser testigo de las historias de los miembros de su familia, está convencido de que el verdadero amor existe y lo aguarda con una extraordinaria, luminosa y contagiosa esperanza. El problema es que cuando crea hallarlo tendrá que comprobar que los instintos y las primeras impresiones son a veces engañosos y, posteriormente, una vez identificado de verdad, tendrá que luchar por él más de lo que ningún Bridgerton ha tenido que hacer antes.

El libro reúne elementos de romance y humor como todos sus predecesores y le suma condimentos como el chantaje y la traición. Hace de sus personajes unos seres cercanos y fácilmente queribles, empezando con el romántico empedernido que lo protagoniza. Gregory es encantador, leal y valiente. Sorpresivamente ajeno a los comportamientos violentos o misóginos habíamos contemplado con anterioridad en otros héroes. Lucy es llanamente adorable y su capacidad de sacrificio la hace digna de todo mi respeto. La historia funciona incluso más que algunas de las otras que hemos disfrutado de forma previa y aunque me hubiera gustado que integrara más al resto de los personajes por tratarse del final, no puedo decir que tenga una crítica que hacerle.
Profile Image for Sofi (sofi.bookshelf) &#x1fa77;✨.
715 reviews601 followers
February 2, 2022
4.7 ⭐️

Este libro es distinto al resto de la saga. En este tienen que luchar por el amor, no les sale tan fácil como al resto.

Tenemos a Gregory, el último hermano Bridgerton soltero. Este cree en el amor y quiere tener algo como sus hermanos. No sé conformará con cualquier cosa porque ha visto el amor en persona. Un día está en el baile que organizó su cuñada cuando de la nada siente que el mundo deja de existir y sus ojos quedan fijos en Lady Hermione Watson. Lo que no sabe es que ella ya está enamorada, por lo que comienza a convivir más con Lady Lucinda (la cuál es nuestra protagonista) en la esperanza de que lo ayude a enamorarla.

Los personajes me parecieron geniales porque son distintos al resto de la saga. Lucy está comprometida desde antes de conocer a Gregory y este no se enamora de ella enseguida. Esto es una especie de Friends to lovers.

En este libro vemos bastante de lo que es una amistad honesta y leal. También deja bastante claro que no se necesita compartir sangre para ser hermanos/as, lo cual me parece demasiado tierno.

Me gustó bastante este libro. Estará en mi top 3 de la saga Bridgerton, sin duda alguna.

Ahora solo me falta el libro de los segundos epílogos y estoy triste por dejar ir a estos personajes.

¿Lo recomiendo? Sip, es muy bueno y considero que es un buen cierre de la saga.

Profile Image for Nisha.
788 reviews245 followers
July 1, 2010
Ok, I am only slow at updating this because I needed to find a way to be nice about this book. But really, I shouldn't have waited because I almost forgot what this book was even about. Goes to tell you, this ain't that great.

Gregory, the last of the Bridgertons, believes in love - true love, all-consuming love, love so strong that you wouldn't even be able to breath without their reciprocation. Which makes it really crazy when he falls for Hermione, a woman who has already lost her heart to her father's secretary. But Hermione's (damn, I feel like I am in Harry Potter) BFF, Lucinda, or Lucy, wants to save her friend from that disastrous union and tries to forge one between Hermione and Gregory. Afterall, she actually approves of him and finds him refreshing even if he is one of Hermione's many admirers. But the greatest plans don't always go smoothly, and Lucinda, a woman who has always done her duty and is engaged to be married (now it seriously doesn't help that her fiance is gay - if JQ was adding a gay character, she should make him more fun), falls for Gregory. Gregory is blissfully (or not) unaware about his growing feelings toward Lucy and things get even more testy when Lucy is forced to marry. Suddenly Gregory realizes how much she means to him and then the really bizarre things happen.

Ok, I will start with the obvious: Gregory just isn't a man to me. I know, he's 26 or something and should, even with a Beta personality, be able to entice me with some of his masculinity. But he fails miserably to be seen as an independent man, which none of his brothers had very much problems becoming. Could it be because Benedict and Colin actually had professions or goals? Lucy is a little better. She is a little more in control with herself and is very duty-oriented. But even she lacked the spark necessary of a HR heroine.

The most annoying parts was Gregory's mom conversations. Those made Gregory seem even younger, schoolboy-like. The convos were pretty useless too, but i guess they have a bit of realism inside. Hyacinth was annoying, as usual, and JQ is really trying to fashion her to be the next Lady D. I don't like it, it seems all so contrived.

I do have to give points for creativity. I have never seen this theme in major HR books and its novelty was the only thing that kept me going. i was very surprised with Lucy's brother and her BFF. And I honestly felt like they were too dumb to help her out. The uncle as the villain is overused, but I guess it added the danger and the scandal. I ended up liking Hasalby and truly wishing for more airtime for him - why had JQ not added a gay character before? Whatever, I'm not going to judge.

Overall, this is really 2.5 stars, but I feel too annoyed with the book to be nice enough to grant a 3. It has some funny parts and some good parts, but not enough to compensate. The worst part was the epilogue. Seriously? That is just dumb, not even cute or funny to think about. That, singlehandedly made this book firmly settle at a 2.
Profile Image for Aoife - Bookish_Babbling.
372 reviews387 followers
October 20, 2021
It is past time I "review" this as I am falling behind again 🤦🙈

Best of the bunch, but possibly only by dint of having the least toxic masculinity from the male MC which may be skewing my rating up because of this – meh whatevs I made it through 😅

It was pretty OTT especially towards the end & weirdly enough reminded me of The Importance of Being Earnest for some reason 🤔 I’m prob way off base with that rando comparison because it has been an absolute age since I read that in school and it was one of the few books not ruined by “having” to study it 🤷
Please don't let me lead you astray, it is not my intention to set this up unfairly, there is no confusion as to who is who - perhaps it is the quartet feel that has me comparing them…

Again the family interactions made this series worthwhile for me. Mama B is a boss-lady and such a gem with her kiddos. It was fun to see Kate in a more prominent role again as I did really like her in her book & everyone else’s cameos reminded me why I enjoy them as side characters. Hyacinth & Gregory's relationship as the "odd ducklings" down the end of the pecking order was heatwarming and how they all come to the "rescue"/help in their own ways was a nice sign off to this series. I can honestly say I have never before considered the effect of the back of someone’s neck when looking for a potential partner – I’m glad the author leaned in and addressed this random tidbit, the second time it was mentioned my eyes legit 🙄

Careful of the second epilogue in this one guys, it was considerably less “light” compared to the others in this series – I was not expecting it and found it an odd tonal shift for the last book...don’t get me wrong it is still a HEA, just different from the others in how it gets there.

All in all I’m glad I read this series so that I can know what all the fuss is about, but I deffo don’t think my thinking aligns with the target audience for when these were written/published. I do lowkey wonder what the storylines might resemble if they were released nowdays – guess we’ll never know unless the Netflix show changes things up.

Quick, easy reads tho for anyone looking to get lost in a large loving family in the 1800s 🤗
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,608 reviews4,290 followers
March 12, 2024
This is joining my list of favorites in the Bridgerton series! Gregory is the classic youngest child who is used to everything coming easy and being handed to him. He's kind of an idiot, but a lovable one. And Lucy is a great foil for him as a woman used to being extremely practical and taking care of the people around her. They have great banter and seeing him slowly come to recognize how great she is was lovely. I also think this does a good job of depicting what it's like to have a best friend that everyone is always falling in love with and you're kind of the unnoticed sidekick. But it's not her fault and she's still a nice person. I've been there and it's entertaining to read how it's handled. Also, I didn't have consent issues with this one! I feel like Quinn's more recent books have really improved on that.

Ironically my one criticism of this is about the bonus epilogue. Tread with caution because it throws you into a really graphic scene of traumatic childbirth with near death. Which is such a strange choice to me for including right after your HEA. Not a fan of that.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 10,363 reviews

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