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The Wicked Bargain

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El Diablo is in the details in this Latinx pirate fantasy starring a transmasculine nonbinary teen with a mission of revenge, redemption, and revolution.

On Mar León-de la Rosa's 16th birthday, el Diablo comes calling. Mar is a transmasculine nonbinary teen pirate hiding a magical ability to manipulate fire and ice. But their magic isn't enough to reverse a wicked bargain made by their father and now el Diablo has come to collect his payment: the soul of Mar's father and the entire crew of their ship.

When Mar is miraculously rescued by the sole remaining pirate crew in the Caribbean, el Diablo returns to give them a choice: give up your soul to save your father by the Harvest Moon or never see him again. The task is impossible--Mar refuses to make a bargain and there's no way their magic is any match for el Diablo. Then, Mar finds the most unlikely allies: Bas, an infuriatingly arrogant and handsome pirate -- and the captain's son; and Dami, a genderfluid demonio whose motives are never quite clear. For the first time in their life, Mar may have the courage to use their magic. It could be their only redemption -- or it could mean certain death.

368 pages

First published February 28, 2023

About the author

Gabe Cole Novoa

7 books1,142 followers

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Profile Image for Aiden Thomas.
Author 8 books8,975 followers
January 3, 2023
Pirates and romance, dangerous magic and demon curses — this book has it all! THE WICKED BARGAIN is an immersive, vibrant adventure with swashbuckling, secrets and deals with a devil. Come for the epic fantasy adventure in the Caribbean, stay for the diverse cast, romantic tension and heart-warming found family!
Profile Image for Noah.
336 reviews223 followers
December 11, 2023
With the roar of the fire / my heart rose to its feet like the ashes of ash, I saw rise in the heat / settled soft and as pure as snow / I fell in love with the fire long ago (Would That I - Hozier). Sorry, I can’t help but see this book as a pretty song, as it’s so rife with striking imagery! Honestly, I loved this book so much that any praise I give it is going to feel understated. It's the kind of book that you can't help but fall into and forget the outside world until it’s over and done with. What's more is I thought that it had the perfect setting to explore lgbt+ themes, as fictional pirate stories are often used to symbolize a yearning for freedom outside of stifling societal norms. It’s equal parts a simple fun adventure and a sensitive exploration of gender identity in a time period where being yourself as a queer person is almost always life-threatening. This book also cleverly side-steps usual YA fantasy issues by placing heavier focus on the grounded historical aspects and making Mar’s magic usage less like they're a wizard (though they can shoot fire balls) and more of an example of a young person forced to hide their true self out of fear that the world isn’t willing to accept and love them for who they truly are. Hey… that sounds familiar, I wonder if it’s a metaphor for something? Learning to let go of self-hatred is a theme that's just as applicable in the past as it is today, especially for queer folk. I haven't read something like this that I connected to on such a deep level in a long, long time. Anyway, I loved this book! and I wish I had something more to say other than “I loved this book!” but I’m afraid I’m coming up empty. This is a lovely story full of diverse characters, exciting adventures, and a magical romance, all working together to make this one of my favorites in recent memory!

“Hola, Mar.” Bas’s lopsided grin makes Mar want to shove the boy into the ocean.
Mar stands. “Adiós, Bas.”
Profile Image for  Bon.
1,348 reviews185 followers
August 24, 2023
[Review by a nonbinary reader]

The open sea: a liminal space in society and a prime spot to go wild with queer stories. The Wicked Bargain executes this well, and I really enjoyed setting sail with this protagonist.

I'm going to first discuss the only real weakness I noticed in this book, because it's largely negligible in the plot - the romance with Bas, when Dami the genderfluid, wickedly infuriating demonio, was right there. I found Bas boring and pretty one-dimensional; Mar's interactions with Dami hold so much more passion and reactivity. Not to mention the fact that Dami's powers enable Mar to really live as themselves in the end. For large parts of the plot, Mar is alone but for Bas, and yet...Nothing colored him in, for me. Gah. I loved Dami, who swishes around in skirts, corsets, heavy eyeliner, and an ever-changing silhouette. Gender goals. That said, the romance is not the most important love in this story; that falls to Mar and Bas' love for their fathers and crews, and Mar's own self-love and acceptance.

The bricks and mortar of this story, the settings and descriptions, were very well done, rendered vivid with stellar writing. I could feel the deck swaying beneath my feet, smell the salty sea air for the scenes at sea. I also really appreciated the descriptions of outfits, a personal favorite inclusion of mine in any book. And the action scenes were incredibly well done, from storms at sea to underwater battles to covert missions in prisons. I also found the frequent Spanish woven skillfully into the prose very immersive, although admittedly, I was listening to the audiobook, which I suspect might be the superior medium for this story. Vico Ortiz did an AMAZING job narrating this story.

Now, to the most significant part of the book for me: the nonbinary, transmasc protagonist. Firstly, kudos to the production for getting Vico as the narrator, fitting perfectly. As a reader very close to the protagonist's labeling, it was incredible to read a story that I related to so strongly, from Mar worrying about their chest bindings to hating parts of their body. What I found incredible was that for much of the story, Mar's magic serves as a partial metaphor for their gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, and trans identity, something to be endured and concealed at all costs. They see who and what they are as problematic, until the end, when they both accept their magic and are able to embrace their body [magical top surgery was not on my bingo card for this book, and while I have issues with a 'magical fix', Mar's resulting euphoria was joyous to read].

It's worth reading the author's note, too; Novoa doesn't wish to rehabilitate the reputation of real-life slave-owning pirates, and so didn't include any actual pirates in the characters. This is fascinating, as anyone fans of Our Flag Means Death has probably seen the discourse surrounding this concept.

Overall I enjoyed this a lot and very strongly recommend it to fans of queer pirate stories.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,322 reviews590 followers
April 8, 2024
4 Stars

A YA fantasy story set on the high seas of the Caribbean, The Wicked Bargain follows a Latinx transmasculine non-binary teenager, Mar León de la Rosa, who becomes caught up in a game of cat and mouse, desperately trying to reverse a deal Mar’s pirate-captain father made decades earlier with El Diablo (the devil), to essentially save both their lives.

To make matters more complicated for Mar, they’re also hiding forbidden magical abilities, which Mar is scared to reveal to those around them; they face constant encounters with a pesky gender-fluid demonio (demon) named Dami, who clearly had their own agenda; plus, Mar finds themselves dealing with their rising feelings for an exasperatingly charming and obnoxious fellow teen-pirate named Bas, who takes every opportunity to pester (flirt) and annoy (tease) Mar at every turn.

The representation in this story was fantastic and the writing was equally exquisite, making this a diverse YA read not to be missed and one that left a mark on me in a very impressionable way.

I very much liked Mar and Bas, both complex characters and likeable in their individual ways; both following in their father’s footsteps and striving to do right by their families and their crews. I particularly enjoyed the banter between them and the whole frenemies-to-more vibe they had going on, which came easily and naturally as the story progressed.

But… I also found myself completely enraptured by demonio Dami, who’s personality practically jumped off the page and consumed me, leaving me slightly disappointed—only slightly, I promise—that they weren’t the romantic focus over the also-lovely-but-not-as-pertinently-memorable Bas.

Truth be told, I devoured this story without any sort of work on my part, especially ADORING the audio narration by non-binary actor, Vico Ortiz, who absolutely smashed their vocal performance, elevating an already wonderful story to new heights.

After this most-excellent initial reading endeavor, I’ll most certainly be back for more of Novoa’s works, already having immediately one-clicked the companion novel—Dami’s story—The Diablo's Curse, and having pre-ordered a copy of Most Ardently—a queer retelling of Pride and Prejudice—both of which I’m sure to enjoy.
Profile Image for everybookadoorway.
143 reviews40 followers
April 19, 2023
why would i go to therapy when i can just listen to vico ortiz read me a book about queer pirates instead
Profile Image for gray (my.rainbow.bookshelf).
317 reviews83 followers
September 19, 2023
I was right this was fucking made for me- anyway if you need me I'll just be rewatching ofmd for the 6th or 7th time 🤩
On the night of Mar’s 16th birthday, a huge storm overtakes their ship and El Diablo himself appears, there to cash in on the bargain Mar’s dad made when they were a baby, a bargain that cost Mar’s dad his soul. In the aftermath of the wreck, with Mar’s crew and family gone, Mar must find a way to get their dad back, learning to embrace their dreaded magia and maybe making a few new friends along the way.

Y’all this fucking book oh my god. It literally just came out but even if I’d found it a month from now or even a year, I’d fall in love with it every single time. It really did feel like it was made for me. It’s every single one of my favorite things thrown into one beautiful book narrated by one of my favorite actors, blurbed by one of my favorite authors. You can’t get luckier than that.

It’s fantastical magic, swashbuckling adventure, and smoky suspense. It’s sea salt scented romantic tension and found family amidst chaos. It’s embracing the parts of yourself that scare you the most, the parts that, despite what you’ve thought your whole life, are beautiful and make you who you are.

At its heart is Mar, a Latinx transmasc nonbinary pirate with fire/ice magic they love with a passionate but are terrified of hurting anyone with. They’re fiercely determined to protect their loved ones and will stop at nothing to make things right. I latched onto them immediately as a new favorite character and someone I saw bits and pieces of myself in. I’m both a little bit in love with Mar and desperately want to be them.

The rest of the cast of characters found their way into my heart almost as fast as Mar did. Bas, a golden retriever-esque captain’s son with a silly, happy-go-lucky exterior, heart of gold, and arms always ready for a comforting hug or a shoulder to cry on. And Dami, a genderfluid demon with their own agenda, infuriating at times, but undoubtably one of the coolest characters I’ve ever met.

Besides the pirates and magic, this book is so overwhelmingly queer. Mar wears a binder through most of the book, Dami changes their gender expression on a whim, and several pirates, including a few captains, are life partners. Much of this is taken directly from history and I loved every second of it.

As I mentioned, Vico Ortiz narrates this audiobook and holy shit I absolutely devoured it in a little over a day and a half. Vico was the perfect narrator for Mar and coupled with the wonderful writing and fast-paced plot, I literally couldn’t put it down. This book also left me with a palpable ache in my chest and a physical need to rewatch OFMD for the 6th time, and any book that can do that is an immediate add to my favorite shelf. I had a niggling feeling when I first picked up this book that I’d find a home within its pages alongside pirates and magic and demons and I can safely say I’ve never loved being so damn right more.
Profile Image for Maia.
Author 28 books3,213 followers
August 1, 2023
Mar is transmasc nonbinary, a pirate, and a magic user who can control fire and ice. On their 16th birthday, disaster strikes the ship they live and work on with their father and a crew as close as family-a storm takes the crew, and El Diablo comes for Mar's father's soul. Somehow, Mar is spared and wakes up on a different ship, also crewed by pirates who steal from the Spanish and give food, weapons, and other supplies to those in the Caribbean islands fighting Spanish control. Mar strikes up a somewhat reluctant friendship with a boy their age on the ship, and refuses to the negotiate with a demonio who says they can help Mar free their father's soul. This story has a lot of fun elements, and the audiobook is expertly read by Vico Ortiz. But I didn't love this book as much as I wanted to. I found the first half quite slow, and overall felt like not quite enough happened to justify the length. I loved the nonbinary rep and the Spanish phrases in the dialogue, but wanted faster pacing and quicker reveals, especially of the demonio's motivations.
Profile Image for Toya (thereadingchemist).
1,354 reviews147 followers
February 8, 2023
This reminded of all of the shenanigans of The Daughter of the Pirate King but make it queer, Latinx, and chock full of elemental magic.

More to come!
Profile Image for Jenna-booklooksbyjenna.
137 reviews72 followers
May 4, 2024
if this book doesn’t get a sequel i will commission one myself. i /will/ need more Mar and sea adventures in my life.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,789 reviews319 followers
July 8, 2023

I think all pirates were queer. I will not be convinced otherwise.

This was really good. I really liked our main character and all of their magic elements. I loved their character development and how this whole story is really just about them learning to embrace everything that makes them them instead of hiding from it.
Profile Image for Starr ❇✌❇.
1,484 reviews148 followers
February 23, 2023

*Review to come*

Pre-review to come
"a trans masculine Latinx teen pirate hiding magical abilities" okay you've already sold me please slow down so I can BREATHE
update the COVER 😍

update Well I got an arc suddenly! I wish I had more time to get to it but I'm excited anyway 😅
Profile Image for emileigh.
40 reviews2 followers
August 20, 2022
I must admit, this is the second ARC I've ever read, thanks to Netgalley ;), and my experience with my first one was unpleasant. I went into this not expecting much, hoping for a book that at least wouldn't make me mad.

This book was amazing. Right from the start, it captured my attention, and I finished it in almost an entire day.

The main character, Mar, is a transmasculine non-binary pirate, helping the Caribbeans after the years of colonization from Spain. I've seen a lot of books involving LGBT+ characters where there is transphobia, homophobia, etc. At some point, it gets exhausting because why can't there just be a book where LGBT+ can be treated well without trauma? The Wicked Bargain executed it perfectly. Absolutely no transphobia, no homophobia, no one treating Mar like they're unnatural because they don't feel they are a boy or a girl. At the end of the book, I felt like I could cry.

"So," el Capitán says, "what are you?"

Mar blinks at the question. There are so many answers, each of them as true as the last. They're a person-mostly a boy, but not entirely. They're a crew member, a sailor, an explorer. They're an only child. A friend.

The writing was great, the slow burn was just delicious, and the plot had me unable to put the book down for hours. This is going on my list as one of the best books I've read this year. I am so thankful I had the chance to read it early! Can't wait to purchase it once it's out :)
Profile Image for rachel, x.
1,791 reviews932 followers
July 13, 2023
On Mar León-de la Rosa's 16th birthday, el Diablo comes calling. Mar is a transmasculine nonbinary teen pirate hiding a magical ability to manipulate fire and ice. But their magic isn't enough to reverse a wicked bargain made by their father and now el Diablo has come to collect his payment: the soul of Mar's father and the entire crew of their ship.

sign me up

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Profile Image for Em .
43 reviews30 followers
May 31, 2024
✧ This was closer to 3.5 stars for me. There were a couple character issues (especially the love interest, I feel like he needed to be help more accountable for his first impression/actions towards Mar’s grief) and moments that I felt were left unresolved, but overall it was an exciting pirate adventure with some beautifully written queer joy, magic, and a journey of self acceptance.
Profile Image for JR.
147 reviews16 followers
April 12, 2024
Even before I finished it, I knew this one was going to be a top favourite for me!

As someone who grew up with the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and who fell in love recently with Our Flag Means Death, having a story like The Wicked Bargain feels so, so great!

I can’t recommend it enough!!

(Also, the audiobook is amazing. So I recommend that one too!)
Profile Image for ash.
244 reviews8 followers
April 17, 2023
thank you to random house children's, random house books for young readers, and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

queer pirates, forbidden elemental magic, and the literal devil himself. all set within the vibrant caribbean ocean. (quite literally pirates of the caribbean but what if it’s explicitly gay. and so much more.)

to say i fell in love with mar and their sea-faring adventures would be an understatement. we’re following their grief after losing their crew, their family. all while trying to see if they can bring them back from the dead. we meet bas and dami and learn to love their irritating but ultimately lovable charm. the way that mar has. we see mar grow their fire and ice powers, forming into their truest selves as the book progresses.

and especially, we see their non-binary identity play a large role in their everyday. while queerness is seen so casually in this fantastical caribbean 1800s (these pirates are all so very gay)… we still see mar worry. not only with their magic, but with the fact that they do have body dysphoria. and while it always hits just a little to close to home, i appreciate the representation. the mentions, every. damn. time. because it’s real. because non-binary and trans pirates were really a thing. because it’s important representation for queer teens, and especially queer teens of color to see.

i also loved to see the incorporation of spanish into the book. i, personally, do not speak the language. and while i didn’t stop to translate every new word, i did stop many a times. i wanted the full context. i wanted to know their conversations, their thoughts. i am so curious to know why the author chose to swap words and where. but also, i get it. as a (mostly) bilingual person, sentences get muddled between the languages. and i know that not all readers will appreciate it, but i certainly do.

anyways, there’s nothing quite like starting a new book and immediately knowing that it’s going to be a new all time favorite read.
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
March 1, 2023
[3.5] i know i am not the target audience (YA is not my standard fare by a long shot), but a transmasc nonbinary latinx pirate possessing magia PLUS that gorgeous cover? i couldn't resist requesting this literal pirates of the caribbean story.

my favorite aspect of the book: Mar is the perfect vehicle for proper lgbtqia+ representation. i love that in this world, no one bats an eye at people's gender identity or sexuality. Mar still has to confront their feelings of body dysmorphia, but it's depicted in a sensitive manner that i believe any reader in a similar boat can relate to and feel seen. this is coupled with their arduous process of coming to terms with their magia as a power for good and not evil during their quest to save the people they love.

the story is very much plot-driven - some developments a bit cliché at times and the grand finale predictable, but one that i imagine a younger me would have had fun with. my biggest niggle comes with the dialogue. occasionally stilted, it made getting a nuanced feel for the characters beyond a broad overview challenging, such as the love interest Bas. he's a supportive, happy-go-lucky guy with a talent for maps but that's everything i could glean from the text. i think i was hoping for him amongst other characters to have been fleshed out more. but that being said, i'm also a sucker for found family and unlikely allies, so it was most exciting for me to find that both featured prominently. those tropes truly reign supreme!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of the book - this is my honest review :)
Profile Image for Anna .
402 reviews22 followers
May 27, 2023
I had so much fun reading this one!

Oh how I need more queer pirate stories like this!!
Adventurous and magical with a touch of romance.

Mar was a fabulous main character - tough and resilient with a soft heart at the centre. Bas was a great love interest - cheeky, cheerful and charming.

Great to see trans/non-binary and Latinx representation in a pirate adventure! Such a fun ride of a read.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,325 reviews16 followers
June 1, 2024
This was lovely.

Trans NB rep
Adventure and deals with the devil

Amazing narration as well.
Profile Image for Beauregard Francis.
250 reviews13 followers
February 23, 2023
This was fun! I enjoyed how unapologetically queer the universe was, and I liked the comradery among the crew. Stories that center on trans joy and acceptance are always special to me. The story also had a very snappy pace, so it was an enjoyable way to spend an evening.

However...the main character, Mar, was a bit baffling. They are born with this super amazing power that they are afraid to use, pretty standard chosen one stuff. Everyone in the book is telling them that they are amazing and beautiful and powerful, which is good for any young person to hear, but Mar as a character felt so flat to me that I was confused by all this love coming for them right off the bat from strangers. Maybe it was just the pacing of the story that didn't allow for Mar or Bas to really settle into themselves as independent characters. Bas is the love interest, but I don't know anything about him except he is cheerful, is obsessed with Mar, and is apparently good with maps?

Mar also becomes super powerful really quickly, that no situation ever felt perilous or tense. It was just like oh okay what new power is Mar gonna whip out to save the day.

I'm just going to clock this up to me being a bit exasperated with YA in general, which is fine! This was not written for me! Being in a universe where everything is queer and not much hurts is a good and fine way to experience a book. I suppose that I, as a reader, just look for more than that.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Chloe.
685 reviews70 followers
September 4, 2022
This was an absolute BLAST to read. If you want the same delightful queer pirate vibes of OFMD, then I am begging you to read The Wicked Bargain.

It's queer as heck with a romance comprised of two dorks circling each other, found family that is both lost and gained, along with a good dose of magic.

And the trans rep, even it just being written in third person with they/them pronouns, was everything that I needed. There was even one specific moment that made me CACKLE, because SAME, and is honestly one of the most trans things I've ever read lol.

Just an utterly delightful book.
Profile Image for Quill&Queer.
1,213 reviews494 followers
Want to read
February 27, 2023
"Latinx pirate fantasy starring a transmasculine nonbinary teen with a mission of revenge, redemption, and revolution"
Profile Image for book_worm119.
693 reviews11 followers
May 10, 2023
Dami was super cool, Mar was wonderful, and Bas was entertaining. Overall, a very entertaining book with wonderful characters and a quick-paced plot!
Profile Image for Dilly.
121 reviews164 followers
August 7, 2023
gray, you were right. this is amazing. this is going on my favorites shelf. i love this book so much 😭
Profile Image for Aly.
2,975 reviews
March 9, 2023
First of all, I loved the representation in this. Transmasc and genderfluid characters are not that common in the books I usually read and it's nice to see YA branch out more and be inclusive.

Second of all, pirates and magic! I'm happy that pirate books have made a comeback in the previous decade and I'm always up for some looting and treasure. The setting was so much fun and I like that crews on pirate ships seem to follow a found family trope. Mar's magic was also cool and I liked seeing them trust in it more and come into their abilities.

The story itself was good, with a sweet romance and an interesting villain. What got me was the pacing. It had a few slow spots, especially from about halfway through three-quarters, and I found myself wandering a little. I think this could have either been a bit shorter or added more action or romantic scenes to keep things moving.

Great book and well narrated!

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for the copy.
Profile Image for mace.
334 reviews75 followers
March 5, 2023
I think I possibly want to write a full review for this book, but for now I'll say I feel kind of torn about this book. The first half of the book captured me fully. I loved reading about Mar's adventures at sea. Once the second half of the book rolled around, though, I found myself kind of losing interest. Due to spoiler-y plot reasons, Mar spends most of the second half of the book by themself or with their love interest, Bas, and I simply didn't give a shit about Bas or his and Mar's blooming relationship. Neither his character nor the romance in this book felt well fleshed-out to me. I honestly wish a certain genderfluid demon would've been Mar's love interest instead; there was so much more chemistry between them.

Full review to come, perhaps.
Profile Image for Jessie.
167 reviews88 followers
July 8, 2023
I knew it! I just knew this was gonna be an incredible ride!

I was anxiously waiting for this pirate/deal with the devil Fantasy full of adventure and LGBTQ+ rep! And OMG did it give it ALL!

Found family, Magic, Pirates, a deal with THE DEVIL ( or not )

Mar is a 🏳️‍⚧️ Masculine teen pirate with the magia too fire and Ice ( they keep it a secret) and on their 16th bday, El diábolo comes to claim a deal he made with mat’s father and all hell breaks loose!

And so the story begins that I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to put down! ENJOY!
Profile Image for M.
73 reviews2 followers
February 17, 2024

hay cosas que me chirrían, pero en general es una lectura muy chula ! fácil de leer, entretiene y casi todos los personajes te acaban gustando (aunque el demonio they/them de pelo largo y eyeliner es de hecho el mejor)

also, me acabo de enterar (después de terminarlo) que vico narra el audiolibro. 1 pelín triste no haberlo escuchado mientras lo leía rip
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