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In My Wake

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The past was meant to stay buried...

But someone knows the truth...

Decades ago, the disturbing disappearance of an eleven-year-old girl shook the tiny village Hannah grew up in. Now Hannah receives the shock of her life when she is told her sister, April, has committed suicide. Distraught, she returns to her childhood home for the funeral.

But someone who refuses to forget the past has sickening shocks in store for the grieving family and soon latch onto Hannah instead, leaving her looking over her shoulder at every turn.

Now the nightmares aren't only inside Hannah's head ...

The close-knit community is rattled as devastating secrets and unspeakable truths are shaken up and it seems everyone has a secret to hide ...

Hannah feels her grip on reality slipping as she starts to suspect even those closest to her - including her husband Will. April had uttered words of warning against him, but was it merely jealousy? Or does Hannah truly have something to fear from the father of her child?

Could the danger be closer to home than she realises?

And why is Hannah’s own father insisting that the past should remain in the past?

290 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 16, 2020

About the author

Ruth Harrow

11 books112 followers
Ruth Harrow is known for her gripping psychological thrillers. Born and raised in England, Ruth discovered her passion for writing in 2018. Her debut novel, In Her Footsteps, swiftly became a bestseller, marking the beginning of her journey in the genre. She continues to captivate readers with her jaw-dropping twists. For exclusive updates on her latest releases, visit RuthHarrow.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews480 followers
July 16, 2020
Hannah and her husband, Will, along with their 12 year old daughter, Eva, return to their childhood home of Little Bishopsford for her sister, April’s funeral. Hannah does not have good memories of the place and has never returned since leaving for university. Now she is forced to confront uncomfortable memories of the summer she was 11 years old and April was dating Will. Memories of the time they were all out in Will’s car coming home too late, too fast and probably too drunk. Memories of that night that young Paige Wakefield disappeared never to be seen again. The disappearance rocked the small town, but the fire that soon after burnt down her family’s home, killing all inside, rocked it even more.

April’s funeral is marred by an obnoxious message in the running sheets. Hannah has a strange feeling of being watched and then she starts getting cryptic and increasingly threatening text messages from April’s phone which was never recovered after her suicide. Not knowing what to think, Hannah starts asking questions but the more she learns the more uneasy she becomes about what members of her own family could be hiding, about who in the village might be stalking her and, she wonders about the fact that neither Paige nor April’s bodies were ever recovered.

While it was a little slow at the start the pace built beautifully and soon there was a real sense of creeping menace and impending danger, a sense that there are still many secrets yet to be uncovered. I ended up enjoying this a lot. It flowed really well and the plot was multi-layered. I will be checking other books by this author. Thank you Book Sirens and Ruth Harrow for my free review copy.
Profile Image for Tonya.
591 reviews122 followers
June 19, 2020
It took a while for me to get into the story. Once I was engaged, I couldn’t put it down. This book kept me up very late reading. The ending had many twists and some I didn’t see coming. This book proves that secrets can be deadly. Very suspenseful! Thank you BookSirens for my ARC.
Profile Image for S.A. Krishnan.
Author 31 books208 followers
July 19, 2020
Enjoyable suspense
Hannah comes home for her sister – April’s funeral.
Hannah has no good memories of the place and she had left the town because of the rumours following the disappearance of a girl called Paige, many years back. The rumours running through the entire town following Paige’s disappearance had destroyed Hannah’s home and the people there.
Now that she is back, Hannah feels uneasy because she feels that someone in the town is stalking her.
Neither Paige nor April’s body was found and added on top of it, Hannah starts receiving threatening messages from April’s cell phone which had never been found.
The entire mystery unfolds through Hannah’s eyes.
Filled with suspense and intrigue, the story had a slow start, but was an enjoyable thriller till the very end.
Profile Image for Sarah.
2,780 reviews202 followers
July 25, 2020
Hannah returns to her childhood home and the village she grew up in for the funeral of her sister. It doesn’t take long before sinister things start to happen, leaving the reader wondering what secrets are being kept hidden from us.

An event from the past has left an impact on Hannah. As well as on others it would seem. It was sad to see that it affected Hannah and her sister’s relationship to the point that they didn’t see each other. Whilst I had empathy for some of the characters, I can’t say that any were overly likeable. I think this might be to do with their actions and how they deal with things. It doesn’t make for any of a less enjoyable read though.

The classic small village setting adds to the tension of the story with everyone knowing each others business. The author cleverly throws some red herrings into the equation to lead you off course so that when certain reveals come, they take the reader by surprise. The flicks between past and present I enjoyed as it allows us to get to know April, Hannah’s sister, better as well as add intrigue as to what is happening in present day.

In My Wake is a tense and dark read. The authors writing was compelling and had me saying to myself that I would read ‘just one more chapter’ as I was keen to find out what these characters were hiding. Of course, I couldn’t stop at just one more chapter and it didn’t take me long before I had devoured the book. A worthy read for fans who love psychological thrillers.
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,602 reviews220 followers
July 27, 2020
Author Ruth Harrow used in-depth psychology on her characters to show their transition through life. It was both intriguing and thought-provoking, how a secret kept hidden throughout life suddenly exploded out of the blue… Maybe with a few reminders.

Hannah, her husband Will, and daughter came home for her sister April’s funeral. And memories hit her hard about one day in her life as a child when an incident occurred and Paige Wakefield disappeared.

My first book by this author, I loved the claustrophobic feel that Hannah had throughout her stay. They made her restless and lent an air of disquiet to her. I was intrigued. Add a stalker to the equation, and I could see the bindings around her tighten.

There were clues and false hopes in the story. There was a reality and layers of added beliefs which made me long to dig in deep to get to the truth. The story was winding, some parts could have been sharply edited. They niggled at me. I didn’t like any of the characters. They all used a convoluted way of thinking. I kept poking them a.k.a tapping my kindle screen. But alas, they went their own merry way.

The last few chapters where all the repercussions of one act were faced head-on. I loved how the story was tied up to a great realization and at long last, Hannah took the best decision. From denial, she moved on to strength and brought the book to an interesting finale.
Profile Image for Anne G. Kasaba.
1,703 reviews7 followers
June 11, 2020
Well written story with characters that are sure to inspire strong feelings in readers. Suspenseful with numerous twists and turns the book moves between the past and present effortlessly.

When Hannah returns to her childhood home with her family for her sister April’s funeral, it is the first time she has returned since leaving for university. While she knew it would be difficult she did not realize that everyone is guarding secrets and that she can trust no one in her family.

I received an arc of this book and voluntarily provided a review.
Profile Image for ReadandRated.
546 reviews26 followers
July 19, 2020
4 Stars from me

When the shock of her sister's suicide brings Hannah back to the close knit village of her youth, it should be a simple case of attending the funeral and catching up with her father - but things soon take an unpleasant turn.

There was no body - much in when a little girl went missing many years before.

Hannah soon begins to wonder if there is anyone in the tiny claustrophobic village that she can trust at all...

I found this one to be quite uncomfortable reading, I don't know how Hannah managed to stay in the village for so long - and oh the list of people I wished that she would punch in the face!

A nicely crafted plot within a horrid little village where everyone knows every single thing you do... ugh!
August 4, 2020
Have you ever read a book where you wondered if you were going to need muscle relaxants afterwards? Yes?! No?! Huh... I feel like I need help to retract my shoulders from the ear region.

I was literally taut with tension towards the end. Now, I need to be honest. I kinda guessed what was going on about a third of the way through. Even so, I needed to know how it all came together. In other words, Laura’s questions had questions. (Bad sign talking about yourself in third person! *shrugs*)

Trying to deal with a bereavement in the family is traumatic at the best of times, but when the loss is due to suicide it must be felt even more keenly. This is the situation faced by our main protagonist, Hannah, following the death of her sister April. Can you imagine the questions you must ask yourself? The resulting guilt no matter how ill placed? Having to return to the small village she was brought up in is just the icing on a very crappy cake.

Yet, this is only the start of the story when it comes to Hannah et al. You know the saying ‘Be sure your sin will find you out’? Well, for Hannah, her day of reckoning is fast approaching.

I really enjoyed my first foray into Ruth Wake’s storytelling and devoured In My Wake over the course of a day. I blame the quick pacy chapters with mini cliffhangers, lol.

Now normally I become a virtual cheerleader for certain characters in a book (shocker, huh?!) I didn’t find myself in that role this time. I don’t know why. I just didn’t feel that connection on this occasion. *whispers* I just didn’t find them all that likeable, but that was part of the charm. I know I’m twisted *snorts*.

For all my putting the puzzle pieces together I was still left a little wanting at the end. I wanted to hogtie certain characters and shine a spotlight on them so I could question them on the details. Please see questions comment above.

Hmm... although the more I think about *taps chin*, maybe this is the evil genius of the author. Leaving it to our imagination to think of all the possible scenarios...

That’s ok for a normal person, overactive imagination over here. Pfft!

Okay, okay – I’m going!
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,026 reviews51 followers
July 26, 2020
I love discovering new authors and Ruth Harrow is certainly a new author for me. Judging by how much I enjoyed 'In My Wake', I cannot believe that I haven't discovered her books before now. I really enjoyed reading 'In My Wake' but more about that in a bit.
This story started in such a way that it will stick in my mind for a long while to come. Talk about an attention grabber. From then on, I became intrigued by the case because I had a sneaky suspicion that all was not what it at first appeared. I felt compelled to keep reading and I mean that in the nicest possible way. I wasn't able to read the book over the course of a day but I did manage to read the book over the course of a few days. Picking this book up was fatal- in that I would only intend to read a couple of chapters to fill in the odd half hour or so but I would become so wrapped up in the story that I would still be reading half a dozen chapters later. For me, 'In My Wake' was an unputdownable page turner of a read.
'In My Wake' is really well written. The author grabs your attention from the start and draws you into the story. For me, 'In My Wake' hit the ground running and maintained a fairly fast pace throughout. I liked the way in which the story flowed and the way in which particular details seemed to slowly emerge from a seemingly normal event. Some of the details emerged so quickly and unexpectedly that when they came to light, I felt like I had been slapped across the face with a wet fish or punched in the gut. I felt as though I was part of the story myself, which is down to Ruth's very vivid and realistic storytelling.
In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'In My Wake' and I would definitely recommend this book to other readers. I will certainly be reading more of Ruth's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.
Profile Image for Mamadukes .
292 reviews7 followers
July 14, 2020

No need to wonder if you’ll like this one...if you like psychological thrillers, there’s NO DOUBT.

I love books with a lot of family secrets and this one has secrets hidden all over town. You don’t always see them coming but when they do, they hit you like a ton of bricks. Is there one person involved? Or does the network of secrets and lies, both past and present, include more than one family and one set of secrets? The turmoil comes from within and out as Hannah struggles to uncover the truth.

I had no reason to doubt if I would enjoy this one because I’ve completely enjoyed Ms. Harrow’s other books. So give yourself a few hours of uninterrupted time for IN MY WAKE, but be warned...don’t start it at night because you’ll want to keep reading to the wee hours to see what happens. Bravo!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
12 reviews2 followers
July 8, 2020
I must admit that at the start I did not think I was going to finish this book. Hannah receives some awful news that her sister April has committed suicide 😥. She then has to go back to the village she grew up in for the funeral. It is the start of all sorts of strange happenings and events of the past start to raise its head. After the funeral and while at her family home with her father strange things begin to happen and a story of an event decades earlier raises it head and brings with it an awful revelation. Lies and secret cannot always stay burried. Hannah feels that things are not quite what they seem and is determined to get to the bottom of i, but is she putting her family in danger? When I finally got to grips with this book I did enjoy it. It had a twist that I was not expecting. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Patty.
12 reviews
July 14, 2020
Thanks to Booksirens for an ARC digital copy for my honest review.

From the very beginning of the book, you get sucked in trying to figure out why Hannah's sister would kill herself. She finds herself having to go back to her village for the funeral. Where right away you knew there was a secret, and you couldn't stop reading until you figure out what it could possibly be. It takes you through twist, and turns trying to figure out what really happened, and I definitely lost some sleep, because I kept wanting to read more. Worth the read if you like suspense.
Profile Image for Nicki.
618 reviews2 followers
July 22, 2020
Annoying that's just one of the words that I would use to describe Hannah, the main character and narrator of this tightly plotted thriller, very very annoying. I didn't think that she had one redeemable quality and found her very unlikable, I didn't like her husband Will very much either. In the chapters that were set in the past he appeared to have a creepy side to his character during some of his interactions with young Hannah or maybe that was just how her young mind interpreted his behaviour and actions. There was another character who wasn't very likeable and who's behaviour could be deemed as sinister and inappropriate. I can't say that many of the characters in this story were very likeable, most of the main cast had hidden secrets, preferred to live in denial rather than admit the truth and their favourite sayings appeared to be "the past is the past, leave it alone" or "I don't want to talk about it" I couldn't help feeling loads of sympathy for poor Eva who found herself lumbered with Hannah and Will as parents. And poor Paige and a couple of other characters who were unfairly judged and discriminated against as the story unfolded. The setting for this story Little Bishopsford was a typical small village were everyone knew everyone's business and gossip spread faster than the river that ran through the nearby hills. Unlawful actions were covered up and never mentioned again no matter what the consequences. It was a quaint,chocolate box village that harboured dark hidden secrets. 

I'm My Wake is a enthralling tale of guilt, consequences, control, manipulation, relationships, discrimination, denial and judgement that has more twists and turns than a country road. It was beautifully written, had some stunning scenery descriptions, well rounded characters and a thrilling, captivating story that keeps the reader guessing. I really really enjoyed this gripping thriller and look forward to reading more of this author's books in the future.
Profile Image for teresa pogue.
146 reviews2 followers
July 4, 2020
I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was hooked from the first page. I love when the title of the book suddenly makes sense and you get the ah-ha moment. And it makes sense in more than one meaning! The characters are all easy to remember and visualize which is great for me. I like to see it in my brain is I read the book. The book did end a little different than I expected. I guess all the anticipation built and I was expecting a different outcome. But it was a good ending just not the one I expected. I would like to read more books by Ruth Harrow.
128 reviews
October 21, 2021
This book starts out a little slow, but about halfway through, I found I couldn't put it down. As secrets started coming out and characters' lies were revealed, I became more intrigued. It's intense and even a little creepy at times, and I love all the different layers to the story. I was a little worried things wouldn't wrap up in time, and I still have questions. But overall it was an exciting read!
512 reviews8 followers
June 21, 2020
In My Wake by Ruth Harrow is an engaging psychological thriller! Hannah, the protagonist, has returned to her childhood town and is trying to unearth the reason her sister April killed herself. There is plenty of family drama as well as flashbacks that add depth to the story and the complicated reasons for April’s suicide, as well as other dark doings in the town. The cast of characters is varied and interesting, from Hannah’s family to the gossipy local housecleaner. Once I got into the story, I found the twists, turns and revelations made me want to compulsively continue reading until the denouement! I enjoyed the author’s writing style and found it set the tenor of the story nicely. Readers of psychological suspense novels set in England will enjoy this book. Thank you to Book Sirens for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Dr. Raye of Sunshine.
283 reviews4 followers
June 17, 2020
In My Wake introduces us to Hannah who has to return home to her hometown for the funeral of her sister, April. It is clear from the beginning that Hannah is not happy to be back in Little Bishopford. As the story unfolds, we begin to realize that things are not all that they seem.

Hannah is incredibly overprotective of her daughter, Eva, to the point that there are times it feels like she is smothering her rather than mothering her. As the story unfolds, however, you begin to realize why she is so protective. Her husband, Will, is unlikeable from the beginning. He does not appear to behave as a loving husband would in my mind, even despite all of the things that keep happening in this small town.

As the mystery begins to unfold, you will likely find yourself thinking you know exactly who the guilty party is, but then something else will happen and you'll second guess yourself. Ruth Harrow is quite good at writing unreliable characters; there were several characters whom I found myself quite suspicious of and several were totally innocent.

Thank you to the author and BookSirens for an opportunity to read this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Billie.
5,743 reviews70 followers
June 22, 2020
This was a fantastic thriller.
Well fleshed out characters that I found believable.
The plot and story line were well executed and flowed easily.
I was gripped from the start and couldn't stop til finished.
Highly recommended.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy.
Profile Image for Annemarie .
756 reviews15 followers
June 17, 2020
In My Wake shows us the repercussions of keeping a secret of great magnitude.

Had Will, April and Hannah acted differently on that evening, or even the weeks following the incident, the girls at least could have spared themselves all of those years of nightmares and anguish.

It took coming back to her home village after the suicide of her sister and the words of a stranger before Hannah was able to learn, and accept, the missing pieces of the puzzle.

In My Wake is a very thought out novel with well fleshed out believable characters. This is the first book I have read by Ruth Harrow, but it certainly won't be the last. Happy reading. Annemarie

I received an A.R.C. of In My Wake through BookSirens and have chosen to leave a review.
Profile Image for Misfits farm.
1,944 reviews82 followers
June 9, 2020

Hannah is married to Will and they have a young daughter. She is back in her home village for the funeral of her sister April who committed suicide. A body was never found but she was seen by the river and her body was found nearby. At the funeral someone has pasted over the eulogy insinuating that April had something to do with a young girl who was killed years before. Again a body was neer found- the father was arrested however most people in the village never believed the father would hurt his daughter. April once dated Will and issued Hannah a warning about him- something at the time she dismissed as jealousy. As time goes on Hannah is finding more and more about Will and the past that she never knew. Occasional chapters take us back to when Will and April were dating and Hannah was around twelve years of age. A read that slowly but surely draws you in. You know that there is something, just something that you can’t quite put your finger on and characters that I was never sure just who was telling the truth. A clever premise, an interesting read with plenty of twists and turns.
For more reviews please see my blog http://nickibookblog.blogspot.co.uk/
or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog
Profile Image for Kathleen Sanchez.
96 reviews4 followers
June 14, 2020
A great thriller! I was really impressed with In My Wake. I received it as an ARC in exchange for my honest review from BookSirens and was really happy with the result.

Hannah revisits her hometown after the death of her sister. While home, she begins receiving notes and texts from presumably her sister. The book takes you back and forth, from present day to when Hannah was 12 years old, and tells a tale of a girl who had to grow up too fast and keep too many secrets.

I often find thrillers that give away too much, too soon and they leave me already knowing the ending. Though a bit of a slow burner, In My Wake kept my attention throughout.

I definitely will look for the other books by Ruth Harrow as I enjoyed this one thoroughly.
Profile Image for Christine.
1,095 reviews30 followers
June 16, 2020
Many psychological twists and turns which make the reader hold his/her breath all through the book! Even if you guess who the killer is, you can't be sure until the last page!!
Thank you Ruth and BookSirens for letting me read this book for free.
Profile Image for Erin.
267 reviews19 followers
July 16, 2020
While there was some suspense in this book, I felt a lot of it was predictable, and I often just couldn't figure out why the characters would actually do what they did. I give this book a 2, maybe a 2.5.

Hannah returns to her hometown for the funeral of her older sister April, who dies by suicide in the first chapter of the book. Hannah is accompanied by her husband, Will, who is also April's ex-boyfriend, and their daughter, Eva. While at the funeral, someone changed the obituary in the program and accuses April of having something to do with the disappearance of a young girl, Paige, years before. Now Hannah is trying to figure out what secrets are out there and who she can trust.

I think the idea behind the premise of the book was better than how it actually turned out. First, I don't really understand how Hannah could have been married to Will for twelve years and ignored so many red flags when he started out so creepy to her when she was a preteen, regardless of the fact that he dated her sister. And the question of what he was actually grooming her for as a child was never addressed. It seemed like Hannah was going through the motions of her life without ever having an independent thought.

I also was very confused about Hannah's relationship with her parents and why they kept ignoring her and disappearing with her daughter. As a mother, it just made absolutely no sense. The gaslighting was unbelievable.

The twists and turns at least made me want to finish the book, but there were so many red herrings, it actually made it more predictable than it probably should have.

Thank you to BookSirens and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this arc. It has not influenced my opinion.
October 12, 2020
Having to return home for her sister’s funeral, Hannah does not expect the past to come back and haunt her. Unfortunately that is exactly what it does and in ways she could not expect. On top of dealing with her sister’s suicide, she isn’t prepared to deal with her involvement in the disappearance of a girl when she was a teenager.

Did her sister really commit suicide? That is one of the questions that has to be answered in order to clear up the past. But does Hannah really want to bring up the past? That would be a big no. There is someone who disagree with Hannah.

Years ago an 11-year-old girl went missing from the town where Hannah, her sister, and her husband Will grew up. As odd things begin to happen, Hannah realizes the truth must come out in order to save herself and her child. Just who is responsible for the things happening? The missing girl was never found so maybe she is still alive. It’s just one of many questions in this book.

I enjoyed this book but there were certainly times that I felt myself getting bored. Overall, this was a good story but I feel so lovely events were a bit drawn out and could’ve been shortened without losing anything pertinent to the story. I struggled with this review only because I feel like there was so much in this book and it was hard to pull out the most important parts of the plot. 3.5 rounded up.

Thank you to BookSirens for providing an e-copy of this book for my voluntary review.

#booksirens #ruthharrow
4 reviews
August 3, 2020
A pretty frustrating read when the signs are obvious fairly early on (like 1/4 of the book in), and the main character just refuses to connect the dots. Which does make sense, considering the reader has a much more neutral view of things, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating to read how she takes her sweet time to come to the inevitable conclusion. And unfortunately, that conclusion isn't even fleshed out the way it deserved to be. The reader is left knowing far too little to my taste to find much satisfaction in it, and after such a gruesome way towards the conclusion, it's a disappointing read to say the least.

Regardless of plot and how it was being developed, the writing itself was very decent. It was a smooth read all the way through.
2,700 reviews34 followers
July 19, 2020
Secrets from the past come back to muddy the waters upon the death of her sister April. Hannah, her husband Will and their twelve year old daughter Eva, return to their childhood home, for April’s funeral. Nobody knew that she was having problems, not her remaining family nor her workmates, causing her to jump off a bridge. Hannah feels guilty that she has barely spoken to her older sister since she left the tiny village they grew up in, as soon as she could and she has never been back for any length of time. An incident in her childhood, when Hannah was just twelve, April was sixteen and going out with Will who was eighteen, marred her life from that day forward. An eleven year old girl called Paige disappeared on the day of that incident and she and her sister covered something up, never knowing the truth of what really happened that day!

Now, someone is haunting Hannah, she feels that someone is always watching her and she has been getting strange messages that are from someone they can’t possibly be from. Everywhere she goes in the close knit community, gossip is being spread and all actions are viewed from behind drawn curtains. Matters start to get too much for her as she thinks back to the past and begins to suspect her husband was responsible for parts of what happened back then, He used to be April’s boyfriend back then and April had warned her off marrying him, but far too late. Hannah is now wondering if she should have listened to her then. Odd disappearances and strange behaviour leave her wondering if there is more danger closer to home, than the person who is trying to rattle her in the present.

A sad tale of past actions and secrets finally needing to be revealed, for some involved to finally get peace. Some will end up in trouble that they should have faced at the time and others will get a lucky escape. A few twists and unexpected actions occurred in the tense storyline, with a missing teen, a house fire killing off a whole family, an old man’s death at home and a young woman’s suicide. All connected in some way and a past that could have been so different if certain characters took a different path back in the day. But the benefits of hindsight are seldom available at the time! A sad reflection on the secrets even those closest to us can conceal and wondering how well you can truly know someone, no matter how close they are to you. I received an ARC copy of this book from BookSprout and I have freely given my own opinion of the book above.
Profile Image for Claire.
986 reviews177 followers
July 28, 2020
Why have I not heard of Ruth Harrow before?? Why why why??? Psychological thrillers are my chosen genre and yet I don’t understand why I’ve never read any of Harrow’s books before…. yes that’s right I really enjoyed this tense thriller!

As Hannah returns to her childhood home for her sister’s funeral, she starts to get unnerving messages from someone professing to be her sister. But she’s dead isn’t she? Well, presumed; no body was actually found… a little bit like poor Paige Wakefield. Are both these women alive and taunting Hannah in her grief?

But Little Bishopford is a nosey village. Everyone knows what’s happening the instant it happens and the village grapevine is faster than the bullet train. Can Hannah find out who her tormentor is before the secrets of the past hit the grapevine and everyone knows what happened so many years ago?!

Like I said, I really enjoyed In My Wake. The bubbling thread about Paige Wakefield added to Hannah’s unnerved feelings towards those in Little Bishopsford, those she’d know most of her life. I didn’t know who was telling the truth, even Hannah’s recollections of her adolescence could be questioned. A cracking psych-thriller if ever I read one.

Profile Image for Justkeepreading85 .
291 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2020
In My Wake Review

I had never heard of this book before but I thought I would give it a try. I received a copy from book sirens in exchange for an honest review. I really felt this book moved at a really nice pace, and the chapters were nice and small. Although the story was a tad predictable I still really enjoyed it. It had good suspense and although I thought I might know who the villain was it did turn out a bit different than I expected.



Decades ago, the disturbing disappearance of an eleven-year-old girl shook the tiny village Hannah grew up in. Now Hannah receives the shock of her life when she is told her sister, April, has committed suicide. Distraught, she returns to her childhood home for the funeral.

But someone who refuses to forget the past has sickening shocks in store for the grieving family and soon latch onto Hannah instead, leaving her looking over her shoulder at every turn.

Now the nightmares aren't only inside Hannah's head ...
Profile Image for Donna Maguire.
4,706 reviews114 followers
July 27, 2020

I thought that this was a fantastic story – it had me well and truly hooked!!

This book is well developed, it is well written and it has some fabulous characters, they are so well developed – I loved following them through the story and liked the hidden depths and secrets that came out as I moved through the book.

The characters are really well developed and the interaction is great. I loved the setting too, it was perfect for the story, I liked that Hannah returned back to her old village and that is where the book kicks off from, I was hooked by the storyline within the first few pages and thought that it was a really addictive read and I flew through the story.

This was a story that held my attention from start to finish - it is 5 stars from me for this one – very highly recommended and a gripping read and it is another fabulous release from Ruth Harrow and a great psychological thriller!!
Profile Image for Jessica Belmont.
1,488 reviews53 followers
July 29, 2020
In My Wake is a slow burn, seep into your skin, kind of psychological thriller. Some readers will love that, some wont. I, for one, love this kind of novel. It is almost a desperate feeling that seeps into me when I read a psychological thriller that doesn’t throw everything at me, quickly. I am glued to the pages because I know something is going to happen, but I’m not sure when. I find that compelling.

Ruth Harrow is new to me, but I really enjoy her writing style. As the mystery of this novel unfolded, I really thought I knew the answers, and then Ruth would throw a twist at me and I wouldn’t know anything. That is awesome.

Overall, I really enjoyed In My Wake. It’s a good read for people who enjoy slow burn, psychological thrillers. People who enjoy the suspense of waiting for the answers, that’s the kind of reader who will respond to this. Check it out.

*I recieved a free copy of this book from BOTBS Publicity in exchange for an honest review on the blog tour. All opinions are my own and unbiased.*
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