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The Kissing Booth #2

Amor a distancia

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Elle Evans y Flynn se enfrentan a un nuevo reto: Noah se marcha a Harvard, lo que les convierte en una pareja a distancia. Y eso es duro, porque hablar por teléfono y chatear no puede satisfacer algunas necesidades… Así que cuando Elle ve un post que muestra a Noah en actitud bastante cariñosa con otra chica, se siente fatal. Para colmo, es difícil ignorar al chico nuevo de la clase: es tan amable, dulce, mono… y evidentemente interesado en ella.

Además, esta edición contiene una historia extra, La casa de la playa, que tiende un puente entre la primera entrega de la serie y segunda parte, en la que encontraremos a Elle, Noah y Lee pasando las vacaciones de verano.

448 pages, Paperback

First published January 2, 2020

About the author

Beth Reekles

23 books1,944 followers
Beth Reekles is an author and creator best known for her series The Kissing Booth, which was adapted into a series of hit Netflix movies. She began her writing career by self-publishing The Kissing Booth on story-sharing platform Wattpad at fifteen years old, and earned a three-book deal with Penguin Random House at seventeen. Love, Locked Down is her tenth published book. After obtaining a Physics degree and working a day job in IT, she is now a full-time author and self-confessed nerd who loves to review movies on Instagram @authorbethreekles.

Her published works include:
The Kissing Booth
The Beach House
The Kissing Booth 2: Going the Distance
The Kissing Booth: Road Trip!
The Kissing Booth 3: One Last Time
Rolling Dice
Out of Tune
Cwtch Me If You Can
It Won't Be Christmas Without You
Love, Locked Down/Lockdown on London Lane

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307 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 586 reviews
Profile Image for Kevin (Irish Reader).
277 reviews4,047 followers
August 9, 2021
3.5 stars

Once again I was surprised by how much better this in than the movie. Is it the best book ever? No, but I had fun reading it. There is way less problematic elements compared to the movie, which doesn’t make sense to me. Why would they adapt it and make it worse? Anyways, I’m actually looking forward to reading book 3!

I did a full reading vlog on this book on my YouTube channel, you can watch the video here to hear more of my thoughts: https://youtu.be/xb3A7VIKb8Q
Profile Image for Cristina.
514 reviews465 followers
May 23, 2020
Ok... so: I started this book 4 hours ago and I had no plan on finishing it tonight. But boy... I was so caught in the story, I just couldn’t put it down. Since I started it, I took two breaks (2-3 minutes each) -> the book was that good!
So probably you might ask yourself why did I give the book only 4 stars if I enjoyed it that much. Well, to be honest, even though I had I huge crush on Noah in the beginning, Levi kind of took his place in this second book. Don’t know why... So yeah, like I said in other reviews, I always fall for the guy who looses in the end. And this is why I just can’t give the book 5 stars. Otherwise, it was a blast!
By the way: I can’t wait to see the movie! Which will be available on Netflix starting with 24th of July! ❤️ I’m so excited!!!
Profile Image for Chloe Reads Books.
1,029 reviews459 followers
January 4, 2020
I needed another 100 pages. The first chunk was so relatable to my current life and I loved it. But, without spoilers, I needed more from Thanksgiving to graduation for me to give it 5 stars.
Profile Image for Lily.
8 reviews1 follower
January 8, 2020
I rated this five stars because it was exactly what I need and I’ve been waiting for this book since Beth was writing The Kissing Booth on Wattpad.
I found the first chunk easy to relate too and as the book progressed I found myself so very engrossed in the story. I didn’t put it down and finished it in one sitting. So thank you Beth I loved every minute (except when Elle kissed Levi and Noah saw, that just hurt a little)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bryce Rocks My Socks.
488 reviews855 followers
May 12, 2021
going back to YA after all the NA and adult books makes it seem so... PG. when i was in gr.7 i remember being so scandalized by the kissing booth because they had sex i was such a fetus i want to give my baby self a copy of acosf
Profile Image for Jessica.
292 reviews14 followers
March 1, 2020
Oh man. This just barely got 3 stars. This book had a lot of drama and focused a lot on Elle missing Noah now that he was away at college, parties, and not communicating. To be honest, Elle kind of annoyed me, and Noah wasn’t much better. Just talk through the problems you’re facing! There also didn’t seem to be much of a story either, mainly just how much Elle missed Noah.

I have to admit, I was rooting for Lee and Rachel and wished we saw more of their relationship, as well as Levi.
Profile Image for Monica A..
453 reviews
February 13, 2020
The plot was unoriginal and Elle was whiny and immature. The conflict was petty and took place for about 85% of the book, but was resolved on the last chapter — in a flash, as if it wasn’t even a big deal. Honestly, it could have been resolved faster if Elle and Noah talked from the start. Also, Lee has always been one of my favorite characters in the story, but I was thoroughly disappointed in him in this book. He and Elle are supposed to be each other’s halves, but he barely even acted like a friend.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for yasemin.
16 reviews8 followers
December 27, 2020
basic plot
unlikable main character
boring writing
this book is barely one star
took me like four hundred months to get through
i said what i said.
Profile Image for Chrissy Wilson.
543 reviews11 followers
January 22, 2020
Let's start by saying this is the best on in the series yet. I don't know if the author plans to write a third book for the series, but she did really well with this one. You can see the writer mature from the first book to this one. I feel the writing was better and this one sucked me in way faster than the first book. She has left the ending where you are content with how it ends, if this is where it ends, but it can also still be open to what happens next? I am curious to see how the Netflix movie for this will compare to the book. This first book and movie were similar, but different, if that makes sense. I would love to see Levi and Amanda hit the screen with our favorite characters.
Profile Image for Fabulous Book Fiend.
1,180 reviews168 followers
July 24, 2020
Well this was the book we were all waiting for, I know I was anyway! This picks up right after the end of The Kissing Booth so whether you have read the book or watched the movie, you will be able to jump right into this one.

I loved being back with Elle and Lee again and of course the lovely Noah. I really like the fact that we have a couple of new characters introduced as well to add some extra intrigue to proceedings. Levi is a great character to get to know and slots right into the cast as if he has always belonged. I really liked the chemistry that he had with both Lee and Elle and really liked the fact that he has he own stuff going on, a sub plot to really get your teeth into.

Obviously in this story we have the problem of Noah being away at school, in a whole different time zone from Elle. Elle has to negotiate senior year with that dilemma on her hands as well as all the fun the senior year brings with applying for colleges and facing the fact that life, loves and friendships are changing. It was lovely to see Elle deal with these issues and of course she makes mistakes along the way, that's why we love her right? Its also great to see her friendship with Lee change and develop as they both mature.

I had such a great time reading this novel. There were moments that made me laugh, things I could identify with and also some moments that made me mad at these characters but I just really enjoyed it overall. I left it feeling uplifted and really hoping for another book in this world!
Profile Image for Tessa.
806 reviews20 followers
March 26, 2020
Am I excited for the movie? Absolutely. Even though this book was downright disappointing? Yes.
Every character – except for Rachel, I think – behaved like an absolute shithead. Lee especially disappointed me a lot. Why did he act like an asshole and lied not only to Elle but also to his girlfriend?! Just because he spent time with the football team?!?!
Elle broke up with Noah because she thought he’s cheating on her. He spends a lot of time with a girl named Amanda because he’s failing his classes and she’s helping him study. Instead of telling his girlfriend that he’s not doing well with his college classes, he keeps it a secret until the end of the book, where everything is magically resolved because they FINALLY talked to each other about everything!
Levi, a new character, was the only one I was rooting for. And I’m disappointed that Elle tried to use him to get over Noah. He deserved better! #justiceforlevi
There was no real plot and the book just dragged on. Elle behaved incredibly immature and just whined about everything and everyone. I wasn’t a big fan of the writing either.
Profile Image for Yeasmin Alo.
199 reviews352 followers
July 20, 2020
Grrrrrrr I can't even handle breakup of Goddamn fictional character 🙄 What am I? 14?
I had read To all the boys series before this one, JUST SAYING......

Liked it better than the first book
Well in all honesty I would've chosen Boston and Lee should have chosen Brown

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marta Lis.
Author 2 books383 followers
June 16, 2020
To było tak: przeglądałam Netflix w poszukiwaniu czegoś innego, niż kolejne odcinki Friends (nie to, żeby były złe, wprost przeciwnie, ale potrzebowałam odmiany). Natrafiłam na The Kissing Booth, a że w głębi serca mam 15 lat (i prawdopodobnie zawsze już tak zostanie! hihi) kliknęłam play i.... utonęłam. Nie tylko w oczach przystojnego Noah (chociaż głównie!), ale też w tej uroczej (no nie mam innego słowa, serio!) historii pierwszej miłości i dorastania. Co prawda główną bohaterkę miałam ochotę kilkakrotnie udusić, ale, znacie mnie, ja tak mam z większością kobiecych protagonistek. Sama historia podnosi na duchu, a często też bawi. Takiej przyjaźni, jak pomiędzy Elle i Lee można pozazdrościć, a Noah... no, ach Noah.
Dlatego też nie mogłam się doczekać kolejnej części, kolejnych dramatów i młodzieńczych nieporozumień. Kiedy dostałam maila z wydawnictwa z informacją o książce, aż podskoczyłam z radości: jasne, że chcę wiedzieć, co dalej!
Opinie o kolejnych częściach książek są zawsze bardzo trudne: jest tylko ograniczona ilość faktów, jakie można zdradzić, by nie spoilerować pierwszej części.
Powiem Wam więc tak: druga część jest równie zakręcona, pełno w niej Noah (hihi), Elle, Lee i... nowego chłopaka na horyzoncie (jeśli przeczuwacie dramę, to się nie mylicie).
Uczucia Elle zostaną wystawione na niejedną próbę, seria niedomówień i... oznaczeń na mediach społecznościowych :D sprawi, że nagle to nie odległość będzie największym wrogiem jej wciąż świeżego związku.
Powiedziałabym, że książka idealna na plażę, ale, że chyba trudno będzie w tym roku o porządny urlop, powiem tylko, że super młodzieżówka na wakacje! ;)
Profile Image for Horror Sickness .
791 reviews325 followers
April 1, 2020

After having an slight obsession with the Netflix movie I read the first book and really enjoyed it.

This second book feels more close to the characters the way the movie developed them and I was so addicted to the story I read it in one day.

After Noah left for college Elle and Lee are getting ready for their last year before leaving home as well . Between Noah being so far, a picture of him with a blonde that showed up in social media and a new guy coming to Elle's life the first weeks apart are going to be an extra challenge for them.
February 13, 2020
No efforts at all

I was disappointed on this book because there was not excitement at all, not enough interesting moments between Elle, Levi et Noah to keep you hooked up.
Profile Image for Behi.
69 reviews8 followers
March 16, 2022
I officially want Goodreads to have negetive rating plz tnx xoxo.
Profile Image for diana:).
84 reviews13 followers
November 12, 2021
to chyba będzie moja comfort książka <33 przeczytałam ją głównie dlatego, ze zależało mi aby porównać sobie z nią film, który oglądam milion razy. nie spodziewałam się, ze film AŻ TAK różni się od książki, ale mimo wszystko i film i książka są świetne
lee, rachel, amanda i june - kocham was
Profile Image for Annabeth Books.
268 reviews148 followers
September 14, 2020
Nota real: 3.75/5 ★

Hace ya unas semanitas que terminé este libro, pero agosto ha sido un mes complicado y entre vacaciones y demás no he podido traeros la reseña antes.

He leído el libro después de haber visto la segunda película (que me gustó bastante), y ahora, después de haber leído ambos libros y visto ambas películas, puedo decir que para mí en esta ocasión la adaptación supera a la historia original. Las pelis me encantan, me parecen fresquitas, amenas, divertidas y super entretenidas, y muchos de los factores que hacen que sea así en el libro no aparecen (se los inventaron para hacer la adaptación)

A mí no me suele gustar que se inventen cosas y añadan lo que quieran cuando hacen la adaptación de un libro, pero en mi opinión en este caso ha sido para mejor. En el libro la actitud de Shelly no me gustaba demasiado, era inmadura, muy celosa (llegando a un nivel tóxico) y no era capaz de hablar para solucionar sus problemas. La trama no fue de lo más original y sorprendente, y el final me pareció precipitado. Hacían falta más páginas para arreglar sus problemas de manera creíble.

A pesar de eso me gustó algo más que el primer libro.

Uno de mis personajes favoritos, obviamente, era Lee... pero... jo, no me gustó su actitud en esta historia. Me decepcionó. 😭

Aparecen dos nuevos personajes, Levi y Amanda (que en la película se llaman Marco y Chloe), y no me han gustado demasiado... Por ejemplo, Marco tiene bastante protagonismo y se acerca mucho a Elle, pero en el libro (Levi) es un personaje DEMASIADO secundario. Apenas le dan algo de importancia.

En resumen, me gustó más que el primero, pero es un libro predecible, con clichés y un poco repetitivo. Se lee rápido y tiene sus partes divertidas, pero sin duda en esta ocasión prefiero las películas. Está bien, pero antes que este escogería muchos otros libros del género.

Profile Image for Jules.Bookverse.
427 reviews4 followers
April 4, 2020
AHHHH!! This book was so good. I had to read it in one sitting because it gave me just all the feels! :D

The first half was a bit slow because Noah was away at college, but then it speeded up and gave you tons of drama. I swear it was such a rollercoaster ride and I couldn't put it down anymore. I felt love, hate, mistrust, disappointment, fear and heartbroken throughout the whole story, but it was so worth it for the future to become. I know this probably the last big book but I kind of wish for more. Like always with a good story and amazing characters that I love! :D

This book takes place Elle's senior year and focuses on so many struggles that come with the end of high school but also the normal craziness of life. I like Levi as a new character and even though I was kind of uneasy of where everything is going with his and Elle's relationship I really liked how it ended and them being there for each other. Giving support to each other and families. It also showed that you can have the best of friends and boyfriend but there is also more and while growing up you sometimes need more. Best friends can be found throughout love as well and they also come in different shapes. ;)

Because I obviously can't get enough of Elle and Noah I now off to read one of the short stories taking place in between the main books. This really is a new favorite of mine and I can't wait for the movie. If you haven't checked any of the books out or seen the 1st movie. GO FOR IT!! :)
Profile Image for Alberto.
225 reviews36 followers
October 25, 2021
Me ha gustado quizá más que el primero y, a nivel trama, me ha resultado más interesante y, por lo menos, me ha tenido más enganchado, además de que la introducción de personajes como Levi es bastante refrescante. Ahora bien, sigue siendo todo muuuuuuy tóxico y es algo que no logro entender...
Profile Image for Keyla Rivera.
46 reviews
January 17, 2020
While I loved the first book and this one was good, I expected more. Especially in the ending... what an underwhelming ending. It wasnt even an ending.. it was okay. That's the best I can say.
Profile Image for Galy.
767 reviews46 followers
May 13, 2021
Este segundo libro incluye al principio la historia corta La Casa de la Playa que hace de puente entre el primer y segundo libro.

La historia me ha parecido muy divertida y bonita. Me alegro mucho de que la hayan incluido en el libro.

Sobre Amor a Distancia:
Este libro ha sido una montaña rusa de emociones para mi. Aunque el argumento es predecible me he divertido mucho leyéndolo, casi lloro en más de una ocasión y he sonreído muchísimo.

Es la segunda parte de Mi Primer Beso, no quiero contar nada del argumento por spoilers del primer libro.

Adoro a Lee, de verdad que sí pero aquí ha sido difícil adorarle, se le perdona pero uf. Noah es lo mejor (aunque podrían comunicarse más). Rachel me parece muy agradable. Levi me ha caído muy bien también y tenía mis serias dudas. Elle muy maja ella como siempre y he sufrido un montón por lo mal que lo pasaba.

Que sí, que esta historia ya la hemos visto varias veces, que no se ha reinventado la rueda, que algún personaje se comporta raro sin motivo, que hay falta de comunicación, que tiene cosas típicas de películas de instituto pero... que me ha gustado un montón. No podía parar de leerlo, se lee muy rápido y me cayeron tan bien los personajes en el primer libro que me encanta poder leer más historias suyas. Me habría gustado que fuera un poco más largo para saber más pero bueno, por eso hay un tercer libro (bueno lo habrá, ¡espero que lo traduzcan!).

*releyendo la reseña que hice del primer libro*
AH me sigue encantando que de verdad que no haya caído en un cliché, de verdad que adoro a Lee y Elle, su amistad es de lo mejor que he visto (ignorando algunas cosas de Lee de este libro). Son tan maravillosos que me encanta.

¡Estoy deseando ver la peli de esta secuela! Me gustó la primera aunque cambiasen cosas y quiero ver qué han hecho con esta.
July 18, 2020
Oh boy! That was intense…… in this book you can note how the author’s writing evolved from the first book, that's because she was 15 when she wrote The Kissing Booth, amazing!.

Who’s ready to see the sequel on Netflix this 24th of July? I really enjoyed the first movie with my niece and we're so excited to see the sequel. In the trailer I could see that they changed several things, like Levi (aka Marco in the movie) is a sweet and shy guy in the book, but in the movie Marco is popular and a little cocky, but we’ll see….

This book takes place a few month after Noah goes to college, we can see a slightly more mature Noah, though not very smart with some decisions and a not-so-sweet Lee, he was kind of a jerk sometimes, but he came around. We also experience the frustration of Elle because she’s struggling with college applications and a long-distance relationship with Noah…..and even though it sounds very cliché it’s something that many couples go through in their lives.

Now i'll wait patiently to see the movie.
Profile Image for Michelle.
3,074 reviews36 followers
July 4, 2021
3.5 stars. Elle and Lee are in their senior year of college while Noah is across the country settling into college. All the ups and downs of a long distance relationship come into play. Out of sight doesn’t necessarily mean out of mind, but it sure can play upon insecurities and resentment. Especially if there’s no trust and honesty. Elle seemed somewhat childish in the first book, so while she is still making mistakes, sometimes impulsively, I do see how she’s grown up from before and how her relationship with Noah has changed her for the better. The same goes for Noah. He’s not as much of a hot head with a lot of swagger. The problems that arise in this book also showcases how much they need to be able to communicate to make it work. I can also tell that the author’s writing has matured as well and liked this one more than the previous book.
Profile Image for Alison.
348 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2021
I wa surprised by how different this was from the film - I liked a lot of the storyline better. The relationship between Elle and Levi made a lot more sense, and the lack of communication between Elle and Noah was also explained better. I have to say though I really disliked Lee for a good chunk of this - I wanted to give him a good shake! Another quick, easy read that I enjoyed.
Profile Image for Erin.
728 reviews5 followers
March 30, 2020
Nothing more uplifting from the woes of the current world than some escapism with a cute, teen, mushy, romance.

I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first book, but settling down with some familiar and fun characters was the perfect way to spend the afternoon :)
Profile Image for Hayden Faaborg.
38 reviews2 followers
November 8, 2023
2.5 I literally HATE Elle. Like if she had just the slightest bit of communication skills and wasn’t so self centered maybe her relationship wouldn’t have fallen apart so easily
Profile Image for Zane Alksne.
330 reviews46 followers
July 28, 2024
better than movie

It has been a while since I watched the movies but I remember I loved them. And since I dont really rewatch movies unless they are in my all time favorite pile, I devided to read the book and then compare them. I already watched and read the first one few weeks back. Have to say I ended up liking the book more. I do hope this one is the same. Same old lovable characters plus Levi.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 586 reviews

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