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Try the New Candy

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A book may seem like a rather harmless form of escape or entertainment but fair warning, this volume holds a breed of abhorrence most would prefer to escape FROM. The repulsive revelations of a disturbed mind. Ten tales of torment portraying the ghastly and macabre. Outlining the lives of individuals that any sane soul would pray to never encounter, in reality, or otherwise. Prepare yourself for a vile massacre that puts you so close to the carnage, you’ll feel the splatter… Here’s a little taste of what to expect: An imbecilic man is taken advantage of for decades before finally considering an act of sweet revenge. A single, soon to be mother experiences a bizarre sequence of events triggered by her artificial insemination. A budding teenager comes along to house sit with his poor excuse for a father, only to find out the house has some disturbing secrets. A newly married couple enjoys testing the limits of extreme and gets access to a special museum exhibit that is not quite finished. Two girls head out to the club to celebrate a 21st birthday, only to encounter some nightlife they couldn’t have imagined. Your misery awaits…

256 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 9, 2019

About the author

Aron Beauregard

79 books2,579 followers
Aron Beauregard was born and raised in Central Falls, Rhode Island. He's been writing horror since the 6th grade and has now released over 25 books. An avid supporter of horror art and illustration, Aron has made it his standard to hire illustrators for every book that he puts out under his brand AB Horror.

His writing is dark and without boundaries. Known for creating a stir, his work has gone viral on several occasions. He's won the Splatterpunk Award twice after garnering four total nominations. As an independent artist, Beauregard's book "Playground" has achieved #1 Bestseller status under the category of horror on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Additionally, his work has been translated to multiple languages.

To get the latest updates about upcoming releases, signed books and merchandise, film news, and so much more, visit his website:


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews
Profile Image for Farrah.
221 reviews759 followers
March 21, 2021
It should be obvious from the cover that 𝘛𝘳𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘺 is stocked full of gruesome body horror.

The bonus is that almost all of the stories also feature strong psychological horror as well.

I felt the fun kind of disturbed and anxious during these ten short shockers. Aron Beauregard has a really distinct and convincing way of telling a story.
Profile Image for Mort.
709 reviews1,506 followers
March 18, 2021
Aron Beauregard has been on my radar a while, but it’s only a few months ago when I started reading his work. And, damn, did I miss out! As I work my way through his catalogue, I keep shaking my head in astonishment at the quality of his work.

TRY THE NEW CANDY (and yes, for the record, it is probably my favorite cover of all time) is a near perfect collection of ten short stories of the sick and macabre, and every single one of them is a story worth reading.
It’s hard to imagine this is one of his first published works – less than two years ago – because of the quality, depth and skill this man has shown to date. You can put this up against any well-established extreme and/or splatterpunk author, it’s just as fucking good if not better.

In this collection you will get the origin story of SCARY BASTARD – if you haven’t read it yet, stop wasting your damn time with reviews, you are missing out, my friend!
You’ve heard all guys like their girls to be freaks in bed – ahem, think again…
Messed up family, missed up couples, messed up friends, messed up weather, messed up circumstances…how proud are you of me right now that I didn’t use the word ‘fucked-up’?!

In the end, it would be a travesty of justice of this guy doesn’t become one of the biggest names in this genre. He’s got the chops, you just need to see for yourself.
So go ahead, treat yourself to his stories, you will not regret it!!
Profile Image for Janie.
1,145 reviews
August 29, 2021
As a huge fan of horror, I always find Aaron Beauregard's work to be immersively intoxicating. This collection of short stories is no exception. Each and every story had me in its grip. The author's imagination stimulates one's own internal inventiveness as scenes of intense dread, body horror, and otherwordliness form ingrained images in the reader's head. One cannot enter Beauregard's written territory and leave unscathed. His work becomes an addiction to be sought out without thinking of safety first.
496 reviews41 followers
September 21, 2021
Man this collection of stories are fucking awesome. Aron Beauregard is a fucking awesome writer and with this collection he did not disappoint. I am definitely a huge fan of this author and every time I read something of his I just shake my head and tell myself I need to read more from this guy. Amazing writing style and a must read author for any horror fan. highly recommend
Profile Image for Ian.
467 reviews73 followers
May 4, 2021
'Simply horror-able to the core!'

I'm not usually a big fan of 'collections of short stories', but on this occasion the experience was well worth it and thoroughly enjoyable. The stories themselves covered many diverse types of horror ranging from traditional ghostlike tales to full-on hardcore demonic nightmares containing an abundance of vile, evil gruesome wickedness. Absolutely nothing is left to the imagination - all good fun and a wonderful 'eye-opening' trip into the shocking world of despicable horror!

Ok, quick thoughts for each:

'Try The New Candy' - Traditional horror, but kinda always expected - revenge is sweet! Very good.

'The Donor' - Reads like an adult gruesome fairy tale. Loved this one. Brilliant!

'House Sitting With Dad' - Get ready, as this is just pure hardcore. First half great, second half so vile and gross that it goes completely off the OTT grossness scale. May disturb some readers, but a good idea. Warning: do not eat beforehand - XXXXX rated.

'Five O'Clock Shadow' - A touching ghost story that will make you think. Nice.

'Still Under Construction' - A museum of grotesque and mutilated madness. Very good -really like it.

'Did They Deserve It' - Hitman and her...no body, no worries. Dan Marino and the Dolphins would be proud. Always likely, but great fun.

'The Breakdown' - In more ways than one! A real chiller. Enjoyable.

'More Than A Feeling' - Spiritual meddling combines with a family favourite. Beware of the locals! Quite different from many of the other stories - but cleverly done and an interesting read.

'This Person Does Exist' - A chilling fantasy, or is it reality? Great ideas and quite unique. Very good.

'Club Hell' - A truly demonic, surreal trip to Hell its very self. A blood, guts and gore-fest to enjoy!

Lots to admire from a creative, imaginative and extremely talented writer of pure horror.

Highly recommended.

Rating: 4.5 abominable dark stars.

Profile Image for Sharon Leung.
506 reviews19 followers
July 8, 2019
Better than you think

I wasn't expecting too much from this if I'm honest. I don't like short stories much. A personal thing just not my cup of tea. Not that I like tea. I'm a black coffee girl. Anyway the book and each story was really appealing and drew you in straight away. For short stories there was plenty of details and great storylines that kept you gripped. They wasn't extreme horror but just enough that you could sit and read in public and that nosey Parker close to you who is trying to read over your shoulder won't be too horrified and start screaming sicko at you. Though it deserves them right for reading over your shoulder In the first place. I'd rather not have the hassle nor attention. Anyway the book is a great little read and if I could follow this author i definitely would as I think he has probably got some more extreme work out there that I'd love to read.
Profile Image for DA.
Author 2 books112 followers
November 27, 2021
Just like caramel, this story will stick with you for quite a while. Every time I read books by this author I'm impressed how he can take the creepy, grotesque stories and make it not seem so bad. I always devour his books.
Profile Image for Remi Mevertis-Karim.
71 reviews3 followers
February 16, 2021
A pretty good anthology

I don't usually like anthologies because most of the times there are at least a couple of stories that I really don't like. This was a pretty good collection, most of the stories creepy and a couple of more heartfelt ones, too
Profile Image for William Becker.
Author 11 books186 followers
March 9, 2021
Aron Beauregard has a pretty distinct style and voice. After reading any one of his books for about an hour, it becomes very apparent what he is going for. I've covered his style countless times in my other reviews, but it's like Goosebumps amped up to 11, super disgusting, and with brief moments of graphic description that rarely feels overbearing. Even in his earliest published stories, there's not a ton of deviation from this. This might sound like a highly critical opening to review, but Aron is really really damn good at it and consistently is one of the most fun modern horror authors to read. He's not super subtle, but you knew that after seeing his book covers, which by the way, are pieces of art that are extremely reminiscent of Cannibal Corpse album covers and are certainly part of the charm.

“Try The New Candy” was Beauregard’s first real release and for that reason, it’s easy to feel skeptical about the quality. An indie author’s first short story collection? Nine times out of ten, it would be poorly written, poorly edited, and overall, poorly constructed garbage. Well, to echo an old pickup line, this book is the ONE I need, because it doesn’t slump at all. Aron’s writing in this collection is unhinged, sharp, and it features him under the least amount of pressure. It could be argued that with his success, there is some kind of pressure to keep producing work that the people will love. I know Aron and know he’s no sell-out, but this is the most underground version of underground that there is. This is Aron at his most barebones but the most to prove. For that reason, he has constructed a collection that is full of youthful energy. You know how a lot of found footage films are the most creative and batshit in all of horror but lack in production quality? Well, “Try The New Candy” has that crazy energy with amazing execution to back it up.

Take the titular story from "Try The New Candy." It focuses on a man who isn't seen as traditionally intelligent forming a close friendship with the manager of a vending company. After the manager starts screwing a woman who feels like she was ripped straight from mean girls, things get violent. There's a weird sort of catharsis that takes place here that is present in almost all of his story, kinda the same feeling you get from playing Doom or watching revenge flicks. Don't get me wrong, Aron writes about some painfully wicked subjects, but he maintains such a fine balance in writing his content in a way that isn't horribly overbearing (with one exception that I’ll point out towards the end. Despite “Die Tommy” technically coming out after this collection, the writing feels tighter and more focused.

"The Donor" feels like a disturbing take on a fairy tale. A woman is borderline obsessed with becoming a mother. She ends up using a sperm donor to get pregnant; the issue is that the sperm donor is a serial killer. It talks a lot about pregnancy and the natural fear of parenthood. I won't spoil the story, but I'll say it is one of Aron's more heartfelt tales, but still absolutely gut-wrenching. Prior to reading the collection, I had stumbled upon Aron's Evil Examined Podcast. There's an episode called "The Donor" which is quite literally just this story. If you want to get a taste for him and his work, it could be easily argued this story is the most universal. It's very reminiscent of r/nosleep.

“House Sitting With Dad'' features a deviation in that the main character is still a child. Aron’s narrative voice follows this surprisingly well. More than every story I've read by him (outside of “Dark Assembly,”) I was raising my hands up and asking what the hell was going on and why. It's pretty vile, repugnant, and shocking. At one point during the story, the main character helps his dad shoot up heroin. He also rapes someone. The writing style is fine but... Jesus. Just Jesus. I had a hard time reading this because what the actual hell. I can officially say that it's the most disgusting thing i've seen in a piece of physical literature, worse than “Cows: by Matthew Stokoe. It's one of the few things I've read that after I put it down, I said, " this is wrong'' out loud.

“5 O'clock Shadow” might be the one story in here that you could show to anyone and they'd enjoy. It's not necessarily better than the others, but it's a solid ghost story and the least violent. If anything, it feels like a campfire ghost story and shows some not needed but still exciting variety. One of Aron's main themes becomes important here: strange and horrible things happening to average, everyday people. This is really the story that shows off Aron’s youthful and chaotic energy in this book. His style feels like it still is developing and a bit unsure of itself, but rather than half-assing something out of nervousness, the solution seems to be through experimentation, and damn, does it work.

“Still Under Construction” is a tale about a couple who likes exploring haunted or extreme locations around the world. They end up going to a museum, and well, shit happens. It's a pretty good example of what Aron is good at writing but it doesn’t stand out too much. Very much in the vein of “Goosebumps.”

After “Still Under Construction,” the stories become God-tier in quality. With each one that passes, they either become weirder or all-around more interesting.

“Did They Deserve It?” has one of the most interesting premises in the book: a man is into BDSM and during a hookup, he accidentally kills his sexual partner. It's incredibly fascinating. It has a hell of a twist ending and when I was initially reading, I considered it to be the best story in the collection. Hot off the heels of that, “The Breakdown” is a story about a woman breaking down in the middle of the wilderness and freezing to the point of getting frostbite. Interestingly, it's the best-written story in the whole lot from a technical perspective. That isn't saying a ton considering how consistently good he is at writing, but it stood out to me as particularly masterful. I felt some Koontz throwbacks in this one.

“More Than A Feeling” is sweet in a way that is similar to “5 O’clock Shadow.” Another standout. It might be a little bit cheesy, but it’s a deviation for Aron in that it feels like a Hallmark movie written by Tim Burton. That sounds like an insult, but trust me when I say that it is not.

“This Person Does Exist” is a classic. Perhaps one of the best stories I’ve read in horror in years. Of course, you know what is going to happen from the get-go, but even sitting out in the sun in 70-degree weather in Wilmington, NC, I found myself getting chills.

Remember how I said Aron rarely describes things in a way that feels overbearing? Well, “Club Hell” is disgusting in every way imaginable. It could’ve fit right in on his “Hallucinations” collection. It features a couple of girls who decide to take a special drink that sends them to hell. Yes, you read that right.

All in all, “Try The New Candy” is a mighty fine collection by Mr. Beauregard. It’s not nearly as focused or themed as some of his others, but in a way, that benefits it and allows for severe deviations in his style that are just as enjoyable as his traditional work.


Profile Image for Melanie Bouthillette.
131 reviews11 followers
June 9, 2022
What a great collection of short stories. Something in there for everyone.
Try the new Candy
House sitting with dad
Still under construction
Are my favorites in the collection.
Profile Image for Scott .
51 reviews8 followers
April 13, 2021
Heavily salted, yet surprisingly sweet and somber is one way to describe Aron Beauregard's Try the New Candy. An increasingly diverse and disturbing collection of short stories, this one is a highly enjoyable viennese table of vileness and tenderness. The title tale twists you in emotional pretzels towards its put upon protaganst, Stanley, before Beauregard crushes your nuts and hopes that some people are able to endure overwhelming adversity without having to resort to putting body parts in alphabetical order. "The Donor," serves as a savage and unfortunate origin story for Edmund--the titular "Scary Bastard" of Beauregard's Halloween nightmare novel. "Still Under Construction" is especially unnerving as we tag along with a couple of newlyweds through a macabre museum that's looking to expand well beyond exhibiting Charles Manson's underwear and Jeffrey Dahmer's good china. "Housesitting With Dad," "Did They Deserve It" and "Club Hell," are all squirm-worthy tales that bear Beauregard's ability to create extreme horror that's as interesting as it is vomit-inducing. While only mere pages away, "Five O'Clock Shadow" and "More than a Feeling" showcase beautifully crafted work that's spooky, but also sad and poignant to the point that one would think the author can earn a second audience who prefer their horror pages more tear-stained and less blood-soaked.
Profile Image for Melissa.
164 reviews2 followers
October 17, 2021
As awesomely disgusting as The Slob and Scary Bastard were, I think this is my favorite of Aron’s books so far. There was your blood and gore (Club Hell!!!), but I loved, loved, loved Five O’Clock Shadow and More Than A Feeling. They are so different from the other books, they’re almost.....peaceful, for lack of a better word. Another favorite was Break Down. I really enjoy seeing the other personality that resides in that sick mind of yours, Aron, lol.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nikki.
335 reviews772 followers
December 31, 2022
This might be my favourite collection of Aron’s yet - and I’ve read almost all of them at this point! Every single story is a banger. And they’re all extremely messed up - minus Five O’Clock Shadow which is strangely beautiful for a Beauregard piece. You NEED to pick this collection up!
Profile Image for Chandra Claypool (WhereTheReaderGrows).
1,660 reviews351 followers
May 26, 2023
My first foray into AB's books and I find this appetizer to be delish!

If you've followed my reviews for a bit, you know that I tend to stay in the middle range when it comes to short story collections and anthologies. Mostly because 97% of the time I find myself loving some, liking others and being meh about the rest. I sometimes look at short stories like getting samplings of the larger works. Happy to taste and in love with the variety but as odds go, not all might make my taste buds tingle. This is where I find myself with Try the New Candy. I gobbled away. #nom

My favorites were its namesake, Try The New Candy #teamstanley, Still Under Construction (I just love anything death museum) and Club Hell. Best thing I loved about this collection? That it hits upon so many of the sub-genres of horror. Variety is the spice of life after all.

I'm looking forward to reading a full novel by this author and have a copy of Playground staring at me from my bookshelf.. looks like it's time to go play ;).
Profile Image for Ronald McGillvray.
Author 7 books101 followers
December 14, 2021
A great collection of horror.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here. This sick and twisted collection of extreme horror stories will burn in your memory long after you’ve read them. Aron Beauregard’s stories run the gamut of horrors and his range as a writer are on full display. I really enjoyed each of the stories in Try The New Candy but a few that really stood out for me were:
House Sitting With Dad
Five O’Clock Shadow
More Than A Feeling
This Person Does Exist
This is an excellent collection and I recommend it to any of you horror lovers out there. 👍
Profile Image for Emily.
612 reviews10 followers
April 16, 2021
Try the New Candy – 4/5
By Aron Beauregard

This book was absolutely vile – and it was brilliant! The cover of this book is suitably gory and is what made me buy it (we all know what a sucker I am for a pretty cover!).

The artwork in the book is a perfect companion to the stories and really brought them to life.

I really loved 'FIVE O'CLOCK SHADOW' - I felt it was an absolutely gorgeous piece of writing and really hit you hard in the feels.

'HOUSESITTING WITH DAD' was disgustingly gory but it really made me giggle at parts and horrified at others. Absolutely brilliant example of psychological horror.

I also really loved 'STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION' and 'THE BREAKDOWN' - I loved how real they felt when you read them and they could actually happen.

Overall a brilliant anthology.
Profile Image for TBM Horror.
93 reviews16 followers
July 12, 2019
This collection is nightmare material. Very often, collections step in others' storylines, you have the same taste in your mouth since plots are very similar.

This is not the case. Beauregard has extremely devastating ideas in his mind. It has been, indeed, a very interesting read.

Stories are not very short, so you have time to dive in and submerge together with the characters (although maybe that's not what you really would rather, they are pushed to the limit, manipulated, tortured, twirled and... metamorphosed.

There's always a "sadness element" in the background. A kind of nostalgie most profound which brings sense and continuity to the tales.

In my opinion, Aron Beauregard is an author to enjoy gently and slowly. Every chapter is complex, and the protagonists need time to develop their own thoughts and transform then in depraved shapes of terror.

"Revenge sweet revenge" seems a recurrent sewing string in this collection, which makes it easier to read and keep in your mind.

It's very well written, his words are pleasurable to read.

One story at a time, a nightmare waiting for you when the sun goes down.
Profile Image for Christine.
311 reviews46 followers
September 3, 2021
*After being taken advantage of for his entire career, a man stocks his boss's vending machine with something very unique
*A single mother finally introduces her grown son to his biological father
*While house sitting with his father, a boy finds a disturbing secret room
*A barber's best customer stops in for one final haircut
*A newly wed couple visiting the Museum of Death learns that curiosity kills the cat
*A guy asks his most ruthless friend for help with a serious problem
*A girl breaks down in a blizzard and happens upon a lone house
*A boys aunt has a frightening vision concerning her nephews future
*A mysterious new website generates perplexing and haunting images of human faces
*Two party girls have a life-changing night out at a secretive club
This is the first work I've read from this author, and I really liked it; these stories were creepy and entertaining. I'm looking forward to checking out a novel next time.
Profile Image for Corrina Morse.
713 reviews92 followers
September 16, 2020
Best Yet!

Ok, I never really liked short stories until now. This is the best yet for me, maybe joint 1st with Hallucinations! Just when you think youve read it all, you realise how wrong you are!! Awesome, thanks again Aron. And once again for me....onto the next....🙂
Profile Image for Shadow Girl.
705 reviews90 followers
September 3, 2019
I Love This New Candy!

I don't think that I've read anything by Aron Beauregard before, but I am definitely looking forward to reading it all now.
Profile Image for Michael.
712 reviews46 followers
November 11, 2020
This short story collection is full of gore and sex, and other vile awesomeness. My top 3 stories in this collection are:
1) Try The New Candy
2) The Donor
3) Club Hell
Profile Image for Jason Nickey.
Author 48 books144 followers
May 2, 2022
Great eclectic short story collection. I really enjoyed this one. 'More Than A Feeling' and 'This Person Does Exist' being the Stand outs for me.
Profile Image for Lisa Lee.
483 reviews34 followers
November 20, 2019
Try the New Candy is my first foray into the works of Aron Beauregard, and first impressions were everything with this one. I found the synopsis intriguing. And that cover is an eye-catcher, isn’t it? Oh look! More art inside. The table of contents is brilliant! Let’s look at the stories next, in order of course.

“Try the New Candy” (the short story) has a nice psychological horror build-up, an extreme horror climax, and a darkly twisted conclusion. It is a creative story perversely written in classic textbook formula.

“The Donor” is a nightmarish tale of desperation and bad decisions.

“Housesitting with Dad” is straight-up Splatterpunk. This one ignores all the taboos. Brace yourself.

“Five O’clock Shadow” is a haunting tale, an unexpected deep story to follow the gore of the former.

“Still Under Construction” is creepy. It’s just creepy. It’s campfire tale creepy. Urban legend creepy. Creepy.

“Did They Deserve It?” is a twisted, twisted extreme horror story.

“The Breakdown” is another extreme horror story with a very unexpected ending.

“More than a Feeling” is another haunting tale, almost out of place among so much gruesome horror, like a sip of a cold drink between bites of rich and spicy food.

“This Person Does Exist” is a creative little technohorror that disturbingly invaded my sleep and gave me very odd nightmares.

“Club Hell” is a bizarre and demonic horror story about choices. It has a surprising amount of symbolism and depth hidden in its fast-paced storyline.

I have an urge to add emojis to clarify how these stories make me feel. Words really don’t cut it.

Try the New Candy by Aron Beauregard is an eclectic collection of dark fiction and horror shorts presented in the style of old timey storytelling when stories were spoken. These stories are almost meant to be read aloud and bring to mind sitting around a warm fire on a dark night enjoying the looks of fright and anticipation on the faces of those around you as you regale them with these twisted gems. I look forward to the next treasure from this author.
Profile Image for Jennifer Matchett.
370 reviews4 followers
March 5, 2021
A delightfully dreadful collection of short stories ranging from murder to a surprisingly melancholy tale reminiscent of Robert McCammon. I thought the stories were original and fun. Aron has a way with words; articulating his visions so seamlessly and throwing in twists and surprises as soon as you let your guard down. Some interesting concepts that I wouldn’t mind seeing played out on a screen somewhere. This book is perfect for anyone that isn’t sure about the Splatterpunk genre and wants to take a little nibble of the dark side just to see. I’ll definitely be checking out his other books!!!
Profile Image for Joshua Dahlin.
133 reviews
October 28, 2020
Well this book just kicked me in the balls. Every story is just twisted. It's extremely well written and plays out like a whole slew of nightmares that just keep coming. One of my new faves.
Profile Image for Sasha.
361 reviews29 followers
July 18, 2023
Wow. I was expecting some horror but this book was downright gruesome. I was in the mood for something like Saw, Jeepers Creepers, the Hills Have Eyes kind of horror.. and wow did Aron deliver.

Most of the short stories were gruesome and messed up, with a few a little boring. There was even one that had a kind of happy ending. The stories weren’t too long and I sped through this book in an hour and a half.
Profile Image for Nicholas Gray.
Author 8 books52 followers
July 11, 2022
Try The New Candy was a great, solid collection with a lot to love.

My five favorite stories were

1. Five O’Clock Shadow
2. Try The New Candy
3. This Person Does Exist
4. The Donor
5. More Than A Feeling

There were a few stories which I only liked, not loved, but other than those, this collection was great!!!

So, I’m giving this collection 4 out of 5 stars :)
Profile Image for Cassie.
51 reviews33 followers
January 28, 2024
"𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴, 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯."

Try the New Candy
by Aron Beauregard
⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️

Try The New Candy is an anthology novel including 10 depraved stories. Each one gets worse as we go along. Each one plays on a variety of fears. Just a few for you to simmer with: "Club Hell" follows two girls who get invited to an exclusive club with less than stellar results. "Try The New Candy" is about a vending machine worker who gets sick of being treated like an idiot. "Housesitting with dad" is about a child who seems more Tham he should and develops a fucked up way to see the world.

I'm going to preface this review with telling you that Playground was my favorite book of 2023,  it was my first Beauregard book and I knew it wouldn't be my last. This one, while some of the endings were disappointing (hence 4 stars instead of 5) the overall content of the stories was fantastic. There were a few very clear standouts, the best of which being "This Person Does Not Exist", filling the fear of the unknown own on the Internet on its head. "Five O'Clock shadow" that was surprisingly heartwarming in the middle of the chaos. All the stories within the pages were unique to each other with Beauregards signature way of storytelling written all over it. While they weren't as extreme as I normally prefer my stories, I loved each one for different reasons and they were all effective for different reasons.
I would recommend this one to anyone who wants to get stared with Aron Beauregard but may not be quite ready to jump head first into Playground. I can't wait to continue to read through his bibliography!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews

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