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Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues with the sixth book  in the Power of Three series! The final book in this third series, Warriors: Power of Three #6: Sunrise , brings more adventure, intrigue, and thrilling battles to the epic world of the warrior Clans. The secret of Hollyleaf's, Jayfeather's, and Lionblaze's true identities has been revealed, but one shocking question remains unanswered. Now Clanmate will turn upon Clanmate, and one more warrior may be lost forever….

318 pages, Hardcover

First published April 9, 2009

About the author

Erin Hunter

292 books9,759 followers
Erin Hunter is the pseudonym of five people: Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui T. Sutherland, Gillian Philip, and Inbali Iserles, as well as editor Victoria Holmes. Together, they write the Warriors series as well as the Seekers and Survivors series. Erin Hunter is working on a new series now called Bravelands.

Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.

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Profile Image for Sella Malin.
458 reviews148 followers
May 16, 2009
I knew it! I knew it all along! I knew that Leafpool and Crowfeather were Lionblaze's, Hollyleaf's, and Jayfeather's parents! I knew it from The Sight! And now it was finally revealed. YESSS!!! :)

I had NO CLUE about Hollyleaf being the one who killed Ashfur, though. I thought it was Squirrelflight for sure – there was SO much evidence! How could it be Hollyleaf? We're in her point of view all the time, in her head! How could we not know? Wouldn't she think about it before we find out from someone else? It doesn't make sense. But, I mean, come on! Hollyleaf? HOLLYLEAF, the one who is always so dedicated to the warrior code? Kill someone? That's SO messed up! What's gotten into her?

Okay, I seriously, actually think that Holly has literally gone mentally insane. First she kills Ashfur, then she lets everyone at the gathering know about Leafpool's secret (which is what she wanted to stop Ashfur from doing when she killed him! Dude! Wth?!?), then she kills HERSELF! She definitely lost her mind. It's kind of a shame – she used to be so sweet, and have so much potential!

I can't believe she's not one of the Three of the prophecy anymore. It's like...all along I've thought I was standing on a carpet, and suddenly that carpet isn't there anymore – pulled out from under my feet – and I'm left tumbling to the ground. I just can't believe Hollyleaf is actually dead.

That brings me to another thing. Hollyleaf's death was so...abrupt. I couldn't quite register or realize it had just happened, even after I finished the last page of the book. It's like...one moment she's screaming at her littermates, the next moment the tunnel has collapsed on top of her, and the book ends. It doesn't feel...real.

It's kind of weird, because when she dies, neither Lion nor Jay are sad, or grieving, or anguished, or even a tiny bit distraught! They're just sort of like, “oh.” And then, “now the prophecy won't work. Too bad.” I mean, WHAT?!? Their sister just DIED! Even if she's a raving lunatic, she's still your sister! You should feel SOME grief that she died! It's not realistic.

And no one else feels any grief, either. They're all just like, “oh well, whatever.” Even Leafpool doesn't show any pain! I mean, WHAT?!? I don't get it!

I think Hollyleaf's death would actually feel real, and wouldn't be so hard to register, if someone actually had a reaction to it, instead of everyone just being indifferent. Whenever a cat dies, other cats are always shocked, or grieving, or something. But this time, no one even showed any emotion! It's so stupid and unrealistic! That part wasn't written well at all. I still feel like Hollyleaf's not really dead, or something.

OMG! It was SO sad how Honeyfern died! That was utterly cruel! Berrynose FINALLY likes her back, and they're talking about how they're going to become mates and have kits together - and then the next moment, Honeyfern is dying! It's not fair! And the thing that made me SO pissed is that Leafpool DID NOTHING!! Is she a medicine cat or ISN'T SHE?!?! Don't just STAND there while Honeyfern is dying!!! DO SOMETHING!!! But nooo. She just sat there and looked sad while Honeyfern died. OMG!!! I hated her then!!!

And about Leafpool...what will she do now? Will she get banished from the Clan? How come Firestar hasn't done anything about it yet? Is she not going to be a medicine cat anymore? Where will she go? How come she came back to the ThunderClan camp after the gathering? Is she just going to be the medicine cat again? How is everyone letting her? Are they just going to forget about it? I'm confused!

Anyway, past all my ranting...I think this is the best book out of all three series of Warriors. No other book is as intense, dramatic, or disturbing. It definitely wins.

Except, for the first time...I'm not looking forward to the next book so much. It's weird. Usually I'm dying for the next one in this series, but now...I think the Erins kind of ruined it for me by making Hollyleaf die in such an unreal way. Plus, I think it's pointless to keep going with the series. EVERYTHING has already happened. Everything is kind of OVER now. More books are just going to drag it on and on until there won't be much plot left. I think the Warrior series has done all it can, and while it has been an amazing series and one of my favorites, I think it's time it was over. There's only so much you can pull it out.
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Profile Image for Ravenclaw26.
4 reviews7 followers
April 29, 2010
This is my least favorite of all the Warriors books. Hollyleaf goes totally and unexpectedly crazy. She showed NO signs of rage or insanity in previous books and all of a sudden she killed Ashfur because he knew their secret? Also at the end she just conviniently dies in a cave in?! I had been hoping for her gift to emerge and see her replace Firestar as clan leader in this book, but Hunter just set us up for ANOTHER series. Also, why are the three so mad at Squirrelflight?! She took them in so they would be accepted by the clan and when they learned she did so they are MAD at her!!!? Anyway, Hunter tatally warped Hollyleaf's character and that angered me.
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Profile Image for Kira.
46 reviews
July 8, 2009
RAWR. I couldn't believe what happened to Honeyfern....what happens next then?
Profile Image for Mikaela Garcia.
711 reviews56 followers
June 9, 2022
My least favourite in the Warrior's universe.
It was neither good nor bad. It feels like the three only talked about the prophecy and they never did anything about it, or another plot point comes around and they must fix it.

I couldn't stand out with Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather. In the first book, they only complained of the prophecy.
(Jayfeather complain could I understand, in his condition.)
Profile Image for Featherheart.
133 reviews25 followers
May 2, 2009
This review contains MAJOR spoilers.
The writing was excellent, the characters believable, but the plot? I was disappointed in this last installment of Power of Three, reasons listed below:
1. What was the point of having Hollyleaf through all the rest of the books if she wasn't one of the three and was just going to die? It makes the whole series seem a little pointless. I think the Erins did it because she didn't have any special powers like Lionblaze and Jayfeather, but still.
2. I like continuity and patterns, and this book and in fact series failed at that in several ways, the first being that each series is supposed to be one chapter in the history of the Clans and once it is over it is only a story for the elders to tell and no longer really spoken of. Obviously that's not the case with this series and the next. The whole six books were about learning about their powers, the cats who lived before, and about their parentage. The next series will likely be about the new kit, teaching and helping her learn to be one of the three, and actually coming into their power, so two series combined make up the story of the Three.
3. Maybe it's just my preference, but it seems way more mystical and prophecy-fulfilling for the Three to come from the same litter. Jayfeather and Lionblaze will always be closer than Dovekit or Ivykit will be to either of them. It kind of feels like the Erins made up a subsitute. I mean, why them and not Hollyleaf or whichever kit isn't chosen? The way we all thought it was made more sense.
4. Again on continuity, for the whole first two series and most of this one, halfClan, kittypet, and loner cats were distrusted, but eventually accepted. Why does Hollyleaf go on such a rampage to learn that she's among the long list? She already has kittypet blood in her. Surely being loyal is more important than parentage, and didn't she say something of that sort? It was pretty much like finding out you're adopted. You don't see adopted kids, at least I don't, trying to kill their real mother, failing to forgive real and adopted mothers, and trying to leave their home because of it.
5. This is just a minor note, but I didn't think the title made sense, this one or the last. The Sight refers to Jaypaw's sight, Dark River obviously the river, Outcast Stormfur and Brook's being outcast, and Eclipse the eclipse. All real things. But Long Shadows just seems to mean that the truth is hidden, and Sunrise that they are finally ready to begin using their power.
6. They knew what Sol could do, so why did they still help him escape and trust him? That seems like not learning one's lesson to me.
7. Finally, I was annoyed about all of Hollyleaf's previously mentioned actions at the end. I couldn't like her, and she is or was one of the protagonists.
To sum it up, if you don't analyze stories and just enjoy them, you'll love this book just as much as all the rest. But if you like continuity and things making sense like me, you'll be annoyed by this book. Either way, it's worth reading for the end of the story and the wonderful style of writing, just not as good as the rest.
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Profile Image for aindy!.
91 reviews44 followers
July 4, 2019
Hollyleaf is kinda scary....
Profile Image for Priya.
182 reviews33 followers
May 1, 2009
Very intense and sad and cliffhangery and frustrating and...I can't wait for the next one!!!
Profile Image for Noella.
1,114 reviews66 followers
October 15, 2020
Leeuwvlam, Hulstloof en Gaaiveder weten nu dat Kwiklicht en Braamklauw niet hun echte ouders zijn. Ze willen nu uitvinden wie dat dan wel zijn. Ook de moord op Aspels is nog niet opgelost. Velen verdenken Sol daarvan, en een patrouille gaat om zoek om hem naar de Donderclan te brengen om hem te ondervragen en eventueel te straffen.
De katten kampen dus met vele moeilijkheden, maar deze onderwerpen zijn waar het in dit boek om draait. Op het eind van dit boek volgt er een dramatische climax, alhoewel er nog vele vragen open blijven.
Eigenlijk wel een heel goed boek weer, maar toch laat het me een beetje onbevredigd achter. Aan de andere kant zou je kunnen zeggen, het is natuurlijk een aansporing om het volgende boek te lezen!
Profile Image for Aoife.
51 reviews
February 12, 2011
EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah this book is a close second to Long Shadows... The prologue is very well written and intriguing indeed! This book is almost as eventful as the last and is very hard to put down as it is like a mystery novel. Thunderclan get really determined to find out who killed ****** and a group of cats travel to the Sundrown place to hunt down sol and to get answers. This book keeps you guessing and is very interesting. When you find out the answer to a big question it was for me a total unexpected surprise but when you think about it, it makes sense. Jayfether becomes a bit of a detective himself as he searched for different answers (being the most curious of the three).A certain cat does certain (jaw-dropping) things at the ending of the book and I end up really disliking this cat. This cat is drove to near insanity and does major things that put her clan at risk. A suspenseful and emotional ending that is is sure to satisfy and surprise.
Profile Image for Deborah Pickstone.
852 reviews94 followers
May 12, 2017
Every time the Erin's come to the end of a series, it doesn't properly end - this is becoming quite annoying! OK, they killed off a major character (a very annoying one, at that!) but there was not resolution to a series of 6 books - just ads for the next series.......tsk! Still I keep reading - beginning to think I am a bit nuts.
Profile Image for Lor.
50 reviews8 followers
April 1, 2021
¡Pero bueno, Carrasca! ¿Qué pulga te ha picado? Hay que tener marramiau, señorita.
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Thayne.
50 reviews
June 7, 2023
6/5 Stars

The deceit, the lies, the drama. This is by far the most entertaining warrior cats book that I have read. Usually these gems are sooo purr-dictable, but this one made me stand on the edge of my paws a few times. And all it did was set me up for the next series, wanting more with all of the unanswered questions.
Profile Image for Caitlin Wedge.
38 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2021
Yay! I loved this book so much! I loved Power of Three! Hollyleaf I feel so bad for her. Her father is Crowfeather! He dosnt even care for them. I cant wait to read omen of stars!
Profile Image for Bluestar.
6 reviews1 follower
May 30, 2013
I am SOOOOOOOO sad that Hollyleaf is dead. She was one of my favourite cats. Anyways, Purdy's back! Purdy is so awesome! Even though he gets me talking like him. He is my favourite loner or kittypet in the books so far. I loved it when they went on the original journey. So so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE WARRIORS! 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Profile Image for KSena.
554 reviews8 followers
May 15, 2023
And so. The journey has come to an end. For now.

This is the last Warriors book that has been translated to swedish. The next one will be released this autumn. (I did mail the publishing house and asked.)

Anyway, was this a good one? YES! VERY YES! Although, I will say, there was A LOT going on during the last 50 or so pages. Geezes... I was looking at the amount of pages left yesterday when we were reading aloud and thinking to myself 'how's this whole series gonna be solved in just these few pages...?'. And I was right, it wasn't. Not fully. Partly, yes.

The prize for the cat with the most character development and character growth goes to Jayfeather though. DAMN, I say! Brambleclaw has been my favorite since he first showed up in this looooong series. But now I will have to say Jayfeather is close to stealing his place. I really really disliked that character in the beginning of these books when he first showed up, but he has really grown on me!

There was just SO MUCH going on in this book though! SO MUCH! Hollyleaf though, damn girl... The dangers of holding on too hard to your faith. Hollyleaf is proof of that for sure. The twists and turns this story took with this character!!! Wow... Both me and kiddo were shocked more than once.

Lionblaze was the most consistent of the trio. Yes, he had a lot of character growth to, but still was a steady character. I think he was the one who kept his two siblings grounded, in a way? Even if yes, he did stupid things to, but I think it just improved on his character. Strangely. I liked him. He is probably the one of the siblings that are mostly like Firestar in his character. Yes, he follows the warrior codex, but he can also see that it has to be bent and sometimes broken, to make sure life in the clans will work.

Unlike Hollyleaf who thought that if you did anything against the warrior codex, life would end. And Jayfeather, well... Hang the code, as a pirate would say! Although he got more understanding as time went on, and has now matured enough to follow it in a similar way to Lionblaze.

Even though the earlier Warrior serieses was dramatic and such, I think this one really took the cake. If they up the drama like this, I fear for where this series will go.

Oh well, it's been a pure JOY to read these aloud to kiddo! Today when we read the last few VERY dramatic pages she was literally HANGING ON ME WITH HER MOUTH OPEN! Wow... Now that's a reaction to a book you rarely see when you read aloud.

I've promised her to pre-order the next book as soon as possible. We've not seen the last of the warrior cats yet!
Profile Image for KylaRodas.
22 reviews5 followers
June 2, 2017
This book was a great ending to the Power of Three. Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf all return to the villain Sol to find out more about their prophecy. (Three kin of your kin will hold the power of the stars in their paws) Great warriors die in the fight to protect kits, and many wonderful kits are born. Ashfur dies a mysterious death by one of his own Clan. (ThunderClan) The three warriors find out the truth of their mother and father, and one can handle it all so the warrior ends its life. The prophecy would not change from the death but become more clear.
Profile Image for Amory.
931 reviews34 followers
December 5, 2020
I was glad that the truth was finally revealed about who Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf's parents are, but I was so annoyed to see more of Sol. I just do not find him interesting at all and it's incredibly disappointing that so much of this arc focused on him. Adding another travel journey into the plot was also annoying. The threes' fixation on the prophecy for the past six books also doesn't even pay off by the final book of the arc, since they realize it could be about cats that will be the focus of the next arc.
There's a lot I love about Warriors, and most of that revolves around how genuinely interesting regular clan life is. The "Power of Three" arc tried too hard to get away from that. We don't need a random journey and new loner character to make these books interesting; the concept of regular old clan life by itself already IS interesting! I'm hoping the next arc goes back to the basics a bit more, because I think that'll definitely make me like it more.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sabrina Wannet.
481 reviews4 followers
August 7, 2017
warrior cats is vanaf boek 1 al 1 van mijn meest favoriete series en is aan te raden aan iedereen die van dieren/katten en een beetje spanning houdt. waar het in het eerste 6 boeken gaat over Rufus-Vuurhart en daarna verder gaat in de 6 boeken erna met zijn dochters en de kinderen van Tijgerster. Ging het in de afgelopen 6 boeken vooral over de drie nakomelingen van de nakomelingen van Vuurster die vaak in de problemen komen al van kit af aan. Gaaipoot in dit laatste deel van de drie heet hij gaaiveder en zijn Leeuwvlam en Hulstloof krijgers komen achter een gruwelijke waarheid die alles voor altijd zou veranderen. Wanneer Hulstloof ook nog het verkeerde pad op gaat en foute daden doet weet niemand meer wat te doen. Ook in dit deel speelt de eenling Sol een rol die niet altijd vol rozengeur en maneschijn is voor hem. Dit deel geeft me zo aan het eind weer een hoop om over na te denken en ik kan dus niet wachten tot in december het eerste deel van serie 4 uitkomt en het verhaal eindelijk weer verder gaat. De mate van wantrouw haat en spanning, zorgt er voor dat je het boek absoluut niet weg wilt leggen.
Profile Image for Reian.
136 reviews1 follower
June 13, 2019

Sunrise, as what i initially believed to be the conclusion of the power of three, their arc, the meaning of everything that has been raised etc. Not really sure if it's a spoiler to say that that's very wrong, and the story of the prophecy is still far, far from over.

There is a famous death in the fan community that occured in this book, something which I was aware of before I even began this series. And maybe I built it up too much, but my goodness was it a rushed death!!! It happened in the blink of an eye and felt absolutely pointless, like the Erins had no way of fixing the problems Hollyleaf was suffering from so they felt they had no choice but to just... kill her? Or was it the other way around - because she 'needs to die' for the sake of the plot, as we all know, was it that they struggled to find a believable way to kill her off and failed anyway? Make it make sense!

So unfortunately that really chipped a whole star off of a volume that I really thought was going to be explosive. And it was! In many ways - but this unfortunately was a shame. What kept the rating up for me was that I really, genuinely believe that Squirrelflight killed Ashfur - the fact that the Erins managed to make Hollyleaf do this off screen and then make her life continue as kind of normal and re-focus all her worried energy into something the reader interprets as negative feelings aimed at Squirrelflight was so fucking clever and the plot twist of the century. I really don't know what I missed, and I'm so impressed!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gerda Fiske.
25 reviews
April 12, 2018
This was the last book in the Power of Three series had to live up to a lot, and boy, it sure did! The first two thirds were just normal things, but every secret, every problem, every truth that the main characters had to hide all came falling down in the third act, and emotion was on every page. This book is a dramatic ride through secrets, murder, and the main characters brains.
Profile Image for abi.
309 reviews75 followers
August 7, 2022
who had "hollyleaf [redacted] in the [redacted]" and "hollyleaf attempts to [redacted] [redacted]" and "hollyleaf [redacted] [redacted]" on their bingo cards? because i sure as hell did not
Profile Image for Samuel Pettit.
259 reviews2 followers
March 29, 2024
Probably my least favorite book in the series. I recommend the series but not this book. except for it to make sense you have to read it before 'the fourth apprentice' -omen of the stars book 1- But overall it is a good series.
Profile Image for LM.
438 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2023
So that's it, the finale of the third season of Warriors. Man, this season was a ride, but more on my final thoughts later on. Sunrise gets a 3.5 from me.

I generally like books where everything is going down and there is no hope anymore lmao and we had this with this one. There was a tense atmosphere in the ThunderClan the whole time with the cats building different groups, e.g., some want to attack WindClan, and some doesn't. All in all, this fearful and suspicious atmosphere in ThunderClan was so well created. The murder plot itself was quite interesting as well and it took me some time to figure out who the murderer was, and the reveal really shocked me. Finally, many secrets were unfolded, and we are not left in the dark anymore. The ending was also amazing, especially with the cliff-hanger.
Plot-wise, we had the big reveal in this one about the origin of the three: .
But a recurring problem of the Warriors series is that they could solve problems way faster if they would only talk with each other. Like, Jayfeather should just tell the clan what Midnight told him about the murder and don’t hold it back with this information.

All in all, this was a bit above average Warriors book with plot elements we already know from the series: random travels, random deaths that serve no higher purpose and family’s arguing. Especially the plot around Sol felt like the plot around Brokenstar in season 1 aka all leaders are angry with ThunderClan because they took in some cats and the other Clans are threatening them. The other clans were overreacting to be honest, but oh well.

But now coming to my final thoughts about The Power of the Three! I liked this one way more than the second season since we have way more interesting MCs than in The New Prophecy. Jayfeather is one of my favorite Warriors cats of all time and Hollyleaf is close to being there. I’m not the biggest fan of Lionblaze, but my opinion of him got better throughout the end. The biggest critique I have is that nothing is really happening. We get to know the prophecy, we discover the powers the three might or might not have with them together, but that’s it. Sol is there as well, but what was the higher purpose and what are his intentions? (Update: I just finished Omen of the Stars and I’m still unsure what Sol wants). Just stirring up the mistrust between the clan cats? It’s quite obvious that this season is only supposed to function as the prequel to Omen of The Stars and that's a bit sad.

Warriors - Power of Three
The Sight: ★★★★★
Dark River: ★★★.5
Outcast: ★★★
Eclipse: ★★★★★
Long Shadows: ★★★.5
➳ Sunrise: ★★★.5
Rating for the whole series: 3.9
Displaying 1 - 30 of 694 reviews

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