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Sisters in Service #1

Spies & Sweethearts

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A secret mission. A fake bride. A run for their lives.

According to the OSS training manual, the life expectancy of a radio operator in Nazi-occupied France is six weeks. Partnered with one of the agency’s top spies, Gerard Lucas, newly-minted agent Emily Strealer plans to beat those odds. Then their cover is blown and all bets are off. The border to neutral Switzerland is three hundred miles away-a long way to run with SS soldiers on their heels.

Will Emily and Gerard survive the journey and get home?

And what about their hearts? Nothing in the manual prepared them for falling in love.

316 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 15, 2020

About the author

Linda Shenton Matchett

47 books526 followers
Linda Shenton Matchett writes about ordinary people who did extraordinary things in days gone by. A self-professed history geek, she is a volunteer archivist and docent at the Wright Museum of World War II. Linda has published more than twenty-five books. When not writing, she enjoys exploring historical sites and immersing herself in the imaginary worlds created by other authors.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews
Profile Image for Kellie O'Connor.
311 reviews145 followers
April 5, 2023
This is a fantastic faith filled story of Emily Strealer and Gerald Lucus. Emily and Gerard are spies sent to France during the height of WW2. Emily is a radio operator. The average life expectancy of a radio operator six weeks. Will she survive the mission to send important signals back to England? She is a new recruit to the OSS. Her faith in God is very strong, although her family doesn't support her decision to join the OSS, she prays and knows it is God's Will.

Gerald is her training commander. They go on this dangerous undercover mission together. He is well trained and this is her first mission. Soon they find themselves running away from the Germans! Could they have been better prepared? Their mission is compromised...who compromised it? He has a new found faith in God. Is it strong enough to carry them through? They are attracted to each other. Will that attraction get in the way of saving their lives or losing it?

Lots of questions that you will find yourselves asking as you read this amazing story! It's more light hearted than other Historical Fiction books,but sometimes you need to read a lighter story. Read the author's notes & you'll learn that it's based on a true story!! I really enjoyed this book!

I very highly recommend this emotionally moving book!! Enjoy and Happy Reading 💫📖🕵️‍♀️💞
Profile Image for Aminata Coote.
Author 39 books55 followers
August 11, 2020
When I started reading Linda Shenton Matchett's Spies & Sweethearts, I did not like the main characters. The heroine seemed extra sensitive and the hero was a jerk, but I kept going because I had liked the premise and then, oh my word! The next thing I knew it was past my bedtime and I did not want to put this book down.

While Emily remained sensitive to certain things, you grew to love her as you understood more of her background. Gerard had his jerkish moments but the way he took care of Emily showed a maturity that he had lacked in the opening scenes. The man who was prone to roguish behavior grew up and learned to think about other people and not just himself.

What I loved about this book was the theme of trusting God. Emily had a strong faith that eventually reignited Gerard's faith. But more interestingly, it reminded me that God is never more than a prayer away. He sees the things we don't and He can make a way out of any situation for His children.

I received an advanced reader's copy from the publishers through Celebrate Lit; a positive review was not required.
Profile Image for Carol R Gehringer.
341 reviews22 followers
September 14, 2020
Author Linda Shenton Matchett pens an inspirational World War II novel filled with action, adventure, and romance.

In Spies & Sweethearts, Emily Strealer wants to do more for the war effort than just teach high school French. The youngest of three sisters, twenty-six year old Emily joins a government program, in spite her family’s protests that her job as a teacher and her volunteer work are sufficient.

On her way to training school, she meets former military pilot Gerard Lucas, also on his way to the OSS training facility. They do not hit it off, and things don’t improve when Emily realizes he is one of her new instructors.

After training as a radio operator, she is partnered with Gerard in Nazi-occupied France where they pose as newlyweds. It isn’t long before they are discovered and are on the run with the SS on their trail. Can they make it to safety?

Matchett is an excellent storyteller; her action-packed book is filled with historical detail and a clean romance. Both Emily and Gerard grow over the course of the book -- sensitive Emily grows in her knowledge of her capabilities, and Gerard goes from being a selfish man to one who thinks about others.

The faith element is evident but not overwhelming; Emily’s faith is stronger and it sparks Gerard to think more about his. The relationship between them is clean, even when they get married “for real” to strengthen their cover. They fall in love and try not to let the other one know. War details are appropriate but not overly detailed, and the story has plenty of plot twists.

Fans of World War II fiction will enjoy this book, as well as the other two books in this series: The Mechanic and the MD (Book 2), and The Widow & the War Correspondent (Book 3). Her next book (another WWII romance), Love at First Flight is being published by Shortwave Press and coming out in the fall of 2020.

Disclaimer: Book reviews are written for books I either purchased or received free of cost from the publishers, publicists, or authors. I voluntarily reviewed this book, and my review represents my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Erin.
1,855 reviews13 followers
September 21, 2020
What a fun novel! I have loved every book I have read by this author and I particularly love that they are set in the WWII era. That makes them come to life as the era is one that we reenact so it’s a particular favorite of mine.

I loved reading this novel. The characters felt real and were very fun to get to know. Emily and Gerard are going undercover. Deep undercover that is into occupied France with a radio. But they’re going as a married couple. That could be interesting as they’re not sure they can even trust each other let alone stand each other.

The book read super fast. I got tangled up in the characters and the suspense and they wouldn’t let me go. Emily does a lot of growing and changing as the book progresses. The couple has lots of near misses as well. And their fake marriage becomes a real one to help them avoid being caught.

This is a wonderful book and I’m loving everything by this author so definitely check out this book and anything by her.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.
1,128 reviews
September 15, 2020
Spies and Sweethearts, book one in the Sisters in Service series by Linda Shenton Matchette, is a Christian Historical Fiction story based mainly in Europe during WWII. Emily is a French teacher who goes through training to be a spy. She and Gerald, one of her instructors, are chosen to go to Europe to be radio operators. They are discovered almost immediately and are forced to run for their lives. They met up with many different people who help them along. One of them tells them they have to get married to change their appearance. But they both question if it is something they should really do.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. The action takes off rather quickly and keeps going until the end. The story contains suspense and good clean romance. There are many things that stand out to me in this story. We see many people, including religious leaders, that are willing to give up their lives to help civilians flee the SS officers. We see American's, including women, who sign up for dangerous positions to help the war efforts. I really enjoyed this story, it grabbed my attention and kept it to the very end. I liked how Gerald changed from immature and irresponsible to a very caring responsible person while keeping Emily and himself safe. I received a copy of this ebook from CelebrateLit, This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Betti.
1,147 reviews31 followers
September 15, 2020
Life can be tough when you are the youngest - somehow you never seem to measure up to your older siblings. Emily had excelled in school, becoming fluent in French, and working as a high school French teacher. But surely there was more that she could do for the war effort than be a plane spotter. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) agreed with her.

Gerard had moved up the ranks in the military only to be pushed into an assignment he really did not want, but deserved due to insubordination. Now he was to go undercover as the husband of a former French high school teacher now radio operator. All he wanted was revenge for his brother’s death. Could they learn to work together, trusting God with their lives?

What a fabulous story of survival, adventure and rescue by two spies sent from the US to France. The author has done a great deal of research into how the resistance worked during the war. Their willingness to step out and do what they could was a real eye-opener. I have to wonder if we would be available to do the same if we were in the same situation.

This ARC was received through Shortwave Press, BookFunnel and CelebrateLit. The impressions and comments are my own and were in no way solicited.
Profile Image for Melissa Wardwell.
Author 21 books948 followers
September 28, 2020
Love finds a way

Even when trekking across war torn France, love finds a way to bloom in this face paced, sometimes heart pounding story. These two didn’t stand a chance once the laws of attraction went to work. And the hand of God. They had to rely on each other to escape the Nazi’s that were hot on their trail, which only seemed to ignite the flame.

It was those little moments in between the running and walking that made Spies & Sweethearts fun. Like little breaths of joy in the middle of turmoil. Gerard would tease Emily, Emily would tease Gerard as they tried to have moments of normal. That is where attraction turned to love.

Now, even when Gerard and Emily were sure the Nazi’s would capture them, God provided ways of escape. Those were nice to read as well. It was those moments that the author used so that one of the characters could see the hand of God move on their behalf. Sometimes it was small things, others is was using the enemy to escape. The take away? God will use what ever He wants to show His children that He is there in the midst of the storm.

I found this story to be simply enjoyable. Not entirely nail blighting like the last WW2 novel I read, but easy paced and tender. The threat was always there for the characters, but what the author showed us was even when the world around us is crazy, God still moves on our behalf.

***I was given a copy of this book by the publisher through CelebrateLit Publicity. Thoughts expressed are entirely my own and a positive review was not required
Profile Image for Deana Dick.
2,818 reviews110 followers
September 19, 2020
I will try not to gush too much in my review. There has only been a handful of authors that write historical books that I always read. This author is definitely on the list. From the sweeping land of France comes a story of two highly trained people who will try to beat the odds and succeed in their mission as spies. Their mission is very dangerous and with all the training that Gerald and Emily have, will it be enough?
Emily won my heart with her determination, faith and compassion. I love strong female characters and Emily is very outspoken at times. She can hold her own with Gerald as is evident on their first encounter. I loved reading about the training Emily went through and how she never gave up. The first part of the book prepares the characters for their mission and I couldn’t wait to join them.
There is intense danger as they enter into situations that put their lives in danger. I held my breath a few times wondering how they would escape. The author does an excellent job of blending historical details in the story which highlights the danger people in France were in as Nazis tried to take over. The faith element was very well written in the story and I appreciate how the characters turn to God during trying times.
Emily becomes more sure of herself as she outsmarts the enemy during a very difficult situation. I think Gerald at times was a bit arrogant but I grew to love him as his heart softened. The story is a wonderful account of what it was like during a time when enemy invasion was prevalent . We get a front row seat to watch as Emily and Gerald’s adventure to serve their country becomes treacherous at times. I was curious to see if these two characters would fall in love, but you will have to read the book to find out.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Profile Image for Connie Hill.
1,741 reviews41 followers
September 26, 2020
I am a huge fan of Linda Shenton Matchett. I have read several of her books - and have never been dissapointed. Her stories are always well researched and accurate. In this book we meet Emily. She wants to do more for the war effort then just teach French. She is 26 years old and she enrolls in a government training program. Her family is NOT happy with this. Enter former military pilot Gerard. Their first meeting does NOT go well. However, Gerard ends up being one of the instructors in the government program. Emily is recruited as a spy - and her undercover is being married to Gerard. I love Spy books - I actually wrote my master thesis on the use of Women and African Americans as spies in the revolutionary and civil war. I always find it fascinating how they were able to collect and retrieve information. In this story - being set in WWII, there is so much danger intertwined with this romance. My heart was pounding through a good chunk of this book - while the SS was hot on their trail. Well written, likeable and real feeing characters.

I received a copy of this book through the Celebrate Lit Blogging program, all thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for SK.
207 reviews
July 6, 2022
It is wonderful to finish a book and think, THAT is how to write a Christian Historical fiction book. Now, the only concern I’m left with is how to communicate my appreciation for a book, which was so well written and continues to leave a pleasant afterglow.
This story centers on two people, Emily Strealer and Gerard Lucas. Emily is twenty-six, she teaches French at her local high school. She’s the baby of the family (3 sisters), with family expectation issues. Although Emily loves teaching, she feels she can do more than “plane spotting” in her spare time. Gerald is a military man, a pilot with all kinds of positive qualities, but at this point, he hasn’t lived up to his potential, and with little effort could sabotage his future military career.
The backdrop of this story is WWII, and the myriad of people who wanted and needed to contribute to the war effort and support their country. Emily is a metaphor for all who just wanted to do something, to be a help. So, she takes a test, which leads to an offer to enroll in a government training school. She really doesn’t know what it will entail or what it will mean for her future, but on faith she moves forward. Emily and Gerald intersect on the airplane on the way to Washington D.C., Emily to begin her spy training and Gerald to begin teaching at the training school. On that first meeting, as seatmates on the plane; neither Emily nor Gerald were impressed with the other. Later at the school, at the start of another class, Tactics and Field Craft, Emily slides into the only available seat at the very front of the class with thirty seconds to spare. She hears, “Miss Strealer. Nice of you to join us.” She’s shocked. “She stared at the instructor,” it was the good looking “Clark Gable look-alike from the airplane.”
At the end of the training, the mucky-mucks assigned Emily & Gerald to be a spy team, their cover story was as a married couple to be sent into France, as a part of the OSS. They were parachuted into France and hopefully make their way to Paris. Emily was to operate the radio and Gerald to work with the resistance members. As created, the hope was they could help the underground forces to become more effective with their resistance efforts. The first part of the book details the preparation for the spy team, Gerald and Emily. This preparation part of the story is tight; we are given what we need to become invested in the lives of Gerald and Emily.
The second part of the story is action packed. It is an adrenaline rush of one close escape after another. Emily is not sure she has the ability to do what is required of her; Gerald prior to their arrival in France is prepared to trust in his ability. Both are taken to school by God. They both learn that they are in God’s hand; he has and does guide, direct, and sustain them each step of their journey. They realize by the end of the story, that it wasn’t their might or power but by God’s leading and guiding hand that sustained and enabled them. The theme of trusting and relying on both their teammates and God runs through the story and ties together the whole book, both during the preparation stage as well as the spy stage of the story. By the end of the book, this couple has turned from spy mates to trusted friends, to sweethearts in a most credible and satisfying way.
My Thoughts:
This story met me and grabbed my interest from the beginning. No struggle through chapter upon chapter of place setting with beautiful pastoral poetry, but benign and prolonged inaction. Spies & Sweethearts has lots of dialogue, lots of action, and when there is internal dialogue it is positively reflective, helping move forward the theme of trusting and relying. I liked the pace of the story it was spot on; no dallying, sluggishness, while also escaping the other danger of warp-speed movement, which can mess up crucial plot elements.
I enjoyed both characters, Gerald and Emily. They each had some abrasive characteristics, but time, experiences, and the Lord worked to build their characters. As they jumped or squeaked out from under various tense situations, I read faster and faster. I think I held my breath when it looked like they would be discovered. I was in France! That is good writing, when you start identifying and placing yourself into the story.
The relationship between Gerald and Emily was realistic. No inst-love. The relationship developed, but they never lost sight of their: where (France), time (WWII), and their mission (to assist the resistance). It was also impressive that the faith elements were natural and believable. Emily shared her faith in real ways. This is what makes, for me a wonderful Christian Historical fiction book, versus a book without any faith elements. Thanks author.
P.S. I thought the cover was well-done. Now I don’t purchase a book just because it has a good cover, but this book cover was arresting, classic.
Profile Image for Jeanie.
1,273 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2020
This is an excellent novel of World War II!. The faith demonstrated by one of the protagonists is amazing, and her faith and the man she is on a mission with in Occupied France are blessed in incredible ways. The characters are defined as well as needed for their roles, and the settings in the mysterious training grounds and in Europe sounded appealing. I had a hard time putting this down once I started it!

Emily is the youngest of three sisters; she teaches French in high school. The expectations of her mother for propriety and for marrying a guy from the right family were not her priorities. No, Emily wanted to live, to contribute to the world and the Allies. She took tests to join the war effort, thinking that being bilingual and having firsthand knowledge of France and its culture would be beneficial and was accepted. Her family was very unhappy that she was leaving home and would not even be able to have contact by mail with family at least until her training was complete.

They met on the plane to Washington, D.C. Gerard Lucas had made himself disreputable in the air force. Not on purpose, but because it was the kind of guy he was. Because of his penchant for not showing suitable respect for higher-ranking officers and “swimming against the tide”, he was being transferred to intelligence. He sat next to her on the plane, and neither were terribly impressed with the other. Then Emily went to her first class in the most demanding five weeks of her training that included physical fitness, survival, and evading capture. For one of the top students in this training class, this was the hardest part, but Gerard finally found himself helping her learn enough to be fit for duty.

Gerard and Emily were sent on a mission together to Occupied France. Their cover story would be that of a husband and wife, newlyweds. While it started well, they began to imagine what it would be like to be really be married to the other. Then their cover was blown, and they had to go on the run while being chased by the SS. What they learn about God, each other, and themselves while trying to survive long enough to get out of the country was far beyond their expectations.

I was surprised to see how in-depth the training was for a radio operator with a short life expectancy in the field! The author brought home the point that even the non-military women who went to Europe to serve in the war did not know if they would be returning. Emily feels that she already trusts in God and learns a new level of following God’s direction. I was stunned at the miracles taking place every place they went. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel from start to finish, and highly recommend it to those who appreciate well-written Christian WWII stories for women with challenges of faith, and extreme, high-energy survival tactics.

From a thankful heart: I received an eARC of this from Celebrate Lit, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Shreedevi Gurumurty.
841 reviews5 followers
September 20, 2020
A secret mission.A fake bride.A run for their lives.According to the OSS training manual,the life expectancy of a radio operator in Nazi-occupied France is 6weeks.Partnered with one of the agency's top spies,Gerard Lucas, newly minted agent and former French teacher Emily Strealer plans to beat those odds.Then their cover is blown and all bets are off.The border to neutral Switzerland is 300 miles away-a long way to run with the SS soldiers on their heels.Will Emily and Gerard survive the journey and get home? And what about their hearts? Nothing in the manual prepared them for falling in love.The Office of Strategic Services(OSS) was a wartime intelligence agency of the US during WWII.It was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the US Armed Forces.Their other functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and postwar planning.President Roosevelt was worried about American intelligence deficiencies since at that time the nation had the State, Treasury, Navy and War departments conducting American intelligence activities on an ad hoc basis, with no overall direction, coordination, or control. The US Army and Navy had separate codebreaking departments like the Signal Intelligence Service and OP-20-G.So on the suggestion of William Stephenson,the senior British intelligence officer in the western hemisphere, Roosevelt requested that William J Donovan draft a plan for an intelligence service based on the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and Special Operations Executive (SOE).Colonel Donovan became the coordinator of information on July 11th,1941.Thereafter the organisation was developed with British assistance.The OSS was established by a Presidential military order on June 13th 1942,to collect and analyse strategic information required by the JCS.The OSS conducted multiple activities and missions by spying, performing sabotage,organising and coordinating anti-Nazi resistance groups in Europe.
Profile Image for Kelly Bridgewater.
1,136 reviews57 followers
September 21, 2020
I adore World War II stories. Something about the bravery of this generation really captures my attention and allows me to struggle and survive with them. When Celebrate Lit offered Spies and Sweethearts, I thought I would give Linda Shenton Matchett a try. She understands the concept of Deep point of view and diving into the character's thoughts and emotions. She has a good grasp on how to create conflict and keep building in in the plot. Must have your character's squirm on the page, so readers will want to follow. While these are her strong points, Matchett also has some not-so-good points. First, I really didn't like the heroine. She is flat and keeps whining about no one understanding her until she understands she can do things without the approval of others. It was really annoying. As for the hero, he didn't have many redeeming qualities either. He just roamed around the pages of the story. The plot. My main issue with it was the goal. What was the heroine and hero's goal in France? They parachuted in and then went to a house. A radio. But really nothing was shown of why they were there and what they were trying to accomplish. Next thing I know, they were on the run from the Germans. Then they would find a safe house. Hang around for a couple of weeks to "rest" and then have to be on the run again. I didn't buy this either. The romance wasn't believable either. I have read stories set in World War II where characters had to fake a marriage to survive, but nothing as extreme as this marriage. Overall, Matchett had some redeeming qualities in her story; however, the downfalls hurt the overall delivery of her story.

I received a complimentary copy of Spies and Sweethearts by Linda Shenton Matchett through Celebrate Lit Publishers, but the opinions stated are all my own.
107 reviews4 followers
September 16, 2020
I have to admit, I really had no idea what to expect when I began reading this book. I had never heard of the author and the cover didn’t wow me (I’m a bit of a cover snob), but the blurb was intriguing, so I decided to give it a try — and was not disappointed. Suffice it to say, I’ll definitely keep an eye out for more of Linda Shenton Matchett’s books!
I absolutely loved how the relationship between the two main characters progressed. It didn’t feel at all rushed, even though the fell in love in a relatively short period of time. They developed a solid friendship first, which naturally and smoothly transitioned into a heart-warming romance.
There were a few loose ends that seemed to have been forgotten, but none of them were integral to the main plot.
I really enjoyed Emily’s character development. The way her fear and insecurities were constantly at war with her solid faith made her so much more understandable (especially to a modern audience) – barely anybody has been on the run for their lives, constantly changing their identity in order to escape, but every Christian has struggled to overcome fear in some form.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this heartfelt story about two people who learn to trust God in a world of deception, and find love on the way. Recommended to fans of Christian WWII fiction, historical romance, and romantic spy stories.

(Note: I was given a copy of this book through CelebrateLit Tours in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.)
Profile Image for Kendra Neal.
1,389 reviews30 followers
September 25, 2020
I have read several of Linda Shenton Matchett books and each one is always a great read.
Spies and Sweethearts is Book 1 in the Sisters in Service Series. I always LOVE reading
books that are a part of series and beginning with Book 1 is a plus.

I am not one who normally likes books with Spies and Mystery, but I do love a good romance.
Spies and Sweethearts is a combo of Mystery and Romance. I admittedly took 2 chapters to
really get into the story, but once I did there was no stopping me.

The time period of World War II is an interesting time period and I do enjoy reading books that
are set in that time period. Emily decides to leave her teaching French to join a "Government
Program" and is sent away to Training School. She meets Gerald Lucas, who is also on his
way to Training School. The 2 of them don't get along at first and then she discovers he is his
teacher. After Training School, Emily is assigned to be a "Fake Bride" to Gerald and they both
head off to Nazi France as Spies. They are soon "uncovered" and need to retreat to Switzerland
for safety. During their time together, they are discovering they are falling for each other. Will the
"Fake Marriage" become a real one? Will they make it to safety?

I truly enjoyed this book. It is a FAST read as once the story gets moving, I didn't want to and
didn't put the book down. The Suspense and Twists and Turns in the book were just amazing!
Linda Shenton Matchett has another GREAT book and I look forward to reading more in this series.
202 reviews2 followers
September 21, 2020
When you pick up a book with a title like Sweethearts and Spies, you wonder whether the book will include more romance or more adventure. This book actually holds a fantastic combination of both! If you enjoy stories during the World War II time period, this is a book you will enjoy.

Emily is a French language high school teacher who wants to do more for her country. She joins the OSS in Washington DC to see how she can contribute to the war effort. In training, she meets an instructor Gerald, who questions if Emily is ready for the field. Things get even more interesting when they are placed on the same assignment together as a married couple to discourage suspicion.
The speed of the book picks up when they are located to France as radio operators. They are quickly discovered and are soon on the move. They must hide out and seek the help of strangers along the way. As they try to fight for survival, every turn makes them grow closer to each other and God.

This was a very quick read because of the pace of the story kept you wanting to read to find out what will happen to Emily and Gerald. The characters are both on a journey in their relationship with God, although it looks different. I am always grateful for a clean book that points to Christ. This was an intriguing book with a strong message.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own and I was not required to leave a positive review.
Profile Image for Sara Williams.
Author 6 books190 followers
September 27, 2020
This was a fun read. A little slow in the beginning but then it picks up the pace and finishes strong! I’ve read quite a few spy novels this year, more than I usually do, and they all have different strengths and weakness, and tell a similar story in a unique way. I admire that!

I enjoyed these characters, and their instant chemistry – not just romantic tension, but how well they got along on the page. When you think about two characters in a movie, even when they’re not romantically involved, they need to be able to get along well together on screen. On-screen chemistry. The same thing applies to a book. This author nailed it. Besides the romantic tension, you had a great pair of characters who bickered, bantered, and got along as friends, and later on, as more. It was so fun to read.

The World War II backdrop has been very popular recently, but this story took it in a new direction. There was a little bit of spying and espionage, but for half the book, they were literally running for their lives and that was tense! While coping with secret identities, and with their attraction to each other. I really enjoyed this story. If you love a good historical romance with great characters and some tense action, you’ll enjoy this story.

I received a copy from the author/publisher. This is my honest review.
September 23, 2020
I enjoyed this story as it’s a somewhat different view of World War II than found in many of the Christian historical books that are being published today. We don’t often read a book that’s based on the American spies who risked their lives in France during the war to gather and pass on information that could aid the Allies in winning the war.

It took couple of chapters for me to feel connected with the two main characters, Gerard and Emily, but I’m glad I kept reading. Once the main part of the book begins with their efforts to escape France, the tension begins to grow and we start getting a clear look at the courage and determination of these two characters. Their attempt to escape is quite suspenseful, and I kept reading “just one more chapter” to see how their story continued to unfold. Their romance is clean and sweet, and there’s a strong emphasis on faith in God’s protection and provision. My only complaint is that I felt the story ended a little too quickly. I would have liked a glimpse of them and their marriage in the future. All in all, I thought this was very good Christian historical fiction novel.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Marguerite Gray.
Author 18 books586 followers
September 17, 2020
An American high school teacher moves her energy, time, and life directly into the American cause in France during WWII. Can anyone really be trained as a spy? So many unknown variables. But sometimes we are called to do the imperceivable, the impossible. God in His wisdom does not reveal the outcome. But He does promise to be with us on the journey.
It’s hard to put myself in the path of danger in WWII occupied France. But Linda successfully places me there. I face each page ready to fight for freedom and justice. My days—my life—are tame compared to dodging SS guards, hunger, danger, bullets…Each WWII book I read exposes another element or angle of this historical era. Spies and Sweethearts carries the reader on a journey for truth and forbidden love. All in the guise of espionage!
FYI: I am a high school French teacher! I could not have turned my knowledge into being a spy. Or could I?
5,886 reviews
September 19, 2020

The beginning of Sisters in Service series, Spies and Sweethearts, is my first introduction to Linda Shenton Matchett. It is most definitely not going to be the last. I thought this was a great read. I enjoyed the romance, the adventure, the action, and the history. I was intrigued from the very first page and my attention up until the last page. I could not put it down. I had no issue having the whole book read in one sitting. Emily and Gerard were fabulous characters.

I am giving Spies and Sweethearts a very well deserved five plus stars. I am looking forward to the next installment from the Sisters in Service series, The Mechanic & The MD, to find out what happens next. I highly recommend this one for readers who enjoy clean and well written historical fiction.

I received Spies and Sweethearts from the publisher. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

772 reviews13 followers
September 24, 2020
I enjoy reading WWII books and was excited about this book. It kept my attention and had twists and adventure I didn't see coming. The biblical faith thread was well done and both of the main characters had growth in their lives. There were some errors and typos that I found, but I seem to find this type of thing easier than most people. There were some loose threads that were never wrapped up, (but they didn't make much of a difference to the story) and some inconsistencies (Emily wins the first hand of gin rummy against Gerard, but then says she's never won and then later she translated 2 kilometers as being almost 8 miles when it is only a mile and a quarter.) I was really intrigued with the premise of spies needing to escape from Nazi occupied lands. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.

I got a free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and given voluntarily. No compensation was received for my review.
Profile Image for Mary Hake.
Author 4 books287 followers
September 25, 2020
This Christian historical novel unfolds a different tale than many about World War II. School teacher Emily Strealer seeks a more meaningful life and goes for training to serve America in some secret service effort. Her challenging experiences there make her wonder if she could ever succeed in the field. Her toughest instructor, Gerard Lucas, has also come to the school to escape his problemed past. Now they’re thrown together to help in the war. Danger, duplicity, doubts, and potential death dog their lives. The characters in this action-packed story seem quite realistic as do the various settings and events portrayed. Readers get the sense they travel the adventures with the couple and learn what it was like to live through such harrowing situations as they attempt to stop the Nazis. I think the author keeps improving with each book. I received a copy from Celebrate Lit. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Betsy.
420 reviews16 followers
January 22, 2023
I really enjoyed this page-turning World War II romance, the first book in a series titled “Sisters in Service”. A French high school teacher seeking to help out with the war effort winds up being teamed with an arrogant military man on a special assignment. Loved the character development as Emily and Gerard worked through initial dislike of each other into acceptance and more. The inspirational element was beautifully written, as Emily’s faith and trust in God positively influenced and encouraged Gerard. The element of suspense as Emily and Gerard worked with the French Resistance was riveting and thought-provoking, especially considering the bravery of so many people as they fought tirelessly for their own and others’ lives and freedoms. While the ending was very satisfying, it seemed a bit abrupt and I would have loved to see an epilogue. I highly recommend this book to readers of historical romance and author Sarah Sundin.
Profile Image for Excel Andy.
168 reviews15 followers
July 27, 2020
Gerard and Emily. My two favourite characters. Emily made me see myself through her. I love her personality. I love Gerard too. I don’t want to give out spoilers.

The words of this book are easy to read. The speed at which events are unfolded is comfortable for me.

This is a Christian fiction novel that makes a reader to relax and curl into a bed to enjoy the plot.

The book cover is so beautiful.

Linda Shenton Matchett writes an engaging novel where so many lives are brought out in the book. The author delivers everything you want in a story. She has created the characters so real you won’t want to put the book down.

This book was like a movie in my mind. It was as if I was there in the plot.

I love this book so much. I am rating it 5 perfect stars. You need to read this please.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are mine.
Profile Image for Beth.
127 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2020
I love WW II books and read numerous books. This was a bit different from most of the spy books I have read. In this book, Gerald and Emily were from the US.

It took me a bit to get into the book. Mainly because I was trying to figure out if the characters were American or British. Emily is ready to do something for the war effort. She signs up with the OSS. Something happened prior to the story relating to Gerald's military career. He has been assigned to the OSS. Gerald is a bit cocky. It took a bit to like him.

The book is filled with them on the run but the life of a radio transmitter is just 6 weeks. Through the running, there are people that help them.

Emily is a Christian and continually looks to God for guidance and direction. As the book progresses, Gerald stops running from God and turns to help. I enjoyed the strong Christian reference in the book.
Profile Image for Ashley Dawn.
Author 30 books82 followers
September 30, 2020
I quite enjoyed this book. WWII era and characters that don't particularly like each other (ok, think at all) to being with is always an intriguing start to the story. Emily, I have to admit, wasn't my favorite person starting this book, but then again neither was Gerard. They both had their moments and they grew on me quickly.

I liked the fact that the characters were realistic. Some of my favorite people in the world were not anywhere close to my cup of tea when I met them. There was plenty of action for me and the book kept my interest from start to finish. I wound up really liking both characters and didn't want the story to end.

It was a 4/5 for me.

Thank you to the author/publisher for the review copy of this book via Celebrate Lit. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
199 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2020
Spies & Sweethearts is a fast-paced journey into adventure and suspense as O.S.S. agents Emily Strealer and Gerard Lucas parachute into occupied France to spy on the Germans, only to be forced to take it on the lam to try and escape capture by the Nazis. Shenton Matchett blends in humor and romance, as the two characters, in the tradition of 1940s movies, start out at odds, fall in love, but try not to let on to the other. Like movies of the time, you have a plucky heroine a la Pricilla Lane or Anne Shirley and tough on the surface hero in the mode of John Garfield or Dana Andrews, which makes their verbal sparring fun. It’s an exciting run. The novel’s references to the characters’ spiritual growth is not at all heavy handed, instead, adding to their believability.
1,324 reviews11 followers
September 18, 2020
I really enjoy Linda’s writing. I have read many of her books and they are usually pretty short and can be read quickly. This one was a bit longer, but still a quick read. And I am a fan of WWII fiction so that is always a bonus.

Emily and Gerard’s relationship is complicated for sure. As much as they try to fight their attraction they keep finding themselves together and more and more drawn to each other.

I loved Gerard’s faith journey as well. He is a doubter but as time and circumstance change so does his faith.

A copy of this book was given to me through the Celebrate Lit Team. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Debbie.
2,318 reviews4 followers
September 26, 2020
"Spies and Sweethearts,"by Linda Shenton Matchett is book one in the "Sisters in Service series" and is based mainly in Europe during WWII.

I liked this book's theme of trusting God and that Emily's faith eventually restored Gerard’s faith. It was filled with action, drama, and a hint of clean romance. I really enjoyed the scene where Gerald's prayer is answered immediately and in the most unusual way.

Reading this book really made me think about and appreciate all the sacrifices that both men and women made to help others.

I received a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

This story grabbed my attention and kept it to the very end.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews

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