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The F List

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There was a lot I did to get to this point, to get 42 million followers. Some of it I was proud of, most of it I wasn't.

There was a group of us, all internet celebrities, and everyone wanted in, which is how six of us ended up living in this mansion, a camera always on, the public always watching. Two months and nine carefully scripted TV episodes that would get us more of the three F’s we were desperately chasing.

Fame. Fortune. Followers.

I knew my role. I was Emma, the unlikeable one. The dark villain with the devious smile. The package of dynamite that would blow up any chance of peaceful living and harmony.

Cash knew his role. He was the good guy. The lovable one. The one that everyone, even the darkest cast member of them all, would fall in love with.

They were supposed to just be roles.
None of it was supposed to be real.

My heart didn't get that memo.

276 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 1, 2020

About the author

Alessandra Torre

46 books16.2k followers
Alessandra Torre (AR Torre) is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of twenty-seven romance and suspense novels. In addition to writing, she is the creator of Alessandra Torre Ink - an online community of over 40,000 published and aspiring authors.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 449 reviews
Profile Image for Alessandra Torre.
Author 46 books16.2k followers
January 13, 2021

A romance about two celebrities who can't stand - or stay away from - each other.

If you like Hollywood romances, enemies-to-lovers, or standalones that will break you out of your reading rut - you're going to love this book!

Start Reading here >> https://smarturl.it/FList
Available in paperback, ebook, and KindleUnlimited

Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
May 2, 2020
What a unique read! Alessandra Torre is known for writing some steamy reads, and yet here she has crafted a juicy, drama filled read with absolutely no sex in it. Also, this one was so much more than a book about reality tv and instagram influencers, and I truly had an incredible adventure with Cash and Emma. There's obviously romance, but it's sprinkled with a dash of emotion, suspense, and diversity. If you're looking for a compulsive read, please do yourself a favor and give The F List a read!

*This title is available in e-book format on Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,349 reviews256 followers
May 14, 2020
4 stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

I liked this story quite a lot.
It wasn't that unusual of a premise but the execution made it feel fresh and it was a totally fun read.
Great depiction of present times with all the celebrity endorsements, fan followings and carefully scripted reality TV.

This is my second book by Ms. Torres.....the first being "The Ghostwriter" and honestly I think that I am fast becoming a fan of her interesting stories and great writing .....her heroines I especially relate to as they are flawed but lovable .
Dual POV....light on the romance....a fast and thoroughly enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,106 followers
May 1, 2020
LIVE AMAZON https://smarturl.it/FList


Such a great story, I devour it!The F List is a little bit different from what I have read so far from Alessandra Torre yet it was so good!It's fast paced and quirky with great dialogues and interesting characters!

The storyline is good and I liked the build up between the characters!This is an enjoyable read, perfect for this period!It's addictive and I was intrigued!


Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
April 30, 2020
4 What is Real Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free It's LIVE!!!
Alessandra Torre wrote a book that has accomplished multiple perspectives and goals. At first look, you have a love story that definitely has a happily ever after. It will sometimes be funny, insightful of influencers, and have a story of two people who finally learn how to be truthful with each other. There were really strong moments of heart and layers of reasons why our characters do what they do.

But if you are willing, you will also experience first hand a serious look at what our current society thinks is important.
How The Actual F List of Fame, Fortune, and Followers has become the dream instead of accomplishments, talent, and hard work. It seemed to happen innocently with the access of cable and the internet.

In the past, seeing movie stars and famous people were only available at specific times like big award shows or staged photos. There was a control and that made it all the more rare and exciting. But with more access and many more award shows, the specialness wore off.

Which opened the door to other things capturing people's imagination. Videos happened, sex tapes, or fight a hot scandal. These then became ways for those they caught in action to become famous and before you knew it, a reality tv dynasty born.

Fast forward to now and how we all have access to put ourselves out there. There is no limit to who can become the next viral meme. This kind of instant fame has become one of the ways to feel important and validated. That can be fine...But it also can become something more than just being who you are.

With this in mind, Torre's The F List is perfect. It introduces us to two people who have very little in common. They cross paths when they were in high school at a party and both of them are impacted.

Our gal, Emma, comes from the wrong side of the tracks, has a crappy mother and father, and hasn't a clue of who she is. Her looks are not what she sees in the magazines or on Instagram. Nothing on her face fits and she knows it. How could she not, as she has been the target of the mean clicks so many times, it gets old.

It is one of those moments where Emma knew she made a mistake being talked into going to Cash's house party. She is right now being harrassed, circled by idiot guys making fun of her. In an instant, it stops because Cash sees what is happening and breaks it up by calling out the guys who worship him. Cash and Emma connect by just a gaze, an ask are you ok and her nod yes. Cash gets pulled away and that was that.

But that moment laid a foundation both held onto without either knowing. Years go by and Cash by being the child of a famous movie star becomes a popularity target and then the golden boy of influencers.

For Emma, her life was not so great. Still crappy and invisible. But Fate had something else in mind. Through a chain of specific unusual situations that happen around her, she is liberated, cut free, and able to pursue the life she always wanted...the one she saw every day on the internet, Twitter, and Instagram.

Emma was savvy and smart despite her parents and when her circumstances change, she goes about achieving her life goals with a vengeance. As she rises up the ladder of influencers/vloggers she finally is meeting Cash again. The results aren't what she thought it would be and strikes out causing her to become the Mean Girl with Capitals.

MTV has decided to do a house reality show and place Cash and Emma under the same roof. It is an offer both cannot refuse...and let the games begin.

And they do...captured on camera 24/7. There are people with their own agenda making sure the viewers get every snarky moment, romantic moment, and anything in between. We are privy to the manipulations by the producers and the house guests. We learn about how the pics are posed with the necessary products front and center per high paying contracts. It is all there.

There is also the real, not fake confusion Cash and Emma have about each other. This is where the love story lies. It is the pleasure of watching how Cash and Emma start to see where they may have made assumptions and how to move past them.

Emma is a character who goes through a journey of self-discovery that spans years. It is this time in the house though that causes her to have the biggest leap and be a better person. Cash has had to deal with much and he grows too. He may have a hiccup but in the end, he is able to get it together.

This wouldn't be an Alessandra Torre book without the story being told in some unique ways, she does not disappoint.

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
UPDATE-This Cover is Everything!
❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️

Andy Warhol would have Loved Loved Loved...
The Internet, YouTube, Instagram...
And all of the Impact People Derived from it...

After all, It was His Immortal Words...
"In the Future, Everyone Will Be World-Famous for 15 Minutes"...

Emma Blanton Got Warhol's Meaning...
So did Cash Mitchell...

Both Instagram Influencers...
Both Playing a Part...
Both Racking Up...

Fame. Fortune. Followers...

But They Wanted More...
And So Did MTV...

A Reality Show was Born...
With Emma and Cash...
Cast in Their Respective Roles...

Yet as the Filming Starts...
What is Reality...
And What is Truly Real...

With Hearts on the Line...
Turns Out There Was More on...

The F List-May 1, 2020

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Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
883 reviews1,156 followers
May 1, 2020
4 'Fame or love' Stars!
ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Alessandra Torre is one of those authors that is able to work around so many different types of romance novels and troupes. She can give you dark romance, steamy romance, romantic suspense, romantic comedy and so many more. And she will not fail at it. The F List was just another example of that for me. Completely different from what I have read from Torre before but still with the unique style that all her readers adore.

The F List is Alessandra’s newest standalone novel and it’s a contemporary romance between two social media influencers who can’t stand each other. Or can they? Emma was just an ordinary girl when she met Cash Mitchell for the first time. The only man who made her feel beautiful. But one night her life turns upside down. She becomes Emma Blanton, a woman now focused on becoming famous. And that is what will happen through this book, the development of Emma’s career and her interactions with Cash that will make her realize that, maybe, fame, fortune and followers is not what she needed in the end.

Emma was different. I meant what I said to her at my party—she was beautiful. Raw. Wild. Untamed. You don’t see a woman like that and forget her.

Wow! So completely different from her usual style, Alessandra Torre delivers a sweet romance with lots of ups and downs between two celebrities. I loved how Torre arranged this book, the whole thing is about hashtags, quotes and the actual story between Emma and Cash. I loved these characters, their layers, their strengths and vulnerabilities. It was a beautiful love story, sweet and focused on the couple’s evolution and not the actual sex. As I said, different from what I normally expect from Alessandra but still so good. The connection between Emma and Cash was amazing and I loved all the storyline and the characters around them (especially Wesley!).

"I don't care if the cameras know that I want you."

Therefore, I am rating The F List with 4 STARS because I surely enjoyed this new type of romance from Alessandra Torre. Unexpected, original but still with Torre’s unique writing style. I mean, I do wish the sexy chemistry between Emma and Cash to be a little bit more developed since AT is amazing at that but I understand why she kept this on the sweet side. I loved this couple and I loved their story and its happy ending. If you want to read an out of the ordinary romance from Torre, be sure to check this one out!

Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,308 followers
April 29, 2020



I loved this!

I love nothing more than Rock-Star-Romances. And even though nobody is a rock star here, we still kinda have that vibe. At least we have a Hollywood vibe. Chase is the son of a Hollywood star and he could just as well be a rock star for how much we love him and how famous he is!
Emma is ... well, she used to be nothing much. She was working a boring job at an airport hotel, when one day her luck changed. And now she's an influencer with 40 million followers. But nobody really likes her. She has somehow cultivated this bitchy persona. The world loves to hate her. And they love to love Chase. Emma kinda loves him too. He was once very nice to her at a party. But those times are over.
Now they have to move into a house for a few months for some stupid reality tv show. All in the name of followers, fame and fortune! And the producers wouldn't mind if they fell for each other in front of the cameras. And they also wouldn't mind if there was some huge drama to go with it all. Ha!



This book was really adorable! And funny and Hollywoody and a bit heartbreaking & sad too!

I just adored it. I couldn't stop reading!

I didn't really love how Chase got his 'foot' into the door in Hollywood. I didn't understand the WHY of it at all. And I also didn't really understand Emma's WHY. Why does she want to be famous in the first place? With no talent for acting or anything. How did she ever even get the idea to go to Hollywood and be someone? That was a bit weird. Just to be close to Chase? Weird.
But I completely forgot thinking about that while reading. I just loved the fighting and hating scenes between our darlings! And I was soo cheering for them to grow up and fall in love with each other. Ugh. It was frustrating but also so much fun to watch them fight for their place in ... Hollywood? Life? Why can't they just be happy out of the limelight? Together forever in peace!


Something a bit different than all the other romances out there.

I missed the sexiness a bit - and it could've been a bit longer with a bit more sparks and falling-in-love moments and other details - but I really loved reading this book!


💜 💜

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Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
May 4, 2020
4.5 #cutefeelgoodstory #cashandemmahavemyheart Stars

Alessandra Torre is a chameleon. She can write hot and sexy, mystery and suspense, and light and fluffy. The F List is a fast paced, lighthearted sweet story that has moments of tenderness, humor, anger and eventually love. Two social media influencers who share a moment and then become enemies. In today’s world, the story’s relatable qualities made me ponder and smile and be happy that sometimes reading sweet romance is wonderful and enough.

Emma Blanton wants it all and I mean all. She wants fame, fortune and followers. She grew up with nothing and vows to get and be something no matter what. Cash Mitchell is a celebrity’s son who has grown up with everything, including the spotlight and now the followers. But these two don’t play nice, even though they each think about the other, they can’t look past their stubbornness. But eventually walls come down but nothing lasts forever. Throw in family drama and a sweet brother named Wesley, The F List makes for a delightful afternoon read. #lovedeveryminute

*advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Betül.
1,040 reviews284 followers
April 29, 2020
**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

The F List is about Emma and her dream is to be rich and famous. This is a dream of a lot of young girls and this social media era has really brought this to a whole another level. This books gives us a look into the background of what these people would do to get more followers. Emma is the unlikable one and she is okay with that. I have to say that I really didn't like her, so she played her role really well. Cash who is the golden boy, the son of a Hollywood star, and has been in the limelight since the moment he was born. Emma loves the attention while Cash rather has less of it. I personally didn't really enjoy the first half the book, I just couldn't connect with Emma on any level, so that lessened my enjoyment of the story. The moment the filming for the reality show started, the story picked up. Also I started seeing a different side to Emma, and I began to warm up to her. There was also one side-character that completely stole my heart, and I loved his interactions with Emma. You'll know who I am talking about when you meet him.

I just didn't have enough time to fully connect to the main characters Emma and Cash. The moment these two started getting together, we were already at the last quarter of the book. I wanted to spend more time with them and see them grow more as a couple and as individuals. I didn't fully believe in their love/romance because it was rushed at the end. This is the reason I am giving this a three star rating, because for the rest it was a solid light romance, with funny moments. Also the ending felt a bit unrealistic, and no way that they can keep living like that for the rest of their lives, especially in this era. The story was unique and not something I had read before, and I wouldn't mind reading more books in a reality tv show setting. The story was well-written, which was to be expected because Alessandra Torre is a great author. I look forward to her writing more of these light and fun romances.
Profile Image for Lien.
296 reviews238 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 2, 2020
DNF at 37%

➤ super unlikeable, shallow and noisy heroine
➤ first 37% is about her way to fame, I was bored out of my mind tbh and everything felt too superficial for me
➤ h and H, to this point, had 3 maybe 4 interactions, so not enough
➤ didn't like the narration style, too much "inner-monologue-telling"(? what's the word I'm looking for?) and not enough dialogue for me. I don't know if it improves or changes when the book gets to the reality TV part but I'm honestly not invested enough to find out
Profile Image for Sophie "Beware Of The Reader".
1,445 reviews381 followers
April 26, 2020
4,5 “read in one day” stars


“I didn’t deserve this. I’d stolen a dead man’s phone. I owed Amy twelve dollars from takeout three days ago. I’d faked a doctor’s note to get an extra paid sick day at work. I hadn’t done anything in my life which warranted this sort of blessing, and I cried because the hope it gave me was terrifying.”


I read this book in one day and it had not happened to me in months!

Reading at that quote above, I realize that I had forgotten how Alessandra always pulls me into her characters story right from the start. I had somehow forgotten this talent of her. She gives us enough menial and gritty details about their quicks and flaws to make us empathize and instantly connect with them.

Emma was just an ordinary girl who had been insecure her whole life. With bad teeth she’s been bullied and mocked, never helping her to gain confidence. With no special education, no special talent, she survives working as a clerk at a hotel when fortune will smile on her.

With one more million on her bank account she’ll go on the long road to becoming a celebrity.

Her encounter long ago at a party with Cash Mitchell, golden boy in Hollywood will deeply affect her life goal. She wants to be seen. She wants to be famous, to matter to other people.


Only…she will take a questionable road, often trashing other famous people. Smart with a sharp tongue, she’ll soon become an influencer.


I really loved how Alessandra explains How to get famous 101. It's cynical yet radical and realistic.


“Here’s what we have.” He took the empty sugar packets and lined them up in a row in front of his cup. “We have money. We have fame. We have celebrity.” He stabbed each packet as he spoke. “And then we have talent.” He moved the fourth packet away from the others. “Talent is something I can’t teach you. You either have it, or you don’t, and there’s a big difference between pretending to be something you aren’t—which is something that we all do every single day—and acting out a role on camera. So let’s talk about these other things. Money, fame, and celebrity. Those, I can get you, but it’s going to require that you trust me implicitly and give me a full year.”


The question is: when is it enough? When are you famous enough? And did it bring you really what you were looking for? What are you ready to do for fame?


All these are recurring questions in the storyline. Very pertinent question in these days of social media influencer.


Aside the “becoming famous” storyline, you of course have an “enemies to lover” trope.

It was really gleeful to witness Emma and Cash’s interaction.

“She wasn’t here because of a crush or a desire to know me. She was here for a press mention, which meant that Hollywood had eaten my Cinderella and spit out this put-together blonde carbon copy.”

Their harsh comments, the hard comebacks that could never mask their underlying mutual attraction.

Cash was the classic “good guy” with a higher level of hotness and some skeleton in his closet.

While he played the blighted white knight, Emma had the bad girl role. I even confess that in the beginning, Emma seemed shallow and unpleasant.

“Some women were made to be loved. I was made to be hated.”

But the more we get to know her, the more we see what she DOES and not just stop at what she SAY, the more I wanted to befriend her and root for her.  She hid a golden heart under her unfriendly public personae.


It was really a very enjoyable read. The one I so needed in these weird times. It’s enlightening, fun, thoughtful under a seemingly shallow veneer and so in tune with today’s social media society!

Read it, I promise you’ll have a wonderful time!

Have you read Alessandra's books? Do you love books about fame?
Thansk for reading!


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Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,931 followers
May 11, 2020
This was a very strange romance that ended up working for me. It has the trappings of a wish-fulfillment fantasy in that the main characters have fame and fortune and they make no bones about the fakery and image-maintenance involved. But it's all very shallow and the story doesn't flinch from the cost of their attention-seeking or the behind-the-scenes maneuvering to get there. So it has enough grubby detail to undermine the wish-fulfillment part—enough so that I don't think it actually qualifies at all. It's really just so much background and tension/conflict building for the romance.

And Torre did an amazing job with Emma. This is a tough character because we are privy to her manipulations and artifice so giving her a core of decency was essential to this working as a romance. It was frankly brilliant to attach that illustration of (latent) decency to her finding a fulfilling relationship with Cash's Down Syndrome brother, Wesley. Her initial contact had ulterior motives that spoke poorly of her, but her conversion on meeting him and volunteering at his residence was outstanding and I think Torre did an excellent job showing how that emotional outlet served as her true grounding in ways that let me roll with her dubious choices in the rest of her career.

Cash was difficult in an entirely different way. His image is pristine but the realities of his career belie that image in ways important to the story. I mean, his job is no different, no more authentic or laudable, than Emma's is and just because his brand is "cleaner" doesn't mean he's actually any better as a person. So showing that rot without making him a complete hypocrite and user was (probably) nearly as difficult. It works partially through his care for his brother, but is underscored by brief moments of care he extends Emma even when we know he suspects her motives and character.

And I'm not even going to kvetch about the dark moment because frankly, it was telegraphed from the start and obvious enough that only the manifestation was in question. And that usually gets on my nerves, but I didn't really care this time. I think that's because it was based on something core to both characters' decency and along a fracture line in both their core motivations (). So I could also see that the dark moment was needed as a cleanser for the built-up toxicity they'd shared to that point. It was an interesting effect for a dark moment and Torre delivered it with real skill.

Their lives are a bit too tawdry for me to give this a full five stars. I don't know how accurate Torre is about trendsetters and the new media personalities. I suspect she did a lot of research because the details come across as authentic, if somewhat disturbing (because somewhat disturbing?). Disturbing enough to interfere (mildly) with my engagement with the story. But it's a solid four stars, even so, and that's a real achievement, I think.

A note about Chaste: Another strange choice in the story is that there's no steam. It wasn't a surprise when Emma confesses a bit past midway that she is a virgin; I had suspected as much given her background and core insecurity. But I was surprised when the author pulls the curtains near the end when they spend the night together and the presumption of sex is supported by their increased (emotional and physical) intimacy later. That was a key point of their growing intimacy and not showing those details risks leaving readers unclear or uncertain of developments. But I think it was a good choice because the first-person narrative structure was very conversational, almost epistolary, with direct fourth-wall-breaking address in parts. And it wasn't detail that either party would share in the nature of the narrative to that point. Anyway, I consider this chaste, but not a lot of others would. And not just for the fact that sex happens off-page, but because there's at least one other scene of kissing without a lot of clothing and with some minor fondling involved. So it's a very close call.
Profile Image for Dennis.
907 reviews1,859 followers
May 3, 2020
Well, I just spent my day reading this awesome contemporary romance novel by Alessandra Torre. The F List dives into the world of online celebrity. This phenomenon has been growing ever since social media and the Kardashians obtained notoriety. The F List dives into the world of two influencers, how they starred in a reality-show, and how they began a storyline for ratings. This cute romance is reminiscent of Christina Lauren novels, so I highly suggest picking up this book if you've read any of their books. I really enjoyed the bird's eye view of "the online celebrity" and I also found that the romance in this novel really was portrayed interestingly. I definitely would pick up another book from this author.
Profile Image for Sian.
300 reviews143 followers
May 21, 2020
Im going to be completely honest here - this isn’t a particularly special book. There’s nothing spectacular about the pacing or setting or characters. It wasn’t bad by any means... just not amazing.

The F List is told in a sort of journal or biography style. It was very much telling me rather than showing me the events which is usually a big no no but worked really well for this story.

Where the F List really shines is in its discussion of social media fame and self esteem. The female main character was a ‘white trash’ nobody who, when she wins the lottery she pays a manager to help get her famous. The book really looked into why she wanted to be seen so much. Her pursuit of fame is completely manufactured by her team in a way I had always thought wasn’t possible. Torre really exposes how clinical Instagram fame is.

The male main character was born into this fame. It was interesting to bounce the couple against each other, how he couldn’t understand why the girl was so ruthless in acquiring that fame.

In terms of romance, i usually love enemies to lovers but honestly I wasn’t interested. It was kind of lacklustre. I think the problem was that because I wasn’t in love with the characters separately, I didn’t care too much with them together.

Maybe it’s my naïveté, but the accusations about the female MC being a pedophile were... a little out of the left field? I just didn’t fully understand the purpose of that plot line? Or I did but I didn’t understand why it was necessary. It was hard to read and served no real greater purpose to the plot or provide any meaning to the story. Plot devices like that shouldn’t be used carelessly and it was a little distasteful.

I loved the ending. I loved that they decided that enough was enough. It felt like a great moment of healing for them to say ‘we’ve made enough money but this isn’t making us happy anymore so we’re gonna leave’. Social media becomes an addiction for most of us but when you’re making serious money off it, I can empathise with how significant of a decision that was for them. It was a really nice ending.
Profile Image for Myla.
634 reviews120 followers
April 29, 2020

"𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙. 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙."
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 was such a delightfully funny and tender story. I enjoyed every moment of reading this book. The lead character, Emma, takes us on a wild ride on how to be famous and she'll do anything to be the "it" girl. By joining a reality show, Emma knew this will boost her career. In that reality show, she'll be spending some time with Cash Mitchell, a showbiz royalty, as one of the housemates. Here's the thing, they don't like each other. Cash accused Emma of using him to gain followers and Emma didn't deny it. That's what I like about Emma she owns whatever she said or did. Will the animosity between these two continue or being in the same house will give them a better perspective who the real Emma and Cash are?

You can't stop reading to find out what comes next. It has everything a reader could ask for in a romantic comedy or enemy to lovers' story. The writing is engaging. I leave this story truly happy.

Note: I reviewed an advance reader copy of this book and gave my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,680 reviews881 followers
May 1, 2020
A supremely intelligent, Behind-The-Scenes look at the rise and fall of celebrities which live on our cellphones. Every hour tabulated on the graph sheet of our symbiotic obsessions. The collusive, calculated appearances and timed affairs that are nothing but Fake News!
"The three F’s we were desperately chasing.


Alessandra has penned a story that rings so true about social media obsessed millennials, who wake up on Instagram, spend the day on Twitter and go to sleep on Facebook. Their lives chronicled by their cellphone cameras and their self worth measured by their followers. Alessandra is a solid presence on social media herself and this satirical commentary makes even more sense, as she supposedly has an inside scoop on setting the perfect stage to get a perfect shot. A smoke and mirrors effigy of a Perfect Life, envied and craved by the followers.
"I loved the idea of her, and the idea of you, and this life you lead, and that's why people follow you, you know?
It's because they want so desperately to be a part of your world. They want you to like just one of their comments. Or to show them just one stupid and insignificant piece of your life."

It'd be pathetic if not sadly true.
Emma is shallow and selfish but that's who she really starts out as. Cash's personality is intentionally hidden. As the story progresses, you see the growth of these one dimensional cardboard cutouts and evolve as human beings. It's truely remarkable to see them come to live and fill their hollow Ness with emotions and sentiments


I applaud Torres understanding of this as an ailment that is plaguing our world today and this story couldn't have landed at a better time. Current Pandemic has showed us our true worth in the bigger scheme of things. It's opened our eyes on what truely matters in life.
Alessandra creates these hollow, media obsessed bunch of characters. Emma Blanton is the creation of her media manager - Vidal Franklin and her comrade-in-arms, Bojan Frost.
"I was beginning to see my investment in myself. And my fame as the shallow and pointless fantasies. Of an ugly and uninteresting girl"


They smooth out her rough edges, glam her up, get rid of her trailer trash image and a star is born!!
Cash Mitchell on the other other hand is a star child, born with a silver spoon in his mouth and golden in his butt.
"An ascribed celebrity- you're born, you're famous and you decide how long you'll ride the train and how far it'll take you"!
Both are set up to meet and are few vantage paparazzi clicks away from instant boost in followers and stardom. Their orchestrated lives move to House Of Fame, a reality show where hundreds of cameras catch their blinks and grimaces.


The story that unfolds serves as an education and enlightenment for my dumb soul. The extent to which the TMZ-esque drama is organized and executed leaves me agape. I can't imagine how Torre researched and who she talked to to get the info, but I am surprised out of my mind.
Factual to an uneasy degree and nuanced to perfection, Torre tears down the curtain to show us the ugly side of celebrity lives.


#LivingLifeOnInstagram #Casma #AscribedCelebrities #HouseOfFame #PureSoulWesley #BlewMyMind #MeaningOfLife #HappinessMatters
5 stars for Hash tag Life Matters
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Profile Image for Amy.
1,636 reviews186 followers
April 26, 2020
I love this book. From the hilarity to the hashtags, Alessandra Torre tells one fun story.

Emma wants to be famous. That's it. Fame and the fortune that comes with it. She wants to escape her self-involved parents and find some sort of limelight. If it can't be through talented means, and because she isn't related to someone famous, she has to get into Instagram influencing. (I liked the scenes where we learn how Emma built her following base.) Fame, though, turns out to be somewhat unsatisfactory, particularly when Emma realizes that what she really wants--what she really really wants--is Cash Mitchell.

Unlike Emma, Cash has fame, the sort that comes with an actress mother. Nonetheless, he, too, is an influencer, and he, too, likes watching his followers increase. The first time he and Emma meet is interesting, and I loved that we get both perspectives on that night. Now, years later, they are reunited on a "reality" TV show. He fights his attraction to her, whereas she tries to rein in her attraction to him.

This is a quick read that lets you escape into a whole other world. I like how different this is for Alessandra Torre in that it isn't erotic. In fact, sex isn't really a part of this story. Attraction, yes. Lust, yes. Torre plays with those two, in fact. Attraction to fame, lust for attention.

When you sell yourself on social media, what kind of life do you really have? What do you have left for yourself? Torre's characters confront this, but it doesn't get too heavy. She gives you just enough to think about without feeling like you're in a lecture. It's fun. Emma and Cash, for all of her disasters and his sense of disquiet, are fun. I liked them, and I want more of them.

And I really want more of Bojan.


Profile Image for Susan's Reviews.
1,163 reviews658 followers
February 22, 2021
I needed this one! I have a pretty cheerful temperament, but this quarantine is just hard! I needed the drama, the laughs and the HEA of this very well written contemporary novel!

Loved the Cinderella/Ugly Duckling to a Swan tropes. I loved the relationship between Emma and Chase's brother Wesley, who has Downs Syndrome. One minor caveat: I am NOT a fan of Jerry Springer antics: physical violence is not the answer, folks! This book has a few of these episodes, but there was enough emotional angst and drama to offset this descent into mayhem. I never understand why people are amused/entertained by all the dirty-laundry exposure that goes hand in hand with social media fame. (Okay, true confession time: I've been sending pictures of my recent bread-making achievements to family and friends, but that is because I am such a terrible cook that these minor achievements should be commemorated in the Guinness Book of World Records.)

We need books like these that will make us laugh and worry about someone else's problems. I was more than happy to sit in the park, in the shade, and read this very well written, often humorous book. As of February 22, 2021, this book is free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription! Time for a reread!!!
April 25, 2020
#Unputadownable #Thatending #CashandEmma

I’ve been having a huge funk with reading lately. This Corona depression is real and it has affected me greatly. But.. this book took all that away. It bought me back to earth and made me realize why I love reading. The depression I have felt, lifted. I actually woke up this morning feeling great and couldn’t wait to finish reading The F List.

This book is so good!!! It’s nothing like I’ve read before. From the quotes and hashtags. I’ve laughed, cried and felt all warm and fuzzy. I even got shivers and it still makes me smile just thinking about it.

Cash is everything you think he would be until he’s not. There’s more to him and some of the things that I read about him I needed to know more. I loved/hated him. I didn’t understand him at first but boy did that change.

Emma is a hot mess. A huge hot mess. I related to her so much and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. #LOL I love how she reinvented herself even if it wasn’t nice at times. I love her sarcasm. Her Emmanesims. (That’s probably spelt wrong) I wish she was real so I could be her best friend.

Guys my heart is huge right now. #HUGE Just thinking about this book. It’s exactly what I needed and at a point in my life that was looking grim. I want to give Alessandra a shout out and say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for providing an arc and thank you for helping me get out of this funk. This is the best book I’ve read so far this year. It’s amazing!

If y’all want a funny, quirky, sarcastic read then look no further. The F List has you covered. It’s not only those things but it has heart, warmth and angst. In a time that you want to forget what’s happening this book is a perfect way to do that. Read it because it’s good for your soul and mental health. Read it just because.
Profile Image for Liv.
804 reviews5 followers
May 15, 2020
Ok, so I went into this book expecting a vapid, "celebrity" romance with characters you love you hate - a bit like car crash tv, where you judge yourself for how much you want to keep watching. However, what I got was a book that I adored, with characters that I genuinely loved!

I was surprised by how much of the story was the backstory of Emma and Cash, but it really worked, giving you a more in depth look at characters that actually had fairly ordinary insecurities and just made mistakes. The ending was one of my favourite endings ever!

I devoured this book in a few hours because I couldn't put it down. Possibly my favourite romance of the year!

I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog).
1,003 reviews479 followers
September 30, 2020
What a surprising little treat from Alessandra Torre. It’s totally different from the other books I’ve read by her. There’s no suspense, no big twists, no dark subject matter, and *gasp* no sex. It’s just a light, super quick read.

I’ve always been puzzled by celebrities who are rich and famous due to their social media influence rather than their talent or accomplishments. This story explores the artificial and superficial world of celebrity through Emma’s fame-hungry eyes.

Emma is transparent in her calculated rise to fame and fortune. The amount of effort that goes into social media content, “candid” pictures, product placement, and staged gatherings — all in the name of followers and clicks — is fascinating and astonishing. Despite the fact that Emma is selfish, I liked her because underneath it all is a lonely, insecure young woman who just wants to be noticed. She actually does have a kind heart and moral compass. I enjoyed Cash’s love-hate chemistry with her.

The scripted reality show scenario is as ludicrous as most reality TV is, and the ending is rather extreme. However, I really needed a fun book that didn’t take itself too seriously, and this one suited me just fine.

Recommended for fans of:
Reality TV

Reading Frenzy Book Blog
Profile Image for Alessandra Torre.
Author 46 books16.2k followers
Want to read
April 21, 2020
Preorder now on all retailers:
Amazon: https://smarturl.it/FList
Apple: https://smarturl.it/FListAB
Kobo: https://bit.ly/2XJtCYb

My favorite book quotes:
“I knew, early on, that Cash liked Emma. I mean that he really liked her, not just what you saw on the show. His eyes would move to her, wherever she was. And if she wasn’t in the room, then he was looking for her. It was really sweet, but I was the only one who caught on to it. Everyone else… maybe even them… thought that they hated each other.”
Profile Image for Zairobe25.
824 reviews
June 6, 2020
Yo adoré este libro, adoré absolutamente a esta protagonista, es que la amé, esta autora tiene la habilidad de escribir historias totalmente diferentes, no copia a nadie, ni siquiera a ella misma, sus historias son muy diferentes unas de otras, es muy versátil. Como ya dije adore a Emma, es una chica fuerte, decidida, y muy sola, no cuenta con nadie a pesar de estar rodeada de gente, se que algunas personas se sienten o sentirán lo opuesto a mi con respecto a Emma, pero yo no la quise a pesar de sus defectos, es gracias a ellos que me gusto tanto. Empecé el libro sin muchas expectativas, en un momento de mi vida que no tengo tiempo de leer, y que además nada me atrapa, pero con este desde las primeras páginas no hubo vuelta atrás, lloré con esta protagonista, honestamente no se porque, no se si solo fue a mi la que hizo sentir asi, no creo que fuera la intención de la autora sacar lágrimas, no es ese tipo de libro, pero es que sentía tan profundamente las situaciones por las que pasaba Emma, me inundaban las emociones. Si me preguntas si recomiendo este libro, te diré absolutamente si, a lo mejor no te gustará tanto como a mí, pero eso solo lo sabrás después de leerlo.
197 reviews
May 1, 2020
Am I missing something here? Where was the chemistry or romance or connection? These characters spent so much time apart how could you possibly believe that they were in love? I reallllly did not get it and feel like I’m totally missing something.

And I get that the author kept it PG for a reason which I’m totally on board with but where is the love between these two. There wasn’t any PG romance at all and to top it off these two were just so unlikeable. Complete fail as a book.
Profile Image for Joud.
6 reviews180 followers
May 14, 2020
This book tells the story of Cash and Emma who are both in Showbiz industry. Emma has always been insecure about her looks and called ugly. This story tells how life can change in an instant and Emma's transformation is nothing short of incredible. Cash is her frenemy and their love story is not just run-of-the-mill. There were a lot of unexpected things in this book and I absolutely loved how it all came together at the end. I wish we could have a sequel for this book.
Profile Image for Laura Cunha.
543 reviews34 followers
November 8, 2020


Quem segue o blog com frequência já deve ter reparado que eu gosto do trabalho da Alessandra Torre, seja os seus livros eróticos, seja os seus livros mais diferentões. Acho que Alessandra como autora consegue trabalhar bem vários estilos.

E The F List não é exceção na sua lista de bons livros, apesar de seguir uma linha não muito explorada pela autora, o humor.

Dessa vez, temos a história de Emma, uma jovem de aparência mediana que vive em Los Angeles, mas que tem um sonho distante de se tornar celebridade. Quando uma oportunidade inesperada surge, ela aposta todas as suas fichas, porém, sua fama acaba vindo pelo fato de que ela não é exatamente uma pessoa legal, e sim por causa da sua língua afiada e falta de filtro.

The F List tem um enredo extremamente divertido nesse sentido, explorando os absurdos do mundo das celebridades de internet, onde tudo está ligado ao número de seguidores e hashtags patrocinadas. E com uma gama bastante interessante de personagens, como Emma, a nova celebridade do pedaço, Cash, o menino de ouro nascido em Hollywood, Bojan, o badboy, e Wesley, o filho que vive sendo escondido pela família famosa.

Eu mencionei que ainda por cima tem um reality show no meio? Pois bem, tem, e torna as coisas ainda mais divertidas.

Como a maioria dos livros da Alessandra Torre, tem umas passagens mais calientes, mas esse não é o objetivo desse volume, é só aquele saborzinho extra.

Recomendo especialmente para quem gosta de livros sobre celebridades.
Profile Image for Jean.
801 reviews49 followers
September 2, 2020
What a unique change of storytelling,  and I really liked it! 

It's a quick read once you get started....it had me flipping the pages to see what would happen next. 
You see, some of the story is laid out through social media and it was done really well!
Emma had a crappy childhood and wasn't the prettiest girl at school and maybe that's why she went the direction she did.  But there was one moment in her miserable younger days when someone did take notice of her, Cash, the popular good looking guy with a famous actress for a mother.

But then that was it. And Emma had a lucky streak which allowed her to have a complete makeover. And she was obviously desperate for attention.  Her main goal was building her followers through social media one way or another.  Her brutal bashing of Cash pretty much got her recognized and you would think that was the end for them.

But an opportunity to be on a reality show could not be passed up by Emma. And of course, Cash was b going to be one if the roommates. Win-win situation??? Probably not!!

Like I said, I really loved the way the whole story played out.  It was a refreshing change!
Shout out to Wesley, Cash's brother, who was such a sweet added touch to this book. 

I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,083 reviews
May 6, 2020
The F List is a new standalone contemporary romance.

Alessandra Torre writes all different types of books. This one is quite different from the other AT books that I have read, but it was enjoyable. This one is a romance, but with no sex.

The F List stands for the three F's: fame, fortune and followers. The chapter titles have cute funny hashtags, which I liked very much.

This book has two narrators: Emma (24) and Cash (27). They are both 1st person POVs.

The story is about social media influencers. And a big focus of the story is an MTV scripted reality tv show.

Emma was an intriguing girl. In many ways her persona was of a selfish, opportunistic, cold and ruthless villain. While Cash's persona was being the good guy with a movie star mother.

The beginning goes back in time (in Emma's life) and then moves forward to the present (with the reality show). I would have preferred that more of the book be focused on the present. But I found her entire life before to be very interesting. However, I wish that the romance had been a bigger focus of the book. Emma's infatuation with Cash was prominent throughout the book. But I just would have wanted more time spent on the actual romance.

I was interested in Cash's family. Especially his brother and his mother. I loved every scene that his brother Wesley was in. What a great character. I also adored Emma's friend Bojan. And loved his scenes as well.

Honestly the very end was not what I was expecting. And I'm not sure how I feel about it. But overall this was a light, fun, funny, quick read. The book was cute and very entertaining.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 449 reviews

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