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Skin and Bones

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In this brilliant first thriller, in the vein of Peter James, a killer goes on the rampage in a quiet Sussex village, leaving only one witness — a woman fighting for her life.

On a cold January morning, a nightmare awaits a small Sussex village. A deranged young man goes on the rampage, shooting everyone in his path before taking his own life. It is a senseless, tragic event, but sadly not an unfamiliar one.

At least, that’s what everyone thinks. Only Julia Trent — believed to be the sole survivor — knows that there was a second man involved. But after being shot and badly injured, her account of the massacre is ignored.

But she cannot let it rest there. Together with Craig Walker, the journalist son of one of the victims, Julia sets out to find the truth. As they peel back the layers of a dark and dangerous conspiracy, they discover the slaughter didn’t begin on that bitter day in January. And worst of all, it won’t end there.

From the Trade Paperback edition.

432 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2008

About the author

Tom Bale

10 books241 followers
Tom Bale is the author of nine thrillers, published between 2006 and 2018.

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Profile Image for Emma.
999 reviews1,110 followers
October 15, 2016
Tom Bale has quickly become a name you can trust for the bloody thriller. You can happily pick up any of his books and know that you are going to be entertained by assorted styles of violent action told in enthusiastic detail, and be left with a pleasurably high body count. This one involves a terrifyingly accomplished slaughter of a small village, behind which is a labyrinthine plot and back stabbing galore. Stupendous work, perfect for a Saturday afternoon read with a nice cup of tea and a cucumber sandwich.
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews480 followers
August 20, 2016
What a twisty tale that was, so naturally I enjoyed it immensely.

A massacre takes place in a small country town. Julia Trent is chased by the gunman but somehow survives. She is contacted by the son (Craig) of one of the victims and, because they don't feel safe, they set out to discover the truth about the shooting, particularly the identity of a mysterious second gunman whom authorities don't believe exists. Naturally things really hot up for Julia and Craig as they get closer to the truth.

Most of the time I had no idea what was happening. There was a bunch of characters who didn't seem to fit yet you knew they would come into play. The author kept implying that it was all to do with a proposed development around the village but I couldn't see how that fitted in. In the end it was relevant and not relevant.

As I said, a very twisty plot. I'm liking the way Tom Bale thinks.
Profile Image for Linda.
722 reviews39 followers
January 26, 2014
Another debut that really is rather good. The only trouble I had with the book (and it is me not the author)were the characters. There seemed to be so many that I had trouble keeping the list of who was who straight in my head.
The book starts with a village shooting, a massacre really. Julia Trent is chased by the gunman and is able to hide in a tree, where she witnesses a second gunman clad all in black with a helmet covering his face. This gunman shoots the original gunman, he knows Julia is in the tree and peppers the tree with shots until she falls to the ground. Interrupted by sirens he leaves, but Julia knows he wont be happy til he finishes her off. No one will believe there was a second gunman, so Julia sets out to find the truth with the help of one of the victims sons.
Lots of twists at the end and almost impossible to figure out what was going on. Will be looking out for more books by this author
Profile Image for Karen.
1,959 reviews107 followers
February 9, 2010
Tom Bale, it seems, is a pseudonym for David Harrison who wrote SINS OF THE FATHER in 2006, which goes some way to explaining the deftness of touch in this crime fiction thriller. It may also go some way to explaining how the author has managed to install an almost cinematic feel to the action.

In an opening series of scenes that, frankly, were so chilling that they disturbed this reader, everything starts out very quietly one very cold January morning in the sleepy English village of Chilton. Julia Trent's in town to continue clearing out the house of her recently deceased parents - a dreadful accident with a malfunctioning boiler, they both died in their sleep. A glance to the left that cold morning, and Julia is involved. Closely pursued by a deranged young man, who has already shot everyone in his path on that quiet January morning, she's running away from a man who is taunting her, enjoying her terror. Saved once when Phillip Walker, already wounded, sacrifices himself, she thinks she might be saved again when a lone figure in a motorcycle helmet and leathers approaches the man on the village green. She quickly finds out she was very very wrong.

Julia - not a spoiler - she's one of the central characters in the novel after all, survives, albeit after being badly injured. But her story of the second man is dismissed as the panic, the fright, delusion on her part. Nobody else in Chilton, (because there were other people who survived in hiding, traumatised themselves) reported seeing the second man. The only person who believes her is Craig, Phillip Walker's son. Craig has had his own problems in recent life with a marriage that is strained to breaking point already by his wife's infidelity, so the pointless, tragic death of his father, in an act of selfless bravery saving Julia, is a turning point for him. Both Julia and Craig have to find this second man, because they know he was there, and because they know he wants Julia, in particular, to stay silent.

This is a book that says quite a bit about manipulation, control and influence. The terror that Julia experiences is beautifully executed by this author, the flight, the pursuit and the ultimate confusion over the appearance of the second man. "The killer" as he's referred to makes that fleeting appearance in the first part of the book, but his presence is felt throughout, his identity hidden as he slowly reveals himself, talking to his own controller, watching Julia and Craig, alternatively menacing and yet, there's something else about him as well. There's also the developer George Matheson - a man who has been trying to redevelop the little village, a proposal that Craig's father Phillip was vehemently opposed to. George is, in his own right, a fascinating character. At the same time that the massacre occurs, and he and his nephew Toby are talking about how to redevelop Chilton, George's wife Vanessa is dying from cancer. George seems to be genuinely distressed by the events that took place in Chilton, and yet there is the possibility that he is somehow involved.

There are some elements to SKIN AND BONES that don't work quite as well though. The anonymous "killer" scenes in which he reveals his thinking, his manipulating, and his own puppet-master are predictable although well written, and I would suspect that readers will be able to make a reasonable stab at the anonymous killer's identity. Stay with it though, as all is not as it seems, and there are some surprises to come. It does feel very wrong to be using a word like enjoyed about a book that starts out with a shooting massacre. I did enjoy it though, this is a really good crime fiction book with well executed thriller aspects, and a couple of central characters in Julia and Craig who you really are going to want the best for.
Profile Image for Anne Wright.
357 reviews8 followers
February 3, 2015
Skin and Bones by Tom Bale

I give this book 4.50 out of 5

I really enjoyed reading this book, it was harrowing in the beginning with memories of Hungerford. But once the story gets underway there are other things to concentrate on.

Julia Trent is our heroine who is gutsy and stubborn. She has lost both her parents in a fluke accident when carbon monoxide invaded the house during a particularly cold spell. The boiler was turned up during the night, Julia goes to see them and finds them dead in bed. After a period of grief she feels she can go to the cottage and start sorting it out.

On arrival in the village she wonders why its so quiet but as she has other things on her mind she does not register the quiet.

On leaving the corner shop after buying milk and biscuits she finally notices the post van and legs lying on the floor. As she approaches she see's the postie dead, shot.

Craig Walker is our hero and a sports journalist, he is married with two children and is just about to find out that his father is dead, the victim of the shooting spree in the village he lives in.

Max Kendrick, A Trinidadian living in England and looking to take over the business of George Mathison.

George and Vanessa Mathison, Vanessa has a nephew who George has been employing in the business, She is dying and George is distracted.

Toby is Vanessa's nephew and he is in debt to Vilner who is working for (well you need to read the book to see who is actually working for who and how the dynamics of the relationships work out.

Toby is weak and money grabbing, wanting the money but doesn't want to earn it. Kendrick wants to take over a reputable company to legitimize his money.

A deranged young man kills everyone he see's in the village and when he see's Julia he fires at her. Then kills himself. Julia believed to be the sole survivor knows there was a second shooter, but no one else does. She joins forces with Craig Walker who is determines to find out why his father has been shot.

A painful journey through Julia's recovery. She is told by the police she has not seen another shooter but because of her history she is imagining things.

I found the book compelling, not an easy read but a page turner however. The pace is fast and you have to concentrate to keep up with the clues as they are discovered. A really good first book.

Profile Image for Abbie.
248 reviews165 followers
July 18, 2016
After reading and loving See How They Run I had added more Tom Bale books to my TBR list. I decided to read Skin and Bones as part of my 10 books of summer as I liked the fact that it started with a massacre.

Tom has rapidly become one of my favourite thriller writers. I love his descriptions and his use of similes really set my imagination on fire. He makes the mundane incredibly chilling;

‘She’d been shot in the back of the head. The resulting debris lay around her like old porridge.’

The book starts with a bang when we are transported to a sleepy, middle class village in Sussex in the midst of a massacre. Brilliantly written, Tom conveys a silence and a stillness in the village that gives the reader a real sense of foreboding. I thought to myself “yes this it what it would probably be like” and you really feel as though you are there and experiencing the situation along with the character, Julia. His pace is perfect, ending paragraphs and chapters at just the right moment to keep you on the edge of your seat. Tom is a master at building tension!

This is no ordinary massacre, however, and what transpires is a host of secrets, bitterness and despicable business men. The middle part of the book did slow down a little bit, however, it was ratcheted up again towards the latter half. Full of twists and turns and questions over who can and cannot be trusted it kept me turning the pages.

There are a lot of characters within the book, however, I was able to keep up with them all. I particularly liked Julia Trent, a strong woman despite, or maybe because of, all she has been through.

I really enjoyed this book, the writing is excellent and it took me on a journey I did not expect. I am waiting with baited breath for Tom’s next novel and will be reading my way through his previous books.

Part of my 10 books of summer challenge. Other books I have read in the challenge, along with my other reviews can be seen at www.bloominbrilliantbooks.com

Profile Image for Baba.
3,812 reviews1,273 followers
April 27, 2020
Quite a good thriller by British author Tom Bale. Julia Trent witnesses a Hungerford-like massacre occurs in a small Sussex village. The world is shocked at the actions of the supposed demented madman who allegedly committed suicide afterwards. It is then that Julia realises that she is the only person who was aware of a second gunman... and sports & features journalist Craig Walker, the son of one of the victims joins Julia in trying to get some proof that a second gunman existed... whilst the said second gunman hunts them. 6 out of 12.
Profile Image for ✨ Aaron Jeffery ✨.
656 reviews18 followers
March 26, 2021
this was a fun and bloody read, some of the twists I guessed but others I did not. Julia was an amazing character!
Profile Image for Cathy Hayes.
109 reviews2 followers
December 6, 2018
So disappointed in this book, it was a great page turner until about three quarters of the way through when I guessed the villain and the violence ratcheted up to a crazy and unconvincing level.
Profile Image for CuteBadger.
765 reviews14 followers
January 4, 2012
A massacre in a quiet Sussex village is thought to be the work of a lone gunman, but one of the survivors is sure she saw a second man. Working with the journalist son of one of the murdered victims, she tries to get to the truth about what happened, but puts herself in danger.

I read a lot of crime fiction and found this a good example of the genre. However, I found myself more interested in the characters and how they developed, rather than the plot which I felt was a bit creaky at times.

The opening section, covering the massacre and the immediate aftermath was gripping and a great start to the book, but I felt the middle section was a bit too slow and went down sometimes unnecessary alleyways. The denouement was fast and exciting - though I think it could have been simpler and perhaps would have been more satisfying had a couple of the plot strands not been there.

Overall I enjoyed the novel and would read Tom Bale's books in future. It wasn't fantastic and it wasn't dreadful, just a good, solid crime novel with good characterisation.
Profile Image for Bookwurms.
132 reviews
October 2, 2012
I read this book very early on in my reading career, and originally thought it was great but many books later I realize it wasn't all that great. I give it 2.5 stars out of 5
Profile Image for Tracie Delaney.
Author 75 books495 followers
December 26, 2016
I first discovered Tom Bale through Bookouture, one of my favourite digital publishers, and I absolutely loved See How They Run and All Fall Down, so it was with excitement and a little bit of trepidation that I downloaded Skin and Bones, Tom’s first novel (and now ten years old) when it was on offer recently.

The novel begins in a sleepy Sussex village. Julia Trent is back to clean out her parent’s house after they died suddenly, but her intended visit does not go according to plan when a gunman goes on the rampage, killing several residents of the village.

Julia is caught up in the bloodshed when she is chased down by the gunman. Hiding in a tree, she is astounded and terrified when she sees a second gunman appear. It is this second gunman who discovers Julia’s hiding place and shoots her. Badly injured, Julia’s recollection of the events is discounted by the police who follow the firm belief she is traumatised and only one gunman was involved in the massacre.

Julia joins forces with Craig Walker whose father was killed in the massacre, and together they find themselves embroiled in something far more sinister and deep rooted than either of them had envisaged in their worst nightmares.

The pacing at the beginning of the novel is very fast, and your heart is pounding along with Julia’s as she tries to escape certain death if she is caught, but I did feel it slowed down after maybe 25% or so. That said, the last half of the novel keeps you going – and keeps you guessing!

Skin and Bones is not an easy read. It is a complicated novel, interwoven with many threads, and you have to pay attention to follow it otherwise you will find yourself losing track. Therefore, my advice would be to read this when you have the time to devote the attention required.

There are also a lot of different points of view in the book (I think I counted nine), which adds to the complexity. I’m not sure every one of them was required and I think the author could have found a different way to get their point across, but having said that, it was interesting to see inside so many different heads, and having so many POV’s certainly helped to keep the identity of the second killer hidden until towards the end of the novel.

Skin and Bones has all the hallmarks of a Tom Bale novel – intriguing, complex and intricate. However, there were elements that I felt could have been cut without destroying the story and it would have perhaps helped with the pacing. Without doubt, Tom’s storytelling has improved, becoming tighter as he has progressed through his writing career. That’s not to say Skin and Bones isn’t good. It is. It’s very good, and I did enjoy it immensely.

I would give the novel four stars, but if the pacing in second quarter had been faster, this would, without doubt, have been a five star read.
Profile Image for Vicky Cornelius.
119 reviews
September 16, 2021
I’ve just listened to the audiobook of this as it was on the East Sussex library’s page as the book of the month. Oh how I regret listening to it!!

I’m very particular about who I let read a book to me. The chap reading this was awful and ruined the whole thing!! Someone has at some point told him he can do accents. They lied. He had to voice a Jamaican guy in the book. His accent wavered between Cornish farmer and Yorkshireman. Thank goodness he didn’t affect a feminine voice for the female characters!!

This did unfortunately ruin the whole thing for me! The story was ok. Quite far fetched and unbelievable, which was a shame. Certainly will be avoiding the author and reader from now on!!
Profile Image for Shell.
359 reviews9 followers
July 23, 2022
A clever plot, action packed with lots of twists and turns. Tom Bale's always good for a fast paced thriller.
Julia goes on a sad trip to start emptying her parents house after they die in a tragic accident. However, she finds herself in the middle of a mass shooting in the small village and end up in hospital. However, when she tells her story to the police, they don't want to hear that their neat story of one man on the rampage isn't correct and dismiss her account.

Profile Image for clare whelan.
12 reviews
March 22, 2018
Great read

Really enjoyed this book . Familiar places always make it feel more real . The plot and storyline was original and enjoyable . I couldn’t stop reading part three till I knew the outcome ! Recommended !
364 reviews2 followers
February 26, 2020
A really gripping, fast-paced thriller that I found hard to put down. Admittedly the story is a bit far-fetched but Tom Bale pulls it off so well, I didn‘t have time or inclination to dwell too much on that aspect. 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Amanda Holyoak.
232 reviews2 followers
July 29, 2020
This was an excellent book which hooked me from the start. Whilst quite a complex plot, it was well-written and I was gripped. The characters were well-written and there was plenty to keep me guessing throughout. Overall, an excellent, pacy thriller.
Profile Image for FoggyHead.
3 reviews
October 23, 2021
Honestly... I absolutely loved it. A great crime fiction! Suspense prevails throughout the story. Plot is thrilling. Characters are well developed and interesting. And Bale makes us keep guessing about the killer and the final conclusion till the end! Ma shaa Allah very greatly written ❤
December 30, 2016
A Great Read

A very exciting book. A gripping story line with a surprising ending. I couldn't put it down. A terrific author
24 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2017
I really enjoyed the book. Good story from start to finish and a very suspenseful ending.
212 reviews1 follower
June 23, 2017
Boring. No a page turner. Struggled to finish. Unbelievable.
Profile Image for Simon.
649 reviews3 followers
November 3, 2019
Difficult to rate as I found getting into the story difficult I didn't gel at all, but that's not to say that the story was bad its that I didn't. I didn't click with the characters : (
Profile Image for Natasha.
182 reviews
January 25, 2020
Couldn’t put this one down. Lots of twists and turns a gripping good read
237 reviews2 followers
October 17, 2021
Murder and mystery in a Sussex village- local thugs, corrupt business men and a deranged killer on the rampage. Kept me interested for a day or two and I always like a local setting.
Profile Image for Axelle Dussault.
25 reviews
June 24, 2023
stressant au début, commencez pas le livre avant d’aller vous coucher. Très bon, mais un peu compliqué.
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