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Yoga for Witches

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FIND YOUR MAGIC ON THE MAT!Yoga for Witches explores a new kind of journey, connecting two powerful spiritual disciplines, with enchanting effects! Witchcraft and yoga share many similarities that are, for the first time, explored in combination in this groundbreaking new title from Sarah Robinson, certified yoga instructor and experienced witch.Yoga for Witches shares exercises, poses and the knowledge you need to connect to your own special magic and inner power.Find out what the word yoga really means.Explore how ancient yogis sought out magic.Discover some of the goddesses and gods of yogic and witch culture.Weave magic through spells, mantra, meditation and yoga practice.Explore the magic of the chakras.Connect to the power of the Sun, Moon and Earth via witchcraft and yoga.Sarah Robinson is a yoga and meditation teacher based in Bath, UK (Once named after a the ancient Roman town of Aquae Sulis). Her background is in science. She holds an MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience and has studied at Bath, Exeter and Harvard Universities.

233 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 13, 2020

About the author

Sarah Robinson

7 books139 followers
Sarah is an author and yoga teacher based in Bath, UK (Once named after a goddess: the ancient Roman town of Aquae Sulis). Her background is in Science; she holds an MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience and has studied at Bath, Exeter and Harvard University. But her love of myth, magic and folklore shines through all of her writing!

Her books: Yoga for Witches, Yin Magic, Kitchen Witch, Enchanted Journeys, the Kitchen Witch Companion, and The Witch and the Wildwood are all published with Womancraft Publishing.

Read more at www.sentiayoga.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Wren.
4 reviews3 followers
May 3, 2021
This book would be more appropriately titled "Witchcraft for women who do yoga". There's some overview stuff on Yoga, which was interesting. There's a whole lot more overview on witchcraft basics, which I did not need. I was expecting yoga asanas that I could use for energy work and there were a total of three, all of which the author goes over in bare detail and directs you to her website for more information.
Profile Image for Jennie.
155 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2020
As someone who is a long time yoga practitioner but new-ish to witchcraft, I have felt parallels between the two traditions but didn't have the knowledge or language to articulate those feelings. Thankfully, Sarah does! On top of this, I feel the book is rather inclusive and is informative without being prescriptive. This book feels like it was written just for me and I hope others feel that, too. I've bookmarked so many pages and know I'll be back to the book time and again. Incredible! Just excellent.
Profile Image for Coffee_Kindle Heather.
119 reviews14 followers
July 12, 2022
I enjoyed learning about the witchcraft history, along with how the philosophy and practise of yoga is so aligned with that of wicca. It emphasised to me our the importance of our connection with the Earth, with consciousness and with each other.

Ideal book for a novice, but if you're looking for something more in-depth & more yoga based, then this isn't the book for you.

Profile Image for Molly.
616 reviews29 followers
August 20, 2020
“In yoga class, I often remind my students that we can be peaceful and powerful, calm yet strong—all in the same breath. I think there is a peace to be found in the acceptance of all of these contradictory powers within us. Finding a way to stand within this unknown and unknowable. We are gloriously complex and contradictory in a world that loves boxes, snap judgements and 100% certainty...A person can be called a witch for merely knowing, and for owning her knowledge. And to some...a woman who ‘knows’ is dangerous indeed...”

—Sarah Robinson, Yoga for Witches (p. 93)

I loved the creative, alchemical, body-earth-and-soul based union of yoga with magic presented in this book. So neat!
Profile Image for Mary.
11 reviews
January 18, 2022
I’m not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t this. The witchcraft information is remedial at best with a heavy hand when it comes to reclaiming the term witch and tying almost everything back to when witches were persecuted and attacked. The yoga information was interesting but with the inaccuracies and disjointed information presented about witchcraft, I’m taking the yoga info with a grain of salt. Overall- the only reason I finished this was because I kept hoping for better and was sadly dissatisfied and disappointed. This might be good for someone new to witchcraft but unfortunately the information seems very similar to the watered down new age stuff in many witchcraft books being produced that I might be worth it to skip.
March 30, 2022
I read this book for a Magical Bookclub. It was a basic introduction to the fundamentals behind both Yoga and witchcraft, and explained how they can be interwoven into daily life in order to encourage more introspection and selfcare. I know some reviewers felt it was too simplistic; however, for me it felt like a very good presentation of the basics. It was a great book to read with other people in a group setting since there was so much to think about and discuss.

As someone who has practiced yoga a fair amount in the past it was helpful to understand more of the reasoning behind certain poses and the meaning behind the words that are spoken during yoga classes that are not always fully explained.

A lot of the book discussed the magic that can be observed in daily life if one is paying attention. There was a lot of focus on the cycles of the moon as well as seasonal changes and how the practices of both yoga and witchcraft can be tailored to these changes in order to find grater appreciation and meaning.

I felt that the book was very well written and I enjoyed how she included basic information about the two disciplines, as well as folklore and actual exercises that could be done (e.g., yoga sequences, meditations, rituals, recipes etc.). For a non-fiction book it was still very engaging. I have already started changing my day based on some of the recommendations included, and I am sure that I will continue to refer back to this book since there were so many good suggestions presented. I have also already purchased Sarah Robinson's new book Kitchen Witch and am looking forward to reading it.

Profile Image for Elbia.
784 reviews4 followers
May 29, 2021
This witchy witch audiobook didn’t provide any new info, it’s good for a novice not a seasoned witch.
Profile Image for Sugar Cyanide.
5 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2022
This book was generously gifted to me by a friend and I was super excited to read it and I was profoundly disappointed. I'm a long time practicing witch and Yogi, this book should have been perfect fit for me. It was not. This book is a completely shallow neo-wiccan/ neo-pagan book with yoga flavorings. If you've read one shallow neo-wiccan neo-pagan book you've read them all. Yoga itself has it's own spiritual magical system steeped in South Asian and Hindu history. That wasn't even touched on here. Instead, Western European neo paganism was overlaid basic yoga concepts. I was hoping for a book about the beautiful dense spiritually within yoga and instead received a shallow culture volture derivative text. Save yourself the money and just study Patanjalis Yoga Sutras instead.
Profile Image for Gina Martin.
Author 25 books19 followers
February 27, 2020
I loved this book! It was perfect melding of two important traditions! Accessible. Well researched. Clearly, the author walks her talk.
Profile Image for Tamara Pitelen.
Author 6 books
May 3, 2022
I really enjoyed seeing how the philosophy and practise of yoga is so aligned with that of wicca. Ultimately, all these spiritual practices come down to the same thing - our connection with the Earth, with consciousness, with each other.
Profile Image for Ula.
190 reviews19 followers
February 19, 2021
I don’t know what I expected. I was definitely drawn by the cover and enjoyed the witchcraft history in first chapters.
Profile Image for Jessi Cochran.
175 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2022
This was a really great comparison between the practice of yoga as ritual and the practice of magic(k) as ritual and how we can use both to connect to nature and our inner selves.
Profile Image for Allison.
75 reviews
June 7, 2021
A lot of introductory information on witchcraft, yoga, deities, journaling, etc..
Profile Image for Katie Pecho.
2 reviews
June 1, 2021
A very simple, very basic introduction to some concepts of witchcraft and yoga. I liked the sentiment well enough, but the writing is so poor and the copy editing so non-existent that it was distracting. She is a yogi who wrote a book, not a writer, and it shows.
Profile Image for Kara McWest.
9 reviews
April 19, 2023
I love the connections she makes. I listened to the audio and definitely need the printed version.
Profile Image for Monica Hyde.
390 reviews1 follower
April 4, 2023
Although I really appreciate all of the information about witchcraft and lore, I do have to say that I really thought there would have been more yoga information. There was a sprinkling of Yogi facts here and there, as well as an explanation of chakras, but not so much in poses and connecting the two worlds. I felt this book was more about meditation and witchcraft than it was yoga, to be honest. It was equally frustrating to have continual directions to visit a website or video for more information instead of having a diagram or further explanation. Was it informative? Yes. Was it what I was expecting? No. Did I still enjoy reading it? Yes, for the most part.
Profile Image for Alyssa McKnight.
114 reviews18 followers
April 6, 2023
And absolutely incredible little handbook for the seasoned witch or the baby witch. While it has nothing in it that can’t be found in any other book about witchcraft, it has all the basics in a small, very digestible book. Very well put together and definitely an amazing addition to any witch’s library for quick reference!
Profile Image for Joshua J.
47 reviews
May 4, 2023
"Witchcraft for yogis" is a more apt title. It delves far more into the craft than ever gets put on yoga (asanas, anyway). It strikes me as odd that pictures of the very few poses were almost completely dismissively mentioned are either lacking entirely or shrunk down to small stick figures. Mentioning further details are available in her personal website wouldn't bother me, except that it seems to be required to see exactly what I bought the book for in the first place.
That all being said, it is a very pleasant and informative read, even with such glaring omissions. I am glad I read the next book in the series prior to reading this, titled "yin magic". It actually accomplishes what this book tried to. It is far superior, but these two books together do complement each other. So, I wouldn't say not to read this book, I did enjoy it despite it falling flat of it's intended purpose. But I would recommend reading "Yin magic" immediately after, so that the author's point can be fully appreciated.
Profile Image for Katie.
Author 3 books205 followers
October 30, 2021
i'm a yogi.... and a witch. so when i saw this book i knew i had to read it. it gives an array of ideas of how to combine the practices of yoga and witchcraft, which i enjoyed and have started bringing into my yoga practice. the only con for me was it was a little too beginner on the witchcraft side. but still a great overview that will give seasoned witches a few new ideas!
Profile Image for Kathryn Estep.
3 reviews
January 11, 2024
10/10!!!! love love love how comforting this book felt. it was short and sweet but still so packed with a variety of information it kind of felt like a ~choose your journey~ type read. catch me keeping it foreva
Profile Image for lareyna rosie.
22 reviews
April 17, 2024
I was really excited for this book as I am an avid yogi & witch, and I was looking forward to finding ways to intertwine them as one — such as asanas for energy work, witchy mantras to speak while practicing, etc. However, I did find that most of material presented, I already knew after a couple years of both yoga and witchcraft. I think this is a good book for beginners, and would more aptly be called “Witchcraft for Yogis” as it goes over the basics of witchcraft pretty heavily. I took away a good couple of nuggets, but overall, I sort of shrug, this isn’t new information to me personally, it felt very surface level and not super inspiring.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
297 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2024
"Deep within your blood and bones, there is knowledge, knowledge of the women who came before you. Knowledge of the healers, the herbalists, the wise women. These are the witches- they are not cruel or evil. They are healers, they are helpers, they are creators. This is the legacy of the wise woman.... Don't ever let someone tell you how to find your magic- they don't know. They can't know who you are and appreciate the magic that runs through your veins... The vital question, woman, witch, goddess, is do you believe in yourself?"
Beautiful words to remember!
Profile Image for Branwen White.
13 reviews
November 13, 2020
I have never practised yoga and I wondered if I could add it to my daily practice.
Thanks to Sarah Robinson's brilliant book I now know that is possible.
Whether you are new to either witchcraft and yoga or know about one but not the other this book is for you.
I look forward to starting my daily yoga practice soon.
Profile Image for Heather.
Author 2 books5 followers
June 14, 2021
Absolutely fantastic. A great book to expand and enrich your practice. I bought this book knowing it would shift my views for the better and it has. Thank you.

If you find you are interested in this book, I would highly suggest checking them out on YouTube. Their weekly yoga classes are just what you need on a Sunday morning.
Profile Image for C. Graham.
3 reviews
January 17, 2022
I cannot overstate how much I love this book! It was an impulse purchase as I was searching for a new yoga mat, and it brought me not only an informative and well written book but also a deep sense of peace. Reading this book feels like having tea or coffee with an old friend. I reached the ending only to feel like I needed to pick it up and read it over and over again.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
384 reviews116 followers
November 4, 2022
This book tied two of my favorite things together - yoga and witchcraft. Sarah interweaves the two perfectly that it one makes sense they would go together hand in hand. Aligning the chakras, the moons, the sun, the earth, and everything else!

I would love a book two involving more rituals possibly and ways to incorporate the examples given in chapters. Count me in as a follower!
Profile Image for Alessia .
97 reviews3 followers
November 15, 2022
Molto interessante! L'errore se così vogliamo chiamarlo é stato ascoltarlo in audiolibro ed essendo ricco di info mi sono sicuramente persa qualcosa. Rimedierò con la versione cartacea! In generale però può essere un po' ostico perché bisogna già conoscere lo yoga e bisogna conoscere bene l'inglese. A me però é piaciuto moltissimo!
Profile Image for Marcellina .
28 reviews
January 23, 2024
Great book with lots of great info BUT I listened to it on Audible and I definitely recommend it in book form. There is SO MUCH information in there and you're not going to really get it unless you take the time to sit and read it and take it in small chunks. I'll admit, it took me awhile to get through this book, but it really is a great resource.
6 reviews
April 12, 2024
It’s not a bad book but it isn’t about yoga…. It’s very very basic beginner level witchcraft but skims the surface of so many different topics, it never really digs into any of them and there is some occasional mentions of yoga. Not at all what I was expecting but maybe a good book for anyone who‘s curious about witchcraft.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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