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Mixtape-Reihe #1

The Wreckage of Us

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Never in a million years did I think it would be Ian Parker who saved me...

I know I should stay away from Ian Parker.

But when my drug-dealing stepdad kicks me out, I have nowhere to go. Squatting in an abandoned shed on Ian’s grandpa’s farm seems like as good a plan as any.

Ian finds me there, of course, and he insists on me moving into his spare room. I should say no, but the appeal of a roof and a warm bed is too much. Not to mention Ian’s brown eyes and strong arms.

We’re nothing alike, but the spark between us is undeniable. My life is finally looking up.

Until I call the cops on my stepdad and unintentionally get my pregnant mom arrested.

Now I have to sacrifice my dreams to take care of my mom’s baby. She’s the only family I have left. Meanwhile, Ian’s band is taking off; his dreams are coming true.

Ian is my one chance at love. I just hope he doesn’t become the one chance that got away.

367 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 8, 2020

About the author

Brittainy C. Cherry

51 books16.9k followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,896 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,681 reviews53.9k followers
January 28, 2021
Applause ladies and gentlemen! Brittainy C. Cherry stole our hearts one more time!She knows how to play tunes with the strings of readers’ heart!

I cried. I smiled. I cried more. I ached.I hurt. I cared. I sighed.

Ms. Cherry is a soul whisperer directly talks to your heart, pushing out your mixed emotions, healing your wounded feelings gently, making you whole again.

Haze and Ian are beautiful souls. Such an amazing lovers, friends, growing on you, making you chant for their true love and happiness.

Such a remarkable, heartbreaking story about caring, struggling, chasing your dreams, finding a way to choose the right path to grab your happily ever after.


I only cut half stars because at the beginning Ian was a little cocky douchebag and treated unfair to Hazel! But I’m thankful he showed his true colors a few chapters later and he compensated the fault he’d made.

The music they create became their own magical talisman to protect them from the ugliness, harshness, unfairness of the world.
Did I say they were soooo adorable together. Yes, they were!

And let’s not forget Big Paw and Holly: I wanted to give them long, big hugs! They are incredibly sweet! I wish they could adopt me!

Rounding up my 4.5 to 5 musical, powerful, extremely tear jerking stars!

I love this author. Even she publishes her shopping list instead of book, I didn’t hesitate to purchase 😂
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
August 25, 2020
5+ stars

“The most important things in life, are worth fighting for. No matter what fear says.”

It's no secret that I love every book Brittainy Cherry writes. They're all special to me, but The Wreckage of Us is one of my favorites by her. It was incredibly emotional, had the perfect amount of angst, and so much heart. Honestly, this book was perfect for me and I don't think I could have loved it more.

When Hazel comes to the ranch in her small town for a job, she's not sure if she'll be hired. She's had a hard life and is determined to work hard and get out of the situation she's in. Ian Parker helps his grandpa run the ranch. He's not sure why his grandpa hired this girl that looks like Wednesday Adams to do this hard labor, but he's going to make her work just as hard, if not harder than his other guys. Hazel more than proves herself.

Ian and Hazel don't get along at first, but with time, they become friends. It's very opposites attract and all kinds of sweet. Ian is a musician and when Hazel needs a place to stay and takes his spare room, she starts to help him with his music. She becomes his muse and he sees her in an entirely different light.
She inspired me in ways I’d never been inspired. She pushed me to create songs in a way I never considered. She challenged me, she coached me. She was my muse. She was the music.

I loved both of these characters so much. Ian was a bit of a grouch at first, but those kinds of characters are my favorite. Hazel's story broke my heart but she's so strong and a fantastic heroine. I loved their friendship, their romance, and everything about them both. I also truly adored Ian's grandparents. Big Paw and Holly were one of a kind.

This story definitely had some hard to read moments. There were parts of it that hurt, but by the end you'll feel healed. Brittainy always manages to fully heal anything she breaks along the way and that's one of the many reasons I love her books so much. This book was so well written and it captured my heart.

The Wreckage of Us is one of the best books I've read in 2020 and I can't recommend it enough. If you're looking for a read that will give you all the feels, that's passionate, emotional, and a truly exceptional read, pick this up! You won't be disappointed.
“We don’t have to face every battle alone. Sometimes, all of the time, we’re stronger together.”

Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
September 13, 2020
With all due respect, Cherry has once again excluded Black and other POC characters from a book filled with, at minimum, 10 White characters. I honestly can't understand what her motivation is as an author. Is she hoping to appeal to the white audience strictly or is it a manifestation of self-hate or plain old avarice?

Meanwhile, the story has a derived plot about a small-town rock group lead singer who finds fame in Hollywood while the heroine supports him emotionally from their rural home town. But, of course, it's not a BC book unless someone is broke/dying/homeless etcetera.

In the meantime, enjoy this excerpt of Ian getting a BJ from a woman who isn't the heroine, smack at the beginning of the book.

Romantic, right?

I low-key hate this book.
Profile Image for Chelsea Humphrey.
1,487 reviews82.2k followers
September 19, 2022
"I don't know you enough to hate you. I just don't like what you stand for-the memory of what happened to my parents."

LORD. Brittainy Cherry knows how to pack a punch; she brings the heat and emotions like no one else, and The Wreckage of Us is her best love story to date. This coming-of-age/missed connections style tale worked so well for me, not only due to the perfect build up between Ian and Hazel, but the inclusion of realistic hardships that the characters face, both as a couple and separately. I absolutely adore reading novels where the characters have to heal themselves before being able to hold up a partner, and the author found a way to make each step of this couple's relationship feel relatable, yet enticing. While there are quite a few heavy, thematic elements to this story (domestic abuse, substance abuse, etc), there is still an overall hopeful and dreamy vibe to this book, which is a true hats off to B Cherry for managing to balance such opposite experiences in perfect harmony. If you haven't read one of her books before (and honestly, why haven't you?) then this one is a fantastic one to begin with! Highly recommended to readers looking for the whole package in their romance novel.

"You can't write the truth if you're lying to yourself."

"That night I promised myself that whenever I received the chance to help someone, I'd pay it forward in a heartbeat."

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my review copy.
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
October 6, 2020
i have got to stop picking up singer/song writer books

it is the RARE book that gets me to care about celebrities and musicians and this one kind of missed the mark. which is sad because the hero in this book, the musician, was not a complete tortured dick like most authors try to make their heroes for this particular trope.

this was just so painfully basic. it wasn't an awful read it was just boring. 2 kids with troubled pasts. heroine gets kicked out by drug addicted mom & awful step dad and goes work on a ranch with an up and coming singer. and then a lot of low stakes shit happens. not even a lot happens, i take that back.

on the one hand, grateful that this wasn't completely steeped in angsty singer cliches but also with none of the angst there was nothing to grab on to. i usually like brittainy's writing but the constant declarations of love by the hero rang really insincere and really rushed to me. and the heroine, while she was going through shit... it was just nothing i cared about.

this probably won't be the last thing i read from this author but i don't have the urge to pick anything else up from her for a while.
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,414 reviews9,954 followers
August 31, 2020
'THE WRECKAGE OF US' Is a full length romance novel by Brittainy C. Cherry. Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

This book was exactly what I expected from Brittainy Cherry, she throws her whole being into her books and it shows from the story development to the characters themselves, making it a believably raw, realistic, no frills, slow burn romance that kick started my heart and made me believe in fairy tale love again.

Welcome to Eres a small town located in Nebraska. Where drugs run rife and a ranch is the only place for saviour which has been running for over sixty years. It's here where trailer park girl Hazel finds herself seeking out a job as a ranch hand, hoping Big Paw the owner of the ranch will give her a chance. She's in desperate need of the money to help out her pregnant mother who is under the thumb of her drug lord husband, Hazels drop kick stepdad. He's the bad apple of this small struggling township.

Big Paw agrees and puts his Grandson Ian in charge of her. This was the last thing Hazel wanted but beggars can't be choosers.


The idea of being trained by Ian Parker made me want to gag. He was known as the playboy Rockstar of Eres.

Their first encounter didn't really go to plan, she found him in a compromising position and he tried making her life a living hell from that point onwards due to a hang up he blames her stepfather for. But the thing with Hazel is that she's one tough cookie. Unbreakable. But she's here to do a job. She just has to prove herself that she can work just as hard as the boys if not better.

Get ready to be zapped in the feels, get ready to have your heart squeezed, get ready to fall in love with this beautiful heartfelt love story.

Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
September 9, 2020
3.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was enjoyable, but I’m not going to be adding this to my favorites shelf. I think I might’ve expected to feel more because it is Ms. Cherry! She always seems to get me to feel something!! While I sympathized with these two and felt their connection to each other, I didn’t really get emotional at all about their story. Dang expectations. Oh well, it was enjoyable anyways.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Hazel and Ian’s story. Hazel needs to make money to get her pregnant mom away from her drug dealing step-dad, so she heads to the ranch that Ian’s grandfather owns and begs for a job as a ranch hand. Ian is in charge of training Hazel and isn’t happy because she reminds him of the bad things in his past. They end up spending more time together, bonding over Ian’s music with his band, and end up becoming best friends that develop into in love. There are some obstacles in their way and some past hurts that they have to work through, some sweet side characters, and some drama and sexy times...and they get a HeA ending.

Point Of View (POV): This alternated between Hazel and Ian’s POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I never skimmed and thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, they dislike each other at first and then become friends to lovers.

H (Hero) rating: 4 stars. Ian. He was hard to like at first but then he became a good guy.

h (heroine) rating: 4 stars. Hazel. I liked her. I appreciated her strength and how she rolled with the punches life gave her.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW (Other Woman)/OM (Other Man) drama: Not really

Sex scene with OW or OM: Yes

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This didn’t have enough closure for me. I would reluctantly call this an HEA, but I definitely wanted more

Safety: This one should be either Safe with exception or Not Safe for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences.
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,925 reviews599 followers
September 29, 2020

I would say that the blurb (which I just read) is deceiving. When Ian Parker and Hazel meet, sparks are NOT flying. Or maybe they are but mostly in anger.

Hazel is trying to plan for a future. Her mother is a drug addict and her husband, Charley, is the dealer. A big-time dealer who can be quite abusive too. Hazel's plan is to start working and to earn enough money to move her mom, who is expecting a child, and herself to a new place to live together. She applies for work at Ian's grandparents' farm and Ian is going to be monitoring her work.

Ian is lucky to have great grandparents. His parents, no to so much. Both of them walked away from him years ago. They both were addicts and Ian blames Charley for losing them. Any keen of Charley has to be a bad one. Making Hazel's life miserable at the farm is something he's going to enjoy.

This is my first book by Brittainy C. Cherry. I thought it was well-written. Both Hazel and Ian were interesting to me. I wanted them to accomplish their dreams. Hazel to obtain the stability she was seeking and Ian, a successful musical career. I also wanted their romance to "make it".

Wreckage of Us was written in a dual POV which made it easier to understand the decisions they were taking. What drove them. What made them tick.

The supportive character like Big Paw, Grams, the band were all likable and realistic. I was rooting for Ian and Hazel to find the way to each other and to their dreams.

I'll Keep Brittainy C. Cherry's work in mind.

A complimentary copy was provided by Montlake via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
883 reviews1,155 followers
September 8, 2020
4.5 'Until forever' Stars!
ARC provided by the the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The Wreckage of Us has been such a delightful surprise. I’ve always heard amazing things about Brittainy C. Cherry but never had the chance to read any of her books. So yes, this was my first book from hers and now I can assure you this will not be my last. Thank you Montlake for giving me the opportunity to love this book and fall for Brittainy’s writing, it was such an amazing read. Angst, emotions, sexual tension and so much love. This is what The Wreckage of Us is all about.

So, this is Brittany Cherry’s new standalone romance and it tells the story of Hazel Stone and Ian Parker. Hazel is going through a lot, her mother is living with an abusive drug lord, and she is pregnant and addicted to the life Charlie is giving her. Enter Ian Parker. He is gorgeous, the grandson of the man who has given Hazel a new job and a rude young man, especially when it comes to her. But there is more to it and a beautiful connection starts growing. What will happen when Ian’s band (The Wreckage) takes off and he has to leave the ones he loves? What will happen with Hazel and her situation with her mother and Charlie? It’s not an easy ride but absolutely worth it.

Never in a million years had I thought it would be Ian Parker who saved me during some of the hardest days of my life.

What a nice surprise I had with this book! I mean, I am always a bit cautious when it comes to new-to-me authors and I wasn’t sure what I would get but I am so glad I decided to give The Wreckage of Us a go. Brittany’s writing is outstanding and it kept me completely gripped to the story from start to finish. She creates these wonderful and loving relationships between the whole crew of characters and she makes you fall in love with them to the core. I loved Hazel, Ian, Big Paw and Holly, James, Marcus and Eric, Rosie. I just loved this family feel the whole novel has and how it develops together with the love story and the band’s new fame.

“What does a promise from a boy like you mean to a girl like me, Ian Parker?”
“Everything,” I confessed. “It means everything.”

But now let’s focus on Ian and Hazel. Gah, these two! I loved how Brittainy developed their hate/friendship, how they get to know each other, how they peel the layers and find so much more than what they were expecting. They love each other so much and it shows. Their beautiful connection and chemistry is on every word in this book. And it’s not all hearts and flowers for them. It gets difficult and heartbreaking but their love for each other and their family is stronger than anything else. I just loved seeing this couple grow and fall in love.

This woman controls my heartbeats. Every love lyric I sing each night is made for her. Every melody chases her heartbeat, and every chorus begs for her love.

Therefore, I am rating The Wreckage of Us with 4.5 STARS because this love story consumed me completely and I was all over it. I loved the premise of it and Brittainy definitely delivered. I fallen in love with this couple and these crew of characters and I wish we could get more (can we get love stories for all the members of The Wreckage, pretty pleeeeeeeease?). If you are in the mood for an opposites attract angsty romance, you should check this one out for sure!

Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,416 reviews1,487 followers
September 13, 2020
4.5 Stars!
(ARC provided by author/ Montlake)


Hazel Stone is eighteen, and lives in the small town of Eres, Nebraska where she has been through hard times, and not had an easy life. She cares about others, and tries to do the right thing, but still felt overlooked, overwhelmed, lost, and desperately wanted to escape the world she lived in. She wanted to one day leave this town and truly live. She wasn't sure what her future would hold, but she knew she wanted more. Then she's shown kindness by a family that owns a local farm. It's then she encounters musician Ian Parker, and the highlight of her day becomes pushing the cocky, arrogant, moody rockstars buttons.


Ian Parker is trying to get his big break, and is on his way to being a superstar. He's talented, and creating music kept him grounded. Until his dreams came true he was stuck living in the countryside in the middle of nowhere Nebraska. He loved his grandparents, but other than that his heart was closed off. Then he meets Hazel Stone and everything changes. She's full of fire, sass, and knew just how to get under his skin and irritate him. She didn't know how to mind her own business, and challenges him at every turn. They clash and then sparks fly between them.

Their lives are set on different courses, but for the first time in her life Hazel felt like she belonged somewhere. She finally has a chance at real love, but will she get her happily ever after?


The Wreckage of Us by Brittainy Cherry is a small town enemies to lovers, slow burn, standalone rockstar romance about friendship, family, survival, determination, and beautiful connections. It's a deeply emotional love story full of angst, drama, heartache, and undeniable chemistry that will capture your heart!

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-She made my heart beat erratically every single time she stole a glance my way.

-She seemed to see me in a way no one else had.

-She smiled and I loved it. Fuck, did I love it. If the only thing I could ever stare at again was Hazel Stone's smile, I'd be the luckiest bastard alive.

Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
May 10, 2022
TW abuse and drug use

This small town romance sounded so good, but I definitely wasn't ready for a small town romance that quickly turned into a rockstar romance. This book starts out with Hazel getting a job at a ranch. She is supposed to be trained by Ian, who is someone who sleeps around a lot and won't stop his *activities* even when Hazel barges in while he's *busy* and asks to be trained on ranch work. Yeah, not a great first impression. Ian hates Hazel because of deeper reasons that Hazel can't quite understand. He pushes her when it comes to ranch work and hopes she'll break and quit, but Hazel is determined to keep her job. Hazel is kicked out of her home and has to stay on the ranch, which turns into her staying with Ian. The more the two spend together, the more they start to fall for each other. I liked the ranch setting and how they worked together and fell in love. Then, though, Ian's band has their big break and he's off in LA working on his album. The book turns into Hazel stuck in the small town while Ian is trying to make it big. Hazel is dealing with family drama and they're trying to make long distance work. I definitely preferred the first half of the book, especially because I wasn't in the mood for a rockstar romance and didn't know this was one of those. It had the typical drama with her thinking he's going to be tempted being surrounded by girls and then other people tearing them apart. While that wasn't my favorite, I still think this was a solid small town romance that I enjoyed.
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews908 followers
September 13, 2020

AUTHOR: Brittainy Cherry
SERIES: Standalone
RELEASE DATE: September 8, 2020
GENRE: New Adult
THEMES & TROPES: Small Town Romance, Rock Star Romance


Confession time: Before The Wreckage of Us I've never read a book by Brittainy Cherry (although I do have many of them sitting patiently on my Kindle). I'm so glad I squeezed this one into my schedule - it was so worth it. This book was a kick in the feels and had so many beautiful lines, I wish I could quote them all.

When Hazel Stone starts working at the biggest farm of a small town in Nebraska the person instructing her is no other than the town's golden boy/aspiring rock star/bad boy Ian Parker. They rub each other the wrong way from the start. Ian resents Haze because of her connection to the local drug overlord who is her stepdad and responsible for Ian's parents' addiction and thus leaving him when he was a kid. Haze dislikes Ian because of his shitty attitude, manwhoring and grumpiness. Forced to shack up together by Ian's granddad Big Paw, they find common ground and soon become best friends.
If heaven was a kiss, it lived against Hazel's lips. 

Haze helps Ian with the lyrics for his songs that lack heart and soul, because Ian has his walls up. She doesn't let that stop her though, her kindness and goodness, her understanding of who Ian is, it gets under his skin and it was so touching to see him lighten up and open his heart to the people around him. Her sass and her heart of gold quickly captures his and not even his growing success as a musician can stop their love from growing. I loved how all in he was, how nothing could distract him from Haze.
Hazel Stone was my best friend, my darling, my melody, my song. And damn . . . She sounded so good.

Haze was a wonderful young woman, who carried the weight of the world on her shoulders but never lost her optimism and faith, even when things looked really dire. Her sense of responsibility, her maturity for her young age made me admire her so much.
Truth was, he’d always been mine. I’d just been waiting for the day when I was his too.

Some parts are a punch to the heart and I really hurt for them both but Brittainy Cherry really does these characters justice and by the end you'll be happy for Haze and Ian. They have some awesome sidekicks and I hope that the author decides to write their stories too. They have so much to give, the whole bunch of them. I also adored Ian's grandparents. Big Paw was a grumpy bear but behind his grouchiness was a big heart.

This was such a big, unforgettable winner for me. I wish all books had this quality and depth but that's why we have our favorites, don't we? Ms. Cherry is well on her way to the top of that list and I'll make sure to catch up on her backlist soon!
My chest tightened as realization set in. I was in love with a girl who loved me back. What could’ve been greater than that? No fame, no fortune, nothing. We were lucky to have found one another, lucky enough to not have given up when things got heavy. Hazel Stone had changed me. She’d showed me what ultimate strength looked like. She’d showed me unconditional love, and I hoped to do the same for her for the rest of our lives.
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,440 reviews2,161 followers
September 4, 2020
Genre: New Adult Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Dual
3.75 Stars

All her life Hazel Stone never knew the security and comfort of a safe home. Determined to change her life, she worked hard on the farm owned by the town’s rockstar Ian Parker’s family. But he didn’t make it easy for her life or her heart.

This book was definitely different from the author’s usual works. It was younger, lighter, and funnier. I loved the first haft if the book but as I feared it reached the point where it was stereotypically cliche and somewhat cheesy later in the book.

Why did I get the feeling that there was nothing black about her soul? It felt more like her soul was simply battered and bruised—something else we had in common.

I loved Hazel’s sassy goth personality. There were several hilarious situations throughout the book between her and Ian. Even though I didn’t like some of the decisions they made, I liked how their lives were connected.

The Wreckage of Us is a story of life-changing decisions. It would appeal to readers who enjoy small-town N/A Romance.

Note: If you plan to read this book I suggest don't read the blurb. I'm glad I didn't because it gave away major plots in the story.

🔸💔🔸. . . (F)BR With Loyda . . .🔸💔🔸

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Profile Image for Ceara.
140 reviews6 followers
September 9, 2020

“If we do this, we can’t pretend we aren’t a thing, Hazel,” he warned. “If I slide into you, you’re mine.” “And you’re mine,” I breathed against his lips, placing my hands on his chest. “You’re mine.” Truth was, he’d always been mine. I’d just been waiting for the day when I was his too.

Same old shit. Virgin h, manwhore H. She walks in on him getting a blow job from OW. He continues to bring home girls after she moves in with him.
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
September 8, 2020




We're in a small Nebraska town.
(Why does that sound like the beginning of a Richard Marx song? 🤔)

There are lots of drugs in this town and only one big ranch where people can still find work.

Big Paw's Ranch. That's where 18 year old Hazel is asking for a job as a ranch hand. She needs the money! Her mom is pregnant from her drug-dealing idiot of a boyfriend and nobody seems to care about the baby ... Hazel wants to make sure her mom's taken care of.

Big Paw's grandson Ian is Hazel's new boss.

He's not only a hot ranch worker - he's also an up and coming rock star with his barn band The Wreckage.

Hazel and Ian do NOT get along at all .... at first ☺

Let the fun times begin ...


Another beautiful Brittainy book!

What can I say?

I loved it.

It was sweet and funny and farmy and rock stary and a bit heartbreaking and dangerous and sad and hopeless but still full of hope and dreams and music and ugh. I just loved reading it.
Both Ian and Hazel have to fight through some drug-related parental problems to find their happily ever after. But they have each other and music and the grandparents and friends. It was really adorable to see them fight for that happy end. I wanted to throw the kindle out the window a couple of times towards the end when the expected 'danger' / 'fight' / 'misunderstanding' / 'breakup' came along. But they cleared that up pretty fast so it wasn't that bad.
I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved that we got a few epiloguey pages at the end!

I also wouldn't mind seeing this on Netflix one day with all the music and pig pen cleaning. ☺

It wasn't really anything new in the world of young love and rock star romances. BUT it also was, because I really loved the whole small town ranch thing plus the music and the baby sister. It was really a cute love story!

THE WRECKAGE OF US was another beautiful Brittainy Cherry love story. Heartbreaking. Funny. Romantic. Adorable. Farmish. Rock-Star-ish.
Run to your nearest amazon for your own Ian - this one is MINE! ☺

💜 💜

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Profile Image for Andrea Fleury.
972 reviews78 followers
September 14, 2020
This was awesome amazing wonderful. My number 1 favorite book of this year. So sad I cried afew times. The depth of this book is hard to pinpoint. The flow was unbelievably wonderful. I couldn't put it down. words wouldn't do it justice. The characters were so rich and strong. The love out of this world.
Profile Image for "Avonna.
1,331 reviews547 followers
February 1, 2023
Check out all my reviews at: https://www.avonnalovesgenres.com

THE WRECKAGE OF US by Brittainy Cherry is a contemporary romance which has the H/h in the New Adult age range, but they have been through so much even before they meet that it feels as if they are older as you fall into their well written story by this new to me author.

Hazel Stone lives with an abusive drug dealer step-father and an addicted mother until her eighteenth year when they kick her out. It is a good thing she was hired recently on Big Paw’s ranch. She ends up squatting in an old abandoned shed until she is found out by Big Paw’s grandson, Ian and is offered a room in the manager’s ranch house.

Ian Parker dislikes the strange girl all in black that his grandfather hired and told him her had to train. Ian’s drug addicted parents left him on his fourteenth birthday and never returned. Big Paw and his wife Holly raised Ian and he wants nothing to do with the girl whose father sells the drugs in their small Nebraska town.

Ian and his three friends not only work on the ranch, but have a band called The Wreckage. They are on the verge of realizing their dream of fame. They just need that special level of emotion to take their songs to the next level. Hazel brings out that emotion and helps with the words.

Ian and Hazel find that special kind of connection, but Ian and the band are taking off and Hazel has responsibilities in the small town of Eres that keep her there. Can this new found relationship and love survive?

This book was a complete surprise to me. There are heavy subjects like physical abuse and drug abuse that I feel the author handled realistically, but the overall story is filled with the dream of forever love, family and hope. Ian closed himself off after his parents abandoned him, but he did have the love and support of his grandparents and bandmates. Hazel had a harder young life and yet she was willing to work as hard as necessary to obtain her goals step by step and was always hopeful. I loved the back and forth between small town life and the California rock star life with Hazel not wanting to stop Ian from reaching for his dreams for any reason and Ian counting on Hazel and the ranch to keep him grounded. All the secondary characters, good and bad were fully fleshed and realistic. The sex scenes were not gratuitous, but appropriate for the story.

I can highly recommend this N/A contemporary romance!
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books559 followers
June 29, 2023
The Wreckage of Us is set in a fictional town in rural Oklahoma that is economically depressed and hard hit by meth addiction. Hazel’s stepfather is the town’s drug supplier. Her mother is trapped in his web and pregnant. Hazel goes to apply for a job on a ranch and has to train under Ian, the owner’s grandson—whose parents got addicted to meth as a result of Hazel’s stepfather. Is this feeling like a Shakespearean drama yet or what? Juicy conflict. He has every reason in the world to hate Hazel. He also plays in a band and is the town hottie. Hazel hates him… maybe a little too much. Kind of hard to blame her at first, as Ian is definitely a jerk.

But as things get further in, this enemies to lovers romance just gets more delicious. These two connect over terrible pasts and music (yum!)… but the shadow of Hazel’s stepfather’s drug business is looming over their lives at every step of the way, and as Ian’s music career takes off, agents and producers who don’t have their best interests at heart threaten to drive a wedge between them. Loved this one!
Profile Image for Travelogged Blogs.
1,207 reviews113 followers
August 24, 2021
I usually enjoy reading small town romance and Brittany Cherry writes really well but idk, this book lacked something. Sure it was emotional and I enjoyed the first half but the second half got boring. It was just the typical cliche of a strong with a manwhore hero and virgin heroine (both with shitty druggie parents) who wanted to get over their abandonment issues.

I liked Hazel. She was wise beyond her years, she acted responsibly and had the determination to make her life better. I didn't like Ian (because he was an asshole and came out as an entitled, spoiled brat) in the beginning but throughout the book, I grew to admire him. His grandparents were the highlight of this book. Without them, both Hazel & Ian would've been lost. I enjoyed the book but I just couldn't connect with the romance. It was quite cheesy and predictable.
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
August 31, 2020

The Wreckage of Us was a slow burn lasting romance that a few ups and downs but left you with a feeling of hope and purpose. Tow people who had more in common than they initially thought, brought together by a terrible circumstance that bonded them in more ways than one.

Hazel has never had the best upbringing but she has always managed to get by for the sake of her mother despite the fact that it should have been the other way around. Now in desperate need of a job to help her mom, Hazel begins working on a farm for the most respected family in Era Nebraska and she has no intention of losing this job despite a certain someone who made it life’s mission to hate her on site.

Ian has never let anything bother him too much in life after being dealt with a serious disappointment from his own parents walking away from his life. All he needs in life is band mates, an occasional girl from time to time, and his loving grandparents. But when he’s told to train the new ranch help, something else boils to the surface of that he hasn’t felt in a long time: anger. With having to be around the dark beauty on a daily basis now, how will Ian navigate the emotions that Hazel has shockingly brought out of him?


I have to say that every time I read a Brittainy Cherry book, I feel at peace in a sense. Her books are always emotional but she makes us fall in love with the build. The slow burn, the poetic words, the falling, everything feels like a warm soothing balm. This was a good new adult romance that showed us the strength and love of the young, the sacrifices at such an early age, and finding an everlasting love. If you still haven’t read a Brittainy C Cherry book yet, then I really don’t know what you’re waiting for.


Profile Image for Raquel Costa.
184 reviews26 followers
September 13, 2020
***4 estrelas***

** Arc received in exchange for an honest review **


Hazel foi uma personagem que logo de cara eu amei, ela é uma garota forte e mesmo que essa força tenha surgido das dificuldades da vida, ela ainda usa dessa força para ajudar outras pessoas. Ian diferente da Hazel não me agradou logo de cara, nos 5 primeiros capítulos eu quis bater nele, mas não demorou muitos outros para eu amá-lo.

Ian assim como Hazel é um homem que já passou por muitas coisas e por causas dela ele tem medos e evita se abrir para muitas pessoas.

Brittainy dessa vez não me fez odiar diversas pessoas da cidade, muito pelo contrário, eu adorei muitos dos personagens secundários e a forma que eles ajudavam uns aos outros.

Assim como os outros livros da Brittainy foi impossível eu não gostar, pode até ter um detalhe aqui ou ali que não me agrade, mas ainda assim é Britt! Ela sempre traz uma história com tramas importantes e lindas histórias de amor.

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Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,268 reviews13.4k followers
April 6, 2021
5+ stars!!

“We don’t have to face every battle alone. Sometimes, all of the time, we’re stronger together.”

This book was EVERYTHING! What a love story! I love a rockstar romance, even if this one came through the back door. I love when a musician is FAITHFUL! My heart is full, and I struggle to find adequate words for this review, but just know that this one is one of my very favorite BC books to date!
Profile Image for FMABookReviews.
637 reviews402 followers
February 9, 2021
❝If darkness was a person, it would be Hazel Stone.❞

Let’s be honest, the romance world is oversaturated, and new authors are pumping out books every second. It’s impossible to read them all. It’s even impossible (for me) to read all the books from authors that I like and even love. With that said, I hate to admit it’s been a while since I’ve read a book by Brittainy C. Cherry. I’m beating myself up for that right now. And even though I’ve loved all of her books that I’ve read, The Wreckage of Us is one of my favorites. It had so much heart and held so much wisdom within its pages that I thought about the story and these characters both day and night. I eagerly anticipated getting to read it when I got home from work. Two nights was all it took to finish (with work and family life, it can take 5 days for me to finish a book), and now I want to start it again.

❝Music understood parts of me that humans never got close enough to discover.❞

Both Ian and Hazel came from parents who didn’t have the mental wherewithal to take care of them. Drug abuse was prevalent, and neglect and physical abuse was part of their daily lives. But where Ian had his grandparents to take over his care when his parents left, Hazel didn’t have anyone. They both fought and worked hard for what they wanted. They fought each other fiercely, too.

❝Sorry. My instant reaction is sarcasm.❞

❝It's fine. My instant reaction is asshole.❞

I love the humor that Cherry wrote in this book. It tempers the angst perfectly. And believe me, this book isn't just funny, it's hysterical!

Watching Hazel and Ian get to know each other and find their way together as a couple, was tender, emotional, and beautiful. Cherry took her time with these characters; they were allowed to grow, flourish, and be.

As a couple, these two got off to a rocky start and endured some obstacles along the way, but eventually, this Rockstar cowboy turned the town goth into his cowgirl.

❝He was it for me. He was the hook, the bridge, and the melody.❞

The Wreckage of Us is an angsty, enemies to lovers story full of passion, love, and heart.

I was provided a review copy by AUTHOR PUBLISHER NARRATOR; this did not influence my opinion of the book.

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Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,487 followers
September 2, 2020
If there’s a guaranteed way to get me to wrap my heart completely around a book? Brittainy Cherry seems to have dialed right into it. These books – richly layered, filled with complicated emotions, walking the line between heartbreak and joy – man, I will fall for these books every single time. And, indeed, I have. Because The Wreckage of Us was just fantastic!

This is a rockstar romance, but not in the way you’ve ever experienced before. It’s a small town romance, but tinged with darkness. It doesn’t fit neatly into any particular trope, and yet every trope it touches, it masters. It was compulsively readable and filled with the sort of desperate love that seems to be my catnip. It was everything and I am so in love!

There was something so pure about this romance – in the way Ian and Hazel were so steadfast in their feelings. In the way their relationship went from enemies, to true friends - best friends - to so much more. The moments that took my breath away were the moments where their friendship rose above everything else, where they fought for each other, where they showed up for each other – because at the root of everything there was this unbreakable friendship and y’all – that might be one of the most beautiful things I’ve read in a long long time.

There were so many layers to this story – it’s one of those books where the love story is not contained to the romance, and each story tugged on my heartstrings in its own unique way. I loved this unlikely group of people who made themselves into family. These stories were every bit as rewarding as the romance, they made me laugh, cry, and filled my heart to overflowing.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience the magic of Brittainy Cherry’s storytelling, this is the perfect opportunity to jump right in. It’s smart, and emotional, and relatable. It’s this perfect blend of heartache and angst, and flirty banter and witty exchanges. It’s the best of humanity and the worst of humanity all wrapped into this package that looks like life but feels like…well, book magic. I adored this story. Ian and Hazel (and Big Paw and Holly and Rosie, and all the guys…) will forever own a piece of my heart. ~ Shelly, 5 Stars
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
September 20, 2020
4 Stars

“Our love song isn’t over. We’re just getting to the chorus, and I’m going to sing for you, for us, until forever.”

A sweet read could have been more on the music end but overall enjoyable.
Profile Image for lxvanessaxl.
283 reviews265 followers
August 14, 2023
Ich liebe es!!! Und zwar alles daran! 🥹💗
Brittainy C. Cherry ist für mich die Meisterin der perfekten Worte. Ihre Geschichten sind emotional, humorvoll und absolut mitreißend. Sie schafft es jedes Mal aufs Neue, mir mein Herz zu brechen und es am Ende wieder zusammenzusetzen.
Und auch mit „Denn ohne Musik werden wir ertrinken“ hat sie mich mal wieder komplett vom Hocker gerissen! 😍
Ich liebe die Charaktere, ich liebe das Setting, ich liebe das Thema und vor allem liebe ich den Schreibstil.
Für mich ein absolutes Highlight und kann dieses Buch einfach nur empfehlen.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
September 13, 2020
“I’d give you every lyric that was inside of me to make your dreams come true, Ian.”

This was a beautiful story, I didn't expect anything less from Brittainy C. Cherry.Her stories are always a nice surprise for me!Love her writing and her characters are so unique.

Hazel and Ian have some sweet and cute moments.They have such a great banter they make me smile!

"You've been my light, my muse, my inspiration. Haze...you are every star in the sky. You are my galaxy."

This is a small town romance with slow burn and intense!


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