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Run. Hide. Don’t look back.

Evie Scott went through hell and barely escaped. Now, she does everything she can to remain invisible. To survive. Because if she’s found, she’s dead.

Then she meets Luca…and there’s a spark. But is he worth the risk?

Former Navy SEAL Luca Kirwin is both well-trained and deadly. Recruited into a non-government-sanctioned project, he was unknowingly turned into a weapon. Now, he and his team have one mission—shut down the program.

When a new neighbor with haunted eyes moves in next door, his instincts tell Luca he can trust her. But could she be one of the enemies he’s searching for?

As the couple falls deeper, and the danger get closer, they’ll have to learn to trust in each other…before it’s too late.

242 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 26, 2020

About the author

Nyssa Kathryn

31 books704 followers
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Australian Romantic Suspense Author, Nyssa Kathryn, is a passionate reader and writer of all things romance. Living in South Australia with her hubby and daughter, when she's not spending time with the family, she's either plotting her next story or got her head stuck in a book.

Follow Nyssa here:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 313 reviews
Profile Image for Ashleyjo.
826 reviews495 followers
July 30, 2021
First half is good until it turns into SAF middle ways all the way to the end. Abused woman meets big teddy bear superhuman Navy SEAL. Can’t trust him because she’s on the run from her former superhuman SEAL boyfriend. Somewhere along the way, the story falls apart and it’s all much ado about nothing. Sure, there’s plenty of action. It’s just nonsensical hyperbole, though, progressing the plot forward.

Spoilers ~ beware.

Too many coincidences…

FMC has been on the run for a year and she just happens to move in next to the SEAL who worked with and was part of some superhuman test subject program?
FMC and the team both have the same top secret file they’ve been working on a year.
Said file is miraculously cracked by her the day she comes clean to the MMC, and file does what? Nothing. Much ado.
• Ex suddenly finds her now that she’s met someone he used to work with.
FMC ignores all the superhuman shit from the MMC despite having lived with her ex with same superhuman powers.
Ex is easily beat for the final, but he outsmarts, outwits, and outshines the MMC for 90% of the book.
Secondary bad guys just escape with the snap of a finger and no one follows?

Everything that moves this plot forward is based on some crazy situation that’s a million to one odds.

How many times is she beat up in this book as the MMC swears she is protected and won’t let any harm come to her… several, and it could’ve been plenty more of the bad guy had wanted to do so.

Speaking of being beaten up. When you have three cracked ribs and then take rib-punches to those broken ribs by a superhuman … ahhh, it’s called internal injures and her organs would’ve been mush. But, our FMC just spends a day in the hospital each time and is just fine lol.

Anticlimactic. She holds secrets. He holds secrets. Yet, when they get together and share said secrets, the reader already knows them … the author told them to the reader multiple times. No suspense. No climax or “aha” moment with any of the plot.

Multiple plot points never added up. The FMC and her ex were together nine years, starting in HIGH SCHOOL. So, the author will have you believe that the project recruited him to recruit her and then later sent him to be a SEAL and then made him a superhuman. Nonsense.

Her mission to find out who made her ex the way he is so that she has someone else to blame besides herself … nonsense. She just wants to know for her peace of mind ~ that’s just SAF.

Profile Image for Deb.
656 reviews
April 5, 2021
5 stars ⭐️

New author to me, and wow, what a fantastic story. Evie is on the run, hiding from a violent ex. She can’t afford to make friends or trust anyone. Then she meets Luca, the one person who can help her. Unbeknown to either of them is a past they share. This story is packed full of action, suspense, and will keep you reading into the night. It is book 1 of the Project Arma series, and begins the ongoing story through each SEAL team member’s story. I will be reading more
Profile Image for Helen Power.
Author 10 books615 followers
April 8, 2021
This novel is a true genre-blender--a romantic military suspense meets paranormal romance. (When I say paranormal romance, I mean it’s in the vein of government experiments, not sparkly vampires.)
Evie Scott is on the run from her ex-boyfriend, and her mysterious and handsome new neighbor is sweetly protective of her. They have an adorable dynamic, and I couldn’t help but root for them from the get go. Aside from Luca, there are many former SEALS introduced in this book, and it looks like each one of them will be getting his own romance down the line. We’re introduced to Eden’s love story in this book in a way that doesn’t feel too pushy, but does give the readers a taste of what’s to come.
I do want to point out that while I loved the plot and the suspense elements, this book does have one or two twists that really require a suspension of disbelief (and I’m not talking about the science fiction aspects). There are coincidences that are a little too over the top. That said, the book is a real page-turner, and a fabulous first instalment in this series.

October 28, 2023
2.5 Stars

Just okay. I like the plot but the writing is meh. The dialogue is also unrealistic and stunted. The romance was also instalove and cheesy. I hated it when the hero would call her "sweetheart" too. It had potential to be a pretty good book too, sadly. I'll probably read the next one to see if it gets any better, but we'll see.


No ow drama

Om- heroine has an abusive ex who is the main antagonist.

No manhoe/virgin

No sharing/cheating

Both are only with each other after meeting. Not many details of their pasts except heroines relationship with the ex, but still not too many.
Profile Image for Amanda.
310 reviews21 followers
January 9, 2024
This was a interesting and action packed read. I liked the characters and found family aspect. The characters are nice and make you want to know more about them so I’m curious on how this series will turn out.

I started this series accidentally on book 8 of a spin off series. So when I started this one I was surprised I knew none of the characters to see that there are THREE separate series based off of these super human soldiers. While the books are quite entertaining so far. They more aim for shock and awe than realism. So you do have to keep in mind that there is heavy fiction in this book because from a medical stand point… well it’s hard to believe a malnourished FMC could survive being physically abused from her ex superhuman SEAL bf… multiple times after having run away from him…

I will say so far the few books I have read across the multiple spin off series have been entertaining. If you can get past the- this could never happen in real life- aspect and just a good bit of suspense fiction with some light romance then this is perfect!
300 reviews9 followers
June 30, 2021

DNF @ 77% - Just didn't really care what happened and wanted to read something else.

Steam: 2.5/5 - kind of a letdown when you put "steamy" in the title.

Plot: 2.5/5 - kinda boring and jumping from moment to moment without great connectors.

Romance: 2/5 - Didn't vibe with the characters or their story.

I get the feeling this series will be incredibly formulaic and I'm not interested enough to continue. I might try to most recent book in the series to see if th author's writing has matured.
Profile Image for Paranormal Kiss.
878 reviews39 followers
July 19, 2022
3.5 stars

This was the first book I have read by this author. I liked it but I felt it could have been fleshed out more. I also felt like the guys should have been more appreciative of their "improvements" that they received from Project Arma. Their hate seemed a little over the top. I get feeling betrayed, because they were betrayed, but the hate seemed out of proportion. Though, after events and revelations that happened in this book, they have some justifications for those feelings.

Overall, I liked it and I'll probably read the next book.
Profile Image for &#x1f989;Maggie Whitworth.
3,118 reviews100 followers
October 7, 2021

Very good, full of action and twists with a great dose of tension and intrigue.
These guys have so much adventure and are very enjoyable to read about.
Profile Image for H.M.S..
Author 4 books53 followers
August 12, 2021
Oooh - I liked this one. This is the first in the series and has a great, suspenseful storyline. I like the ending but I especially love that Evie gets to put her skills to better use at the end. I'm really looking forward to the subsequent books in this series, in fact I've already started Eden and Shylah's book.
Profile Image for Deanna Lang.
780 reviews51 followers
May 3, 2021
I had a huge debate with myself about whether to finish reading this book or not. For the most part, it's a well written book, but I found I was not enjoying the book or the reading experience and some things in the story bothered me. I did read the prequel to the series which made me excited to read the books but had me anxious about Eden's book (more on that later). I'm probably in the minority in terms of people not enjoying this book, but everyone's taste is different.

The reason I was struggling with this book is that it's kind of depressing. I get that Evie had been abused and traumatised and she's has huge trust issues, but there's no hope in the story whatsoever. Evie is constantly running, hiding, and fearing for her life. She doesn't let anyone in and even when she does start dating Luca, she spends more time pushing him away and blaming her issues, and asking him to give her more time to sort her own shiz out rather than dealing with the issues head on. I love a damsel in distress and Evie is clearly a damsel in distress, but the difference between her and other heroines I've loved is those other heroines have fight in them. The fight for a better life, for the life they want, and for the man they want to share that life with. Evie doesn't fight. She just lives in terror and is on the verge of running every single moment and that got tiring after a while.

Luca is a saint. He did a couple of things that had me questioning what was going on but otherwise, he was a saint. I mean his patience with Evie is off the charts. Either he's a glutton for punishment or he needs to be entered into sainthood because he keeps coming back no matter how often Evie pushes him away. He's always there for her, caring for her, protecting her, wanting her. He must see something in Evie that I do not. The only glitch in all of that is that there's this one incident where Evie screams in the middle of the night and he goes running over to her house to investigate. He checks out her house and finds out that there's been an intruder but cannot prove it without giving away his super senses so he says nothing to a terrified Evie and tells her everything is okay. Seriously, any other romantic suspense or protector romance I've read, the guy would have whisked her right out of the house and tucked up safe in his own place where he can protect her up close and personal. Of course, that can't happen with all of Evie's issues, but still... I really think Luca should have been a lot more forceful and pushy with Evie but maybe that's just me reading way too many other books with over the top, pushy, obsessive, jealous, possessive heroes.

After reading the prequel I was almost wanting to skip this first book in the series and go straight to Eden's book to find out what happened between him and Shylah. I'm glad I didn't because it did give me some insight into what these guys did after what happened at the end of the prequel. Still the end of the prequel and knowing that Eden and Shylah's story was going to be a second chance romance gave me a lot of anxiety after knowing what happened by the end of the prequel. I honestly do not know whether I should have read the prequel or not. It does fill in a lot of backstory but it left me anxious about Eden and Shylah. In Luca's book, we find out that Shylah has disappeared and Eden is no longer the same man he was before everything went down and losing Shylah. I got the sense that there was going to be a lot of angst and negative feelings in Eden's book from what I knew about Eden in Luca's book and from reading the blurb to Eden's book. I think it's going to be filled with all the things I don't like about a second chance romance. This is my way of saying that even though I was anxious to find out what happened between Eden and Shylah, I don't think I am going to enjoy the story.

Between not enjoying Luca's story and being unwilling to read Eden's story with what has been foreshadowed, I think this is it for this series for me. That's kind of sad because I had high hopes for this series after reading the prequel and I was hoping to find another romantic suspense series that I'd love.

Deanna's World

See more from Deanna's World
Profile Image for Tee loves Kyle Jacobson.
2,480 reviews175 followers
May 26, 2020
OMG want a roller coaster of a ride then this is the series for you. I loved every moment of it and when I was done I wanted the next book in the series.

We meet this amazing team of Navy SEALs who have started up their own protection company after being in the Navy for years. They found out the were part of this secret team called Project Arma and they were being used as guinea pigs and the left the Navy to hunt down and kill everyone behind the project that has interfered in their daily lives.

Evie is a sweet innocent girl running for her life from her ex boyfriend who was abusive and had many secrets she found out about. When she meets Luca her next door neighbor she lets her guards down and gets a job at their protection firm. The more time she spends with Luca the more her defensive walls come crumbling down.

Can Evie ever be safe from her ex or will knowing Luca and the team put her in harms way?
630 reviews4 followers
May 28, 2020
TSTL moments. Very Disappointed.

After reading my free novella- Uncovering Project Arma, I was very impressed and anxious for this book. I even saved my $5 Amz promo credit for this book. So glad I got it for free. I really liked both Evie and Luca and all the teammates as characters in this, and the suspenseful plot kept me engaged until the end, as I skipped by the TSTL Luca mistakes. SPOILER Example: Luca checks out her house after she screams late at night, to find a man HAD been in her house only to tell her it's clear and goes home! And then doesn't even tell her! WHAT?! She's being stalked by a killer, stalker, super-soldier and Luca walks her home and takes her out in the backyard for a picnic! WHAT?! Really people?! And don't get me started on how many times she gets beaten up and keeps on ticking along. This had so much potential. Too bad, so sad. Unless the next ones are free- that's it for me.
Profile Image for Val.
93 reviews
December 18, 2020
Decent story bit details missed

The story is decent but too many details were missed, so 3 stars it is. Luca took his shirt off before he got into bed but then a few sentences later Evie is sliding her hands under his shirt and then it says how Evie is thinking how Troy looks the same?? I mean it has been 2 days or so since he last attacked her, how much is someone supposed to change in a few days??
1,805 reviews3 followers
January 14, 2021
While I wanted this to be thrilling, it was kind of silly. For supermen, these guys sure let Evie get hurt and beaten a lot. And for as many times as she gets hit, thrown against walls and ribs cracked, she keeps moving and making love like an energizer bunny? Silly.
Good premise I guess. Not well fleshed out.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anisa.
78 reviews5 followers
July 29, 2021
Started off not too bad but then it just kind of dragged and just made me frustrated. I finally managed to finish reading but don’t really think it’s a series I will continue.
August 16, 2020
A Thrilling Read with Brotherhood, Suspense, Revenge and Finding Freedom. DEVOURED it In a few hours!
Loved all Characters❤.

BACKGROUND: It's been a Year since Project Arma was raided by The Govt (Hopefully by Shylah's evidence!) & Our Guys' found how they were being used. The 8 has since made a security business 'Marble Protection' in a small town While also searching for those who did them wrong. All who were Part of Project Arma.

Evie came in the town running from her *very* abusive ex-Troy. She's been on the run for Months, Never staying anywhere for long. As the blurb says, she's Luca's *new* neighbor.

Luca ‘Rocket’ is as Fast+dangerous as rest of his team. But He's the Calm+Collected one.
Something in her pulls to him, She's running from..What? & his protective instincts goes haywire BUT she's extra cautious..So his Charm to ease her don't work.

She needs Money. A job. That she gets in Their Company. Cue Luca & Evie meeting daily!
They can't seem to resist eachother *chuckle* and soon he asks Her on a date!
Even as their relation grows, They both have secrets about their past...Attacks on her are happening too..
By Whom? Troy? If yes, Why? Why her?

There's her opening up, Dates, Them Falling harder each day, Troy's connection to the guys revealing (Omg! He's one of the guys' targets!), lots of Drama, All secrets Revealing (Her Real name isn't Evie!!), Her working with the guys' to uncover Data (Horrific Details!), Evie+Luca sweet times, Troy kidnapping her *omg!*, Troy vs Luca fight! (We all know who won!)

She's now Forever safe from Troy, who took so much from her. Her Identity. Her family.
But a last threat *here* Reveals That Project Arma is bigger than the guys thought..and it's still going on. Oh shit.
So this series? Its just starting.

As she recovers, they finally confess their love to eachother *yay!* I'm so happy for them! They deserve this happiness❤. A Relation that Empowers her. A love that heals Them. A beautiful Future to look forward to.
Together, Forever.

P.s. Everyone in the team got nicknames! Even if it took time, the guys' accepted her🎊. Her Nickname is Ace,
Wyatt Gave it!
Evie got her HEA with Luca. A Family with the guys. A bestie-Lexie (Company's Receptionist, sassy girl *I like her!* Asher & Lex have a thing!). A town she loves. Finally she's found happiness again.

P.p.s. Ohh, Eden! He was so angry (but still sweet!) Here. He thinks Shylah betrayed him. Anyone who read the prequel knows she didn't. I wonder how he'll find out? AND Where the hell is Shylah btw?
What a Epilogue from Eden's POV! I'm so excited For Eden's story! Glad it's next 😍.
Profile Image for Jite.
1,165 reviews70 followers
June 29, 2023
Nice enough…

This was a good enough romantic suspense novel. Plot-wise, it was very reminiscent of Christine Feehan’s Ghostwalker series with the backing premise of physically and psychically-enhanced soldiers betrayed by a government program and kind of dealing with the aftermath but it felt a little lighter- not in violence but perhaps in suspense and substance.

The premise is that computer guru, Evie, is on the run from her abusive ex when she ends up in a rundown house next to ex-SEAL, enhanced soldier and security company owner, Luca. Sparks instantly fly but Evie is still damaged by years of physical, mental and emotional abuse and takes time to trust, meanwhile Luca and his team are seeking out those who betrayed them into the scientific testing program.

I overall liked it, I suppose. I mean there was nothing wrong with it but somehow, I wasn’t passionate about it. Luca was great but Evie was written with limited power and agency where it would have been nice for her to take back some of her own power in the plot. I would read another book in the series though and this was fine.
Profile Image for Elle Golden.
Author 5 books55 followers
March 5, 2022
Man, this book was good.

4,5 stars

I love romantic suspense and I'm a sucker for a good, strong brotherhood, and this book checked both these boxes.
The story was engaging, the plot was addicting and the characters (all of them) were captivating.

Evie is on the run as Luca is on the hunt. Both of them bear deadly secrets and are rightfully wary, so trust doesn't come easily. But some feelings are hard to ignore, and their chemistry and care for the other can't be put on hold for much longer.

After being burned so badly in the past, Luca is exactly what Evie needs, and the opposite is also true. They bring peace to each other's mayhem and heal what's damaged inside.

Besides their own story and what Evie and Luca need to overcome, we also get to see some of what's to come regarding Luca's friends, and I'm so excited.

This author had me hooked and now I need to devour this series.
1,135 reviews7 followers
May 22, 2020
Luca and his seal team are hunting the people responsible for Project Arma. They won’t stop until every last one is dealt with. Evie has been on the run from a relationship gone bad and never lets anyone get to close. Something about Luca makes her want to trust again but can she take the chance?

I am loving this series! Nyssa Kathryn has created an amazing set of characters that you can’t help but want to know. Luca is sweet and suspenseful all at once. Love seeing these big tough seals show their softer side to a woman. I am really looking forward to more in the Project Arma series and by this author.
Profile Image for Ga Books LoverX.
2,390 reviews26 followers
May 26, 2020
I enjoyed reading Luca, it was suspenseful and had a nice dose of attraction and chemistry between the main characters. I am always a fan of super hot SEALS, but add in the fact that he was a part of an experiment that makes him A LOT stronger- yes, please! Evie herself has a lot of secrets too, but the chemistry is off the charts between these two!

All in all, I totally recommend this book if you like your SEALS super hot and utterly wrecked over the women that bring them to their knees. There was mystery and twists and it kept my attention throughout the whole time- 4.5 outta 5 stars from me and I will definitely be lookout for the next book!

PS: Thank you to Nyssa Kathryn and Give Me Books PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!
Profile Image for Kami Dodson-Perry.
710 reviews23 followers
March 17, 2021
I loved this book and will continue with the rest of this series.

Evie is on the run from a very bad man. She fears for her life and keeps herself moving. On her next move she meets Luca her neighbor and tries not to be attracted and fearful of the huge man.

Once Evie finds a job she meets all the guys and Luca's friends. Evie gives into her attraction and knows Luca will keep her safe after learning her secret. Evie finds out some secrets of Luca's and the guys also. They are all linked together and it is just the beginning of a war.

Rating: 4 Stars
1,382 reviews10 followers
May 28, 2020
Luca, is such a good book!
I loved the story, & really enjoyed
reading it! It's the first book I've read
by author Nyssa Kathryn, & it won't
be my last.
You will love Luca & Evie's story
It's an exciting sexy, moving
&  suspenseful thriller.
Can't wait for Eden's story!
Profile Image for Read All About It.
1,768 reviews24 followers
May 26, 2020
Hold on to your seats this is a fantastic new series.
Evie Scott is on the run and afraid of being found by her abusive ex. Luca Kirwin was part of a experiment without his knowledge. Now he’s something more. Luca is immediately drawn to Evie. He knows something is not right when she moves next door.
This book has it all. Super sexy alpha males, suspenseful adventure, secrets everywhere and a new author to go on my auto buy list.
More yummy protective men coming soon.
The continuation of “Read the Prequel “Eden and Shylah’s book is next and I for one can’t wait.
Profile Image for Kristiej.
1,391 reviews93 followers
July 18, 2024
3.5 out of 5

This is the first book in a series about a former group of Navy Seals who were given power enhancing drugs in order to turn them into super soldiers. But they discovered the experiments were unsanctioned, dangerous so they left and formed their own team, fighting for good and tracking down those who did the work on them.

This book focuses on Lucas, one of the team members and Evie, a young woman who had been held captive, beaten and traumatized by someone a lot like Luca. She has managed to escape and is deep in hiding , looking for a job in order to survive when she walks into a gym and training centre; a business happened to be set up by the former Seals. They run a security company with many branches.

Luca is instantly smitten with Evie and makes sure she is hired as a receptionist. He can tell she has had some very bad things happen to her and is determined to take care of her. Evie is extremely wary, not wanting to share any details of her life until she slowly comes to trust him.

This is a romantic suspense as Luca and the team try to find out who and why they were experimented on, run their business and help Evie. For the most part I enjoyed it though I did have some issues. For example Luca never attempts to show or teach her any self defence even though that’s what he does. Instead he’d rather have Evie depend 100% on him for her safety. Also, they seemed to jump too quickly and easily into a physical relationship. Considering the level of abuse she’s lived with, I found it difficult she’d be so ready and eager for a sexual relationship, just couldn’t buy into it.

This is a book I don’t think I would read again though I will try more by the author. Things aren’t resolved at the end, though it’s not a cliff hanger and I want to see where they go from here in their search for the bad guys.
Profile Image for Sophie Ruthven.
2,090 reviews137 followers
May 24, 2020
When writing my review for the prequel I didn't realize that was the author's debut. That ramped up my excitement for Luca tenfold, even if I wished it was Eden's book first. Paitence when I'm invested is not a strong suit, and to have me like this over a new author is a rarity!! Definitely a smart way to get me invested although I already was.

It is definitely reccomended to read the enjoyable prequel first for Luca to make more sense although I won't tell you why since it will ruin the journey for you. A bit of time has passed between the two books and it will send you feeling with how much has changed. Also of note is what the boys do and don't know about the program and their time in it.

I won't say much more as lots happen and it's a journey everyone should experience first hand, but both parties of this books couple need to learn to trust again and learn that yes this world has evil in it but there is still some good people left. Will Evie finally feel safe, and will Luca be able to trust his gut again? Read to find out....

This is one debut author to watch, I can already tell she is going to go far. Looking forward to next book!!!
Profile Image for Crazycowgirl.
57 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2021
I got to about half way and was just frustrated. Not that badly written, but for me, too many inconsistencies, and things happening that just had me rolling my eyes.

Also, what was with the constant stating of character names. It felt like every sentence, action or thought had to include the name of who it involved which was tedious and unnecessary. Even when there was one or two characters in a chapter.

There are only so many FFS, Really??! Moments before I thought I just don’t care enough to get to the end of the story.

Profile Image for G.L.H..
Author 9 books9 followers
October 13, 2021
Attractive cover, new author, blurb was promising but the book itself didn’t perform as well as it could have.

First in a military enhanced seals mystery and suspense. This is a trope I love and it certainly felt it was along the lines of Ms Feehan’s books, so the bar was set high when stepping into these worlds.

I found the writing style ok. It wasn’t overly gripping or exciting, but it wasn’t a bad read. Just not as fast paced as it could have been.

Evie and Luca’s chemistry was ok. It wasn’t an overly steamy read. Evie’s character felt real enough, a touch over done at times.
Profile Image for Amanda Perry.
Author 12 books100 followers
February 17, 2021
My kinda story

The entire plot line was perfect. Action, romance, a hero helping his girl discover her own strength while being overprotective and sexy? Uhm yes please!
Profile Image for Amber.
1,710 reviews43 followers
March 1, 2021
It annoys me when books have disposable pets that they write in and then forget about.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 313 reviews

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