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Cocky Hero Club

Master Manipulator

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From International Bestselling Author, Nicole S. Goodin, comes a sexy new standalone novel.
He was infuriating, arrogant and conceited. He was also my new seatmate.
Fifteen hours stuck next to the definition of tall, dark and handsome, and the only thing on his mind on our trip from California to Sydney… was me.
Ky Bateman made no secret of the fact he wanted me, and I made it clear he drove me crazy.
When my resolve finally wavered, we made a bet. I lost, he won, and I found myself on the back of his motorcycle, on the adventure of a lifetime.
I never intended to fall for the master manipulator, especially when I knew I was keeping secrets that could destroy everything between us.

All good things must come to an end, right?
Except our ending was one I didn’t see coming.

Author note – Master Manipulator is a full-length standalone novel. Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

About the author

Nicole S. Goodin

34 books725 followers
NICOLE S. GOODIN is a romance author and mother of two from Taranaki in the North Island of New Zealand.
In mid-2015, she started to write about a group of characters who wouldn’t get out of her head. Her first book, Rushed, was published in mid-2016.
Nicole enjoys long walks on the beach, pillow fights and braiding her friends’ hair. She dislikes clichés, talking about herself in the third person, and people who don’t understand her sense of humour.
Please feel free to contact her either via her website, email, Instagram, Twitter or on her Facebook page, she would love to hear your feedback. If you’re feeling really game, you can even sign up for her newsletter.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Paula.
721 reviews15 followers
June 1, 2020
UGH! Why do authors do this???!!! For crying out loud, is it too much to ask to warn readers that this is a triangle story? Not one reviewer gave a warning in all their raving glory! So here it is folks:


I am so f***G mad that I wasted my precious time on this crap! At about 85-90% or so, we learn that this pathetic excuse of a “heroine” is engaged to another man – a man she claims to love & worship as an all around good guy whom she ran away from and opened her legs to the Hero.

A Hero who didn’t deserve this piece of shit of a heroine! He fell in love with her and was planning to marry her when he finds out that she is engaged to OM. And no, the coward & shitface that she is didn’t tell him- the OM showed up and that is how he found out she was engaged! And the OM? Knowing that she cheated on him with Hero, you would think he would kick her ass to the curb, but nope. We had to have OM who is so in love with her that he wants her back no matter what. *shish*

(For reference, Ky is the Hero & Julian is the OM...) These quotes are all mostly of the OM.

"Julian had offered me nothing but support, just passed me tissue after tissue as I mourned the loss of another man.

I couldn’t imagine any woman in the world being worthy of this level of kindness, patience and understanding – I certainly wasn’t. I didn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as Julian Knoll. He was the guy – the one you dreamed about when you were a little girl.

He was the boy next door they painted the perfect picture of in movies and music videos. He was the ultimate book boyfriend come to life. Handsome, smart, funny, kind and caring. He was a true gentleman; he was sweet and considerate. He opened doors for me and spoiled me with gifts. He smiled when I walked into a room and he made me feel like I was the only woman on the planet that was worthy of those smiles. He was perfect. But he wasn’t Ky”.
“Welcome back.” Julian spoke softly.
“Hi,” I whispered as I looked up at him.
“Are you feeling any better?”
I nodded, even though I was anything but better. I was a mess.
He gave me a sad smile and leaned in, pressing his lips to my forehead.
“I’m so sorry, Julian. You don’t deserve this. I bet you wish you never met me.”
His baby-blue eyes looked right into mine. “I’d never wish to not have met you, Blake. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“How?” I breathed. “I’ve done nothing but hurt you.”
“Two years, angel. We’ve been together two years and you’ve made one mistake. Cut yourself some slack.”
“One mistake? I’ve made one hundred mistakes.”
He didn’t argue, or agree, so I continued.
“I ran out on our wedding day, our honeymoon. All that money on the wedding… all your friends, they must hate me. I just walked out on everything.”

There was more, so much more, but I didn’t want to hurt him more than I already had by bringing up the fact that I’d slept with someone else such a short time after I ran out on him. He was already well aware.

“It’s only money, I’ve got plenty more. And my friends don’t hate you, Blake, but even if they did, it wouldn’t stop me from loving you anyway.”
“You still love me?” I felt tears prick my eyes again, but I blinked them back – I’d cried enough.
He cupped my face in his hands. “Of course, I love you. I want to marry you, angel. I want things to go back to the way they were before your dad passed away. I just want my Blake back.”

His words punched a hole through my chest. Before my dad passed away. That was where it all started to unravel.

If I was being honest with myself, I’d never felt like Julian and I were quite right together – my heart didn’t race when he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife, but I did love him, and love was love, so I smiled and said yes – told myself that a different kind of love only existed in movies and books. He’d given me more than I could ever dream of wanting or needing and he cared for me. That was what being in love felt like – or so I’d thought.

We’d been doing okay, but when my father died, the wheels slowly started coming off.
One month after he passed, I walked out of Julian’s penthouse apartment and never came back. He was away on business at the time, and like the coward I was – I left only a note with my ring.
I didn’t answer his calls, or his texts, not even his emails.
I ran, I tried to grieve. I justified my behaviour with shitty excuses. I failed.
I hid out at hotels and bed and breakfasts, trying to decide what the hell I was going to do with my life.

My dad’s death left a gaping hole in my chest – one that couldn’t be filled, but it was more than that between Julian and I. Dad dying woke a part of me up. Something was missing in my life.
Julian and I weren’t trying for a baby, but we weren’t using protection either. He wanted to start a family as soon as possible, and I’d thought I wanted that too. What I wanted was for him to be happy, so I went along with it, but a baby wasn’t what was missing. It was passion. It was being in love.
I loved him, but I wasn’t in love with him”.

“I opened my mouth to protest but he silenced me by pressing a finger to my lips. “Just come home with me. All your stuff is still where you left it, we can take it day by day. See how it feels. If you want your own space, I’ll get you a place. I’ll get you anything you want, angel, just say we can try and save what we had.”

I had less than zero faith that we could salvage a relationship between us, but I owed it to him to at least come home.

He was right. All my stuff was there. I had responsibilities. I was an adult. I needed to act like one.
I trusted Julian – he wouldn’t pressure me, he wouldn’t try and sway me to do something I didn’t want to do. All he was asking for was a chance.
I could give him a chance after everything he’d given me.
“Okay,” I whispered. “I’ll come home.”


I nodded, struck again with how heartless I was. He really was the perfect man.
I watched as he strolled up towards the front of the plane, turning more than a few female heads as he went.
What is wrong with me?
Julian was the perfect package. All wrapped up with a pretty bow – problem was, I wasn’t sure that particular package was addressed to me.


And yep, you guessed it. We now have a “who is the Daddy” scenario.

“I’d slept with Ky while I carried Julian’s baby.”
“Here I was, in a sort-of relationship with a man I knew wasn’t right for me – while I was pregnant with his child and to top it all off, I was pretty confident I was in love with a different man”.
“I knew Julian deserved better than to be anyone’s second choice, but maybe I could do it. Maybe we could be a real family. Together. Happy. I hated myself for considering it, but I had to. For my baby and for me. His biggest flaw was me. I was his weakness. He loved me beyond reason, and I felt horrible for it”.
“I swallowed deeply. I might have had reservations about our future, but I wasn’t blind, and Julian was in incredible shape. He spent countless hours in the gym, and his efforts were definitely having the desired effect”.

And don’t get me started on the scenes with her telling the OM that he is going to be a Father, of having HIM hold her hand and being there to see the baby for the first time – not the Hero who turns out is the actual Daddy and all around the loser in this story who deserved better!Lol.

“Everything we’ve been through, all the heartache, the anger, the hurt; it was all worth it, Blake. I wouldn’t change a single bit of it, because even though it didn’t get me you forever, I got you for a while… and that’s better than never having had you at all.”

Oh god, my heart.My stupid, broken heart. I wanted it to love this man, to beat only for him, but that wasn’t my reality. My heart belonged to another.

He paused at the door. “Good luck, angel.”

I leapt out of my seat and ran across the room to throw myself into his arms. He caught me and held me tight against him, both of us emotionally letting go of the other and closing the chapter of our life together for good.

He pulled away first and I reluctantly let go. “Be happy,” I whispered.

Just who the hell was the Hero supposed to be in this story??? Hmm....

Do yourselves a favor folks and skip this! This is NOT anywhere near anything described by every darn reviewer!
Profile Image for nikki.
792 reviews108 followers
May 14, 2020
Gahhhhhhh!! What a treat this book was. I absolutely adored Blake and Ky; their story was steamy and oh so funny. I have to admit that I’m loving the books which feature cameos from Chance and Aubrey (from Cocky Bastard) and with Ky being Chances cousin, they appeared in this book quite heavily. MASTER MANIPULATOR is a brilliant rom-com written by Nicole S Goodin (who I’ve never read before but will definitely be changing that soon) and it’s the perfect addition to the Cocky Hero Club world.
Profile Image for Marnie.
1,191 reviews23 followers
May 31, 2020
I loved Ky’s cheeky manipulative moves!!!

I have to say that I absolutely loved the Cocky obnoxiousness of Ky Bateman. This guy had an ego so seriously intact that I doubted anything would knock him of his perch. Until ‘she’ managed to do it in spades.

If you enjoyed the insta love feel of Chance Bateman and his wife Audrey in Cocky Bastard, then you will love ‘Mr Bastardo’s’ cousin Ky, who has inherited every bit of the Bateman family’s, well, ‘cockiness’ and went to extreme lengths to talk his way into the life of Blake Vincent in the most hilarious way possible.

He sees a gorgeous blonde in the airport as he readies for his flight home to Australia, and in one fate blessed moment he finds out her name and the flight she is on. Of course, as luck would have it, it’s the same as his, and from there on in, she has no chance, as he sweet talks them into the best seats with all the trimmings. He has 15 hours to lay siege to every wall she puts in his path!

Straight out of the gate, Author Nicole Goodin doubled down on her trademark Kiwi humour and witty sarcasm with the one for one pot-shots that volley back and forth between these two, and I laughed as I could imagine this patient kindergarten teacher really wanting to tear a strip off the gorgeous man who just wouldn’t shut the hell up. Hells teeth, I wanted to kill him for her, just so she had some peace!

The chemistry between them is huge, and even in the compressed timeframe, it was friends first before they became lovers. Add Chance and Aubrey into the mix, along with two cute kids and Pixy the goat making a cameo appearance, and I’ll say that this is Ms Goodin’s most entertaining and hottest book to date. It was 5 star awesome!
Profile Image for World Of Books 65.
2,737 reviews49 followers
May 24, 2020
I am loving the 'Cocky Hero Club' books - each one has been unique; each one giving the reader something different!

'Master Manipulator' has everything you could want in one book; Comedy (some great laugh out loud one liners), Romance, sizzling chemistry; and of cause if you have read 'Cocky Bastard' 'Pixy' the goat!

"I was a kindergarten teacher who liked cheap whiskey and knock-off handbags"

That one quote from Blake just made me love this sassy Australian Woman who runs home to Australia with a secret as big as the pacific ocean. What she wasn't expecting was to be sharing a flight home with flirty Ky the king of the one liners. The moment Ky saw Blake at the airport he knew he needed to sit next to the beautiful woman on the flight home so sets about using his charm to do just that what he wasnt expecting was to fall so quickly for the girl with one green eye and one blue eye!

Blake tries not like Ky but over the cause of a 14 hour flight how can you not fall the charms of the sexiest man she has ever meet.

But when the wheels touch down back in Sydney Blake finds herself on the back of Ky's bike after loosing a bet that was rigged from the start.

But will it all be "sunshine and milk chocolate in their future" or will the reason that Blake ran away from the US be about to catch up with her and the feelings that are growing between the two be over before it really began.

Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,453 reviews174 followers
May 31, 2020
I'll admit that I usually can't stand Insta-love, but with a book like this filled with genuine character so many laugh out loud moments, off the charts chemistry with such an extraordinary love, it totally works. I immediately wanted to read this book again as soon as I finished!

In this book we have Ky and Blake, who truly are both equally amazing and ridiculous in all of the best of ways. Ky, as you can guess it, is just so cocky and crazy, but he OWNS it. When he sees a beautiful blonde at the airport, and at a chance sees her name on her ticket and realizes they are both on the same plans, he utilizes his charms to ensure they are seated next to each other, and this starts such an amazing friends to lovers. Almost immediately these two are inseparable, and it just *worked* for them.

As much as I loved Ky, I truly adored Blake. She recently broke her engagement and is questioning who she is and what she really wants out of life. She's so strong, so kind hearted, so beautiful, and just so amazing. I couldn't help but relate to her. However, just as soon as these two start to feel like this is their destiny, Blake's past comes back and changes everything. Can they work through the pain and have a love that most people will do anything for? Read and find out!😉

I loved this book so much!! It's definitely one of my favorites in the cocky hero club spin-off!

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions!**
Profile Image for The Book Fairy Reviews.
2,336 reviews42 followers
May 30, 2020
Can you love the cousin of the Cocky Bastard? I bet you can and you won’t be able to help yourself! Ky and Blake start out as just a conquest some one he has to have with her beautiful and unique eyes. But as the manipulation and conquest play out, he realizes that she is simply more than some one to have she is his match. The sass, the give and take are what attract him to his soul. Let’s not forget that he is as Cocky and his cousin chance and being as such we get a more of Chance and Aubrey and of course pity the goat. Moments that will have you rolling in laughter ~ “You made out wiTh a goat, it’s funny”, I chocked out between breaths. “Blondie, I did not make out with a goat.” “I think you did.”
Blake, fallible in character but endearing. You could understand her mind and heart, a woman that loved books and treasures the imagination with in~ “Alright, sparky, I think I can one up you there. I broke up with my boyfriend of six months because he borrowed one of my books and folded down the corners to mark his page.” A woman after my own heart!
This book has many moments that will in no doubt have you quoting the words written on the pages of this hysterical and romantically passionate book!
Profile Image for Barbara.
2,405 reviews52 followers
May 28, 2020
Woo Hoo was a great storyline. Ms. Goodin gave me a fun, romantic storyline with a few punches to the gut I wasn’t expecting. The characters are funny, sassy, independent with absolutely sizzling chemistry. The wickedly humorous banter between the main characters, Ky and Blake, made the storyline an delight to read. I fell in love with both of them and wasn’t sure who I was rooting for to come out ahead but without giving anything away, I have to say the author gave us the perfect amount of who wins which round.

While the storyline is fun, flirty and sexy it’s also filled with moments of aghast, heartache and loss. The book hooked me in and had me and my emotions flipping pages all the way to the end. The good thing about the Cocky Hero Series is that characters pop up in other books in the standalone series and this is one couple that I certainly hope to see more of.

Kudos Ms.Goodin for a phenomenally fun read that this reader Highly Recommends. 2 Thumbs Up and 5 Stars.
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,190 reviews587 followers
June 1, 2020
There’s a reviewer on my team that has read quite a few books by this author, so she was practically yelling at me thru my laptop screen to read this book!! LOL So I did. HOLY BALLS KIDS I am still smiling ear to ear over this one! Not only did Ky and Blake sweep me off my feet, but their story did as well! Their chemistry was insane. The story’s chemistry was insane. It was just all insane LOL Man; it was fun reading this book.

This doesn't have anything to do with the story so feel free to click and read but don't come at me with any comments about my pickiness because I already know I have a problem so deal LOL

Profile Image for Kathryn Dee at CLiK Books.
772 reviews24 followers
May 27, 2020
Master Manipulator- Nicole S Goodin

Master Manipulator is part of the Cocky Hero World and a wonderful addition it is.

Ky and Blake have fabulous inst-attraction, while verbally smacking each other on a 15 hour flight to Sydney. Blake trying to resist the ever cocky Ky.

Both characters have lived with loss but finding each other seems so natural. Their banter and steamy chemistry will have you eagerly turning pages. With some emotional and angsty moments, you’ll fall hard for this quintessential Aussie duo.
Loved the tie in with Ky’s cousin, Chance, who we’ve met in Vi Keeland and Penelope Wards Cocky Hero books.

Love this story and would recommend to any reader ready to take the plunge on a cocky hero.
Profile Image for Amy [Book Addict Reviews].
2,411 reviews172 followers
May 29, 2020
Ky see’s Blake in the airport, waiting to board a 15 hour flight to Sydney, and from that moment he works his magic to make sure they are sitting next to each other on the flight. Can he charm this stranger in a short amount of time?

I LOVED the banter between the two of them, especially on the flight. Blake could give back as good as she got from Ky and it was hilarious. There was a great connection and chemistry between Ky and Blake from the start and as the story progressed it only got better. I was completely hooked on these two and their relationship. I also love the relationship between Ky and his cousin, Chance (the OG CB) plus Aubrey and the kids.

Master Manipulator is full of laughs, some angst, a lot of emotions, plus some unexpected plot twists. Whether you’re familiar with the Cocky Hero world or not this one is a MUST READ!
Profile Image for SimplyƝì₭.
598 reviews299 followers
June 8, 2020
This was my first Nicole Goodin book, but boy did she write on delightful and funny tale. This book is about an acquaintance who works his butt off to become a lover. The book is so funny and witty. The sparks fly as these two find love. So on a flight from California to Sydney Ky Bateman works his magic on this sweet, nice kindergarten teacher. It is a rom-com gone mad.

The interesting thing about this series, is that I never did I tire of hearing of Australia, Pixie the goat or the first couple Chance and Aubrey. Read this series it won't let you down.

I loved this one. It was funny, smart and endearing.

Profile Image for Ga Books LoverX.
2,389 reviews26 followers
May 31, 2020
To say that Ky Bateman brings out the best in Blake in the beginning of their encounter is a big fat lie! But that slowly changes as events progress, and that truly is the beauty of the book. It was hilarious watching the initial banter between the two, then turn to more. It was funny and sweet but also has very deep emotions thrown in as well. All in all, this is a playful but sometimes angsty romance that is full of real emotions that will have a romance reader clapping their hands for an awesome read. I totally give Master Manipulator a 4.5 outta 5 stars and highly recommend you checking it out!

PS: Thank you to Nicole S. Goodin, Cocky Hero Club, and Give Me Books PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly.
2,354 reviews14 followers
June 1, 2020
I am having fun with this cocky hero books..it was a good idea for all these authors to give us some laugh..we have Ky is immediately taken with Blake and lucky for him she is on same flight and even though Blakes doesnt want to like him she really cant help herself which is understandable because i wanted him.

Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author... Volunterilly reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,929 reviews414 followers
May 29, 2020
Can’t believe this is a new to me author. I thought Master Manipulator was a great read. I thought Ky and Blake were two great characters.

Although a few angsty moments I thought this was a fun read with some great laugh out loud moments.

Great addition to the Cocky Hero Club.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,774 reviews589 followers
May 31, 2020
Master Manipulator was another great addition to the Cocky Hero Club. I was pulled in from the very first page, and quickly fell for the characters. It hooked me throughout, and I could not put this one down.

The characters were great, and I was desperate to get as much from them as I could. I wanted it all, and I loved watching the way everything played out. The drama at the end and the way things came together didn’t wow me in the same way that the intensity between the characters at the start did, but I still loved watching the story develop.

Without a doubt, this was an addictive read and more than worth reading.
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.8k reviews90 followers
June 1, 2020
Blake has recently gone through a major upheaval in her life so she heads home to Australia to regroup and get the clarity she needs. Sitting next to a suave and sexy man on her flight could either be the best thing to happen to her or the worst.

From the moment that Ky saw Blake in the airport he was determined to get to know her. He isn’t above using his powers of persuasion to not only ensure that he sits next to her but to also convince her that once the plane lands that she joins him on the adventure of a lifetime.

The chemistry between them is intense, their banter is witty and there is no doubting that they belong together but first they must deal with the past.
Profile Image for Michelle.
383 reviews3 followers
May 26, 2020
Master Manipulator is Ky and Blake's story, and what a story it was!! I loved their banter and the one liners that flew between them. They meet on a long ass flight to Australia, of course Ky being the manipulator he is arranges their seating and the rest is history....or is it? Ky and Blake end up spending some time together once they arrive in Australia, mostly because of a bet....but there is something about Ky that Blake just can't say no too, and in those few days feelings develop, and a huge secret that Blake is keeping is revealed and not in a way she would have wanted. I really loved this book and Ky....*sigh* I highly recommend reading this book, you will not be disappointed!!
Profile Image for Jay.
190 reviews
May 28, 2020
The back and forth banter between Ky and Blake from the beginning, starts this read off with a bang! I enjoyed the way these two are brought together, and their instant connection. Once I started, I couldn’t put it down! LOVED IT!

The sexual tension between these two is undeniable! Blake is a speak her mind, take no crap woman! Ky is sexy, playful, cocky, and so swoon worthy!

An instant love story you will sink your teeth into! A joy of a read! Superb writing! A great addition to the Cocky Hero Club World!
1,135 reviews7 followers
May 22, 2020
Ky and Blake meet in the airport. He finds her incredibly sexy and she finds him annoying. Her peaceful flight changes dramatically when she finds he is her seat mate. Can one lost bet change her life forever?

I love Nicole S Goodin so was very excited to find out she was writing in the Cocky Hero Club. Loved that she brought Chance and Aubrey, Kendell and Carter as well as Soraya all into her story. That added to the fun. Ky and Blake’s story is fun, sexy and heartbreaking. This was a fabulous addition to the CHC World.
Profile Image for Bitchy.
999 reviews16 followers
March 5, 2021
DNF 65%. OMFG!!!! I wish I would have read Paula's review about this because I would have avoided this like the plague. The lead female is a cheating whore. She left her fiance, without explanation, hops on a flight to Australia & hooks up with a total stranger (the Hero). OMG OMGGGGGG!!!! I fucking can't even deal.

The banter and relationship that develops between the leads is funny and cheeky. The way things unfold was going great until the truth bomb that explodes like an atomic bomb destroying everything in the vicinity. She is a selfish whore. She's engaged to another man!!!! Not an asshole who might have done her wrong, cheated or abused her. No! He was sweet and perfect. Yet, because of whatever had her restless, she ran from him. No explanation, not even a real breakup. Just up & leaves. Runs away like a coward days before her wedding. Meets Ky, the sexy AF stranger. And within days he's falling for her, she's falling for him with not a second thought. Her fiance shows up after she's been screwed thoroughly by Ky, and her fiance is kind, gentle and willing to forgive her. And then hurts... destroys Ky in the process. And she expects to have a moment to explain the situation and the why's, which she's had plenty of opportunities to, gee, I don't know, TELL THE TRUTH! She hurts 2 amazing men because she's a selfish, self absorbed train wreck. How the fuck can anyone feel any kind of sympathy or relate to her in any way?

I'm blown away by the high reviews for this and the fact that women are ok with this kind of thing. Because I'm pretty damn sure if it was the other way around, if it had been Ky who was engaged to another woman & she showed up, the reviews for this would have been low. It's such a double standard. This had the potential to be so good but screwed the fucking pooch 3/4 of the way. Thanks for the wasted time!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for mary Baird.
601 reviews6 followers
June 2, 2020
Master Manipulator is part of the Cocky Hero Club World.

First things first…. I loved Master Manipulator!! So full of cocky testosterone and hotness that it will absolutely keep you turning the pages!! An insta-love kind of book that will knock your socks off and then some. Tons of belly laughs make this story so much sweeter.

Ky Bateman spots a gorgeous blonde in the airport and makes it his mission to meet her. Upon spying her ticket with her name on it and also realizing that she is on his flight he puts his plan into place. Using his sweet-talking charm and good looks he is able to finagle being seated next to each other. In first class, mind you!! Here is where the craziness begins. Will Ky be able to work his magic on Blake?

Blake, on the other hand is frazzled and desperately wanting to sleep. Blake is escaping from unresolved relationship to figure things out and reconcile with her sister. The last thing she wants it for this cocky guy seated next to her running his mouth. Especially when she finds out that he finagled them sitting together.

But Ky is persistent and with the continual banter will eventually wears Blake down. Once he has Blake where he wants her the fun begins. Their banter is hilarious and ultimately has Blake agreeing to take a trip with Ky after losing a bet to him.

Ending up at his cousins’ house, the sparks between Ky and Blake really begin to fly. Yet the longer these two are around each other the more heated and animated they get. I love that spicy Blake can give Ky as much sass as she gets cheeky from him. These two are a match made in heaven!!

But what happens when Blake’s past catches up with her?
Profile Image for Ana Rita.
1,722 reviews40 followers
June 1, 2020
These last couple of days I've been on a roll.
It's one book after the other and I can't stop.
Since the Cocky Hero Club was presented to me that I wanted to read every book available and Dayum. I'm so happy.
Not only one but several new books, and also I've been meeting new authors and that is a bonus.
Nicole S Goodin is a new author to me and her fame is well worth it.
Her writing is super appealing and I need more.
Master Manipulator is her latest release and explores the lives of Ky and Blake.
Ky has not only the looks but also the attitude. He's cocky and he knows it. When he wants something he will do everything to get it and when he puts his eyes on Blake...
Blake started the day not so good. First, she drops her things on the floor, then she argues with a stranger, a cocky stranger I might add and then she's stuck with him for 15 hours...
What an amazing book with an intense and well-written plot.
The characters shared amazing chemistry that in some scenes it was almost palpable.
Life isn't easy and sometimes our mind can control our actions without minding the consequences.
I've laughed so hard in some scenes but in others, I wanted to slap someone.
Stubborn much?
Love, loyalty, friendship, and desire are very present in this book as well as loss, pain, and sadness.
It was an amazing way to know a new author, that's for sure.
It had all the things that make a book fantastic.
Great book Nicole. I can't wait to read another book from you.
 I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews171 followers
June 1, 2020
Master Manipulator was a super entertaining story that I couldn't get enough of. I'm finding that any stories with Aubrey & Chance in them I love hard. Blake & Ky were entertaining as all hell, and their chemistry was big time palpable. It all started on a plane, and then became the best thing to happen Blake, not to mention me as well. Their witty interactions had me rolling in laughter throughout, especially with all his quirks as he didn't give her any peace on the plane & it was a 15 hour flight. Plus my favorite goat, Pixy, made an appearance or two, and he definitely tries to steal the show from everyone else's story he's been in. So yeah, this was a laugh out loud good time with a shot of kiwi charm, not to mention some big time sexiness! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Profile Image for Wendy.
665 reviews8 followers
May 31, 2020
Master Manipulator is one of the many new titles releasing from The Cocky Hero Club World. Master Manipulator is a stand-alone novel written by Nicole S. Goodin. All the novels from this world can be read out of order as they are all stand-alone.
I laughed so many times reading this book. The audacity of KY was funny, shocking and kind of scary - he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
I found Blake's character to be so honest and real. The poor girl couldn't catch a break. Her vulnerabilities were refreshing to read and easy to relate to.
I highly recommend this novel. Easy to read and hard to put down.
Profile Image for Steph.
510 reviews25 followers
May 30, 2020
I absolutely loved this addition in the Cocky World series! Ky and Blake's chemistry was off the charts!

Meeting on a long flight to Australia, Ky and Blake instantly hit it off, which kept me engaged as a reader, in that I was able to enjoy watching their attraction blossom, and was dying to see what would happen once they landed in Australia.

I'm not usually one for insta-love stories, but Nicole Goodin does an incredible job of bringing the reader right into this fun-filled adventure between these two characters and allows us to fall in love with them at the same time they are managing to fall in love with each other.
Profile Image for Amy Miller.
3,573 reviews29 followers
June 1, 2020
Ky & Blake meet each other for the first time at the airport. He is instantly attracted to her, while she finds him irritating and annoying. Then she soon discovers her peaceful trip will be anything but when she sees he will be seated right next to him the whole time. I loved this story. These two with their banter back and forth was so great. Their attraction was also undeniable even though she fought it. Another great story
Profile Image for Reckless Readers.
1,707 reviews89 followers
May 25, 2020
This book took me a while to get into, once I did I loved the connection between Blake and Ky. It is sweet and steamy, their sexual attraction is undeniable. I loved reading this book because when places like Kiama blowhole is mentioned, the South Coast is my home. So I could vividly picture it compared to normally not knowing what an area looks like. Well done Nicole
Displaying 1 - 29 of 99 reviews

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