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They came to earth--Pestilence, War, Famine, Death--four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

Ana da Silva always assumed she’d die young, she just never expected it to be at the hands of Famine, the haunting immortal who once spared her life so many years ago. But if the horseman remembers her at all, he must not care, for when she comes face to face with him for the second time in her life, she’s stabbed and left for dead.

Only, she doesn’t quite die.

If there’s one thing Famine is good at, it’s cruelty. And how these blighted bastards deserve it. Try as he might, he can’t forget what they once did to him. But when Ana, a ghost from his past, corners him and promises pain for what he so recently did to her, she and her empty threats captivate him, and he decides to keep her around.

In spite of themselves, Ana and Famine are drawn to each other. But at the end of the day, the two are enemies. Nothing changes that. Not one kind act, not two. And definitely not a few steamy nights. But enemies or reluctant lovers, if they don’t stop themselves soon, heaven will.

472 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 1, 2020

About the author

Laura Thalassa

52 books21.5k followers
Found in the forest when she was young, Laura Thalassa was raised by fairies, kidnapped by werewolves, and given over to vampires as repayment for a hundred year debt. She’s been brought back to life twice, and, with a single kiss, she woke her true love from eternal sleep. She now lives happily ever after with her undead prince in a castle in the woods.

… or something like that anyway.

When not writing, Laura can be found scarfing down guacamole, hoarding chocolate for the apocalypse, or curled up on the couch with a good book.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,367 reviews
Profile Image for Lacey (laceybooklovers).
2,133 reviews11.9k followers
September 30, 2020
The slow burn here was sooo good!!

I kind of forgot how awful these Horsemen are in the beginning, even though they are literally the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Famine might be the worst one of them yet, but that made the payoff for him falling in love that much better. The heroine here is a prostitute and feisty enough to stand up to Famine. I really enjoyed their dynamic and banter.

I love this fantasy romance series, despite our terrible (anti)heroes, and this book has only made me that much more excited for Death's book! Full review to come.


*Immediately goes onto my "I will die if I don't have this" shelf
September 29, 2020
5 Stars!!

I'M DEAD. That ending?! I'm honestly speechless. That ending was honestly the best ending in the whole series, nay, one of the best endings I have EVER read🙌. It was EPIC. Death's book? It's gonna be BEYOND EPIC. I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to wait for the last book in the series, and with what Laura teased us with in the LAST SENTENCE? I know everybody is gonna be freaking out like how I am right now when they read it, because it's exactly what we all want, and I am SO ready to finally get it. I'm telling you all now, you HAVE to read this book.

I just love how Laura changed things up a bit in this book, letting it stand fully on its own. It's so different and unique while still giving us what we all love about the horsemen and their love interests. It also definitely has more of a mature aspect to it, which I honestly did not see coming, but I enjoyed it immensely. It's more explicit, darker humor, more serious and realistic situations, *ahem* heroine's job occupation *ahem*, so for sure be ready for that!

“You really should’ve stayed away. You may still be that same little flower who saved me, but then, I’m not known for letting flowers grow …”

Also, if you loved War, you will definitely love this one too. It had more of that gritty and gorey feel like War's book had. The first half was all about the build up and getting to know the characters, and the characters getting to know each other. Then the second half comes, and just like War's book, everything just hits you and you can't get enough of it. It is a slow burn book too, so when they finally got together? It was pure 🔥😌.

You broke me.
And in the process I broke you.
And now I fear the only way we will ever be whole again is together, all your jagged edges nestled against mine.
I hate that I want that.
But I do.
I want to be whole with you.

And gahhhh, Famine was just as amazing and ruthless, and yet oh so caring when the time comes, just like I knew he was gonna be 😍. He did have some similar qualities that we love about War and Pestilence, but he made them all his own, and I was OBSESSED. His heroine, Ana, was also just as kickass as I knew she was gonna be too, probably one of the toughest heroines, and definitely the funniest. I legit could not get enough of her teasing and cockiness and I know Famine feels exactly the same way.

I point to Ana with my scythe. “It was this woman with her pleasing enough form—”Ana—God bless her vanity—frowns at that. “—who saved me,”I say. “So, you and your offensive trade can fuck—right—off.”

Overall, this book was simply fantastic and so well done, just like how I know every book by this author is. I'm also so glad we are getting more and more answers and background information on the horsemen. We also get a lot more mentions of all of them too. So, THANK YOU Ana, for finally asking all the right questions, and thanks to Famine for finally indulging us and making us more obsessed with these characters😍. And thank you Laura for giving us these amazing characters and stories, and I CANNOT WAIT, for Death's book.🙏❤

“And what about Death?” I ask, switching topics a little. “What about him?” the Reaper asks. “You mentioned how you were worse than Pestilence and War,” I say, “but what about Death?” Famine holds my gaze for a long minute, then gives me a slight nod , like he’s conceding a point to me.
“Nothing is worse than him.”

(Insert quote that I want to put so freaking bad but it's too spoilery 😭)

*Arc Provided In Exchange For An Honest Review*
Profile Image for Arini.
857 reviews2,062 followers
December 12, 2021

2.5 Stars

How do you spell Famine?


I know, no one is more devastated than me. 😭 What is wrong with ME? Cause it’s gotta be me and not the book. Not when everything is basically the same ritual as the first two. The first two that I enjoyed and liked just fine.

I mean, look at my rating! It’s not even the 3.0 kind of 2.5. It’s downright just 2.0. Meaning, the book was so much a S L O G that I needed a month to finish it and even with the banter and the ending, I still ended up rounding it down.

Let me just—

bury my disappointment and die in piece.


Sorry to say, but I have to put half the blame on Ana. (Look away if you’re an Ana stan!) I didn’t find her funny. I found her annoying. Her vulnerable parts that she RARELY showed, I appreciate. Her crude jokes? No, thank you!

Not because I’m a prude, but because she couldn’t go for one second without mouthing off one. I guess if your life is shit and the world is ending, you can treat everything like they’re there for your personal amusement.

I wish everyday I were funni(er) and more fun. But Ana, please stop fooling around. The sex jokes that were meant to be sarcastic and witty came off uninventive and embarrassing. Idk guys, the humor was just a nope for me.

I also didn’t like that Ana was a (former) sex worker. I have nothing against them. If I had a friend who was one, I think that would be cool. It’s just I didn’t find her portrayal enlightening or even remotely interesting.


Famine was different than Pestilence and War, and Idk how I felt about it. While the two did their job for the sake of it, Famine enjoyed his because it was personal to him and he had reasons to feel vengeful. He was cruel(er).

In terms of how he was with Ana, he was not meaner. Instead, he was almost . . . sweet. The little flower endearment might be my favorite. Mostly because my name actually means flower. Not of any kind but literally the word flower.

Things I didn’t mind before

I don’t think this series is perfect. But imperfections I found in book 1 and 2 didn’t matter cause I enjoyed both despite them. With this book, however, nothing could be more glaring when all I felt is boredom.

The plot (or lack thereof) was the same. The world building still NONE. The pacing was slow. I didn’t complain before, but like, where is the effort?! Give me something worth reading that’s not a recycle of the previous books. 😭

Why can’t we have a nice little plot that like . . .

interconnect each book with the next?

Instead, we have this: the first 60% was Famine trotting around on his horse killing people while Ana talked his ear off with her nonsense; on 70% - 80% they were on a sex marathon; and the last 20% was a special cameo from Death.

I feel like this book was pointless. Famine and Ana had little to none meaningful interactions. Everytime a chance at discovering something new about the world or the brothers came up, Ana would ruin it with her stupid jokes.

It was like the author purposefully AVOID explaining about anything because she couldn’t be bothered to create an engaging and fully functioning non-functional apocalyptic world and just said, “Here’s what you get. Take it or leave it I don’t care.”

“You really should’ve stayed away. You may still be that same little flower who saved me, but then, I’m not known for letting flowers grow …”

In short, I’m disappointed. I don’t think it’s the kind that can be easily erased by re-reading the book either. It wasn’t horrible, but I only warmed up to the characters towards the end. This book was not for me. And now I fear for Death cause we’ve all been hyping him up since the first book.

My reviews of:
#1 Pestilence — 4.25 Stars
#2 War — 3.75 Stars
#4 Death — 3.5 Stars
Profile Image for Helen 2.0.
470 reviews1,356 followers
September 21, 2023

These really do keep getting better as the series goes on.

Famine has the same basic plot structure as Pestilence and War. The MCs meet under fateful circumstances and start off as enemies. The horseman receives a divine signal from God that this human woman is special to him. They travel together, the FMC a captive, from town to town as the horseman carries out his divine duty to massacre humankind.

What sets this book apart from the previous two books is the unique dynamic between the lead couple.

Famine takes his time falling for Ana—he’s not totally head over heels stupid in one-sided love with her. They both pretty much fall at the same rate. Famine is a total stuck-up asshole with a terrible attitude and a lot of trauma he’s determined to take out on innocent bystanders. Ana calls him a “sadistic little shit”, which sums him up nicely.

And while he sucks on the surface, Famine is a more compelling character than the previous two horsemen. He has an actual reason for hating humanity, one that goes beyond “my God told me to do it”.

He also carries out his task in a really interesting way. Famine sends messengers ahead into the towns he’s about to enter, telling the humans settling there to offer him their greatest gifts if they want a chance at being spared. Then he throws lavish feasts and parties for his victims, collecting their bounty, before killing all who stick around anyway.

For the embodiment of hunger, this is a compelling MO.

Meanwhile, Ana is a sex worker with a big chip on her shoulder and her own grievances to settle with humankind. She is headstrong and somehow still optimistic even though she is angry at the world and the people who have hurt her. Her banter with Famine was funny, especially how open she is about sex while he’s hilariously clammed up about it. Seriously, I don’t understand why he didn’t just take her up on her offer of a “blowjob to save humanity” 😆
It’s too easy to feel hopeful, like I have the power to change a bad man one blowjob at a time. Though I will say, my blowjobs are transformative.

Ana is not the hero we wanted but the one we deserve.

Unlike the previous two FMCs, she deeply empathizes with her horseman and never asks him to change into something more human in order to earn her love. She loves the inhuman parts about him, and because she does, Famine decides on his own that humanity is worth saving.
There’s something about the tilt of his face and the gleam in his eyes that reminds me of wild, untamed places. He was right when he said he had more in common with the mountains and clouds than he does with humans.

That doesn’t make me like him any less. If anything, his strangeness makes him more alluring.

I know men, I know them far too well. What I don’t know is this being, with his unnatural powers and otherworldly mind. The only thing human about him is his cruelty.

I still don’t feel like I can give this book the full five stars, because it does have basically the same bones as every other book so far, and is longer than it needs to be. The plot dragged in places. However, I’m more excited than ever to finish the series and meet the woman who’s going to bring Death himself to his knees.
October 23, 2020
Famine was such a treat!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: ❤️💙💜💚
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌎🌍🌏🌎🌎
Character development: 👤👤👤👤👤

The setting: Brazil, 25 years after the first horseman arrived. Cities are falling to ruin and modern technology is gone.

The Hero: Famine (Reaper) – he spreads death and destruction. The name Famine doesn’t always fit even though he has power over growing things. He kills crops and vegetation wherever he goes. Though the people don’t starve, he either has his guards stab them or strange vines sprout from the earth and impale people or choke them slowly, he also has a scythe that is good for beheading.

The heroine: Ana Da Silva – a prostitute from a whorehouse in Laguna. Ana once saved Famine and she wants to see him again. When Famine not only doesn’t recognize her, but treats her like everyone else in town and has her killed, she survives and vows retribution.

The Love Story: Like in the books Pestilence and War, Famine and Ana end up traveling from town to town together. I really like the whole captive gets pulled along for the ride theme that all of these books have. It is a great way to show the utter brutality of the horsemen yet have feelings develop due to the close quarters.

Boy was famine brutal. I thought War would be much worse, but Famine was truly an uncaring lout. In a way his methods, though vicious and bloody, were less brutal than starving to death slowly. Though at least while starving to death there is hope that you will survive.

I really have to say, I hate it when the Hero or Heroine in a romance is a prostitute. This one especially, because Ana seemed to always be throwing out sexual innuendos and talking or thinking about sex or her life as a sex worker. I don’t need the heroine to be virginal, but I think the innuendos and her jokes about sex would have been funnier if she was just a contemporary woman who thinks about sex like most women do. It seemed more sad because she was a pro. It’s like she should be the type of person who works at a donut shop but never eats donuts because they can’t stomach anymore.

Though I did end up liking Ana, she is a fighter and though she is attracted to Famine, she also abhors the things he does. She hates him at times and wishes she had never saved him back when she was a teenager. The story of the horseman Famine is a compelling one and he is quite the Character. I can’t wait to see what happens with Death.

Profile Image for Maca.
229 reviews47 followers
December 27, 2023
The MC is a prostitute and Femine is an alcoholic? Really? Wow, what a couple! (No offense.)
And here I thought that War was a bad book.
I guess it looks like I dislike a lot of popular books but I swear it’s not on purpose.
Sooo yeah, I am going to rant about this too.
I really wanted to like it and I thought that it would be better than War but after reading this I am sure it is worse.
1. It seems to me like the MC in every book is very similar and not in a good way.
It always starts as the MC hates the horsemen and she is always saying some really “bad-ass and though” shit, so she would looks like bad-ass, kick-ass, feisty woman.
It is almost always the same thing.
2. The only thing which is changing about the MC in every following book in the series is that the MC is more and more like sex drive machine.
It was just too much. I was over it after just 10-15 minutes into reading this book. I couldn’t stand it anymore.

„I’ve never been inside the mayor’s house, which is a weird thought, considering he’s been inside me many, many times.“

„Is fucking your only solution to any problem?“

„You know,” I add, “you’d probably be much less bloodthirsty if you banged your aggression out.“

„Do you ever stop talking?”
“Only if you put something in my mouth,” I say. “I’m partial to food, but dicks work too.“

„Oh, I can be useful,” I say, “but you’re not too interested in getting fucked.“

„How’ve you spent the rest of our time apart?” he asks.
“Mainly with my mouth open and my legs spread,“

I liked about the first book Pestilence that it was more pointed on understanding/getting to know each other and nothing like this.
I was disgusted by some of the horrible crude comments by Femine and other people.

3. It was so boring but I finished it so I would know that if the whole book is really that bad.
4. Zero chemistry. ZERO.
5. Unlikable characters.
6. And what about the ending? It’s good that it wasn’t predictable but it was kind of ... odd?
7. These two are psychos.

The Reaper doesn’t say anything, but I sense his deep annoyance. Deep, deep annoyance. I’m pretty sure he finds every decision I make irritating.

Me too bitch, me too.

Why did you kiss me?
My pulse speeds up.
Why indeed?
Because I like making poor choices, and you look like the worst one yet.

1, 75⭐️
The publish date was pushed to October 1 but at least we have a new Famine Teaser #5 by Thalassa ->

“What does that have to do with anything?” Famine growls, glancing at me. After a moment, his eyebrows rise. “Is that why you kissed me? To test a damn theory of yours?” Even as he asks, his gaze strays back to my lips.
I can practically feel the heat of his anger. I think the only thing that might piss the horseman off more than getting kissed right now is getting kissed for the wrong reasons.
The corner of my mouth lifts. I definitely shouldn’t enjoy toying with him—people tend to die when this happens—but I can’t help it; he’s fun to tease. He takes it so poorly.
My eyes drop to his lips. “That … and I was curious.”
I’m still curious. He felt like sin against my lips. And damn me, but now all I want is to do it again—if only to see another tree blow up.
Famine stalks back to his horse.
“What?” I call after him. “Did I say something wrong? Don’t be mad—you’re much less pretty when you’re mad.”
In response, he growls.
I grin. So much fun to tease.

Famine Teaser #4 by Thalassa ->

I glance at his scythe, which rests across the table. I’ve seen the horseman kill far too many people with that weapon. And for one sobering moment, I remember all over again that this is a bad idea.
I begin to get off of Famine, but he catches my hips. “Leaving so soon?”
Now that he has me in his grip, it’s impossible to leave.
“This was a mistake,” I say. One that’s awoken my body.
I can still taste him on my tongue, and my lips are still raw from the kiss, and all of it is addling my mind.
“It was,” he agrees. “Let’s make another and another. We can regret them all tomorrow.”
Is he serious?
I study his face, from those cruel, curving lips to his unsettling green eyes and all the distractingly pretty features in between.
It’s one thing for me to give in to a handsome man in a moment of weakness. It’s another for this deity to test drive human impulses. And with me, no less.
My attention rests on his lips. If there’s one thing life has taught me, it’s caution. Caution against hope, caution against emotional entanglements.
Caution against anything that makes me long a little too much.
I’m tired of playing it cautious. Cautiousness didn’t stop bad things from happening to me or anyone else.
Maybe tonight, I’ll throw caution to the wind.
“Everything will go back to the way it was tomorrow?” I say.
Famine gives me a look like he knows he’s already won. “It must.”
I glance at his lips again, and after only a moment’s hesitation, I lean in.
The Reaper’s mouth is back on mine as though it never left.
And I give myself over to the sensation of it.


We finally have a cover but... WHY THE HELL does he look like Tarzan, who is from ancient Egypt?

Famine Teaser #3 by Thalassa ->

”Unless you have coffee or food,” I call out, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Famine opens the door, entering the room with a glass of water and a slice of fruit.
“A papaya?” I say. Not even a full papaya; just an itsy bitsy sliver. “I’m a full-bodied woman, not a bird.”
“Perhaps you forgot who I am—famine,” he stresses. “Feel fortunate that I’m feeding you at all.”
“I want coffee. Then I’ll feel fortunate. Maybe. Some cake would definitely make me feel grateful.”
“You are a human-shaped headache ,” he mutters.
“What a compliment to headaches everywhere.”
“Do you ever stop talking?”
“Only if you put something in my mouth,” I say. “I’m partial to food, but dicks work too.”
He glances heavenward.
Ah, blessed reaction.

Famine Teaser #2 by Thalassa ->

The chilly air pricks at my bare skin. I don’t dare take my shirt back from the horseman, even though I’m cold to the bone. I begin to shiver, my teeth clicking together.
“You’re cold.” His husky voice seems as though it’s pulled from the darkness itself.
“I’m okay.”
“Lay next to me.”
I stare at where I think his eyes are. His words coil low in my belly. I can tell he doesn’t mean to make the offer sexual, but between that rough voice and the fact that our torsos are both bare, my mind can’t help going there. I’ve never laid next to a man who I wasn’t related to.
“You’re hurt,” I say. “I don’t want to jostle—”
“If you were worried about jostling my injuries, you wouldn’t have dragged me damn close to the point of death.”
Er, fair point.
“I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” I say. “I was trying to help you.”
He grunts, though I have no clue whether he believes me or not.
“I … couldn’t leave you,” I admit, picking at a fingernail. The room is quiet for a long moment. Then—
“Lay down next to me.”
I stare at him again, running my teeth over my lower lip.
“I don’t trust you,” I confess.
“That makes two of us.”
I make a disbelieving noise. “I saved you.”
“If this is your idea of saving a man—” His voice cuts off and he takes a ragged breath, “then I don’t want to know what your idea of punishment is.”
“I can’t believe—” My teeth chatter, “I actually felt bad for you. You’re an ass.”
“Fine,” he says, “stay cold.”
I glare at his form in the darkness. It’s clear he’s done talking.
I last maybe another fifteen minutes before I curse under my breath, then scooch over to his side. I bump into something wet and gooey.
The horseman hisses in a breath.
Shit— “Sorry!” I apologize.
He grunts again.
Gingerly I lay myself down next to him, bumping his arm twice more on accident. Each time he makes a low, pained sound.
Bet he’s regretting his offer now.
My bare skin presses against the side of his torso. The only place to put my head is on his shoulder. This is how lovers sleep, nestled in each other’s arms.
“Don’t get any ideas,” I warn him, as though he’s the one with the dirty thoughts.
“Because your flesh is so tempting right now,” he quips.

Famine Teaser->

”Put me down,” I say, a tremor in my voice.
“So you can stab me again?” He huffs out a laugh. “I don’t think so.”
He crosses the room with me in his arms. I can hear the sound his boots make as they step through puddles of blood.
The only people who are left besides me are his men. They stare stoically at the carnage, but inside they must be freaking out. I know I’m freaking out, and I’ve already seen several examples of this horseman’s work.
“Why are you the way you are?” I whisper.
Mean. Evil.
A muscle in his jaw jumps. He glances down at me. “Why are you the way you are?” he retorts. “You fucking stabbed me in my hand.”
“So you killed an entire room for it?”
“I was going to kill them anyway.”


I was not a fan of War, but I’m excited for this no matter what✌️

Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
October 5, 2020
I like Famine better than War. Who knew? This girl who likes her chocolate and life of ease and comfort fell for Famine. But, I guess it does make sense on the other hand because he's a complete psycho who kills all the people! So, I mean, I do have a type after all.

It depends. Is it working?

The framework in this book is the same as the other two: The horseman shows up, kill-kill-kill, meets the girl, lusty thoughts, wham-bam-saving man. Kind, that is. And, really, whatever tricks these girls must be using in the bedroom should definitely be printed in the latest issue of Cosmo. We are talking world-saving fucking.

I definitely need some new moves. My coquettish fan signals can only take me so far.

The girl in this book is Ana. She's a prostitute who once saved Famine when he was being tortured by some pretty sadistic humans. It had went on for years. So, you know, maybe that brought out the psycho tendencies. Way to go, guys! Not only is he unkillable, but you are making him angry. That's gonna hurt everyone.

Yeah, it goes down like you'd expect.

Ana has a brush with Famine again and he doesn't remember her. As a matter of fact, his gratitude for her saving him really needs some work. Less stabby thank you's please!

She ends up traveling with him (like the girls in the other two books) and they get to know each other. Which leads to the lurve. Is it Stockholm Syndrome? Maybe. Or, maybe it's just smart to get the guy who's killing everyone to decide not to kill you. That is Ana. She's a tough cookie who has been around enough to continue offering humanity-saving blowjobs. Hey, don't judge! A girl's gotta do what she's gotta do.

He's not taking the bait. At first. But, really, how long can a guy say "no" to a blowjob? No, really, I'm asking. I just can't imagine it.

In these trying, unprecedented times....hey, where's her fan?

If my review language seems crude or offensive, you want to stay away from this book. She's a prostitute, so......
Wait, did I just say that I talk like a prostitute?
Eh. Whatever. I'll take it.

The last line in the book? Well, just when you thought this author doesn't torture us enough to wait for each book she takes it up a notch. Although it shouldn't be that surprising that I will spend the rest of 2020 pining for Death. Just another day in the apocalypse.

Profile Image for Penny Reid.
Author 90 books21.8k followers
October 1, 2020
Famine is a super bad guy. If you thought War and Pestilence were bad, they're cuddly in comparison. And Ana as Famine's foil totally made sense. She's a strong female character, as is typical for a Laura Thalassa book, but she's also got a soft heart. She has the softest, cinnamon roll heart of all, and I don't think Famine would've been swayed to look beyond his revenge and disdain of the human race if she hadn't been quite so soft. I enjoyed her inner strength that came from her compassion, but though she modeled forgiveness (for Famine and others) she was also smart about recognizing when a being (human or non-human) was beyond the reach of forgiveness. Laura did a great job of showing this to the reader in such a way that I was always rooting for Ana rather than rolling my eyes at a character who easily could've been perceived as a pushover.

I was not always rooting for Famine, and to be honest he was not my favorite of the brothers at first, or even in the middle; but at the very end (the very, very, very end) he totally won me over. I was worried that

In summary, Laura Thalassa keeps things fresh in this latest addition to The Four Horsemen series. What could easily have been a retelling of the two books before it was an engaging, unputdownable ride. She surprised me (in the best way). Also, the slow burn was fantastic.


Upon finishing: Oh man! That was EXCELLENT!! Can’t wait for the next one. Review to come.
Profile Image for Parvati Patil .
215 reviews
October 17, 2021
Update 11/2/2020
To my dear QT's. Due to a situation that wasn't on my control, I couldn't be around to coordinate our reading efforts, and I apologize for that. I haven't been able to read for weeks and that won't change soon. I apologize for that.
The whole point of having a BR was to provide you an easy way to fangirl with other readers and unfortunately as I'm reading Sweety's updates that didn't happen because I couldn't aggregate your reviews on time.
I hope you had fun reading Famine, and I'm happy to say that the majority of you enjoyed it. If you still want to see our aggregatted reviews and update them, here are the links:

Michelle - Deimos QT
April - Star QT
Vintagebooklvr - Pol QT
Vicky- Thanatos QT
Twyla - Tante QT
Fotini - 4th QT
Tracy - Iron Maiden QT
Sweety - Artemis QT
Laura Elizabeth - Periogi Princess QT
Parvati - Pestilence QT

At the risk of repeating myself, I apologize for any inconveniences my GR absence caused.
I posted an update to inform everyone that the book is live and was put on hold. But the book is live already so I'm already starting.
To the staff, I'm going to ask you to please not put our updates on hold and to be professional and polite with our updates and reviews. We contribute to your Alexa Rating as much, or more as any other reader.
I'm here impatiently waiting for the book to be live. No luck so far.
In the meantime here's our review form. Please copy and paste in your own reviews.

🏇🏇🏇🏇QT’s review form🏇🏇🏇🏇
Rate from 0 to 5 stars

Characters: _ stars
Character relationships: stars
Pace: _ stars
Steam: _stars
Beginning: _stars
Middle: _ stars
Ending: _ stars
Overall: _ stars
Answer the following questions
Can readers start reading the series with Famine without reading the previous books?
Is it a slow burn or insta love?
What’s the Age of the main characters?
Is the ending a cliffhanger or the ending wrap ups the story nicely?
Which tropes are prevalent? Were they handle well?
Trigger warnings for (cheating?, rape?, gratuitous angst? Other woman?):
What did you like the most about Famine in 10 words or less?
What didn't you like in 10 words or less?

The QT's rollcall, please add these QT's to your friend lists, if they aren't there already

Persephone QT and Pol QT, please add the book to your to read/currently reading list so I can post a link.

Pestilence by Laura Thalassa Guerre (Les Quatre Cavaliers, #2) by Laura Thalassa Famine (The Four Horsemen, #3) by Laura Thalassa
Book 3 of the Kindle Unlimited series "The Four Horsemen" is going to be released October 1.
I invite everyone to join our official buddy read for Famine.


🏇🏇🏇🏇 Sign up by posting the word aye in my review

🏇🏇🏇🏇 Pick a name that ends with the acronym "QT"

🏇🏇🏇🏇 Read our rules CLICK HERE TO READ OUR RULES

🏇🏇🏇🏇 You don't have to be my friend. You don't have to join a group. Everyone who comes across this post and wants to participate is invited.

🏇🏇🏇🏇 I'll link your review and updates to my own review so you can read what other real readers who pay for their own books think of the book and interact with them.

For this BR I'll be Thanathos QT so I'll post in the comments Aye! Thanathos QT. Now I'm officially signed up to our BR and I hope you join me.

Update 03/01/2020

It's the time of year when I block everyone rating this book that at the moment of writing this post, hasn't been written yet. Nobody has read it. I'll start with the 1 and 2 star ratings but I'll eventually move to also block the 5 stars ratings, especially those that post deceiving negative ratings for other authors.

I also want to point out that although Da Silva is really common, De Silva is an existing surname in Brazil. At least 7000 people have that surname.

Pre reading thoughts.

I can't wait for Famine.
Profile Image for Saswati.
489 reviews339 followers
October 15, 2020
4.2 “little flower” stars 🌟

“I’ve never felt so alive before, Ana,” he admits. “It’s wonderfully messy. I think I might like being human after all.”

If you've followed the Horsemen series, you know what to expect here. Horseman awakens ➡️meets girl ➡️ girl hates him ➡️ circumstances pit them together. However, even though Famine kind of followed the same formula, it was really unique.

Famine is definitely the most selfish horseman yet, but he's also my second favourite! Go figure. He may be an anti-hero, but we love a bad guy here ♥️

The horseman eyes me up and down. “You really should’ve stayed away. You may still be that same little flower who saved me, but then, I’m not known for letting flowers grow.”

As for our heroine Ana, I really liked her too. She's strong, compassionate and funny as hell. I'm such a sucker for well-done banter, and this book had so much of it!

“You are a human-shaped headache,” he mutters.
“What a compliment to headaches everywhere.”

“What sort of stories do you like?” I ask.
“Ones where a lot of people die,” he deadpans.
I reach out and give his chest a playful shove. “Get out of here. No you don’t. I bet you like romance.”
“I bet you do. I don’t think anyone can resist a good romance.”
“Stop it, Ana,” he says. But I swear it sounds like there might be a slight smile to his voice.

Also, the slow-burn relationship between Ana and Famine was so good. It was definitely worth waiting for!

You saved me when you had every reason not to.
You broke me.
And in the process I broke you.
And now I fear the only way we will ever be whole again is together, all your jagged edges nestled against mine.
I hate that I want that.
But I do.
I want to be whole with you.

Now, let's talk about that ending. WHAT WAS THAT? FML, I really should have waited to read this until the next book was out! To think Death's book might not even be here before 2022 😭

P.S.: This was darker than I expected. So, trigger warnings for blood, gore and violence, because there's a lot of that stuff here.
Profile Image for Corina.
781 reviews2,488 followers
October 23, 2020
I'm excited!! Counting down the days.....

Who else is going to devour it as soon as its being released?

The wait is over, and as always the author doesn't pull any punches.....


So, what can I say except that I read the book as soon as it arrived on my kindle AND loved parts of it, but also felt that the storyline has become kinda repetitive.

All four horseman react and behave pretty much the same way. They hate the humans at first, they kill without a second thought until they fall in love with the heroine and suddenly are ready to give up their powers.

On the other hand I really appreciate it that the books are all set on different continents, exploring different cultures. It gives the story a new feel. Because as I said before, FAMINE being the third book in this series, I wasn't WOWED by the story, but was still entertained to a degree.

Of course I can't wait to read DEATH's story, maybe he is going to bring something new to the table.

Full review to come.
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,192 reviews1,716 followers
April 24, 2024
Among The Four Horsemen series, Famine has by far the darkest story. He unleashes havoc by controlling the nature. Destroying the crops in every city he passed by, leaving the humans starve or kill them instantly with his plants. It's morbid and gruesome unlike the deaths in the previous books. He despises humans for what he did to him except for one.

Ana da Silva's life changed when she saved Famine and he owes his life to her. She had a difficult life for being abused and fought to survive life being a prostitute. Years ago, she helped the Horseman recover after being tortured and held captive. Her clear conscience prevails and Famine became fascinated by her pure heart. He isn't able to recognize her after they parted ways and Ana despised his cold-hearted demeanor and cruelty. They hated each other since.

The protagonist has so much tension and they have a great chemistry and their story is a SLOWBURNINGLY GOOD. I've got to be honest, there are dull moments in this book and it feels like I'm waiting for something explosive to happen. The pace begins to pick up at aroung 50%-60% mark. I really like Famine. He may not be my favorite but I love his character development and Ana played a huge role for it. I admire Ana so much for being a kind, resilient and compassionate woman. She lived a tough life and experience the horror at such a young age. It's great to see Famine's protectiveness and cared for her deeply.

In conclusion, this is a good sequel but we’ll see on the final book as my husband Death unleashes his terror. 😛🔥

I haven’t even started War yet I’m thirsty for this 🤣 #sorrynotsorry
December 27, 2021
Update 4 DAYS BEFORE DEATH: I got a the French cover too cuz it matches my original Pestilence cover best.

Haven't rated book yet but I'm sure it'll be a 5 stars, It's Laura Thalassa and she can't write a bad book, she's just AWESOMETACULAR


Have you seen the French cover of Pestilence?

Pestilence (Les quatre cavaliers, #1) by Laura Thalassa

Parlez-vous francais?

Petition to Thalassa sensei. Please make this one the official PESTILENCE cover!!! so so beautiful!!!
and model WAR AND FAMININE COVERS to the same artistic style!!!!!

S'il vous plaît!!!!

For those of you that don't know thousand of people bought Pestilence cuz cover looks like this

original cover

is that a beautiful cover or what?

*drools over cover*

Then it turned out that someone had stolen the art and I hope they getting my bad karma. They stole from an author I love, from original artist, and worst of all FROM ME!!!

I'm innocent in all the situation with your old cover Mrs. Thalasa, I paid for it in book ebook and paperback format, I didn't steal anything and I hate that my covers don't match and you know what I hate the most? I hate covers that look like $0.99 erotica. ABS ARE SO MEH!!! so overdone! You never had cheap looking covers until the STUPID thief happened.

It really REALLY HURTS not having the cover I paid for in my GR shelves when I did nothing wrong.

Besides I suspect that you wouldn't have gotten into legal trouble had you kept the original cover cuz it's likely someone tried to scare you cuz Pestilence was literally "outhyping" every single YA fantasy that doesn't decide if they're NA or YA and end up being neither. I bet an arm and a leg that you were "outselling" those books too with your original cover and they tried to bully you into changing it. All that thing about legal trouble coming to you or Amazon or goodreads? I suspect it's bullshit cuz you did the right thing and changed the cover.

So please make your new covers all like the French cover.

It might get you better ratings!!! Many buy books by their cover, PLEASE!!!!

YO' french speakers ...lucky bastards you got the best cover... I'm telling you bâtard chanceux with louuuvv and good vibes
♥ I love french speakers almost as much as I love the French cover.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
November 19, 2020
Untitled design-High-Quality
My Review

This was a masterpiece, a beautifully crafted and epic love story filled with so much darkness, pain, desperation, love lightness, hope, humour every emotion your capable of experiencing is between the pages of this baby.
This story wraps you in its arms and takes you on an amazing journey.
It was fantastic from start to finish and I’m just blown away with how much I enjoyed myself here.

These horsemen just keep on getting more intense and the start of this story had my jaw dropping to the actual floor, talk about kicking things off with a bang.
And Famine might just be worse than War.
He really is such a complex individual with so many facets to his personality.

So this was an enemy to lovers trope and Famine and Ana’s story is one that started way back with there first encounter when as a teenager Ana took pity on Famines’ pain saving and sheltering him from those that would do him harm.
But later when reconnecting Famine fails to recall there original meeting and just who she is and the fallout from this is what spurs Ana forward.

Famines distrust and disgust of man is immense and was always there but it has expanded greatly by his torturous treatment at human hands.
These acts have cemented his hatred for humanity and Ana only gets a pass for her previous kindness as she still stands for everything Famine detests corrupt humanity.

Ana well she was quite the girl totally different to what I had envisioned but perfect for Famine.
she’s bold and brash and had such personality and what a mouth.
Her practicality and her resilience were ingrained and despite her own share of pain and abuse, she hasn’t let it define her.
Her will to survive is immense and she holds her head up high even when doing things she finds distasteful including her former profession as a prostitute.
It’s all done with sass and a smile on her face and she uses this attitude as a shield and though Famine scares her right down to the very bone she isn’t willing to concede no matter how frightened she gets at his terrible actions she stands firm.

Famine well he was pure Vengeance, blaming the whole of humanity for his past plight unleashing his wrath and playing the sadistic dictator enjoying all his cruel delights just a little to much and totally revelling in all the bloodshed and fear he leaves in his wake.

I mean it really does seem like he hates humans a whole lot and to him, they are just vermin to be eradicated from the planet.
He’s also struggling in regards to Ana his little flower, understanding her motives and even how to behave around her or why he even cares at all.
He was so confused and also at the same time reluctantly curious about the whys of it all and the biggie just why she saved him all those years prior.

Famine finds his human skin a burden and he very much wants to now finish his task and return to the before.
Even the idea of human pleasures of the flesh makes him incredibly uncomfortable a fact Ana uses particularly well and being an ex-prostitute she wields this weapon with such style.
Secure in her own skin and also feeling safe due to Famines aversion to mortal pleasures.

So I did struggle to see just how Famine would ever redeem himself his actions just seemed so much worse than any of his brothers before him.
It was the callous cruelty to his deeds that seemed to set him apart and give him the edge.
This was somewhat missing in his sibling's behaviour yes they killed and War even revelled in the violence but Famine took it to new heights and seemed to embrace the darkness and his role 110%.
He delighted in the agony and fear he caused and he actually enjoyed terrorising and playing before killing.
Returning the favour paid to him tenfold without compassion, care or an ounce of mercy and Ana is the only one that seems exempt from his wrath.
A living witness to all this sadistic savagery.

But it was actually Famines unexpected vulnerability that actually turned the tide for me here.
When he shows us the depth of his pain as we get to realise along with Ana just how much he has suffered at human hands and his actions awful as they are, are his way of evening the score, revenge for his previous torture and you kind of then get to realise the whys of his behaviour.
His is a learned behaviour and so while Famine at first appeared the coldest horsemen he is actually the complete opposite.
His heart is huge and he feels things so very deeply his actions prove this as does his reaction to the past horrors inflicted on him.
When he eventually opens himself to all the possibilities loving Ana brings his depth of emotion is infinite scaring even himself with the force of it all.
When he finally releases the high stakes involved in regards to his Flower and just how easily she could be taken away from him.

Ana herself is definitely a practical sort and knows she can’t save the world so as she gradually learns more and realises that Famine, in turn, is starting to care for her his little kindnesses start to chip away at her core.
Affection is the key to her heart and while she cares deeply and hates the killing and violence she feels that this is who he is and accepting him as he is in all his omnipotent fury is what finally turns the tide.
And if love is the key to her heart then acceptance is Famines.

So this was very slow burn but didn’t take away from any chemistry this had that in spades.
I totally believed in the unfolding connection between Famine and Ana and where previously I felt War and pestilence had an epiphany in regards to there given roles here I felt that Famine just wanted to do better to please his flower Ana.
He only wanted to save the world to keep Ana alive in it rather than any grand awaking or pure motive.
His approach and his eventual motives were totally honest and I really liked that about him.

The finale I also loved it was fantastic edge of your seat stuff and I can’t wait to delve further into death and what makes him tick especially after the small peek we are given here, I was left tantalised and very intrigued.

This series is just so fabulous and I’m enthralled the world-building here was again second to none and as much as I want the last book I will at the same time be sad to have to let it all go.

Oh before I go yes there is some backstory and I do believe you will get more out of this by reading the entire series as a whole but each book is set out in a way that you can totally read these as stand-alones all of the bits are there.

So this was totally amazing and deserves infinite stars I loved it so much and totally recommend this series.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of Famine (The Four Horsemen #3).

Untitled design

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for ~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader.
627 reviews317 followers
July 10, 2021
Reread July 10, 2021

I love this book and series so much! Ana and Famine are one of my favorite couples ever!

I can’t wait for Death to come out!

Original review-September 29, 2020


I think Famine might be my favorite horseman so far. He is ruthless, but he’s suffered horribly at the hands of men so he understandably hates humanity. That is until he meets Ana.

Ana and Famine are so great together. They understand each other at a deep level and I truly believe they are soulmates. Seeing them fall in love was so beautiful. Their chemistry and banter is off the charts too. I love them so much! Also loved the darkness and maturity in this book! So good!

The ending in this book is amazing and it made me that much more excited about Death. I seriously can’t wait for the next and final horseman. I know its going to be EPIC!! Highly recommend this book and series.

Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews516 followers
October 11, 2020
***A 2020 TOP PICK***

"I cannot ignore the way you draw me in, again and again."
HO-LEE CRAP! I'd forgotten just how dark and heartless the horsemen could be, and then how satisfying it is when they come around.
"This land doesn't belong to humans. It never has, and it never will."
Just like in the previous installments of the series, be prepared for a harrowing journey full of violence, blood, gore . . . and impossible love.
The only thing human about him is his cruelty.
I think Ana is now my favorite Thalassa heroine!
I might be frightened by the horseman, I might even be cowardly in the face of death, but dammit, I have been and always will be a bold, motherfucking bitch.
She was strong, unapologetic and a force to be reckoned with. I also loved how her character provided some comic relief to a very dark story.
Fuck it, even after everything, I'm still an optimist.
She proved to be a worthy foil to the horror that Famine surrounded them with.
There's no room for sentimentality in that dark heart of his.
And then in the midst of all that horror, Famine slowly starts falling for Ana . . .
His own pain runs deep enough to recognize mine.
. . . until, in such utterly improbable fashion, I got knocked on my ass.
"You were made from the earth," I whisper to her skin, "I can feel the universe moving through you, and yet you are something unto yourself."

And that ending? It did not disappoint. I'm talking all that and a bag of chips.😂 I've got my fingers and toes crossed that Ms. Thalassa is hard at work at her keyboard as your read this because I CANNOT wait for Death.

Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews791 followers
October 3, 2020
Welp, I did not like it. 2.5% rounded down.

I kid you not, this book is exactly how book one and two went, the only thing that was different were the names. You might be tempted to think this is an exaggeration, it is not.

This book was particularly bad because I didn't even like the heroine. She "tried" to be badass but she wasn't. Famine killed people over and over again but she just stayed there thinking about her life. There is a lot of killing, A LOT. War didn't even kill the amount of people Famine did, War had camps where people lived , Famine killed everyone in the most grotesque of ways.

I did not like Ana in any way probably because (to me) she was nonchalant about the deaths because she was safe. I know I am glossing over the parts where she expressed her disgust but she was really quick to get over it. Famine would kill like a whole city and less than a minute later she is making sex jokes. I like sex jokes but it was distasteful especially if the author was trying to make us sympathetic and connect with the heroine's plight. I know it might be her coping mechanism especially since she was in the profession but it just made me feel like she was cool with it.

I will read the last book for completion sake but this was not it, the sex couldn't even save it.
Profile Image for Becca & The Books.
333 reviews8,180 followers
January 5, 2023
Unfortunately and surprisingly, my least favourite book in the four horsemen series to date.
While I enjoyed Famine as a love interest, to an extent, and I liked Ana's perspective on exterminating humanity based on a past of abuse - I felt like this book was lacking in comparison to it's predecessors, not covering as much distance as Pestilence or having as many moving parts as War.
Profile Image for toointofiction.
263 reviews353 followers
December 23, 2021
“I’m Famine, the third horseman of the apocalypse, and I’m here to kill you all.”

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

❗❗May contain some spoilers. Definitely contains coarse language.❗❗


3 down 1 to go. I seriously can't wait to read Death. I feel he'll be my favourite. Could there be ANYTHING cooler than the personification of Death? Nope! I don't know what Laura Thalassa has done to me, I'm obsessed with this series. Simple, entertaining, spicy. I mean, I know they don't make much sense but the journey's still fun.

It's a lot of the same things, once again. Except for this time, the ending was very very goooood. Very intriguing, very surprising. Especially since all I expected was the exact same thing as the other books. By that I mean, Horseman and female human get together and then have babies and then there's a teaser for the next Horseman. Well...there was a teaser for the next Horseman in this one BUT it was soo different from the others. For one thing, the entire ending of Famine served as a major, fucking awesome tease for Death and what will undoubtedly be a fucking amazing showdown between all the Horsemen and their near-identical paramours (sorry, I had to 😝😝). I got so excited I forgot all about how similar all the books are to each other. I don't even care anymore. I just want to know what's gonna happen. I'm so pumped to see my lovelies again. *unintelligible screeching*

So for the equivalent of the other two lovable human girls, we have Ana da Silva, who actually knew the Horseman from before their story truly began. She actually saved his life...well, in the way one can save the life of an immortal. She regretted it almost immediately, though. He killed everyone and anyone she ever knew, and then tried to kill him herself but failed because she fell in love (duh). She is the same stubborn, moronically brave, and strong-willed girl as the previous two. As for Famine, the only difference between him and the previous Horsemen was that he seemed a bit more of an asshole than the others...at first. There's was, of course, a very valid, very serious reason he behaved so cruelly towards humans. Because we can't have it otherwise. He was horrifically tortured by humans repeatedly until Ana saved him. But he was convinced that humanity deserved a second chance in the usual way...the powerful vagina. 😎😎 An unconventional way to stop the Apocalypse, yet still badass, nonetheless.

Aaanyway. I still recommend this series. Go for it. You might actually have some fun with it.

Check out my reviews of the first two Horsemen Pestilence and War
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books559 followers
June 12, 2024
Ana and Famine might be my favorite couple yet in the Horsemen series. We’ll have to see who Death gets paired with. Famine is wreaking havoc across the world, causing crops to die and leaving death in his wake. He comes across Ana’s Brazil for the second time—this is a second chance romance as she and the Horsemen have met before. Theirs was my favorite romance of the three we’ve had (and I’ve loved them all) because of the snarky wit between the two. So many funny lines! And the scene at the end with Death where it’s revealed that all three of the Horsemen from previous books will be teaming up to take on Death in the final installment? Yes, please!
Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
671 reviews8,095 followers
November 9, 2020
#1 Pestilence ↠ 4.25 stars
#2 War ↠ 2.5 stars
#3 Famine ↠ 3.75 stars
#4 Death ↠ tbr

Disclaimer: Quick review, cause I'm too lazy to write detailed reviews right now I've written half of the review when I finished this book weeks ago and wanted to write the rest sometimes later, but forgot about it and now I don't care enough to finish it 🤷🏽‍♀️ that's why here my half-written review 😌
I was both excited and hesitant to start Famine. Excited because of the glowing reviews for this book and how everyone was praising the end, but hesitant at the same time, cause I didn't like War's book all that much. Therefore my expectations for Famine were kinda low. Luckily, I enjoyed it a lot more than the second book, but I have to say that Pestilence is still my fav book in this series. 
Plot wise it's exactly the same as the other two book in the Horsemen series. If you expect something different and new, you won't get it here. 
Famine 'wakes up' so he can come to earth to finish the mission Pestilence and War failed to do, because they fell in love. What happens throughout the book is that Famine goes from one city to the next and kills the whole population there. While carrying out his mission, Famine was captured by some humans, tortured brutally and then left to die. Ana who found his dismembered body, ditched in some corner, took mercy and helped Famine healing. To show is undying gratitude Famine lets Ana live, but kills the rest of her city including the rest of her family she has left (thanks king Famine, your gratitude is extremely showing! 🙏) Furthermore, he gives her the choice to come with him or find a new life. Ana choses the ladder. 
Some years later, Ana works as a prostitute and is offered to Famine as a gift by her madame. Not recognizing her, he orders his men to kill her and the madame. Ana's stabbed several times and left in a pool with other dead people to rot (sounds like fun ngl). But surprisingly she survives her fatal wounds and is out for Famine's blood. She goes after Famine and when they meet again, he takes Ana has his prisoner. Cause let's be honest that revenge plan was doomed from the start. 
What I liked about this book:  
Famine: He's a ruthless mf and I loved it. He came to earth for a goal and he's fulfilling it without mercy. Even after he takes Ana as his prisoners he keeps slaughtering people. This book is pretty gory and I was here for all the blood. 
Ana: She’s so sassy! And that made her and Famine's banter pretty fun. That was some very good entertaintment when Ana was making some of her sex jokes and Famine was lowkey uncomfortable LOL.

While I would say that 70% of this book was a copy of Pestilence + War cause it's the same going from town to town and erasing humanity stuff, I absolutely loved the action in the last 30% when ***SPOILER*** Death arrived and they fought against him. I MEAN FINALLY I UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYONE IS HYPED ABOUT THAT ENDING CAUSE SAME! I can't wait for Death's book, I hope Laura Thalassa is going to change it up a little and make it different than the rest of the series.
Why I couldn't give this book a higher rating:
While I didn't mind that much that Ana was working as a prostitute, her sex jokes became tiring soon. After some time when Ana was making a lewd comment, I was like again? It became a bit repetitive.
The next point is more a me problem, cause I'm a moody af reader, but after 30% this book became unbearingly slow. I don't know if it was cause I stopped at the 30% mark and when I started the book again I wasn't in the right mood, but it took me ages to get to 65%. I picked up the book, read maybe 3 pages and then had no problem putting it down again cause it was so slow and I felt like nothing really happened. The banter between Ana and Famine stayed the same, but I just didn't find it as amusing as before. Maybe a part why it felt so slow is because this book is sooo long. I don't think it needed to have that many pages.

In conclusion: I didn't love it as much as Pestilence, liked it much more than War, but it made me hella excited for Death.
Profile Image for CHAMPAGNE.
302 reviews197 followers
November 11, 2021
well, that was a slow burn if i've ever read one.

This book was spicier than I thought, it had 'plant' bondage and edging. Plant bondage= bondage using plants lol 🌿😭

He literally grew plants to hold me in place.

“You are a kinky freak,” I tell him.
“Shhh …” Famine says, his voice vibrating against my core.
“A kinky control freak,” I amend.

I don't know what it is about these last two books that made me want to give them 4.5 stars only to waver at the last second.

“I’ve never felt so alive before, Ana,” he admits. “It’s wonderfully messy. I think I might like being human after all.”

This couple wasn't my favorite to be honest, and I'm sad that they weren't. My heart is completely and utterly Sara and Pestilence's. (tho I have a feeling I'm gonna love Death.)

“Because you are human and I imagine you like compliments far more than I do. And for whatever insufferable reason I want to give you many.”

Ana and Famine. I didn't enjoy this as much because this didn't have the same angst as the first two books had.

What I loved about those last two were the fact that the horsemen grew agitated when their women stops talking to the even for a second, or that you see how their heart crumples when their women say 'I hate you's. And I'm a masochistic bitch, I fucking live for that small pinch of heartache.

“You are a human-shaped headache,” he mutters.

To say the least, I'm glad Laura Thalassa isn't using the same shtick again and again. This couple had amazing banter but sadly, I —personally—wasn't feeling the chemistry as strongly.

“I cannot forget how you saved me and all you have admitted to me since. And I cannot forget how your skin felt against mine and the look in your eyes when I touched you. But most of all, Ana, I cannot ignore the way you draw me in, again and again.”

But best believe when those final chapters came. I was so here for it, I loved every second of those last pages. I can't wait for Death.

“I love you, you foolish little flower.”
My heart begins to hammer against my ribcage.
“It’s rather an unfortunate realization,” he says, his breath fanning across my cheeks, “but despite every one of my convictions, I do.”

So yea, this is currently sitting at the bottom of my ranking for this series but still amazing. Still five stars.

FAMINE by Urban Fantasy

“I love you,” I interrupt, placing a hand against his jaw. “And I can’t believe I get to have you, you sadistic little shit.”

Ps I say slowburn because they have their first real kiss @67%

Pps this book talks heavily of forgiveness and the most appropriate song I can think of is: LEAVES by Ben&Ben (featured version)
Profile Image for ❤️Emma Book Lover ❤️.
499 reviews295 followers
June 1, 2021
4.5 "If he’s the universe, I feel like I’m entering it with this kiss." stars

🖤Follow me on Instagram for more edits🖤

UPDATE 2:the book is finally here and I've read it in one sitting
andddd, Now I am in a corner, trying to calm my heartbeats. LoL.

Phew! what a journey in lovely, or not so lovely post apocalyptic Brazil. I knew Famine will grab me by the proverbial nuts!! I was captivated from the start and had a tight hold on my tablet until the very end.

To say that this heroine- Ana- was a big freaking surprise is an understatement. Bold, reckless, spitfire, brave and compassionate. She is not what we are used to: innocent, pure, virgin type, not at all. But I think she was perfect for Famine.

My gaze moves lower, over a muscled torso that God just gave him because for whatever reason Famine has to go around looking like a babe while he kills us all. His torso tapers off to a slim waist and—
This is a well-endowed man.
“Well?” he says. “Is your primitive human brain satisfied?” he says.
I flash him a wolfish smile, approaching him once more. “You’re really pretty,” I say.
“Pretty?” he says derisively

Famine on the other hand is the epitome of ruthless. If I thought War is bad, oh man! Famine is 10 times worse. His hate, anger and disdain with humanity is something else. True, is understandable why is he like that , after his time spent along humans, but at some scenes I was really cringing.

It’s quiet for a long time. Then, softer, Famine says, “I was always meant to be the cruel one.” His eyes flick to me, and for once there’s something more than seething anger in those eerie green irises. “Pestilence, for all his disease, has always been perversely drawn to humans. And War was made from human desires. Terrible as my brothers are, I am worse.”

This is the mother of slow burn. The resistance is real , and it was tiring at some point, but when it did happen, thunders and lightning could be heard from the sky😁😁😉.

“One other inhuman thing about me, flower.” Famine turns his head slightly towards me. “I don’t simply exist, I hunger.

Now, as I said, I think they were perfectly matched, but sometimes they brought the worst in eachother too, not only the good.

“You really should’ve stayed away.
You may still be that same little flower who saved me, but then, I’m not known for letting flowers grow …”

I'm taking half of star for something that started to bother me after 70% of the book .

Annd, omfg that ending!! Unlike the other 2 book where we at least had a HFN last chapter for the couple, here it ends with a motherfluffin big cliff.😮
I can't be more excited for Death. I mean in the most serious way possible, I cannot be more ready for his freaking book.

UPDATE 1:Oh sweet Lord!! I m dying to have this book already!

Famine Teaser #2

Five years ago

The chilly air pricks at my bare skin. I don’t dare take my shirt back from the horseman, even though I’m cold to the bone. I begin to shiver, my teeth clicking together.

“You’re cold.” His husky voice seems as though it’s pulled from the darkness itself.

“I’m okay.”

“Lay next to me.”

I stare at where I think his eyes are. His words coil low in my belly. I can tell he doesn’t mean to make the offer sexual, but between that rough voice and the fact that our torsos are both bare, my mind can’t help going there. I’ve never laid next to a man who I wasn’t related to.

“You’re hurt,” I say. “I don’t want to jostle—”

“If you were worried about jostling my injuries, you wouldn’t have dragged me damn close to the point of death.”

Er, fair point.

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” I say. “I was trying to help you.”

He grunts, though I have no clue whether he believes me or not.

“I … couldn’t leave you,” I admit, picking at a fingernail. The room is quiet for a long moment. Then—

“Lay down next to me.”

I stare at him again, running my teeth over my lower lip.

“I don’t trust you,” I confess.

“That makes two of us.”

I make a disbelieving noise. “I saved you.”

“If this is your idea of saving a man—” His voice cuts off and he takes a ragged breath, “then I don’t want to know what your idea of punishment is.”

“I can’t believe—” My teeth chatter, “I actually felt bad for you. You’re an ass.”

“Fine,” he says, “stay cold.”

I glare at his form in the darkness. It’s clear he’s done talking.
I last maybe another fifteen minutes before I curse under my breath, then scooch over to his side. I bump into something wet and gooey.

The horseman hisses in a breath.
Shit— “Sorry!” I apologize.

He grunts again.
Gingerly I lay myself down next to him, bumping his arm twice more on accident. Each time he makes a low, pained sound.

Bet he’s regretting his offer now.

My bare skin presses against the side of his torso. The only place to put my head is on his shoulder. This is how lovers sleep, nestled in each other’s arms.

“Don’t get any ideas,” I warn him, as though he’s the one with the dirty thoughts.

“Because your flesh is so tempting right now,” he quips.

P.S. This book is coming spring 2020!

*Teaser from Laura Thalassa FB page*
Profile Image for Corinne.
147 reviews
January 16, 2023
A petition for Laura Thalassa:
Can we have a fight between horsemen? Death vs Famine, for instance?

Also, can we have more of Thanathos a.k.a Death, in general?
Profile Image for Ashley.
845 reviews577 followers
January 13, 2023
u>Star Rating: —> 5 Stars [ plus a f*cking gazillion more omggggggg ]

Um OH MY HOLY LORD. Best in the series by a

Be still my f*cking heart.

WHEW it is HOT AF UP IN HURR! Gotta cool the F off 😂
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
September 13, 2021
I am soooo impatient...

I swore I wouldn't re-read/listen to Famine until we had a release date for Death, but as per usual I jumped the gun.

It was better than I remembered but also as horrifying as I remembered. The narration was fantastic. I love Susannah Jones, but I would have loved a wee bit longer listening to Jay Ben Markson. His part was very short but I guess it's because we don't get a lot of time in The Reaper's head.

Now, I must patiently wait for Death to arrive.


…and here I thought killing trees wouldn’t be as bad

Famine took me a lot longer to read in the beginning because I could only take his evilness in small doses. I started this story thinking that there is no way Famine could be worse than Pestilence or War. I WAS SOOOOO WRONG! Turns out ‘The Reaper’ can do a lot worse than kill our major food source. Like his predecessors, Famine is on a mission to wipe out humans because of their foul deeds.

He did it with glee.

I guess that was one of the hardest parts for me to come to terms with. Yes, I understood that revenge was his motivator considering what he had been through at the hands of humans. It’s just hard to assimilate God wanting his children to suffer in such gruesome ways. But, it’s also hard to believe that humans, made by God, are capable of the heinous crimes they commit. I had tears dripping from my eyes as I ‘witnessed’ the atrocities Famine endured. This story reinforces my concerns with absolute power. Because you can torture someone condemned to death, should you? Again, I found myself questioning life, our world, and where we are heading.

I wasn’t sure how different Famine would be from Pestilence and War, to be honest. A woman walks into Famine’s path, tries to kill him, and he eventually falls in love and vows to change. Well, I didn’t count on Ana. Let’s just say that she was the last person I would suspect to be the love interest. I loved that she was so different, and her experiences had led her to be the woman that Famine connects with. I absolutely loved getting to know her without any preconceived ideas.

While it was sometimes hard to read Famine, I still enjoyed the journey. Laura Thalassa has written this series at a time when most people are questioning our leaders and government, the environmental practices that have left us with a dying world, and ignorance, bias, and greed leading people to make poor decisions. I can’t help but feel that there will be a day of reckoning … and maybe it’s closer than what we thought. This author loves messing with my mind!!

If you have loved the first two instalments of The Four Horsemen, you will love Famine. I’ve tried to be a bit vague on the details because I really believe it was better going in blind.

The ending of this story was not at all what I was expecting and has left me desperate for Death…. 😉

Profile Image for jay.
917 reviews5,293 followers
July 8, 2021
"One other inhuman thing about me, flower."
Famine turns his head slightly towards me. "I don't simply exist, I hunger."

Ah yes, the four horsemen: Death, War, Pestilence and Killer Tree.

What are you saying? Famine? No, no, because you see:

famine: a lack of food during a long period of time in a region (Oxford Dictionary)

"I shall take their crops and cast them out, so that nothing may grow. And many shall hunger, and many shall perish. For such is the will of God." (Famine's literal job description)

And yet. Is anyone hungry in this book? Does anyone actually die of hunger? I DON'T THINK SO.
Does everyone get impaled by killer trees? YES!!

So. Horseman Killer Tree. I rest my case.

I know you're all wondering.
"Jonathan, is Famine sexier th-"
There is nothing, and I repeat absolutely nothing sexy about horseman Killer Tree. He sucks. Fuck him. But not in the sexy way.

That little piece of shit is just mean and horny and an asshole and also he's GREEN.
Green used to be my favourite colour but it isn't anymore.
Famine has nothing to do with it, it just changed to yellow a few years ago, but I am still blaming him because he deserves to be blamed for everything.

I think I lost track of my review.

Famine Killer Tree and Ana are both disgusting. They have s*x covered in mud. What are you? Farm animals?? One time she gets stabbed and then they just get it on. ??????? WHY. HIS DICK CAN'T BE THAT GOOD. YOU ARE DYING MADAME, I SWEAR. Does no-one have a brain in this? Am I the only intelligent person? Clearly not because it took me two tries to spell intelligent and also I read this book, so I am a obviously a lost cause.

Back on track.

I just really, really, really, really, really, really, really (imagine this goes on for 5000 pages) hate Famine. (Wild statement, I know, imagine telling that someone in real life? They'd be shocked)
It's bad enough that he DOESN'T ACTUALLY DO HIS JOB PROPERLY. One time he was actually like "You know what? I decided to bring a drought and insects that eat crops and let people die slowly of hunger" and i was like "finally, like in the bible, which i haven't read" and then he was like "just kidding lol" FUCK YOU.
He's entire personality is also shit. He does say that he's the least human of his brothers, which I can definitely confirm. Because he is 100% asshole.

The ending was good though. Daddy Death was there ❤️ (...what is wrong with me)

TL;DR: 2 stars. I would personally stab Famine. Don't even try me. That fucker is dead.
Profile Image for Just Josie.
1,050 reviews190 followers
March 23, 2024
“Why are you the way you are”?

Mean. Evil.

“Why are you the way you are? You fucking just stabbed me in my hand”.

“So you killed an entire room for it”?

“I was going to kill them anyway”.

The third horseman.
Cruel. Ignorant. Angry.
Destined to destroy humankind for their sins.

Provocative. Sassy. Stubborn.
After caring for Famine in her teens, she meets him years after and let’s just say- she gets MAD.

Oh boy, that girl had fire.
I do love them with fire in their heart.
Brings the story more alive.
And despite the amount of death this story blossomed.

It gave me everything.
Hurt, vengeance, love, anger, sadness, forgiveness, pain, laughter & friendship.

Are you ready for the Reaper?

Read: 12/12/2020
1st rating: 5 stars
Genre/tropes: Post apocalyptic/ new adult romance
Cover: 5 stars
POV’s: Dual 1st person (Ana & Famine)
Will I recommend: Yes
March 13, 2023

I need some fucking time to process this.

There are some spoilers ahead!

OH MY. DEATH. WAS. HERE. And Ana stabbed him. Yas queen.

You broke me.
And in the process I broke you.
And now I fear the only way we will ever be whole again is together, all your jagged edges nestled against mine.
I hate that I want that.
But I do.
I want to be whole with you.

This just killed me.

I've been waiting for ages to meet Thanatos and now he's here. I need the 4th book inmediately. I can't wait no more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,367 reviews

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