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I am his obsession. His property. His Jasmine.And he will never let me go.

Trapped in the middle of nowhere, taken by a madman, I'm forced to be his wife. Obedient, meek, righteous in the eyes of God.

But I am none of these things, and I can't give in. No matter what he does to me, no matter how much he hurts me, I have to get out of here.

I have to escape... before I forget who I was before him.

378 pages, ebook

Published October 19, 2019

About the author

Jennifer Bene

64 books1,926 followers
Jennifer Bene is a USA Today bestselling author of dangerously sexy and deviously dark romance. From BDSM, to Suspense, Dark Romance, and Thrillers—she writes it all. Always delivering a twisty, spine-tingling journey with the promise of a happily-ever-after.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 227 reviews
Profile Image for Catherine Russell.
109 reviews283 followers
March 9, 2021

Book: Jasmine
Author: Jennifer Bene┃Shane Starrett
Type: Standalone
Genre: Dark Thriller
POV: First Person - Multiple
Rating: 5 Hearts!

Name/Age: Sloane Finley : 23
Setting: Stockdale, Texas
Published: October 19, 2019
Date Read: March 1, 2021

WARNING: This is not a romance. There's no Stockholm Syndrome, no anti-heroes, no falling for the bad guy.

TRIGGERS: Jasmine is dark. Extremely dark with multiple triggers. It's not for everyone so read at your own risk.

Wow. Just wow. Also, WTF did I just read? Jasmine took me on one hell of a whirlwind emotional ride. From the blurb alone, I was sold. It's not your average captor/captive tale. It's not your average dark romance with a redeemable hero. It's not your average heroine being rescued by her meant to be. I knew this would be a dark story. What I wasn’t prepared for is just how dark of a place this book would take me. This book will take you out of your comfort zone and will shock the hell out of you. This is one of those books that will have you wondering, what in the world am I reading? This is one of the most raw and gritty book I have ever read.

Every day, every hour that goes by with him, I lose a little more.

Jennifer Bene and Shane Starrett did an amazing job with the flow of the book. I love it when authors push their limits and think outside the box. Not once did I feel bored or uninterested. From the moment I started the first chapter, I couldn't put this book down. I just had to know what happened next. Both the authors captured the dark elements of the plot perfectly. I kept reading and reading, because there was no way this book was going down without me hitting the final page and getting some much-needed closure from the chaos. Kudos to both the authors for creating this fucked up masterpiece.

The barest hints of humanity in him won’t erase every other monstrous thing he’s done to me, and that is what I fought to remember. I had to remember it, have to always remember it. I can’t let a kind touch erase any of it.

my god, this girl was strong. Sloane was an aspiring actress hoping to find work in LA and when that didn't work out, she decided to travel back to her hometown in Texas. She's kidnapped on her way back and never reaches home. Sloane's easily one of the strongest and bravest heroines I've ever read. No matter what happened to her, she never, never gave up hope. I loved the strength Sloane carried throughout the book, loved her transition to a strong woman determined to fight for her future, loved her fight and her resilience.

I’m so sorry I’m not stronger. Sorry I didn’t keep running when I had the chance. I’m sorry I’m weak. I’m sorry I won’t see my mom and dad again, and it’s all my fault.

a monster, that's what Daniel was. An unredeemable monster. We're led to believe that Daniel is the way he is because of his upbringing. He grew up in a strict (mild understatement) household, following the Lord's guidance and blessings as his mantra. Nicknamed 'the Wall' because of his stature, Daniel was a man of few words. He was a true monster in every sense of the word, allowing his sick mind to justify his evil intentions. Now, this is where it gets tricky. For a second, seeing how he truly, genuinely seemed to care about Jasmine in his own fucked up way, I felt pity for him. That's right. I felt sorry for a monster. I don't know if he was brainwashed, how much he suffered through his childhood, or how he would've turned out if he had a normal upbringing. He was a victim in his own right. BUT he was a victim who did monstrous deeds and for that, he couldn't have been forgiven.

Never give into your wrath, Daniel. Lucifer tempts us down that path to lead us astray.

now if, if I'm ever kidnapped and reported missing, I would never in a million years want mason jones to be the agent assigned to my case. A depressed Bella Swan would've been better help than him. Agent Jones was just following protocol to save face. He was so crass and cynical, he didn't even care about Sloane or about the case. The only thing he cared about? Statistics. How 68,000 women disappeared in US last year, how there are 20,000 unidentified bodies every year. So what's the point searching and wasting resources for a dead girl?

Come on, Mason. You can do this. Care. Care about Sloane Finley.
I wait. The ocean watches and waits with me.
She's dead.
A stupid fucking girl who did something dumb, and as I sip my beer, feeling the sun beat down... I just couldn't care less.

finally, finally a little sunshine in this dark abyss of a story. Clint was sunshine, the heart of the story for me. He was the only one who truly seemed to care about Sloane (albeit for selfish reasons but they were cute selfish so I allowed it). His intelligence, determination and gut instinct was the reason everything turned out to be the way it did. I just wished we would've gotten more of him.

Was this book dark and gritty? Yes. Were there scenes that made me want to throw up? Yes! Will I read this again? YESSS!!! Kinda scared of the trauma I'll experience tho.
If you love reading dark, twisted, mind-fucking, and disturbing reads then this is the book for you. If you don't, then take a chance and break out of your comfort zone.

ps: this is officially my first 5 star read of 2021.
April 11, 2024
Not to be read if you're feeling delicate in any way!

I'm a long time fan of Jennifer Bene but have not read anything by Shane Starrett before (well other than his super witty/sarcastic posts on social media). I may need to rectify that omission fairly soon, since the book this duo has produced is pretty darn fantabulous.

It's dark and goes there on so many occasions. If you're wondering where there is, it's all the way to Depravedville, via Shock-Horror Town and taking in the sights of Psycho City along the way. Because no sane person can withstand the level of dark that is "Jasmine's" (Her) existence, we occasionally get chapters from the POV of other characters in the book. Whilst these aren't necessarily sweetness and light, nor full of positivity, they do add texture and dimension to this sorry, sordid tale.

The parts written from "His" perspective were both chilling and somewhat heart wrenching. I found myself feeling pity for him and his severely messed up head. I'm not sure if his skewed perspective, his complete lack of understanding around his actions, his removal from all reality actually made his actions worse or a tiny bit understandable. And many may not understand or agree but I did feel sadness for him. In fact the more I read from his perspective the more my heart broke for him. Even though he was mad as a box of frogs, or perhaps BECAUSE of that, he sort of, maybe, snuck into my heart a little. His actions might have been evil but his heart was pure and in his own way he truly loved and revered Jasmine.

In many ways he became the main character for me. Other readers, those with a more normal disposition, probably hated him from the tips of his toes to the very roots of his hair. And it's fair to say his actions WERE deplorable, unacceptable and so very damaging both mentally and physically. Yet somehow, when I 'heard' things through his voice, I wanted to save him. I'm putting the next bit as a spoiler, though it is more my reflections on Daniel than it is anything specific that happened.

With excellent writing, great characterisation, a twisty, convoluted plot and extreme nastiness this is a must read for all those who love a very dark, gritty and hard as nails read.
Profile Image for Arena♡.
410 reviews723 followers
December 23, 2020
i have no words. this book is bringing on a migraine...but i don't regret reading it. not even a bit. i'm not gonna say much bc then i'd just be ruining the plot, but know this, this book goes to the lengths of depravity that shouldn't be possible.

the parts from the 'her' POV made me cry while the parts with the 'him' POV gave me chills. Daniel (H) was suffering from religious delusions that brought on an unimaginable amount of cruelty from his side on Sloane (h)

the way he talked about god and religion honestly blew my mind and creeped me out. i'm not scared easy, but wow

also, this book is NOT a romance.

tw : everything
Profile Image for Kim BookJunkie ~ Editor & Proofreader.
2,046 reviews56 followers
November 22, 2019
4.5 stars

Are you a diehard, dark romance/erotica lover who is tired of every abduction story ending with the “sociopath“ going soft or the captive developing Stockholm Syndrome? I am, so I was beyond thrilled to find that JASMINE is unlike like the majority of the dark books out there! Daniel is a true, psychopath/sociopath from start to finish with no wavering, making him an incredibly entertaining, twisted character! Our captive “ Jasmine“ is feisty and strong-willed, keeping me on my toes from start to finish. The third main character in this book is the FBI agent investigating the disappearance of a missing girl… Although his portions weren’t quite as exciting as the rest of the book, I really, really loved this story! Nothing about it is predictable and it’s deliciously disturbing and deviant!!! I highly recommend that all dark romance/erotica lovers give this book a shot!!!!
Profile Image for Mirjam.
1,819 reviews111 followers
November 20, 2019

Do not read this book if you're looking for a traditional abduction story where the captive falls for the captor.
This is fucked-up and I'm gonna quote from Louise H's review It's dark and goes there on so many occasions. If you're wondering where there is, it's all the way to Depravedville, via Shock-Horror Town and taking in the sights of Psycho City along the way. And I so agree with her!

While Daniel is a real psychopath and a top-notch one, you'd think that you would hate his guts. And I do not want to make excuses for him, but in his twisted mind he is convinced that his behaviour is the only way to go. And, strangely, he really loved Jasmine/Sloane.

This book is a page turner, it will keep you on edge and reading from all the different POV's is just adding to the whole experience.
If you are a fan of dark-captive story, this is one you would not want to miss.
Author 1 book12 followers
October 19, 2019
How do you feel sympathy for a Monster? This was my dilemma after reading this book.
I peeked inside, just to get a feel for the story and boom! I look up and I'm done, emotionally wrung out and with the uncomfortable feeling of sympathy for someone who I feel I should hate.
I didn't want to feel this way, after the things he did, I just wanted Sloane to be happy and have a future to look forward to. The part that scares me the most is how very real this felt.....just thinking it could happen terrifies me. Sigh, glad it's just fiction!
Ugh, this one will be with me for a while I think.
I'm not sure if I'm happy these two got together and wrote this, it was like an uncontrolled dive, once I started, I couldn't stop. Definitely having a case of book hangover here. And a case of Clint envy as well.
Profile Image for Alisonbookreviewer.
672 reviews65 followers
April 10, 2022
4 stars

Jennifer Bene is a very dark writer and this book is no exception.
A young woman is abducted on her drive home from failing as an actress in Hollywood.
If you can get past the first creepy dark parts through out the book it gets good.
Mason is an FBI agent hired to help a small town deputy look for her. He thinks she’s already dead but is just doing his job.
The deputy however is not giving up.
This is a twisted story with an HEA ending and a budding romance.
I almost put this book down because of the violence but I’m glad I finished it.
It has Some Karin Slaughter vibes to it with a better outcome.
Trigger warnings of rape, abduction and violence
Profile Image for Paula D.
1,580 reviews54 followers
October 21, 2019
Sitting here after reading this book and I’m shocked. This book is so dark, twisted, gritty but most of all real. Whole time I was reading it I kept thinking to myself that someone is probably going through this right at this moment. The authors bring you into a world where you just hope that in the end there is some kind of light. I’m torn here cause how can I feel bad for a evil person? It’s so intense that you can’t stop reading and I kept saying in my head why omg why! If you love dark reads seriously a must read! 5/5 stars deserves a 10
Profile Image for Set.
1,615 reviews
February 11, 2020
"He's probably done nothing but read the Bible from the day he could recognize the words. And he's fucking crazy because of it."
"No more laundry to wash, nothing to do but read the fucking Bible he sent me down here with."

And it goes on and on and on, christian and bible bashing. How many rosaries is it going to take to atone for reading this rubbish?
Profile Image for daemyra, the realm's delight.
1,075 reviews37 followers
May 30, 2022
Not my depraved mind thinking Daniel is the hero until about 50% into the book ;_____;

The hero is A Good Guy. I really like this type of wet-behind-the-ears, I-still-believe-in-making-a-difference hero. He was quite close to making it to my shelf of "heroes I'd actually date IRL" but while this was entertaining and kept my attention, not sure how I feel about certain things that happened, which is more of a personal taste thing than a critique about the authors' execution, which was fine enough.

I was expecting the focus of the story to be claustrophobic suspense. The essential set-up: A woman running away from her captor. That we get the POVs of the local police and FBI on the trail of "Jasmine" changes the story.

It created tension as we know what the cops don't know. It introduced a secondary conflict with the dynamic between the hardened, jaded federal agent from the Big City who believes Jasmine is dead but is out to investigate because her dad is influential, political yadda yadda yadda, being assigned to an optimistic local boy scout cop that was assigned to the case, and his knightly obsession with the missing girl is made fun of by the other cops. And it also made the reader sympathetic to the new characters, which was needed to give the ending that emotional satisfaction.

It kept my attention, and I enjoyed the read. However, it gave erotic horror, captive romance before sliding into mystery thriller territory.

Ultimately, I feel torn:
341 reviews3 followers
October 20, 2019
I love when I can walk away from a book that has made me feel. Jennifer Bene and Shane Starrett take you on a journey that arches the spectrum of emotions.

Questioning who we are and what we will do to survive is a broad theme that I love throughout this story! Each character struggles with this and I love that we get the differing perspectives! Jennifer and Shane are wizards with this storyline! They pull you in and tie you up in such a way that you plead with them not to release you as it comes to an end! I love that the end does not leave us in the dark twisted world they created! Absolutely a book that is worth your time!
Profile Image for Kelly_Reads_Books.
2,040 reviews159 followers
October 20, 2019
I love Jennifer Bene's writing immensely, and its always a one-click for me. I have not read anything by Shane Starrett until now and if this is an example of his writing he will become a one-click too!
This dynamic duo created a very intense, hold your breath, amazing story!
Jasmine is a story that questions the good in people and believes in the bad in humanity.
When the FBI and the local police departments fail to give 100% in locating a missing Sloane, a lowly newly appointed deputy still believes in following his instincts.
This story is a roller coaster ride of emotions and not for the faint of heart. Heed the dark warnings.
214 reviews6 followers
October 22, 2019
Jasmine by Jennifer Bene/Shane Starret

Speechless...this book left me in an emotional whirlwind. By the 2nd chapter I was ready to throw my device at the wall. It is dark, captivating and not your typical HEA albeit one does happen. Numerous times I was consumed by the same Wrath the characters experienced. A dark twisted plot that left me with heart palpitations. Freaking loved every minute of it!
Profile Image for Ana Oh.
654 reviews14 followers
October 27, 2019

THIS is an amazing book!!

I almost stopped after the first chapter or two, thinking it was all going to be dark, dark, dark.

Not even.

The story has many layers, all of them entertaining.

Another great book would be the challenges Clint and Sloan face through their developing relationship.
Profile Image for skye.
501 reviews43 followers
January 20, 2022
5 Stars

Psychotic. Just fucking psychotic. Like I have no other words to describe this. (Also lots of TWs in this book this is not a light read)

First the heroine:
I fucking loved her I think she did the best out of all the captive trope heroines out there and if they were all put into Hunger Games our girl right here would kick everybody ass 💯!!

All this girl knew was pain but whenever the kidnapper said something wild she would just pause n in her head think "you got no love as a child huh" lmfao

Now the "H":

I feel such joy as Jasmine submits under me. She lets me kiss her lips, her neck, her breasts, and I know it is because I have been a good husband. She is finally understanding, and I want to make her feel better. I want her to see that I still love her, that God still loves her through me. She doesn’t need to cry anymore; she doesn’t need to feel her guilt for running away. Her punishment has absolved her of it. In God’s eyes, it’s like it never happened now.

I was SCREAMING because:
1. Her name is NOT jasmine
2. What's the opposite of a good husband cuz he is definitely not her husband AND he just raped the shit out of her so yea
3. This woman is sobbing cuz her attempt to escape her kidnapper failed not cuz she feels guilty



It's literally what kept me going this whole time I couldn't believe what was going on in his POVs.

He was so damn crazy but he doesn't realize that he's crazy bc he thinks he's doing all this with gods permission

just before sleep, I move my hand down the softness of her stomach, resting it above her womb as I pray for a child. A child to give her joy, to give us a family.

Jasmine whimpers, sniffles, and I know she is still thinking of her guilt, so I hug her against me again. Comforting her, giving her my strength so that we can sleep.



And this is the end of my official review don't look at what I say next >>

Opinion: (and no this is definitely not my opinion if anybody asks)
His love was real and I rly wanted more for him.... but he do be needing therapy like a lot of it
Profile Image for Ri.
5,103 reviews7 followers
October 20, 2019
4.4 stars

One thing that is always a guarantee when reading a book by Jennifer Bene is that it is going to be one that keeps you on the edge of my seat. She will make me feel uncomfortable and push the boundary of what is comfortable. In a way, it is like dipping my toe in shark-infested waters. Will the shark bite it off and pull me under or will she just make me fearful that it COULD happen? When I heard about this surprise collaboration I worried about the other author because his other book was vastly different than this one. I need not have worried, other than he might come up a smidge (and by smidge I mean a lot) darker in the future.

This book starts with a bang. There is no easing one's way into this story. It is apparent from the beginning that this is going to be a bumpy, and painful, ride. I felt for the heroine in this story. She was caught in a literal hell. It made me posit what would it take for my mind to break. There was so much more that I wanted to understand about this story. There were gaps here for me. I wanted to know the backstory of the how and whys. What made the hero this way, how did it come to be, what led up to this? Jasmine? just so many questions. Even though the story ends with a happy ending I wanted to see more. How did they get to that point, what was the explanation behind it all? Maybe, this is just me being greedy but it felt incomplete to me.

That being said, this was still very good. I can never recommend this author enough for those readers out there that like to toe the line with dark and twisted. And now, I can also add another author to this mix of why I need to seek intervention and additional therapy.
Profile Image for JD (on semi-hiatus).
984 reviews206 followers
October 25, 2019
So, this is torture-porn, defined as a text (film, book) that revels in graphic depictions of violence and gore. Those who attend horror movies get excited by this. To each their own fantasy; my problem is that books like these seem to think that they're doing something "thrilling," "intense," and "dark" (what an overused word) when all they're doing is exploiting, eroticizing, and sensationalizing violence against women. I might feel differently if authors were honest enough to admit it.

I'm not rating this because the blurb -- for once -- was explicit enough that those readers who don't like this sort of thing can avoid it. I tried it because of the glowing reviews (always a mistake for me). I did like the representations of the FBI's politics (unfortunately, all too true) and some of the other characters (particularly Carmen, who added diversity to what is a very undiverse genre).

Note that this is my opinion and not intended to stop those who think that they will like to read the book from doing so.
2,357 reviews
October 20, 2019
This one will blow your mind - Drag you down into the depths of hell and yank you up into the glorious starry sky.
I yelled, cajoled, begged and cried my way through this one! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Profile Image for Lammie.
558 reviews23 followers
June 11, 2023
I went into this book thinking it was a dark romance. It’s not. Its a thriller. And you find out pretty much right off the get go. Daniel … Sloane’s captor is insane. She’s not going to fall in love with him. This is not going to be a redemption story for him.

I had to take a break a few times because of the horror happening on the page. What happens to Sloane (Jasmine) is upsetting … horrifying … hellacious. Its terrifying and will break your heart. Sloane is strong … but at some point even the strongest will break.

Enter Mason. FBI agent. He’s seen it all and is jaded. Sloane is a dead girl. A number in his head. He’s simply going out to Texas as directed to add another paragraph to a report on a missing girl. He knows he’s not going to find her and he isn’t prepared to try very hard.

Now enter Clint. Local Deputy. He’s been looking into Sloane missing persons case on his own when he has time and he has a bit of a crush. He is still optimistic. Life hasn’t yet taught him anything different.

These 2 are paired together. There is also Carmen who is the local FBI agent Mason meets with in Texas (he is from LA) but she was just a side character and didn’t add anything to the story for me.

I’m not gonna go into any details about what happens in the story. I strongly urge if you have an interest to read it yourself. For me it was a 5 ⭐️ read and that rating is reserved for a book that really stands out to me.

Mason is given inspiration in the rescue of Sloane. Maybe that one extra look could save even one life. This book really had a second chance vibe for him.

What happens to Clint and Sloane I will leave it to you to read but I loved the epilogue.
731 reviews5 followers
October 21, 2019
Run! Run! Hide! Captured! Punished! Pain! Fear!

This is a terror filled, emotionally addictive, DARK story of an unstable, overly religious zealot, who abducts a young woman he erroneously believes to be his wife, Jasmine. His methods to force her to conform to his beliefs are extremely punitive and coercive.

OMG! This was written with enough unbelievable knowledge and passion to immerse my emotions into sick and cruel misguided fervor. Once I began reading, it was almost impossible to stop. For me, this is a thriller filled with EVIL, “well-intentioned” control, punishments and marital rights.

What will happen to this girl? Will she survive? Will she be able to escape? If not, who will save her? Thank goodness these authors were able to give me a HEA, or I might not have survived!
Profile Image for Tiffany S.
1,070 reviews39 followers
November 8, 2019

WOW!!! This was GRAPHIC. So dark. So sad. So well written! Definitely not a romance. Not even a toxic one. Although there is some sweetness at the end. I saw some reviews where the readers sympathized with the bad guy, but not me. Not this one. I love the villains, but this one was too everything. Crazy. This story was suspenseful. I could not stop once I started reading it. I was INVESTED. The epilogue was sweet and I love and appreciated it so much!!!
Profile Image for kimberly_rose.
668 reviews27 followers
February 14, 2020
The female MC was interesting in a relateable way--strong, vulnerable, believable, compelling. The male MC was interesting in an 'otherness' but also uncannily relateable way to those raised in extreme religion--disordered thoughts, unbalanced perspectives, misjudgments of others' behaviours and feelings. He was also believable and even pitiable.

Two big things made this potentially outstanding novel a colossal fail for me: first, a sudden switch to a new set of main characters (police/detective types) about one third into the book--way too far in, especially since I was intensely involved with the original two. If the author wanted me to care, I should have met them from the get-go. All these 'new' main characters I never responded to with anything other than annoyance each time their chapters appeared--they were a distraction from the two I cared about!

More importantly, the ending ruined everything. Spoilers (but not really) ahoy:

I was extraordinarily disappointed that the original male mc (the one who was a 'monster,' a created one from his upbringing, but not a wholly nonredeemable one) was simply--as is so often the case--eliminated at the end. It's such an easy non-answer to the issues raised in the story, such a hopeless, discouraging, almost dishonouring way for the author to take their story and characters in my opinion.

Read it and tell me what you think. It's certainly emotionally well-developed and insightful, written with talent and skill, especially around the messed up (but not hopeless/has to die) psyche of the male mc.

Reader warning: disturbing graphic sexual content; disturbing religious indoctrination thoughts and actions; unsatisfactory ending
Profile Image for Saskia.
1,775 reviews53 followers
October 21, 2019
A collaboration between Jennifer Bene and Shane Starrett. As one can expect from Jennifer Bene this is quite a dark book, so it is not for everyone. If you love dark then you will find this a wonderful read.

The story is written from several pov’s. That is something I enjoy because you get to experience the story from different points of view and it this cause from Her, Him and the FBI/police.

Her story is filled with horror, pain and strength and not giving up. Not giving in to Him. It is a very intense read and I couldn't stop reading these parts.

Seeing the story from His eyes give you an insight into the mind of a Monster, but that is not what he is in his eyes. Everything he does makes sense.

I didn’t care to much about the FBI/Police parts and that was mostly because I felt they dragged on and took away from the flow of the story. I found myself scanning them. before getting back to the story.

And I would have liked a bit more background on Him and the actual ‘meeting’.
Profile Image for Kira.
1,262 reviews137 followers
January 4, 2020
This is not a romance. It's a dark, demented story. Sloane is kidnapped and tortured by Daniel. There isn't anything sweet about it. He's a religious fanatic who believes what he's doing is right. Clearly he has severe mental issues. This is not a Stockholm syndrome story because she hates him with every fiber of her being.

Part of the story is told through the POV of an FBI agent. He's a jaded asshole who doesn't think it's worth his time to search for Sloane. His personality didn't make reading these parts easy. He was such a dick. Towards the end his POV became the focus. It wasn't exciting because although he didn't know what happened to Sloane the reader did. The only real question was if Sloane would be saved.

I did like it, but it was not an easy read. If you're looking for very dark erotica without romance, this is the book for you.
Profile Image for Debbie.
810 reviews11 followers
November 5, 2019
I'm in the minority here, obviously! I just got bored reading the captivity part of it. It would have been so fantastic if half the book had been while she was captive, which, was too repetitive IMO. I would have LOVED to read about her recovery and relationship with Clint. It just didn't take long to get the crazy of Daniel. The very short epilogue of Sloane & Clint was absolutely the best part of the entire book. I felt the part about Agent Jones drug out too long with all of his thoughts about how she was probably dead....and, how he didn't really want to look for her. I skimmed quite a bit until they finally found her. It's definitely dark with lots of rape and beatings.
1,644 reviews
October 20, 2019
This is a book full of suspense and created mixed feelings. There is no doubt Daniel is a monster, but at the same time I felt I couldn’t blame him, he is a product of his upbringing and has suffered as much as he has made others suffer. There is no question I wanted him to let Sloane go but for good or for bad I understood why he didn’t and the outcome was the best for everyone including him.

The characters are diverse and each of them is compelling and integral to the story. Thankfully, there is a happy ending or I would now be having nightmares. A brilliant story!
Profile Image for Steph.
253 reviews8 followers
June 15, 2024

I'm surprised by this one. I expected a toxic mess like dark romances such as Take Me With You, but this thankfully avoided that mess and was actually a pretty good, multi-pov detective and survival story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 227 reviews

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