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Not Dead Yet #3

Graveyard Shift

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Shifting Into High Fear

Ghost/god Wes Cooper and his not-life partner, vampire Hudson Rojas, have settled into cohabitation in an upscale part of Toronto. So what if their hoity-toity new neighbors haven’t exactly rolled out the welcome mat for the paranormal pair? Their PI business is booming, and when a suspect they’ve been tailing winds up in the morgue, it’s alongside a rash of other shifters in apparent drug-related fatalities.

Now Wes and Hudson must connect the dots between the shifter deaths and an uptick in brutal vampire attacks across the city. Throw in a surprise visit from Hudson’s niece—who may or may not be on the run from European paranormal police (who may or may not exist)—and guardianship of a teen shifter who might be the key to solving the whole mystery (if only she could recover her memory), and Wes and Hudson have never been busier…or happier.

But when a nightmare from Hudson’s past comes back to haunt him, their weird, little found family is pushed to the brink. Mucking this up would mean Hudson and Wes missing their second chance at happily-forever-afterlife…

Not Dead Yet
Book 1: Not Dead Yet
Book 2: Give Up the Ghost
Book 3: Graveyard Shift

Ashes and Dust
Book 1: All Fired Up
Book 2: House on Fire
Book 3: Out of the Ashes

Chaos Station by Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen
Book 1: Chaos Station
Book 2: Lonely Shore
Book 3: Skip Trace
Book 4: Inversion Point
Book 5: Phase Shift

259 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 4, 2019

About the author

Jenn Burke

30 books504 followers
Jenn Burke has loved out-of-this-world romance since she was a preteen reading about heroes and heroines kicking butt and falling in love. Now that she’s an author, she couldn’t be happier to bring adventure, romance, and sexy times to her readers.

Jenn is the author of a number of paranormal and science fiction romance titles, including the critically acclaimed Chaos Station science fiction romance series (authored with Kelly Jensen) and her newest series, Ashes & Dust, a spin-off of her fan-favorite Not Dead Yet series.

She’s been called a pocket-sized and puntastic Canadian on social media, and she’ll happily own that label. Jenn lives just outside of Ottawa, Ontario, with her husband and two kids, plus two dogs named after video game characters…because her geekiness knows no bounds.

Jenn is represented by Deidre Knight of the Knight Agency.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 276 reviews
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,997 reviews6,251 followers
May 28, 2021
*4.5 stars*

I love these books so much, and I'm beyond excited that Jenn Burke delivered again with another excellent addition to her Not Dead Yet series. Fans of these books, get ready for a whirlwind of emotions!

Yes, I know this is supposed to be the final installment of the series, but I'm so not ready to say goodbye! I think there is so much potential for an offshoot series here... (hint, hint!!)

Graveyard Shift is a book that must be read after Give Up the Ghost and Not Dead Yet, so you can't just jump into the series at this point, I'm afraid. However, the first two books are so good that I'm really doing you a favor by telling you to read them all.

Graveyard Shift has it all. We get BIG emotions: love, sadness (oh, the pain!), joy, and heartache, and just a really compelling story. All of the characters, even the side ones, were well nuanced and just really expertly crafted. I felt immersed in the story, which is the biggest complement I can give an author.

Graveyard Shift is Jenn Burke in her groove, doing what she does best. Fans of the first two books in the series will also love this installment, guaranteed. I adored it, and I still want more. I'm not ready to let go just yet.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
May 17, 2021
Reread May 2021: ***5+++ Greg-Boudreaux-fangirl-flailing Stars*** And as expected, he made me bawl my eyes out, dammit!😫


Original review October 2019:

***4.5 Stars***
"No buts. No what-ifs. It's just you and me, now and forever."

Ähnliches Foto

Forever takes a bit of work first, though. Well, you have to admit a not-ghost turned god doesn't have it easy in life nowadays. Umm, or in the non-life-not-quite-afterlife? Anyways, being the go-to person for Toronto's paranormal community when it comes to weird incidents bears certain responsibilities and as if several cases all of a sudden seemingly being connected somehow - where there's only the teensy-weensy problem that you have to find the conglomerating factor first -...

... would not already be enough on his plate, Wes Cooper and his lover, former detective Hudson Rojas also have to deal with obnoxious neighbors, family issues, another extension of their paranormal reality and a ghost of the past that should have been buried by now, or turned to ash for that matter.

All of the above entails some realizations as well. About themselves and about their relationship. And getting their forever - for their love, but also for their close-knit self-made family - was never more important.

At some point, Wes also has to realize, though, that even a god can reach their limits and that these limits come at a high price. A devastating, painful, almost unbearable price.
Ähnliches Foto

"Until all of those battles I'd referred to - and what had happened, what I'd done, what we lost - came crashing down on me, and the laughter turned to tears."

Oh, tell me about it, buddy... These last words pretty much sum this story up for me. This last installment gave the term "emotional roller coaster" a whole new meaning, starting with me basically snickering from the very beginning and ending up with me being a sobbing mess. And I can't even tell you why because this would be too big of a spoiler, therefore the best I can give you are vague insinuations, so please don't hate me later.

As for me, this was the best in this series, but in some respects also the worst. For personal reasons only, though. What happened towards the end totally caught me off guard and wrecked me in the process. Although I finished the book a few days ago, even writing this review chokes me. I still wish the author would have found another way, but books that do that to you will be remembered forever, right?

The conclusion to this series was still masterfully done, with all threads reconciled and I love the world the author built here. Witty. Sad. Unique. Thought-provoking. Diverse. Wes and Hudson have both come a long way and I would love to revisit them again sometime in the future because as for me, I'm still not done with these guys. ;-) Highly recommended, but make sure to have tissues at the ready!
netgalley netgalley2
Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
December 9, 2020
I finished this last night and my emotions are still all over the place. This was the best book in the series for me where every book was amazing, but that came with a price.

Jenn Burke really knows how to write characters that end up owning a little piece of your heart. Not just Wes and Hudson but all of this family is dear to me.

"No buts. No what-ifs. It's just you and me, now and forever."

I love where Wes and Hudson get to in their relationship by the end of the book. They've both grown so much and and have learned that they can truly trust and rely on each other. And that comes through for them just when they need it most.

This book takes us through everything from exhilarating, hilarious highs, tension filled searches and standoffs to wrenching pain, fear and loss all wrapped up in the warmth and comfort of those who love, support and will never give up on you.

Gah. I'm really sorry, I know this is all super vague and syrupy-sentimental but I don't seem to be able to get anything else out right now. 🤷‍♀️ I love these guys so much and would love to have more because I'm absolutely not ready to leave them.

Thanks once more to (Not Your) Secret Santa who loves Christmas...even in July! for the fantastic gift, I genuinely loved it! ❤


(Not Your) Secret Santa who loves Christmas...even in July! gifted me this fabulous book, and I'm so excited to get more Hudson & Wes! Thank you thank you! 😍
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
June 2, 2021
Shit, man, this book. Hell, this series! I can say, with every bit of certainty, that when an event guts me even though I know it's coming that's some amazing writing. And, well, going in this time, not only did I know it was coming, but I remember bawling my eyes out the first time around, anyway. This time? Still fucking gutted me. It's a powerful thing, leaving the ending more than a little bittersweet. I'm going on to Evan's book, now. He deserves some happy. I hope he finds it.

-----Original Review Aug 2020-----
This series caught me off guard with just how much I ended up loving it. Graveyard Shift especially hit me right in the feels. And even knowing about that one thing, going in, because I read the spoilers, I was still gutted when it happened. Just gutted. Well done, even though I'm a bit teary, right now.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,509 reviews70 followers
November 6, 2019
*4,5 stars*

For me, this is one of best paranormal series I’ve read.
And this is the sparkling finale to crown it all.

Jenn Burke’s universe is totally captivating, and she had me sucked into it right from book 1. Hudson and Wes are both multi-layered and complex characters I ached for and laughed with, but most of all, they and their story grabbed my heart and imagination.

I loved the light-heartedness in this book, the love and banter in the family Wes and Hudson have created.
I loved the trust between them, the way they care and support each other.
I loved how both, Hudson and Wes grow in character and take on new responsibilities and challenges.
I loved how their relationship grows and gets stronger.

But then there is sadness, too. Heart break and tough decisions. And yes, tears were shed quietly. Not something that happens too often.

The plot keeps you on the edge of your seat with all those little twists and turns and gets pretty intense in the later stages of the book. But I think one of the best things in this series are the fabulously drawn secondary characters. I know them all. I remember their names. I can see each of them as individual characters. And that says a lot, I think!

Please also read Simone's review which totally nails what I feel, too.
Then you’ll know why I can only highly recommend this!
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,512 reviews145 followers
October 22, 2019
I have been waiting for this book for so long and it didn't disappoint! OMG, this was food for my soul kind of book! Ms Burke has such a knack for creating real imperfect yet relatable and likable characters, for spinning a story that is perfectly balanced with suspense, personal relationships and a bit of mystery. I couldn't put it down.

Wes and Hudson are together and living their lives to the fullest - new home, booming business and their small but tight knit family. But a seemingly unrelated case of money theft, a string of shifter murders and an appearance of unexpected relatives throws everything out of balance. It's all hands on deck this time. Danger comes from different angles, friend turns to foe, and enemy offers a helping hand. Both sides are not without loss, and for a moment they all bow under the weight of grief. But it's finally time to accept how strong they are and fight the enemy that just won't go away.

I love Wes. He is sassy and vulnerable at the same time. It takes him a long time, but when he comes into his own, it's a thing of beauty and power. Now it's his turn to hold everyone up, and he is absolutely awesome while doing it. This book was everything I wanted it to be. I freaking loved it from the first page to the last. The story was well-paced, the characters were interconnected to each other, there was humor and a bit of sarcasm as well as love and sweet devotion. I hope there will be more books in the series because I haven't had my fill of Wes and Hudson yet. Copy received for my honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews166 followers
June 8, 2024
Just as good as the other book. Loved seeing Wes embrace his powers fully for the first time.
Really mad at the author for some things that happened.
Better review to come.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,394 reviews132 followers
May 17, 2021
I've absolutely put off writing this review. Suffice it to say it's my least favorite of the series. My primary issues had to do with Wes' "god powers", or more accurately the lack thereof, and Priya's powers, or lack thereof. The killing off of a character I was becoming quite fond of, , just tipped the cart. And how many times can Wes get smacked in the head and the author uses that to strip him of his powers, yet again. Where the hell was Lexi during the big grudge match? Where was The Order? It got ridiculous. Of course there were parts of the story that were wonderful but, for me, they failed to carry the story. And the whole mess was too conveniently tied up at the end.

Nope, not my favorite of the series... not by a long shot. Here's to hoping the next one is great!
Profile Image for Darien.
861 reviews322 followers
February 25, 2020

The Story: 4 Pants Off

Well damn I’m a mess....


So it didn’t end the way I wanted it to and whatever good came after didn’t really matter much to me anymore, I can’t move on. Otherwise, I enjoyed this series a lot and it was great fun reading about places I know here in Toronto, there’s a different kind of connection when you don’t need to do the extra by imagining when you know.

The Narration: 4.5 Pants Off

Excellent, thoroughly enjoyed.
Profile Image for Jenn.
Author 30 books504 followers
November 27, 2019
Graveyard Shift is now out in audiobook, just in time for you to feast your ears on Greg Boudreaux's wonderful narration this American Thanksgiving. 🦃 🎧 ❤
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews261 followers
October 30, 2019
Third time is the charm right?

“There was a lot of story and it kept me completely entertained. I was on the edge of my seat, I was laughing, I was sad, I was excited and most of all, I was intrigued.”

That is a quote from my review of the first book, Not Dead Yet, a quote I also used in my review of the second book, Give Up the Ghost, and well, you see the pattern here right? I am now using the quote for this book too, because it is still fits.

This story was everything. Exciting, funny, sweet, heartwarming, sexy and for some moments, very, very heartbreaking. So many emotions wrapped into the pages and they all had their place.

I think the best part of this series is all the players. This is so much more than just Wes and Hudson. There are the friends and family who have been with us since the beginning and all the new people we have met along the way. Everyone makes a difference and it’s such a cool aspect to the story to have this many characters but have them all have substance, meaning.

I loved watching Wes finally accept who and what he is and use it! I loved watching Hudson believe in his “family”. But again, more than anything, I loved watching everyone together, old and new.

Parting is such sweet sorrow and all good things must come to an end…
It’s always sad to see a fantastic series come to its end but I feel like it ended perfectly. It ended exactly how it should.

What an end.

I was nervous about the first book, a little exasperated with the second and overwhelmed but satisfied with the third. This has been a fantastic ride to be on and one I will probably do again soon.

I just can’t say it enough. Such a great end to a great series.

**ARC provided by the author via A Novel Take Promotions in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
February 20, 2022
pnr mysteries have been surprisingly entertaining reads for me, and this series was no different! …..until i reached this bad boy. i will admit this rating was made completely out of spite because the last half was plain nonsensical. there were just so many unnecessary sacrifices made at the demise of characters who actually had prominent arcs and contributed positively to the story, even though our mc supposedly had god-like powers (and used said powers to clean up the mess as best he could after the fact), and i continue to be salty about it 😤

major spoilers ahead if you want to know the last straw that broke the camel’s back:
Profile Image for Tamara.
872 reviews30 followers
May 2, 2023
Original review (09/2020):
This series is my favorite discovery of 2020. I'm so glad I gave the first book a chance!

The whole story is just so fun. No continuity errors or character inconsistencies to distract me and the world building and the plots are interesting. The writing and the narration are great.

The MCs are flawed but you can't help rooting for them even when you want to strangle them. The supporting characters are as integral to the enjoyment of the series as the MCs, and I loved all of them.

A big plus for me was that one of the MCs is ace - there are not enough books with characters like that without it being the whole focus of the book.

According to the author there will be three more books in this series that will deal with one of the side characters, Evan. I can't wait!
Profile Image for Monica Vidal.
786 reviews71 followers
February 25, 2020
Think of someone screaming in shock because they won an ARC on a contest of this book that will be out only in November!!! And to make it worth I read it in approximately 5 hours because obviously I cannot savor anything. Did I absolutely LOVED it? Hell yeah, I most certainly did.

This is the conclusion (I am so sad that this is the last book) of the series and it ended perfectly. I love it when a book and its characters enthralls me so much that I don’t even care about the lack of sex. And you guys know how much I care about the sex in a book. Do not despair, there’s sex, but it’s just something that happens and not the main point of Wes and Hudson’s relationship. Wes even considers he’s in a spectrum of asexuals.

In the supernatural world of the book Wes has finally accept his new super powers but the “gang” comes across new issues and an old enemy. There’s a MAJOR plot twist that got me sobbing like a baby. Not cool, Jenn Burke. Not cool at all. But the end of the book made up for it beautifully.

I just wish I could convince you all to give this series a shot because it’s really, really good. And if you are a fan of audiobooks, I suggest you listen to them because the audios are amazing. Now I’m just sad the series is over and the only consolation I have is to wait for the audiobook of this one to be released.
Profile Image for M.I.A.
406 reviews87 followers
July 3, 2020
Perfect HEA :)
Fabulous series.
Wes and Hudson finally find peace. Work out the kinks in their relationships (and boy there was a lot to fix)
This was definitely an epic romance, fated-mate deal.
One that had two imperfect mc's that had a lot to learn about being a couple.
They evolve. They become better, stronger, consistent.
Well worth the wait.
Loved all of it.
Perfect writing.
Great mc's.
Great secondary characters.
Great interpretation of the paranormal world.
Great ending.
Read it!
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,268 reviews351 followers
October 23, 2019
OMG. My heart is a bit broken after reading this one. I got to that point that everyone is talking about - that dreaded 80% mark - and I just...I'm shocked. I don't want to give anything major away, but WOW. I was not expecting that.

OK, so first off - I definitely recommend reading this series in order. This is one of my absolute FAVORITE series! It has great paranormal world building - vampires, shifters, witches, gods, demons, you name it. It has GREAT characters of all sorts. And it has great ace/demi representation in Wes, and what I feel is even more awesome, great respect and care of that with Wes' mate, Hudson. I've said from the beginning I love that Hudson is totally on board with Wes' orientation and very respectful of it.

The start of this book finds Wes, Hudson, and the gang in a pretty good place. Their business is going well and everyone is communicating, when a bad case becomes even worse when a major part of Hudson's past comes back to the present. It will take Wes truly accepting his god-status, and his family of friends to work together to get to that HEA.

I loved the last chapter. Truly, loved it. Despite the tears and the still-being-in-shock, if this is truly the last book with these characters, I think it ends in a great spot. Of course, I'm needy, and I want more Wes and Hudson (I'd love to see Hudson make amends with his brother?) and EVAN NEEDS A HEA DAMMIT.

I received an arc through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,636 followers
February 28, 2020
This is the third book in a series that must be read in order. Wes and Hudson have settled into their life together and their investigator business, but events won't let them relax for long. Shifters are overdosing mysteriously, newbie uncontrolled vampires are attacking shifters. The arrival of Hudson's niece who was supposed to be dead adds to the challenges for our guys.

With Iskander, Evan, and Lexi beside them, Wes and Hudson try to control the damage, untangle the causes of the problems, and see if there's a common thread linking them. The strength of their mutual bond is going to be vital in getting them through this. There are some emotional hits in this story (including one big one) and a mystery that comes together in an interesting way. I enjoy these two characters and the secondaries too, and the world-building is imaginative.

I'm not certain if this is intended as the end of the series or not, but the ending is satisfying.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,138 reviews121 followers
November 24, 2023
Godhood wasn’t easy.... just ask Wes Cooper. It was something that may have possibly fathomed when he achieved his mostly "dead/slightly alive" status decades ago...but now it’s a reality he’s forced to confront. He also might have a sight problem achieving that exhaled godhood because of his past failure to do so might mean the difference between life and death...in the most literal sense. He's not alone, which becomes a critical factor in the eleventh hour of this story. An unexpected visit from Hudson’s niece Priya seems innocent enough on the surface, but it awakens something in Hud, namely how much he regrets losing a connection to his brother. The one positive effect of her arrival is that it makes Hud see his place within the family he and Wes have built around themselves. Priya’s presence soon invites trouble to their doorstep, and the enigma that she becomes when she runs away as suddenly as she arrived. Hud and Wes are then faced with the mystery of how and why she came in the first place, which prompts Wes, once he discovers her secret, to make a decision that had the potential to backfire spectacularly if it’d come to fruition. Jenn Burke puts Hud through many things in this final installment of the series. The tension throughout the book from various sources is targeted and on the mark. Dangerous interlopers abound, both from Hud’s past and Priya’s presence, which causes nothing but grief and chaos. Something Burke certainly can dish out is her expertise of a storyteller who not only knows her readers but how much we’ve come to love these characters. The mysteries and threatening elements in this novel arrive from several angles, the primary target being Toronto’s shifter population. The vamps created for the sole purpose of shifter genocide is a statement in itself, but Priya’s involvement in a crime with an unexpected and wholly unwelcome element invites nothing but additional chaos creating unexpected life altering changes for Wes, as well as unexpected and untimely, and significant developments which will factor into his and Hud’s future and his understanding of his place within their made family. Another life altering factor concerned Wes and his finally naming and claiming the "God" who rides shotgun on his soul. It was a powerful moment, one that made me cheer, which made possible those heart-melting moments at the end. Jenn Burke has delivered in one book...romance, suspense, danger, and strange and unusual characters. As one book continues into the next...these three books in the Not Dead Yet series, should be read in order. Those of you that know me well for my constantly reading OUT of order, will be really proud of me:)
Profile Image for Caz.
2,983 reviews1,114 followers
January 21, 2020
I've given this an A at AAR (and I'm stingy with those!).

Graveyard Shift is book three in Jenn Burke’s original and entertaining  Not Yet Dead  series of paranormal romances, and is a satisfying and poignant send off for Wes, Hudson and their found-family of witches, vampires and other supernatural beings.  While each book in the set could work as a standalone, I’d advise reading them in order so as to gain the best understanding of the events and character backstories that have led them to the point at which we meet them again in Graveyard Shift.  If you haven’t yet started the series, please be advised that there are spoilers for the other books in this review.

It’s been almost a year since not-ghost Wes Cooper was reunited with his ex-boyfriend, Detective Hudson Rojas, thirty years after they split up.  Almost a year since Wes was turned into a god when he, Hudson and their friends foiled an attempt by a demon to return to the living plane, and almost a year since Hudson retired from the Toronto PD to become a private investigator.  Following the events of the previous book, Wes and Hudson are living together in their new home – a large house with plenty of room for the new family they’ve created – the business is going well, they’re very much in love and they’re living their best not-lives, happier than they’ve ever been.

When the story begins, Wes and Hudson are on a stakeout at the behest of Ren Oshiro, vampire and a former… associate of Hudson’s who’s become something of a friend in recent months.   Walter Gordon is a junior accountant in a firm Ren owns who has recently begun buying things he shouldn’t be able to afford and Ren wants to know if he’s stealing from the company. Wes and Hudson follow Gordon to a restaurant and Wes – in his ghostly form – observes him receiving a package that looks like it contains drugs.  Dealing would certainly explain Gordon’s new-found wealth, and Wes and Hudson continue to follow him until he loses control of his car, crashes  into a tree and dies on impact.

Before they can really think too much about what happened, Wes and Hudson return home to find a few random visitors on their doorstep, something that’s become a regular occurrence since news of Wes’ godhood circulated among the paranormal community. Two of their visitors are the Garcias, a shifter couple anxious for news of their daughter, who disappeared a couple of days earlier; and the third introduces herself as Priya Rojas. Hudson’s niece. Whom he hasn’t seen in years.

When Wes and Hudson discover that there have been several drug overdoses in the shifter community over the past week, they start to realise that there’s something seriously wrong. ‘Normal’ drugs don’t work on supernatural creatures – even when taken in huge amounts, their magic protects them from the worst effects – so for five shifters to die of overdoses within a week of one another is suspicious (to say the least) and can’t be a coincidence. Someone is manufacturing a drug tailored specifically to paranormals… but is it designed to get them high? Or kill them?

And as if a spate of shifter deaths caused by an unknown drug from an unknown source isn’t bad enough, Hudson’s former boss, Katrina Li, calls the pair in to consult on a series of recent murders which, from the detail in the photos she shows them, were committed by vampires. Worse still, the MO appears identical to that in the series of murders that saw Hudson going undercover twenty years earlier with what, at the time, he believed was a biker gang – and which saw him being turned into a vampire against his will by the gang’s leader, Pike. But Hudson killed Pike and the whole band when he eventually managed to free himself from his sire’s influence – so it’s not possible that Pike could be responsible for this latest murder spree. But if not him… then who?

Wes and Hudson are plunged back into a world of trouble, with danger coming at them from all directions, and it’s not always easy to work out who is friend and who is foe. With someone killing shifters, the sudden appearance of a load of brand new baby vampires, the even more unexpected appearance of the Order of the Onyx Shield, (the paranormal police), the presence of demons and werewolves… there’s a lot going on in this story, but Jenn Burke does an absolutely fantastic job of keeping things moving as she skilfully pulls her various plot-threads together. I won’t lie – there are some intense and upsetting scenes in this book (I was in tears at least once) and at times, it seems as though our heroes are going to break under the strain and the weight of grief, but Wes, Hudson and their band are stubborn fuckers who don’t give up easily, and it’s time for Wes, “god of who knew, winning hearts and minds since 2019” to come into his own.

The story is fast-paced and utterly compelling, but once again, what sets this book – and this series – apart from your run-of-the-mill mystery or paranormal novel are the characters and the relationships that have evolved between them. Wes, Hudson, Lexi, Evan and Isk have bonded together to form a family of sorts and Hudson, estranged from his blood-family and someone who’s been alone for the past couple of decades, has gone from that grumpy loner to a guy who is tuned into his family and happy beyond words to have those connections. (He’s still grumpy sometimes though – which Wes generally thinks is cute;) ) And then there’s Wes; funny, endearing, vulnerable and snarky Wes, who loves his people fiercely and has grown a lot throughout the series, having moved from not wanting to know much about the paranormal world he’s a part of to learning to accept the godhood that was thrust upon him at the end of Not Dead Yet, and how to use his magic. Like Hudson, he’s grown from a man who lived his life mostly in isolation to one who has gained a family and friends he would do anything to protect. And now it’s time for him to step up, to make some difficult decisions… and he’s simply awesome.

Graveyard Shift delivered everything I’ve come to expect from this series; an exciting, fast-paced plot, detailed worldbuilding, superbly developed characters and relationships and plenty of humor and snark with a side of steam. I can’t deny that I would love to read more stories set in the Not Dead Yet universe, but if this is the last we’re going to see of Wes and Hudson, then this is a brilliant farewell and I’m absolutely delighted to have been able to join them on their journey back to one another.
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
October 29, 2019
4.5 stars!

Apparently, Jenn Burke decides to go all out in this conclusion of her Not Dead Yet series; no holds barred. We have long-time enemy resurfacing with a whole new threat. We have distant family member appearing -- but everything it is not what it seems in the surface. We have a special force that targets paranormal beings that are guilty of crime. Wes Cooper, god extraordinaire, and his partner vampire Hudson Rojas must work round the clock to find a way to protect the ones they love.

For me, Graveyard Shift is an EXCELLENT way to end a series. Oh, I'm still scarred and heartbroken of course, because this book has CASUALTIES *crying my heart out*. But the story moves fast, the characters (and relationship) are solid, and I love how Wes finally accepts his power and the responsibilities that falls upon his shoulders. His power is amazing. ALTHOUGH, at the same time, the final battle with the big bad villain feels a bit anti-climactic because of Wes' power (which is why I can't give this my 5-stars rating just yet).

I wish I can say more about the storyline, but I fear that I end up spoiling things. There so many moments here that readers have to experience themselves, including the SHOCKING ones. If you're a fan of the previous two books, I think you will definitely love this one as well!!

One particular note, I'm happy that the author finally acknowledging Wes' asexuality on page with ACTUAL word. As an ACE reader myself, I'm so happy with that -- it was one of my complaints in the previous book, actually.

He’d accepted the idea that I was different so long ago, the same as he’d accepted the fact that I was somewhere on the spectrum of asexuality

While this book is said to be the final one, I still hope that Jenn Burke will continue in this universe. One of the characters needs their own happily ever after story told!

The ARC is provided by the publisher via Netgalley for an exchange of fair and honest review. No high rating is required for any ARC received.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,293 reviews482 followers
November 4, 2019
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

Graveyard Shift is the third book in Jenn Burke’s incredible Not Yet Dead series. One of the hallmarks of this series for me is the fabulous world building, and it continues on here in this third book. This is a world with vampires, shifters, and other paranormal beings, plus a not-quite-ghost god in Wes. Burke manages to create a world that is rich and detailed, but never overwhelmingly complex. This story focuses a lot on shifters and I enjoyed the way Burke brings this paranormal trope to life within this world. The mystery and suspense elements are really nicely integrated with the world and there are so many twists and turns here, there are constant surprises. I loved the way all the pieces start out as disparate, and suddenly everything comes together in such an engaging way. There are lots of high octane moments, some truly scary situations, and one incredibly sad event here that really make this an intense and engaging story.

Read Jay’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Elithanathile.
1,883 reviews
September 5, 2019
People [i.e. idiots] who rate a book badly/negatively when it hasn't even been released yet [and it's pretty damn clear they didn't receive an arc either] annoy the fucking crap out of me!!! This rating is purely to combat the rating the other (idiot) reviewer left!! Once the book releases and LEGITIMATE ratings start flooding in, I'll remove my rating and properly rate this book once I've read this bad boy :-)!!
*Crossing my fingers that I won't have to change my rating*, but we shall see ... though I have ZERO doubt I'll adore this series (spoiler alert: I own books 1 and 2 but haven't cracked them open yet) *runs and hides*!! I do have to say though that I am positive I'll ADORE all the books and anticipate there being many more to come in this series :-D!!!
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
January 3, 2022
There was so much packed into this book but somehow is all fit! The storylines all intersected brilliantly, and kept me turning the pages. I am devastated at the loss of one of the main characters, I did not see that coming and my heart is still in my throat. How magical is an author who can inspire that kind of emotion in her readers. Loved this series.
Profile Image for Victoria Loves Books.
592 reviews11 followers
November 4, 2019
I was lucky enough to win an ARC in a contest and I LOVED it so much! I devoured the first two books in this series and was super excited to start this one. Let me just start by saying that this has been an awesome series, with a great cast of characters, fast moving plots, and lots of fun. Jenn has a way of drawing you in and keeping you there. Graveyard Shift was the perfect mix of funny, sexy and adventurous. Plus, I fell in love with Mr. Grumpy pants, Hudson, along the way. I really loved watching Hudson open up more and breaking down those walls. I was cheering him on the whole time! And we have The magnificent Wes who is still adjusting to his new magic and all. He just cracks me up with his snarky comments like, “Wes, the God of who knew, winning hearts and minds since 2019”. These two guys together make each other whole. So much love for these two 💕

In Graveyard Shift we have shifters OD’ing on a new drug, someone making new vampires and letting them loose, and Hudson’s niece is in town. Whew!
Things get a little unpredictable with "edge-of-your-seat" twists and turns at every corner.  Plus, we have the paranormal cops of Europe stirring up trouble.  Oh, and Wes determines that he is the God of Second Chances. Too funny 😂

It's a perfect finale to an awesome series. I even teared up at the end. I'm going to miss this fun bunch of characters and their tight little group! I certainly hope there will be more chances to visit this world in the future.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend you check this series out.
Profile Image for Bretton Coppedge.
290 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2019
I loved this series, and it's a shame to see it end but at the same time, this last installment really depressed me. Its difficult to explain without spoilers but it felt like the side characters were shortchanged. It honestly felt like Hudson was as well. I was still holding my breath for everything to be right again and then I got to the last page. So while I recommend the series overall, this particular book made me sad and didn't give me the warm fuzzies I want out of a romance.
December 7, 2019
I honestly didn't know whether to give this book 3 or 4 stars. It wasn't bad but it did leave me sad and unsatisfied and the ending didn't really help as much as it should have. I can't say too much without spoiling it but I thought certain events could have been prevented and was wrapped up to easily after tragedy. I still enjoy Jenn Burke's writing and I did give this 4 stars but I am still not sure if I should have.
Profile Image for iam.
1,066 reviews146 followers
October 29, 2019
I have so much love for this series and Graveyard Shift only made me love it more.

Content warnings include:

The found family aspect of this series makes me melt, and was especially strong in Graveyard Shift. I adore all the characters. Again, old ones reappear (some surprisingly) and new ones are introduced. Some of the new faces from the previous book, Give Up the Ghost, played smaller roles than anticipated, so I'm not sure how present the new characters from this one will be, but I have high hopes.

The plot felt a bit scattered, particularly in the beginning. Most threads tied up towards the end, but there were still things thrown in there that felt off and removed from the rest, and I'm unsure where they were supposed to go.
Like in book 2, I wish some conclusions had been come to a little earlier, but it never got to the point of honest frustration - the book keeps the mysteries exciting with constant twists and turns and upping the ante. I had no way of predicting what would happen next!

The series's typical humor is present again, and it made me grin so much - I don't reccommend reading this in public if your poker face is as bad as mine!

I've said it before, but I once again want to praise the presentation of asexuality here. It's not brought up or talked about explicitly (I think only Not Dead Yet directly states Wes's sexuality) but as an a-spec reader it was obvious to me, and I loved seeing the nuances in the way Wes sees sex - how he doesn't always need or want it.

I also want to reiterate that this series is not erotica - there is a romance between two men and they occasionally have sex, but it's not particularly often and the scenes aren't extensive.
Furthermore, Hud and Wes's relationship is very much established by now, and while they keep growing individually and as mates (still having mixed feelings about the random fated mates thing that seems utterly inconsequential) I wouldn't even categorize this book as romance.

Something I loved from the beginning is how this series puts a refreshing spin on well known concepts and tropes. In Graveyard Shift's case it's shifters, who aren't all that different from other depictions in pop-culture, but with just a few small adjustments that makes them make much more sense in a modern world.

I don't know if this is the last book of the series - but I sure hope it's not! The main plots are closed off, but there is enough material left for more. I love these characters so much and I want to see how they fare and grow and live together in the future, so I'm crossing my fingers for a sequel!

I received an ARC and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Alisa.
1,835 reviews198 followers
March 7, 2020
I just can't get in to this series. It's time to admit this just isn't for me. I find it slow going and I'm not remotely attached to any of the characters. Lot's of good reviews though so a case of "it's not you, it's me".

**ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Erica.
1,662 reviews35 followers
June 29, 2021
Will someone please give Wes a helmet of some kind? A bicycle helmet? A motorcycle helmet? Maybe one of those helmets worn by people with seizures? Something to keep him from getting his brains bashed in every ten minutes?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 276 reviews

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