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Somerset Stories #1

The Work of Art

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An Uncommon Beauty...
Hidden away in rural Devonshire, Phyllida Satterthwaite has always been considered more odd than beautiful. But in London, her oddity has made her a sensation. Far worse, it's caught the eye of the sinister Duke of Moreland — a notorious art collector obsessed with acquiring one-of-a-kind treasures. To escape the duke's clutches, she's going to need a little help.

An Unlikely Hero...
Captain Arthur Heywood's days of heroism are long past. Grievously injured in the Peninsular War, he can no longer walk unaided, let alone shoot a pistol. What use can he possibly be to a damsel in distress? He has nothing left to offer except his good name.

Can a marriage of convenience save Philly from the vengeful duke? Or will life with Arthur put her — and her heart — in more danger than ever?

392 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 23, 2019

About the author

Mimi Matthews

21 books3,597 followers
USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical nonfiction and award-winning Victorian romances, including The Siren of Sussex, a 2023 RUSA Reading List shortlist pick for Best Romance; Fair as a Star, a Library Journal Best Romance of 2020; Gentleman Jim, a Kirkus Best Book of 2020; and The Work of Art, winner of the 2020 HOLT Medallion and a 2021 Daphne du Maurier Award nominee. Her novels have received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Booklist, Kirkus, and Shelf Awareness, and her articles have been featured on the Victorian Web, the Journal of Victorian Culture, and in syndication at BUST Magazine.

In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes an Andalusian dressage horse, a miniature poodle, a Sheltie, and two Siamese cats.

**I only rate the books I love.**

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,118 reviews
Profile Image for Dab.
332 reviews232 followers
February 8, 2024
Turns out it’s a regency romance, not Victorian, but it’s okay because that’s exactly what I needed! Dashing gentlemen running to your rescue, tender hearted heroines and cheesy romantic love declarations. Don’t judge me! (Or judge me, I don’t care)

Philly is not only a beauty. With her heterochromia she is also a truly rare beauty. For this reason a local duke known as the Collector tries to buy her from her uncle. Luckily there’s a slightly grumpy veteran Arthur, who is willing to rescue her from his claws.

This book, even though a “clean” romance, gave me all the feels. There was so much tension and chemistry that even though there were no explicit sex scenes it didn’t feel very clean 😈 It reminded me of Love in the Afternoon, and if I compare a HR writer to Lisa Kleypas it’s a huge compliment.

Philly is one of these heroines that you would want to have for a friend or a sister. She has a heart of gold and she is very lovable. Arthur has ptsd and permanent injuries which makes him bitter and insecure, but his love for Philly has healing powers. It may sound cheesy but it’s not, considering the state of health care and physiotherapy at the time; it’s totally believable that frequent walks, lots of fresh air and a new love would make him feel better. Arthur may have frustrated me with his overprotective and possessive behavior at times but it’s a minor thing, because otherwise I really enjoyed this book.

And it’s marriage of convenience which I love because it means that at the end of the book they are conveniently already married.

If you love HR like I do but the next season of Bridgerton is not available yet, I highly recommend this book!



I have no patience for Daisy Jones and her junkies atm, I need a Victorian romance.
Profile Image for Kristina .
964 reviews697 followers
June 20, 2023
I read a FTB romance and survived!

This was so close to a five star but had one thing that bugged the shit out of me and it wasn’t the fade-to-black.
I enjoyed the writing in this very much. It was so close to perfect and I didn’t even mind that I had to make up the dirty parts in my head, because the intimacy and longing more than made up for it. It had drama, angst, feels, villains, mystery, dogs , a beautiful cover and a taciturn, scarred hero (my fave). The only complaint I had - and it’s a big one- is that the heroine was such a naive Mary Sue. At first it didn’t bother me, and worked because I love a good character arc. The only issue is, her character never arched. It stayed a straight line through the entire book. She was Disney Princess level sweet, giving off kindness and light, while every other woman around her was a horrible selfish fiend; except Mrs. Ogilvy, who finally showed that not every woman in the world was a villain. I needed Philly to grow but she was one dimensional and then tstl So I wish there was more nuance to Philly, I needed more awareness, more scepticism, more feeling and more gumption. But I will definitely be reading this author again, because I really enjoyed her style and mostly enjoyed this.
Profile Image for Maja  - BibliophiliaDK ✨.
1,139 reviews899 followers
July 21, 2019

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a soft spot for historical romance. Therefore, it is unusual for me to find an author, I didn't know about in advance. With Mimi Matthews that was the case - but now I want to read more from her hand because this was just wonderful!

"Without a pitying look or a word of sympathy, Miss Satterthwaite had lent him her support. And she'd done it in just such a way as to spare his foolish pride."


Philly and Arthur: The most important thing with any historical romance novel is definitely a strong leading couple. Usually, however, historical romance authors tend to build a relationship for their leading couples around lust and physicality. Honestly, it's getting boring to me. Mimi Matthews did not fall into that trap. Instead, she build a true, deep and very emotional connection between Arthur and Philly and that made the entire book so special!

Feeling: As the relationship between the two MC's the entire feeling of the book was so light, heartfelt and sweet. While I don't mind mystery or hardship, which this book had, it was nice that most of it was just sweet and romantic.

Arthur: Another annoying cliché in historical romance is the hunky, buff hero who, somehow, is all muscles even though he doesn't really do anything at all. Arthur was no hunk - at least he wasn't described as one. And that was so great. Also, he was not a douche, a player or a rogue. That was great too.


Ma'am: Maybe this is just me, but calling the unmarried woman 'ma'am' seemed sort of misplaced. I mean, wouldn't 'miss' be more accurate?

ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Merry .
773 reviews225 followers
May 29, 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. Both of the main characters are honorable. No rakes here. I have enjoyed several books from this author and have another one primed and ready to read. I would give this a 4.5 as it does slow a bit in the middle but is a fast enjoyable read. I won't go into the plot as many others have.
791 reviews372 followers
July 25, 2019
It's becoming harder and harder to find really good freshly-written HRs. A shame, because HRs are my chosen escape-from-reality read, something I'm needing more and more lately whenever I crawl out from under that rock where I've been hiding to escape the never-ending depressing news cycles. So hallelujah, and thanks, Ms Matthews. For a brief moment I was lost in the world of a delightful Regency romance, with really charming main characters and a heartwarming love story.

The plot is not anything new. Lovely innocent young woman from Devonshire, alone in the world after the death of her grandparents, is brought to London by distant and unaffectionate relatives who are hoping to get her married off ASAP. She is uncomfortable with their choice, an older, cold, and uncharismatic duke known as The Collector because of his obsession with acquiring unique treasures. And our heroine Phyllida is just such a unique treasure. She's lovely. But more than that she's heterochromatic, with one blue eye and one amber. She has been given the nickname The Work of Art because of this and the duke is set on her for his new wife. And her relatives are looking forward to the money they will receive for this marriage transaction.

Then we have our hero, Captain Arthur Heywood. He's a Peninsular War hero, wounded so badly that he can no longer walk without a cane, is never free of pain and suffers from PTSD. He's almost a recluse but has been forced to London by his father to check out a possible business investment with Phyllida's uncle. So he and Philly meet and become friends. I'll not say more about this because it pretty much goes along as you would expect with perhaps only a few surprises.

The plot's not really the thing, anyway. It's the romance. It's the truly appealing hero and heroine. It's the way their friendship develops into love. These two characters were perhaps too good to be true, but I needed to meet some really good people at the moment, even if they were fictional. And they are perfect for each other. Philly is a kindhearted country girl at heart. She's not fond of the social life in London. Arthur, especially since his injuries, is not interested in the city and its social life either.

Philly has a compassionate heart. She can't stand by if she sees a way to give help or support in any way, as is evidenced by her motley crew of dogs who came to London with her, most formerly abused, one with only three legs. Captain Heywood is an honorable man, albeit a reticent, reclusive one. So I sat back, Kindle in hand, to see how these two would deal with each other. Both need a rescue. Philly from her unkind family and that unwanted marriage, and Arthur needs healing to feel like a whole man, in spite of the limitations of his injuries. To take a line from the movie Jerry Maguire, these two complete each other. And they communicate. Yes, there is actual communication. There are misunderstandings but author Matthews doesn't allow these to fester. They are almost immediately addressed in conversations. Nicely done!

I can't quite say that this is a 5-star book. I did not appreciate the heroine's TSTL moment near the end. It was necessary, I suppose, so that the hero could do what he did to remedy the situation. But still...I'm not fond of TSTL actions. Nonetheless, this is a great little romance and hit the spot for me.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,328 reviews87 followers
July 24, 2019
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Heartfelt stars!
This cover is gorgeous! ♥️♥️♥️
This was such a romantic story that I can’t quit smiling. I LOVED it! This book made me so happy that I’ll be thinking about it for weeks. Mimi Matthews is one of my favorite authors and I get so excited when she writes a new book. *SIGH*
It’s about a lady and her pets and a gentleman who was wounded in the war. Both are lost in their new surroundings and became friends under the most unlikely circumstances. Their story is very, very sweet and precious.
It also had a bit of mystery that kept me guessing and I’ll have to say that this is my favorite book of hers so far! If you want a wonderful story with romance and mystery then this is your book!
What I loved:
• The Romance
• The Chemistry
• Arthur (whose my new book boyfriend)
• Philly (sweet, precious girl)
• The time period
This was a NETGALLEY gift and all opinions are my own!
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,264 reviews171 followers
June 4, 2023
Read: 6/4/23
4.5 stars
What a delight! This story had excellent pacing and such loveable characters. Personally, any book that features an animal lover already gets 2 stars from me.. I'm also a fan of the grumpy H falling hard for the h trope. Gets me every time!

The MC blends perfectly together. No crazy misunderstandings and an immature h. That's so refreshing!

So delightful is still a perfect word for this book! I read it in one sitting. I highly recommend this book!

Sidenote: I'm always proud when I guess the villain correctly. 🥳
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,137 followers
August 8, 2024
|| 3.0 stars ||

This was a lovely and undoubtedly sweet romance. It’s about a rare, exceedingly humble beauty and a scarred, disabled war-hero in a classic beauty and the beast retelling in true historical romance fashion.

Philly and Arthur are both exceedingly gentle people, and so all of their interactions were incredibly soft. They were both insanely selfless, and were always preoccupied with making the other person as happy as possible. Philly adored Arthur, and Arthur seemed to think Philly hung the moon and stars.
Their love for each other felt very genuine, and I especially liked how enamored Arthur appeared with her. He was protective and possessive, of course, but above all, incredibly grateful for and astounded by his luck to have gotten to marry a woman so beautiful and kind as Philly.

By heaven, but she was beautiful. More than beautiful. She was radiant. Glowing.

Nonetheless, the romance’s overt and excessive sweetness was a little overdone for my tastes. I had reached the maximum of my tolerance towards sugary sweetness at at least the halfway point, and I was desperately waiting for a modicum of angst or drama or some sort of intensity to come along. Granted, there was some suspense with regards to a creepy villain threatening their happily ever after, but the relationship itself was steadfast and rock-solid. They were so… healthy and communicative, it was almost a bit boring.
Even more, Philly’s selflessness, naivety, and overall perfection reached certain heights during this book that I just did not deem believable nor did I find it very enjoyable. I honestly felt like I was reading about a Disney Princess, which, in all fairness, was very cute and nice at first, but after a while became a bit repetitive, and dare I say, even slightly annoying. It made her seem like a flat, empty shell of a human being; not real and without true emotions. I wanted her to lash out at east once or otherwise show a hint of tension or genuine feeling, but that never happened. She remained the perfect Work of Art from beginning to end.

Thank you to my dear friend Dab for recommending this book to me!
Profile Image for Holly.
1,491 reviews1,412 followers
April 23, 2023
I really love this author, but this book was only ok. I'm just as surprised as anyone to find myself loving an author who writes CLEAN historical romance books, but usually they are so full of emotion that I just can't put them down because I am so connected to the story. That didn't happen this time. This was a book that has a plot I have read a lot of times before - a hero who is suffering from war injuries, a woman below his station that loves him and yet he thinks she is too good for him. This has been done a lot better with It Started With a Scandal for example (highly recommend that book!). The other trope present in this one is .

I wouldn't start with this book if you have never read this author before. I would suggest either Fair as a Star or A Holiday by Gaslight.
184 reviews149 followers
March 9, 2023
Gosh- this book was just pure bliss for me.

It's been a while since I read a really cute and heart-fluttering romance the kind of romance that makes you kicking both of your legs to the air due to how stinking cute both mc are

But sadly, this book kinda lack something for me. It's the way that the conflict layout in the book and how it ended pretty abruptly near the end, and it almost felt like the graphic of tension in the book abruptly cut off and I couldn't get to see the end. I mean this is the first book of the Somerset series but I doubt I'll see Philly and Arthur a lot in the second book.

Other than the formula, I couldn't quite make myself understand for the plot twist near the end. Who the villain turned out to be didn't quite convincing to me that is this really how the book is turning out? Also the explanation on the plot twist near the end also lacking and once again I said that it wasn't compelling to me.

But I suppose I could set the two points I mentioned aside because the fact that I devoured this bookand found myself immensely enjoying both Arthur and Philly's relationship development made up for it 🤭

No, I swear when I said I want to read the romance book. This is what I meant. A book that is so sweet and cute, you just couldn't help but to squeal, laugh, giggle, and practically screaming while you're reading it. And I must admit it's been a while since I read a romance book this good. The romance was just top-notch, a lot of heart-fluttering and heart pit-a-pat moment in this book that you couldn't help but adore both main characters.

So to put it simply, Philly and Arthur was a loner that came from their countryside to London for their own business matter. Philly to debut in the season since her grandfather died so she must follow her distant uncle who inherited her grandparents' country estate to London to find a gentleman to marry. Arthur to attend business matters on behalf his father in which the business partner was none other than Philly's distant uncle. Arthur who has badly injured in a war has been a loner for 6 years in his country Estate and Philly for having the lack of experience in society and has always been lived with her grandparents eventually became a loner once her guardian died.

Both finally found each other in the middle of everything and also found that they are very much depend and comfortable around each other that they lowkey fell in love. I know, this is basically insta-love but I swear it's not a trashy one that include insta-lust. Now, when Philly's uncle has been decided to force Philly to marry an old Duke with peculiar taste in unique and odd things (her included since she has heterochromia) she refused strongly especially once she knew that the Duke was a cruel man. But her uncle threatened to kick her out, make her pay for all of the money that her uncle use to sponsor her debut, and the worst of it kill all of her dogs.

Now this is where the most most ridiculous and funny thing happened. Since Philly doesn't have any friend in London other than Arthur, she ran to him knowing he will soon leave for his journey back to his countryside to TAKE HER DOGS WITH HIM. I REPEAT SHE ASKED FOR HIS HELP JUST TO RESCUE HER DOGS FGS. the girl was just too precious.

When Arthur asked then what about her? Who will take care of her? She answered, "oh no worries, I'll just apply a job somewhere here in London." But Arthur was doubtful will a job suffice to keep her safe from her uncle and the Duke so he asked her "why don't you just marry me?". Then there you go, we have marriage in convenience romance.

Personally, I really like marriage romance you know. It's because most romance books' finish line is marriage and most of the time I got curious with what comes after marriage. So marriage romance + marriage in convenience was just the perfect formula to my liking. So despite the fact that this book kinda lack at certain points, I really enjoyed it so much.

The characters were fantastic, there was one side character that was a bit off and I didn't quite understand him but since the book is about Arthur and Philly, I couldn't make myself care about other character 😅 The flow of the story was great and I must admit for 2023's first historical romance, I landed myself with a pretty good book. I like it a lot! 🥰

I recommend this for those of you who need a sickeningly sweet romance book to pick this up.

So 4 stars for this book. Since even though I enjoyed it, I still feel a bit unsatisfied with how the conflict resolved and the book ended. Now, on to the 2nd book 🥳
Profile Image for Mo.
1,388 reviews2 followers
June 19, 2020
I enjoyed this one ... You know, it didn't have the real drama that I usually love in my Historicals. It didn't have the overbearing ass of a hero ... the brooding Mr Darcy or the Westmoreland I know and love so well... a returned war hero and a strong heroine were enough to carry this story for me.

"Arthur Heywood is the second son of the Earl of Gordon. He was horribly hurt in the war."

An "injured, tortured" hero ... one of my favourites themes.

Arthur had never seen her look so vulnerable, nor so very beautiful ...

"You think me very silly, don't you?"

"I think you very sweet."

There had been no lady to weep for him when he was away fighting on the peninsula ...

The apple trees were in full bloom ...

I have read another book by this author and I did enjoy it but not as much as I did this one. I will definitely read more by Ms Matthews. And I will definitely be checking out the TV series "Victoria" (where I took the images from)

Arthur retuned her smile with a rare smile of his own ...
Profile Image for Marlene.
500 reviews122 followers
September 23, 2023
" 'Her eyes are extraordinary,' Darly murmured. 'I've never seen anything like them.' "

8/16/23 update: Free today! I don't know for how long.

The Work of Art (2019, Perfectly Proper Press) by Mimi Matthews is a Regency romance with a touch of mystery, set in 1814 London. It's not part of a series, which seems to be the case for about half of Ms. Matthew's stories. I wanted to read this one because clean Regency romances are a favorite genre of mine, and this one was highly rated. Then my husband purchased the audio for us both to enjoy. Yay, Dan!

Rating: 5 stars
Narration: 5 stars

The heroine: Phyllida Satterthwaite is the titular work of art, a moniker given to her by the Duke of Moreland, who is fascinated by her unmatched eyes - one brown and one blue. He wants to "collect" her by marrying her. "The Duke of Moreland was an avid collector of anything rare and valuable. . . Indeed, many said his single-minded pursuit of such rarities pushed the limits of obsession and bordered on the edge of mania." When the book opens, Philly is living on the charity of her uncle, who recently inherited her father's estate, and she "was left with no means of support."

The hero: Captain Arthur Heywood was injured in the Peninsular War and has difficulties walking. "To the untrained eye it was no more than an expensively made walking stick, but everyone in the library knew full well that without it he couldn't even have managed to walk across the room." He's also somewhat reclusive. "He'd only come away from his estate in Somersetshire to transact some business . . . Once it was concluded, . . . he'd be happy if he never saw another living person again." Arthur doesn't consider himself to be wonderful husband material, but offers a marriage of convenience to Philly. . . even though she comes with four pet dogs!

Christian elements:

There are 21 utterances of "by God," "good God," "God knows . . .," "for God's sake," or "my God." In contrast, there is only one instance of "God bless you" and two of "Thank God." With such frequent mentions of God's name, I would have preferred them to be of the more positive variety.

Is it clean/chaste? Yes, but expect at least one fade-to-black bedroom scene between a married couple. So I wouldn't recommend the book for young teens.

Other content issues: It's been a while, so I can't trust my memory. I can't think of anything. Scrolling through other reviews, I see that one person listed mild profanities as an issue.

What I liked:

*I love that cover!!!!!!

*I like that Philly was pretty in an unconventional way. Most importantly, though, was her character. She was a fabulous combination of wise and kind. She was sensitive to Captain Heywood's needs without pitying him.

*This isn't a will-they, won't-they story. Generally, they are in accord with each other throughout the book, which is pretty neat. They gradually move from friendship to love, and they actually talk to each other. (Which is not always a thing in romance novels!) So the conflict of the story is external. My husband and I both liked this factor. He gave this book 5 stars, and I consider his star rating system to be tough!

What I didn’t like:

*As mentioned above, God's name was frequently used in a negative way. As a result, my mind was occasionally kicked out of the story, evaluating whether each instance was a positive use of His name. However, this is not going to affect my rating, as this book isn't Christian fiction. So I don't feel it's reasonable to judge it by the same yardstick.

*If there was anything else, I've forgotten it!

Audiobook: This book was narrated by Alex Wyndham, an excellent narrator. He is a favored narrator by many reviewers, and I have seen his narration skills described as "incomparable" in at least one review.


Other Recommendation(s): I can't legitimately call this a recommendation since I haven't read it, but I think it's worth mentioning that I have recently seen overwhelmingly positive reviews for A Holiday by Gaslight , another Mimi Matthews story.

Just for fun, I wanted to mention another book with a heroine with blue and brown eyes: More than Meets the Eye by Karen Witemeyer, a favorite author of mine. (I haven't read this one in particular, however.)

The bottom line: This was a great friends-to-lovers Regency story for older teens and up to enjoy. I recommend it to fans of chaste Regency romance or of clean historical romance in general, and look forward to reading more by this author!
Profile Image for Karren  Sandercock .
1,068 reviews266 followers
October 25, 2021
When Phyllida Satterthwaite’s grandfather dies, she has to leave her peaceful life at Fox Cross in country Devonshire behind, and move to noisy London. Her male cousin inherited her grandfather’s estate Satterthwaite Court, he lives in London, and he wants her to marry. He allowed her to bring her four dogs, Basil, Jasper, Dash and Fox with her, they annoy him and he’s keen to marry her off to an older man, the Duke of Moreland, and he has a sinister reputation and likes to collect things out of the ordinary.

Philly's concerned by the Duke's cold behavior, she has two different colored eyes and she's sure it’s the reason why he wants to marry her. Captain Arthur Heywood is the only person she knows in London, she contacts him and he offers to help her, and they quickly marry. Injured during the Peninsular War, he’s been left with a severely damaged leg and hand and uses a cane walk. Arthur lives a quiet life in Somersetshire, he’s withdrawn from society due to his injuries and he doesn’t think his condition will improve. Philly is the sweetest person, kind, compassionate, and she's sure she can help him recover.

Arthur and Philly settle into a marriage of convenience, he’s still concerned about the vengeful Duke of Moreland, he has a tendency towards seeking revenge and he's not sure if he will be able to protect his wife. The Work Of Art is a regency romance by Mimi Matthews, I haven't read one in years and I highly recommend this book. The handsome war hero, meets a beautiful woman in danger, he doesn't think he can offer her more than his name and he gives her everything she has ever wanted and more! I recived a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, it's delightful, and five stars from me. https://karrenreadsbooks.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/KarrenReadsH...
Profile Image for Preeti.
724 reviews
December 14, 2021
“You’re so perfect that, when I look at you, I can scarcely believe you’re mine.“But you are mine. By whatever miracle. And though I’m unworthy now, if it takes the rest of my life, I will endeavor to deserve you.”

This is my 4th book by Mimi Matthews and gradually she is becoming one of my fav new HR authors. And, mind you it's coming from someone who loves steam in her romances.😝😝 But, I feel, when an author can amaze me with their writing in one of my beloved tropes (Marriage of Convenience), where I have already read more than 70+ books, I am honor-bound to give 4+ stars.🤭🤭

The plotline is similar to a bunch of other MOC books but the writing, characters, and atmospheric details are flawless. Moreover, most of the time when I am reading this trope, I realize the circumstances leading to MOC look too forced but not here. Just like other books by MM, this one too was well researched and the relationship development felt very natural.

I was also hesitant to listen to the audiobook because it was narrated by a male narrator. I know, it's not a big deal but I have got used to listening to female narrators while listening to HR in the MF genre. But, Alex Wyndham too surprised me with his deep-toned voice.

P.S- Mimi Matthew writes clean romance, so please adjust your expectations accordingly.
April 4, 2023
4.25 🌟

a closed door romance has never been better ✋😩 this was such a healthy, sweet story with communication and everything and though that's great and all, I needed a tiny bit more angst but still i was never bored. Oh and an actual epilogue. Preferably with babies and years into the future. Captain Heywood would be the best girl dad I just know. Other than that I had no complaints :)
Profile Image for kat.
520 reviews237 followers
September 29, 2022
reread, september 2022 · 5 stars.
read, april 2022 · 5 stars.

“Do you really mean to stay with me the rest of your life?”
“Yes.” She closed her eyes as he deliberately kissed the left corner of her mouth. “I vowed it to you the day we married.” Her arms moved to circle his neck. “You vowed it to me, as well.”

I’ve been in such a reading slump lately and this helped me ease myself into reading again. I quickly became obsessed with the work of art. I loved everything about it! I never ever wanted it to end.

I knew early on in the book that philly and arthur would have me in a chokehold. the chemistry, the passion, and the tension between them were undeniable and palpable—I’m totally fine. I definitely don’t feel like my heart is going to explode! plus, I had a different image of clean romances. It didn't really appeal to me, but miss mimi wrote in such a breathtaking way that even a kiss, a touch, and holding hands—without their gloves—felt intimate to me.

⊹ song: lost without you by freya ridings.
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,193 followers
July 31, 2019

“You’re so perfect that, when I look at you, I can scarcely believe you’re mine.” His voice roughened with tenderness. “But you are mine. By whatever miracle. And though I’m unworthy now, if it takes the rest of my life, I will endeavor to deserve you.”

LOVED LOVED LOVED this!!! Such a sweet romance. Two characters that I just adored. Of course there were the occasional moments of stupid misunderstanding, but they were indeed short-lived. Thank goodness. There was also a hint of mystery that keeps you guessing up until the end. I am so impressed with Matthews' writing. I have put her on my pre-order list. Looking forward to her next one.

Profile Image for Heidi Robbins (Heidi Reads...).
1,621 reviews549 followers
August 21, 2019
I've only recently discovered the stories of Mimi Matthews and I can't read them fast enough! I was thrilled to see that a new one was releasing this summer. I loved the vivid characters and the unique plot that made the story fresh and interesting. Marriage of convenience is one of my favorite tropes, and this one did not disappoint! There is an element of suspense as Arthur protects Philly from her mercenary uncle and the eccentric duke, which only continues as the danger follows them to their country estate. The genuine friendship they share blossoms into attraction, love and romance, with lovely chemistry. I appreciated that they share in each other's vulnerabilities and provide true encouragement and support. Philly's dogs are a fun addition to the story and play a vital role in the plot, as well as various society friends. A vibrant, well-rounded Regency!

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)
Profile Image for RLbooks (on a break).
827 reviews313 followers
June 6, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up because I can't remember the last time a fade to black romance worked for me this well

The Work of Art came highly recommended and I still side-eyed my friends because, well, there's no steam and that's a major component of my romance books. But all these positive reviews that mention how satisfying and wonderful this romance was despite the lack of steam are spot on. Did I still miss it? Yes, but Philly (h) and Arthur (H) were amazing characters who made me fall in love with them just as deeply as they fell in love with each other. I loved how down to earth and centered Philly was and how genuinely considerate she was, even at times with those who wronged her. Philly's lost her grandfather recently and left the country for a season with distant relatives who share nothing in common with her. She earns the moniker The Work of Art for her unusual eye color and beauty. Arthur was so stern, but also melancholy, except he was just kind and supportive to Philly from their first meeting. He was a soldier who was injured in his final battle and he still struggles with who he is now. He's smitten with Philly, even if he doesn't fully realize it.

Arthur was Philly's first friend in London when he wasn't soft with anyone else (which I loved). Philly ends up in a pickle being used by her guardian so Arthur swoops in to offer her a marriage of convenience, that won't stay in name only for long because these two were meant to be together. Lots of partnership feels and bolstering each other. Written in third person, dual POV. Small amounts of om drama from the man the h is being pushed to wed and some ow drama from H's prior fiancee who jilted him and tries to cause drama (neither the h or the H are interested in either). H is not a virgin but has been celibate since he returned from war with injuries and h is a virgin.

This was a low angst and sweet romance relationship-wise where Philly and Arthur often communicated with each other, shocking, though sometimes communication was delayed. The conflicts come from outside sources. Once they're together, day to day settling into their married lives occurs, but there's also a question of a possible danger to Philly because Arthur swooped in for her. I really enjoyed seeing their household and all the little ways that Philly and Arthur bonded, developing their relationship. Philly changes Arthur's whole existence with her presence, she was very much a spark that brings him back to life and I ate that up. It's not all smooth, but their relationship was excellent.

They're surrounded by side characters from Philly's extended family to Arthur's father and his mistress to servants and society acquaintances. Philly was a sweetheart with others, but also stood up for herself when needed. Arthur was so grumpy towards everyone else. Also shout out to Philly's adorable pack of dogs and her horse, because animals are important side characters too and here, they're basically like more people.

I did figure out what was happening and patted myself on the back. Even having figured it out, I enjoyed the various connections and plot lines. I thought the climax was well done and I cheered for Arthur. I would have loved an epilogue for this one, just to see them in the future with children, but I was still happy with the ending and it does look like the author has a book that follows at least one of their children. I would recommend this as a good historical with excellent character and relationship development!
April 5, 2023
I swear i read books outside of tropes marriage of convenience, grumpy-sunshine and beauty and the beast but it's not a crime if i only read these, is it?

You know how i say Harrow Faire series is my entire personality? This Book is my entire heart.

Our FMC, Philly Satterthwaite is The Work of Art for she has heterochromia and how pretty is the cover model! She's 23 and was raised by her grandparents after the death of her parents. Now that her grandfather has passed away and his property is now a distant male relative's (if you've seen/read pride and prejudice, you'll understand the inheritance laws) this person, Edgar Townsend brings her to London to finance a season for her.

Arthur Heywood, second son of the earl, is a war hero. He was scarred in war and can't properly use one of his legs and is now a recluse. He's on business in London and has a chance encounter with Philly when her dogs barge in her uncle's study.

You've got the blurb part. Now, I'm going to act like a totally unhinged person who has forgotten the use of this language I've spent so many years learning.

While their first encounter was nothing. I mean they didn't even look at the other one, ashamed of their own shortcomings. But their second encounter. 🤌🏻

Townsend and others, including Arthur, go on a walk following Philly and Townsend's daughters who are out to walk her dogs. Philly notices that though Arthur is proud and regal, he's also hurting. So, she walks slowly enough that they're together and asks for his arm as if it's she who needs assistance and when he give her his arm and she supports him and then asks him to escort her back, thanks him and leaves.

I loved how, when he saw her next, he slyly inquired about her walking habits and was waiting there that afternoon. My boy couldn't help himself and i don't blame him one bit.

If you get a Philly Satterthwaite, you bask in their glory for as long as they'll let you. She's sunshine for a reason. Though i find it hard to explain why i like the goodness in them so much just know that their niceness is appreciated.

You can very easily appreciate a fierce, headstrong woman in words cause they make you feel strong and brave and other adjectives. Feelings you can articulate. But how do you put into words the feeling of the ice encasing your heart melting. Maybe the native English speakers can but not me.

And she's not childish. Authors confuse that often, she knows there's bad in the world yet when she witnessed it firsthand it distressed her immensely. She doesn't have that child like wonderment but amazement that normal adults have when experiencing something new.

TL;DR - She's an amazing sunshine.

And Arthur didn't know he was already on the way to fall -

Arthur tried not to stare.
He failed miserably.

The way to my heart is have grump have a conversation with sunshine where neither can quite pinpoint why he's having that conversation which is so out of character for him.
Even her servant remarks —

“When I serve tea to the master and them in the library, I never heard that man say so much as a single word, but he sat here last week talking to you easy as anything. What’s he up to, I wonder?”

And i liked that while Townsends highlighted her blue eye, Arthur seemed to be enthralled by the amber/brown one defying euro centric beauty standards.

Arthur tried not to give in to the urge to stare at her. In her shimmering amber pelisse, she was more striking than on any other occasion he’d seen her. More than ever, she gave the impression of sunlight and glowing warmth, a person around whom it was impossible for cold or darkness to dwell. A man like himself, so often consumed by the shadows, could become addicted to being around such a lady. It wouldn’t do to keep indulging himself this way.

Me reading sex scenes - yeah yeah move along and for god's sake don't mention my name in the same sentence as sweat.

Me reading - Arthur stroked Basil’s head, his gloved fingers brushing against Miss Satterthwaite’s. She didn’t pull away.
*Shivers* Absolutely filthy, you heathens. Do it again.

Arthur followed his gaze to see Miss Satterthwaite coming down the stairs, one hand resting lightly on the banister as she descended. He froze where he stood, feeling the now-familiar tightening in his chest.

This scene never fails. Not in my book. When the MMC sees FMC all dolled up and falls in love all over again.

Meeting his eyes softly with hers, she gave him the barest trace of a smile.
Arthur was rendered temporarily speechless.

I stated in my original 'review' that this book had my cheeks hurting.. look at these quotes! How am I supposed to jump on abusive MMC trend with this kind of reaction? Even my grumpy assholes are softies.

The warmth and weight of her touch set his heart to thumping. Foolish, really. He was no green lad.

Same Arthur but you guys have me giggling and blushing over accidentally touches here.

It struck him then, quite forcibly, that Phyllida Satterthwaite had the rare gift of transforming everything that came near her into something better than it actually was.

He extended her hair decoration to her.
“Keep it,” she said.
“Miss Satterthwaite, I couldn’t possibly—”
“Please. It’s only a small thing, I know, and has no value at all, but I hope that…that if you have it…you won’t soon forget me.”
Arthur’s fingers closed around the hairpin. His voice, when he found it, sounded very unlike his own. “I have no intention of forgetting you.”
“Nor I you, sir.” She gave him a small smile. “Goodbye, Captain Heywood.”

I really should learn how to add gifs because this conversation deserves a gif.

When he proposed a marriage in name only and she thinks —

To live with Captain Heywood and no longer be constrained every time she wished to talk to him or be near him?

My girl was besotted as well so don't think it was one sided. It's just that men in love are my favourite sect.

"My engagement to her was the thoughtless act of a young man with poor judgment and no sense. When she broke it and married another, I considered it a blessed release. I didn’t love her before the war, and I don’t even think about her now.”
He spoke with unwavering conviction. Philly had no doubt but that he was telling the truth.

THIS is how you react to some rumour. THIS. She's not making an accusation, she's just not aware and insecure and he put her mind to ease and viola, saved her from sadness.

It was harder than it otherwise might have been, for every few minutes the reality of the situation struck him afresh, and he experienced a vague sort of euphoria as he realized that he was, in fact, going to marry Phyllida Satterthwaite.

It was this certainty, this very determination to keep her in his life by any means, that had compelled him to utter those fateful words a marriage in name only. Even then he’d never truly believed she would consent, and now, as he awaited the license which would enable them to marry, it seemed to him somehow impossible.

This energy.

Arthur would fit 'mard sirf apni pasandeeda aurat k liye..' trend so well.

At each consecutive stop they made, the pattern of their business became clearer, and the coachman was less and less able to hide his astonishment. When Arthur directed him to a jeweler in Bond Street, the normally stoic servant could barely suppress his grin.

You remember how Domenico banished the ow to care for the lepers when she fed Felicia lies and tried to drive a wedge between them?

If you're a nice person and not a psychopath, you can do what Arthur did. When his ex fiancee asked if Philly is her rival and he says —

Arthur briefly met her gaze. “Phyllida Satterthwaite has no rival.” And before either could recover from his assertion, he bid them a curt good day and walked out of the shop.

Exactly this. Why would you, in a genre that mainly caters to women, who generally sympathize with the FMC, give value to OW? MMCs are out here entertaining OW, letting her insult FMC and getting away with it and sometimes MMC even defends them. It's so difficult to find a book that doesn't ick you out.

Communication is a key and I'm the key ring collecting books which have our MCs facing some external threat in the third act conflict instead of being pouty little bitches.

“Shall I call you Phyllida from now on?”
“If you prefer it, but I’d much rather you call me Philly.”
“No one ever called me Phyllida until I came to London.” She raised her eyes to his in guarded expectation. “To my real family I’ve only ever been Philly.”
He met her gaze, seeming to immediately comprehend the significance of what she was telling him. “Then you shall be Philly to me, as well. Unless we’re being very formal, in which case I’ll be obliged to call you Mrs. Heywood.”


There's also a 'Where's my wife?' thrown in there somewhere in this book.

“You think me very silly, don’t you?” she said with a faint smile of her own.
“I think you very sweet.”

Glancing up at him, she was startled to see an expression of pride on his face. Pride in her as his wife, she realized with amazement. She immediately resolved that she wouldn’t disappoint him.

Anyway since this ranting is getting out of hand but short version the marriage in name only gets consummated that very same night. It's fade to black. After the second time, when they're in bed sleeping together, Arthur has a nightmare about his time in the peninsula and grabs Philly by the throat.

He thinks he's ruined his chances with her and asks her to go to her bed and ignores her the next day but she clarifies it so all is good. Their longest miscommunication doesn't even last a day long. This is a good couple. They talk to eachother and hug it out.

Somehow, on a deeply feminine level, she now understood that he’d needed this physical reassurance from her far more than he’d needed her words. The mere act of holding him in her arms did more to ease his tortured spirit than anything else she could have said or done. “I won’t let you send me away ever again, Arthur,” she vowed to him in the same half whisper. “It doesn’t matter if you growl at me and attempt to frighten me. You’re my dearest friend. I will never leave you.”
In answer, Arthur’s arms tightened around her. She felt him press his face into her hair. Some of the tension seemed to go out of him then, but the strength with which he held her didn’t falter.

The casual domesticity is told not shown but no book is perfect.

Arthur never showed the slightest regret about relinquishing his solitude in order to be with her. In fact, Philly began to suspect he rather preferred her company.

I love how they're both in love. They're a bit shy and there's tension in the air, something a-brewing all of which I've left out so you go in blind, but they are so good.

Philly drew back just enough to see his face, and then, right there in the stable yard, in front of Greene and all the other servants, she kissed him full on the mouth.

Arthur's internal monologue about abstaining after hurting Philly is something i wanted all my MCs, who for absurd reason not have sex, to think.

“Say something to me, Philly,” he whispered into her hair. “Anything. Even if it’s only to tell me that I must let you go.”
Her face was pressed against his cravat, her words so soft it was a miracle he heard them. “You mustn’t ever let me go, Arthur.”

His fascination with her hair is so sweet. As someone who loves her hair an insane amount. *Sigh* i can wish for it, can't i?

They even have an explicit conversation about the communication thing. Who are these people aren't they aware they have to create problems in the relationship?

Before he could walk toward her, she rushed to him and embraced him round the neck in a wholly unladylike fashion, receiving from him in exchange a very ungentlemanly full kiss on the mouth.

Okay so blah blah there's alot going on which i don't wanna divulge but you might have deduced there's a villain since they're not causing trouble for themselves so.. Arthur keeps Philly protected and that's the only thing he does which acted as a little bump in their relationship. I believe you tell the person who's in danger about the danger so they can take necessary precautions but Arthur's reason was that he didn't want to trouble Philly.

“My sweet, determined little love. I believe you’re attempting to blackmail me.”

“I wonder that he can be ignorant of anything that concerns you. He watches you every moment. One would think he was afraid you might run off and leave him.”

Now there's the conflict and i love how it's handled. There's no epilogue but this book isn't your regular HR with a lot happening so while the ending might feel abrupt, it's not unsatisfying.

Nothing in this book gave me an ick and i love it. It's audiobook is narrated by Alex Wyndham entirely and it's quite nice.



My cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
A sunshine to out do every other sunshine and a cinnamon roll masquerading as a grump.

I love them both so much.. i love how there was never any misunderstandings and if there were, they communicated.. ah, my fragile heart.

I don't even need an epilogue, i know this couple will have a great future, I'm that sure of their love.

Special mention - Basil!
Profile Image for Carol Cork *Young at Heart Oldie*.
428 reviews224 followers
August 20, 2024
I always look forward to reading one of Mimi Matthews’s books because I’m assured of an engaging and tender romance that is elegantly written with characters that capture your heart. THE WORK OF ART has a Regency setting rather than her usual Victorian one, but Ms. Matthews’s research is equally impeccable.

Since returning from the Peninsula War three years ago, Arthur Heywood has been in constant pain from a serious leg wound, forcing him to walk with a stick, and his right hand also sustained severe injury. Riding and shooting were an important part of who he had once been and he’s finding it hard to come to terms with the limitations imposed by his injuries. In recurring nightmarish dreams, Arthur constantly relives the harrowing events that followed his last battle. He has given up all hope of ever enjoying any sort of normal life again, and lives a reclusive existence at his country estate in Somerset. When his father sends him to London to contract some business on his behalf with financier Edgar Townsend, Arthur has every intention of returning to Somerset as soon as the business is concluded - that is until he meets Townsend’s niece, Phyllida (Philly) Satterthwaite, a young lady desperately in need of someone to rescue her from an untenable situation.

Phyllida Satterthwaite had once enjoyed a contented life living with her grandfather in rural Devon. She loved nothing more than going on rambles with her motley assortment of rescued dogs. Her circumstances change after her grandfather dies and she goes to live in London with her Uncle Edgar, the only living heir to her grandfather’s estate. Although unhappy, she is determined to make the best of her situation. Her uncle has promised to finance a season for her so that she might find herself a suitable husband but, when she discovers that he has already literally sold her to the menacing Duke of Moreland, she turns to the only person she feels she can confide in, Arthur Heywood.

I have a soft spot for damaged heroes like Arthur. He has been scarred both physically and mentally by his wartime experiences and has lost all sense of self-worth, believing that his loss of physical prowess now defines who he is. At heart, he is honourable, kind, thoughtful and steadfast, qualities that come to the fore in his determination to help Philly and keep her safe. Philly is such a lovely heroine. Her kindness, gentleness and compassion are balm to Arthur’s troubled spirit and, when they first meet, I love how she is so attuned to his difficulties and helps him in an unobtrusive way.

The ‘marriage of convenience’ is a favourite of mine and Arthur and Philly are such an engaging couple. I love how their initial bond of friendship, based on mutual liking, respect and trust, develops into a tentative attraction, which gradually blossoms into love. How refreshing to see them actually discuss any problems and misunderstandings before they became insurmountable.

It was so heart-warming to see the changes Philly brings to Arthur’s life. With her gentle encouragement, he takes daily walks, slowly regaining some of his physical strength and his sense of hope. Heywood House had been a place of gloom, but Philly had made it feel like a real home. I loved Arthur’s determination to protect Philly and, in doing so, he becomes a true hero.

It was undeniably Arthur. But it wasn’t her Arthur. It wasn’t the husband who kissed her and called her his sweetheart. No. This was a different man. A dangerous man. This was Captain Arthur Heywood. This was the soldier who had crushed a man’s throat with one bare hand.

Among the secondary characters there’s Philly’s devious and avaricious Uncle Edgar; her cold-hearted aunt, Mrs Vale; her horrid cousins, Elizabeth and Abigail; the cold and menacing Duke of Moreland; the conniving Mrs Eliot, and not forgetting Philly’s sundry canines.

The mystery of who is threatening Philly added an intriguing layer to the story, and the culprit’s identity was certainly a surprise I didn’t see coming.

MY VERDICT: A lovely, heart-warming and beautifully written romance with just a touch of mystery. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Luana ☆.
619 reviews138 followers
May 29, 2022
First of all, let me comment on this cover. If the model is portraying the heroine, she is definitely gorgeous.

And second, if you enjoy good conversation and a sweet romance, this is definitely a good book. I was surprised at how sweet the main characters are. I loved the fact that they worked their differences and misunderstandings right away and didn't let it fester. That their relationship worked as any relationship should, in a steady progress. And although this is a clean romance, they talked about things and everything was very transparent. And I absolutely loved how the heroine saw everything in the eyes of the animal world. Understanding animals made her quite mature regardless of how sequestered she had lived.

This is a book that I definitely recommend when you're looking for an easy story with a sweet romance.
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
January 30, 2020
4.5 stars - Regency Historical Romance

This is a touching, heartwarming, and beautifully tender slow-burn historical romance between a kind heroine and an honorable emotionally and physically scarred and disabled war hero both in need of saving. I've read and enjoyed every romance by Mimi Matthews, and The Work of Art is my favorite. I listened to the audiobook, and Alex Wyndham did a great job with the narration.
Profile Image for Lady Wesley.
965 reviews357 followers
December 21, 2020
In just two short years, Mimi Matthews has become a must-read author for me. This is a lovely book with lovely characters and a lovely romance. Lovely, I say. A perfect read for quarantine times.
Profile Image for Amy Bruno.
364 reviews535 followers
July 26, 2019
Mimi Matthews has done it again! With every new book of Mimi's that I read, I think to myself, clearly, she can't top this one...and yet, she does. Every dang time!

The Work of Art is actually one of Mimi's earliest books but was never released until now. It makes me so sad to think of this beautiful book sitting all alone, but now it's getting the love it deserves and I could not be more thrilled for that.

When Phyllida Satterthwaite's beloved grandfather and only guardian passes away, her Uncle moves her to London so that she might make her debut and find a husband. Her beauty and unique eyes grab the attention of the men in town, including the scandalous Duke of Moreland, who is known as a collector of rare and unique items. Now he wants Phyllida...and he is used to getting what he wants.

Captain Arthur Heywood was injured in the Peninsular War and can only walk with the assistance of a cane. While he prefers to stay at home in his country estate away from society, business brings him to London and the home of Phyllida's Uncle. Her beauty is not lost on Arthur and they soon become friends. When the dangerous Duke of Moreland sets his sights on Phyllida despite her not being interested, Arthur steps in with an offer to help.

I have to say that Phyllida and Arthur are my most favorite fictional couple ever! I'm not the easiest reader of romances. I've never been one for the lovey-dovey stuff but I swear Mimi is converting me! If any book can be called "swoon-worthy" it's The Work of Art!

Not only is this a book for romance fans, but also a book for animal lovers! Phyllida's love for her dogs and animals was my favorite thing about her. As someone that drove an hour away last week to save an injured chipmunk, I can totally relate to her :)

Mimi's books always bring a smile to my face and I was totally grinning ear to ear when I finished The Work of Art. I could not love it more and will be shouting about this book to anyone who will listen!

I do believe that The Work of Art is my favorite Mimi Matthews book....that is, until the next one releases :)
Profile Image for Becca.
685 reviews115 followers
August 16, 2023
Beautiful writing. Great love story too. And I personally appreciated the fade to black sex scenes. It was still a sensual book but one that focused on the other aspects of romantic connection. There was more page time dedicated to the little things and it was really great too read. I just felt the later half of the story was a bit too repetitive without them figuring out their issues. I loved the beginning and the questions and how the characters connected. Definitely will be reading more of this author!
Profile Image for Inna.
1,602 reviews348 followers
April 25, 2023
4/24/2023: 4.5 stars still. A really enjoyable read that totally kept my attention, even the second time around. I had forgotten the storyline enough that I was even surprised by the ending. Love that this doesn't have a predictable outcome.

Virgin heroine
Hero not a manwhore, and his past is barely mentioned
Hero has been celibate for some time
All closed door, no on page smex
no cheating
OW drama from a woman who was once engaged to the hero; he had no interest in her
Slight OM drama from Duke who wants to marry the heroine

3/10/2020: 4.5 stars, rounded up. It’s so nice to find a HR novel that isn’t too cheesy, has just enough action, (but not so much that it takes away from the relationships of the characters) and is actually well written! I’m really impressed by this book & can’t wait to read another by this author!
Profile Image for Beth.
790 reviews350 followers
May 6, 2020
Such fun! Romantic, engaging, just an all around winsome story. I’m never sure about how a man is going to sound narrating a woman’s dialogue, but Alex Wyndham does a great job.
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
699 reviews758 followers
August 28, 2024

“Say something to me, Philly,” he whispered into her hair. “Anything. Even if it’s only to tell me that I must let you go.”

This was an utter delight. A closed door romance that actually worked for me. Yay! Finally a winner. This is very much a kissing book and I loved every second of it. A kissing book that made me blush, kick my feet and all gooey inside. This gave me butterflies in it's simplicity yet beautiful connection between hero and heroine. The writing is beautiful. Arthur and Philly were adorable in their tender sincerity. The yearning. My gawd THE YEARNING. Two introverts who hate London city life and much prefer the quiet country. Captain Arthur Heywood once a formidable Captain in the army and sharp shooter is now a shell of the man he once was, with PTSD and his crippling war injuries have left him depressed and closed off to the whole world. Everyone labels him cold, uptight and rude. Yet somehow sweet natured wallflower Phyllida Satterthwaite sees through all that. From the moment these two meet they are drawn to each other.
“You’re so perfect that, when I look at you, I can scarcely believe you’re mine.”

The heroine Philly has Heterochromia, one blue eye and one amber brown eye which has marked her as unique and given her the moniker "the work of art" by the ton. She hates the title and all the attention. She's been forced to move to the city by her uncle after her grandparents who raised her passed. Used to living in her country home Fox Cross with its quaint village and surrounded by nature, the city life is uncomfortable and overwhelming for Philly. Her menagerie of 4 rescue dogs reminded me a bit of Beatrix Hathaway. She has a soft heart and is even kind to people who don't deserve it IMO. What starts off as a marriage of convenience to save her from a marriage to a crazy cruel Duke that her uncle is forcing her into, quickly forms into something stronger and so sweet over time. Seeing both of them shine and grow in their marriage and help each other was very satisfying to see. I want my own brooding Captain who is a bear to everyone but sweet with me to snuggle up to in a country house. 😭 The communication between these two, the respect and adoration really was refreshing. I just loved that whenever an issue came up these two worked it out and talked respecting each other's feelings. Arthur reads her so well and vice versa with Philly. You know when quiet moments are weighted? Matthews did that so wonderfully here. The tension was thick and delicious all the way through. A husband who literally can't stand anyone but his wife and wants only to make her happy? Yes. This was probably the healthiest relationship I've read about in a HR book. lol And this is coming from someone who usually loves messy. I was worried I would get bored since it's a closed door romance but I just gobbled this book up and could not put it down. If anything the villain arc and how it wrapped up in the last leg of the book was probably the only flaw for me. I wasn't crazy about the villain reveal and felt his motive was contrived and forced but other than that, I loved this and will definitely be trying more by Mimi Matthews.

Arthur held her fast. “Look at me.” He moved his hands to her upper arms, his fingers pressing into her soft flesh. He gave her a little shake. “Look at me.”
She reluctantly raised her eyes to his.
“I showed you that you were my love our first night together, and I’ve affirmed it every day since. It’s in everything I do for you. Every look and every touch. I may not have said the words—God knows why. Some ridiculous desire not to render myself vulnerable, I daresay. But it was never because I didn’t feel it. I feel it too damned much. There are days when I think I’ll run mad from it.”
Profile Image for Emily (biblioblondes).
211 reviews2 followers
December 7, 2023
No ifs, ands, or buts about it!

I almost don’t know what to say about this book.
I truly wasn’t expecting to love it as HARD as I do!
I so wish I could experience it all again for the first time!

Phyllida Satterthwaite (The Work of Art) was the sweetest, most gentle character I have ever read. She was so kind and empathetic. It was, honestly, inspiring. Her interactions from her cousins to Arthur to her dogs were amazing.
Her dogs were characters of their own and I loved all of the little and big beasts! Especially Basil! Iykyk!

Arthur Heywood was stoic, hardened and gruff… EXCEPT WITH PHILLY!!!!! 🙌🏻 We LOVE to see that, don’t we girls????
He was so amazing and patient and tender with her that my heart just burst every time they were together! I can’t tell you how much I LOVE THIS MAN. GAAHHH! 😍😍😍😍😍

The relationship between them was amazing! I loved the communication! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Perfection. Things came up, problems or whatever happened but they talked it out. They went forward together as a true couple and it was beautiful.

The mystery and suspense element kept things interesting and I was actually surprised by the ending… That doesn’t happen too often so I have to mention it!

Obviously this book gets ALL THE STARS.
I can’t wait to dive into Gentleman Jim finally!

I think I’m going to love it even more than this one and I don’t know how that’s possible or if my heart will be able to take that! 😍😂

Extra Things I Loved:
Her different colored eyes 👀
The meetings in the park!
Philly defending Arthur 🥰
The dinner party
Giving him her hair pin 🥹
Arthur buying the ring 💍
Hand holding in the carriage 😍
Unlacing stays… 😏🫠
The communication
Her feminine presence in his home ♥️
Her horse 🥹
Injured/caretaking trope!
The ending 😍
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,118 reviews

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