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The Night Janitor

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Annamaria Gabor can kill with a whisper and a touch. Her victims never realize she's given them a deadly disease. The cops will never arrest her. No jury will ever convict her. And no one can stop her--no one except her brother.Luke Johnson can heal by touch. He works as a night janitor in hospitals and nursing homes, healing patients as discreetly as he can. Once people notice his work, he moves on to the next city--before the hired assassins arrive.Luke is a hunted man. His sister wants him dead because he knows her deepest secret. And she has big plans for her future only he can destroy. Audiobook edition nominated for a SOVAS Voice Award in the Thriller category

306 pages, ebook

First published May 1, 2019

About the author

T.F. Allen

2 books43 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 reviews
Profile Image for Dave.
3,310 reviews406 followers
March 26, 2019
Luke is a night janitor on the run. In between cleaning the floors, he slips into hospital rooms and touches patients. But, don't get too concerned. He's not some weird perv. He really does have magic healing hands. The only thing is most people don't understand and don't believe and when he gets caught and they get suspicious there's trouble. And, to cap it off, his sister has a team of assassins tracking Luke down. She wants him dead and nothing is going to stop her. Like the tv show “Heroes,” maybe there are people out there with Secret abilities who really can do faith healing. Or maybe they are just great con artists.

The writing here reels the reader in like a fish on a hook and once it grabs you it just ain't going to let go. It is a thoroughly compelling read about superpowers, faith healers, sibling rivalry, and more. There are a few points where you have to suspend disbelief and accept things that make the story work, but the story keeps flowing and it all works in the end.
Profile Image for 8stitches 9lives.
2,852 reviews1,689 followers
May 2, 2019
Watch your back Joe Hart, T.F. Allen is after your crown! I was so utterly surprised by this supernatural thriller you could've knocked me down with a feather. This makes a refreshing change to the identikit thrillers that are absolutely flooding the marketplace of late. It is effectively a meditation on the age-old depiction of good vs evil and had me captivated from the opening pages, so much so that I read it in a single sitting.

Brother and sister, Luke and Anna both have supernatural powers; he has the power to heal by touch, she the power to kill. This is a very readable and exciting thriller with great character development and it flowed nicely from page to page. There's certainly no love lost between these siblings as she is out to assassinate him. The worst case of sibling rivalry! The twisty narrative continues for the entirety of the book and concludes in an explosive and satisfying fashion.

The Night Janitor is one of the most original page-turner's I've had the pleasure to read in recent years. I truly hope it receives the attention it deserves. I wish more readers would embrace self-published writers. I am super impressed and am already anticipating my next encounter with Allen's work. Many thanks to Weapenry Co-Op/T.F. Allen for an ARC.
Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews115 followers
July 24, 2019

I'm currently trying to finish off all the books I've put on hold during my reading rut over the last few months. The Night Janitor was one of them.

Which is why I'm not sure whether my dislike of certain parts and characters of this book was due to said book slump or because they actually sucked... So I'm going to try to figure it out by breaking down the things I liked and the things I didn't like about this book.

• The idea. Very unique premise I haven't encountered before, three siblings with opposing powers, each somewhat representative of their personalities.
• Luke. Extremely likable, fairly fleshed-out protagonist who acts reasonably and had me quite emotionally invested most of the time.
• Harry. So adorable and well-portrayed.
• The climax. A little gory, a little tragic and very satisfying.

• Annamaria. The antagonist, though she seemed more like an over-the-top cartoon style villain what with her anger issues and ridiculous revenge plans. Ugh.
• Clyde. What a waste of reading time. No worthwhile contribution to the story whatsoever.
• The drawn-out middle half of the book that eventually made me put it on hold for a couple of months.
• The romance. It felt unnecessary and forced and totally shallow.

So there you have it. 4:4, it's a draw. 3 stars it is.

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,276 reviews331 followers
May 22, 2019
This was a suspenseful and thrilling read as we have three siblings - one who can kill with a whisper, one who can save with a touch and the other who can silence with a whisper. Growing up Luke and AnnaMarie went through life as slaves to their father's con ways as he was a faith preacher who one day when the pair of them no longer decided to play into his cons, they were left behind and AnnaMaria was attacked. As they grew older, the siblings went their separate ways. AnnaMaria became one of the world's most powerful females and is on her way to becoming president as with her power; no one can stand in her way. That is except for two people Luke and their younger brother. Luke has to keep on the move as AnnaMaria keeps sending her goons after him. What happens though when their father goes to a journalist who has the skills to track them all down? Now Luke, along with a newfound friend - a nurse must stay one step ahead to protect his younger brother from danger. I quite enjoyed the suspense part of this book, and I found myself enjoying the personalities of the different siblings. If you love Christian Fiction with an Edge, then check out The Night Janitor by T.F Allen.
Profile Image for Kat (Katlovesbooks) Dietrich.
1,321 reviews172 followers
May 2, 2019

The Night Janitor by T.F. Allen is a thriller, with a touch of supernatural.

First, let me thank NetGalley, and the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis: (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)
Luke has a gift. His hands can heal. He moves from place to place, working in hospitals and nursing homes as a janitor. He helps when he can. But he never stays long, because he’s on the run. His younger sister is trying to find him, and she wants him dead.

Annamaria also has a gift. Her hands are deadly. She can give you any disease she wants. Luke is right, she wants her brother dead. She has also never given up looking for their father.

Nicholas Gabor and his wife abandoned their children when they discovered Annamaria’s gift may be out of her control. Annamaria was only 13. She never forgave her father.

It’s been 29 years….and Annamaria is finally going to get her revenge. But there are more players in this game than anyone is aware.

My Opinions:
I loved Allen’s first book (The Keeper), but I I think I enjoyed this one even more. Needless to say, this author has my attention. I love his writing style. Everything flows so naturally, so it makes for an easy read.

I love how an ordinary story takes on new meaning with the addition of a supernatural aspect. This book could easily be written without the “gifts”. Brother/sister rivalry to the extreme. Add their gifts, and the book explodes.

His heroes and villains are well-defined, with secondary characters stepping up to the plate at key moments. I was quickly drawn to the characters, and to the story. Allen made you believe in their gifts as he immersed you in their plights. The action is non-stop, and thus the book is a fast read. You don’t want to set it down in case you miss something.

Good vs Evil. Brother vs Sister. And secrets. What more do you want? It’s a great read, and I highly recommend it.

For a more complete review of this book and others, please visit my blog: http://katlovesbooksblog.wordpress.com/

Profile Image for Cobwebby Reading Reindeer .
5,493 reviews315 followers
April 6, 2019
An exceptionally engrossing paranormal novel with fantastic characterizations which I read in one sitting, THE NIGHT JANITOR I would classify as Paranormal Psychological Thriller. It's immensely captivating: the characters are well drawn (and some of them are very unusual), the suspense is constantly ratcheted maximally, and there's plenty of plot convolutions and mystery to keep even jaded readers racing through its pages.

Once upon a time, some four decades ago, a con artist pretended to be a faith healer. Traveling from small community to small community, he dragged along his long-suffering spouse and two children. It was a miserable life for the children, unable to stop anywhere long enough to make friends, no schooling, always on the go; until something even more serious occurred. The two children developed gifts, in a finely tuned balance of good vs. evil; from there the framework was set. One compassionate, one vengeful. Eventually one would find the other, and then the showdown would commence. Will Evil triumph, or will Good? Read THE NIGHT JANITOR and discover the answers.
Profile Image for Cam.
1,175 reviews2 followers
April 28, 2019
Thank you netgalley and publisher for this book to review.

Luke hides in plain sight of others by dressing as a janitor and going from state to state and hospital to hospital healing people with terminal illness with his touch.
With Ying there is always a Yang, which is his sister, Anna, who can bring disease and death with her touch. Anna has people out to kill her brother Luke while she seeks to climb the high chain in government. This book started off 5 stars and began to dwindle half way through. The book felt choppy and it felt as if something I was missing. Anna attacking her security was left field: didn’t make sense. How Anna found her brother, something was missing.
Profile Image for Tracy Robinson.
513 reviews153 followers
January 9, 2020
The supernatural elements described in the synopsis are what drew me to accepting this book for review. A brother and sister that can heal and hurt respectively? Sure, I’ll give that a try. Also, I enjoy a good thriller/suspense from time to time, so that was another factor I found enticing.

Unfortunately, while this was a decent read for me, I just lost interest and that important reader/story connection pretty early on. I haven’t been able to decide exactly why this was the case, but I’ll go into some things I think may have cause this disconnect.

The plot is fairly engaging. Luke is the only one who can bring his sister down, so the majority of the novel is made up of chases with some downtime in between to introduce new characters, build relationships, etc. I found both kinds of scenes fairly predictable, kind of like “oh, I’ve been here before.” I didn’t despise this, but I didn’t love it either.

The characters were okay. Annamaria has the capacity to be a great villain; enemies never see her coming. I did like her “kill scenes”. Luke, however, I just wanted to shake him a bit. As the antithesis of his sister, I expected him to be good person, but he just kind of fell flat for me.

Overall, I feel like a 3 is the perfect rating for this reader to give The Night Janitor. It is obvious that Allen has taken care with the technical parts of this book, the writing is good and there were no errors that I can so often be found in an independently published book. I really think the right reader will enjoy this book and I will likely give another book by Allen a try.
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,545 reviews69 followers
June 1, 2021
The Night Janitor doesn’t pretend to be anything other than what it is – an over-the-top thriller with a lot of fun and unbelievable things going on.

No, you won’t ever fully buy into the story – but you also won’t care. Our villain is so villainous and our hero so tragically heroic that you’ll just munch the popcorn and read on to the end with pleasure.

A truly fun and entertaining read!

Profile Image for Emmy.
906 reviews10 followers
September 11, 2019

Nothing like a little bit of sibling rivalry to turn the world upside down!

I liked the story and the plot. The delivery, world building, and characters (themselves, relationships, intersections) were weak.

The romance was a complete misfit. It also conflicted with the nurse’s personality; one minute she’s procedure/policy and literally five minutes later, she throws caution to the wind to pursue something she doesn’t understand and isn’t explained to her - and no, she isn’t kidnapped. On the contrary, she pushes herself in the passenger seat. Umm. Although she’s driving, so anyway. I truly disliked her. She’s a cliche who didn’t work. Was she a last minute thought because Luke didn’t have a commanding personality.

As far as I know, TMC and MD Anderson are different entities. I’m not sure how or why our nurse, who works at TMC, is able to have a booth at a MD Anderson event, like the next day....? Timing is definitely off - or very unbelievable.

The presidential campaign also makes the book imbalanced, time wise. There’s more telling than showing, probably because this is trying to be conveyed as an action thriller boom-boom-boom than fleshing out characters, details, and connections.

I think if this was handled differently, it would blow itself on the top seller list and T F Allen would be a household name. As it stands, some will love it, most will like it, and others would forget it.

It is a three star, because it’s above decent and it’s not a waste of time, but it leaves the reader wanting more and better. The writing is good, but the story and characters deserve more attention and substance.
Profile Image for Diana Gitau.
53 reviews2 followers
May 6, 2019
This book reminds me of the TV Show, Heroes. Although, different from my usual reads, I was captivated right from the blurb.

This is the story of two siblings with special gifts. Anna Maria can kill with just a whisper and a touch. For instance, if she touches your hand and whispers arthritis, that is it for you! On the other hand, Luke has the gift of healing. I can’t tell you how much I envied him. Imagine having a gift that allows you to stop pain and suffering. I wish this was a real gift!

The story is fast-paced and thrilling right from the first page. Luke is a fugitive and there are people who won’t stop until he is dead. On the other hand, Annamaria was dark and twisted. I was fascinated and scared by her gift and how she intended to use it. She was cold, meticulous in her mission and vengeance, definitely not one to make an enemy out of.

The author did a great job in crafting the two characters. I also like the fact that he didn’t dwell on trying to explain the whys and hows of the gifts. Some people walk, others talk, we read, Anna Maria can cause diseases and Luke heals, that is just how things are. The two aren’t the only characters who were well developed. There were a number of other support characters who stood out for various reasons like Clyde for his greed for fame and Harry for his sweetness.

The Night Janitor is an entertaining, captivating supernatural thriller. As I’ve mentioned, it’s not a genre that I have read before but I am now intrigued.
Profile Image for Todd Simpson.
784 reviews33 followers
March 25, 2019
This is a fabulous story that had me hooked from the beginning. The plot certainly grabbed my attention as being a little bit different, and I’m glad that I chose it to read as it was thoroughly entertaining. I also like the Authors writing style, and the unique and interesting characters.
Luke Johnson liked to work as a night janitor in hospitals in whatever city or town he found himself in. Being totally ignored by doctors, nurses and family members of the sick is exactly what he wanted. Luke has a very unusual ability to heal sick people, so a hospital is the perfect place for him to hang out at. However, not everyone understands his amazing ability and when he gets the feeling people start to work out that he may be responsible for the miraculous healing of patients on deaths door, he knows it’s time to move onto the next place. There is one person that isn’t so thrilled that he is saving people from dying and that is his sister Annamaria. She has her own unusual ability and it’s not as nice a Luke’s, especially since hers is to make people sick and ultimately kill them. From start to finish this is an exceptional book, and I would certainly recommend it. 5/5 Star Rating.

I received a copy of this book for an unbiased review
Profile Image for Kayla Krantz.
Author 45 books739 followers
March 22, 2020
Luke works at a hospital as a janitor, but he’s no ordinary janitor. He has a power. With it, he can heal people by touch alone, and he has a knack for healing those close to death. One day though, those powers get him caught by a nurse. He knows it’s time to move on because staying in place could help his sister find him. The one who wishes to kill him. His sister is gifted too, but unlike him, her gifts help her to destroy.

I loved the good versus evil struggle throughout the story. Especially where it contrasts in Luke and Annamaria (his sister). Where Luke is good, she is evil. In a lot of paranormal stories, there are superheroes who are able to heal, but not very many villains who can whisper an illness and set it into motion. I thought that was an interesting touch. Plenty of twists and turns throughout the story.

T.F. Allen has a way of building up the characters and the world before diving into the action, and I love that. I’ve only read one other book by this author, but I can say that I will keep an eye out for books by them in the future.

The narrator did a fantastic job as well.

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.
Profile Image for Thompson615.
443 reviews4 followers
April 21, 2019
The Night Janitor reached out and grabbed me from page one! I couldn’t put it down and finished it in one sitting.
Luke works the night shift at a hospital, being a janitor means no one really notices him. Doctors, nurses and other personnel go about their business while Luke heals critically ill patients with his hands. He’s been doing this for years in different locations but he always ends up running either because people begin to notice or because his sister Annamarie has sent assassins after him again. Annamaria can kill with a touch and a word. She has an agenda and Luke is at the top of her list to destroy.
The characters are well developed and the twists and turns in this thriller continue right up to the explosive ending.

I received this book from NETGALLEY in exchange for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Lexxi.
236 reviews
May 30, 2019
The Keeper was one of my favorite books that I read this year and I was so excited for T. F. Allen's next book to come out. I felt disappointed. The characters all felt flat to me. I didn't find myself caring about them or being invested in the story. I really had to force myself to get through this. There also were a lot of cliches in the book. Our main character Luke meets a nurse (whose name I've already forgotten) and numerous interactions one of them will notice the energy between them. Not every story needs a love story - it felt so forced. I'll read his next book, but I felt super let down by this one.
404 reviews10 followers
April 1, 2019
Minor spoilers

A quality supernatural thriller that I could not put down! The book was more exciting than scary, yet horror movie buffs might relate to the 1981 film THE OMEN 3: THE FINAL CONFLICT while reading the novel. I know I did and that’s not a bad thing. I was also impressed with the cat and mouse road trip locations that Allen presented while conveying the ‘good vs. evil’ approach. Hopefully readers will see a film adaptation soon.

Special thanks to NetGalley for eBook copy for the review.
Profile Image for Book Him Danno.
2,394 reviews65 followers
April 30, 2019
Starting this book without having read anything else by this author and simple amazed at how quickly he is able to pull readers into this supernatural thriller that will have readers finishing it late into the night unable to pull away. T. F Allen creates a world that readers are able to get lost in for a few hours with the characters who are details, real and heartbreakingly lost in the world they are running from.

This is one author readers will not be able to get enough of.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the advance copy of T.F. Allen The Night Janitor.
Profile Image for Sue Plant.
1,973 reviews25 followers
April 23, 2019
would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this amazing book

good v evil....the stuff we love to read...a brother and sister with special gifts, his is to heal hers is to kill by whispering the most dreadful diseases she can think of

he is on the run she is out to kill him...

what a story and i loved the ending...

what a lovely fast flowing story this was, going to be keeping an eye out for more from this author...he can certainly write a good story
Profile Image for Cynthia Rodrigues.
Author 1 book4 followers
January 28, 2020
Full & Detailed review: https://cynthology.blogspot.com/2020/...

I don’t know what genre to categorise this book into. It was a thriller certainly, but its supernatural elements were at the core of this story.
Luke Johnson works as a night janitor at a hospital. It is not his real name. The job allows him access to patients, allows him to heal. His only aim is to heal people of their illness, heal the world of the evil that his sister stands for.
Luke has amazing powers of healing, while his sister, Annamaria Gabor is a sociopath, a cold-blooded killer. Annamaria, her name now changed to Anna Varner, is now running for the post of Vice-President of the United States, after the unexpected death of her husband, who was earlier supposed to be a running mate to Senator Blair. Annamaria knows it is only a matter of time before the Senator is no longer a hurdle in her path and the Presidency is hers. She will do whatever it takes to reach the top.
For Annamaria has a power. She can kill by touching her victim and whispering the name of the disease she wants them to be struck with. She now wants to hurt Nick, the fake psychic conman who is actually the father who abandoned her and Luke when she was only 13 years old.
Luke must hide his abilities from people, and most of all keep moving as he desperately seeks to avoid getting hunted down by Annamaria’s goons.
After years of running, Marisa Cruz, a nurse at the Houston hospital he works for, breaks through his defences, promising to keep him under the radar so he can continue to heal. Luke knows that it’s not a promise she can keep. Annamaria will not rest until Luke is dead. Eventually, Annamaria decides to take matters in her own hands.
Meanwhile, Clyde Merritt, a YouTube sensation on the lookout for a story that will make him viral, becomes aware of the Gabor siblings. It is the most unusual story of his career, and it helps him earn more money than he has ever known. But it also draws the attention of Annamaria, exposing him to real danger. When she sends goons after him, he becomes part of the story he is chasing.
Unknown to Annamaria and Clyde, there is yet another person whose existence threatens the most powerful woman in America. Will Annamaria kill Luke and Marisa, or will they be able to defend themselves?

The Night Janitor is written in the third person point of view of Luke, Annamaria and Clyde. The action is relentless, given that life and death are hanging in the balance.
But there were some things that stuck out. It’s hard to believe that a nurse would be so adept at handling guns, or why she even has a gun in the first place. We don’t come to know of any threat to her life.
Also, a lot more could have been done to show why Annamaria was so angry with Luke, other than the inciting incident.
Even though the abilities of the siblings are supernatural in nature, they feel completely plausible in the story. Even so, I would have liked to have known how they had first become aware of their powers. Had matters of faith and belief been brought into the mix, it would have been an added bonus.
The character of Clyde started out strong but fizzled out midway through, only to assume control of his actions once again towards the end of the book.
I don’t know if the author plans to work on a sequel, but I hope he thinks about it, especially given the powers of yet another character that we come to know of. There are pharma companies and hospitals that would definitely object to healing powers.
Profile Image for Allen Madding.
Author 7 books79 followers
August 10, 2019
A Riveting Thriller

A brother that can heal by a touch and a sister that can kill with a word. Good versus evil. This is a thriller that pulls you in and won't let you lay it down.
615 reviews10 followers
September 12, 2019
This book reminds me of the TV Show, Heroes. Although, different from my usual reads, I was captivated right from the blurb.

This is the story of two siblings with special gifts. Anna Maria can kill with just a whisper and a touch. For instance, if she touches your hand and whispers arthritis, that is it for you! On the other hand, Luke has the gift of healing. I can’t tell you how much I envied him. Imagine having a gift that allows you to stop pain and suffering. I wish this was a real gift!

The story is fast-paced and thrilling right from the first page. Luke is a fugitive and there are people who won’t stop until he is dead. On the other hand, Annamaria was dark and twisted. I was fascinated and scared by her gift and how she intended to use it. She was cold, meticulous in her mission and vengeance, definitely not one to make an enemy out of.

The author did a great job in crafting the two characters. I also like the fact that he didn’t dwell on trying to explain the whys and hows of the gifts. Some people walk, others talk, we read, Anna Maria can cause diseases and Luke heals, that is just how things are. The two aren’t the only characters who were well developed. There were a number of other support characters who stood out for various reasons like Clyde for his greed for fame and Harry for his sweetness.

The Night Janitor is an entertaining, captivating supernatural thriller. As I’ve mentioned, it’s not a genre that I have read before but I am now intrigued.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
2,371 reviews61 followers
May 11, 2019
Good vs. evil; dark vs. light

Lucian and Annamaria's father was a con man, a charlatan, moving his wife and children around the country and bilking people out of money all while claiming to be a faith healer.

Little did he realize that his children actually had paranormal abilities. Annamaria can hurt or even kill people with a touch and a whisper while Lucian actually can heal people just by touching them.

When Annamaria is 13 years old, the parents desert their children, afraid of Annamaria's abilities.

Nowadays, while Lucian "Luke" travels around the country working at lowly positions in hospitals and nursing homes, healing people and then moving on when his results start to get noticed, Annamaria gains status and power and looks endlessly for her father and her older brother with thoughts of vengeance foremost in her plans.

I loved this book. The author did a wonderful job in fleshing out all of the characters in the story, giving background and motivation.

The story itself reminded me of some of Dean Koontz's books - the ones that got me hooked on him in the first place.

The story travels through Texas and into Mexico and the settings are a big part of the story.

I highly recommend this story if you like psychological thrillers with a paranormal slant.

I received this book from Net Galley in the hopes that I would read it and leave an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Laura Hundley.
837 reviews38 followers
June 2, 2019
The Night Janitor by T. F. Allen is one of those books that will have you still wanting more when it is over. This was my first read from this author and now I wish he had 20 more books to read. I may seem to give positive reviews on a lot of books but I tend to read only the genres that I truly enjoy and have already formed an opinion and ideas based on the writers ability to first, keep my attention and second, the authors ability to allow his or writing to flow so that it is a very easy read that makes since. If I really could give this book 10 stars, I would. It mixes good with bad, families with problems, and the one thing I never would have thought I would like mixed in...... the supernatural. I did not read the blurb on this one before requesting it so I went into it blindly. I am so grateful because it turned out to be one of just a few that I would not only purchase for friends and family, but for myself to read again. Allen does a great job keeping within the storyline and his writing ability is amazingly accurate and spot on with this category. This one left me wanting more and I hope and pray this author will continue to share novels with us.
10+++++ stars

Thank you netgalley as well the author/publisher for allowing me to read this novel in exchange for my honest review.
5 reviews
December 11, 2019

Very interesting storyline. This book kept my attention all the way to the end. Characters were believable...some likeable and others not so much. I would love to read a sequel.
Profile Image for Jenny.
479 reviews17 followers
May 17, 2019
This is absolutely a good book! I never encountered this kind of plot. Its unique and absolutely enjoyable considering this is the first book I have read from T.F Allen. And I could say that the author has a way of delivering a story in a way that readers could be easily drawn to. The writing style was so simple to understand.

Overall, its a good book. Definitely checking out some of the author’s other books.
Profile Image for Ruth Parker.
766 reviews32 followers
June 6, 2019
Be prepared to stay up all night....

This wasn't what I expected, especially based on the cover, but I found it very enjoyable anyway. In fact, I think it was actually better than I was expecting. This was a supernatural mystery with unusual characters.

A great read, I would absolutely recommend this.
Profile Image for Gita Sturtevant.
267 reviews7 followers
November 7, 2019
great awesome not enough

reviewer GSinge23@aol says .man born to write please don't miss this ever,......mmm .hmmm hmmm mmm mm. .mmm mmm mmm Will buy for me
60 reviews
November 12, 2019
Good read

I enjoyed this book. It's story is fast paced and exciting. It was well written and hard to put down.
Profile Image for Autumn.
2,261 reviews46 followers
September 5, 2021
I forgot to download this from NetGalley when I got approved that it ended up archived, so I bought the book.
The blurb made me want to read this book; I was curious about who this night janitor truly is.
We are introduced to Luke, whose touch can save people; he works at hospitals and helps cures people who are dying only until people start to notice, then he moves on. I think it is pretty neat to do, kind of like bringing good karma into the world. Luke's sister Annamaria is the opposite of him; her touch kills. Luke and Annamaria are like the yin and yang of the world.
Annamaria does not want her brother to tell anyone about her secret and hunt him and anyone who helps him. As our story unfolds, we see just how far Annamaria will go to keep her secret quiet. I did not really connect with any of the characters. I will admit I enjoyed how they had a special touch that could do something to people but other than that, I was losing interest in the story. Annamaria's over-the-top killing of all the agents and no one really tried to find her that was hard to believe. We could have done without the internet star Clyde. I mean, I know why he was in the story because of him and Luke's father. That is what brings to light the powers that people have. I just felt that he wasn't needed a whole lot in the story—overall decent read. I would read another book by this author.
Profile Image for Kim Napolitano.
306 reviews38 followers
May 17, 2019
One my favorite of 2019

I’m loving this author. I am! This book was a gift from the author for an honest review.

We are introduced to dark and light. Annamarie can kill by a touch, brother Luke can heal by a touch. Luke hides and helps by working in hospitals as a night janitor so he can have access to use his gift. Annamarie is poised to become the next Vice President of The United States. She has a score to settle and nothing will stop her from finding her brother and keep safe family secrets that could derail her plans. No spoilers as you know. A nurse and a paranormal investigator are pulled into the quest and nothing will stop Luke from protecting his family and his identity. High adventure, action and a family tragedy unravels. I’m seeing this play out on the big screen someday as it should! Read immediately!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 78 reviews

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